Having a SECRET ELEMENTAL FAMILY in Minecraft!

all right family we’ve made it to our new home and wo this is our new house this place is so awesome I know you guys said we’re moving into a nice house but this is actually Beyond nice this is sick well it’s not nice yet but we’ll make it a lot better I’m so excited wait but guys what do our parents mean by not nice yet huh what are you talking about and oh wait is there no furniture in this house is that what you meant yeah we kind of did just move in but uh don’t worry we’ll make it more homey whenever we uh officially move in ooh okay okay well hold hold on where do I get to stay where’s my room at um do I get this room no this is the dining room I’m pretty sure your room’s upstairs o wait is my room also up there wait hold on hold on I want to see my room first Dip’s on the biggest room um um let’s see is this my room over here and wait hold on cam I think this is your room this room has yellow beds o let’s go wait is this one my room and this is the bathroom you can use this room if you want it looks pretty um pretty good oh wait this bathroom’s actually huge never mind I want this room wait what no you can’t have a whole bathroom to yourself uh no this is a bathroom this isn’t anybody’s room I bet it’s going to be Cam’s room he’s proba going to spend the most time here what what does that mean I don’t know you like poop a lot wait wait hold on where’s my room at I want to find my room is my room um over here purple beds let’s go oh yeah there’s my room I’m claiming it guys look at how big this place is this is sick Yep this is your new room do you like it o yeah this room is actually awesome thank you so much Mom and Dad this place is so cool this is so much better than our last house what how come Mom and Dad get yellow walls why does my room have a yellow wall wait Ruby where’s your room at oh wait no is this mom and dad’s room wait where’s my room is it this one over here um oh wait Ruby I think this is your room o you got the smallest one wait well why do I get the smallest one it’s not the smallest it’s just uh you got two separate rooms oh you have like two rooms that are like connected to each other H Ruby you can have like a secret gaming setup over here and like uh block off this wall so it looks like really hidden you could put down bookshelves over there too I guess so yeah this could be your secret reading Corner yeah yeah yeah you can do lots of um reading and studying there but yo this house is actually sick when is the moving truck going to arrive with all of our furniture we got a furniture this house ASAP I want to live here I think it’s uh a day or two a man a day or two okay okay well that’s fine but hold on guys we got to check out what the backyard of this place looks like does this House have a big backyard oh yeah the backyard is pretty nice from what I remember wao guys Che got the garage over here this garage is awesome yep we have different trash cans to sort out different trash too wao I can put my dirt bike here and wait wait hold on I’m guessing this door over here leads to the backyard is this backyard going to be ginormous and we have our own pool oh dude this is actually awesome I would go in but I might turn it into ice but this is actually sick we’ve got our own pool we’ve got a little log area over here this is awesome I’m definitely not going to use the pool cuz it’s way too cool for me but that looks really cool more for me there’s a second pool wait is this a hot tub hold on I know I’m an ice Elemental but I’m going to try going inside of it maybe I won’t freeze this let’s go oh it’s not letting me go in never mind I guess I can’t go in the water yeah I don’t think you can go in any uh hot water Dash oh gosh yeah I might melt well anyway this is the house tour uh we’ve got a bunch of stuff here so I hope you kids enjoy it mhm oh yeah we’re sure going to enjoy this oh there’s even a basketball hoop over here this is actually sick but wait a minute hold on we’ve never really been in this town before Mom Dad can we go explore the rest of the Town M I’m not too sure about that as long as you stay safe we do have some unpacking to do and you kids don’t really have anything to do here so really I don’t see why not yeah yeah yeah it’ll be super awesome maybe we can get decorations for a room and stuff oh yeah yeah we can like go see where all the local stores are and stuff and we can meet the the neighbor kids oh fine you kids can go but remember do not show anyone your powers humans do not take kindly to Elementals it is an absolute secret you got it and oh yeah right okay we’ll be really careful with our powers we’re not going to reveal them in public yep yep y y y yep yep I’m ready to go decorate my room all right well in that case we can go just be back before dinner of course all right let’s go we got to go explore the rest of this town this place looks so awesome all the houses on this street look like super fancy and Rich I wonder how much they all cost Bye Mom bye dad yeah these houses are huge I bet that one cost $ 64.8 million I bet ours cost like the most which is probably like $172 million I think it’s a100 billion do you think our neighbors have kids we can play with them o we got to look around wait do you think maybe we should knock on their doors and ask we should knock on this person’s door they look pretty cool they have a basketball cour in their front driveway wait wait wait hang on Das uh it might be a little dangerous we don’t know what kind of humans they are oh yeah true they might not like Elementals okay well I guess let’s look around ooh wait a minute hold on I think I see a park over here in the middle of town we got to check this out maybe this is where all the other kids hang out maybe there’s a campfire what a campfire in a public park I don’t know about all that may what if like a kid jumps in it by accident what humans don’t have fires at their public parks um I don’t think so they probably have campfire nights where they all gather around tell scary stories and uh the they eat marshmallows I don’t think they have that at public parks either guys I’m pretty sure normal humans just have like playground equipment at public parks look they have like monkey bars over here ooh hold on check this out I’m going to jump on the monkey bars let’s go jump one jump two easy yo this is sick guys I found a dollar in the fountain Ruby I’ve heard about those fountains before pretty much the humans like put money in there and like hope that it makes their wish come true you’re not supposed to take the money well if you put in more valuable stuff does that mean that your wish comes true or trer um I don’t know I don’t really know how it works