So I Actually Fixed Shane…

I’ve already married Shane and I loved his storyline even if post marriage he was kind of lame but I was still looking for more Shane in my life so I found a mod that takes Shane’s story and somehow makes it bigger and better see this mod goes through and gives Shane more of a backstory exploring why he fell into his deep depression how he came to be Jess’s Godfather and even having him revisit demons from his past and when I tell you this is one of the heaviest mods I’ve ever played I mean it so sit back back grab a tissue box and prepare yourself as we play through the Shane expanded mod we are playing a Shane expanded mod which adds 10 new hard events to expand on this charact I actually don’t know anything about this mod I’ll be honest with you I did no preparation for this stream name Nino F name rehab center is that too much favorite thing changing men and we going too strong too early on all right first day in the rehab center what do we got oh oh yeah I can eat this hay perfect okay so we need to marry Shane I believe this mod actually does go through and fix him I think it also adds much more of a backstory into why he’s the way he is like I don’t think it just kind of says oh General depression like it does in uh the base game I think it actually gives a bit more of a of a reasoning and I know for a fact this mod adds a d you think Shane’s daddy you haven’t seen anything yet oh my God he’s right there he freaks me out uh uh what am I swinging next what am I doing I’m just going to look like a murderer wait be cool be cool be cool be cool be cool just enjoying a nice summmer Springs day oh hey Daddo what’s up okay he walked past me how do we look cool to the town alcoholic just go up and approach him I don’t know you why are you talking to me okay so that didn’t quite work do you mind I’m trying I’m trying to do something here maybe we need to get into his heart the only way to get to a man’s heart who’s in a who’s who’s in the dumps like Shane give him Pizza no no no no no no see chat you’re like give him Pizza he loves pizza or like pepper poppers no to fix him we need to make sure he hits rot bottom and then it’s all up from there wait come back here I need to give you beer oh wow Nino how’ you know this is my favorite you just smell like it so I thought it was kind of like a you know I could just go for it you’ve already given Shane a gift today what I thought you were into more than one a day this sounds like an unhealthy relationship okay but um but I’m helping him bro is enabling okay toxic all right okay okay okay fine if the beer is you know no screw you I’m doing the beer you are so kind to him I’m being gentle when we get him to like six hearts I’ll make the switch but I just feel like right now if he would like anything it would be a nice cold beer on a spring Summer’s morning then a pizza love him then break him all right see that’s toxic Mr moow you want one of these yeah I know you see Daddy drinks these a lot huh oh hey Shan I wasn’t doing that I was just hanging out with your buddies here hey what’s going on what what do you want go away okay he didn’t appreciate the beer I gave him yesterday wait are you just kind of a dick to begin with wait I want to see what he says on different days it’s what makes him opening up to you so special for real I guess I’m a Haley Stan rain apparently makes him thirsty we’re about to test that imagine Haley but less passive aggressive and a man would does the rain make him thirsty let’s test it no I don’t have time to chat with you not even over it nice cold brew don’t you walk away from me I need I’m trying to fix you man oh wow Nino how’ you know this is my favorite You’ already given Shane two gifts this week the rehab is going too slow okay the the rehab is going too slow we need to speed this up yeah drink it down I swear to God this isn’t toxic I’m just trying to win his heart the alcohol poisoning is going to get to him it would just make him feel more loved oh hello wait we visiting him at work you notice shame humming a Melody to himself hi Shane he’s going to be pissed at me because I’m going to be interrupting him at work Shane glances up at you slightly surprised and annoyed to see you yeah this is what I’m saying he’s going to be he’s going to be like annoyed at me cuz I’m interrupting him at work oh hey wait new portrait do you know where the cornflower is yeah they all went him over Shane returns to stacking shelves seeming guarded damn it maybe I should have asked where the cocoa powder was so what brings you to jojamart um powdered baking needs just picking up a few things how’s the day treating you actually I wanted to check on you that would okay I’ve met him twice if we actually just walked in here and was like actually I wanted to check on you I feel like he would be like who the [ __ ] are you just picking up a few things how’s the day treating you I think I’ve just walked into the uh snack aisle if you get what I mean I feel like saying that might be creepier than just I wanted to chick on you you know what how’s the day treating you Shane same old same old just trying to get through it what’s a Shane Voice New York the [ __ ] do you do any New York accent sad and defeated that’s just how I sound Gruff joisy accent stoic I can’t do have you heard how look at me do I look like I can do stoic same old same old just trying to get through it you’re not much of a talker are you neither are you you told me to piss off the first 2 days I met you break the silence no we can just stay silent we can just keep standing here watching him stack shelves as the buzz of the refrigerators in the background just like plays through please that’ be so funny working at Georgia must be tough no I think it’s so fun if we just stare at him sometimes I wonder if there’s more out there than this okay didn’t ask I guess it worked there you go if you ever want to wait to a man’s heart just stare at him as he works you are too awkward to say something oh God okay I didn’t you know I I go to Stu Valley to escape the real life issues oh I’m sh never mind forget I said anything oh he’s walked away see you what you’ve just seen is pretty much how my flirting interactions go in real life too I hate how accurate that scene was to social anxiety did I just mess up everything first first cutscene oh yeah no his Hearts went down all right I’ll restart the day we’re [ __ ] first cut scene in and I’ll restart instead of just being silent no now we’re just going to make the great social decision of telling him that his job actually suckss and he should feel bad for it working at joia must be pretty tough huh Shane you have no idea no I don’t see