Minecraft but I can’t go above ground

hey there friend uh oh uh 1 second you know the way Minecraft allows you explore a giant procedurally generated open world well I don’t want it time to dig myself into a hole and never come out again yeah this is my best idea ever this is such a good video already and my house is done W that’s a Minecraft speedrun right there no but for real we’re going to have to find some trees like I need wood really bad and uh I don’t think I can get any underground so I think I’m just going to have to keep digging until I find a tree somewhere oh grass you know what that means all I got to do is follow this little green border and I’ll eventually hit gold well actually no gold is common underground I’ll hit tree I found one nearly got burned by the Light like a vampire or something it explains my skin tone okay bad news I can’t reach the rest of the tree so I I was hoping all the saplings would fall down but I that’s not going to happen now awesome now there are three tools underground the axxe the pickaxe and me wait I see a sapling I see a sapling it’s becoming night time and I see a sapling I’m not coming out there the real world is scary I want to stay in my room just like in real life okay I’ll do the old one chunk trick oh God damn it no come back why are you doing this aha you can’t stay underground just bring the underground to you there done I say done but then I look around and I’m just in a dirt hole with no light food or anything supplies oh God I didn’t really even think about food there I’ve created like this little hole oh my God I feel like a little paranoid hermit and yeah that might sound like I’m some weird little hermit but this weird little hermit has got wood okay no that sounds even worse I’ve made the advancement Stone Age it’s very fitting since I really feel like a caveman and look coal oh my God that’s extremely lucky I don’t even have to use my logs for charcoal and God said let there be light I’m God in this scenario by the way call me God oh I hear the sound of my enemies basically my enemies are just people who occupy the underground I think it should all be for me only a few minutes in and I’ve claimed I’m God and I own all of the underground like I’m some King of the mole people or something I found more coal as well I was so happy when I found the coal a while ago uh but then I realized coal is not a renewable resource and I only had eight ah light oh that was close oh wait yeah Green border green border got to remember that one thing I just remembered is I’m not going to be able to make a bed am I oh well I guess more people don’t need to sleep really there we go that’s more like it I have tons of coal now these lights will help me build a synthetic Sun much like I’ve done behind me for this video I’m going to get a tan I’m going to look so cool Okay the reason I started coming back up here and digging again is because I want to grow a carpet while I’m underground and this little thing is for getting mobs cuz I guess I need their drops so all going across according to plan they should be able to walk in here and I can just tickle their feet until they die and it’s not wide enough for spiders I’ve thought of everything he said secretly worry that I’ve forgotten something drastically important this is my most prized possession and I need to now focus on getting some sort of renewable resource for both wood and coal now that I think about it i’ get charcoal from that so let’s go try to make a room big enough for a tree to grow in luckily I think the land slopes so that’s like the roof there but this is under a bit of a hill so I might just be able to do it all right it might not be structurally sound but I think my little underground Garden is done and to be fair I don’t think mole people really understand engineering um also most people don’t understand gravity cuz they’ve never been above ground so it’s low accurate hello would anyone like to try and come eat me oh wait I can see a little bit of the sky there between those trees maybe it’s not fully nighttime I I can’t tell cuz it’s all just so wait that looks like nighttime though all right maybe this isn’t working okay the planting begins handle this with care it’s my most prized possession come on grow oh fine I’ll go find one of those bony pale things you know you can find them underground sometimes um not me skeletons that’s it I think they need light actually so let me put those down and then I’ll go find a skeleton such a dirty house when luckily I’m used to it you should see what’s off camera it’s a mess in fact all right let the adventure begin and it’s over now I just need to start digging down oh my Lord why are you guys living this far underground you weirdos looking back up to make sure no one’s saying it to me oh oh that was a drop of water oh that’s interesting okay that could both be a way to get down but also like a source of water would be amazing a damn damn it that is some drop all right I’m going to leave before I fall in there oh God I was going to make a stone axe cuz I have so much Stone but it’s wood I need to worry about it’s such an unusual way of playing oh no I I needed that oh why did I do that I’m just trying to find the water it’s dripping through here somewhere is that is that a no that’s not a tree those are just blocks okay I can’t find that water maybe I was just spitting or something cuz I cannot find the source of that dripping but that raises the question of how am I going to get down the impulse of side of me wants to ride one of those 50/50 here as Delight tights down into the other side of the cave but then how will I get up as I’m walking upstairs I just thought of something if there’s water near me which I think there is I wonder if I could just dig out and and like find an ocean I hope this is the rational part of me talking and not the impulsive side of me I’m not quite sure if this is a good idea or not okay you know what bad idea it was the impulsive side of me I’ve gone far enough it was like eight blocks oh visitors surface dwellers time to kill one of them is slimy is that a slime that how could that be a slime actually