I Trapped 100 Kids in the STRICTEST SCHOOL…

yo how’s it going guys welcome back to another video so in today’s video I am creating the strictest ever School in Minecraft basically I have this school behind me and a 100 players or should I say students who will need to listen to every single thing I say otherwise they’re going to be expelled welcome to the strictest School in Minecraft the first thing every was going to have to do is stand on the grass outside otherwise they’re just going to be expelled like the people in here yo why are you not listening bro get to the grass this is your last warning okay literally get expelled okay bro you’re on the grass outside okay welcome to school follow me inside but don’t go inside the classroom all right I’ve warned them don’t go inside you step inside this classroom it’s over you’re just going to get expelled I am setting up your class okay so I will give them their chairs to sit on and you think for the strict of school that there’ be a seating assignment but there isn’t you know why cuz I’m a nice teacher at first but if I need to be a mean teacher I will be okay everyone sit down on the chair that’s right everyone sit down don’t come near me I’ll literally swing do not test me all right good we have everyone on the chairs make sure no one’s up to any funny business okay I don’t see anyone out there yo get on the chair okay so you have made it to math class this is what that is I will ask a question and you will answer it in chat if you answer incorrectly or I do not like your answer you will see all right so question number one what is 1 + 1 it is such an easy question and everyone said two wait that dude spelled it out I don’t know if I like that bro why did you spell it out I should kill you for that who is this guy get on the chair get on the chair they were still correct get back in there next question what is 5 * 5 now the answer is 25 wow you’re all so smart that’s incredible they all actually got it okay next question I want people to get it wrong what is 8 * 7 it’s 56 let’s see what oh oh here we go this dude said 72 nah this dude thinks they’re funny what type of number did they just type out what is that n bro it’s time for you to die all right final question what is 1 + 2 * 3 now the answer is seven because like bed mass and stuff and this dude right here just said six so now you’re dead and this guy also said six bro what is your skin you do not know math okay good job everyone follow me to art class okay so we’re going to go in this room right here and I’m making them pick their favorite color out of these colors right here now obviously if they pick this one I can’t kill them that’s a good color so anyone who picked the fake blue is just pretty much going to die I don’t like your guys’s answer so now you’re just going to die that’s literally all they had to do okay they survived our class now it is time for PE just follow me outside this way and all they have to do for PE is some simple one by one jumps that is all all right let’s change it up a little bit here let’s add in some two block jumps and look at that most of them were able to successfully survive PE that is incredible okay so getting everyone to the roof of a school isn’t something I’d usually recommend doing but this is still PE and part of PE is for them to learn how to get away from potentially bad things oh my God that dude jumped right in it surviving is a core part of life if you aren’t careful you will die didn’t this happen at your guys’ school I definitely went through this oh my God that guy’s going to die where do you even go from here where do you even go oh my God that was so unfortunate okay all these people here passed we’re going to make everyone line up single file and okay border can be in front border you are in front you are the line leader everyone follow okay here we go if you are out of line you will see oh my God where are we going we’re going down here oh we’re going really close to the edge now okay what is the point of going around the school oh there’s no way there’s no way he’s going back on the parkour which means wait they have to stop there yo if they didn’t stop there they’re going to die you can’t go past yes follow the line leader all right very good now we’re going to have everyone go to the next classroom which is right here welcome to English class today we will be having a spelling be everyone Please spell the word Anam manaia okay let’s just have them spell that out oh okay okay all right let’s see how they did now my brain hurts looking at this but there’s no way they all spelled that right I think they all spelled that right okay for your next word spell out the block I place in front of me and if they don’t do it I’m going to figure it out all right we’re going to start off easy we’re going to start with this block right here Cobblestone okay good job everyone is doing it this dude spelled Cobblestone incorrectly okay the next word is this block right here let’s see if people know what this is oh oh oh they do they all know what it is and they all got it there’s no way they all just like copied off of each other that Jasper dude gave it to everyone okay there’s no way they get this there’s no way they’re all getting this okay okay what the heck why are they all so good at this I’m going to give them one more word this is stupid okay no one talk oh they actually stopped talking if you think you were a good