I’m not going to lie it seems pretty stupid maybe I can throw in Dad’s watch wait maybe I can throw in cam come here wait guys I have a better idea what are we throwing in the keys to the house you know so we can get our wish that’s a horrible idea we just moved it here that are going to be so bad at us why no then we could wish for like double house we could wish for like two houses stacked on each other yeah I’ve never actually heard of a wish coming true from one of these fountains oh hey new kids never seen you guys around and oh wait a minute hold on are you fellow kids in this neighborhood we’re new here oh yeah my name is Jake and this is Max hey I’m Max oh hey there guys like I said we just moved into this neighborhood hold on do you guys live here yeah I’ve lived here for about a year and a half I know the place pretty well oh my name is Ruby let’s become best friends friends oh hey Ruby my name is Jake and this is Max wow hi Jake and Max oh hold on you want to tell Cam over here that your name is Jake and this is Max too oh sure hey my name is Jake and this is Max I’m Max guys I think that’s Jake and Max well anyway I’m cam do you like come here often like do you know the place Jam I think he already said he knows this place really good yeah I know the place pretty well my name’s Jake and this is Max hey I’m Max okay okay I think we already got that clear but wait a minute do you guys want to be friends we don’t really know any other kids from this neighborhood yet since you know we’re like new can you like show us around town and ooh wait we we can like hang out and stuff we can be like like the uh this can be our little group we can hang out and play games too that sounds pretty cool I’m down for that yeah and oh you know what to kick off our friendship let’s play a game of uh hide and seek and ooh hide-and-seek would be so awesome yeah we’ve got one two three four six people so we definitely got to play hide-and-seek as I don’t think you learned to count right no no we have one 2 3 4 6 I count as two people cuz I’m so big and muscular I don’t think being muscular ker makes you count as two people Dash no I literally do like that’s what it says on my driver’s license two people I have two names actually Dash and dashan you’re not old enough to have a driver’s license anyway yeah we’re down to play awesome uh eeny meeny miny mo cetch a ruby you’re in and oh Ruby’s it hide okay I guess I’ll count in uh uh one wait how how far am i counting too count to like 30 oh gosh wait the water would be such a good hiding spot but I can’t really go inside of it right now um um I’m going to hide wait a minute behind and the playground equipment oh heck yeah okay okay uh one did I lose count no one’s going to see me over here I don’t remember what number I’m on Ready or Not Here I Come Oh gosh wait I think Ruby’s coming okay okay I just got to stay super hidden underneath this playground equipment this is actually the best spot Ruby’s never going to find me where are you guys oh I found Max oh gosh wait rby already found someone are you serious okay um I think I should be good under my hiding spot for now though but man it is hot down here it’s such a super hot day outside it’s like all sunny and everything oh gosh I might melt I think my temperature is too high right now hold on you know what I’m just going to going to quickly turn the floor over here into some ice real quick there we go and feel okay this feels much nicer uh how’d you do that and what who said that what Jake oh uh uh hi there wait did did did you see that uh yeah you just turned the floor into ice uh uh no no I didn’t turn the floor into ice what what what are you talking about um um I think you’re just seeing things uh how’ you do that I just turned the floor into ice Jake I I I didn’t do that that wasn’t me I think um the the playground equipment is malfun yeah yeah and then that that’s what turned the floor into ice I saw that too it was really weird yeah yeah yeah no that seemed kind of weird oh gosh wait Jake is on to me Mom and Dad said I should never reveal my elemental powers guys I’m about to give up I can’t find anybody and oh oh Ruby I’m I’m over here oh no you found my hiding spot oh uh uh t t you’ll never be able to find me I’m hiding next to the cactus I mean I’m not hiding next to the cactus there’s a cactus here Kim are you trying to blend in with the cactus just because you’re an Earth element doesn’t mean you can blend in with the Earth stuff wait what did you say a what element nothing nothing I was just saying um um Ruby had the element of surprise when she caught us yeah yeah yeah really good surprise huh I wasn’t surprised well yeah yeah you were Ruby you were very surpris like I mean we were surprised when you uh caught us yeah you had the elements of surprise and we got surprised oh uh yeah I did that’s kind of weird H what if we play a different game all right I’m down what game are you thinking uh what about a game of Capture the Flag oo wait capture the flag would actually be sick right now I am Max is that the only thing this Max guy knows how to say he seems kind of young does yeah Jake is Max your younger brother or something uh yeah well anyway come on let’s play Capture the Flag o all right all right but what are we going to use for the flags wait cam you can be one of the flags since you got a bright green hoodie what no I want to play the game not be one of the flags uh let’s use that picnic basket right there wait isn’t this from someone’s picnic isn’t that technically stealing well I don’t see anybody nearby so it’s not technically stealing it might be better to use something like a flower or something yeah actually I think a flower would probably be a better idea how about we each take a flower no no no you’re destroying the wildlife oh oh wait hold on I forgot cam cares about that stuff cuz he’s the Earth element um Kim you you got to chill out for now you got to chill out for now didn’t do anything to you why did you take it out of the ground ruining our cover dude you’re blowing the cover yeah yeah the Max and Jake aren going to see this JH just put the flower back we’ll just use the mask I don’t even have the flower anymore I don’t know where it went oh I do have it there we go it’s back in the ground I feel safe um I think that we should use the basket we can just put it back later um um sorry our friend over here just um really likes flowers and Wildlife yeah he he he just really cares about the Earth he really cares about the environment he doesn’t want the humans to go extinct yeah he just really cares about the uh the Earth what humans yeah why don’t you just say us and oh yeah yeah he doesn’t want us to go extinct but yeah yeah guys