Minecraft, But It’s ONE BLOCK!

Minecraft is known as a vast beautiful game with endless possibility but what if it wasn’t what if you were stuck on a singular Block in the middle of the Void just like me because that’s exactly what we’re doing in this video me and my friend have to survive on a singular block that regenerates every time you break it the only problem is that my friend is terrible at the game so we’re also teaching Minecraft to an idiot Johnny hello my friend I’m back we’re back we’re back teaching Minecraft to an idiot is back baby but look if you look below us it literally says break the block below you so bear in mind we die we’re dead forever so we’re going to start by you just breaking this block go what didn’t say it was just one life doesn’t matter what if I fall through just break it just break it okay so we won’t the block look there you go I can now we have two okay is it only this block can I not break that one yeah it’s just this block if you break this block I’ll die right now do not I not break mine just keep going just keep breaking okay is it just oh nice wood it spawns more than okay I’ll just you know what just leave me here to do this I can do this yeah mate you’re cooking chest oh nice okay we can grow some trees I am going to make us slabs yeah we need some more space it bit cramped in here and I think uh I don’t really trust you not to hit me off yeah I I don’t really trust me not to hit you off either okay boom boom boom yes oh I didn’t like that okay I don’t know I didn’t like that so what’s what is the aim of this so the first phase is planes and it means the there’s 10 phases we just got to make it through all 10 phases oh my God okay now I’m going to show you something sick right I want you to shift and right click that pig what with my bare hands yeah what what is this okay okay now yeah so we can pick up mobs here now don’t throw him because he will go flying so let me just I just I’ll just hold the pig for the rest of the video this this is this is awesome so now if you right click again at the floor you’ll throw him nice okay good so we’ve got a pig now every time we get a mob here there’s a good chance we won’t get it again so we need to save them so we’ve got are they going to like run about they’re not going to fall off are they well they they might but we’ve just got to hope they don’t okay I’ll I’ll let you cook you just you just get going and I’m going to I’m going to start planting some trees as long as I don’t fall off this is easy yeah you’re fine man oh oh that’s huge we can get chickens right let’s keep going we’ve got 10 phases to get through let him cook if you fall your items are gone okay thanks for that yeah we die yeah yeah for us it’s completely over if we fall blocks like gravel fall did we just lose gravel wait did gravel fall did you break a gravel I don’t know I wasn’t paying attention oh yeah that was gravel that oh it’s falling okay so we need to place a block under the infinite block but we can’t really go Ah that’s what this is for yeah that seems like your job here we are yeah yeah yeah yeah no no Johnny you’re going to do this you’re going to go take this you’re going to swim underneath the water no are you sure I don’t actually remember how to stay up in water is it space he just holds space he holds space yeah yes so but just make sure you so you so stay in the water now go underneath and look up and place it underneath the chest by holding shift and clicking no I done it you done it easy yes didn’t even need to hold shift and you know what actually I’m going to place water off the edge here just in case we fall so we can land in it right I’ll keep breaking if you take okay keep keep cooking man keep cooking I’m just going to keep expanding this place it just is useless what is this why are there Hearts but neant gift thank you so much we’ve got a torch okay nice why did when you drop it it always goes to the center block it’s so that stuff doesn’t fall off Smart you know what they’re thinking ahead of us I honestly yeah they’re letting us they understand who’s playing the game and they know it’s me yeah they know they know they know their audience man now what I’m going to do is I’m going to make like a a border out area and then have a little space where we can not fall over oh what oh oh yes so this is onto the next phase now so we passed phase one if there’s 10 more like that easy light work am I right oh no no we are on phase one oh okay so we on phase zero okay I guess I’ll get back to my job let me go all right I am going to make us a tree farm out here wait what so what’s the challenge for this one does it tell us or we just keep going until we figure out so it’s more of the same but I think it just gets better as you mine it more I’m guessing that’s what it is so phase one is we’re just learning oh what the what the hell is that that is my celium I believe it’s just useless dirt that just gave me dirt oh that’s Co oh food yes okay that’s huge so we’re not going to die of starvation ooh well we’re sort of glitching it by breaking it together right now by the way yeah does it come oh oh my goodness wait that’s actually huge okay put all the wood you’ve got in that chest actually no don’t make fences do you know how to make fences figure it out you’ll be fine you’ll be fine you got this uh there’s a m we’ve got a tree we’ve got tree uh fence gate that’s not what we need no no not fence gate you just want fence I’ve got Oak fences how many do you need just make a load make an absolute load I can only make have we got no more wood no yeah you got to keep going you got to break more okay how many fences do you have six but different colors oh my mate oh my God that is so ugly it’s the thought that counts I’ve started you didn’t give me the resources I need and I I may have made too many sticks cuz I thought it was a fence gate I needed ah oh my God every time something spawn it pushes me back and I’m scared I’m going to fall off already okay yeah just be careful with that because if you fall off we’re done I mean I do oh another chest W oh I’ve got more good one that’s so exciting we got a carrot and a birch sapling yikes I’m putting them all in the chest you oh carrots good though for food I’m not losing any hunger are you no not yet cuz we haven’t taken any damage oh jeez okay these mobs are coming too quickly we need to we need to make a platform for them they’re just giving me pumpkins and watermelon which I don’t need yeah we need more of good stuff to be oh wait are they trying to tell us that we need to start a farm yeah that’s that’s the whole point oh slowly but surely we will get that stuff okay Johny slowly slowly figuring this out I’m going to come help you break stuff see if it makes it yes we’re glitching the system yeah it’s easy I can sit back and just relax now this is oh what okay we’re getting too many mobs Now give me give me all the wood you’ve got stick it in the chest okay right we now need to make a fence gate which I think I can do already we oh my goodness okay right yeah I’ll move all the mobs over here the problem is they’re going to keep moving I don’t think they do move I think they stay where you place them no no they they will be moving about they will be walking oh wait maybe they are staying still okay yeah this is getting ridiculous now although we’ve got two of every animal we’re just getting I’m just getting the same things over and over it’s in a cycle yeah yeah don’t worry it’s just cuz it’s different phases okay oh okay so they’re they’re trying to tell us something so we need to put all this dirt down and make a farm correct yes exactly so what we’re going to do is we’re going to just need loads more wood that’s the problem cuz we just need to extend our platform a ton we’re going to do a little step up oh yep wheat seeds nice that’s all good stuff now we’re going to we’ll do I think what we should do is have it all as uh planks and then we’ll have it raise up a layer and then have a farm don’t you need water to grow things or have I made that up uh yeah but we’ we’ve got one water bucket we’ll be able to use that yeah what if I fall off I need to be saved yeah well that that’s sort of like oh for goodness sake you’re taking we don’t need this many do we no we really don’t are they going to jump scare me in a bit and start like spawning skeletons or something is that the is this the natural progression oh my wait I didn’t even think about that that’s why I’m scared everything yeah wait yeah actually yes yes yes let’s let’s make make a sword okay we have we we have got a farm we we literally do when does phase 2 end when do they tell when when does the text come I I don’t know I don’t know how long it takes was in we’ve been doing phase one this entire time so oh okay I think wait I think this is coming to the end of the yeah this is coming to the end of the phase I think yep it is this is the end of the phase I think yeah I think the gifts are when it ends okay well we’ve now completed the first phase and uh We’ve well we’ve only got nine nine more to nine wow nine more to go yeah I’m oh wait I just realized we got grass yep there we are you’re right