I I’m a YouTuber so do you ever get tired of stacking shelves do you want to do this for the rest of your life sounds like we’re about to sell him an MLM scheme dude we we’ve just walked in on him doing his job and we’re like listen girl BS do you want to work for yourself and Be Your Own Boss that I have the perfect makeup line for you to sell [ __ ] it let’s just call him out Shane raises an eyebrows seeming surprised by the question yeah I mean if someone just walked into your job and asked you that question you’d be a little you’d be a little surprised by it not really your business is it I don’t I don’t know I don’t know I’m sorry it’s fine I’m I’m just not used to people asking sometimes it’s just easier to keep things to yourself you know yeah you you know what with the way this conversation is going maybe you should just keep it to yourself and to answer your question I don’t know if I want to stack shelves for the rest of my life but I’m not exactly in a position to to do much else oo okay wait that ending was a little interesting I like for first heart event that it was just like a little insight into his background and we didn’t lose hearts with him oh God where did you come from I thought you were in jojima hey buddy sometimes I imagine doing other stuff with my life but most days I’m just trying to make it through Jesus this is going to be a depressing mod isn’t it does he literally just work the 9 to 5 at the jojima every day from what I remember of Shane schedule it’s either the jojima or drinking at the saloon so at least he does something with his life you know what do you want leave me alone okay I guess our nice conversations just mean nothing to you have a beer ladies will be like I want to fix him and then it’s like this is the man you want to fix he has a hole in his jumper he wears his work outfit to bed I don’t get it I don’t get the Shane hype either to be honest with you does Alex like beer do you think Alex would be a Beer Guy this is cool thanks hell yeah just me and the boys not you Elliot you don’t count but just me and the the boys hanging out on a hot springs day drinking our beer getting our shirts off sweating a little bit maybe kissing if it’s Alex Penny Jess and Shane in his mukow that I was giving beer to is he hung over Uncle Shane oh I actually think Jess and Shane’s relationship base game is really cute like don’t get me wrong I give Shane a lot of [ __ ] but his actual storyline is one of the best in base game STW Valley I just don’t want to marry the guy and we’ll watch from the bushes like totally not a stalk a creep hi there Shane hi JZ all right just completely just just not not noticing Penny whatsoever understandable where have you been all day I was at tutoring with Miss Penny and Vincent Jaz is like you don’t remember Uncle Shane I go every single day and you don’t remember oh this man has no social skills even with children hello Miss Penny thanks for bringing JZ back as a [ __ ] drunk on a Thursday you’re welcome oh my God this is so bad now I feel bad giving him beer if it’s a fake Jazz Uncle Shane can we watch the animals together for a bit yeah sure why not anything for my favorite little buddy yay thanks Uncle Shane oh wait she’s looking out for him how are you doing Shane oh I’m fine just just enjoying the fresh a you sure about that nino you did this yeah Chad am I a terrible human being you seem a bit off I see I’m fine Penny don’t oh my God all right calm down calm down don’t don’t worry about me is he going to is he going to vom he’s he’s going to puke I can’t burp I don’t know how to burp I thought he was going to throw up on Penny or something Uncle Shane oh I’m see whoopsy doodle Shane that classic Shane all right Penny you’re a buzzco wait she’s talking to Jazz Jaz I think we should go inside and say hi to your aunt Mani I’m sure she misses you but but what about Uncle Shane I mean you it’s it’s not that far Jess it’s a 20 M walk oh always listen to your teacher Jess ah even though he’s a box deep he’s still got good he’s still got good Insight oh okay Penny brings Jess inside you decide to wait and see what happens next she deserves better yeah better than man am I right someone is constantly drowning their sorrows in a bottle why is this such a damn Battle For Me Maybe a few drinks will numb the pain at least for tonight [Music] this might be a bit more of a serious mod than I originally thought it was going to be you know they always say when you’re battling an addiction you have to like find something else to get in you know people who um smoke cigarette cigarettes a lot will take up like drinking uh energy drinks and stuff and you know that’s not always the best thing to to do that’s not always the best way to fight addiction but nothing wrong with bit of jalapeno Popp is right it’s a serious sick and cut scene I didn’t think we’d be getting into it that quickly I can fix him okay before we go to bed I want to talk to them to see if they’ll actually like tell us anything about that I had a rough day Nino I’m not really in the mood for talking but would you say no to some Peppa poppers huh how’d you know this is my favorite this that smile huh Shane turn that frown upside down hi Jess don’t worry about this grown man walking into your room I wanted to spend time with Uncle Shane but Penny said he wasn’t feeling well I hope he feels better soon oh this just really depressing with enough of these Jazz he’ll he’ll be he’ll be right back to normal Shane’s a good man but he’s struggling I mean you’re not doing anything to help man I’ve seen him for a while now he’s always so blocked off I just hope he finds a strength to ask for help when he needs it I know you give him a room in your house and everything but you know like what about instead of standing in front of the microwave for 6 hours you actually just talk to your nephew what the [ __ ] Penny it’s 6:30 wake up I need to speak to Okay God damn it woman I’ll talk to her tomorrow oh hello I’m Penny yeah I know can we talk about the whole episode that happened yesterday Shane’s been going through a rough time lately I feel really bad for him and the people around him oh that’s so sweet it would make sense that Penny would be the one to kind of reach out considering she has her own problems you know like it would make sense oh but yeah speaking of problems problematic Miss Penny about to push over George oh what are you doing oh what the hell are you doing huh you little rat sorry that was really aggressive for a child sorry I don’t know I don’t know what just came out of me just then I found this recipe in a magazine and I thought it I thought it sounded interesting feel free to give me a taste if