this volcano is about to erupt now me and my brother Milo have to build Pepsi versus Coca-Cola houses to keep us and our village safe but will our build survive against a wave of hot boiling lava it’s 20 minutes that volcano is going to and destroy the whole village you’re right Milo we need to build soda houses so we can be safe and ready for anything okay well you know me I love my Coca-Cola what Milo I want to build a Pepsi house you’re going to build a Coca-Cola house yeah obviously because Coca-Cola is scrumptious oh my goodness I’m going to prove you wrong and show you that my Pepsi house is going to win yeah whatever barer I’m really excited to show you all my new Coca-Cola design ideas what no way Milo you have new design ideas I’m actually kind of excited to see them yeah they’re pretty much genius actually s you’re going to want to hold on to your hat when you see them uh Milo I’m not wearing a hat even though it is pretty hot outside I should probably put one on but Milo I’m not going to need a hat because I’m going to blow your hat off with how amazing my Pepsi house is going to be yeah but I don’t really like Pepsi that much TBH wait you don’t like Pepsi Milo that’s crazy are you sure you might just be going insane hey I am not going insane I am very smart actually uh yeah I don’t know about that Milo you don’t like Pepsi that’s pretty weird my Pepsi house is going to be the best drink ever and the best best house too well personally it just tastes too different from Coca-Cola I don’t know I actually can’t really tell the difference but I just think Pepsi looks way cooler speaking of I’m going to make my Pepsi house really tall and made out of gloss that way it will be see-through just like a gloss Pepsi bottle W that’s actually smart but I’m personally building a can so I can’t make it out of glass what a can Milo we’re trying to survive against lava doesn’t metal melt really easily from hot things W it’s actually really good chip you just don’t know science what Milo I definitely know science I was top of my class in every single science subject so I know a thing or two and because of that I am very confident that my glass Pepsi house will last a lot better than your metal Coca-Cola house well I’m not so confident about that and oh man I just realized the mistake I made oh really okay it’s that you made it out of metal right no I’m actually making it out of concrete what Milo that’s crazy I guess concrete does last pretty well against hot things that’s why I’ve put concrete on the bottom layer of my build I’m sure this volcano can’t be too crazy right I’m sure whatever lava that will come out of this thing will be totally fine chip I don’t know I had some of the villagers totally freaking about it wait really Milo the villagers only freak out when something’s super serious you don’t think this could actually be a problem do you um I’m sorry buddy but I think it really is a problem oh no this is not good Milo uh-oh I’m going to have to work really hard on this house otherwise we could be in a lot of trouble I assume your house probably won’t end up working and wait Milo you just destroyed a lot of it yeah because it has to be perfect oh my goodness Milo you’re trying really hard I guess I need to do the same thing oh boy this is kind of scary normally you make really silly choices but right now you’re actually making kind of Smart Ones yeah exactly because I’m trying to be really clever today oh wow that’s really exciting I hope it works out for you but I have a feeling it probably won’t I’m definitely going to be more clever with my choice for building this Pepsi house okay cha I’m excited to see it oh yeah you’ll see it and you’ll see right through it it’ll be made out of gloss so it’ll have the best view of all the lava around I’m sure the lava will be totally fine I’m sure any Villages that want to survive inside my Pepsi house will just have a great view of the volcano experience it’ll be so fun they’ll probably even pay money to view the volcano from my great Pepsi Tower I’m chips so give you a reality check but they’re actually going to all be inside the can that I’m building what Milo no way they’re definitely going to prefer my Pepsi Tower to your Coca-Cola can your can isn’t even that high off the ground my tower is going to be so tall that way we’ll be really safe from the lava if the lava even comes over here that is well don’t you bother cuz I’ve got a plant still wait really Milo I’m pretty excited to see what your plan is actually is it a crazy one or is it just a silly one like spawning a bunch of snowmen in the lava well if I can figure it out first then I’ll tell you wait Milo you don’t even have a plan oh boy I have a feeling that my tower is definitely going to do a lot better than your little can house how many villages can you even fit inside of that because I think it definitely can’t be as many as I can fit inside of mine well it’s probably going to be 40 million what Milo 40 million I even that many villages in the whole world how do you know I think 40 million is actually a small number what Milo how many do you think 40 million is Milo 40 million is a huge number CH I’m going to be so honest with you I don’t really know what the numbers made what Milo oh my goodness is this why when you told me you were a millionaire you only had 10 cents in your whole bank account yeah pretty much Milo that’s terrible you told so many people you were rich and you bought so many fancy cars with that money oh boy you got in so much trouble with the police from that you tried to steal a car just to prove you had the money yeah my bad oh my goodness you are so crazy well Milo luckily one thing that’s not going to be crazy is how great my tower will be it’ll be pretty insane but it won’t be super crazy and the only way it’s going to be crazy is that it’ll be so crazy good at stopping any of the volcano from launching lava anywhere near the people and Villages staying inside my tower it’ll be really safe over here I just know it’ll be a really good decision I’m also going to have a bunch of different levels to the tower each level can have different super awesome things on it that way it’ll be really fun surviving here and it won’t just be super scary even though it will be pretty terrifying because there is a volcano after us after all it won’t be super duper crazy cuz my tower will just be that much more fun than the outside world um does the outside world include my can uh yeah Milo I don’t know if I can help save your can from this volcano it seems like it’s pretty low to the floor I have a feeling something definitely will go wrong you’re also still building the front Milo that cannot be good for making sure you build your house in the 20-minute time frame we have it is good and if you keep Ying about it I’m going to cry oh no Milo please don’t cry okay I’m sorry I didn’t mean to insult your house I’m sure it’s going to be very very good and that nothing will go wrong yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying to myself as well I actually do think that things will go wrong I can’t tell Milo because he’ll freak out about it Milo can be kind of crazy sometimes he always starts crying whenever something goes wrong so I can never tell him the truth oh boy I need to make sure he doesn’t freak out about this otherwise he won’t have a house that can survive and I’ll probably miss him after the lava takes him out you know what I think we need to give Milo some words of encouragement otherwise he probably won’t survive this thing and whoa my Pepsi bottle is actually looking really good right now let’s start making the Pepsi logo Milo you know what your can house is actually looking really really good and I think it has a good