let’s play Capture the Flag we going we can use this basket over here how about actually instead of the basket let’s use these carpets over here how about we make two teams you guys can be a red team and how about we three team over here with our white wool oh that sounds like a good idea sure I’m okay with that Dam chill hold it together try make him Hold the Flag it’ll pull them together yeah here you can hold the flag cam you can be the the flag leader okay I’m fine all right sounds good you three versus us two let’s go all right all right we get this out of the park here we got to find a spot to hide our flag let’s all have 30 seconds to hide our flag and then we start playing so um hm where should we hide it where could be a really good spot uh wait this side doesn’t have a lot of good hiding spaces we CH a bad side oh gosh yeah you’re right wait there’s a horrible spot they have the entire playground equipment over there on their side we’ve only got um this flat stuff what the heck okay okay what if we hide it uh right here look at this what a hiding spot game that’s kind of a horrible hiding spot uh actually wait that’s actually not bad you can kind of like it kind of Blends in with the white concrete over here but uh still that’s too obvious they they probably have a way better hiding spot than us I think it would be better over here um over here would be all right oh actually wait it might be better over there let’s try that out let me try moving the flag right over here ooh wait that’s actually a pretty good spot I’m not going to lie it like Blends in really good with the surrounding things but um oh gosh I’m not sure if Max or Jake saw us pled there yeah it’s still pretty much in the open what do I do I don’t know but guys we need to talk about the elemental stuff look we we shouldn’t be talking about it out loud to these people yeah yeah I’m sorry we just got to get used to it I’m not used to like hiding my elemental powers yeah we just moved here but seriously we don’t have a lot of time to hide left yeah but hold on cam is right we got to be more careful about our elemental powers we cannot reveal them mom and dad are going to get so mad at us and we’re probably going to have to move again I know I know I know but um wait can we just use your power Powers one more time and what you want to use the powers one more time are you serious Ruby just one more time Kim can you make a tree we need to hide this flag well I don’t want to do that there we’re totally going to get caught and wait wait are you telling Camp to spawn in a tree so we can hide our flag on it okay that’s actually not a bad idea a tree would kind of blend in over here as well look look there’s a bunch of trees around here what’s one more tree going to do yeah they’re not going to know the difference it’s going to reveal that I’m an Earth element guys listen we shouldn’t be doing this yeah hold on that is a fair point look look over there they’re not looking and oh wait that also is a fair point F I’m doing this but if we get caught I’m telling Mom and Dad that you forc me to do it what no no sa Ruby forc you to do it not me well the both of you forc me to do it oh come on just one time it’s going to be all right they’re not even looking oh fine but if I get caught it’s on you this is a great spot for a tree no one’s going to notice the difference okay well the coast is clear I guess if you’re going to do it do it now it looks like Max is looking away tooi Max all right I’m going for it here we go all right and wao this tree is looking sick okay okay perfect this tree Blends in pretty good with the park it looks um pretty natural and the best part is we can grab our flag and hide it right over here oh heck yeah look at that spot they’re never going to find that um I think it needs to go higher it looks like uh wool and not snow hold hold on I have an idea Kim can you go on that tree real quick I need you to move the uh carpet a little bit higher move it at like the top of the tree or wait break the Block in the middle of the tree and then put it in there just like break the block underneath the flag I just put it there dude there there there’s no way they can get up here to get it oh yeah fair enough I guess they’re not going to be able to get it we get down they’re going to see all right but anyways I think we should be ready yo Jake Max we’ve hidden our flag you guys ready oh yeah we’re ready and there’s no way you’re going to find our flag oh gosh all right well let’s start the game in three 2 1 go go go all right we got to get the flag we got to get the flag where is their flag at is under the benches no it’s not over here wait their flag was a red one right so that should make it easier to get let’s see any red items around here you guys seeing anything no I don’t see anything over here in the fences um um um hold on let me look underneath the playground over here maybe and no there’s nothing over here here wait how’s our flag looking I don’t think they found it yet I’ve never seen this tree here before but oh no um wait hold on guys I think they’re getting sketch shot by the tree how do they really notice that one tree sticking out wait a minute I think I know why oh gosh wait they did say they come here like every day he said he knows this place really well um let’s just act natural yeah yeah yeah let’s just keep on playing the game um okay where is their flag at maybe o maybe they put it on top of the playground equipment here but how would they get up there yo okay hold on come here I need to pick you up no no leave me alone aren’t you good at climbing come here here I need to um just like put you up wait Ruby can I pick you up come here uh okay I just need to pick you up so we can get some additional height and all right Ruby get on the roof oh there we go you see anything up there um I don’t see anything here wait game you found it it’s right here oh it was here the whole time are you kidding me oh let’s go let’s grab that now we just got to bring it back over to our side let’s go guys we win we got the flag why how did you win and where is your flag I couldn’t find it and oh oh our flag it’s actually in a pretty good spot check it out it’s on top of the tree over there what on top of that tree that I’ve never seen before I I didn’t even know this was a hiding spot yeah yeah this tree was here uh it was it has been here yeah yeah this was um a completely normal tree and we just put our flag on it what do you mean you’ve never seen it before I don’t know this is kind of weird I’ve come to this park every day and now this tree shows up and um I I guess maybe someone put a sapling here and it just grew today yeah yeah D DH get over here I don’t even remember a