Every Biome Chest Weapon in Terraria! #terraria #shorts #gaming #gamingshorts

every vme chest weapon in Terraria first off the jungle chest gives you the piranha gun a ranged weapon which shoots piranhas this is actually a really solid Weapon It’s just that people don’t really feel like grinding for the jungle key unless they already have it their corruption chest gives you the scourge of the corruptor the Mele weapon that far as a fast Javelin that can also split into tiny eaters when coming into contact with something the Crimson chest gives you the vampire knives another male weapon and it’s probably the most iconic bomb chest weapon its damage kind of sucks but the fact that it gives you life steal makes it go from a weapon to an amazing one the Hallow chest gives you the rainbow gun the rainbow gun is a mage weapon that fires off a rainbow that lasts for 40 seconds or until another one is fired the ice chest gives you the staff of the frost Hydra which is a Sentry summon that fires ice pellets it’s a very good Sentry to use with your minions lastly the desert chest which gives the desert tiger staff now the desert tiger staff is really good like amazing it’s one of terraria’s most underrated Summoner weapons fall for more shorts like these


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