you make it he he Shane he just hit me with a he he I don’t I’ve never pictured Shane as much of a he he man you know what a little cutie pie oh my God he’s 100% a power bottom not going to ask what that is good morning Shane what a beautiful day out and uh what a beautiful morning to pop some peppers and not drink uh gallons of alcohol and then to be around your god daughter I’m surprised that you’re still trying to make friends with me haven’t I been rude enough to to you yet that’s the thing Shane I marry Haley the rudess just eggs me on to be honest with you we’re going to jojima at 10:00 p.m. what a [ __ ] hole whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa in my good Christian farming game it’s truly unbelievable how they treat people in there oh you mean Joe jamad I thought You’ been Pelican town bro and I was like damn there’s not enough taxes to pay for good infrastructure dude but you know joim M’s a [ __ ] hole and Mars this dumb little bisexual man where were you going with that well damn it Shane we don’t appreciate that around here he can love who he wants Shane okay damn and just you wait till I give you some more peer poppers then you’ll be questioning things jeez buddy buddy you just buddy me look we’re shaking again the social anxiety is really kicking in I need to do a bit of voice for Shane hey buddy are you spying on me or something no the Canadians don’t work hey buddy you spying on me or something uh it’s late why are you still here you seem upset what happened wait I don’t know what to say both of these seem like very normal things to say which is I’m not used to on Stu mods usually there’s a very obvious answer I feel like both lead down the same track right because he’ be upset because he’s working late and it’s pissing down and maybe he wanted to go hang out with Jess or something where’s the option to tell him to go to the cliff side no we’ll say you seem upset what happened just the joys of working at joji you know another day another never ending shift they cut my pay what they can do that so now I need to work extra hours to make some money as before dude all right you can go back to calling it a [ __ ] hole that’s my bad that I called you out for that which Speaking lightly sucks this Shane is better than base game Shane I’m not going to lie maybe there’s something we could do maybe we could talk to someone the B does not care for the struggles of the working class and you as one individual cannot change that so what you need to do is you need to get every joj employee together and you need to take Morris by his neck and hang him in the streets of Pelican town and then hopefully collectively bargain for a higher pay let’s let’s see if he’ll talk about unionizing I think that’d be really funny if we went down to like a if we started going to like a socialist stardo route whoa Jesus what I [ __ ] just run a me for bro no what the this is so typical of the working class man always fighting against each other never fighting the the pigs at the top Shane Cuts you off before you can finish your sentence let me guess maybe we could wish for a good fairy to make all my problems go away no dude just saying we unionize or something maybe we should just wave a magic wand and make all my problems disappear do you really think I didn’t try before I got to this point it’s not that simple okay so just just leave me alone sorry I I shouldn’t have snapped like that too many pepper poppers got you fired Up Get It hair Shane out leave Shane alone in a circumstance like this where we are talking to the man himself sometimes we need to ask ask ourselves what would Shane do I think Shane would hear Shane out as rude as he is I think if Shane saw someone crying in the rain at night you know what he would do I think Shane would grab a beer two two beers go up to them hand them a beer and just sit there and listen he wouldn’t be a shoulder to cry on but he would just listen so we’re going to do what Shane would do I’ve become such a toxic person become always have been to me and to the ones around me oh God we just walked up I just I don’t understand why you’re trying to help me what do you gain from it well probably like YouTube views and subscribers so um if you got this far subscribe you trying to socialize with me just doesn’t add up I’m trying to socialism with you okay let’s start a union let’s take down joja employee rights no wait let’s create some joim employee rights okay it’s not that deep I just want to be your friend you’re overthinking this I want to just be nice to you yeah bro it it ain’t that deep to be honest with you I just need another short King to be friends with of not that deep huh sorry friend but I’m just not buying that why would you say that wait was that a bad thing to say I just said I wanted to be friends with him oh God I know you haven’t done anything wrong so far I mean I did just kind of feed your addiction for the first two hard events but yeah sure I haven’t done anything wrong so far but as you’ve probably noticed by now I keep everybody at arms length if not even further I just don’t like to disappoint people you’re kind of too late on that front though right like you actually seen how Mani looks at you I’m kind of kind of doing you a favor here no pressure we can take things at your pace I don’t mind thanks for warning me I’ll try to keep my distance from now he’s such a boy failure I can fix him what do you mean you don’t mind I I don’t understand you Nino I don’t understand what I’m doing half the time either to be honest with you Shane maybe I don’t need to understand you why are you giving me that look he looks like he’s about to do the like guy kiss leaning he’s like maybe I don’t need to understand you fine we can keep things as is do that again we don’t like that little bit Shane kissing the homies CET chat don’t do it to be clear we aren’t friends we um we just don’t mind each other’s company as much oh okay A little bit of like enemies to lovers going on I’m with it I’m with it dramatic ass yeah damn boy comment down we’re lovers got it great well you could probably find me at the saloon if you want to drink beer together or or or something oh oh he actually is a son today he’s like keeping me arms Ling I kind of wait wait wait he was wait what the F this isn’t the saloon you know what this might be a brave sentence to say Shane going through it a little bit seems fine to me this says a lot about your taste and man he’s carrying on the family tradition from Mani good on you you again how many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone what the f you just said we could be not friends kind of friends you called me what the hell just let it