Why JJ and Mikey Used CURSED LONGEST PORTAL in Minecraft Maizen!

let’s get started today we found a very strange long portal wow we want to go into it now I think some very cool Adventures await us there it’ll be fun M we better not Mikey let’s go why I don’t trust it you can wait here then I’ll go inside on my own I bet it’s full of treasure really yeah oh wait here uh H wow ah let go of me huh stop it leave me alone what Mikey are you okay Mikey just got kidnapped H I better go in there and save him Mikey huh 3 2 1 I don’t see anything dangerous in here what is this place wait what huh hey oh no it was a trap the door’s been sealed off I’m stuck I need to hurry up and save Mikey he’s probably being held at the top of the tower I need to climb up as quickly as possible it’s my job to set him free how do I get to the next floor oh there’s an opening in the ceiling that must be the way through hang on how am I supposed to reach it let me [Music] think H hold up I found a chest maybe there’s something in here that can help me milk eggs wheat sugar I might as well hold on to it why is there so much milk I have no idea how any of this is supposed to help me I don’t think drinking it will help me either I wonder what I’m supposed to do let’s see oh I’ve got it I need to use a crafting table time to bake some cakes there we go I wonder how many of these I can actually make seven perfect that should be enough to get me to the next floor if I stack these cakes in the corner I should be able to climb up these will be the different steps just a few more there we go almost done perfect taada my cake stairs are ready if I take a little nibble out of each cake then I can carve away to the next floor just like this there I made my very own cake staircase pretty impressive huh second floor here I come all right I made it I can’t believe that worked now it’s time to figure out where Mikey went h Huh wait what’s going on over there oh an iron pickaxe hm wao lava weird a witch and a cat maybe I’m supposed to mine the stone then build a bridge to one of them I’ll give it a try is that all the stone there is I hope it’s [Music] enough huh wait I’m taking poison damage which one of you poison me huh it must have been the witch there’s no way you’re getting away with that into the lava with you yes I did it I feel like I should save the cat now I’m coming kitty wa good job hang on a second you’re giving me some milk that’s exactly what I need I think I’ll drink it right now wa thanks Kitty my poison is finally clearing up looks like I’ll be getting some health back too now then huh oh are these ladders thanks again Kitty you should get out while you still can this Tower isn’t safe great it’s escaping now then I wonder what the deal is with these ladders let’s see oh another spot to climb up I’ll use the ladders to get to the next floor hopefully it’s not too late to rescue Mikey I wonder what happened to him well there’s only one way to find out whoever kidnapped him is going to pay for what they did as soon as I get to the top of this Tower these ladders are super useful I made it to the next floor all right that door there it must be the entrance it looks like trouble but the mutation device must be on the other side I’m going in charge wa what’s happening oh of course it’s a trap an impressive arot trap that was a close one I only survived because I’m a tiny little cat anyway the lesson here is to never ever let your guard down oh lava proceed with caution if I fall in it’ll all have been for nothing okay all right made it across all right time de Cline I have to hurry up the tower so I can save Mikey before anything bad happens to him I hope he’s okay I need to get to the bottom of this and find out who his kidnapper really is yes there I made it hang on what’s that no way why are there so many lasers bouncing around this hallway do I really have to go through them all that looks dangerous h Huh back off what is that some kind of monster popped up out of nowhere it’s slowing down because it’s too tall I’m not waiting around there’s no way I’m letting that freaky blue monster gets me how am I supposed to get through these lasers oh I know I’ll jump on these things on the edges wao that was a close one it almost caught me one false step and I would have been a goner I’m just glad I made it to safety moving on I need to hurry and find Mikey let’s [Music] see what’s this room oh there’s a ledge up there but other than that the room is empty there’s only a single chest in the corner 3 2 1 open there are eight water buckets some dispensers TNT Redstone Dust a button quartz blocks and a quartz slab what am I supposed to do with all of that wait H for some reason I get the feeling I’m supposed to use these items to reach the ledge up there oh of course I know what to do I’ll build my Escape mechanism from scratch that looks good perfect there all good the frame is finished now I can fill it up I’ll empty the water from these buckets into the center of the contraction last but not least I’ll fill in the corners there we go the only thing left is to fill the dispensers with TNT I’ll try to divide it equally it’s important that all the TNT is balanced the main part of my device is finished if I just connect the dispensers with redstone dust then everything should be good to go once I push the button the TNT will eject into the water and launch me to the next floor I must be getting close to the top of the tower now I hope Mikey’s okay let’s do this thing okay wo wow pH okay just a bit more parkour and the zombies can eat my dust almost up there [Music] huh an elevator looks like I can ride it to the top all right here I go wo nice woohoo woo hang on I made it up and look who’s here it’s everyone from my Village even Mikey and it seems like everyone’s unharmed huh help he saw me save us Mikey Mikey keep it down the mutant zombie hasn’t spotted me yet be quiet or he’ll notice me listen buddy I’ve gotten really strong I don’t know if I’m tough as the mutant zombie though so I’m going to try and creep up on him if I can land a sneak attack I think I just might be able to slay him I’m going