so the benevolent gift is the end of the phase so we’ve done phase one upgrade I’m I mean I’ve got my sword out just in case okay many monst okay yeah so now you got to make a pickaxe okay that’s good that’s good I’m actually just going to I’m going to extend this Farm a bit I’ll make some tools do you need a pickaxe or do you want an axe no I’ll take a pickaxe I’ll take a pickaxe right I’m going to keep breaking to get some Cobble here we go oh he’s cooking okay this is good yeah we’ll do we’ll do like the whole basis of this in wood and then every time we move it Upp a layer we’ll start expanding yeah we’ve got to make it look good eventually I’m not oh yes coal torches good stuff good yeah that coal please I’m going to make is a stone pickaxe smart or not yeah definitely definitely right so I’ve got two iron what we meant to do with that uh yes smelt it once we can oh mushroom that’s that is actually an infinite food glitch make a bucket with wood and you’ll get a bowl and then right click the mushroom nice yeah now right click the mushroom with all four of those bowls yeah now eat I’m not hungry though wait what how are you not hungry oh be you’ve just been standing still you’ve broken 3155 blocks I’ve only broke 18 is that what it says above my head yeah nice I’m putting in work I can’t be trusted to do anything else apart from this ah ah oh be careful be careful oh my God oh my God be careful be careful smack him smack him why has he got a hat on nice you’re insane he’s he I was not expecting that I’ll be honest okay so now we know that once we get to the like nether section they’re just going to spawn crazy stuff oh dude if there is a another section I actually have no idea what the phases are this would be easy we see phase two this is ah ah jeez there’s two of them there’s two of them be careful smack them be careful make sure you eat plenty as well I’m still not losing hunger oh no there we go first bit of hunger there you go tiny oh tree trees grown as well oh sweet okay I’ll get that for us okay now we’ve added a thing where the leaves Decay quickly so nice I got more iron another we got we got three leather okay that will be coming in handy for like enchants stuff like that oh I’m just going to use it for armor do not make leather armor I don’t know man you will be clowned by every person too fnny oh oh my God but mate do not it’s going to fling itself off pick one up pick one up uh come here come here my got it I’ve got it shft you got to get closer and then just run over Bo I’ll carry on a job is a job this is what I’m paid to do guys you’re just fully sat there I’ve looked at one block most of this time and you still haven’t made a farm is all I’m looking at right now no no it’s all right it’s all right Animal Farm look at this free real estate what do we need rabbits for why are they giving us so many that one just jumped into the void oh variety chest oh so wait we’re moving on to phase three no not a belant gift it’s just this variety chest okay that’s somewhat good I guess birch trees as well we’re just going to build a giant tree farm nice then we never run out of wood ah ah ah be careful be careful do not die do not die half hearts okay okay okay okay okay nice why are they coming for me mag him they toggle on you and then they never leave man I’m going to do some of this now you can you can start building a farm if you want I’ll just sit back for a little bit just watch you I’m all good have a little break what I think we should have is have it raised slightly at a certain point have it connect around as a sort of circle in the center here so going around the block we have say a circle like this whoops and then oh almost just fell in what are you doing I don’t have I have no idea what way wait so where’s the center this one we need to place water there so we’re moving the Water Source from here to to here and ho it all up baby nice we’re going to plant a carrot we’re going to plant oh to be fair we’ve only got six seeds so but there we are okay well we’re cooking man we’re actually cooking it’s easy we’re still on phase two oh oh my God hey be careful John be careful yes one’s off there you go easy they don’t I don’t like how they they just do it with no warning yeah they do just really mess you up I’m just going to sit here and help you break stuff cuz it seems to go quicker when we do it together well we got to get past phase two otherwise we are going to be here forever oh oh I hit you I hit you be careful oh my goodness okay okay nice good I I just went silent there cuz I didn’t know what to do I just sat there looking at the things oh this is sort of slightly glitching and it’s registering us both as mining yeah so I quite like this it’s good it’s good man we’re making our way yeah but how ah oh you got so lucky it fully delayed there why did I get lucky that’s insane I I ran away I did what I was meant to do no it delayed yeah but if if it hadn’t have delayed it would have killed you wait I’m mining blocks and the blocks are going up on your head maybe we shouldn’t do this because we’re not preparing for if another creeper disappears right okay yeah yeah let’s let’s be smart let’s be smart ah oh why does it keep spawning two of them there two of oh String’s huge that’s huge oh you smacked me okay you’re your blocks are going up right now you’ve M 523 yeah why going up oh there you go we’ve done 26 27 now they’re going up okay that these Spruce saplings are very good because because Johnny okay that’s good that’s good cuz once you’ve got four you can make Mega trees is what I like to call them boom boom yes yes so you’re telling me it’s going to make a mega tree it’s going to make I’m not joking it’s going to make a mega tree and your mind is going to be blown oh okay sorry it’s fine I’m on okay oh potato that is huge Johnny you just killed and got him a potato this pH has gone on forever I’m bored of being underground Johny mate Rome wasn’t built in a short period of time ooh 1 2 3 4 5 six feathers and another Spruce sapling oh my goodness I know the day doesn’t get God my body started rejecting me there what who was that I don’t know an empty oh nice look inside the chest what does the map do oh here you what so put this in your hand then right click it look how great our place look wow wow look at all of your hard wa look at all the trees man mega tree how do I get up please be careful have you made sh slabs where I can’t get up to a normal place oh yeah good point I can’t get up into the tree cuz I can’t jump yeah I actually didn’t think this through this is actually like a massive floor all right next one here we go I’m ready I see Tundra I see Tundra what the hell does that mean I assum there going to be a lot of SN what the hell are we going to do with 1 million blocks of snow well we don’t even get mate the world is our oyster do I not even get this how do I get this uh oh mine it with a shovel mine it with a shovel I’ve just tried to make an andesite shovel I don’t have any Cobblestone Cobblestone there we go Lads actually wait why am I do we need snow we don’t need snow but we can make snowmen and they’ll protect us from mobs you know it’s just it’s good stuff man we haven’t got a mob in a while we’re in the IC Tundra we’re not underground anymore mate that’s sick okay do not no matter what do not let him into the farm where he will eat all of them ah what is this get oh skeleton skeleton save me Barry kill it I’m nearly dead we’re all good I’ve come I just ran away I don’t have my first instinct is run and I think that was the easiest decision oh look we got bones yes raggedy raggedy bones can I make the the little fellow my friend uh oh my god did he walk off the edge you kill my dog already I didn’t kill him he’s an idiot okay well the good news is we have a load of wood now I think we should build up a bit of a base now cuz we’ve got plenty of stuff here we’re going to have little sections of different wood themes I reckon but we need a section that is not planks as well we also we need to build an area where mobs can spawn so that’s what we’re going to do tell me a direction let me go go like I don’t know 10 blocks out and then build a little circle at the end I’m so scared I’m going to fall off the edge that I’m not I’m not going fully over yeah that’s probably for the best to be honest how far am I going uh yeah a little bit further why not oh sh come here I’ve got slowness these guys are real real nasty things oh gold here we are I’m making us both an iron pickaxe we needed a shield more probably yeah we we’ve got enough for a shield I don’t know how to make a shield uh seven wood what the it’s going to run off it’s going to run off no no it’s not not pick him up pick him up it won’t let me pick him up oh I got him yes what the hell that’s so janky it’s fully like lit up but if I hit you okay it’s fine it’s F I make sure you had space behind you is he going in with the other lot yeah go on he’s not going to kill them is he oh yeah he will he will he will yeah no leave him out good idea I didn’t think about that at all wa a mega tree we got more bones and a dark oak sapling is that useful yes very that’s another one where we can