Terraria with upgradable weapons is wild…

pack punch the very unique way we’ve been upgrading our Terraria weapons for our current playthrough which if you didn’t know enhances things like damage fire rates and most significantly Mana cost now with his previously continuing our prehard for Jett by defeating Skeletron getting our most OP weapon upgrades yet and finally defeating the Wall of Flesh we had exciting times ahead of us with many hard mode upgrades suddenly on the cards and so without further ado let’s dive straight back into it guys nearly less than 14k to go oo continuing from last time we of course had our war spoils to in John which if I’m honest couldn’t have been less what we were logging for this didn’t really matter though as for what I had planned our overclocked prehard mode weapons would probably be more than strong enough already as after looking for our upgradable weapon list of Wonders ooh divine judgement I was certain that something like an upgraded Sky fracture would give us the Firepower we need hopefully for a very long time so let’s get the ball rolling I guess I think we go get the sky Fran chaps as although the sky franer would be relatively easy to make we still had generic early hard mode festivities to crack on with first which after destroying our crims and other altars nicely gave us the best possible hard mode or combo titanium look at that guys so nice to see man so I suppose it was time to get down there and start working towards at the very least full titanium armor before we fought our next boss which while doing so did truly show me just how insane our prehar upgrades actually were as I was having absolutely no trouble taking out tanky hard mode enemies with our necro Vision but however it was obvious that this wouldn’t be viable forever oh yeah we need this we need this upgrade and although getting the ingredients for our previously planned Sky fract would be simple is getting the now increased platinum coin required for the upgrade would be more of a concern as we were kind of poor how much we got in here none we’ve lit we’ve got 38 gold so it was about time we built ourself a nice little layer Farm oh yeah my favorite and yet you may deem this slightly unnecessary but when you think about how many upgrades we might go through this playthrough having a steady source of income at this point would be crucial and so with steady construction now in the way oh it’s a underground hallowed thingy oh and we got that hand back on the first kill weirdly in between an underground ice pallo H all we needed were a few mimics from this farm for our financial situation to be rejuvenated oh and yeah to say this was a bodge job would be an understatement as well this was the most function of look Farm I think I’ve ever built all right Farm it’s so ugly what is that anyway after finally getting our wizard appointed to our Council housing which was desperately needed at this point the money started to properly roll in 47 gold flipping hell and gave us pent to to pay for our next weapon upgrade ah well did assuming we actually get our money back which funny enough was only our second concern at this point is in case you missed it a cheeky Mech worm decided to create some vibrations from deep below ew and just like that genuinely gave me a shock to see once I was back on the surface well yeah when did that happen I missed that message completely let’s just say we weren’t going to be winning this one but don’t you worry because soon it would be a completely different story as I had some seriously exciting plans after we obtained the sky fraer which Speaking of we were very close to obtaining all we had to do was create a h desert cuz our well didn’t have any sadly to farm ourselves some light shards which for normal people wouldn’t usually take too long but in typical Socrates luck we had to casually remove two entire meteorites which decided to land in our only large desert dude what is the chances of that anyway anyway once getting that sorted it really wasn’t long before we had two light shards in hand yes and we’ve plenty of sours of light already obtained from our farm just like that the sky fracture was enh handed and immediately upgraded into the socalled Divine judgment sweet but guess what although we had just sacrificed a load of time to get this thing I didn’t actually plan to defeat any me bosses with it but in fact it was going to use it to help us obtain a particular amount for a particular reason before that though Mobility was to garbage so let’s quickly head to space and farm some W and harpies which still told his day our preh hard Moon hell’s lawn was still packing a punch wait is that another pun again okay okay if you hadn’t guessed by now Queen slime would be our next boss kill which after waiting a decade for more Hollow to spread seriously I spent half a set waiting for literal grass to grow it was time to begin the fight which yeah I mean normally the regular Sky fracture is a fantastic weapon choice for this large flying boss so give it more damage attack crate and a Tong less Mana cost and you’ve got yourself a winning weapon which really filled my hopes up for the next boss we’ be defeating with this thing because we have Queen slime now down sweet man that was probably genuinely the best Queen slime fight i’ I’ve had and luckily the mount we were just looking for in hand it’s about time I spilt the beans and what we were going to do basically I was feeling extra spicy today and fancy premu defeat [Music] oh yeah so after quickly getting a truffle worm in hand I got to work on a big old arena which would be a key aspect of what will make this fight bearable because let me tell you even with a better than vanilla upgraded weapon this was not going to be an easy feat as Mobility was everything here luckily though that was precisely why we went out our way to get the queen slime out as not only did this thing of the vertical speed to dodge Juke but also F at some accessory slots what the hell did I do which I could replace with more Mage damage good stuff so let’s wait a minute so what I will do cuz I can’t see a knacking thing okay now I can actually see a damn thing let’s give this our first attempt and really get a feel of what our divine judgment can do starting off I have to say things were just fantastic because as someone who’s used the sky fracture frequently it was utterly Divine to be able to fire it so long before losing any damage and that’s not even mentioning the fact most of its stats were both from a base anyway and well as you can see the true outcome of this fight relied on my ability to dodge and not really the weapon in hand and with all things seemingly going well so far I was optimistic we’d get this premme jke kill no problem but then I remembered something I was a garbage at juke’s final stage and even though I had remembered to equip a shield of kabulu still with requiry level of skill I most definitely lacking and well yeah no close call but not quite on the first attempt so I mean let’s just skip right ahead to when I did finally gain the competence to survive this final attack you know this one’s been better than the last one already like this has just been flipping chill as let’s be honest the majority of this fight is pretty chill with his setup oh ah and there we have it folks I think my first Prem dukee kill this year maybe so the question now is what would be carryings up to plara and Beyond honestly I take anything with the bloody stuff yes honestly could not have asked for anything better here oh yeah oh y and you one of the best part with the amount of grinding and boss killing we’ve just done we had plenty of stashed cash to get the upgrade immediately so I mean before even properly testing the regular boring razor blade tyon ew let’s bang that thing in the Pack-a-Punch machine and turn it up to 11 which hysterically seems to be turned up even past 11 with this weapon in particular like what the actual hell is that damage buff and come on from 16 Mana a shot to a measly six six Mana so I think it’s safe to say we would be pretty cozy for a long time with this thing so let’s pack and have some fun starting off with our criminally overdue Mega bosses who seriously would not be prepared for what was about to get him oh no because with the poor old Destroyer summoned he was going to be dead long before I could even regret not buffing up or expanding my Arena it simply just didn’t matter thanks that his Godlike weapon so I guess why stop now because our razor blade hurricane was hungry for some eyes in particular the twins which one effective as against the Destroyer was still melted in about 30 seconds where’s my flipping jell te thing on okay but I mean come on who’s really surprised here oh no Skeletron Prime there in a regular playthrough this already breaks progression so to be able to do this with a 25% damage buff version was just Blissful and speaking of blissful it was time to take down the entire Tria with prime funly enough posing the biggest threat out the free so far not to worry though as like many other victims today although I may have completely deserted any defensive stats and capabilities that didn’t matter at all because as you know the best defense is dealing with a threat long before it can even become an issue which by the looks of things here had worked an absolute charm so I guess we’re at quite a strange place now which in many ways mirrors our money equals power playthrough with a blitz Creek of jungle bosses just around the corner however I have thought of a little side objective in respect to some old zombies challenges yes why don’t we just upgrade every weapon in the game before moonl see you in the end game folks so the next part get damp socks

