Hermitcraft 10: Episode 17 – PISTON ELEVATOR

is this actually a joke like is this a joke are people buying all of the gold as a joke because they know it winds me up who needs this much gold it’s useless it’s pointless it’s a rubbish item who needs it who what had did like that’s so many stacks of gold blocks what are you building are you are you building like a monument towards butter or something what is going on I’m perplexed I really actually want to know who is responsible for me selling all of this gold I’ve also decided I think I’m actually just going to hide some stock somewhere in the store and that means that I I Tech can’t be in trouble for being out of stock H except I don’t actually have any gold to hide and my own shop is out of stock so I can’t get it from my stop oh my goodness this is not this is not going well oh and that’s an extra low blow you changed my sign I’ve been out of stock for like maybe 2 days it’s been it’s been like no time at all that is completely unjustified I hate being a successful business owner all right well well welcome back to hermitcraft season 10 this is episode um something we off to a good start today aren’t we today I’m really excited because we’re going to be doing some serious Terror forming I don’t know what’s happened to my brain something has flipped I cannot wait to get started on this we did the custom trees in the previous hermitcraft episode they look really great but the ground around it pants boring that is about to change and it is going to change in the form of a montage yeah I’ve been reading through the comments lots of people pointing out that my time lapses aren’t actually time lapses they’re montages but this Montage actually takes place over two separate days I did two stints of 6 hours of building up this place which which is I think I’m quite slow I I think I’m incredibly slow and the reason I was only able to do two stints of 6 hours is because honestly the mental fatigue that I feel after 6 hours of terraforming is like the equivalent of me doing 16 hours of redstone I literally would like come up off the computer and be just completely zoned I’d almost need to take a nap anyway I want to talk you through some of my creative choices so firstly we’ve got things like Fallen trees that is a detail that I really wanted to add and one thing that I noticed with a lot of the Fallen trees that I’ve been observing in the forest is they are covered in all sorts of different types of mushrooms youve got like bracket mushrooms and sporing mushrooms and everything like that and that’s something that I really wanted to represent and I’ve done that using fence posts and trap doors and all sorts of different buttons you may be thinking why aren’t you actually using mushrooms it’s because they’re kind of difficult to place and I prefer the colors of the things that I’ve used to represent them next up we’ve got the boulders now if you watch the previous hammercraft episode you will know that I’m basing this Forest on font and blue which is a very famous bouldering location and I looked at tons of Boulders while I was in font because I was climbing them and one thing that I noticed about Sandstone Boulders is that contrary to what Minecraft would have you think Sandstone isn’t bright yellow it is actually quite dark so I was making use of mud deep slate and deep slate tiles to do that and then just covering them in grassy Mossy blocks and trying to obscure them with leaves and things now run alongside the river that we’ve cut into the forest and also the river that runs along the front of the forest I thought it’d be nice to add in some flowers just to bring some color into the place and I’ve also put some bushes into the mix and I really wanted to make sure that they didn’t blend in with the treetop canopy so I’ve used Birch for that which I think looks really nice it looks dark it looks like it’s actually in the shade of the forest which is perfect and then I’ve tried my best to really think about how these bushes would be formed so they’re a little bit denser in the middle and they become a little bit fluffier on the edges and I’ve also mixed in some longer grass and things and finally I’ve chucked in a bunch of dripstone spikes all throughout the forest because if you spend time in a forest you’ll notice that actually the forest floor is all over the place is really knobbly is how I would describe it there’s just things poking out of it everywhere so the dripstone spikes kind of represent roots or or fungus or little logs or little things dotting around and I really think it helps sell that effect that was actually a really really fun process so here is our little forest and I have to say this is a very nice nice place to walk around it feels thick with detail it feels very alive and it has the same information density as a regular Forest if that makes sense there’s information everywhere you look and although this would be considered a fairly busy Minecraft build by my standards I think that’s correct forests are busy I was actually watching a b video recently and he was talking about the different levels of a build which I quite liked and I’m going to pinch the concept he was saying you kind of have three separate levels I think it was to do with this city over here you’ve got like the skyline level and then you’ve got the slightly closer in and then you’ve got the actually inside the city level well that’s I’m applying that logic here so from a distance this place looks really cool I like the placement of the boulders I think yeah I think it’s I think it’s come together really nice from back here it also looks great because you can see all the different layers and you’ve got lots of things stacking up lots of things for your eye to focus on and then as discussed as you’re walking through it feels like actually in a forest which is exactly what I wanted from this build I am chuffed I’m really really happy with this this has definitely been by far my most successful terraforming project so let’s move on to the next build which is going to be going in this zone right here I’ve kind of zoned it off I guess I’ve put a little template this is going to be an elevator so up on this platform here in this section is going to be our rock shop and I think in my head I’m going to call it