chance of surviving this thing hey well that’s a really nice thing to say I also have a really good master plan that I’m going to execute at the end but I’m not telling you what it is wait what you have a master plan and you’ll keeping it a secret Milo oh my goodness that’s crazy I can’t believe you’re not telling me what it is Milo if it’s a bad plan you know I’ll be able to warn you about it right nuh you won’t be able to warn me about anything because I don’t trust you what Milo you don’t trust me that’s crazy you know what okay I think your house is actually going to do well and you know what I have a feeling your plan just might work even though I don’t know what it is and it could still be a crazy one you just have to promise me that the plan does not involve snowman okay Milo I’m not going to Milo if your plan is just launching snowman at the volcano I can promise you it will not work that’s not my plan but now that you’ve said it that’s actually a pretty funny idea no Milo it might be a funny idea but it’s not a very good one sometimes the really funny ideas are not the same ideas that you need to do in order to survive a lot of the time it’s the not funny super serious ideas that help everybody survive like building this house I think making it out of glass is a good idea because glass is actually made inside volcanoes sometimes sometimes they get so hot that they launch molten glass everywhere and one of the most indestructible types of items ever is actually made from glass that comes from inside a volcano do you know what it is Mila m is it scissors no Milo it’s not scissors those come from a factory and they’re made out of metal no this is not a stainless steel cutting device the most strong block that comes from inside a volcano is actually obsidian obsidian is made out of really tough glass forged from the inside of a volcano core that’s how it’s so strong it has the strength of a volcano backing it up what the what I did not know that about the obsidian maybe I could eat it what no Milo what makes you think you can eat obsidian based on that it’ probably be kind of crunchy uh yeah it would be crunchy so crunchy breaks all your teeth Milo trust me you do not want to eat obsidian especially one that’s just come from inside a volcano cuz it would not only break your teeth it would burn your mouth off cuz it would be so hot oh man I don’t really want that to happen yeah neither do I Milo that’s a pretty good call the more safe we can be against this volcano the better off we’ll both be and hey look the curve of my Pepsi bottle is really starting to come along I’m going to add one more little bit at the top and then we can extend this so many blocks up Woods my Pepsi bottle needs to be really tall way taller than your can will be because Milo I don’t know if you know this but lava actually spreads along the ground the more close to the ground you build your Coca-Cola can house the more likely it is the lava will reach it so if I built this really tall I’ll probably be fine from the lava and the eruption too don’t worry about it buddy I’ve got it all planned out really I don’t know Milo you kind of have your house really close to the ground and if lava is spreading along the ground won’t it just flood your house with would lava and hurt you and anybody else inside no that won’t happen at all because I’m feeling positive oh my gosh Milo you can’t just feel positive about it and have everything be okay you got to make sure you actually plan for it uh-oh Milo I’m a little bit worried for the safety of your house yeah well I’m worried for the safety of your brain what Milo what makes you say that I think my brain’s doing great yeah well it’s not going to be doing great when I beat you what Milo if you win I’m going to be happy for you even though I will still be trying to win myself as long as we survive this crazy volcano I’m going to be happy that we both lived all right my Pepsi bottle is looking really really good now I need to make the logo section the Pepsi bottle logo actually has a little blue bit that goes inside the Coca-Cola color is red but Pepsi bottles are mostly blue I think blue is not my favorite color but I think it’s kind of cool to be building in Pepsi colors and not Coca-Cola colors for a change yeah the Coca Cola cars are actually really awesome dog yeah I guess you’re kind of right because the Coca-Cola red color is very close to my favorite color which is orange and wait a minute Milo what does that say does that say cork yeah it says C what no Milo not Coke I said cork Milo you do know a cork is a type of wood that people plug up bottles with right no it’s not this says Coke I can read it what no Milo Coke is spelled c o k e like Coke that’s too confusing for me I don’t want to talk about it oh my goodness Milo if I’m building Pepsi in and you are building cork oh goodness I don’t think you’re going to do very well against the volcano if You’ made a silly mistake like that I can’t even imagine the other kinds of things you’ve accidentally done well I haven’t done anything else yet so I don’t want to heal it wait what Milo you haven’t done anything else uh-oh that’s really bad because as you said we only have 20 minutes to build these houses if you haven’t done anything in the 20 minutes then uh-oh I do not think you’re going to survive against the volcano in the lava survival is my middle name and I’m going to do it Milo your middle name is moosey and your last name is Maloy yeah that is my name but it’s also Survivor Milo what my that’s not your name I know that for a fact why are you trying to be cheeky and lie I’m not being cheeky I’m just thinking about things okay are you planning on getting a name change then yeah after did we survive this volcano I’ll be changing my name wao okay being called Milo survival is going to be pretty crazy it’s going to take me a while to get used to I think I might get a little confused well you’re going to have to call me that because that’s going to be my name whether do you like it or not okay Milo I guess I’m just going to have to get used to it but hey look I’m building the Pepsi logo right now and it looks so real just like a real bottle of Pepsi this is so cool and I’m also going to grab some banners as well that way I’ll be able to write each of the different letters on this it’s about to look so cool and so realistic wow I’m actually really excited to see how well this is going to go now I just need to build a big blue concrete layer around the edge this concrete is also going to be very tough one of the safest zones of my house can be inside this concrete I don’t think the glass will melt but if it does we’ll need a concrete barrier to be super duper safe inside I could build the whole thing out of concrete but what’s the point in being that safe if it’s going to be super duper boring and not even going to give us a nice view yeah having a good view is important because you can see all around you can even see the corners of the plot I’m building in right now and wait a minute speaking of seeing around the plot what is this hey Milo there’s a Coca-Cola box in my plot W that is interesting I wonder how that got there Milo this is also really close to the area where you’ve been building hey Milo did you put this Coca-Cola box right next to my Pepsi house no I’m not to do oh my goodness Milo this totally was you oh boy I’m going to get you back at some point I don’t want any Coca-Cola near my Pepsi house I pretty much thought it was a good prank uh it was an all right prank I still knew it was you instantly Milo oh I guess I better get better with my pranking yeah probably although if you stay bad at pranking I’ll be pretty happy because it means I will always know what’s up you won’t