make Mega trees our original plan was to make this extended platform into a mob grinder but we basically just quickly realized that it wasn’t the best idea so we decided to come back to it and deal with it later I’m going to keep breaking blocks yeah I’m going back to the job yeah yeah do your job yeah let me cook I’ve done look I contributed I’ve made a thing uh we got three more dark oak saplings if you want it okay so we can make another mega tree ah what the oh my God that’s a polar bear punch it what the hell oh my God I wanted that no that thing would have killed us no that thing would have killed us ah wait wait wait wait Johnny take the bones take the bones no no take the bones cuz he’s trying to kill the Sheep take the bones out the chest right click him until you get a dog sh it’s not doing it what’s he angry with why you so angry buddy he’s trying to kill something ah oh my God that hurts come here go on jump at me heit okay I didn’t want him anyway yeah honestly that one wasn’t the one he had anger issues yeah proper anger issues what huh oh my God oh my God Johnny smack them Johnny don’t run I’m hiding the animals no I need your help just knock them off I need your help the animals have escaped under no fault of myself oh my e it was easy that was not easy easy I did all the work get in here all of the work make shut up they ruined our base right next time that happens you can’t say hide in the mobs I thought they would save me sorry what I did all the work give me the arm you can actually oh they broke one of chest what wait we actually lost so much stuff no it’s all my inventory I’ve got just I’ve got like 60 i’ got like 100 clay here we are storage oh chests nice thanks guys yoink yoink oh you’ve got the wood oh lovely jubly I need that M dark oak forest yummy yummy all right Johnny we have got chests so I’m going to start setting one up as a wood chest would what was that that okay smack him smack him got oh I hit you oh my God it I’m on half a hot why did you hit me c i was scratching my head that’s not cool do you know what Johnny you take control you you do some you do some uh Base building I’ll do this for I put all the stuff into the chest do whatever you want man no kid you need to carry this video you’re meant to be knowing what you’re doing look well I I resent that I resent that I’m the one that’s in charge you’re putting too much trust in me okay look Johnny I’m going to do this you put all the stuff that’s on the that was so unnecessary ah ah okay do something I am I am I am I’m killing him now I need to sort it look at this man look look at this Shrine we’ve got for our one block Johnny aren’t you just so proud of it I want the next phase I’m bored no oh what was that was that an Enderman no no it just sounded like one wait oh wait can we make friends he doesn’t he doesn’t like this guy I’m smacking him off you going to be happy now oh he’s no longer Angry Johnny Johnny come get this dog friend nice okay that’s good that’s good okay now if you if you unsit him he’ll attack mobs for you nice stay frosty uh we’ll call him uh stay frosty my friend we’ll call him shadow apples call him frosty or Shadow apples cuz he’s got that dog in him nice how are we not at the next phase how are we still in icy I think it gets longer as it goes I don’t want to be in icy Tundra anymore ah ah but watch watch him cook watch him cook if he dies very happy nice big dog I do have a bow now good job shadow apples oh we should probably make Shields let’s make a shield each here you are boom I’ve got a shield oh oh the so this is the end the end finally right I’m going to B wait wait wait before we wait ice is huge ice is huge cuz we can get water from that and we can make an infinite water source yes 40 seconds Johnny okay what is this what is this phase ocean oh prismarine I think what do we do with that should we make a house yes oh dude shall we actually make a little base over somewhere let’s that take make a this was a idea I’ll be honest with you yeah to be honest I think genuinely I think you’re right and check this out I’m I’m going to befriend this guy oh K oh Johnny Johnny you need to mine a block you need to mine a block you need to go and mine a block from the center right now W you need to mine a block mine a block now mine a block to soon I’m so sorry you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine you can carry on you can carry on mate if your blocks keep going up when I’m mining someone’s getting hurt ah oh my jeez that scared the crap out of me where are they going why are they going this way why are they going towards the farm if they eat our crops someone’s in trouble I think they’re going to the water oh yeah they they’ll fit for sure let’s just be spiteful no oh they’re actually following you they actually were going to it I’ll put the water back the crops man I want to do something first I want to make an infinite water source my God he’s so good [Music] guys oh it was packed ice it wasn’t regular ice so we don’t have infinite water Johnny so I’ll place the water back yeah quick the turtles man save the turtles save the turtles and they’re uh oh I knocked one off okay I fully just killed one oh a diamond quick make an make a diamond shovel oh we’ve got a squid he’s just going to die to be honest what we supposed to do this are we supposed to have more water by now yeah what are we doing what’s the process I actually don’t know tell me how do I win I think we just keep going until how do I win ooh lily pads wow that’s useless no no no we need those for the house do you know what wait I’ve got a load of blue pretty blocks if you want to use them for the house uh obviously wow this looks lovely we probably should have had more of a plan for this shouldn’t we oh no oh no CU he got a trident oh they’ve just gone straight for the water oh my goodness Get Wrecked Get Wrecked oh he’s just he’s just slowly drifting down look down this hole well that was good at Le were safe nice wow they’re dumb man Johnny that place looks great shut up my creative juices are flowing this guy can actually just go he’s annoying me’s we’re saving no turtles today oh there’s glass over here by the way I’ll put some more coal in there for you oh oh wait this is the end be the end be the end please is the end no it’s not it’s not the end there’s still more there’s still no what the is that oh my God I’m busy wait I just dropped off sorry I was busy uh I was occupied I could imagine you sat there your hands on your nose just go what a is that I look like I like such a gremlin I can say I can safely say that I’m not an attractive man my BL my nose actually I’m not attracted Man full stop guys please uh comment no please comment’s attracted do we have any more dark prismarine dark prismarine yes we have 19 nice thank you I’ve got potion effects around me but I don’t know what they are what okay I’m just oh my oh no don’t you even oh you’re going to piss me off you’re going to oh that thing M oh my goodness I’m coming oh my goodness I’m on three and a half hearts you can’t Johnny be careful HS I’m on three and a half hearts ah oh and of course get off get off I’m on three hearts okay I’m good I’m good oh I’ve got mining fatigue wait no it’s fine I’m hiding milk a cow you’re fine Johnny you’re fine oh it’s don’t oh nice one nice work everybody good work team yoink drink this mining fatigue gone how’s the base coming along I’m not looking worry we got a turtle egg oh oh Dolphins nice bye guys you’re going to drown oh oh oh no Johnny Johnny Johnny come to the house Johnny no oh my okay okay I’m actually useless at this present I’m kind I’m actually kind of stuck wait half of them are falling off we’re good oh they’ve all fallen off they’ve all fallen off apart from the thing yes oh it’s cuz they jumped into the water they’re dumb they’re actually dumb I don’t even need to touch bye guys there little suckers oh no okay right something bad has happened Johnny I’ll be honest and I almost died what all of our furnaces that had our iron in are gone why oh no no I got it I got it it’s all good it’s all good how much more sand quite a lot I’ve got 14 in my inventory right now how much glass can you make me well instead of using glass why don’t you use glass paints no I want a glass roof wait your glass is there just sound oh actually no we don’t want a glass roof we want stairs you are not ready for the roof build us a skyscraper would you yeah the roof is about to go go crazy on it another water bucket we can make an ultimate water source unlimited water Source yes nice unlimited water source we’ve got this oh my God if this if if you give me if you give me the freaking oh my God you’re going to kill me you’re going to kill me oh one heart w wow that could have been bad oh Johnny this place is looking good I then continue to mine the block while Johnny finished up our house when I suddenly realized wait can we sleep now yeah man oh let’s sleep let’s sleep this night away there’s just no need for it is there which mate you’ve done actually a good job I like this I want this one sh s okay I’m going to can I can I go back to this for a bit you you want to go back to just mining