happen here I got some fresh ones for you arms length he’s only got tiny arms too look at those little things fuing 5′ four ass Shane is actually like canonically a short King do we have like Canon Heights for The Bachelors there’s a Tumblr page hang on hi do you have Canon Heights for all the bachelors and bachelorette Alex 6’2 Elliot 5’10 Harvey 6’5 a little reaching a little bit there Sam 6’1 in Sam is literally the canonically the taller Sam would be the one who’s like 6′ 3 Sebastian 5′ 7 emo boy stay winning Shane 5′ 5 foot 5.5 in that’s a perfect boy size oh what’s up dude you coming to my farm [ __ ] this is kind of awkward uh I mean it wasn’t until you pointed it out I was just we could have just said high and walked our separate ways but you’re the one who made it awkward um listen I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out what he actually wants to be friends dude no that’s great the only issue is I’m so socially awkward I can’t hang out with people without having three beers so I don’t know is that going to be an issue I knew this was a stupid idea I’m not good at this stuff yeah that’s not really what I had in mind hanging out sounds fun what did you have in mind oh God I’m really I’m really bad at making friends with other guys hang out sounds fun what dude I just said we could just hang out I didn’t say we would you know getting married or anything I mean I mean uh yeah totally I was thinking maybe we could hang out at my favorite place and just talk a bit I hope to God we’re not going to the saloon I’d rather go to the joj mar oh yeah I forgot about this area the cliff could you imagine I didn’t really think about what I want to talk about do you have a lot of friends around town no I’ve been here for 3 days I have plenty of friends around town maybe a few you know what we could actually make him just feel really bad and be like yeah I’ve been here for a week and I’m already friends with everyone what are you doing with your life or we could be for real and just say maybe a few no let’s make him feel bad plenty you say yeah more than yeah quite a lot well I shouldn’t be surprised you are quite charismatic I mean you know just comes with a job you know and if I’m honest you really do bring a wave of fresh air in the so called Community oh you going to get all edgy on me I never clicked with anyone in this town oh yeah he is going to get all edgy on me the only people I actually talk to outside of my house a Gus and Emily but it would be hard to order bear if I didn’t talk to them I really did come alone at the moment I moved here kind of being big I’m not like other guys dude wait what a couple of years ago I was quite good at playing grid ball is this going to be a whole like he was a football player and he got an injury storyline is that what it’s going to be he was like on the varsity team and he broke his leg in the big playoff when the scouts were watching it was my ticket to a scholarship please this would be so funny but you know it’s crazy what Emily I don’t even know how I got to this point where I am in my life right now a lot of things happen so quickly before I knew knew it Jess and I moved in with Mani oh so he had Jess before he moved in with Mani interesting life can take some crazy turns I guess an old friend of mine always used to say in the end everything will be okay and if it’s not okay it’s not the end you had a friend do you still talk to that friend he still friends with each other you do you still talk to that person I haven’t spoken to them in years damn we went to high school together we were both the outcasts of the school sadly I never got to tell him about my plans and that I was moving away together with JZ I do feel some regret for not visiting him to say goodbye but then again it’s not like what not like he’s dead you could just go you could just ring him up sorry I’m talking too much you are talking too much you haven’t even asked me how my day’s been well what about you Farmer Boy don’t call me that only Haley can call me Farmer Boy I talked a bit about my past now it’s your turn I only spawned into this world to make sure that you got help the help you needed to be honest with you dude you tell Shane about your time in the corporate world your grandpa’s lad and your decision to start a new life you two bonded over things you shared from your past oh that was actually really cute who was this friend what was his football career could he have made it professional why did he stop and then you made out I I don’t think that’s this kind of mod I feel like we’re being like dried small pieces of information and the full picture is like slowly revealing itself hi Shane hey Nina thanks for the hangout earlier it was really nice talking with you it was really nice talking with you too Shane and thanks for not taking me to the cliff oh [ __ ] hello hello Nino hi Mani sorry for not being in the the best modood wait what what happened I’m just a bit concerned is that a litter what is that I hope that’s a litter I don’t want to think about what of the crumbled up tissues is in Shane’s room I gave Shane a letter this morning and his reaction to it was uh quite strong to say the least wait who was it was it from the ex um friend ex-boyfriend or whatever the hell he was I tried talking to him but he he just stayed quiet do you think you could try to talk with him I mean yeah but I’m not really that I’m not really friends with him we’ve had a beard together like once I know he’s a soft spot for you make up an excuse to leave you know man I could but I kind of just came in here for a little bit of like hey and the game’s on I got feed my chickens you know fine fine I’ll go talk to him I own you one for this wait so who could the L be from if he’s that mad about it oh look at that camera work oh my God cinematic this is not fair I had the right to use it what are we talking about the Second Amendment what are you what what what what’s going on what the [ __ ] is happening did joa fire him that’s what I’m thinking too they can’t just take what’s mine Jess what what are we going what what happened this just so messed up of them knock on the door walk in knock on the door let’s just knock on the door you know let’s be polite you hate when your parents just walk in Mani I don’t want to talk to you thank God I’m not Mani Shane oh it’s you you caught me at a rough time but if you came all the way here you might as well com in what the hell happened and why is J just not moving Little Robot over there creepy why are you here why are you losing your mind what is this see that letter on the floor read it for yourself did he actually get fired from joa Shane what the hell were you