My Crazy Neighbor BROKE Into My House!

guys we just bought a new house look how cool this house looks um daddy I don’t think that looks like a cool house there’s a tree growing out of it yeah there’s a bunch of leaves on the roof wait is that dirt on the roof too ew that looks terrible daddy somebody tried to put a golden up there guys it’s a part of the house and it makes the house look unique okay it’s special look we even have a new neighbor Hi Neighbor uh we’re new around here we feel very welcome to this neighborhood daddy why is he not responding to us he’s probably nervous yeah he probably doesn’t know who we are so he he doesn’t want to talk um okay Daddy looks a little old and creepy I think so too Gooby kind of like you Daddy old creepy guys he is just really nervous and uh you know what let’s go to the house let’s go see what this house looks like inside okay Daddy wow hope there not a bunch of trees and leaves we got a nice little Bridge coming into our house this looks crazy oo wo it’s really nice you walk in look guys you got a you got a little computer here you can go pew pew on it wait what one computer but Daddy there’s three of us uh well it looks like you guys are going to have to rotate and share a little bit are we supposed to play fortnite together uh one person takes the keyboard one person takes the mouse and then the other person uh calls the shots no no no no that’s not the fun way we want all the controllers well maybe there’s another PC in the house but look guys we have uh we have a little dining room in a kitchen this looks nice this looks fancy very homey ooh Daddy can I make this my new gaming room in here no you can’t you can’t this is the dining room we all eat here why it’s got a lot of space yeah to eat not to play pew pew all day long well Daddy where’s my bed at all right it’s got to be upstairs let’s go up here you guys you guys something weird going on what happened Gooby neble still just standing out there wait what the heck he hasn’t moved since we saw him earlier okay that is a little creepy I’m not going to lie can you guys stop looking at the neighbor feel like he’s watching us he’s not watching us that’s so that’s ridiculous everybody upstairs let’s go look at your rooms all right daddy ooh me and Johnny sleep here yo another PC daddy look we found another one okay that’s good so that’s two out of the three all right now we got to find that last PC wait what Gooby and Daisy need to sleep next to each other no I don’t want to do that well cool I get to sleep next to my sister but smells in his sleep I need my own room and he farts and drools a lot yeah you can’t complain about this all right if if you want you can move the beds and space them out a little bit more on the floor but there’s no we could put you we’re like living in an attic right now Marty this sucks no it does not hey you come back up here it does kind of suck daddy we literally are all sharing one room look we’re on this side of the room yeah I know and we have a fireplace what why you doing that Daddy I’m just thinking when we’re sleeping at night time and your like big belly rolls over and hits me in the face it’s not going to happen I’m not that fat come on you know what I actually don’t want to sleep next to you you because you like pooping yourself at night exactly that’s disgusting Mary we have another issue oh no what’s the what’s the next issue Daisy you have a bunch of problems over there there’s not even a TV in this house yeah it’s called looking at the wall the wall is your TV looks like we can’t live here Daddy pack it up and get to the next house come on Daddy let’s go I already bought it I already bought it what yep I made the final purchase on it today myy myy I’m AIC to um not having a TV in the house you just put one in your room how about that you guys can do a little restoration up there while I maybe get some grub going all right daddy we’ll just change up the hole upstairs and then when you come up it’s going to look amazing no no no no make sure I have a bed up there don’t kick me out please I don’t think so Daddy get rid of that real quick all right there looks like I’m sleeping outside I got rid of the fireplace and I’m going to put a TV instead nice Gooby I just made my little bed area looks so much better and I’m going to add a TV as well I’m adding another PC ooh yeah cuz we need three PCS no way I’m sharing with you guys all right just going to add some rug on the floor there we go this is looking very very good right now wait Gooby could this be my PC oh yeah why don’t we just get rid of that plushy and then put a PC right there oh nice good idea Gooby this will be perfect for a gaming area let me put down a sign to let everyone know that we’re gaming wow Daisy what are you doing different over here I moved mine and Gooby beds and I made them bigger and I decided a PC and a new carpet no guys but guys we kind of have an issue I got rid of my daddy’s bed and I don’t know where to place it it’s okay