to take him down and free everyone he still hasn’t seen me so here I go 3 2 1 yeah wao he went down in one hit I did it I defeated him and now I can finally free everyone come on out wow beating the mutant zombie in one strike that’s incredible huh huh what’s that it’s some kind of underground tunnel sweet come on let’s explore it yeah let’s go what’s down here wao I see something that doesn’t look good you see it no way it looks like some kind of lava obstacle course doesn’t it four blocks looks a little too far for us to jump across cross but I think we should give it a shot anyway let’s try to make it over there sure I can do it stand back JJ okay right I’m going to do it careful here I [Music] go quick jump into the water hurry hurry hurry all right okay that was close thanks for the advice JJ ouch maybe that water is there because we’re supposed to fall into the lava it must be so we can put out the the Flames all right Mikey I guess that means it’s my turn to jump who JJ too far I lost a lot of Health from stepping into the lava well now we just can’t make any more mistakes if we fall we’ll come back here to put the fire out okay I’m going to go for it you got this careful wo I’m pretty good at this you are huh did you take damage what was that keep going one more that’s what happened back there Mikey I don’t know come back here I am good luck this time thanks get in the water you can do it right now it’s my turn I’ll clear the obstacle course nice it’s all about speed careful yes how ta it’s that easy speed I’m already on fire get to the water Mikey hurry that was just bad luck one last time I can do this ouch I’m getting better at this try to keep up your speed okay there’s water here the water Mikey this time I’ll make it I’m almost there he can clear this keep going you’ve come so far I did it this time and I didn’t even fall in the lava once I still jumped in the water just in case a steel wall all that effort and we hit a dead end is it [Music] really hey swords we can use these check it out huh cool [Music] I’m going to put the helmet on awesome this sword is really powerful each swing makes a black hole I think you hit me oh never mind we can’t actually attack each other only enemies wow these swords are really nice does this mean we’re done with the dirt house hang on there’s a chest here let’s see what’s inside all right I’m opening it huh wo what is it Dynamite seriously I think we’re supposed to use it to get get past the steel wall try it ready yep what’s behind here wait do you think it could be treasure or something I hope it’s something useful W wa there’s something here look out Mikey use your sword great wao I got it go take that black hole JJ this is really really bad black hole nice it worked it’s dead what the sweet we beat it it’s all taken care of let’s keep going Mikey I think I see the treasure chest behind this door ooh can I open it sure careful not to let your guard down let’s go huh all right let’s open it oh what is it apples Mikey apples thanks here you go let’s eat wow these look delicious totally should we head back now sounds good h Huh where’s this what is this place let’s go I bet we can free them if we beat this Tower’s boss oh there are a lot of gas here be careful ready open oh wow ender pearls awesome grab them what are they for I don’t know let’s eat these golden apples for now sure throw in an ender pearl up there w wow the ender pearls can teleport you the golden apples help us not to take any damage along the way up here I’m coming like this you’re fast huh oh I fell I made it wait for me okay I’ll be right there huh what that’s interesting what yes I made it take a look down there huh what is it a lava pit is it a dead end we have no choice eat this golden apple and jump in be brave why who huh what’s going on oh I see there’s water beneath the lava wow I didn’t even lose any health hey look at this there’s a chest let’s see what’s inside oh there’s a gun a laser rifle check this out a helmet too awesome 3 2 1 how do I look now we both have one but what’s it do other than look cool I think there might be a boss coming up after this really wa gross come on Mikey shoot it with your laser rifle it’s not doing anything don’t get too close it’s doing something she back get him attack go go go keep shooting this could be bad we have to destroy it w nice these guns rock yeah they’re so strong it almost feels like cheating to use them come on let’s go open up do you see treasure in there it’s open oh oh this is level one let’s see I know what this is It’s slime parkour good job level one is slime parkour you have to use the Slime as a trampoline wo I got this who I fell off oops it’s not easy wo you’re I go nice slow and steady there wo you’re doing it just like that wow one more you got this I need to land on that big patch of slime down there then bounce up to the next platform I can do this go all right nice wao I made it I thought it would be harder up the stairs I go what’s next H keep going I can’t wait to see what’s on top wait what’s this look these doors are huge let’s open them up huh what is [Music] that I see an elevator but we’ve got a big problem it’s it’s a giant security guard take him down okay that’s it this prison is so evil nothing is going to stop us from escaping not even him yeah we’re innocent we have to feed him yes nice job it dropped a key for what I’m not too sure Mikey maybe here oh it’s a lever open wo good thinking amazing what the what’s this there’s a sign danger do not enter it’s not safe to go deeper I guess but what choice do we have there’s treasure at the bottom ignore it exactly let’s go forward into danger 3 2 1 no turning back now Bo this isn’t good look at all the enemies uh-oh watch out I’m glad we’re in mine carts so they can’t follow us you okay Mikey this is fun yeah it isn’t so bad right the enemies don’t matter I wonder how far does it go to the bottom oh huh it just ends uh it’s over I don’t know why we stopped here weird um huh huh I think we have to jump no what’s down there we’re just hanging in midair man Mikey let’s jump really yep okay 3 2 1 go look there’s