be able to trick me Milo well I know what’s up well what’s up then dude the sky okay Milo yes the sky is definitely up but I don’t know we might not be able to see the sky for long Milo when volcanoes erupt they release a lot of Ash that can sometimes cover the sky and make the whole world dark if this entire world goes dark what do you think will happen Milo you you might not even be able to find your Coca-Cola house cuz it’s so small I’ll be able to find it because I can find it anywhere it’s so pretty uh yeah sure Milo it is uh very interesting looking definitely and hey Milo I’m trying to build there yeah but I’ve got a question for you oh okay Milo what’s your question why do you smell like up dog wait what I don’t smell like up dog what even is up dog Milo not M tell about you what Milo oh were you trying to trick me into saying what’s up dog you said it actually oh my gosh Milo you are so crazy okay I guess I did kind of fall for that prank but no worries I’m not going to fall for a single other one you’re going to have to try a little bit harder than that if you want to trick me right I’m going to think of a better one now all right good luck with that Milo I don’t think it’s going to work because you also just told me you’re thinking of a better prank now I’m going to be super duper aware and I’m going to be ready for it now you will not see this next one coming okay I have a feeling I definitely will just like how I’m going to see the lava coming from the volcano from my super good view in my Pepsi house it is so high up I can see basically everything from here it’s so nice I’m almost taller than the whole volcano hey maybe if I can build this super duper high up I could just go above the volcano and I won’t even have to worry about the eruption at all that would be absolutely perfect I can’t even imagine how nice that would be I could bring everybody inside and we could just have a super fun time the only difficult thing would be I don’t know the Toller you build a house the more difficult it is to keep it upright what if it collapses or something that would be really really bad I would not want that to happen so I can’t do it it would be way too risky and I don’t want to risk everybody’s lives like that these times are much too serious for that I would never do that I’m way too responsible just like how it’s really responsible of me to build a super high up Pepsi house hey this is going so well wa look at that we’re already up to the very top section and yeah this is looking just like a real Pepsi bottle wo this is about to look so cool now before we start building the inside of this Pepsi house we just need to make sure the top section comes in a little bit just like this this is so exciting I really can’t believe this this Pepsi house is going to be my favorite thing I’ve ever made I think the inside floors can also be made out of dark oak planks that’s because the color is really similar to Pepsi’s actual caramel brown color that’ll be really exciting to see imagine living inside of a soft drink can Milo you’d be so delighted yeah that’s what I’m actually trying to do me too Milo but trying is different than actually succeeding you got to make sure you really do this well Milo otherwise it won’t work and you probably won’t actually be able to live inside cuz you just died of the volcano I’m doing it well I’m doing it well okay Milo I believe you although wait I haven’t seen you doing anything for a while what are you working on right now just the interior oh the insides what hey I can’t believe you’re already starting on that uh-oh I guess you’ve really managed to catch up to me and even take over me in this speed you’re building your thing yeah and to thank you are making fun of me Alia for restarting my thing a couple times what I wasn’t making fun of you Milo I was just a little worried I want to make sure we both survive this not just me well it felt like you were making fun of me sorry Milo I did not mean to make fun of you I think your Coca-Cola house is actually looking pretty good normally the houses you build look kind of silly but this one’s not looking bad at all I think it has a good chance of surviving this one Milo that’s what it’s surviving today you must be pretty excited about that yeah feeling excited feeling good yeah me too I’m feeling really excited about my Pepsi house as well I have a feeling my Pepsi house is definitely going to survive the lava explosion hey look I’m just building the top section this is the final layer of the bottle oh boy this is so cool I didn’t realize this would be happening so quickly this is so exciting all right now I need to build even more layers of gloss like this oh yeah this is all coming together I’ll make these outside bits a little bit thinner oh wow the smaller each layer gets the quicker it takes to build each one Milo I think I’m going to be finished before I even know it yeah well that’s funny yeah it is pretty funny when you think about it all right now I’m going to add even more layers up here like this oh yeah this is so cool this can be near the top where I make the big bottle cap all right now I’ll build another layer of glass going around like this oh yeah this is so exciting now at the very top we need to build the Pepsi bottles blue lid I can’t wait to see this once it’s fully done all right now I think if we just place these concrete blocks up the top we should have fully completed the bottle wo this is so exciting look at that this now really looks like a Pepsi bottle although I think I’m going to make the lid a little bit bigger yeah that way it can feel super duper sturdy and there’s no risk of it falling off I’m also going to make it one block taller that’s because I really want this part to have a secret other feature upstairs I’m not sure what it could be but up this top level I need to make sure this Pepsi bottle can do something seriously epic oh yeah that is looking really really good now I just need to make the banners for that I’m going to grab a loom these are pretty important and I’ll just put the loom down here this way I’ll be able to grab some white banners and some black dye it’s about time we make some super duper cool Pepsi letters first I’m going to need to make a little sign that says p h how do I do this this is going to be pretty challenging but I reckon I can totally do this okay we officially have the first letter which will be p p for Pepsi now let’s keep going and make as many others as we can luckily the letter P appears twice in the word Pepsi so we only need to make a couple more we need e s and I oh yeah this is about to work so well now we need to make the S Banner for this one we’re going to do one zigzaggy stripe here and then we’re also going to do another stripe at the top then we’ll also need to make sure we do another one down at the bottom so it kind of looks like a big Zed then after this we need to add a white border around the entire Edge now it looks like an S hey that looks so cool we can also add this white border to the other letters now I can also add this other patent to it to make it to a really curvy s that looks really good all right now I’m going to do the eye this one will totally be easy all we have to do is have a straight line going through the middle and then we just need to make sure we do a border around the edges this looks exactly like Pepsi I’ll just fix up these other letters a little bit first I’ll add a white border around the E just like that and H yeah this is definitely the best one now I need to fix these peas oh yeah that is looking way better now we officially have enough banns to make the Pepsi logo let’s put them right on the side of this build here all right we’ll put the P the E the p and then we can