[🔴LIVE] Beating terraria for the first time ever

streaming okay hello everybody um let me make sure this is all working okay okay yeah welcome to a new let’s play of Terraria I’ve played this game a lot but I don’t think I’ve ever beaten it before and I definitely haven’t played it on YouTube I don’t think um so yeah I’m going to be making a new guy uh you yeah so I’ll be answering any questions in the chat or anything oh and if you’re wondering why where I’ve been cuz I haven’t uploaded in like a month or two I don’t know how long it’s been uh so I got diagnosed with diabetes recently so I’ve been adjusting to that and then I was going to upload last week I was going to do the classic event but then I ended up in California uh so I didn’t get a chance to do that so but I’m here now so all right let’s go single player um ignore that that’s my little brother’s account yeah let’s just do gold complex now it has been a while since I’ve played this so yeah let’s just go classic um un like can the trench go but I’m not 100% sure maybe I’ll go for this or this yeah let’s see how this looks um I’ll change the colors and stuff um I actually think the default here is great for what I’m going to go for [Music] there we go maybe a little bit yellower Yeah like that perfect all right my color my eyes IRL are kind of [Music] gray so yeah like a very grayish blue probably like here skin color it’s probably good okay this should be gray no this one is black yeah oh it’s like a sht with a design on it okay hang on yeah let me change this to gray real quick there we go all right which one looks the best you know I’m kind of thinking probably the default I know it’s basic but like works for me it’s never let me down before make these black there we go okay so this is my character great all right let’s uh make a new world oo okay do we go corruption or Crimson I’m thinking Crimson cuz the uh the the brain the brain is a funner more fun boss fight in my opinion and its loots cooler even though I do like the Aesthetics of the corruption better I think we’re going Crimson plus it’s got less holes in the ground all right we’re going classic um um let’s go large all right what it call it guys what should I call my world h I don’t know that just seems like something that might work until we can think of a better name at least all right let’s get this all started yeah any questions or anything in the chat will be answered um yeah it’s been a long time since I’ve streamed I’m kind of glad to be back at it I love Terraria soundtrack it’s so good oh yeah check this out I’m not sure if you knew this but you can actually move the mo Moon and Sun around on this loading screen it’s pretty cool I think it’s a neat feature okay solid gold because apparently that’s what I named my world okay here we are um I’ve not played in a very long time so I may need to pull up the wiki at some point we’ll see yeah first thing we got to do is build a basic house how it alwayss let’s kill this slime so I can make some torches oh yeah there we go let’s get this last tree now I’ll start building very nice oh butterfly die more like butter die I’m so funny all right so I genuinely forgot the dimensions the houses need to be so I’m just kind of guessing here uh hopefully it’ll be all right rid of these in fact I think this might actually be too big honestly I mean I don’t care but yeah might be more than enough all right let’s grab this boom okay I probably should have put this here so I can jump out easier but whatever okay let’s grab some doors two of those Bo let’s go kill the Slime for more slime gel I need torches Boom die there we go this one too nobody is safe oh jeez there we go all right doors boom and boom let’s make some [Music] platforms there we go right there we go now we just need a chair and some walls and some torches how do you make a hammer again like I said it’s been a long time dat wood all right let’s grab that um demonic okay any who uh we should make some wood armor or something at some point but let’s not worry about that for now yeah that should be enough you can never have too many walls except for when you can [Music] there we go let’s grab some torches boom boom boom yes torches in a wooden house seems like a lovely idea doesn’t it oh jeez calm yourself thank you all right now I just need to put the chair down then the home should be done does Terraria still have a tutorial cuz I know it used to I don’t know if it does anymore I didn’t check before I started playing so I’m I genuinely don’t know red okay ooh bunny nice okay we got gel [Music] coins let’s make sure the guide is moved in there we go very nice uh whoa what is this that’s never done that before okay what else can we make we should probably make some wooden tools since literally anything is better than the copper Shore sword so yeah there we go okay how much wood does this take 20 yeah we’ll make we’ll make ourselves some more armor why not I’m only I know the boots don’t provide