candidate okay bro what is wrong with this guy this dude just said and what if I do Bozo you really want to try me Ben Jasper 9564 for bad that is what happens okay if you think you are a good candidate to be a teacher I will pick one and the rest will die I mean The Expelled step up now if you think you are okay we’ve got border anyone else okay we’ve got Sky’s cream and we’ve got Barrow magnetism okay no one else go now you three can talk only if I don’t like your teaching you will see okay teach us all right here we go they said hello class I’m not learning anything bro these are the worst teachers no more talking this is now science class let us demonstrate the process of evolution first you are born as a baby this is you when you born next you become this dude this guy come all right you grow up and then you you um evolve and then finally this person right here go over there you evolve into me but why do I look homeless any questions do we turn into Sky yes right before you die all right this was good we learned a lot today you have 1 minute for lunch break go do whatever you want that’s all they’re getting 1 minute can I have some alone time though you guys are really staying after class I have given everyone a poisonous I mean a potato that they can enjoy okay lunchtime is over next class starts now upstairs everyone sit this class is AP History so you will get a lot of homework probably you you’ll probably get a one on the AP exam that didn’t happen to me or anything Rowan’s not sitting sit okay so I will teach you about the history of the world first there was a tree you can come see the tree now sit back down go what is this dude doing after the tree egg an egg hatched into a fish and then boom we’re all here okay moving on this is now business class I will teach you how to make money money all right so I put some diamonds in the chest right there to make money you need to be smart like this pig the first start is to play sky events and win lots of money you did good piggy thank you okay also make sure to invest your money into cryptocurrency scams they are not actually scams all I honestly feel like everyone is pretty close to graduating so follow me if you feel like you are smart and confident in your abilities go out in the world and be where you need to be you have 3 seconds 1 2 3 okay you people are not doing a good job okay let’s see for the first person we have the first step of evolution who is under a tree you know what I respect the lifestyle I feel like being over here is not optimal though why are you doing this with your life this is dangerous it’s not a good place to be being at parkour is dangerous and not a good lifestyle don’t go over here bro what are you people doing this is dangerous oh my gosh get down there just someone in the classroom okay you still are trying to learn that’s good n what’s this dude looking at me for huh what’s going on over here what are you guys doing huh what are you guys doing what type of lesson is this okay honestly I can’t even kill you guys you guys are making good life decisions sometimes though things are unexpected and you just never know what could possibly happen oh my God I mean it’s true sometimes things just happen that could literally mean anything but it’s true if you made it this far you are really smart and you will do well in life probably let’s go to the next class okay let’s have everyone sit down and this next class is statistics the first question is what are the chances you will pass this class I’ll go ahead and let them answer okay 0% 86% do you have a teacher’s degree bro what type of question are you asking me are you questioning me no that’s right get back over there nah actually nah he’s dead Sky’s Hawaii said 0% do you really have no faith in yourself whatsoever n you might as well just die now this dude also said 0% why did the sky say 0% I don’t want your potato you’re done okay anyone who said 50% come here all right these guys said 50% chance okay so there’s a 50% chance you guys will live will I shoot the blue or red cuz you see it’s a 50/50% chance which one I go for all right I said first person to say a color right now I will shoot it and it was blue so they both get to live all right next question what is the chance you will answer the question first if you are not first GG if you are first you are getting a good item so what is the chance well we’re about to figure it out oh you were not first you were not first first this dudee said 1 and 37 and you’re dead Okay for your item you now have a diamond chest plate I’m getting tired of being a teacher they are not paying me enough so you know what I’m just going to open that if I see you you are expelled this is the strictest school if I see you you are now expelled yep you better run oh I see you I see people out here oh you’re done for buddy you better run from me I see you so you are going to die now one slip up and you mess up the parkour and oh my God they’re done I got them I see a name tag this class is all about Stealth and making the right choices bro oh my God I got him I got B wait a second I saw you I saw you there’s nowhere for you to go there’s literally nowhere okay go outside you’re are all very intelligent you people right here are so smart I I need to talk to you all wait how is this guy here that guy should be dead tell me how are you smart what are these HS oh I see okay this is a new IQ test for all of you smart