sapling bro you’re not acting natural enough yes I am I’m acting perfectly fine and oh gosh that tree wasn’t a good idea why did we have to spawn in a whole tree just for a game of Capture the Flag see I told you guys our spot was perfectly fine we shouldn’t have spawned in the tree oh gosh they’re inspecting it now okay guys I think we should probably just get out of here um Jake Max guys um it it was really fun playing with you guys but uh we’re kind of hungry now yeah uh we haven’t had breakfast we’re going to go eat we’ll see you later wait uh why don’t we just grab food together I know a place and oh oh no no it’s fine it’s fine uh we we we’ll just go by ourselves it’s all good yeah we have to go home really fast after anyways our mom and dad will probably get mad at us or something come on you just got out here you haven’t even tried the delicious food no no no it’s fine it’s fine I I insist we we’ll just go by ourselves we can hang out tomorrow though that’ll be super fun yeah we live here no no it’ll be my treat look you have not tried that food in Townsville and it is awesome oh my gosh guys he keeps inviting us Jake no we’re good we’re good thank you jeez okay fine fine we have more time tomorrow it’ll it’ll be better then yeah yeah sorry we we we’ll see you tomorrow we can hang out more tomorrow okay I’ll see you at the park tomorrow all right all right see you guys later but pH all right that was crazy why did he keep asking us to go eat with us I don’t know that guy is kind of weird wait I think he was doing that cuz he was suspicious of us oh my gosh okay guys we got to be more careful with our elemental powers from now on no more revealing them in public let’s just go look for somewhere to eat and then um after that let’s just go home and play video games and ooh wait a minute guys hold on I think this is a restaurant look at that it’s got a banana um an eggplants and kiwi on the wall no I think this is a grocery store no Das it’s an alien he needs to like what’s up yeah you see it and look there’s B this one over here looks like an alien but these two over here look like fruits there is an eggplant and this is a banana no no look this is the alien’s fingers and it’s like what’s up it’s still like the surfer hands what the heck are you talking about it’s like totally tubular bro it looks like a bowl of green pea soup to me oh gosh all right well hold on we need to find somewhere to eat maybe this place over here we just got to look around all the buildings and ooh wait a minute hold on I think this place looks good look they have bread over there oh finally somewhere where we can eat in this town and oh I think there’s someone working here too hello there this place looks nice look at that bread it looks so so fresh um hello welcome to the shop what do you want to order and oh hello there we’re new to this town um I’m wondering if this is a restaurant this is a restaurant right yeah this is a restaurant we have bread and we have fruit punch and a lot of other stuff too and wao okay okay hold on they have a lot of stuff here guys what are you going to get I want something hot I’ll take something do you have any tea I want something cold do you got anything cold like uh like maybe an ice tea oh yeah let me get that for you oo let’s go this is going to be so good dude those Dr looks so delicious I love this place wait can I get an iced tea too oh wait you’re getting an iced tea too okay okay uh you want a tea yeah I can get that for you wait hold on can I also get one piece of bread I want to get like a piece of solid food as well not just drinks oh okay I can get that for you too uh do you guys have any money and wait did you guys bring any money no mom said not to order any food remember I forgot my human money at home oh my gosh wait hold on I have an idea maybe we can pay with this red carpet yo Jane uh we’ve got this red carpet this is um pretty valuable it’s actually ancient it’s from the year 1500 so um the ancient settlers used that to make their canoes and uh it’s really old it’s an ancient artifact where’s the yapper that’s cool and all but this can’t pay for my rent so oh well sure it can you can just sell it to a museum uh I don’t think so come back when you have diamonds oh my gosh wait how many diamonds does it cost uh it costs 10 do you have 10 diamonds and okay okay wait hold on guys I have an idea follow me out over here hey you watching this right now quick subscribe in the next 3 seconds to give us 10 diamonds is this how you get human money yeah Ruby there is the Strat for making human money quick subscribe in three two one and let’s go 10 diamonds okay this should be enough to pay for all of our stuff uh hello there Jane we’ve just obtained some Capital here you go oh uh cool let me get you your drinks then let’s go this is going to be awesome what did you say I said Capital that’s how the big people say money I thought they said like Moola or like dollar or bread or dough or whatever no they say capital I have only heard of capital when it comes to spelling okay okay guys stop charging the way I say money but wait Jane is the food ready yet yep it’s right here enjoy let’s go oh yeah this is going to be awesome wait melon flavored iced tea oh heck yeah I’ve never had melon flavored tea before this is going to be sick all right guys let’s sit down um over here in the back of the cafe we got to get the cool kid spot but no we got to find a cooler spot H uh I got to find the coolest spot oh wait hold on this spot over here is actually kind of good but it’s only got two chairs wait wait we can just move one of the chairs hold on let me pick this one up we just put it right over here and all right guys this can be our spot now check it out this is sick oh yeah oh yeah wait here’s your bread Dash wait I already got my bread this for one of you guys oh wait did you give us an extra that’s awesome wo everyone in this town is so nice so far oh yeah and it tastes good but it’s not as cold as I wanted it to be and oh yeah wait a minute hold on my drink is also kind of warm I asked for an iced tea this is like room temperature yeah I asked for an iced tea as well well I got hot cocoa and mine’s fine so I guess you guys are the only ones that have bad drinks oh my gosh wait guys I can just use my ice powers to cool this drink it’s going to take like 2 seconds wait you should probably just ask for ice no no it’d be so much faster if Das just uses ice powers yeah hold on don’t worry about it let me just grab both of our drinks this will only take a second and um I don’t think there’s anyone watching hang on hang on hang on look around really carefully are you sure no one’s watching the coast is clear Ruby I can use my elemental