anything I’m just putting it on for the set bonus right is there any way to like quick cliip yeah there we go equip there we go yeah there so three defense it’s not a bad start um what else can I do on the first day okay well I think that’s all let me pull up the wiki real quick because there’s something I need to know how to make H never mind it’ll be fine I’ll figure it out right so let’s collect some more wood for the rest of the day and then at night time maybe I can work on building let’s see if I can make a new axe actually our wooden axes even better see axxe can you not make a wooden axe I guess that kind of makes sense actually where did I put my phone here it is I found let me kill this slime gel okay whenever I see a bunny I have to kill it because I always have a thing on my worlds where I build a bunny Banner collection it’s a lot of fun not for the bunnies it’s not fun for them of course but for me it is very fun okay starting to get a little bit dark I think we’ll still be good to collect some more trees for now though and Terraria is awesome super cool game L more why was that just sitting there very nice let’s go in for the night and start building up our house so that would be one two three four five six which I think is literally just as tall as I can reach which is fine by the okay and I do know about pylons and stuff so I am going to make some houses and other biomes but for now I’m just going to build like a big tower to be like a Lobby for them to check in at before I build their house so yeah like I said I’ll get the pylons eventually but not right now we go crafting table crap did I just do what the shair where’s my chair at oh okay oh I need the crafting table to build the chair that’s right I for go there we go dude I remember when all the little NPCs used to be really freaking dumb like like they still are kind of dumb but they used to not even be able to defend themselves like it used to be if you gave them a house sometimes at night if they were like assigned to the wrong house they would just spend the whole night walking in and out of the doors and letting in all the creatures and it was like the most annoying thing ever I want to know what’s a pain in the butt trying to build houses on Console Terraria it is the [Music] worst like I genuinely don’t think okay well there’s one other worst Terraria experience and that’s when you have to go mine for like 3 hours straight to defeat the mechanical bosses um but yeah it is like one of the worst Terraria experiences I swear if the guide manages to kill himself I’m actually going to be very annoyed such a fire sound dude who made the soundtrack cuz like give them all of the money I’m just kidding not all of it but a lot of they deserve it all right let’s go help out the guys since he apparently open the door close it again Hi man close your door how do I close it again I forgot um how do I close the door oh no it’s not e I don’t think it’s just click oh gosh I’m going to freaking die oh there we go I got it okay go let me kill this guy cuz if I can get a zombie arm this early in the game that would be pretty good I would not be complaining plus it gives me money which I need for the merchant to move in oh I think I already have enough actually still don’t know why those fix random Platinum sitting in the middle of nowhere zombie zomes ah idiot I wonder if there’s any like competitive Terraria players I bet there is I’m sure someone’s at least speedrun the game if nothing else how do I make night time without a bed because beds are so incredibly complicated to make in turn it’s not even funny all right so I once it turns daytime I’m going to spend the day exploring both sides as far as I can before I start mining because if I can find any chests or pots with like climbing gear it’ll make mine a lot easier or just everything in general a lot easier since the Merchant’s going to move in tomorrow let’s build another floor there we go let’s build a crafting table I’m going to need more walls grab a gra PL of walls more walls are very important never underestimate the power of wles right we go put one here cuz that’s about there we go [Music] okay there zombie hey bad you a time traveler stepping through Dimensions mystery shooting star or falling star cash Dar there we go very nice oh there’s two of them let’s grabb those cuz I can use those to make Mana crystals I’m probably just just going to be a warrior honestly but like I might need him at some point you know so I might as well yeah I’d probably take fall damage if I went that way I’m good such a goed game for real ooh torch zombie die wait what’s that little green thing the map there fun oh okay I see that taking no CR oh no why’d you let him in idiot wish my guy’s name was Luigi dude come back you’re going to get yourself killed Luigi is the best name for a guide CU then if he ends up dying you get a green hat do they still have that or did they remove it cuz I could see today at least in