slime down there W oh man W okay what now thank goodness slime blocks nullify fall damage so lava huh I guess well oh there’s a chest over there that’s weird that chest might hold the key to getting out of this room let’s check all right let’s go watch your step oh oh I fell Mikey JJ oh no I’ll be right back just wait no problem I managed to reach the chest what’s inside let’s open it oh this is a really good find it’s Enchanted armor and it’s resistant to Lava Perfect come over here Mikey nice it’s a bit of a waste but let’s get rid of our old armor and put this on it should help with the lava wa so we can fall in the lava now and be just fine yeah should we try okay oh really okay it still hurts oh ouch I’m okay the damage isn’t too bad uh JJ H where do we go oh I’m not sure we’re trapped we’re totally stuck huh I want out there’s no way up I don’t know hang on it’s possible there might be a way out on the other side of this lava what no I think so well I don’t all right really yep no let’s go come on you’re crazy crazy man W insane hurry Mikey seriously okay you were right yep wow that lava wasn’t natural oh we made it to the next area oh what do we have here what’s this well let’s switch to these boots right oh that’s These Boots let you walk over magma quick change your boots okay there These Boots are a real Lifesaver huh oh you’re right awesome it’s a chest M wait a minute who’s this back off open it up wait Mikey check it out swords help me okay I’ll take care of them W nice there I got one too come on yes I did it nice is this some kind of maze I think so let’s get to the top we can hurry through this maze I want to see what’s up there Where Do We Go From Here h Huh check it out Mikey this is suspicious what is it I think it’s a TNT launching device I bet we can get up from here 3 2 1 careful let’s go wow wo awesome I made it I want to come up go ahead here goes you got this all right huh what there I made it we’re a bit closer to the top now let’s keep going this looks like a parkour course with trees I see if you swing your sword in the air your jump distance increases huh look awesome like this okay oh nice sweet let’s keep going W nice let’s climb is this the top guess not made it look let’s heal up with some cake I want some delicious yeah this isn’t the top though it’s not what’s in here there’s armor and stuff armor and a shield what’s this oh wow potions of healing and golden apples let’s grab them armor up click click click click wow I look cool H where do we go from here huh what’s this this what open oh wait a sec there’s TNT in here let’s place the TNT but the treasure will it explode 3 2 1 nice what’s outside hm keep climbing those stairs Mikey is this the end I can’t believe I made it to the top already no oh I see what do you see Mikey huh ouch one of these goblins hit me there are so many yeah wait I don’t want to fight them you don’t have to fight them oh you just need to outrun them as soon as you pull that lever you’ll need to clear the lava Trail so I’m supposed to pull the lever and run as fast as I can mhm here goes nothing start wait back off there’s too many oh no I’m stuck in the lava a Mikey that was quick this time you got to run fast got it I know what to do now time to run go this way this is super hard look out behind you come on they’re moving so fast whoa wo magma blocks that was super intense wow the magma blocks melted them Mikey great work time to move on here I go am I getting close to the end this must be it almost H oh huh look three chests yep and you need to pick the right one Mikey okay only one is a winner this one uh it’s up to you Mikey well this chest looks pretty good hm can I open it go ahead but be careful careful whatever it’s not that one wo are you kidding me you survived yeah okay all right Mikey only two choices left I picked up a block there it’ll protect me how will that block protect you you’ll see okay wait a sec really Mikey a your block didn’t do a very good job of protecting you I know one more chest this one must be the winner I’ll take a look inside this equipment is amazing the middle chest has some rare items cool nice wo I even got a new weapon awesome thanks JJ with these items there’s no way I can lose Yep this armor lets you jump super high so epic you’re fast I’m on my way let’s go H H I’m in okay the fire’s out let’s make our way through this just be mindful of the lasers all right they aren’t too huh run JJ what hurry I lost Mikey no no I’ll catch up soon this is bad the explosions are intense JJ I barely made it it’s good you okay I died a Mikey try to make it back to me I’ll be right there I’m glad to have you back buddy let’s keep going yeah let’s slay the boss in the Next Room take it down without getting hit take that oops sorry nice take that and that die already it’s tough we must be near the exit yes wo loot sick we got diamond swords woo nice y we’re really making some progress we have a key too let’s go all right hey it’s another big fall looks like we’re jumping into hay bales what’s down there h Huh oh wao hold on ah the gravity is weaker here just jump to the top of this parkour course jump huh I wonder what’s at the top of all this same we have to reach the top to to escape yep we’re definitely close I can’t wait oops I fell you okay ow you’ll be fine oh I see it the way out right there I’m coming keep jumping wo like this to reach the top oh Mikey the roof is next there’s a boss so be careful there’s also treasure so beat it quickly just beat it you can do it it’s going down bring it w hang on hang on hang in there you can do it oh wa huh I beat it I guess my equipment was strong you beat it is this the treasure congrats Mikey yeah that’s it go ahead 3 2 1 w wow wow wow wow wow wow yep it’s full of diamonds and Cake delicious that was really fun if you had fun too then make sure to like And subscribe with that it’s time to say goodbye thank you maybe I’ll go back

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Why JJ and Mikey Used CURSED LONGEST PORTAL in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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