put the S and the I on a different level actually let’s make sure we put the pee up here wo that really does look like a Pepsi bottle this is so cool Milo look I’ve actually written the word Pepsi on the side of my bottle let me see let me see look how awesome does that look wow that is really cool but chip you spelled it wrong what no I didn’t it’s p e p SI I no it’s meant to p c f f f PEC full Milo that’s not how you say Pepsi at all oh goodness now I understand how we ended up with cork yeah well that’s rude sorry Milo I didn’t mean to be rude instead I mean to focus on the inside of my Pepsi bottle all right let’s grab some dark oak planks and some dark oak stairs and slabs in order to start making the inside this is about to go really well I just have a super good feeling about it let’s make sure we fill the entire floor with these blocks just like this oh yeah this is super cool I like these blocks a lot they really do look like the actual color of a Pepsi bottle we just have to make sure we fill the whole floor with them and wait a minute I’ve just realized something wood is actually really flammable oh no if the lava gets here and it touches the wood we could be in a lot of trouble you know what that just means we need to make sure we put extra focus in the taller levels of my tower if things go wrong on the bottom floor we need to be able to retreat upwards that is where it will be safest away from the flood of lava coming out of that volcano all right I think this could end up going pretty well let’s just place the final few blocks like this and then we can start decorating the main entrance haul I’m going to grab a dark oak log and put it right in the center here I want the entire inside of this Pepsi bottle to look like it is really full of Pepsi if we can make that look exactly correct then I’ll be super duper happy with how this looks all right now if I can make some cool swirly stairs going around it’ll look like the Pepsi inside is fizzing up ready to exploit out the top kind of like the Volo actually is going to do over there except this explosion will be absolutely delicious and there will be no worries for any health and safety of the people around it let’s keep placing these slabs in a really cool swelly patn just like this hey this is looking great let’s make sure the swelly patn continues above the roof because we need a bunch of space to make sure this entrance hole can be super duper nice maybe it won’t be an entrance hole as such cuz I don’t think the space in this Tower to make a wholeway but it will be an entrance still It’ll be such a cool looking one too I just just know it all right now that we’ve placed down all these slabs I think it’s time to actually get started on the bottom level H let me see if I can add some Pepsi blocks around like this and wa I really can this looks pretty cool although hm it’s kind of a crazy looking block I don’t want to add too many I think I’ll save it for the places where we really need it oh I know maybe we can have some little plant boxes growing out of the Pepsi cans yeah I think that’ll look really nice I think we should use Mangrove leaves just like this and wao this looks really cool I really like how that looks wow let’s make sure we do the same thing on the other side otherwise it will not look symmetrical instead it’ll just look silly all right this looks so cool let’s add more of these leaves andhm let’s also grab some coets and we’ll add the Pepsi colors on the coets too all right I think blue red and white carpet is absolutely perfect We’ll add the blue carpet at the bottom just like the real Pepsi logo then we’ll add the white carpet being really long up here and then we can have the red carpet at the end hey this looks awesome we’ll actually extend it a little bit further out ws and I think I’ll make the blue and the red swirl a little just like the real Pepsi logo does hey this actually looks so epic now at the back of this entrance hole I also want to have a really secure armor wall this is because in case we need to survive the volcano we will need armor that is specifically designed to protect against Heat this volcano is about to get very very hot very quickly that is why this wall has to be full of the most perfect armor against really hot things I think I know exactly what to do let me grab even more blue red and then white concrete that is because this one can be flipped on its side though that way I’ll be able to make it look even swirlie just like this we add the white in the middle for the Pepsi swell and then at the very end We’ll add the red color hey this is actually looking so much like a real Pepsi wall wow I’m super duper proud of this finally We’ll add the red on this other side to complete the wall and boom now we just need to grab some arands we’ll also grab netherite armor because netherite armor is the perfect armor to use against really hot things since it does come from the nether after all H I’m not sure how many we’ll need I think four is a pretty good number yeah now they can be evenly spaced apart that looks really good but we don’t want to just put the netherite armor on here no way that would be ridiculous it would not be well protected enough instead we’re going to get some anvils and we’re going to put them around this bottom floor that is because this bottom floor will also be an Armory this is where we can Infuse fire protection into the armor fire protection has a bunch of different levels but the maximum level is four that is why we can apply the fire protection to every single one of these pieces of Armor All right this is about to go really well I can feel it all right we’ll give fire protection to that and we’ll just make sure that we add it to the boots as well if we forgot a single piece of armor to give fire protection oh boy one of these armors would not work to save us then we might get really damaged by the lava all right I’ll put on all this netherite armor onto these armor stands oh yeah look at that that looks so good absolutely perfect this is so groovy now we’ll also need some item frames and since we are also dealing with fire here we’re going to need fire aspect but I think we’ll need fire aspect 2 that is because fire aspect 2 is the most powerful one we’ll also combine it using a sword and an anvil boom now these netherite swords can totally burn things up all right this is great now let’s make sure they’re all facing straight up so they look really cool just like that and wa hey this looks super duper epic now we can make the next few floors of this Pepsi house H I think the second floor should start right up here it also needs to be a super fun entertainment area this way anybody inside my Pepsi house will really enjoy it and they won’t want to spend the whole time trying to escape if Villages inside my Pepsi house try to escape and lose their minds by wanting to leave then that would be really bad they would run straight into the lava and be in a lot of danger that is why I need to make sure that nobody ever wants to leave my Pepsi house it’s got to be the most fun house ever and I have a couple ideas on how I’m going to do it the ideas are really good so let me just place down some slabs here and we can get started building them all right perfect now I’m going to place down some slabs just like this we’ve got to make sure they cover the whole floor this fun zone is not about to be missing any space that’s why we’ll place the slabs all the way around like this and we’ll even continue using the dark oak slabs even though they are a little flammable I think it’ll be totally fine it’s worth it because by using these slabs we get some seriously epic Pepsi looking blocks this entire inside is going to really look like it’s made