Terraria in real life it’s probably fine IRL let me turn the volume down a little bit in case you can’t hear my voice there we go that should be fine oh I’m going to die so I have two lenses yet I want to make some sunglasses no I got to kill more of these guys or goggles goggles work too goggles are cool okay you all got to die schools there we go okay I didn’t get a lens from that that’s sucks man I want the goggles they’re really cool [Music] crafting yeah I want the goggles I want them bad the gogs very nice okay starting to light up a bit oh yeah give me that uh what do I need to make these again isn’t it like a jar I I think I don’t remember maybe I should make a campfire so that I’ll have healing near my base or not my base I mean I guess it’s kind of my base but it’s not really just like near spawn I mean yeah let’s make one of those that sounds like a good idea boom I believe it’s almost daytime oh yeah daytime music is playing means we’re good all right it’s exploring time ding the exploring man I just love the backgrounds in Terraria they’re all so cool looking it’s windy day today trees are whing are going whoosh whoosh whoosh uh to be a tree a lonely Tree in a Terraria world all right is there anything down here oh I’m in the jungle now uhoh that’s not good hate the jungle all right let’s just grab all there we go oh man this thing goes pretty deep what did I just what did I just eat something I guess so that’s weird I didn’t think I did but okay ooh that is actually good oh wait no it’s not it’s about the same as my sword it’s probably longer though we got some recall potions those are good to have oh gosh why are there so many die I almost just died okay we’re back in the normal area yeah the merchant just showed up it’s pretty nice that will be good uhoh I’m stuck underwater moment please yeah what exactly did I eat I’m so confused oh no this is probably not a good place to be um let’s make some platforms oh I’ve already got some okay yeah let’s m not mine let’s build over to here okay I can’t even reach it are you serious is copper even useful at all I genuinely don’t remember like I think it’s useful for armor and that’s about it cuz like you start with mostly copper stuff there’s some iron up here I think unless it’s lead I’m pretty sure it’s iron though yeah it’s all I really hope I have gold in this world instead of silver cuz uh that would be unfortunate in it if I named it solid gold and it ended up having silver [Music] [Music] no okay what is this Platinum interesting dang it I can’t reach it I need the stepping stool thing or whatever it’s called come on get the iron I know you can do it man I created you you will do as I ask there we go oh there’s lots of sand I should probably be careful that o those things are generally good why is there a red slime excuse me oh okay fairy thing I’ll follow you as far as I can without dying all right one moment please little fairy oh gosh it’s over never mind they’re just slimes I’ll be fine nope I was wrong help oh no hang on fairy okay we’re good all right I’m coming ooh gemstone what is this amethyst yeah very I’ll grab the rest of that amethist when I come back what are you leading me to little fairy oh you’re leading into that it’s actually really handy thank you I will be there shortly one thing I don’t like about Terraria is how much ore you need to mine before you can actually craft your armor like mining is like the least favorite like resource Gathering is my least favorite part of survival games I enjoy the building and I enjoy the fighting I don’t enjoy everything that leads up to them well I mean like I like the adventuring in bararia you need to do to get certain things I think that’s really cool but like I really despise mining this iron or something else yeah it’s iron nice [Music] [Music] that should stop the sand from falling very good all right that slime’s coming to get me well I’ll get you first Mr slime yeah nice try sucker you’re going to have to be faster than that buddy one thing that’s nice about Terraria is that things don’t have like certain durability so like if you run out of something well I mean you can’t really run out of like your armor so you only really need to get it once so I guess that is an upside and I would rather have that than have it be less but still oo that’s actually good let’s loot this um yeah these boots grabbing those those are very useful let’s hi them because they’re ugly AF there we go yeah I’m back in the underground Jungle which is not exactly where I want to be oh what the I don’t think I drunk anything did I oh does pressing B do that did I press B on accident well now I can see where everything is that’s kind of cool there’s a weird fish up there is that a rainbow slime why is it changing color oh cuz it looks it looks red because it’s not in any light but when it’s in the light it looks yellow okay nice right very cool nice uh oh it’s not ready for this hang on Mr slime be nice to me please just be