we can just put it right over here wait where should we put it oh nice okay let me get it all right just going to stick that right there and boom done now he has his own room maybe we’ll make it look a little bit better feel like this window is too small you can make a bigger one ooh nice Gooby now we can look at that weird neighbor that keeps staring at us wait goopy look I see the neighbor again it looks like he’s going back outside well what is he doing oh God Gooby is that a dead body he’s dragging what you say dead body daisy look at this daisy look at this the neighbor’s a dead body and he’s dragging in front of his house I think our neighbor is a serial killer oh my goodness this is so bad guys I think we need to call 911 no we need to go tell your daddy oh yeah Daisy good idea daddy daddy Mony what what what do you want from me Daddy Daddy it was not good we looked out the window and we saw our neighbor dragging a dead body in front of his house wait a second no that’s not possible that’s stupid he he couldn’t have done such a thing it’s true we saw it he went behind the TW logs and he just grabbed a body and it was whacking like he really did this is sub story you guys are pulling right now okay I get this house isn’t the best house in the world but we’re staying but Daddy I think our neighbor is a killer he’s killing people right in front of us the only thing he’s killing it in is being a really good neighbor he’s really good he he doesn’t even talk to us that’s great I don’t know Daddy I think I’m just super suspicious okay well you know what you can be suspicious all you want and you know what since you’re pulling this prank I’m not going to eat with you guys I made this nice little dinner of of fish and milk and you guys can just sit here eat it and I’m going to go to bed early because you know what I’m tired well Daddy I put a amazing bed up there for you you’re really going to love all right I can’t wait to go see it good night Daddy what is this uh-oh Daddy what are you talking about guys come up here right now what it’s a little bed I put there for you this is like a little cut let me see your bed oh three three beds in a row yeah Daddy you know what now that you guys made your own beds and you made them really big I’m taking your bed Johnny hey oh yeah I’m going to sleep here tonight and it’s going to be the best thing ever oh my goodness but Daddy I made that for me not you and you know what since you guys decided to take my bed out of here I’m putting you downstairs you’re going to be grounded and you got to eat that food and drink that milk I don’t want to be grounded I don’t want to eat fish and milk yep exactly it sounds yummy so go down upstairs I’m going to I’m going to sit here and I’m going to start to sleep I’m going to go to bed early in Johnny’s bed oh my goodness it’s not fair Daddy it’s all fair well Daddy you know what I’m taking the TV Oh no you’re not hey TV drop TV me down okay okay there it is all right you know I’m going to have to bring you downstairs M so mean it’s not mean all you guys be quiet eat your food and I’m going to bed and don’t wake me up cuz if you wake me up I’m going to be a bear I’m going to scare all you you’re scaring me right now exactly now go good night oh my goodness guys my daddy just grounded us oh man I don’t like this new house took my bed this so stupid maybe if we just prove to him that the neighbor’s creepy he’ll on ground us wait you’re right Daisy that’s how this all started I mean we all literally saw our neighbor drag a dead body across his front lawn so if we could just somehow prove that he’s a serial killer to my daddy then we’ll be ungrounded yes we’ll be like super detectives and we’ll just get all the evidence yes the evidence are you guys sure this sounds a little scary wait Scary I think this milk is a clue it’s evidence no Gooby this is just regular milk how is that a clue it’s looking a little suspicious no it’s not the murderer doesn’t even know we have this milk okay what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to have to get close to his house maybe even enter his house how are we supposed to do that well guys how about this the next time he leaves his house we’ll just sneak in oh yeah good idea wait wait guys what’s that sound hold on everyone look outside there he is he’s leaving in a car Wait so are we supposed to go now this is the perfect chance come on guys what are we waiting for I’m not even hungry anymore come on all right guys follow me we got to be super super sneaky should we be wearing like gloves or something gloves for what Daisy what if they see our fingerprints oh gosh I didn’t even think about that oh D don’t worry I just don’t have fingers oh yeah we don’t have fingers Daisy so we’ll be fine but should only be wearing like maybe like hoodies guys how about this just don’t touch anything when we’re in there okay okay we can do this we need the evidence we don’t have too much time until that neighbor is going to come back to