out of Pepsi and I can’t wait to see it all right and boom we’ve placed the last few slabs let’s see how this looks from above and oh yeah that’s looking so nice one of the things that I think will be really fun is to have a Pepsi colored bounce zone yeah I think this trampoline will be absolutely perfect for it all right we’ll need to make sure we put it in a spot where it will not make anybody hit their heads that would be really bad imagine if somebody hit their head and went unconscious and then fell down into the lava that would be really bad but hey look this trampoline is super good and it’s actually bouncing pretty high this is really cool but it’s not all I want to add I’m going to add Pepsi blocks as well as the Pepsi colors of concrete this way we can make some seriously cool Pepsi parkour oh yeah that is going to be so fun I’ll need to make sure that the parkour does not lead to anybody hitting their heads and that would be a big disaster and oops I accidentally built them around the wrong way it’s important that we do blue first and then white and then red that is the order that the Pepsi color going and if I did not do it correctly I would be doing a massive dishonor to Pepsi it would not be the correct way to build it this is much more right okay that’s way better now we’ll place even more concrete up just like this hey this is looking so cool I think the parkour will have to end about here at least when the next level of the Pepsi house starts I’m going to make a little slab area just so I know what level to stop the parkour at the slab area will need to leave space for the staircase to continue going up the middle that’s because the staircase is how we’re all going to get up and down the Pepsi house otherwise nobody will be able to leave or enter and that that would be a pretty big disaster especially if we’re all trying to run away from the volcano’s lava and go inside here imagine trying to run somewhere safe and the second you get there you can’t even get inside that would be really really bad and especially if lava was there following behind you oh boy I need to make sure this place is extra safe and that means having a super cool stairwell it also will really help to be like a fire escape stairway those are really important to have in case there’s a fire or something so by making sure we keep some way for people to walk down we make this Pepsi house super duper safe all right this is looking great now that we’ve made the roof we can make this Pepsi parkour a couple more blocks tall then I think the Pepsi parkour can end and Lead everybody back on the staircase now I just need to finish this Pepsi parkour and make it go all the way up to the top I think I’ll add one last block of Pepsi just like this and perfect now when anybody completes the Pepsi parkour they just need to jump back onto this dark oak slab staircase which really does look like a super cool fizzy Pepsi drink wow I can’t believe how amazing this is looking I’m so excited to build the next few floors this is so cool wow I wonder what sort of awesome stuff I can build up on this level it’s going to be so cool oh no Milo I heard an explosion I think the volcano is erupting early oh no I’m not ready oh no I can’t see from in here I’m too high up I need to check my camera monitor system I set one up earlier I really hope it’s not erupting Milo I have good news the volcano isn’t erupting it’s only smoking and oh no Milo the lava it’s starting to rise oh no that’s pretty scary that must mean it’s coming soon yeah this is Bad Milo we don’t have a lot of time but wait a minute what was that explosion that was not coming from the inside of this volcano that I don’t know what you’re talking about actually Milo was the explosion you uh you know what hang on let me exit this camera I need to see what’s going on for myself Milo what on Earth were you doing to make those explosions hang on I’m going to come out of my house over to yours in order to see exactly what’s going on and Milo what is this well it’s pretty much my pond what Milo why are you building a pond well because lava doesn’t like water obviously what Milo that’s ridiculous you can’t scare away the lava by putting water here and why is it over here and not around your build because I’m just working on my defenses okay don’t rush me oh my gosh Milo this isn’t a defense this is a weird dirt ring yeah well you say oh my goodness Milo the villagers need to be safe in our builds not in our weird dirt structures oh my goodness your house is not very well equipped hey do you want me to help make the mode around your house instead no I don’t want your help oh my goodness okay if you think your Coca-Cola house will really be fine then I guess I can’t help you but Milo I’m a little worried let me recheck the cameras wait a minute what why can’t I check the camera inside the volcano oh no Milo it’s not working anymore this this is really bad a man ship that might mean that it’s even closer wait a minute Milo oh no do you see that hey I think the Lava is starting to come down the edge of the volcano yep I’m seeing that oh man now I’m faking out luckily it’s pretty small at the moment but Milo we do not have a lot of time I need to quickly finish my Pepsi build before it is too late and the volcano erupts let’s do it your water thing gave me a really good idea Milo my next floor is going to be a giant pool that everybody can swim in it’s going to need to have some extra concrete because I don’t want the water spilling down that would be terrible all right I’ll need to make sure this concrete goes around and Milo you do know how to swim right yeah obviously because I’m smart uh yeah I just wanted to check just in case Milo you know if your house does not work you can always visit mine right I don’t want to visit yours it’s kind of giving me bad Vibe what but Milo mine’s going to be so cool it’s going to be really well equipped to survive this volcano especially once I add all this water in here yeah well you’re actually just copying my idea hey it’s not copying I just got a little bit inspired by your idea that’s fine right does that mean I’m inspirational yes it does Milo it means you’re really inspirational and you even gave me a really good idea oh yeah boy that sounds good to me my camera system is really bad now because it got totally burned up in that lava that is really bad the lava is Flowing quicker than I thought it was Milo this could mean really bad news for us surviving I I really hope we have enough time to save this place before the lava spills down and oh no Milo the lava has almost reached the village oh we’ve got to be quick now yeah we really do luckily it’s still not erupting the lava is just starting to spill down but Milo the lava is the first warning sign of the eruption that’s about to happen this could get real ugly when it does erupt there’s going to be big explosions everywhere not just from my TNT no Milo it’ll be real big explosions one’s bigger than any TNT could ever create okay I’m adding down some really good amounts of slabs here this middle staircase needs to be finished by the time the eruption starts it is the number one exit of this super cool Pepsi house and if it’s not ready we’ll all be stuck inside okay I think this is good enough we don’t need to go any higher than this but I also do need to fill this pole with water and hey look Milo did you replace all my water buckets with Coca-Cola cans maybe oh my goodness luckily you forgot to replace the actual water with Coca-Cola so I’m still totally fine and my house is not covered in Coke if it was that would be pretty embarrassing because I would not want that at all all right I’m placing down a bunch more water and yeah this is looking really good