powers right now there’s nobody around here yeah I think we should be good all right let me just quickly use my ice powers there we go and all right the drinks have been chilled oh yeah cam I think your drink may have a little bit of ice in it actually oh that’s awesome yeah let’s drink our drinks now ah this up is so good what the heck was that freak Show oh wait wait Jake you’re what are you doing here I’m just observing what you guys are doing and you just turn a drink into ice and uh uh well no no Jake um that we just put in some extra ice that the person at the store gave us yeah that was all yeah we had an extra cup of ice that’s what happened yeah yeah we just put the extra cup of ice and then melon juice no no no this is all starting to make sense now first a tree appears out of nowhere and then ice appears from underneath you and then all kinds of stuff happens I know what’s going on here and oh gosh guys um I think our cover has been blown hey why were you even following us in the first place I was suspicious of you guys so I had to record you to see what was going on and wait you hold on you wanted to record us did you record what just happened there uh yeah of course I did and I caught it all in h oh no dash we are busted oh gosh this is um really really bad okay well Jake um come on uh you don’t have to do anything with that video you can just uh delete it and we can go our merry ways right well you’re not going to do anything with it you’re not going to like upload it to YouTube or anything right no no no no I’m uploading this to YouTube and I’m exposing you guys as Elementals and why what we didn’t even do anything wrong to you we don’t mean any harm wait guys we should probably keep our voice down the person of the store is still here we should let’s let’s get out of this place yeah let’s go outside to talk to him look Jake we’re we’re really not here to do why are you backing away no no get away from me you freak shows we don’t mean any harm stop calling us freaks we’re we’re pretty much just the same as you we just have like some special powers yeah yeah yeah true uh-huh yeah you’re totally not going to like brainwash me and take over my body but we’re not ghosts we don’t do that we just try to like use our powers for good that’s all yeah you really don’t have to upload that no no no I’m going home and I’m uploading this video as soon as I can bye oh gosh guys um what do we do did we really blow our cover on the first day that we moved into this town I told you guys I told you I told you I told you it’s only been an hour oh my gosh mom and dad are going to be so mad guys we have to get that footage from it we have to destroy it what we shouldn’t ask mom or dad for help first Ruby mom and dad are going to get so mad at us that they’re probably going to ground us for like 10 years oh my gosh you’re right and then we’ll have to move and then and then I won’t be able to leave my room and then my life is over oh gosh plus you had like the smallest room so that’s going to be rough but cim you’re right we need to somehow get that camera off of him and destroy that footage oh gosh okay hold on we should probably follow him it looks like he’s heading off to his house right now how are you supposed to catch him he’s already headed home um um okay well let’s just follow him over here this way let’s sneak up on him let’s go around the houses let’s just um go in the backyard of this house we just got to um be really careful and sneaky we got to make sure he doesn’t see us hey leaves you need to do anything to you Cam you can plant them back oh yeah you’re right cam yeah the leaves are going to grow back but if we don’t destroy this footage then um our reputation in this town is not going to grow back so we got to get this footage off of him somehow and wait a minute hold on where did Jake go I think he was somewhere around here hold on we have to look and see if he’s nearby wait he’s right over there he’s right over there what is he doing wait hide hide let’s just hide behind these bushes here oh yeah I’m going to show the whole t and I’m going to be famous I’m going to expose these Elementals he wants to ruin our lives so he can be famous oh my gosh this is actually messed up but guys hold on I see him holding the camera right over there quick what do we do we need to come up with a plan to get that camera off of him I’ve got an idea wait you do what is it it requires an earthquake what blo wait wait wait there’s going to use your powers on him again are you serious and oh you’re you’re earthquak him wait he dropped the camera quick grab that grab that go go go we have to get out of here go go go go go let’s go see you later Jake thanks for the camera now you don’t have any proof okay we need to destroy that thing first we got to lose him he’s still following us okay guys we got to go we got to go um um how about we turn the entire Road into ice so that he slips and Falls yeah I know I have a better idea I think that’ll expose you too much you he thinks that you have the camera right yeah give it to me give it to me okay okay there you go there you go quick pick it up he’s right behind you split up split up Splat up and me back at the house in 2 minutes give me my camera back see you later Jake now you’ve got got no proof give me back my camera you are not getting that camera back you can’t have footage of us using our powers J I’m going to get that footage oh my gosh yo is that a stick stop chasing me with a stick you know what come over here I got to teach you something take this what are you got to teach me what is that let’s go oh wait I think that knocked him out okay well that works I guess but F let me head back home hopefully Cam and Ruby made it home all right okay I think that’s our house over there hopefully I’m not at the wrong one oh wait actually I think it is I see cam Ruby over there guys guys I made it back Jake didn’t follow us back to the house did he you’re finally back no I don’t see him anywhere nearby but we’ve been waiting here for you yeah I tried to take a shortcut home but um he didn’t get the camera okay okay perfect we’ve still got the camera that is all that matters I may have had to use one of my um powers on him again I um kind of dropped a big block of ice on him uh I think it kind of knocked him out but uh it’s fine he doesn’t have any proof anymore are you serious you shouldn’t have heard him but he already knew Ruby and he was chasing me with a stick okay it was self yeah but still hurting humans is bad well I I didn’t hurt him I kind of just like put him to sleep temporarily okay okay oh well Mom and Dad are waiting for us they said dinner’s almost ready and oh oh it is okay perfect I guess we can just