his house so let’s hurry up we should probably go through the front door all right here we go oh my goodness where the heck are we I see a skull I think this is an old Halloween decoration oh are you sure this isn’t real it doesn’t look real Gooby sniff it ew it smells like plastic okay that’s not real then all right come on guys let’s continue through this neighbor’s house it looks like there’s some sort of kitchen here wait what is that it’s a lever what the heck is this old lever doing here maybe it just turns on the lights all right I’m going to hit it oh gosh what was that oh my God I think it’s a trap P just shot an arrow at you I think that painting’s looking at you oh my my goodness he’s literally trying to kill us okay guys we need to be extra careful there’s a bunch of traps set up here oh no I knew this wasn’t a good idea oh no oh no all right guys let’s go into this room next what is this oh I just run into the floor I just run into the floor and there’s a bunch of spikes down there it’s another trap oh no he’s trying to kill us well guys it looks like there’s really nothing in this room so do not come down here I got to do some Parkour oh my goodness okay the next next room we need to check is the kitchen guys I don’t think I noticed anything suspicious in the kitchen so maybe we should go upstairs wait there’s another lever wait what another one I’m afraid to touch this Gooby you touch it yeah Gooby you touch this one I don’t know what if it shoots an arrow um I don’t see where an arrow could get shot from so just open it [Music] right oh oh we found a hidden chest ooh I wonder what’s inside it’s a book and quill I’m going to read it it says I see you it says I see you he can see us where are you it’s a DI wait this is evidence we have to take it with us okay yeah yeah yeah that’s evidence that’s evidence un let’s just shut this back okay guys come on we need to continue maybe it was just a prank yeah it’s going to be a prank he’s probably just trying to scare us no one’s actually in this house you would have heard like a noise or something um what the heck what is this oh God I’m slowed down he’s trying to slow us down up the stairs what is that it looks like there’s some needles on the floor okay I’m not stepping on that Gooby watch out for those what is in this room this looks like some weird potions some pencils what happen what is happening trapped tra ow ow ow ow oh that Hur oh my gosh there’s a bear trap on the floor this guy’s a psychopath I hurt my foot we going have to lay on this bed over here wait that means he’s probably trying to hide something in this room guys everyone look around you see candles I found something I found something guys it’s another lever hey what Gooby can you get up out of the murderer’s bed nope I can’t it’s my foot holes Gooby I would not be sleeping in that bed okay no break that bed oh guys look there’s another lever I’m going to press it this time all right you guys ready okay I’m ready watch out your foot what happened what actually just happened I heard something open yeah it sounded like it came from this Direction all right everyone follow me guys guys I see something it looks like the door to the basement just opened wait we have to go in there oh that’s like a secret Bas in there oh yeah we’re about to collect a lot of evidence but guys watch out for this little trap right here you’re going to want to jump over it oh God I’m stuck there we go nice nice oh my gosh I literally told you gooby let’s see what it is guys here we go we’re going into this scary basement oh oh my gosh there’s so many B down here gosh oh everyone’s dead oh no and it smells so bad there even toxic chemicals oh my goodness guys whatever you do do not touch anything down here we have to look for clues why don’t we just drag one of these bodies back home and then show my daddy it he’ll think you killed that person oh dang it you’re right wait wait it’s a book in this chest right here another book all right Gooby try to read it oh no I’m scared you read it okay let me read it it says um that makes it the fifth body this month wait a minute I think this might be a diary of some sort it’s like he’s talking to himself well keep reading what does it say it’s starting to get difficult to hide all the bodies luckily I have a nice field Outback where I could bury them all new neighbors just moved in if they get suspicious they’re next they’re next he’s going to kill us oh they world the do Neighbors we The Neighbors oh my gosh oh my gosh this is really not good but this is really good evidence to show my daddy but we need to go now okay quick everyone let’s get out of this psychopath’s house and go back to our daddy come on come on oh God oh God the neighbor the neighbor’s looking at us go the door mror I we would never here this way this way run run run run oh my gosh guys he’s outside he’s staring at us again I found the water I found the water no come up here come up here I can’t swim oh gosh oh he’s still looking at