the block aim mindless brain rot let’s glitch it let’s let’s mine it super quick next to each other so that it just uh yeah there we are oh oh we we just got a trident Johnny and two buckets of fish right take the stuff out of there and then break the chest cuz we’re done with this bloody wretched thing now wow we have so much wood so much long hard wood honestly it’s crazy such a bad joke why are you so much when you’re not Johnny catch no watch ready for the next phase boom 50 seconds we have to wait now as if we’re not haven’t been waiting long enough it’s about to upgrade let’s go this could be the greatest night of our Lives I was wrong it’s not that’s actually that does sound good I don’t want to play that’s just terrible ah oh oh parrots bro’s looking at me wait how many bones do we have we should probably bone meal that stuff parrot scrots carrots what I just did two more I’m going to the toilet this guy’s pissing me off K don’t do anything cool without me I’m going to go sit in the house okay cool I W get some potatoes we’re going to have plenty of food from now on that’ll be nice and then the rest I don’t really need carrots we’re going to do wheat all right what a day what a day it’s been oh my God oh my God why is Johnny not here you’re joking me you’re joking me oh my God why is Johnny not here God why have I got St why have I got W sword get out oh my why is Johnny not here oh my where’s the other one where’s the other one I swear to God I will [ __ ] you up right now like dynamite St back okay well Johnny I can’t lie something cool did happen we spawned some vexes you know the things that kept killing us those tiny little demons that little fly around with a little sword in tumai oh yeah look yeah look out why did you do things without me no I didn’t mean to it just bro inside yeah I know he keeps Johnny come out here come out here run to me run to me run to me take this take this he’s coming for you he’s coming for you eat it if you need to okay okay I killed one of them okay yep yeah guys go check out uh tonai episode 1 if you want to see me die to those things yeah or survive let me put some denion on that bad boy okay I’m getting a power up come on uh right what’s the yes I got a parot watch watch watch watch watch joh watch look at him look at him look at me can you just go de right let’s go let’s keep going right yeah all good ready why are we getting more prismarine block oh wait it’s all of the stuff merged together now so it just slowly builds up so we get more and more D yes but we get added jungle dungeons so we still get planes and stuff involved what the I just realized we’re halfway but the phases get longer each time ah what oh little Pandy Pandy oh oh God kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it destroyed ooh Trader llama spawner go on place that down where does this Trader is he going in the pen or is he just chilling about I know I don’t know that’s just a llama oh it’s just just I thought there was going to be a Trader as well but no yeah me too oh shoot I know what I need to do I’ve just realized why the Sheep aren’t growing back yeah why are they not growing back oh Johnny we only have one grass block ah oh horses how what on Earth are we going to use horses for let’s be realistic this world is never going to be big enough for us to need to roam around on horses is it my my idea would be to kill them for leather so we can make an enchantment table at some point what was that oh more parrots Johnny get some parrots oh diamond oh Johnny run Johnny run oh my goodness okay got one smacked one killed him killed him where’s the other one is he with you oh they’re both on me they’re both on me oh my okay they did two hearts a hit underneath the world I think what what is this area for oh it’s gone we’re fine I’m killing this horse who at least put it into the pen oh we got some we got some bamboo and some coal I’m killing this guy as well can you do anything with bamboo come oh I got leather from a llama that’s cool yeah well we got two bamboo scaffolding [ __ ] oh oh oh oh oh we need more armor oh no it’s those guys wait no this is actually bad Johnny put your shield on put your shield on where’s your Shield where my my shield I put it my shield away okay I’m killing the witch I’m killing which just stay alive okay I’m going to die I’m going to die do not die do not die one one heart one heart okay okay run run run run run run just run just run into the house and stay there oh my God Johnny Johnny okay okay guys I’m eating oh it’s coming for me it’s ins okay make sure you’re eating make sure you’re eating it’s just looking at me help okay okay I’m just trying to make my way over here y got one okay okay I’m chilling there’s one underneath you as well there’s one they’re everywhere got another one okay where are they where are they one’s one’s down here there’s one just chilling down there then one’s behind the house as well they you just run away surely they come back up they just going to stay down there he doesn’t want this smoke oh oh oh yeah this is the one that I was attacking he he had me yeah sorry oh okay that hurts that [Music] hurts I hit him nice smacked him together team work that was teamw work baby phase six here we come horse oh oh diamond diamond thank you nice and kill the horses still no leather from the horses this [Music] suck oh musical chest yes I’ll make a diamond sword swords here you are take a diamond sword wait come here come here come oh my goodness thank you darling we continue to mine the block with without any more stress to be honest until we reached the next phase which we decided to begin after a good night’s rest Johnny do you remember it was upgrading when we left yesterday and we’ve got 17 seconds I’m in I’m in here we go what do you reckon this uh what do you reckon this next phase is I can’t even remember what the last one was but I’m ready 3 2 1 red desert you Ro a style place of heat dust and death that sounds fun that sounds fun ready um I think I think we need a new project Johnny we’re going to bring the sheep and the Sheep alone over here so we can start getting wool cuz we’re going to need to decorate this place better cuz right now mate I’m not going to lie it’s a bit ugly I got you a sheep thank you buddy I love this mod so much you got to get a move on kid they’re trying to escape I know I know relax okay right we’re good yeah we just got to stop breeding these boys mate if they leave one more time someone’s getting hurt come here buddy give me this I got you yoink and we just need a gate thank you boom okay nice now I’m going to start breeding these boys should I breed them or have you just done that yeah breed them breed them oh my goodness he’s actually D go I want to make this a uh a double tiered uh Farm now where we’re going to split it up into three different bits we’re going to have the wheat farm here then it’s going to go up to one side with potato farm up to the other side with carrot Farm and we’re just gonna we’re gonna hope that’s enough all right that sounds like something for you to do can I be trusted not to fall off probably not and can you just break blocks yes you this is this is where I can really oh actually oh wait is this sand what was that oh we can make red Sandstone if you put four of that in your crafting table in your inventory you’ll get red Sandstone it’s actually one thing I just thought of I don’t want these sheep to eat all of the grass cuz if all of this grass goes we’re doomed should it grows back no no if only if there’s a piece of grass that there already is so I’m going to do this we’ve got three diamonds as well we need to start doing oh we’ve got 11 iron as well yeah should we should we both get some armor we’ve got make us both leggings dude let’s cover ourselves waa what the hell is this got some blue got some lapis ah oh lers oh diamonds ah nice oh a regular he stole the diamond we have to kill him he’s going to have to die if he jumps off the edge with that I swear to God he knows what he’s done wrong look at him nice oh God that was a horrific thank you what do we need we’ve got four diamonds now what what can that uh a five Diamonds oh dude once we get enchants I tell you what world is our oyster baby right I’m going to do something risky just cuz I can just cuz I’ve actually got the [ __ ] what oh no that’s a who the hell is Olivia who the is this she’s going into the house what the what K this she just Olivia just closed the door on me you’re not welcome in your own home Sun Olivia’s in your bed what she’s just walked in she’s walked into the into the house what do she want Olivia wait this is good we can trade with her no you can’t how do you trade no no no yeah we basically you can give villagers professions have you put the diamonds in youring chest no I thought I’d keep them safe we don’t want them in the other area nothing’s organized over there okay what I’m about to do might be silly Johnny but I’m going to do it you going get rid of the water come on come on come on come on oh my yep I almost died I just watched you do that why what was the need I’m just good man I’m just good yeah watch me take away the water do not mate