I’m not sure maybe that zombie just is Sticky Shoes yeah all right well that’s disappointing Sticky Shoes is nowhere near as exciting no come back I can’t follow you if you try and run I made a decision I decided that I mixed up my voices earlier the first one was the rational voice the second was the impulsive voice so I am going going to ride those stag mites down there we go now I’m right at least once little test run yeah I couldn’t see anything but it sounded safe what the oh oh that was my impulsive tunnel I was like how is there a torch there already so it turns out both voices were drawing me to the same thing risking my life but not to worry our ancestors used to ride these bad boys for Miles I’m going to put away some my torches actually not that I’m afraid or anything I just they’re heavy wait I just swapped to this block like what’s this it’s a dripstone block the thing tricked me that’s one small step for man here we go oh [Music] no that is the best outcome that could have happened there that is better than making it down safely I think oh man see I proved gravity doesn’t exist the mo people were right I can’t believe Isaac Newton was wrong about gravity mole people one Isaac Newton zero oh there’s my St St all right I really want my pick it’s my prized possession it’s actually very valuable it’s a Picasso I guess I only have to technically get over a body of water and then I can drop in I just don’t see any too well wait hold on no I I lived when I fell down it was the Stag kite that killed me there we go everything’s fine oh God everything’s not fine everything’s not fine I’m scared my instincts kicked in and I immediately trapped myself underground oh unfortunately my survival instincts while there not good you know what my philosophy is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting something to change huh didn’t work who have think it aha I found a diving board I guess anyway I’m going in oh slightly off there but that’s okay I managed to twist it oh and now I’ve bopped it oh and now I fcked it the rational part of my brain finally took over and I just dogle little stairs around but um it pains me to say this to you especially to uh art and afficianados out there but uh the Picasso is lost checking in on the AFK camera and that tree is not growing that only leaves me with one choice I declare war on the people living underneath me just like when I lived in an apartment and my downstairs neighbors were noisy and I’m also going to use the same solution of running around naked placing torches in order to scare off my enemies uh-oh uh-oh my enemies don’t like me naked or or it might be you know unrelated I don’t know was that correcting the first statement that came to my mind or if it’s just like self-defense for my self-esteem all right that actually went surprisingly well I only got minorly blown up oh I was impaled on a stalagmite all right we learned today if I’m taking over there land then I need to do one more step to get the ball moving now I have dirty stairs but actually it’s so that the grass will travel down luckily the one thing I’m not short on is dirt this pains me because I’m already living in a small hole but I’m getting rid of this extension mostly cuz I can’t afford the lighting like not that there’s electricity but I can’t make many torches here ah sunlight oh that was close I almost got a tan oh my godet luckily now that I’ve brightened up this area I can get some more coal and things are starting to look a little brighter like in both senses ah a skeleton yes perfect oh wait he still like might be an idiot he’s stuck bones yes the search for bones is complete give me your bones all right I got more more bones great I just realized now I’m a hermit who lives underground and is obsessed with bones okay this is my tree growing spot it looks like some weird temple in a way it is I guess I’ll be worshiping that sapling really need some iron too there’s got to be some here but I can’t see anything I just love a bucket is all I was going to make a new pick so that I could get up easier but I don’t have any wood to make a workbench wait is this iron oh it is okay oh wait I don’t have a pick never mind I was like all right it’s not all bad but no in fact it is wait do I even have sticks to make another pickaxe oh I may have made a big error wait there there’s iron literally right next to my stairs there’s just all right you know what no I’ll cut that they they don’t need surely you could make two sticks out of planks come on man come on okay in that case I hope this works come on no come on come on no I’m going to take it downstairs I’m a little bit afraid that I don’t meet the conditions here here damn it that didn’t work either I built you a temple and you won’t even grow for me okay there’s a tree there so I need to go down and then across 1 2 three and then up this is the most annoying thing ever the only Solace is I can hear a zombie burning to my right thank goodness for sounds of your enemies dying to chill SL relax to oh it’s raining I’m just leaving the rain into my house well I’m using the term house pretty liberally there I’m leaving the rain into my hole my home that’s better I made this hole into a home uh all right that would be great for my farm that I’m building but I don’t have any seeds I don’t think I can get them either cuz I need to harvest the grass don’t I okay I think I have a solution for this it involves coming back down here so I really hope this solution doesn’t involve me dying wait are you are you for real like I’m happy you grw don’t get me wrong it’s just I feel like you’re trying to piss me off at this point on the bright side that iron leads straight down to an easier route to my basement is this my basement now now we’re talking all we need is some saplings to fall and this could solve our wood issue 1 hour later since I said I just needed saplings I’ve been kind of staring at it and it’s not giving me any saplings it’s continuing to troll me you’re me come on man TR to sticks at me and expects me to be happy you are my god oh okay it it gave it to me all right it’s just trolling all right just a bit of