now that I’ve made the pool I think we really need to make themed bedrooms Milo I normally wouldn’t offer this because normally things are not this crazy and we wouldn’t normally be this close to getting erupted by a volcano but I’m going to build a bedroom layer I’m going to build one for me and one for you but Milo I’m giving you a very good option here do you want me to build you a Pepsi bedroom or a Coca-Cola bedroom well I don’t want a bedroom at all but if you’re going to build one it better be a Coca-Cola one oh my goodness okay fine I’ll build you a Coca-Cola bedroom but Milo this means we need to start working together to survive this volcano I am working together I’m working together with myself what Milo that’s not working together at all to work together you need to be working with other people and I don’t see anyone around here other than me and The Villages well you are not on my same level because I’m building something genius right now oh my goodness what is that that looks like a weird alien it’s not a weird alien it’s my master plan oh my goodness okay Marlo I really am nervous to see where this goes but just knowe if you do need to escape my house is always available unless of course it gets destroyed by the volcano but that’ll never happen all right I need to make sure the floor of this level goes all the way to the end like this and I’m also making it out of concrete normally I would try and make it out of glass but I’m getting a lot more nervous now I’m going to need to grab some seriously epic bed colors I think I’ll put the Pepsi colors over here for me and then Milo over here I guess I can give you a Coca-Cola colored bed oh yeah boy Coca Cola colors yeah exactly you really should appreciate these ones I hope you super duper enjoy them I’m also going to grab some Coca-Cola blocks and start putting them around your side of this room you’re going to really like it Milo I know Coca-Cola is your favorite yeah it’s really scrumptious I’m actually feeling really happy when I think about the Coca-Cola H yeah I get that way when I think about Pepsi I’m also going to add some red concrete blocks to the ceiling of your little bed chamber oh that looks so cool I’ll also give you some cets because I think your side of the room should be really fancy and so should mine we should both have really cool bedrooms that way we’ll be happy even while we’re trying to survive this volcano explosion hey CH are you lacking my bed uh Milo I am really scared to check it out but what Milo that looks ridiculous what is that it’s just my master plan Milo that weird thing with legs that you made now has a giant dirt tower on it Milo dirt is so weak there’s no way whatever you’re doing is going to work you’re going to regret saying that oh my goodness Milo I’m really worried about you are you sure this is the best decision oh yeah boy best decision ever oh my goodness okay Milo if everything goes wrong please I just want to say that I warned you no you didn’t your B what Milo I’m wanting you right now you know what anyway I’m just going to grab some Pepsi blocks and put them on my side of the bedroom just like this hey these look really cool I’m also going to grab some shulka boxes in the official Pepsi colors and place them down over here we’ll do white ones blue ones and red ones just like the real Pepsi colors hey this is so cool this is the most Pepsi bedroom I think I’ve ever seen I also should probably do Pepsi coets as well that’s pretty important I gave you Coca-Cola ones so if I don’t give myself Pepsi ones that would just be embarrassing all right I’ll add Pepsi colored carpets here and I’ll do the same over on this side wow this is so crazy I think my eyes are getting overloaded with these colors you know what I think I also should probably make a bedroom that is not these colors and instead is a bedroom for the villagers yeah I think that will really be a good idea let me grab some dark oak stairs and start placing them around the edge of this build area I think on the super duper edges I’ll Place do oak slabs like this this design is going to be a little complicated but it’ll make sense once I’m done oh boy Milo Your Design still looks ridiculous I can’t believe you’re making something so silly I don’t want to hear it I’ve got my really good plan and you’re going to be jealous of it eventually no wait Milo I can’t even imagine what your plan could be there is no way you are going to fit all of your villager friends up on that Tower I don’t think it’ll be able to save anybody besides it’s made out of dirt so won’t it just fall under the weight so much Ying not enough building what Milo I’m building right now you know you can build and yep at the same time right yeah cuz I’ve been doing it this whole time yeah oh my gosh Milo what are you doing that looks so insane I really hope you don’t blow everything up by accident how about you mind your own business for now okay for now I will but Milo if anything crazy happens I’m immediately going to run over and see what you’ve done if that makes you happy then sure a thanks Milo all right up here I need to make a bedroom area for The Villages this is where a lot of the villages will actually be staying it needs to be big enough to hold absolutely everybody and I think I know exactly how to do it I’m going to get as many beds as I possibly can in here it might be a little crowded and it’s not the best option but it means that we can save as many people as possible it is always good to sacrifice a little bit of room to make sure everybody can be safe and happy let me get all the different colors of Pepsi for the beds we’ll grab red blue and white just like we did for the other beds before oh yeah these Villages are going to learn exactly what it means to live in a Pepsi house let’s start placing these beds all the way around the edge like this oh no I accidentally placed two white ones let’s quickly fix that Yep this is looking way better now now I will place even more beds in the Pepsi colors around the edges like this oh yeah this is looking so much better wo it’s looking kind of crazy actually let me add more blue beds I think the more space we can fit inside this room the better everything will be oh yeah this is so cool I’m really really happy with this let’s place even more red white and blue beds here oh yeah Milo this is the most Pepsi looking bedroom ever I’ll also need to make sure I grab shul boxes just like I did before because every villager here deserves their own Sho box of course I’m going to make them in the official Pepsi colors otherwise it would just look weird and it would feel very out of place in my Pepsi house all right come on I need to make sure I add one for every single villager then I need to make sure we get every single villager up here before the volcano destroys them all Milo you better make sure that whatever it is you’re doing you get it done in time so that you can bring your villager friends inside your Coca-Cola house as well yeah I’ve just realized that I need to make some fixes but everything’s going pretty well over here yeah okay that’s really good to hear I think I need to do a little bit more I’ve got some safe areas for The Villages but I think we need a giant viewing area up the top oh yeah this is great I’m going to need to make sure we do a ladder and I’ll use an andesite ladder too these are way tougher than regular laders and you can place them really quickly this will be very important for making sure we keep everybody safe okay this seems like a pretty safe area and what Milo you’re making more weird dirt Towers yeah pretty much oh no I don’t like how this is looking oh I’m just going to put my fears aside and Trust You Milo all right now I need to go back down