go eat dinner now and wao the house is looking so much better now I see you guys have moved some stuff in yep it’s looking really nice here already yeah this is actually looking sick we got the couches and the TV oh yeah this house is so much more livable now oh yep uh the only thing that’s left is uh you kids got to decorate your rooms your stuff’s upstairs but we didn’t decorate anything is it time is it time this is my favorite part of moving oh well we have to decorate our own rooms I can put up my cool posters again let’s go now come on dash you’ll like decorating your room just try oh my gosh all right fine fine I guess I’ll decorate my room I only have to do it once that’s the best part in oh thanks for moving our boxes here all right let’s see what did I pack with me again and oh okay let’s go I packed my gaming setup in here all right time to decorate my room oh heck yeah I have so many decorations in my box guys my room is going to be the coolest one here I’m going to put my uh gaming setup over here oh heck yeah we got the monitor we got oh I don’t really have much room for my computer on my desk I’ll just put it um right here yeah that’s looking good oh I forgot my room was the smallest one oh wait I even packed my juke box oh heck yeah hold on hold on I’m going to put my juke box uh let’s see where should I put it in my room ooh what about this corner over here I can play music whenever I want yo guys hold on you want to hear some jems oh what kind of gems um how about 13 oh yeah yeah that’s good that’s good I don’t like this song no that’s my favorite let me play it oh yeah this one’s a Bop this one’s a Bop I actually I think it’s kind of I probably shouldn’t played so loud I think it might wake up the neighbors oh my puffer fish tank is looking sick and what K you packed a puffer fish tank with you what the heck I had to bring them with me uh guys do you think I can set stuff in fire on here or not what no no Ruby remember this is a normal human house it’s like a half made out of wood you can’t set stuff in fire on here but it’s so cold well just get a heater unit or something hold on hold on I’m also going to move this sheler box this was my box for moving but I think I’m just going to leave this as a permanent fixture in my room I’m going to put it right over here yeah this is going to be my music disc storage box heck yeah you really like music huh D oh yeah I’ve got speakers over here I got my music right over here wait guys hold on I kind of forgot a chair do any of you guys have a chair uh I don’t have yours now we do have a spare chair I can borrow uh I I think I do why can I have it sure what color do you want um I don’t know any color oh wait you knew I was here I was going to surprise you oh what uh I just turned around and you were there wait were are you trying to scare me no not totally not at all but anyways I just need this chair okay you’ll take that chair oo all right CL orange Oak chair I’ll take this yeah it’s my favorite chair so take care of it okay oh yeah I’m going to take care of it I’m going to not sit on it just kidding I’m going to sit on it let’s go my gaming setup is looking sick this is actually awesome my room is definitely the coolest one here wait wait k can I check out your room oh yeah I just finished it all right all right well let’s see this let’s see this and what the heck is this dude this is so cramped what what do you mean now this is great you got the your gaming setup here next to a bunch of plants your monitor is literally inside of this bush it’s Lively bro it’s great it smells awesome and it’s great in here dude your monitor is going to break and what how many pu fish is this you got 1 two three 4 five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 pu fish what the heck mhm mom bought them for me and I haven’t lost a single one oh my gosh this is actually insane this is the most cramped room I’ve ever seen you should come check out my room sure I’ll come check it out all right all right check this out check this out just pull up right over here you’re about to see the craziest room in your life check it out it’s awesome right we got the uh gaming setup over here I didn’t really have much room for um the the the PC on the desk so um it’s kind of on the floor but it works dude this is there’s nothing in here where’s the decor where’s the decoration dud I don’t need Decor all right most of my day is going to be spent on this chair um probably in front of my computer so why why would I need decoration I don’t know so people can come over and look at how cool your room is my room is cool look I’ve got speakers here I know Ruby probably has a bunch of decorations let me go check his out Ruby’s room is also pretty small so if she has decorations it’s probably cramped in no Ruby’s got a pretty decent like not that many decorations there’s like a normal amount of decorations are you serious am I the only one that likes decorating in this house oh I’m decorating what are you guys talking about my room looks awesome every room does look pretty cool I’m not going to lie kids I think there’s someone waiting for you outside and huh what someone waiting for us wait did one of you guys order pizza or something no I didn’t order anything maybe it’s uh someone from our old school maybe they wanted to say hey and ooh wait an old friend that’ be cool but I don’t remember calling anyone over today me neither uh who’s there Mom yeah wait mom what did you see who did you see I thought I saw a boy wearing blue but I don’t see him anymore huh a boy wearing blue I’m looking outside right now I’m not seeing anyone wait are they at our front door hello hello anyone here and um yeah I don’t see anyone out here yeah I don’t see anybody out here H that’s funny I thought I saw him just a second ago all right you kids go back to decorating now and yeah all right that was strange I guess let’s just go back to decorating let’s go actually wait I think I’m pretty much done decorating my room do you guys need any help uh I’m fine um I need help with my computer set up oh all right Ruby I got you hold on hold on what we got to do is um where’s your computer setup at oh you haven’t built it yet yeah I have different um computer parts but I don’t know where to put them can you help me yeah yeah I got you I got you Ruby what you got to do is put the monitor down right over here okay here here’s the monitor all right all right I can do it for you we got to put the monitor down or actually wait can we put it in the corner oh that didn’t quite work hold on we got to pick it up here we go let me pick that up all right we got to put the monitor down here and then you got a PC yeah I have it right here but I don’t know if