nice to the gentleman fancy they’ll be nice to you what is that oh okay I don’t think I want to step on that I think there’s Dynamite right there or something explosive yeah there we go see explosives now I can step on it though so that’s pretty cool this is a lot of freaking Platinum holy cow let’s put this here I really want to step on this yeah nice I think Terraria Computing is underrated like you got you got all these guys in Minecraft making like huge redstone contraptions and then in Terraria You’ got stuff that’s potentially even more gamebreaking than like Redstone and yet like nobody uses it and it’s kind of sad CU it’s such a cool feature to be fair it’s also pretty late game stuff you got to be pretty far in to get it cuz you need to have the mechanic which means going in the dungeon which means beating in skeleton beating Skeletron I guess not late game but probably more like mid game not even really mid game it’s early game but like not as early as you can get it in Minecraft you know okay so I’ve got silver instead of gold that is incredibly unfortunate because of what I named my world um that’s silly all right I need to put some wood here here here we go no I said I was going to be exploring this does not this is not exploring I did not expect to be spending the whole rest of the day in the cave Platinum is pretty cool it’s cool looking don’t remember if the armor is any good or not but I guess we’ll find out oh there’s a little there there’s some uh wasps down there or Hornets I don’t know the difference honestly I don’t even know if there are wasps I think it’s just Hornets man I am done yeah I’m not going to BR we not going to bother going any further down than this cuz I still have a lot more places to explore and I don’t think I’m nearly close to ready for the underground jungle yet so what the crap why are there so many slimes in here creepers oh gosh they’re all angry at me calm yourselves I said calm yourselves is that everything in this cave no there’s more stuff that way all right I guess that’s where I’m going next guys should I play FNAF 2 like I think I might buy FNAF too because I really want to play it all right I’m seeing some iron over there grab that oh it’s silver it’s not iron never [Music] mind uh you just found out I’m live but it’s 2 a.m. in Switzerland so you can’t stay longer oh that’s all right man you get some sleep thank you for stopping by I appreciate it yeah sorry I haven’t been live in a while uh I said earlier in the Stream uh I got diabetes so then I wasn’t live for like a month and then I went to California during the classic event that I was going to stream but I didn’t end up doing it oh pinky you’ll be sure to come back next time you’ll subscribe right now thank you I appreciate it oh gosh oh no I’m not ready to fight this little thing it’s okay I’ll never truly be ready I got has anyone ever gotten like a pinky Banner because these things are so rare is is it even in the game can you even get banners for mobs like like this that are really rare that’ be cool hey there’s a chest down there I don’t want to die before I can get that cuz that could have some good stuff in it right come at me there are a lot of traps near that chest maybe I should take care of those first die please thank you okay put this up here so that I can kind of see what’s going on in the water doesn’t look like anything too important probably flows down there it sounds like Okay so let’s take out these traps real quick so that I can actually open that chest all right we need a torch may as well grab this since I’m up here should I grab the iron yeah I’ll grab the iron why not oh thanks man means a lot to me see you next time man thanks for the sub all right okay yeah so I’ve played some Terraria with friends I just I’ve never beaten it on my own before yeah usually I have got like one friend who crafts everything and then the rest of us just help out with the bosses so yeah this is all somewhat new to me I’ve also played it with my sister once but we ended up hacking not hacking we we used a duplication glitch it was a long time ago it was on the 3DS version of Minecraft actually not Minecraft 3DS version of Terraria jeez what is this green stuff Emerald makes sense then we got some Platinum here right I should get that chest first and then I can come back here and continue mining chests are much more valuable okay that’s right there are traps that I got to get rid of yo what’s up uh Amon hi how you doing there we go there’s one trap disabled uh fan games what do you mean do I play fan games uh like like fan games like are you talking about like oh oh yeah i’ I’d play that oh gosh uh yeah I probably would not today but like I would at a future date all right let’s get rid of the rest of these explosives and then I should be able to finally open the chest okay there we go very nice uh we got some silver ooh cloud in a bottle that is a very nice thing to have all very very nice uh yeah let’s go