Boulder Bros I just like the idea of it okay what on Earth has happened to Big Rons why on Earth is Big Rons very why is it full of diamonds Big Ron’s diamond or for sale what on Earth who has done this and why are there two snails in here and why is there a private and confusing sign I’m prepared to see some privates and be confused hey there’s a helicopter in here they’ve put a chopper in the back of big runs there’s nothing behind these doors that’s even more confusing this is this is so weird I have there’s no signs or anything what have I [Music] missed there’s skul sensors oh okay it’s just for the sound I was going to say I am baffled by that that is yeah that was baffling anyway as I was saying there’s going to be a shop up here and it’s going to be the rock shop it’s going to be called Boulder Bros or something I like the sound of that but the bould Bros are going to need some way to get their rocks up onto this platform and also I mean all of the residents and all the people that have the shops on this this area here currently have no way to get up here so I guess it needs to be like a functional industrial elevator whilst also being able to transport people somewhat comfortably I think it’s time that we head into the Redstone testing world I’m actually going to do it in the world where I built the test tree just so I can get a feel for Block palettes and things as much as I absolutely love the Redstone testing world it’s very Sandstone it’s very irony it’s very wooly it will have me reverting back to my iron blocks and stone slabs in no time all right so here’s the idea of the actual elevator itself I want to make use of chains I think the platform is going to be made of copper because that looks kind of cool and I’m hoping I should just be able to use a piston feed tape to be able to switch everything out and then stop this thing before it hits the roof that means we are actually going to need a two-way piston feed tape for this one oh by the way I’m just doing a little bit of decorating just so I can work out what sort of area I have to work with and also what sort of things I have to cover up for example up at the top here I’m actually going to add a part to the system that movees some blocks out the way so that we don’t get this ugly gap because without those two sticky pistons on the side we would constantly be able to see these and that is that is not a good look now one thing that I do want to try and do is I want to keep the Redstone as low as possible I don’t want to go too high in fact I don’t want to go higher than those Pistons so that does mean that I’ve had to use some slightly odd double piston extenders but they seem to be working nicely now you may be wondering why I’m using a hopper here is because I don’t want to power these pistons and if I used a redstone line then they would so instead I’m powering a hopper which The Observer detects and that is what is allowing our double piston extenders to work and now I’ve added in the circuit that will retract these blocks out the way so if I switch on our Redstone clock you can see that those blocks move out the way and then our double piston extenders can do their thing the Piston feed tape is working and then once this system switches off the blocks get replaced oh ignore what’s going on over here I haven’t actually wired up this half so hopefully you only watching this side now I’m trying to think of a smart way to activate these top pistons again I don’t want any Redstone lines even up at this level so yeah I’m going to have to be a little bit smart here especially now that I’ve created this nice Square I don’t really want to go outside of the square I kind of want to keep this thing quite compact which is just it’s a disease really it’s a disease that I have in my brain I don’t need to make it compact I don’t need to make it small I don’t even need the Redstone to look nice it can go all over the place but I’m I’m not going to do that a it was working I was just about to celebrate my success because I have actually managed to make this work but I’ve realized that the pulse extended that it builts in the previous clip actually goes exactly where our piston feed tape needs to go this is something that happens often if you’re building piston feed tapes you forget that the actual feed tape itself needs to exist but I think I might just about be able to get away with it yeah if anything this is better because it means I don’t have to use note blocks which looked a little bit weird all right let’s activate this thing and see just to warn you it’s it’s going to be a lot of noise but this this is looking good so if we get a block that get is pushed up it gets grabbed and pushed down okay that’s exciting and then if we get a block pushed up on this side it gets pushed across that is ridiculous that’s embarrassing the only reason it didn’t fire that time is because we’ve hit the push limit down here trust me it it is fully working and I’m managing to keep things within my arbitrary Square let’s see how long this lasts for before any of you smart people out there point out the Redstone clock that’s temporary now let’s move down to the bottom and this is kind of going to be the brains of the operation you saw that the top kind of handles wherever you throw at it whether the Piston feed tape is going in this direction or in this direction it can do both it’s a smart system but down at the bottom here this is where we decide which way the Piston feed tape is going to go and I guess oh I should probably actually work out how I’m going to decide that I guess the system know it needs to know when the blocks have got to the top so then it stops and then brings them back down to the bottom hm had thought that far ahead uh there are many ways we can do this we could either count so we could make it so the Piston feed tape fires let’s say seven times or nine times or 10 times and then fires 10 times back in the opposite direction that’s one way of doing things or we could do it almost like how we do combination locks put a solid block or a transparent block or maybe even a redstone powering block inside of the Piston feed tape that then Powers a part of the circuit when it moves in front of it that’s also an option I decided to ignore that bit for the time being and just work on