mate mate mate okay okay okay how much iron have you got have you got enough for leggings making leggings yeah just got literally as you said that we’re actually on the same wave Link Link Link what yes wave I was going to say that why okay they’re giving us loads of emeralds so I’m assuming they want us to put Olivia somewhere yeah Olivia’s safe in the house I like that little red stone uh that little red Sandstone block you stuck up there that’s quite quite gorgeous so the point of that block is so we’re in what the red desert this one this phase whever the block is indicates what phase we’re in we missed six phases you were made for this pH but I’ve started doing this now and I think it will yeah exactly the first five phases mean cool I’m going to make another platform out here for Olivia cuz she can’t be staying in my house yeah you have a girlfriend I’m scared of women psych please simp Johnny in the comments I’m actively scared of for every fan edit of Johnny on Tik Tok I will give I will DM that person reach out and give him £10 please that’s not true kids poor oh we need to breed more come here guys boom boom boom boom yes I’m breeding everything this place looks what are you building a house for Olivia we need to start trading she’s clearly got valuables that I want bro you’re building a diagonal house yeah it was too close to ours so I thought I’d go off at a kind of angle why did I do this at an what was I thinking what was going through my brain was yeah this great idea this is yeah this is horrific to be honest oh this is a Pillager this guy’s actually he’s supposed to be a kned but he’s actually like not hitting nice as Johnny continued to build a home for the villagers I just decided to set off work on our farms and just improve the safety of our Island because let’s be honest this place is dangerous Johnny what is this oh God I I didn’t even I hadn’t paid attention once to what you were doing I mean I haven’t seen it from down there yet but I can only imagine this looks great you’re doing so good buddy what do you mean I’m doing so good it’s done let me have a look let me go see what you’ve done with the place do you know what actually and look the stairs work great look it’s it’s raised ceilings you know the okay I haven’t done the next level look you got levels raised ceilings there you go nice I was kind of going for a uh I was going to go do a sky roof but I ran out of blocks yeah maybe make a little watchtower at the top for them no it needs a bit of stairs it needs a bit of depth maybe I’ll I think we should make some Redstone lamps and stick them on top of those redstone blocks light expected the redstone blocks to just light up but I clearly was wrong n no they’re just the power source they’re not actually the lights oh Johnny we’ve got mobs spawning now watch this watch this watch this if you missed that we’ve lost the Trident do I need the Trident hell that was nowhere near I hope we didn’t need that oh well yeah I hope we didn’t need it as well all right okay then right we need to get Olivia into a new into a new house cuz it’s looking great oh jeez what okay mobs are just spawning everywhere now Johnny this is bad right I’m going to keep I’m going to start breaking again okay okay you keep going I’m going to finish these farms and then we’ll be good oh no we need to move Olivia don’t we what I don’t know is she back in there is she in the house uh kit yeah what have you done with Olivia I I haven’t done anything with Olivia well then where the hell is she there’s a bit of there’s a bit of experience just floating about which makes you feel like she’s dead oh no how did we get surely surely that was important to the task I mean we only know until we know you know right good so what you’re telling me is I’ve just spent 34 minutes making this for no reason now yes Johnny we’ve got Farms we actually have Farms why are they spawning so many donkeys what they what are they for oh oh god oh oh Johnny one they they’re actually proper dangerous these guys wa oh they don’t have access it’s fine oh my goodness oh my goodness I’m going to die I’m going to [Music] die be careful be so careful fighting him Johnny got him I was on three hearts I thought I was going to die there but we’re good oh massive tree let’s go let’s go break the system break the system ah oh wait wait oh oh my goodness they’re stacked they’re stacked oh wait okay Johnny this is bad [ __ ] there’s a lot of them do not do not let Johnny be careful be so careful okay be careful these guys do a lot of damage oh my God okay Johnny just don’t let the ones with iron swords hit you or it will hurts don’t hit them towards me easy okay okay and done mate we’re actually getting good surely we’re near the end oh Louis Louis right push him towards the right push him push him wait uh wait wait I’ve got AA I’ve got AA I’m going to put him in a boat I’m going to put him in a boat wa wait wait wait nice yes okay into the house we’re going to leave him inside his house in the boat so he’s held captive basically his Johnny his legs wa let me be clear oh my God God who the hell is this fell don’t worry Norman’s here Norman get boat trick again yeah get there get up there get in the boat get in the boat what okay good where are his legs right tell me how to make a what what type of villager do we want a lecturn so search up how to make a lecturn we want a no no no sorry no we want an armor Smith I need a blast furnace correct I guess so if that’s what it says come on Norman meet Louise this is Lise your long lost lover blast furnace and now I go put this in the house correct so now put the blast furnace then I’ll give him a second oh there we are yes so now but to get the full trades we have to trade with him until he’s a master we should probably actually breed them first place two beds in there and then just Chuck some bread at them and leave them be but yeah so now place a bed in there nice yeah place a bed in there we might need two beds actually all right oh they’re doing it they like each other well they Hearts oh there was green okay yeah that’s good that’s good and then look watch this watch this just chucking bread at them why is it not working wait wait oh it might be cuz we we’re watching yeah that’s why I’m peeping through the window oh ah it’s love where’s little bro oh now we leave them be now we Le them be and then they’ll be a baby bye guys have fun in there cut to the next phase oh we’re at the end oh yeah we are you’re right break it break it boom I got nine bottles of enchanting come stand next to me oh no no no save them save them don’t use them yet you never know you never know what you might need them for 3 2 1 boom all the be nether one okay nice that’s actually really good we’re going to get a lot of XP from this I re wish I could have made the the the house out of this stuff is much nicer this is lovely oh wait wait the phas has changed Johnny you know what to do oh smart man well done I don’t have any give it give me some oh red Nether Bricks sry I’ve got them there you are use that thank you what the what the hell is this oh that’s ancient debris that’s actually huge and this is weird I don’t know yeah is Obsidian I don’t know if we can go to the nether in this actually don’t know what the limitations are well we’re going to have to try but we surely we should make an enchant table as well yeah we definitely should make an enchantment table I got another ancient debris okay let’s go sleep let’s go sleep this night away because these guys are still not uh having babies Oh more CED obsidian what is this thing why looks so pretty that is pretty cool that’s what you could put on top of the base to make it light up yeah but I need four look there’s four pillars I need another I need another two exactly then I’ll go up oh gold nice Stone ah oh my goodness no they’re going to burn the base oh my okay yeah do not let fire wow we did not think this through oh oh my God oh my God the base the base the base the base oh my Smack smack the things away smack the things away try and hit him with his own balls nice oh Johnny you’re insane do it do do it oh we should have got a bow I did it I did it oh no I didn’t close keep going keep going oh my goodness we can do this make a bow ow no no you can do this you can do this come on come on no oh ah don’t fall through that oh he despawned well that was not as stressful as it that was it broke the base I’ve had to refill it with uh makeshift Goods I think we just put the blast furnace down and stop trading if you want let’s do it oh maybe they don’t breed in this maybe that’s one of the limitations I don’t know okay okay yeah maybe let’s let’s assume that’s the case right we’ve got an armorer okay and what does he trade he wants 15 coal for an emerald and seven emeralds for some leggings 15 okay so if you break the BL furnace and place it down again he’ll get different trades oh yeah that’s better that’s better four emeralds I’m going to trade I’m going to get a pair of boots there we are all right yeah just trade as many emeralds as you can with him until like that full green bar reaches the top so I just keep getting boots I’ll just keep getting