thinking jining a college fund like it was some petty cash jar his parents Shane has parents I kind of thought everyone in this household had dead parents after what happened you have no right to even access it anymore we’re Beyond Furious you never had the decency to ask it’s just take take take with you here’s the deal you’re dumping J at the orphanage because she shouldn’t have to put up with your selfish nonsense and you you’re coming back to work at the insurance company what the [ __ ] I like that they’re like [ __ ] our niece she goes to the orphanage she doesn’t need a family [ __ ] Mani man doesn’t get to keep her and come back home time to grow up and fix the mess you’ve made don’t test us on this Shane we’re at the end of our rope lovely L by my parents don’t you think why do they want to give J to the orphanage that’s so [ __ ] we had a no contact agreement Soo ass Shane I’ll be your lawyer I know it was wrong to take the money but I really needed it I mean it was your fund the stress was getting to me and I just didn’t see a different way out they never supported me becoming jz’s Garden they told me I’d ruin my life by doing this they just didn’t understand how important this was to me they gave me an ultimatum either I take J and they kick me out and disown me or I give JZ to an orphanage and they support my grid ball and [Music] divs Dad they said [ __ ] the kids and I thought I was being to Jaz I was so disgusted by my parents that day I immediately contacted manty cuz she always had a soft spot for Jass and knew about everything that happened a week later I left with Jass I only left a note in the kitchen telling them to never contact me again taking the role as Jess’s Guardian is really self selfless oh my God I thought that said selfish and I was like I mean I’m not I I don’t really like crab that much but I was also like I I I how was that selfish what are you planning to do about your parents wait no I’m going to I’m going to gas this dude up a little bit he gave up his scholarship just to look after this child who hasn’t moved for like 2 hours I feel like I failed as a guardian but I’m happy she has a better life ha than than in an orphanage yeah I don’t think I think just the fact that you stopped her from going to an orphanage and being in state care means that you kind of succeeded as a guardian sorry for dumping this on you this isn’t my usual style I do feel a bit better after talking to someone about it so thanks yeah see here’s the thing Shane you do feel bit after talking to someone about it get therapy get therapy get therapy get therapy get therapy get therapy get therapy get therapy get therapy could you uh leave for now I have a lot of thinking to do oh and uh could you also tell Mani that everything is fine on the way out I’m going to tell Mani the complete opposite damn he actually just kicked us out oh okay wait wait wait wait does he talk to me afterwards whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I’m still thinking about what to do I’ll find a way to keep JZ and repay my parents wait they’re not going to get rid of JZ though right wait did they actually give him an ultimatum of pay back the money or we’re getting rid of Jaz money can they do that my nephew Shane has been staying at my place the last few months he helps me out with a chicken so I’m not complaining money did you know you’re about to lose your niece hey Jess hey sweetheart how is your morning what hi this poor innocent child doesn’t know a thing Nino you better fix this why is it on me I’m not doing this for Shane anymore I’m doing this for Jass she’s bitter off with the orphanage don’t say that JZ the little rat I may have said some things that I no longer stand by how could they take Jaz when he’s the legal guardian if they could prove negligence I mean yeah actually yeah I guess there is the whole he’s a alcoholic that might might mean that the CPS might want to have a look into it do wait why is their art so [ __ ] good they can take me into a orphanage if they want holy [ __ ] what do you think you’re doing I’m going to work dad dad it’s Daddy’s daddy as if you would be able to pick up a job on your own Shane’s dad doesn’t even have a name quit the excuses I gave all this way to talk you’re not running away again you just know jod and Caroline like this is good morning drama I feel like I’ve been very clear that I don’t want to talk to you or Mom ever again how come you’ll just take our money then huh just because we saved it up for you doesn’t mean that you can take it after you abandon us abandon you say this is great drama I’m [ __ ] where’s the popcorn I’m I’m eating at the moment dude like you wanted me to abandon Jazz damn true wasn’t I right the taking over the responsibility for a child would Spire your life out of control I mean look at you walking around like a bum damn I mean you’re not wrong bro you just get another hoodie or something Jess only wanted to stay with me specifically and I want her to be happy I want to be there for her and I don’t want to end up all bit like you oh yeah you look pretty bitter to me it seems like you finally found out that life is not so easy after all h damn you know what I’d be down if they like threw hands if they started like throwing hands and [ __ ] I’d be down for that you know I’m right you never had to worry about anything while living with us what did Shane come from money I should have been firm of you sooner you were a real Prodigy come to think of it there are times I was actually proud of you [ __ ] hell I need another bag of popcorn after this dude [ __ ] this guy you don’t have to tell me dude but ever since You’ defended that one boy at gridball practice you changed for the worst don’t you dare to drag him into this who is this guy is this jass’s Dad like that I feel like that’s what kind of where we’re going with that it’s going to be like jass’s Dad or something You’ never understand have you never questioned yourself why I never talked to you when I had issues you’ve always treated me like a project and not like a son you love was always conditional to me performing in one way or another think about it you know nothing personal about me cuz I never felt safe talking with you you I’m grateful little shut up dude this is the six heart event chat we still got four more after this beat his ass Shane leave I’ll send you the money back but never try to contact me ever again holy [ __ ] people around town will talk about this okay we need to go speak to Evelyn oh I never liked men in suits and that man that screamed in the center of town only enforced my feeling yeah you too right girly Shane what the hell was that dude you didn’t tell me your