emotional manipulation I can handle that now that I’ve kind of set up a little area here for myself I’m thinking maybe I was going insane cuz I was too close to the surface I should go deeper underground like why would I even go back up there I I got to go get my stuff and then I got to come down here and I’ll never return to there yeah that doesn’t sound unhinged at all that was perfectly reasonable all right let’s go okay there’s all my stuff I can fit all of my belongings in my pockets I’m making a little entrance here I’ve come back up to the surface well not the surface surface surface I’d never dare do that but I’m going to turn this into a monster spawning room even though you could say my entire living area is a monster spner there we go given Back To Nature so I can kill it my grass is slowly making its way down much like myself another tree oh you’re much more well behaved than your mother oh God underground Madness is getting to me I forgot how to make an axe try to make it out of planks oh and you’re giving me so many more children that’s exactly what I love to see see taking over hostile territory was the best thing I ever could have done like I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner it’s usually what first comes to me it’s usually plan a you know look at my house or like as close as can resemble a house given my situation make it nice and clean and uh oh how am I going to get a bed I guess I’ll need to kill spiders I’ll have a Spider-Man bed in the darkest possible way I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m running out of dirt used to be like my only possession it’s finally time begin operation get bones and string and I I’m not actually done my house or anything I I do need to add doors and such but uh I’m starving to death so that’s why it’s finally time oh my God there’s loads of bats down here wait a second am I Batman that’s oh jeez okay no I’m not Batman oh God he’s stuck how relatable oh yeah I can’t run because I’m starving to death all right that hurt I tried to jump you know never mind ow oh my God I’m My Own Worst Enemy oh wait no there’s my worst enemy he’s very similar though given the you know bony pale aspects as previously mentioned ah this is what I forgot I knew I was forgetting something I still know I’m forgetting something else that usually happens like I’m forgetting multiple things right now but this one was important God where is he all right come up here what an idiot he stood on a stag Mite trying to rebound them at him is this smart I don’t know if this is smart or stupid okay wait a moment what about this you can’t Dodge this it’s going to fall right on top of you no he somehow is dodging it okay okay then this feels more personal anyway what okay I was making a self-deprecating joke when I said it earlier but now that’s just embarrassing I don’t know why I took so much valuable stuff with me to go in such a dangerous place I think I was just in [Music] denial maybe I’m in denial again I don’t know oh God how do I get out of this oh God it’s insane that my backyard is like an absolute Wasteland the only thing that was keeping me alive all this time was this barrier stag my I’m coming back closer to the surface but just for one reason that’s right I want grass it’s the only thing I miss from the Overworld give me seeds yes seeds more yes okay I’m starting to believe I’m some sort of farming foraging genius we already have a natural source of water here so rather than wasting my iron on a bucket I’m just going to make a little farm here actually have a really cool little area here there’s even more water above it I made the achievement a seedy place I think I made that achievement a as soon as I came underground some extra finishing touches here and then father time is going to take over like I didn’t mean the time working like it also works I just mean like I got to go spend time with my father I got to see see what he’s [Music] doing what great father time this time I’m talking about the you know the the time thing it helps brighten this place up a lot I’m Brey bre to be shot for making that joke and for saying that out loud oh I have a visitor oh oh God I was just heading out too I’m not Brey I’m not as Freddy as I thought I was no you know what anytime I kidnap one of you and try and heal you it never works out you always abandon me somehow and I don’t even know why I’m trying to save you considering if I find you in human form I usually just want to kill you I just want to kill humans in general I keep jumping on those stmes you think I fear you guys anymore look at this I’m going to eat the flesh of one of your family members and then I’m going to kill you I’m definitely not Batman I’m claiming this part of the cave now there’s nothing you can do to stop me except kill me please please don’t do that oh God they’re not listening what the hell is this wait hold on I’m in danger I forgot oh this is beautiful I can’t think of a better reason to destroy a beautiful naturally occurring resource than making my house look pretty oh it even makes a beautiful scream of pain as I pick it up beautiful away oh God as I’m digging up the rest of this I’m realizing I’m becoming the villain I’m becoming one of those Overworld dwellers who comes down and takes all the mole people’s stuff I think there’s just something about believing the people who are literally beneath you are beneath you yeah guess I deserve that I really like these stag mites as much as they have hurt me in the past well actually I’d argue that it was me hurting myself but the patches were kind of annoying me and now I feel like I fixed that I can fill in some of these patches I got lots of different blocks that I stole from the stupid mole people am I a mole person I don’t know I don’t know what I am anymore so far my only note in my journal is not Batman now that I’ve been berading the mold people and I’m manicuring my trees so that they’re prettier the story is essentially I was a surface dweller I came down to bully the mole people take all their stuff and bring my way of living down underground so I could be a big fish in a small pond [Music]