loads of boots yeah yeah exactly oh my goodness oh I smacked them I shouldn’t have done that they would have actually been fine with me if I hadn’t have done that okay wait I know what we can do I need Flint where is our Flint we need an unlimited emeralds trade which we can get and Fletching table yes this is how we get unlimited emeralds from these bad boys Also let’s go sleep who what nether there’s look at there’s two NE look at this chest oh we can make a netherite piece that’s good yeah it’s very good oh I’m nearly dead Johnny run run run just run I’m coming I’m coming keep running keep running there’s a spider coming to you as well get off him how are you get hit at all maybe I CU he was focused on you for the moment ah oh my God that’s bad that’s bad okay okay just get ready smack it away he’s going down oh it’s not fine that’s fine good no what this one’s just not even looking at us I’m going to make a bow I’m going to make a bow ah oh my goodness I got hit from underneath oh my goodness it’s going for me oh my God oh my God Johnny this might be the end of me this might be the end of me I can’t be any help I know I no no it’s fine going up going up okay okay my goodness oh my goodness this is actually terrible this actually terrible wa what that was absolutely terrifying I thought I was done that I actually thought I was done did you kill it killed one of them nice where’s the other one it’s gone it’s gone we’re fine we’re fine I just found a random bow in the chest that was useful nice oh more ancient debris good stuff okay I’m going to go do what I said I was going to do yks go never did hello boys we’re going to turn one of you into a Fletcher come here go on go on go on wait Y and yep now we can trade sticks for emeralds and we have an unlimited Emerald Supply there we are eight emeralds by two more pairs of boots and we can trade Flint for emeralds as well that’s good actually I’m going to farm emeralds once you do this yeah I oh blaze rods and Magma Cream a blaze rods are very useful yep good stuff it’s it’s happened again okay okay okay okay just run just run just run oh you’re insane you’re actually insane ah okay this is going to be dangerous oh my they are Stacks Johnny keep going oh no okay oh my goodness I’m on five Hearts I’m on five Hearts Run Johnny run run run run run come on I’m on one heart I’m on one heart oh my goodness I need to heal oh no our place is burning down I’m hiding Johnny you can’t be hiding right now I haven’t got anything everything’s on fire that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine oh my God oh my God P the fire P the fire everything’s on fire put put the fire out put the fire out are you kidding me are you kidding me just put the fire on the face out don’t worry about the trees so much and do not fall everything’s on fire oh my God what do we me it won’t stop oh my goodness oh my goodness all of our hard work okay it’s stopped over here no ah why why does it keep going off over here oh it’s underneath oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay okay oh my God I was on one heart Johnny it’s ruined oh my God oh no the [Music] Sheep I don’t even know what to do okay it’s fine it’s fine that could have been a lot worse no our base our base how no it was a a no how actually how though to be fair that could have been worse wow should what should we be replacing the whole base with with stone we should have known NE equals fire that is our fault I didn’t even I didn’t think about the monster swarms though while I began to replace the entire floor with Cobble because wood was a terrible idea Johnny continued to trade with the Villagers and rebuild our house which had sadly just taken a massive beating during all that fighting right B filled again nice oh kit protection two diamond boots oh we’re cooking 17 emeralds though it’s a bit steep yeah that’s fine that’s fine cuz over time we will have that wow the co Stone really makes it’s so lovely does it so ugly it looks so brutalistic I’m one step closer to completing this awful fa this phas has been the worst one by far yeah for sure also it makes me wonder what the next phase is going to be oh wait surely we’ve got enough obsidian now as well we can make an enchantment table oh yeah I’ve got four obsidian there you go okay Chuck it all to me I’ve got the diamonds from here and boom okay yes we are making an enchantment table boom we’ve got one very nice very nice oh my God that’s actually going to make our Liv so much better so now we just need more books and we can start getting Enchanted right 19 emeralds oh 19 yeah okay get a pair of those boots boom enchantment table should I enchant my diamond sword as well uh yeah enchant you need lapis to enchant it and just enchant it to sharpness one surely we’re near the end we’ve been attacked so many times oh oh my goodness too be careful be careful I’m low I’m low I’m low careful Johny be so careful be so careful I on three hearts I’m low as well I’m on two hearts oh my goodness okay run run run run run I’ll come in take take him in a sec oh my goodness I fully almost died there I’m so unhelpful we haven’t had one of those monster attack yet though which kind of scares me yeah we have we had the one that set our whole base on fire oh I forgot that was a monster K you’re really not pulling away I’ve got a thousand more blocks broken than you man actually shut the up nice that’s the end oh my goodness that is an insane chest yep there we are two blaze rods five blaze rods total that’s good five netherite scraps we can make some more netherite scraps as well oh wow this is good stuff man and then honestly John I reckon we call it for a day today well no we’ve got we’ve got to find out what the next uh thing is and leave it on a cliffhanger I mean it’s one video for people it’s just a cliffhanger for [Music] me what is it what the hell is idil what the hell is that a breeze of blows across the land nice we nailed it buddy wait emeralds are good these emeralds are really good and honey blocks this is nice this is very nice diamonds as well oh yes oh oh bees okay that’s fine bees are fine oh what is this oh oh my goodness ow what the prick they see they just attack get Rex boy oh you mate I’ve got slowness Farm actually I’m so slow oh my God okay you missed that was inevit I’m going to put a honey block I’m going to change the uh CR drying obsidian for a honey block give me sticks give me loads and loads of sticks and oh oh there’s leggings here now as well there was leggings before oh okay well thanks for telling me this nice piece is good oh do you know what it means though this last one’s going to be awful I think you’re right I think it means we’ve got hell coming I bet the last it a it’s going to end on some like crazy stuff man wait is that is that a horse I don’t know is it a horse or a donkey yes okay him we need to keep S no that’s okay we can get one hopefully come here my little pretty oh my God that one’s awesome it’s an Undead Okay a lot of mobs are spawning Johnny I’m going to change our door our front door you’ve done it well I think this oh Zombie horse oh my God they’re actually they’re impossible to find in regular Minecraft this round’s been so lovely they clearly know we needed a rest there we are we’ve got an enchantment table right out here baby all right let’s stop it oh two rabbit’s foots wow useless welcome back J Money why is there so much dirt oh my God all this stuff’s ah run what happed why oh oh oh we freaked out man oh there’s a lot of them oh my god oh wait whoa whoa whoa there are a lot there are a lot Johnny Jonathan I’m scared I’m good I’m still alive okay look out for the fanies the who what fanies the things in in the sky what is down there there’s a bee just wandering off on his own right let’s keep going I wasn’t expecting that I’ll be honest yeah man it’s a crazy crazy world we live in wait I’ve got an idea we’ve been being so silly oh yeah we’ve got all this netherite as well what are we doing with that well we don’t have enough diamond stuff yet I’m making books oh my goodness I hate these things nice yeah I’ve got 30 levels um and we can start enchanting good armor so I’m going to find all the books we have ow careful I’m on a heart okay okay I’ll kill this I’ll stand over here I’m on off heart and I have got no food okay eat oh my I’m sick of it I’ll keep going just you know what Johnny keep cooking I’m going to go trade a bit more a my diamond pickaxe broke I’m making another one uh can you do you still have 30 levels oh yeah we’ll make a new diamond pickaxe if we have enough diamonds uh oh wait we don’t we don’t have a level 30 enchanter just yet we might enough let me check let me check okay okay we actually might have enough right what level’s this up to this is up to 24 level 30 un breaking three that’s actually what we need as well yes oh my goodness is actually the god pickaxe we you are yes really yes nice oh my God and there’s a diamond that’s unreal oh my God we have F oh I got oh I got four diamonds from one I think so let’s go sleep this way I don’t like it oh my God I’m getting emeralds as well good stuff baby girl right let’s go sleep quickly oh look how