getting the Piston feed tapes working and oh my goodness I have actually managed to get it going in One Direction so we have got one of the directions working this is actually functioning which is pretty ridiculous it looks incredibly cool and I’m still I’m still staying within my footprint which is very very exciting what’s not so fun is that this really really doesn’t work in the opposite direction I just tried flipping it and it’s really not working I think it’s because do you see these these downward pushing Pistons the ones that are kind of spamming up at the top there uh they are firing pretty much exactly when our double piston extender is firing so I I guess that’s the problem um okay we’re going to have to do some smart circuitry then so that the machine changes the timings of everything depending on what direction it’s going in that’s fine I think maybe I don’t know oh yep yep that just about sums things up yeah things definitely weren’t fine but finally I have managed to get everything up and running and I’ve added in all of the pulse extenders down at the bottom which effectively counts where the elevator is going and I’ve built in spam proof protection sort of I mean grien is on the server so you have to do these things when you’re doing your Redstone builds but I will never underestimate how much green can spam a redstone Contraption seriously green if you’re watching this please don’t try and I got to say as far as elevators are concerned this thing looks awesome like this looks like just a build it looks like it would be purely de ative but the fact that it actually functions is incredibly exciting to me if I just press this button here you can see our little platform makes its way along and it is entirely controlled by chains the only real Redstone components that you see other than obviously at the top and bottom are the chains this is actually a chain powerered piston elevator so as you can see it gets to the top and then everything closes up there’s still no Redstone components on display so you can have have this either stuck at the top or the bottom either way it will look good and then if I just head down to the bottom again and press the button you can see everything flips around and our little platform will make its way down to the bottom now I will say it’s not the fastest elevator in the world you know this is this is this is probably one of the slowest elevators on the planet and that’s because of the way it’s built you know it’s it just it is what it is but I would say it is worth it for the style points alone and actually on the topic of style points I did manage to to stay within this Six Wide little area that I created the original the original footprint that I set out when I first built the top section I managed to stay within it it was tricky at times but I’ve I’ve done it this thing could be made significantly faster if we weren’t using double piston extenders in the Piston feed tape if I was okay with having pistons on the outside and also if I reworked the top section but that would make the whole thing bigger it’s not necessarily bigger just more complicated so iph one am absolutely chuff to bits with this design I think it’s awesome I think it’s really fun to watch even when you’re not riding the elevator I just think it’s it’s one of those things I just want to activate and look at and that’s always the sign of a very good Redstone Contraption right okay now we need to build it on the hermitcraft server and that that makes me slightly nervous so I’m not going to do it and I’m going to do something else very quickly as I mentioned in the previous hermitcraft episode I have bought an apartment off of iscal which I mean firstly I don’t even know how that came about I really don’t’s he’s a good salesman he just has convinced me secondly I’m not even sure it’s legal I know there were no permits created for apartments on the hermitcraft server kind nobody expected them to be for sale but still technically iscal is selling things without a permit so if everything goes wrong down the line and my investments don’t turn out then maybe I will just throw that at him anyway here we go uh here is my apartment that I am gradually Furnishing and I am just going to yeah okay I’ve now got a table has he has he noticed yet I mean I don’t know he is he has got like a bionic eye right like he has got he’s got Hardware that helps him with this sort of thing so if he doesn’t spot it then maybe he needs to return it I mean it’s it’s getting pretty noticeable oh see other people do have furniture oh I like that actually I like that is a cool building tip the hanging signs as a fence that is gorgeous I’m definitely going to pinch that and the aelia pot oh this is wicked this is really nice oh my goodness that is precarious okay fine I’ll build my Redstone Contraption all right first things first it is always resource gathering mission we going to need a bunch of this stuff and a bunch of other random components gosh I cannot wait until I fill up all of the shops up there with my storage system so that I don’t have to deal with whatever this is we are gradually getting there despite my disorganization is that even a word can someone please inform me I’m sure you already have I probably say this every time I use them but blast furnaces are expensive aren’t they they’re too expensive of course smokers are expensive as well aren’t they goodness gracious me all right that should be everything all gathered that should be everything that I need to build this thing now I just need to make sure that the space is safe which oh my goodness I actually lit this area up I was fully expecting this to be a complete mob Zone look at me being a good little Minecrafter look at me thinking ahead I mean sure there are some areas that are still very dark and very very M yeah y there we go uh oh Wily’s Woodyard I think I deserve that actually I I think I firmly deserve that oh no no no I didn’t deserve that I didn’t deserve that that was that was unjustified I think it’s all gone a bit too far now with willly now repaired and the entire area lit up it’s time to build our elevator and this was a fairly painless experience because I used light matica in this example as you know I am not someone that uses like matica too often and if I do use it