Meeting Leah for the first time | Stardew Valley Animated #shorts

are you okay that’s a real cool hat now that I look at it we kind of have the partment look going don’t you think you want to come in for a bit uh here a thanks that’s so sweet of you here have a te thanks what is that you like my sculpture it’s still a work in progress to be honest I’ve been struggling to get motivation for creating art lately it looks like the never-ending Loop of grinding day and night and never getting to taste those fruits of your hard work which you grave so desperately wow I never saw it like that but it makes total sense I didn’t know you were such an odd coniss poet I need to pass oh you’re already going

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  1. Ich bin immer wieder erstaunt über das Maß an Fachwissen, das in diesem Thread zum Ausdruck kommt. Es ist, als hätte man Zugang zu einer virtuellen Denkfabrik.🔥

  2. Honestly you animated Leah so well. Like you really gave her the real look that I imagined she had playing Stardew. Awesome work.

  3. For a sec, I forgot this was after his uhh.. trip to the wizard and was so confused 😂
    Then he started talking about the sculpture and I was like "oh yeah… like that time I got stuck in the mirror for 20 minutes!"

    Anyways~ stay hydrated, everyone!

  4. Watched all the series, because I got to play Stardew with my friends for the first time a couple weeks ago.
    First thing I started grinding was relationship with Leah and my friends were kinda pissed I wasn't all for grinding strawberries

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