Qui look how quick it’s breaking though we’re so close to the end oh wait this is actually huge come on come sleep come sleep oh we’re done oh and a cake oh and a saddle we can ride the horse nice oh I’ve got armor for well wait before before you break that before you break that no this guy doesn’t need it cuz he’s a zombie horse I break oh my goodness we’re going to need a separate little area for this fell okay we are going to have we’re I have a little stable for this guy wait wait wait wait oh my goodness if he dies I I’ll that’s staying in oh my God we’ve got some cool trades protection two diamond helmet and projectile protection three and breaking into chest plate ooh okay did wow that is good so I guess we need those next uh should I break the last block wait first I want to build this for this guy and I want to name him you want to name him but we don’t have any iron I no once we get iron we will can please break the block wait I’m just I’m building okay fine fine you can break it nice it’ll be 90 seconds is my guess I want him to have a nice lovely house that he loves cuz he’s earned it there we go oh my goodness this guy is actually going to live the high life two one Bosch desolate land a baron land lies before you what does that mean like as in there’s just nothing here well it’s desolate so I guess do you want a diamond pickaxe by the way uh I I have six yeah eventually and and 30 levels so I could treat me like a princess do you want me to make you one yes please yes yes please drill sergeant it says Unbreaking three yeah risk it for the biscuit you got Unbreaking through efficiency 4 so okay okay it could be worse it could it could be anything we need to fortun I’ll just do it that seems fair okay yeah that seems completely Fair I’ll keep going this really is a desolate land it’s just giving me stone and like other [ __ ] I’m flying through these blocks ah ah what is that oh my God Johnny I’m coming I’m coming hey okay okay okay run into the house and close the door run house and Clos the door do not let them explode on the bridge oh my goodness he’s insane I did it you’re actually cooking the cat did nothing nice that’s ex supposed to be scared of cats as well so that’s just useless okay right well we’ve now got a place for our horse so I’m happy man okay I’m buying a chest plate boom Oh poison spiders and quite a few of them they’re not attacking me though okay let’s see how quickly we can break this with the uh super fast pickaxes now we’re going too quick oh diamonds oh we’re going to Breeze through there ah oh my God oh my God Smack them smack them Johnny quick smack them okay smack them nice Jesus oh they give us that’s good should we make a new bow yeah we’ve got enough string too that’s a good idea oh and we can enchant it too much stuff oh bone blocks is oh my God please please please do not explode it’s a supercharged creeper Johnny do not let it explode I’m over here this is not my problem at this present moment nice oh wow okay do not let them explode no matter what would that just blow up the whole base it will do it will kill us if we’re near it ni oh wait now is probably the time we get a shield right who the is this guy oh my God we can get a totem jny this is what killed us in tomai episode one oh yeah oh I’m going to die do not die do not die oh my okay okay he’s targeting me he’s targeting me right I’m you get what he’s smack him okay kill his little fellas I’ll kill his you kill him did you kill him I killed him I’m on four Hearts oh my goodness oh one heart Johnny I need to heal I need to heal heal I’m hiding in a corner bro is not happy with me Johnny Johnny Johnny are you okay how many hearts are you on enough aha I killed one we’re good nice nice there’s one left and he’s going for you oh oh was on holy smokes okay oh okay okay okay there’s so many monsters spawning in this one this one’s Peak yeah this one well we did know it was going to get harder okay okay yeah literally you speak of the devil good good I’ll keep breaking if anything spawns I’ll shout you’ll hear good okay you oh my God again bro they’re spawning like every five blocks this can’t be fair yeah this isn’t fair ooh wa piercing in string oh the instant heal thing I’m going to keep because if we throw that it’ll stay on the floor and keep healing US ah oh my goodness I if they weren’t delayed we would be so dead that was close oh my okay that was way too close I’m going to enchant my sword I’m doing it Sword of Justice sharpness three Unbreaking three nice that’s pry good oh oh I’m low I’m low oh my okay Johnny wait I might need to use this oh my goodness I’m using it I’m using it Johnny here you are now this will heal us when we’re standing in it yeah okay it’s now gone it’s not going to heal us anymore I’m poisoned I’m everything man I’m killing the evoker so he can’t okay he he’s not going to spawn more of the guys oh my I’m low I’m low nice he nice he ooh got one oh my goodness oh my goodness I’m two and a half hearts hiding I need to heal I need to heal now got one okay they’re coming for me got one okay okay okay I’m coming coming you want to be so careful I’m going to attack my silverfish careful kill them nice oh my okay and there should be a Toton look out oh my good I was eating he caught me with my pants down wait what there’s no totem on the oh no there will be it’ll be in here yep totem okay we both got totems now okay that’s good Johnny this is very good for us it’s a boss every 10 seconds I’m not not enjoying this oh my okay yeah of course again why are they all getting armor as well Christ I’m going down to like five Hearts every time yeah I’m getting low I’m in a level 30 a bow off this I’m going to see what is cuz if we get infinity we don’t need loads of arrows yeah that was what I’m thinking Infinity is probably the best oh can’t do something flame do something oh okay okay okay smacked him keep running keep running Johnny do not stop running do not stop running okay he’s down he’s down nice how curiosity the book Aqua FY bow was flame and all right fine that’s fine with me I’m just going to trade a load more sticks uh right level 30 what am I doing uh check your bow see what you can get on your bow okay should it say infinity in the side yeah Power four okay Power four is pretty good should I do it we can make more arrows so it’s up to you get infinity what is mine says flame power four Unbreaking three that’s pretty dead isn’t it oh well we move well it’s it’s good yeah it’s not great it’s fine we’re we’re managing as we do let’s keep going I’m going to give you more arrows here take 32 arrows flame power three flame yikes I’m going to make a diamond helmet is that a stupid idea no no yeah buy one buy one but why don’t I but I don’t have enough I’ve only got 14 emeralds yeah but don’t worry I can get you more you take this take this go buy yourself a Helm thank you sweet all right well I’ve got full diamond now what could possibly go wrong oh now we can now we can do the netherite no oh yeah you can St putting netherite on yours that’s true I don’t know how but yeah oh we did it oh and more bottles enchanting okay right I’m making a diamond chest plate I’m going to see what I can get on this diamond chest plate oh yeah let’s see what I can get you fire aspect two oh that that could be good oh yeah do you know what let’s do that because then you can kill the mobs and get food from them nice good idea cooked food come on come on come on come on it’s something good not good it’s just fire aspect to that’s actually heartbreaking oh well it’ll be netherite okay well in that case no no no you take this put netherite on that oh what I’m I’m one level away from level 30 why don’t we wait to see why don’t we just make another diamond sword I’m I’m making two more diamond swords we’re both going to enchant a new one each actually let me see what what I can get on this sword on this sword I can get sharpness three yikes what can you get B of ar oh my god of course yeah that’s not going to change for you I’m going to have to call some of these cows cuz there’s too many uh wait no no wait breed them again and then I did I yeah just don’t kill the babies right I’m level 30 I can stop killing them now two emeralds I can get a helmet protection two what what should I enchant them uh what did you say your boil was Unbreaking three honestly it might be worth risking X cuz if you get another Power four you make it Power five I’m breaking three power four nice so you can get power five nice yeah but we need an anvil though now we need nville yeah so iron is our next thing and we need to find out what the next phase is oh 100 seconds I forgot we’re going to have to wait that 100 seconds 10 9 8 7 6 5 drum roll please three two I knew it the end I knew it was going to be the end I’m going to instantly die imagine imagine we come this far just to die right at the end if I’m not joking if the last block is the Ender Dragon I’m jumping off there’s no point there’s no point oh my God all right I guess better get started oh no I’m I’m worried about what it’s going to spawn Now is it going to be Enderman are we going a bit quick should we be careful nah well this is fully is