I am absolutely sure to be very upfront about it and this is one of those redstone contraptions that just has a lot of opportunities for things to go wrong and if I was switching back and forth between worlds or screenshots I just feel like I would have been in integration hell for a very long time with this one so I thought I would just put the ghost outline on the hermitcraft server and build from that and everything went fairly well up until the very end and then the double P extended down the bottom wasn’t working and I think this is actually a directional thing you see back back in the day when I used to make Redstone tutorials in the early days you would have to be very aware of the direction of your redstone contraptions because some things only worked in certain orientations so at the start of the video you’d have to say this is a 3X3 piston door that works north to south do not build this if your door is Facing East or West I think that happened with this design we were getting some quzy connectivity going on I swapped out some of the blocks for transparent blocks then all of the bottom double piston extenders were working and everything is functioning properly and looking rather fantastic in a very redst sense we have still got an awful lot of decorating to do now it is such a weird Collision of Worlds we’ve got this enchanted forest with all sorts of mushrooms and details and things and then this which with those literally looks like something from a horror film but I guess I should quickly show you it all working so press the button and there we go our little platform makes its way upwards incredibly quickly it’s oh it’s basic basically breaking the sound barrier here there we go up at the top in no time at all and then if I hit the button again everything goes back down to the bottom everything is working properly it is it’s a cool machine again this is kind of like a weird form of decoration because I you know this is one of those things that I will use every now and again but realistically it is going to be decorative I didn’t really have to make it function but I would feel pretty stupid making just a decorative elevator I I know I’ve become a bit of a builder recently and I’ve been working on my building and things but if I if I chose not to do the Redstone for an elevator and just did a fake elevator that’s too far okay that’s way too far this thing had to work okay so let’s swap out all of our Redstone supplies for wooden and and nice building block supplies this was me trying to work out why my double piston extenders weren’t working so let’s get our floor reinstalled I guess that’s a fairly important detail this is going to be our platform I actually do think I am going to use copper I kind of like the idea of it slightly contrasting with everything else in the build and we got the spruce and the Darkwood stairs that is looking cool and then the rest of the build is going to be fairly wooden and that includes barrels which I am actually going to place them like this because I like to imagine that these are almost Runners like this is what the elevator is going along we’ve almost got the chains that are pulling the elevator up but they’re being guided on these rails and my goodness I don’t know why I feel like I never I can never Place barrels in the correct orientation what do I have to do is it this yeah so just to be clear barrels you place like Pistons but logs you place like logs even though barrels are very loggy okay got it I’m glad we cleared that up just in case anyone was confused about how barrels worked what like 10 years after they were added into the game all right up we go with all of the spruce logs and things we’ve got a small gradient going on here and I’ve also I’ve added in all the different types of furnaces I’ve got a few of the different wall types in there as well things are beginning to come together this is looking really cool how does it look from a distance it looks cool it’s really nice having it Peak through the plants I think that’s really interesting end jump scare it’s always nerve-wracking activating a build that you’ve done some work on looks like it’s still working though which is good let’s mess up these chains a little bit replace these bottom chains with deep slate blocks so then it makes it solid when this thing’s up at the top that’s looking good I guess now I just have to blend it in with the rest of the mountain side and then do the top and it’s all complete and it is now all complete and I got to say considering how red St this build actually is like considering how much actually goes on with this the fact that it is fitting in with our forest so nicely I would say is a big win now one thing that I have realized is that so far I haven’t actually ridden this elevator I I mean look it definitely works but equally I’m still nervous that is some somehow not going to work but here we go this is me moving up at Great velocity I mean yeah speed is speed is not the strong suit of this elevator but in terms of actual builds this is by far the coolest elevator I’ve ever created look here we are we are up on the level this is how big Ron and Willies this is how they get to work I don’t know why I use plurals for them but I do like the idea well I guess Willies actually there’s willly Junior and Willie senior so there are there are willies but big Rons I like the idea that there’s just two big Rons who work there to be fair big Ron is the sort of guy that would only hire someone else called Ron there’s no other requirements for the job you just need to be big and called Ron anyway this build is done it is in place I am so so happy with this this has combined a bunch of things for me I’ve got a cool redstone build that involved some interesting problem solving I had to work a lot of things out whilst also being a fun building project I mean this is cool and I’ve done a bunch of terraforming today I’ve basically like ticked off all the different areas of Minecraft construction in one episode all I need to do is just build a farm or something and then I would have done basically everything that you can possibly do in Minecraft go it looks cool from here as well nice okay successful hermitcraft episode I am absolutely cha the bits with this wait a second have my structural chickens died