dad was so hot listen I know what you and half the town I’ve seen earlier was not pretty but if I’m quite honest I just don’t care anymore oh [ __ ] I said what had to be said just don’t worry about me okay thank you okay okay damn I’ll leave you alone oh my God but you kind of ate him up Shane do you know that you kind of like you kind of slay Queen Gus my friend I’m here early get the drinks pouring we got to talk about what we just saw Shane told me he had a feeling his father was going to show up he told me to trust him that he could handle the situation Gus you were going to step in and throw hands I was ready to step in if needed yeah you just know Gus would kick ass too Gus probably has like some bare knuckle fighting ability with a family background like that it’s easier to understand Shane selfish self-destructive Behavior sorry for being so blunt but as his doctor it is easier to help my patients when I know about things like that I hope he won’t skip his next appointment again you know you should really just like get him some therapy sessions or something dude I know I joke about liking the gossip around town but the situation with Shane and his father was just sad to see oh but you ate all of it up didn’t you Jody I really wanted to step in while Shane had the encounter with his father but I also felt the need to let him solve his problems on his own he’s just making [ __ ] up cuz you’re much you’re too much of a wuss to step in Gus is a real man who would actually step in and say something and do something what happened between Shane and his father really made me think being a parent is hard yeah cuz you hardly even do it I wonder why ABA girl never talks with me about any of her interests maybe because she only talks to her real dad I know Shane doesn’t talk to me much but today was especially bad you do not care about Shane whatsoever Jess has been struggling to concentrate I hope everything is okay at manise PNY she is this close to being taken away by the government Uncle Shane is super different today I don’t understand why poor child listen Jess I’m sorry for calling you a rat earlier I didn’t mean it I know you’re like not my favorite compared to Vince but I TR I didn’t mean it I swear Jaz Superior that poor little rat Shane what this must be a seven heart event I didn’t think it would happened straight away I need to do this don’t do it you can talk to people about this oh he’s getting on the bus I see Shane has left the town for today he will return tomorrow wait he’s just gone Nino I found this recipe in a magazine I thought it sounded interesting feel free to give me a taste if you make it he he oh he’s hit us with another he he for a strange bun Shane left really early this morning and told me he wouldn’t be back until tomorrow quite concerning don’t you think maybe like ask him where he’s going Shane’s gone a lot and Aunt man is busy all the time so I have him fin my own games I’m thankful for all my toys maybe I shouldn’t be mean to Jazz anymore I always say she’s the one that annoys me the most but now I just feel bad maybe he went to visit his old uh high school friend who I’m going to guess the old high school friend Jess’s dad that’s going to be my guess Shane you’re back have you been looking for me to be honest with you I just want the gossip so I can share it with Gus well you found me sorry for not telling you that I was leaving town for a day are you just going to stand there or do you want to join me he kind of seems happy feel like I’ve been a Clos book for long enough Nino you know how every person carries their demons M are telling me to push you on the pond right now was that bad I always felt like we as people can’t really do anything about them but lately I’ve been thinking maybe it’s not too late to change things seeing my dad seeing how cynical and bitter he is made me realize that I’m turning into the man that I never wanted to see again I left town to visit my best friend’s grave damn oh the best friend’s dead do you still talk to him yeah so you still talk you still keep up with him every so often yesterday was the first time I visited him I never went before and I didn’t know where it was or who to ask about it I spent a long time searching for it but once I found it I spent even longer talking with him I tell him how proud of the father he would be of JZ and about all her interest oh my God bro it is jaz’s father so he dead adopt JZ from his dead best friend yay about the name she came up for for my cows her jump rope record of 73 her favorite doll her he would have been such a great father to JZ maybe don’t send her to the orphanage the one she needs he died in a car accident when Jess was young the prick that caused the accident was drunk driving oh my God it wasn’t a blonde woman driving the bus was it no survivors I was babysitting Jaz when it happened looking back the news threw me into a deep black hole but I had to be there for jazz I never took the time to process what happened because I had to take action yeah or else the SE PS would have taken action I promised Jas to always be there for her when she realized that her dad was not coming back everything happened so quickly after the accident but the world of my head just stopped moving forward all this drinking let’s face it it’s just me trying to disassociate you know what I know it everyone can see it I should have visited the grave sooner listen Nino I know this might sound a bit dramatic but thanks for existing thanks for equally respecting my need for distance and still providing a presence in my life I bet it’s not easy it’s not easy Shane and that’s why thanks to our sponsor of this video B help you can get this therapy I’m sorry I don’t even B of help is bad don’t use B of help go to a real therapist you should be really proud of yourself Shane thanks I’m trying to be proud but I still have a lot of work ahead of me thanks for stopping by damn bro holy [ __ ] oh wow uh probably good we stopped giving him those beers though right have you tried the new joa bubble Rito I ate two in one sitting yesterday this was that was a mistake what what happened to the whole dead best friend grave adopting drunk driver okay guess he’s got further priorities than that I kind of don’t have anything to say after that that was pretty full on it seems like you’re starting to get close with some of the town’s people if you want to show that someone that you’re romantically interested got to give them one of my few beautiful flower bouqu case I feel like this hasn’t been very romantic this is like what I feel with Shane in the Bas game is it’s never really like a romantic interest that Springs it’s more like a platonic