this all it is yep here oh what’s that yay Pur blocks wait I have a feeling that the chests we get yikes I think we’re ready to go I don’t think we need anything else what else could we possibly need ooh o diamund wait should I just make the sharpness 3 thing netherite why not John because I don’t think we’re going to get enough iron I’ll go away wait is there I of enders in that chest wait that’s bad Johnny what in that sword there’s eye ofenders look oh yeah cool thank you no but I think that means we are going to have to beat the dragon oh they’re giving us iron now they’re making us want an anvil I’ve got an the right sword though we’re ready to go oh okay okay that’s fine they’re not angry they’re not angry nice good the good news is there’s no way for them to teleport so even when they’re on fire they they just have to sit they’re not and they’re not angry with us we’ve cheated the system sorry guys I I hope you’re not okay do not eat those chorus fruits they ran right I won’t I won’t I don’t I’ve have not come this far to ah what what did you do nothing now our plan was simple we just had to continue mining the block and kill the end and get as many ender pearls as we could until we got enough iron for an anvil it’s going here it’s going to cost me 11 levels to make Power five is that is that worth it that’s fine that’s good defit okay we need one more obsidian Johnny do you have one what do you need uh obsidian for well I want to do something a little bit silly and you know fun and silly look I know what you’re thinking don’t do this we don’t need more than what we’ve already got we’ve got this lovely self- sustaining Island what are you doing though I don’t even know Johnny I’m behind the sugarcane farm oh you want to check I see where you’re going with this I just want to see I just want to see have you got the other Goods no but I I can get them I just need one iron all right then I’ll give you the iron do it wait why would we even go I already had iron I already had iron this entire time why would we go in here what why would we do this what was in we might as well have a look if there’s nothing there there’s nothing there let’s go come on surely this doesn’t work there’s no point to go into oh it works oh my goodness it fully just gives us access to the nether oh nice no longer trapped on a single block I was liking my block wrecked oh no this is such a good way to get XP okay we’re so near the end we’re just we’re just prolonging the inevitable yes exactly cuz I’ve had so much fun I never want it to end I want 18 levels this going I’m going to be here for ages yeah I’m just going to get 30 and then I’m going to come back through and Bone blocks so we can get bone meal what a a dream come true this is there we are 30 levels this is why we do what we do what are you going to enchant then honey I’m home I don’t know what I’m going to enchant maybe another bow see if we can get Infinity power three I’m just going to do it Infinity nice very nice oh my goodness okay and I can make Power full flame yes okay that’s actually huge nice done okay we here we now I only need one arrow and you can have the rest oh hello godes nice another end Pearl carry on I’ve got yeah I’ve got five ender pearls and two Eyes of Ender oh my goodness he’s cooking okay oh Johnny wait what is a monster party okay no that’s fine endites we can take okay this is bar easy are the end not even angry no we’re beating the system sorry guys I hope you weren’t expecting big things from this wait okay it’s just not stopping though Johnny there’s too many well this is going to be an easy ending that feels so disappointing I ran away and everything oh no oh a lead come on we might as well do this last bit together we must be close okay okay okay I’m coming and when I say that I just don’t want to be on my own when it happens I think that’s kind of funny the only way for you to learn is to experience it yourself we’ll do this together wait let’s go sleep and then let’s do it we’ll go sleep and then we’ll finish this right we’re going to power through oh wait I should probably have a better sword I’ve only got fire aspect to has nothing else oh yeah you should definitely yeah that you know what that’s a good idea let me see what I’ve got on books books is sharpness three that would be good and fire aspect two on the sword again okay okay I need XP I need XP so we’ll just keep we’ll keep going and when I can trade I’ll trade why don’t you breed some of the things ah great idea my little munchkin oh my I can’t see anything I can’t see anything I can’t Sprint I went too quickly wait what oh my god oh wow they do actually want you to go to the end that’s hilarious okay okay okay I’m going to go mine a load of quarts in the Nether and then we’re going to go okay we’ve got okay we need one two we need two more Eyes of Ender I can do that I’m coming back Jonathan wait my enchantments have glitched please oh my goodness please no you know what I don’t even care I don’t even care please please oh my God if I get fire aspect oh my god I’ve got I’m breaking three fire aspect 2 we’ll be fine just make it netherite it’s good enough right guess so all I’m going to put how many more do we need for what oh I’ve got enough I’ve got this I’ve got them okay well you’ve got the final one oh my goodness okay this wait what look at it’s upgrading yeah why did you do that ah oh my okay okay okay um wait I don’t understand yeah we’re going to have to wait 97 seconds now I need to know I need to know what happens surely it’s just going to tell us to go down okay well this is annoying but there we are netherite on a Unbreaking three fire aspect 2 sword well that is heartbreaking okay 9 seconds what do you reckon it is the after phase really oh so it just this is mean this just lets you keep going and after hours upon hours we were finally able to enter the end so I just decided to give Johnny the worst most crappy inspirational speech ever and went through the portal for the last stretch of our adventure okay let’s go how hard can this be okay okay okay okay Johnny are you ready okay okay okay are we safe huh safe oh my goodness okay okay we’re safe can you make that jump I’m in ah let’s go you’re going to have to explain this is going to need to be explained what are we doing here don’t look at any Ender in the eyes all right remember that and what we have to do we have to break all the pillars so you see these things we have to shoot them don’t get too close or it’s going to be too difficult nice so now those things heal him so we just need to break all of them okay I can do that so you get the uh caged ones I’ll get the ones that are uncaged cuz I can go up and get them ah oh I’m getting hit I’m oh to look out that’s dragon’s breath it’s dragon’s breath be careful be careful there’s another one another one yes oh I’m nearly dead no we’re good Johnny Johnny eat eat eat if you need to I’m just running why is it Johny Johny get on the horse get on the horse I’ve looked at the Ender okay okay run run run run run keep running keep running I’m coming to help you I’m coming to help you are they all going to beat me now no oh no look out look out look out I needed to eat okay I’m run he should be dead he should be dead okay I’m good I’m going to heal I’ve never had a horse in the end before yoink okay good okay I’m going to get these higher up ones can you get on the horse and look after him okay I’m going to shoot all of these ones that are uncaged you get the Caged one okay there we are another one oh two more and then you just get the Caged one and we’re done John and we just have to kill the dragon okay that’s all of them smack her shoot her okay and now go into the middle go into the middle but get off the horse how do I get off the hor the horse and go into the middle how do I get the just press shift press shift press shift shift there we go I’m off the horse okay now come around behind her head and get in underneath and just start hitting her head and don’t jump no don’t jump don’t jump okay you get launched nice nice oh my goodness this is it Johnny back to Bow Shoot yes power five is shredding this is so good I haven’t hit I’m you haven’t hit once right you do the rest nice yes yes she’s perching again okay okay Johnny get ready to hit her get ready to hit her I’m the to lower while she’s coming down and then you just need to hit her in the head but stay inside the pillar where the you can kill her here you can kill her here die got yeah easy oh my goodness we actually did this block one block all from one block collect these three levels so many levels well I’ve got 56 levels and I’ve got an idea Johnny right what we’re going to do is we’re going to get this egg one underneath you PR the place the pressure plate and then break it it’ll fall grab it nice you got it now go through go through and then place I was going to place it I was going to place it here oh that’s genius in the theme block will it just sit or do I need to put something below yeah it’ll sit just don’t hit it oh my God that is sick it fits perfectly

Surviving on ONE BLOCK ONLY in Minecraft Hardcore…

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