all the way to the bottom floor H it’s taking a while to go down there oh boy I wonder if my house is not as well made as I thought it was all right you know what I’m just going to skip a few of these staircases we need to quickly get down to the bottom level because we don’t have any fence I’m going to grab some Bas salt yep that is right this Bas salt and these andesite walls will help defend me against the volcano I’ll place them down in a spiky fashion around the outside this way they might be a barrier to stopping the lava from Ever Getting To Us yep I quite like this this is very important to have in order to make sure we can stay safe from the Volcano come on come on yes this is really working I’ll need to make sure I leave a gap here that way the villagers will still be able to get inside even if the Bas wall is there blocking off the lava from coming in oh boy I also should probably then add a great here this way the lava might flow down underneath these iron bars but the villagers will still be able to go over oh boy I’m actually going to make the great a little bit chunkier that way the baby villagers won’t fall down that would be really sad if they did I would never forgive myself okay Yep this is definitely too big for anybody to uh-oh oh no I need to rethink this design all right I’m going to add iron bars underneath that’s even better there we go now it’s really difficult to get through unless of course I break it mhm this is going to be perfect I’m going to make sure I place even more of this Bas salt otherwise by the time the lava gets here the wool won’t be complete and it’ll basically be useless besides right now I’ve not made a single way to get food inside my Pepsi house if we run out of food inside there oh boy we’re all going to starve forever that is why I need to make some sort of farming area around the outside if I don’t nobody will be able to survive for long and volcanoes can leave lava around for so much time if the lava stays longer than we can survive none of us will make it that is why I need to add some sort of farming area down the bottom here it’s also why this Bas salt wall is really important if the farm gets destroyed then we’ll be out of food and the volcano will win I’m not going to let that happen that is why food is going to keep us super safe and alive for a very long time to come all right I’m placing even more blocks here hey this is looking really really good come on I’ll place even more going up and all right I think this is as much space as we can give ourselves I need to quickly make the Bas Sal Wall go around the other side too this way not one single Gap will be left for the lava to get through Milo I don’t see you making any sort of wall you’re just making your dirt thing even weirder looking I love it so much oh my gosh Milo I don’t oh no I’m so worried about this you need to make some sort of wall that’s the only way to stop the lava no chip I’ve got the most smartest idea ever and you’re not going to even think of it what Milo that’s crazy I’m sure whatever idea it is I probably have thought of it I just realized it was a really bad idea and chose not to do it yeah but I’m also building an attachment to the side of my can because I’m going to save every single villager what every single villager Milo that’s a lot to handle are you really sure you can save everybody yeah boy oh my goodness okay Milo if you can save every single villager I will eat my words but if you can’t I’m going to be so sad because we’ll lose so many good villager friends yeah we won’t lose any of them actually okay Milo if all of our villager friends stay happy healthy and alive I’m going to be really really happy all right now my Bas wall is almost done pretty soon I will have made the whole thing and it’s going to look really really good don’t worry Milo I’ll also try and save every single one of our villager friends not one single villager will be lost to this volcano I just know it this is going to go really really well especially my Pepsi house it’s going to completely work and nothing will go wrong at all okay now that I’ve built this huge Bas salt wall I’m just going to quickly add some andesite walls to the top bits this will make it look really cool and very threatening to the volcano I do not want the volcano to have any chance of even hurting us at all let’s add more andesite walls here oh yeah Milo you’re probably really jealous of how good my walls are looking at least right NOP not jealous at all oh my goodness Milo I think you really should be because I’m almost done with them I just have to place a couple more of these iron bars and then I can make the Farms all right I can see the last one and boom I’ve now placed down the final iron bar let’s also add some other ones to this gate here to make it extra secure and now I’m going to grab some water buckets which oh my gosh you’ve still replaced them with Coca-Cola Milo that’s so cheeky I think it’s a really funny plank oh my goodness well I’m just going to grab even more concrete I’m about to make some Pepsi themed farms and I’m going to need some netherite hose for it w I just got an achievement for it that’s pretty cool let me make sure that this Farm is the perfect Pepsi color okay I think we’ll need to make it round as well otherwise it won’t look like a very good Farm it’ll actually look really silly all right we’ll Place more red concrete over here just like that this is looking really good actually it’s looking so much like the real pepsy logo let me just add some more concrete going to the sides like this and yep that is looking really really good now I need to use my netherite hoe to actually make a lot of space to grow these vegetables vegetables are very healthy so that’s what I’m going to grow in this Farm I can also add down some composters that way some of the villagers will even become Farmers I think that’s a great idea it makes things a lot easier for me and it means I don’t have to constantly be here farming I am going to give these Villages some Kickstarter seeds though I’ll give them some beetroot some wheat seeds and some carrots as well as some potatoes I cannot forget the potatoes that would be a big disaster I’ll make sure that this little farm is half carrots and half potatoes and the other Farm can be half seeds and half beetroot seeds Yep this will be really good this way we’ll be able to grow anything and won’t have to worry about it all right now that that farm is done let’s make another one although hm this Farm should be a different color I’m going to make this one into a Pepsi bottle and for that I’m going to need some brown concrete like this all right we’ll place the brown concrete like that and then we’ll make the Pepsi bottle go up and we’ll just place the lid on it there we go and oh wow this really does look like a Pepsi bottle that looks so cool I’ll make the lid a little bit thicker actually yep that looks absolutely perfect I’ll make the brown go down a little more and then we’ll give it a little grooved bottom hey this looks so much like a little Pepsi bottle I’ll also need to make sure that we add some water in the middle H water can be pretty difficult but if we make the water go around this Pepsi van it’ll look like a blue van going around the whole Farm that’ll look so cool I need to make sure I don’t forget the netherite hoe and I accidentally got rid of the beetro seeds once I grab them back in my hot V like that we can start making this rest of the farm right we’ll make sure that we make this so quick we don’t have a lot of time left Milo oh man yeah I’m kind of freaking out not going to lie because the burning Village looks very scary yeah the village is totally on fire this is so sadden oh no I don’t see any villagers