us shut the door shut the door Daddy Daddy get up right now get up Daddy get up get up get up get up get up I karate karate chop you Daddy we need to tell you something there’s no time for sleep what what I just want to go back to bed daddy look at this book it’s evidence that our crazy neighbor is a murderer and look at this one too I am not reading this book guys you actually went over to to the neighbor’s house and stole it that’s crazy you guys are the crazy neighbors but Daddy it’s evidence he’s doing bad things in his basement we literally all saw his basement and there was dead bodies everywhere like three of them you guys went into the neighbor’s basement you guys are actually insane who does that no no this just dead bodies in there and there’s blood on the floor and there was like all these scary things in the basement you know what fine you know what I will read this book let’s see what this neighbor is up to read it Daddy read it that makes it the fifth body this month it’s starting to get difficult to hide all the bodies luckily I have a nice field out back where I can bury them all new neighbors just moved in if they get suspicious they’re next what the heck that’s us he’s going to kill us daddy you guys actually really might be on to something here this guy does seem a little a little crazy we told you well that’s kind of not good Daddy I bet if we look outside right now he’s going to be staring at us no he’s not he’s going to be inside sleeping it’s late right now all right Daddy Let’s see what the heck is this guy looking at I told you Daddy I told you he’s a creep well he’s probably really mad that you went in his house and stole the book daddy look he’s going back inside his house oh no he’s probably getting some weapons to come over and kill us uh well that’s not going to happen cuz guess what I’m going to call 911 oh yes yes guys that’s a good idea that’s what we should do yes call the cops they got to come here and protect us all right I got to go downstairs and get my phone all right daddy we’re going to follow you cuz I’m really scared all right where’s my phone where’s my phone ATA I found my phone all right put it on speaker put it on speaker I want to hear all right let me just put the buttons in real quick all right it’s ringing it’s ringing hello police department uh hello I’m here to uh to call about a suspicious person uh what did you see them do so technically I didn’t see nothing but my kids went over to the the the crazy neighbor’s house because they were suspicious of him because apparently he he dragged a body into the house last night and they went and they got evidence they got a diary from this murderer uh sir uh are you sure you’re not just dreaming this it’s pretty late no Mr police officer man I saw the neighbor stare at me and he went in the house and I’m I think he’s getting weapons to come over here and kill us so if you could please you know hurry it up and get to my house I’m scared I’m I’m peeing my pants right now that’s how scared I am all right all right sir calm down calm down you seem to be very hysterical right now I am hysterical I’m going to finish this cup of coffee and then I’ll be there in like 15 minutes all right Oh Daddy Daddy I got to say something to the police officer um can you bring extra toilet paper cuz I poop my pants and I don’t know how to wife oh really that’s what you told him H this better not be a prank I’m sick of these kids messing with me it’s not a prank I swear sir I swear I mean if you could really finish that coffee and get here as soon as you can that’ be great because I’m scared man I need help all right you sound like a real freak but I’ll be there just hang tight okay thank you oh God guys the police off for you he’ll be here in 15 minutes 15 minutes that’s way too long he could kill like 100 people during that time including us yeah that is a little long I don’t feel safe in this house right now I mean what we could do is maybe uh maybe we secure the house a little bit we make it impenetrable so we can’t just break down the door and come and like kill us I think you’re right we need to board up the windows we need to put obsidian everywhere and I want to sleep in an obsidian box tonight yeah we got to put like a sign out front that say ah we’re not here anymore D come in I like that idea that’s a good idea that’s a great idea let’s do that real quick wait that’s really smart let’s do it on the bridge yeah yeah yeah cuz that’s where he’s going to come across let’s do uh let’s do the sign let’s do it right over here we are not home okay I think we’re safe now guys Daddy I got an idea what are you doing check this out I’m going to put that up here oh that’s a great idea he can’t access a girl’s bathroom he’s not a girl yep it’s the women’s restroom sign so if he comes in here then guess what then that’s illegal wait but now you guys can’t come inside well Daisy it’s fake we’re going to come inside no matter what okay no no it’s a girls restroom I can’t get