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Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and simple machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode and a creative mode. There is also a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.

Kippesoep001 (https://x.com/Kippesoep001)
Fluffyrox4 (https://x.com/Fluffyrox4)
Call Me Kevin

Minecraft but I can’t go above ground
#CallMeKevin #Gaming #Minecraft


  1. I'm doing a minecraft run through right now where i'm just trying to build a Harbor town out of a small village and my own house is underground. I do not know why but every single house I make is underground.

  2. I cant believe after all this time playing the game kevin didnt realise for atleast half the video mobs can spawn underground, he had that stupid surface view part for attacking mobs when he could have just removed one torch…

  3. I really dig your base.
    I feel like bases like that have more personality than the overly complicated, methodical builds you tend to see top-tier players build.

  4. Omg is it my birthday? My husband introduced me to you and i love your stuff, but your “odd” minecraft challenge are our fav to watch together. I swear i’ve rewatched your stardew and Minecraft challenge like 5 times each.

  5. Week 3 of wondering if Kevin will ever say something about how many of his old videos have gone missing. Stardew Valley series, many RP videos, Super Seducer, House Party, Ouya, GirlsGoGames, and many more.

  6. I came up with a trick for remembering stalactites & stalagmites when I was in school. T for stalactites, they look like a “T”. M for stalagmites, they look like a “M” (the M is 2 of them).

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