peoples stand on the red block not the Blue Block okay oh you’re dead buddy I got picklefish because that in fact is pink now I’m just going to say stand on regular ice okay okay okay they all went to regular ICE stand on blue ice okay now I’m going to make them stand on the red block but they’re going to have to actually do some work to get there that is a red block go hurry up I don’t have all day here now if you don’t start going I’m going to start punching them go right now that’s right okay now touch the lime wo and go back last one is expelled okay they’re all touching the lime okay oh they touched the lime they all went back and oh it was a green guy you’re so lucky okay you’re all smart come over here but do not pass this line ever oh oh oh stand on Lime oh oh all right fine you all are smart go on the lime now now I will ask a question the question is what color are my headphones now the answer to this is black and blue they just said black which is kind of insane cuz they got it and if they don’t answer I’m killing them oh they’re all just saying black now it’s twoo colors black and what else blue and a little bit of BL bro how how how do they all know that what the heck whatever they got lucky I’m going to ask them what kind of food did I eat earlier today now there’s no way they get this Hint it was green it was a salad I had a Caesar salad we’re going to see if anyone answers okay now you must answer that is the rule whoever answers first gets a free pass no matter what you say oh okay okay okay now everyone answer okay we got salad salad salad [Laughter] salad oh my God there’s no way okay it was not avocado it was a salad I don’t know how they got that either that’s just insane all right what number is not my favorite number okay we got a lot of numbers what number is my favorite oh I got one I got one let’s go that dude said 14 okay everyone follow me we’re going to go over this way and oh follow me oh they remember they literally remember get the sword I know someone wants that okay we have all these people standing on their own block now line up alphabetically you have 10 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero no moving no moving if you move now you die what the heck what are you doing all right so we start off with a a very good then we move on to D okay also good and then J okay lement q r s what the heck are you doing here oh didn’t mean to kill you q r s t are you kidding me are you kidding me get out of here q r s t okay cool all right these people survive now whoever picks up a diamond gets to keep it okay there you go and whoever picks up the God Apple I was going to say gets eliminated but none of them are going for it all right last one to answer what is 1+ 2 gets out all right let’s go ahead and turn on the chat okay would you look at that you were the last one to answer the question go go last one to answer again gets out what is the capital of China oh do they know Okay Beijing Beijing Hong Kong okay it is not Hong Kong okay whoever answers this last gets out they think they’re smart and like no one answers the question and if you don’t answer in the time I will kill you all right the question is 66 + three okay you did not answer it you are also God why would they just not answer the question which means we are down to the top four students okay everyone use your brain if you don’t get a blue wool you will be out and they could literally go get it if they wanted to why are they not going why are they not going get light blue wool okay is that is that good enough what get it I thought you guys were smart okay okay okay what the heck what was that why did that take so long what was that they had so much time okay so now you have to type this message exactly as I have here do it now go okay okay okay they have and the last one to type it out was Quinton which means we only have two students left but the final thing they’re going to have to do is not school related I mean it is technically use your brain for this final battle whoever wins wins now if it wasn’t already obvious PVP is on right now and they just don’t know that you can have the Apple they’re like scared to pick it up free golden apple you can have it they don’t want it they think it’s a trick I’m giving you free stuff oh my God okay they’ve gotten too smart Okay PVP is literally on but you didn’t realize oh oh I literally had to tell them oh my God okay so if they pass this line here they die if they fall off the void they die I figured it’d be best for their brains that they’d have to do something in which they wouldn’t expect but oh my wtt B looks like he’s about to be the smartest student of them all and he is wtk B you are officially the smartest most genius student of everyone congratulations how do you how do you feel very good jinus how do you feel you are number two but that is very good a I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did subscribe and click this video right here this video was another video of me trapping a 100 kids in school on the same exact map so click it all right bye

I Trapped 100 Kids in the STRICTEST SCHOOL…

Follow My Twitter – @Skeppy
Follow My Instagram – @Skeppy

My Server IP: Invadedlands.net


  1. u missed PSHE or whatever tf u have in US. Them kids need to know about the birds and the bees, which doesnt make sense at all. Like how a bee gunna do it with a bird bro

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