it’s supposed to go on the floor or on a table um um it should be able to fit on a table hold on let’s try putting it there oh that’s looking nice and then you got a chair oh and here’s my chair oo all right all right and then you can just put down your chair right over here look at that that’s fcking sick oh okay is this place missing anything maybe I need like curtains or something um I guess you could put down some curtains wait Ru you should probably also put some armor on these armor stands right now there’s literally nothing on them and what the heck who is that is that Jake right over there yo what’s he doing at our house I’m going to get my camera back uh Dash move so I can put down the curtains no no no guys guys look Jake is right over there is he putting cameras around our house what the heck is he doing h it’s weird where is he building in our yard where’s that his yard I can’t see anything I’m too short no Ruby that’s our yard he’s definitely not neighbors with us there’s no shot why is he putting so many cameras down is he trying to catch more proof of us being Elemental I think he’s trying to like record our family oh no what the heck this guy is so weird he’s like a stalker okay guys um what do we do I thought we already dealt with him once we got rid of that camera but it looks like he’s still at it uh yeah cuz we’re basically neighbors oh my gosh and wait guys uh if our parents see Jake putting all these these cameras then um we’re going to have some explaining to do we’re probably going to get in a lot of trouble mom and dad won’t let us live this down we’ll be grounded for the rest of our lives I can’t believe we got in this much trouble on the first day what do we do oh my gosh okay well Ruby we haven’t gotten in trouble yet as long as our parents don’t know about this Jak kid we should be good all right kids it’s time for bed and oh wait time for bed already already it’s been such a short day what you guys have been out all day and working really hard I think you guys should rest now and oh yeah yeah um I I I guess we can rest I mean we did move a lot of boxes today uh all right good night Mom good night Mom good night kids go to your rooms yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m going over to my room yeah a great night have a have a have a good uh night yeah Dash are you okay yeah yeah I’m fine I’m fine I’m I’m I’m to doing just good all right then good night sweetie your dad and I will finish unpacking tomorrow all right all right yeah that that sounds great good night Mom but oh gosh what do we do if our parents see that Jake kid outside of our house we’re going to get in so much trouble on oh gosh they definitely going to notice him he put security cameras everywhere what the there’s literally a pole with security cameras in front of our house are you kidding me where did Jake even get so many security cameras from okay you know what hold on we have to do something about this I need to go get Cam and Ruby yo cam cam what’s going on are you actually sleeping dude we we don’t have time to sleep right now we got stuff to do I wanted to go to bed I’m I’m tired no no no cam follow me we need to go meet up with Ruby I have a plan Ruby Ruby are you awake or are you sleeping I’m awake I was just covering all the windows and okay yeah good good we don’t want Jake to look in but guys what do we do if my mom and dad see the security cameras outside then they’re we’re going to question what they are and then we have to explain or Worse maybe the security cameras will catch one of us using our powers yeah exactly yeah we have to get rid of these cameras what if he just puts them back oh my gosh yeah we have to come up with a way to stop this Jake kid for good how can we make sure that he never messes with us again H maybe if we talk to him and show him that we’re not dangerous then he’ll let us you know be normal again we already tried doing that that didn’t work no you literally dropped an ice block on his head and knocked him out but yeah cim that was after we tried talking to him yeah we can’t trust humans like that yeah yeah um maybe we could talk to their parents or wait a minute I have a really good idea guys why don’t we just do the same thing to him that he did to us well uh play hide and see no no no no guys he took a video of us doing something um that we shouldn’t have done so why don’t we take a video of him doing something that he shouldn’t have done that could work we have to use it as blackmail we have to get this video of him doing something dumb or embarrassing and yeah exactly but um hm how are we going to get a video of him doing something dumb or embarrassing we don’t really know Jake that well let’s just follow him around and hope he does something that we can catch him in the axe yeah yeah I think that seems like the move hold on let me just go ahead and clear all of the footage on this camera real quick there we go and all right we can just reuse this camera that we took from him all right now time to go we’re using his camera against him exactly but guys hold on we’re probably not going to be able to leave through the front door what if Mom and Dad hear that I think we’re going to have to sneak out the window no no no we can’t sneak out through the window that’s where the cameras are I have the perfect place what you do what is it and my window oh good idea are there not more cameras there what no I don’t think so I don’t see any cameras hold on let me take a look in okay Coast looks pretty clear I guess we go through your window um permission to break window permission granted all right there we go window has been broken hold on who wants to go first uh I guess I will all right ready 3 2 one nice nice nice okay okay Ruby you’re next okay okay uh one oh uh I’m not the I’m not the oh hang on hang on I got it I got it oh okay nice nice nice okay now my turn let me just jump oh there we go okay are there still no cameras here oh perfect post is actually clear I kind of thought there was going to be a camera here as soon as we stepped out the window but there’s like actually none there is perfect I thought I saw a camera but it was just a bridge uh guys how do we get down from the roof um good question wait you see those bushes over there jump there we go I landed I’m good uh I’m just going to use my rope what why do you have a rope on you well and you don’t no I don’t and oh oh it looks like the Rope worked but anyways guys we’re down now now all we got to do is just sneak around the cameras and oh gosh this Jake guy is such a creep he put cameras over there too what the heck wait I’ve got an idea Ruby why don’t you Fireball them and then melt them and then they’re gone forever no way then the