in there come on guys it’s fake it’s just for him I’m not a goal though we can’t go inside you know what we have to go through the back Gooby we have to go through the back guys it’s not real no it’s very real that’s a serious threat oh my goodness all right we’re in we’re in okay we need to think of more traps this is not good enough you guys you guys I grabbed the bail trap from his house what oo wait that’s actually Super Genius Gooby let’s Place those everywhere yeah we should put like a bunch in the front like right here how’ you even get that without getting stabbed ow ow ow oh my gosh give me the bear trap give me the bear trap you obviously don’t know how to place this down oh that was s was an accident all right it’s down no one step on it okay cuz that really hurts obviously Gooby you know broke his toe off of it all right well we should Place one in front of every single door okay let’s do that I’m going to do the back all right also guys I think we should add some secret rooms in this house I think that’s a really good idea that we can we watch him in case he comes in here yeah by the very small chance that he does get inside our house we’ll be able to look at him this time and stare at him and be a weirdo yeah we can leave a book that says I see you yeah we should use that same book I see you pee wait I see you pee you said it all right Dad that’s not funny um where can we add a secret room let’s see o we could maybe do one in here what if we like kind of replace this wait where what if we had it to where like go this okay okay Johnny what are you doing it slipped Daddy I accidentally went into it what if we put it yeah right in here all right I’m going to do it right now daddy that would be a cool spot for one we could H we could do one underneath the staircase ooh that would be really good o I’m going to make one upstairs too all right just going to do something like this there we go this looks perfect and now I’m going to put the secret door on this side oh my gosh I don’t even know it’s here well Daddy that’s the point wait how do I get in right here Daddy look check this out no way yep check it out that is actually really cool and we have oneway glass here so I can see you but you can’t see me you actually see me yep I see you dancing nice okay no one step in that bear trap again please this little house extension is looking pretty good but we need to add more secret rooms so I’m going to find the next place oh I have one I made one where oh no I stepped the bear trap Oh Daddy I found it all right there we go Daddy I see you maybe put the door right here oh Yep this is a really good one we should put cameras Oh my gosh we should definitely do that security cameras we should put them outside so we can see if he’s actually going to attempt to get in the house ooh Daddy good idea I’m going to put some of these up too nice nice That’s a good spot good spot I’m going to make like a secret spot for the camera outside all right all cameras are done on the interior we got to do the outside now I made the little pillars okay let me do that whoa Daddy you got to watch out with these spikes you can’t even get outside I didn’t do that all right going to add some cameras out here make sure I could get all the angles ooh what is this thing I’m going to put a camera on this though yep that’s what I made it for nice this is looking really good now really really good guys I just got myself some armor and weapons everyone come to the kitchen what are you wearing I’m just wearing the best armor in the game and I got the best weapon in the game all right everyone put this on this cardboard no no it’s not cardboard Daddy I’m not putting that on did you make this out of our moving boxes no it’s protection guys you need to put it on Daddy put yours on right now don’t worry I’m safe I got a stick so you’re not going to put on some armor no I’m not going to put on stupid armor why I think it looks pretty cool yeah it could literally save your life who can’t even see out of it well Daddy just in case we got to get oneon-one with this murderer we got to kill him like this with with the stick guys I think it’s about time that we start hiding because I think that murderer is going to end up coming in this house soon yeah we added all the security and we are ready to go but I’m going to call the first room that’s hidden oh that’s the best room yep no one’s allowed to come inside of it yeah well I made at the top so I’m going to go to that hey no this is technically still my room Gooby so nope you have to share hey I called it what are you guys doing in here you have to share all right well someone go underneath the stair staircase I will I will I’ll do it I’ll do it all right so Daddy you stay in this one okay and you guys stay in that one and we’ll stay in this one and then Charn hop on the cameras okay I’m going to be checking the cameras all night long I’m just going to stare at the front door that also works I’m going to put some beds over here