➤ PART 1: https://youtu.be/B8c9jrVrbG4?si=nyfzYAIGzaC9b0n1
➤ PART 2: https://youtu.be/qPtGy8EZj7E?si=_RE9s6r2Bh2Gu5cz

Terraria with upgradable weapons is wild… Today we once again continue our latest Terraria playthrough, in were we can ‘upgrade’ our weapons throughout the game thanks to the Pack a Punch mod! And yes, you heard me, Pack a Punch is now in Terraria! Which with us entering Hardmode last ep, has a LOT in store for us, with our main goal today been overcoming the difficulties of early game, and hopefully upgrading a weapon to help us get there… Enjoy!

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0:00 Intro
0:32 Early HM Stuffs
2:14 Ayy, Layer Farm Time!
3:26 Worm Surprise!
4:36 New Weapon Upgrade
5:18 First Boss
6:45 Second Boss
8:31 Mech Sweep!

Disclaimer: Rarely some cheats are used to capture certain footage for entertainment purposes 😉

Thanks for watching, and please Subscribe and Like if you enjoyed 🙂

#terraria #terrariamobile


  1. Engaging in this discourse is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally fulfilling, reaffirming my belief in the strength and resilience of women everywhere.👄

  2. I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect with and be inspired by the incredible women in this community. It's a privilege to learn and grow together.🍭

  3. i absolutely love your content and i think you should make these mod playthroughs more but i have a one small favor to ask. please make them longer ( 40 min to 1 and a half hour) and 1 vid only.

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