fireball will get caught on camera yeah it’s going to get caught on camera before it destroys the camera okay I think we just have to go around let’s sneak around these trees over here as long as we’re far from the camera then it shouldn’t be able to see us wait wait wait hang on hang on we can go on the camera as long as we’re not using our powers and oh yeah actually true what are we doing okay let’s just R okay just act natural just walk in walk in normal like a human I’m a human totally not an elemental yeah just walking normally going for a nice uh midnight stroll ooh guys you want to do some normal human things like play tag oh yeah we’ll do normal human things like taxes and stuff oo I’m pretty sure we still have to do this as Elementals a I don’t know what those are all about those seem scary okay but guys hold on what is our goal right now what is the objective we just need to look for Jake I’m guessing right and we just need to follow him around and hope he does something stupid yeah like he trips and falls or like he trips and farts yeah that’s a good one yeah yeah that’d be really good that’d be we can upload it to YouTube and then he he’ll never mess with us again yeah bully trips and farts payback that’s a million views right there okay now we just got to find him hopefully he’s still up this late at night it is pretty dark right now I guess we could just look through town and see if he’s anywhere nearby yeah this place isn’t that oh yeah yeah wait maybe we can check the park maybe he’s hanging out with his friend Max here late at night um let’s just sneak around here Jake Max do you guys anywhere around here I don’t see them anywhere around here should we be calling out for them I feel like we should just like look around yeah we’re supposed to be sneaky yeah you’re right you’re right we should probably stay hidden okay um are you guys seeing anything I’m not seeing anything so far let me check over here wait wait hold on maybe he’s in that same spot that I knocked him out earlier um I don’t know why he would be there but he might I don’t think so why would he come back here yeah he’s not over here wait guys we see him h hide hide hide and wait wait what you do where where where hold let me pull up to the park he’s this way where’s this way hold I’m coming I’m coming what is he doing what is he doing um and wait a minute is that him he’s there with his friend Max what the are they building something in front of the cafe uh maybe they work there oh yeah this poop emoji is going to be great Max hi Max did he just say poop emoji what the heck are they building a poop emoji in front of the cafe why are they doing this hold on wait a minute guys I think building a poop emoji in front of the cafe is um against the rules I think they’re vandalizing the cafe we can get footage of this yeah start recording start recording okay okay hold on I’m recording I’m recording let’s go all right um hello there YouTube this is um Dash cim and Ruby is up there recording Jake and Max these uh local neighborhood kids building a poop emoji in front of the cafe yeah they’re doing bad stuff also subscribe yeah yeah and like the video yeah and also comment down poop emoji w Wait guys why don’t we need all these likes subscribers and comments okay we just got to get proof of this guy okay um I think that’s enough footage should I stop the video no no no you got to keep going oh yeah this is going to show Aunt Jane what’s really about to poop what is he talking about wait what is he about to bring Jane out to get her reaction oh my gosh this Jake kid’s got more problems than one I think he’s related to Jane I don’t know what’s going on all right well here I guess I’ll just keep on recording right now I mean this is just more free content hey Max this poop’s going to get lit what the poop on fire guys he let himself on fire uh guys I I feel like we should do something uh that we should do we should put him out but cim if we put him out then then we we expose our elemental powers we can’t let him run around on fire we have to do something staying secret doesn’t matter if someone’s getting hurt oh gosh okay yeah I I think you guys are right we have to go rescue him Jake Jake we’re here to help we’re here to help no I’m going to die the Elementals are here after me Jake Jake I got you just hold still for 2 seconds I can use my ice powers to save you let me just and okay there we go I think you’re good are you okay J is everything all right what happened I’m fine I’m not on fire anymore what happened yeah yeah I I use my ice powers on you I’m glad that helped but dude you got to not light stuff on fire what was up with that you were building a poop emoji and trying to light it on fire yeah I had to use all my firep poers to extinguish stuff yeah but why did you save me you guys are Elementals you’re going to like take over my brain and eat me or something that’s a zombie yeah Jake that’s just a myth we don’t actually do that we’re we’re people just like you we were just trying to help we really just want to live a normal life really the only difference between us and you is that we have elemental powers that’s about it and yeah we’re pretty much just like normal kids just like you oh I thought you guys were like evil or wanted to like take over the city or something and no no no we didn’t want to take over the city we just moved in here cuz we got kicked out of our old town for someone exposing us yeah we just really want to be friends with you and Max hi Max yeah Max I think we know that by now oh well in that case I’m sorry for taking videos and trying to be weird and record you guys yeah yeah no problem u i i i guess that makes sense we have we just have to deal with that stuff but um it’s getting pretty late I think we should all head to bed oh you know what we could do tomorrow let’s all have a sleepover and then we could show off our cool Elemental abilities together yeah yeah and we won’t upload your poop video to the internet you took a video of my poop yeah we recorded that a it’s okay we’ll delete it all righty well good night oh wait hold on let me delete it real quick and all right you can to have your camera back see you all right good night I’ll see you tomorrow for the sleepover bye that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Having a SECRET ELEMENTAL FAMILY in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are part of an ELEMENTAL FAMILY who has just moved into a new town! But they have to keep their elemental powers a secret from the other citizens in the town… Will they be able to or will they get caught using their powers! Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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