in case we have to stay the whole night guys I have some great news our kitchen is secure and he’s not in the kitchen guys more great news our staircase is secure yep no scary monster in here can you check outside how about that cuz that’s where he’s going to be coming from oh yeah Daddy that’s a good idea okay oh God oh God he’s staring at one of the cameras and he’s got an evil mask on oh my gosh CER he broke it he broke my camera that’s not good that’s not good guys this isn’t good he’s looking at the next camera hey hey don’t break it no he broke it is he getting close yes he’s at our front door he’s on the last camera outside I’m staring at the door no he broke it he broke it again he actually broke it hey opened the front door guys he’s inside oh my gosh oh my gosh we have to be quiet we just need an Outlast before you know the police come where is he going daddy he’s going past you right now I saw him I saw him I saw him wait I might be able to hit him in the back of the head no no no no Daddy don’t think about it oh if he doesn’t know that we’re home then he’ll just leave right you know what Johnny I got to knock this guy out for the family no no no no Daddy get back in there hey you buddy I’m going to knock you out oh gosh nope daddy this isn’t good daddy daddy no car my daddy just blacked out on the floor he’s he’s he’s cold he’s he’s not breathing should we go out out there we can’t go out there cuz then we’re going to get knocked out as well wait where did he go I think he went upstairs boopy come down here D what we all just need to stay together I don’t think it’s safe to separate now guys I got to check the cameras again I don’t know where he went last time I saw him he went up this staircase literally right in front of this door right here so we need to be careful um oh gosh oh gosh he’s he’s looking right in another camera no no no no no he broke it he broke it is that the last camera it’s one of the last cameras this guy try still wait I think he knows that we’re hiding in the walls maybe he can hear us oh gosh gosh he’s breaking the wall down this is a good we’re trapped he’s going to kill us we’re going to die oh my gosh we’re going to die we’re going to die not so fast buddy yes what’s going on here we got saved by the police officer hey you get get out of there everybody get out of the house right now okay Mr police officer hey don’t point that gun towards us we’re not the bad people yeah we the good guys we live here I’ll be the judge of that everybody out now what is going on with this guy in The Mask he’s got a crowbar oh yeah he knocked out my daddy and he was going to kill us next yeah he has a bunch of dead bodies in his house what this guy might be the serial killer we’ve been on looking for hey no where you going come back here you’re under arrest get him get him get him he’s trying to get away hey come back here you have to stop him oh no no no he got in the car oh go shots fired shots fired Daisy back up guys that was a close one we literally almost just got murdered wait but what about your daddy maybe he did get murdered oh yeah I forgot about him daddy daddy are you okay Daddy get up get up get up what happened daddy do you remember anything that just happened to you in like the past 10 minutes who are you guys what no it’s hell uh I’m qby the best gu ever and I’m your son Johnny oh I have I have a son are you guys trying to rob me are you Robbers no Daddy put that stick down get away from me I’m willing to use this maybe he doesn’t recognize us because of our armor oh yeah you’re right okay everyone take the armor off hey Daddy oh hey what are you guys doing here oh my goodness really daddy you literally got almost murdered from a murderer but then a police officer came over and saved us the police officer finally finished his coffee and he came over here he did yeah Daddy what happened what happened oh basically he ran outside with the murderer and then the murderer got in his car and they’re probably still chasing him now so he’s still in the loose uh well hopefully those police officers end up getting that murderer because he is kind of scary well Moy um I think we need to just leave this house and find a new house cuz this one’s St quy with all the neighbors and yeah you know what Gooby I agree guys pack your stuff up we’re leaving yay y finally now we don’t need to live in this treeh house anymore and hopefully we can get our own rooms yeah that’s what I’m saying uh-oh guys who is that uh it looks like another neighbor no no not another neighbor he’s got ax oh God oh God ohang well if you enjoyed this video and want to watch another one then click one on your screen right now also make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye

Today, Johnny and his friends move into a new house where there seems to be a weird neighbor living across the street! Is he EVIL?! Will he try to hurt Johnny and his friends? Watch until the end to find out!

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