Milo I’m going to build one last farm and then we need to try our very best to make sure these villagers can come over here to safety my final Farm is going to be an animal farm and I think I’m going to have different sections one section will be for cows one section will be for pigs and the biggest section will be for sheep the Sheep are very important because we can dye them the Pepsi Colors oh no that sheep needs to stay inside the farm okay that could have been really close let’s grab some dye most of the sheep are white already but we need to grab red and blue dye that is because those are the colors of Pepsi all right we’ll use red dye on these sheeps like this then we’ll use some blue dye on more sheep like that hey these really do look like Pepsi sheep perfect now we’ll grab a couple more animals I think this can be the pig pen of here because it’s small just like Piggies are now we’ll make some cow pens over here all right this will have to be the final animal pen Milo oh no oh no I really hope we have enough time for this now I just need to spawn down the cows but oh no Milo do you hear that oh no it’s happening all right Milo all of the villages are in my house and just in time look the eruption it’s happening oh my gosh that is terrifying oh no Milo you need to get inside right now are there villag is in your house too no that’s not in my house a they must have thought my house looks stupid oh poor Milo oh no this eruption is crazy it’s so loud oh man I don’t know what to do oh no Milo a wave of lava is spreading towards our houses oh man chip this is not good my house is pretty tall so I think I’m safe but oh no it went inside my farm and Milo your house it’s about to be destroyed yeah well don’t worry cuz I got a m must plan wait what something just attached to the roof of your house and Milo your must plan better handle lava and what is happening right now yep that’s right I built a crane to pull my house up in the case of the lava what Milo that’s genius oh my goodness I can see a void of lava where your house was and uh-oh Milo now my house is in the lava and oh boy I don’t like the sound of this WOW chip it kind of sounds like you need saving oh no Milo my AMS they go burned up and oh no Milo my house it can’t survive in this lava for long I made the whole thing out of wood and glass and Pepsi how did I think that was going to work I don’t not chip but you sound like a silly gu to me oh no Milo The Villages they’re getting closer I think they’re getting restless I’m a little worried Milo I think I might need your help well chip I guess I can come down and have a look really how wait what can you lower it down no I’m just flying around you with my elytra and my fire ax wo Milo you really prepared for this I’m so proud yeah I’m smart and oh yeah I guess you do have a lot of villages in here do you need me to save you buddy oh Milo this really hurts me to admit because normally I’m the one saving you but yeah I think for once you might need to be the one that saves me and everybody else all right I think I’ll lower on my thing down a little bit and then you guys can hop in thanks Milo I really appreciate it all right I need to make sure these villages is a safe oh boy this could be really bad everybody stay upstairs do not go down until I can check and make sure everything is fine okay the parkour zone is looking all right but what’s that smell oh no it’s burning Milo my staircase it’s setting on fire oh well I better be quick then yeah you definitely better how lowering your house down going in ouch Milo I’m getting burned by the fire already lowering it right now oh wait Milo wait let me come up I need to check and make sure everything’s all right I don’t want you accidentally lowering it into the lava okay Milo careful careful if you lower it anymore it’ll hit the lava M you got to tell me when to stop buddy okay Milo you’re going up now all right and stop oh okay oh no Milo it’s bouncing up and down like a bungee cord this must be because you made the crane out of dirt oh man this is not good do you reckon you guys can just jump over H I don’t know come on every villager I need your help Milo do you have any spare elytras or some other way we can get across I’ll go back up and then I’ll fire over and deliver you some materials yeah thanks my little quick hurry the fire it’s coming even quicker don’t worry villagers I can put this fire out before it can keep spreading everywhere oh no the fire it’s burned a lot of the way back up all right I need to work really hard to make sure we can put this fire out Milo hurry yeah I’m trying to go quickly but I have to land on the top oh come on Milo you got this I believe in you all right I need to make sure I grab as much of this wood as possible it’s burning up and I don’t want to be left with no equipment to climb with all right now I can craft this into a bunch of planks all right just like that now I need to start bridging upwards it’s the only way to be safe all right come on I need to break more of this yep I’m here I’ve got a box of stuff for you guys really oh thanks Milo all right come on Villages let’s make our way up oh no the fire it’s burning so many things all right I need to make sure we craft even more ways to get up and all right everybody I’m forming a staircase this is the only way we can be safe Milo has come to save us yeah this is a real Mass ACC complilation you did this I know Milo oh no this is bad this is really bad all right Milo you got to help me dig the blocks up my head I can’t jump and neither can these Villages waking it for you and there we go H you didn’t even use the bed up blug oh sorry Milo okay look now we need to find a way to get over and hey what’s this Milo what is this is this stride as Firex and Saddles that’s right I even put some Strider eggs in there so that we can ride across on the Striders wow that’s amazing all right everybody get your striding lessons on we need to get across to Milo’s side and hey look Milo when I spawn down some of them they have SP Saddles and oh no the floor it’s still really rickety hello everybody down here you need Striders as well just don’t let them Touch the Water they might get hurt all right Villages are you ready to make our way over to Milo’s side here have some elytra wait I’ll need some elytra too oh no I need to climb up the crowded staircase before it’s too late all right I’ve got Electra and I’m going to equip them all right everybody it is time time to make our way over to Milo’s build come on come on we got this and oh my goodness okay Milo we need to lower this down so the villagers can get on too with their Striders all right time to R it are you ready yeah I think I am wow that eruption is so crazy wa we’re going down so quick yeah that’s right it’s like an elevator yeah Milo I’m really proud of you if we save these Villages it will be absolutely perfect and you’ll have saved the day right Milo look you lowered it down and all the villages in the stride is it completely safe ho we did it hey everyone get inside come on everybody we got this okay I think everybody’s inside Milo it is time to raise this thing once and for all and be safe from the volcano is everyone ready time to go up let’s go chip it’s walking it’s walking I really saved the day we have to get to the top until we’ll know for sure but Milo I think you did do it you built the ultimate house to survive the volcano and your COC Cola house was the best one I saved the whole village you saved everyone good job Milo

Milo and Chip have been Challenged to make Noob vs Pro Pepsi vs Coca Cola houses! But what happens when a TORNADO rolls in?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


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