In this episode of Hermitcraft Season 10, Mumbo does a bunch of complicated Minecraft redstone. This Minecraft redstone piston elevator is designed to be the best looking piston elevator in Minecraft, making use of Chainstone, Minecraft piston feed tapes and other devices. We also do some terraforming, and some detailed Minecraft building in the episode.

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. Mumbo, as a french viewer, I need to tell you : the forest is called Fontainebleau. You need to say it like Fountain Blow. I am not joking, it is how we say it.

  2. Oh no the chickens! Thank god Mumbo haven't gone into the mothball for a while, the whole thing could have collapsed.

  3. wow, that forest looks and "feels" amazing, and i always wanted to have an actual elevator like this, i didn't know it was possible. Could you extend the platform by a slime block? Orwould that be too many blocks to move?

  4. Day 1 of asking for the wart shop skyscraper with Grian. It needs to happen, and it needs to be the biggest and tallest shop in the whole server.

  5. I love the way you talk through your redstone contraptions now. It's a lot more enjoyable than your redstone segments used to be (even though they were always my favourite part, this is just even better.

  6. Incredible video and the elevator looks amazing! I think it still kinda needs elevator doors though and buttons to call it to the respective level and a glass panel in front for safety.

  7. Okay yeah the building this season from Mumbo is amazing, but can we acknowledge how fun it is that it’s inspired by his bouldering hobby? That’s so awesome! I’d 1000% go bouldering with you Mumbo, I’ve been practicing every week 😂

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