relationship where you kind of help him out and it’s still kind of feels like that like I don’t want to I don’t I don’t want to marry him I just want to be there to support him but I guess we have to date him because there’s two more heart events that we need we can’t go back now what the man Nino I was about to get you what what what what is happening what is what did Shane do something would you please come to the clinic with me it’s about Shane did Pam get behind the wheel again Shane was in the worst state I’ve ever seen him in he’s more than lucky that someone found him in his unresponsive State wait what happened what happened between the last what the [ __ ] we were just having a great man andman conversation and now he’s got alcohol poisoning oh God it was the joa burrito wasn’t it he suffered from severe alcohol poisoning I know his body has gotten used to the excessive alcohol consumption over time which concerns me even more about the amount amount of alcohol he had to have been drinking to get to the state I’ve been monitoring his State very closely overnight and provided him with the necessary IV fluids to prevent dehydration blood pressure and heart rate normalized over time you could wake up any minute feel free to stay here or come back later me after one crunch rap Supreme if you have any questions or need my assistance you can find me in my office jav’s like well you guys are here you can be the doctors now I’m not even qualified oh Shane what have you gotten yourself into probably The Liquor Cabinet man Nino I know you have a lot to do but could you please stay here with Shane until I come back I need to go back home and check on Jaz she’s just trying to get out of here you could just call up Penny to go look at she’s just like I don’t want to handle this mess thank you Nino I’ll be right back after a short while Shane wakes up oh he’s he’s back on his feet too he’s actually ready to go Shane’s like all right time to hit the saloon I really don’t want you to see me like this please hit me out what the [ __ ] happened Shane what happened to between the our conversation and this the past few days I was trying to replace beer with Cola but last night it was if I couldn’t control myself the craving took over oh he he relapsed I’ve been really trying but maybe I’m more dependent on the alcohol than assumed I hate the fact that I failed I can’t give up I need to bit myself Shane you need to seek help you can’t do this on your own Shane you need to let the people around you know that can Port you along the way you need to you need to go to therapy dude please it’s hard to change my ways but I know that you’re right please I’m begging you D just go to therapy me ending up in the clinic proves that I’m unable to fight this battle myself yes the last and all checkup I did with Dr Harvey he told me that I need to cut back down on my beer consumption and to seek support from the people around me felt like I didn’t didn’t have anybody around me the amount of concern and compassion people showed me after the incident with my dad showed me otherwise there’s no reason for me to try and hide the fact that I have a problem especially when I’m actively trying to combat it hey Nino would you be willing to be by my side while I tell some people don’t just dump this on like jod go to a therapist maybe Gus isn’t such a good friend if Gus needs to oh wait speaking of Gus I was just going to say Gus needs to not serve him at the saloon Emily too you know a Shane I’m always here for your buddy oh I love Gus hate a man with a smile and a mustache like that literally the best character in the game thanks for letting me know I’ll do my best to support you on the way Shane I’m so happy you told me I was worried sick about you lately you got this I believe in you Shane Emily’s like Shane I have this remedy for you if you want to replace alcohol and involves gasoline and some leaves I found on the floor outside and that’s why I’m telling you all this oh my god seriously if there’s one person who’s not going to care it’s man because I know I can’t do this on my own Shane I wait so long you to finally start talking openly again don’t worry Shane I’ll be here to support you thanks man Jess is listening in on this entire thing Uncle Shane oh God here we go all right get the tissues out chat Jess hi little one I’ve missed you so much you [Music] know Shane is on a better path now I’m sobbing I’m crying damn dude we actually kind of fixed him but no no we’ve started to fix him he’s on the Redemption path thank you Nino no thank you our friendship means a lot to me I’m about to make things really awkward for you then cuz I got to I weirdly have to date you after all this you want to get more serious I feel the same way I don’t I wasn’t really expecting this after all I’ve put you through yeah I didn’t know how I ended up here either how’s rehab sinder Farm doing you know what man I actually think it’s working y you’re walking to my farm again hey Nino hi I was planning on visiting the grave again today is that what we’re doing am I going to have to go visit the grave with him how would you feel about joining me today okay yeah let’s do it let’s go then yeah let’s do this wa wait this is kind of sick thanks for coming with me it means a lot is this going to be like spoilers for amori is this going to be like when you go and have a picnic at mari’s grave in amori after like towards the end of the game I used to avoid this place but now it feels so different in getting to share this with you now um yeah see now who’s the awkward one who’s just staring huh what I’m trying to say is it just feels right you know oh I don’t like that I’m not a fan of the portrait where he gives me the ooly eyes it says he he portrait I don’t understand but that’s okay it’s me 90% of my life no thanks for sharing such an intimate place with me of course we are a couple now I need to learn to be vulnerable with you for us to work out just don’t cry in front of me I’ll get the EG I really want us to work out let’s keep going the spot is right around the corner oh look at us walking together look at us having a cute romantic graveyard day isn’t that sweet here we are where is it oh I see it was more it was the one oh I see I’m not even [ __ ] kidding you I invited I actually invited a goth girl on a cemetery date and she agreed to it and then she told me she played OverWatch and I was like oh that’s so sick and then she was like have you played and I was like no I don’t and then she ghosted me cuz I don’t play OverWatch this is this is a real story this is I’m not kidding you this is a real story I know I get comfort from being here but it’s still sad to think about him not being around anymore you would have loved hanging out with him he was very compassionate and always tried to make people feel heard and noticed he was the first person who showed me that friendship can be something more than just a superficial connection between two people I probably would have really fumbled the bag with you if it wasn’t for him he’s like he taught me how to have game well I didn’t do particular well anyways but he did PVE the way a bit get it pave P pavement Road pavement he’s Road pavement yeah okay anyways but he did pave the way a bit and I’m glad we’re here together now you know I’ve been thinking don’t think too hard it’ll hurt the day we met yeah when you told me to go [ __ ] myself the day you entered my life we were total strangers but now you’re so important to me even though we haven’t known each other for very long I sometimes feel like we have already known each other for a lifetime are we about to kiss us connecting brought a whole new sense of hope to my life all these closed doors felt so much easier to open all of a sudden thank you you spent spend some quality time with Shane before heading back home that was actually really cute speaking of cute hi Lois no Kissy Kissy no you have to save the Kissy Kissy for the final cut scene I think I might be the luckiest guy in the world god daughter who you can just send to the CPS if you no longer want her and a boyfriend am I going to be jass’s stepf father or step Godfather is that a thing can that is that connection a thing you know what I think that’d be pretty cool actually Dove Jaz you guys are more evil than I am holy [ __ ] now weirdly the final cut scene that we have today is in the star drop are they going to be celebrating maybe it’d be nice if they’re celebrating like you know one year of sobriety or something for him oh [ __ ] the whole town is here Shane what’s the Big Fuzz all about can’t just start already yeah I’m trying to have a few drinks and then hit the road later Pam I already said that i’ would like to wait until Nino shows up yeah shut the [ __ ] up Pam can you shut up and have your beard there they are hell yeah gender neutral pronouns Gus I need know I was was hoping you would come into the saloon today please join me I have something to share with everyone you’re pregnant no wait I hope not with all the drinking you took a good look at Shane he looks visibly nervous but determined don’t propose to me in front of everyone that would be really awkward here goes nothing thanks everyone for being here what I don’t know what this could actually be I know it’s not like me to hold the floor but there’s something important I’ve been working on and I want to share it with all of you especially with you Nino we all know I’ve had my well my struggles I don’t know why Pam is being so pissy over the past few years I’ve been on a different Journey a journey to get my life back on track the alcohol has been my worst enemy and my false friend but lately I’ve been seeing things a bit clearer thanks to a lot of support from many of you n know you’ve been a huge part of why I started turning things around your kindness your patience it’s all made the difference that’s why today I want to say thank you oh thank God oh thank God he’s not proposing you’ve seen me at my worst and yet you never turned away not once that means more to me than I can say and with your support slowly started to see the world different I found Hope and strength I never knew I had Nino I would like you to have this don’t be a mermaid pendant don’t be a mermaid pendant don’t be a mermaid pendant oh thank [ __ ] oh my God my heart skipped a beat there for a second okay okay I’ll take a grid ball I I’ll take a grid ball this old grid ball is very special to me it’s signed by my best friend and it’s been with me through a lot I’m giving it to you because I trust you more than anyone because well because I love you there I said it Shane this is nice and all I don’t know if this needed an audience you know what I mean oh wait I actually did get Shane’s old grid ball yo I got Shane’s ball nice oh we’re kissing oh go sorry just we’re kissing that’s that’s that’s cute g go long oh wait no I just sat down that was a really cute final cut scene wait hang on I got an idea looks like a good day to play catch huh yeah go long I’m not Alex go long and you thought you could go professional bro come on I think we fixed Shane there you go ladies he’s all fixed and he’s all you yours I know we’ve already been through a lot but I hope this is only the beginning for our journey he just needed to tell us about his dead best friend and his abusive uh D of a father and his his mother who wasn’t around and his failed dreams of becoming a football player but we fixed him God if only there was a woman who could fix me hey pen [Music]

I found a Stardew Valley Mod that goes through and fixes Shane. This mod adds 10 new heart events to Shane and expands on his character, background and storyline to make it bigger and better!

I Film Everything on Twitch! ❤︎



Edit by: ahvahh


  1. After the penny mod that gave her an actual character arc i didnt think any mod could improve a character more. I have a love hate relationship with shane because i can understand the struggle of addiction but he also didn't have the best arc imo

  2. I feel like all the NPCs could benefit from deeper stories like this. The reason I love base game Shane to begin with is because his story is so much more real (and frankly more adult) compared to the other bachelors/bachelorettes. Alex’s is a close second, but I feel like his heavily relies on the MC being a male to really enjoy it properly

  3. You lucky you can play Stardew mods but even in this mod it still feels like a platonic relationship no love in it. Not only that there's story gaps in this as well for example did Shane ever pay his parents back. I don't know it just feels the relationship with any Shane mod is the farmer being a therapist and that gives me the Ick. If I knew how to mod I'd make one but I don't so oof plus I can't play mods either. All I'm saying is Stardew needs better character storylines because they stink…. That's why I have krobus as a roommate

  4. I definitely view Shane as platonic
    Something about the way the farmer and him talk
    Like I wanna be there and support him as a friend
    Play pool in the saloon together on friday nights
    Some pizza and some pepper poppers
    Watching the game together if you marry alex and give him the gold for the little game watching area
    Late night talks on the dock
    Maybe even breeding our chickens together

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