get the rest of that ore first yeah Cloud clouds in a bottom can actually negate all fall damage if you use it right before you hit the ground so yeah it is very very good to have there’s a giant worm stalking me uh You released a prequel with 30 levels now oh man yeah I’d totally give you some feedback on that I mean I’m I’m playing Terraria today but like I could stream it on like a later day oh okay that’s really cool I didn’t know that uh I don’t know if I’ll be busy tomorrow but just like whenever I stream next I could probably check it out yeah I kind of just stream at random times I don’t really have a schedule so oh gosh freaking worms die there we go all right yeah I’ll be sure to check that out on stream someday hopefully not in too long so my plan is after this stream I’m probably going to work on a video and then after the video comes out I’m gonna like stream again the next day whenever that is so yeah I’ll be sure to check that out next time I stream man right how am I going to put a torch down here yeah I’m excited to check that out hang on let me sorry there we go just doing something to my screen I’m hoping to maybe take on the eye of cthulu today uh I might not be ready by the end of the stream but I I guess we’ll see there’s some iron up there that I should probably grab oh yeah that’s right I can double jump because I’m cool like that yeah be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it when I check it out I keep okay so it’s the uh vtu stuff and I keep accidentally pressing it because it’s so close to my space bar that is annoying but it will be all right I guess okay there are some piranhas down here so I’m a bit scared but I think I might be able to take them and if not I’ll just drop some cash which doesn’t really matter yeah there we go right stupid little fish okay there’s nothing down here so that whole encounter was pointless oh come on I did it so good earlier there we go okay now we can go back over here and get all the ore that was over here I’m just going to skip the copper because honestly I don’t even think there’s a single good use for it in the game correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure it’s just useless oh boy there’s a lot of slimes am I dead is this it no I’m good I’m good I’m good they’re just slimes they’re just slimes I can take them off I’m I’m a strong independent woman I’m not a woman that was a lie what’s up little Batman I mean not Batman regular bat let’s go over here I completely missed that jump that’s all right there’s nothing wait yeah there is there’s like iron up there hang on one moment please there we go man I was supposed to be exploring the world right now I did not intend for this to turn into like a full spunking session but I mean that’s what happens when you play games like this I guess okay there is a poison dart thing right here let’s get rid of that those are always annoying okay we are looking good um there’s some amethyst up there I’m just going to skip it since those are usually for mage classes I mean I guess they can be used for phase saers which are pretty good but I don’t know I think I’ll leave it for now I can always come back to it what is this is that a skull dude oh awesome wish I could pick that up this just copper yeah okay let’s go up and mine this stuff I think this is some silver and some Platinum that is a big slime holy crap good luck with beating the game hope you have fun yeah I hope so too uh yeah I am having fun so far right now I’m just exploring the caves getting some more yeah so I know how most of the pre hard mode progression go but I have no idea what to do Post not post hard mode just hard mode like post while of Flesh I’ve got no clue so I might have to use the wiki for that very nice okay how am I going to kill that thing oh I guess I could go underwater yeah oh gosh oh that did not work as well as I had hoped oh man uh let me just uh go under a little bit Yeah cuz it it floats so as long as I stay mostly underwater I should be fine let’s eat this mushroom all right yeah see I’m good all right and then it will have three baby slimes which I can also probably just kill underwater there we go that was only two baby slimes and now there’s a giant worm after me wonderful uh I used to I used to play Splatoon I played a lot of Splatoon 2 back in the day I haven’t played any Splatoon 3 oh you have the classic Splatoon huh nice I think I played that one once at my grandma’s house my uncle had it on his switch that he brought so I got to play it I used to play like a Roblox version of it and I was like so so freaking good man and that knowledge all transferred to the new one too but then I ended up losing that knowledge I ended up getting worse at the game what is that dude that is based that’s me though for real let me grab that King statue yes King I got to get vast on this computer it’s been hacked like twice no I keep pressing V or B on accident water walking dang it that’s not going to help me at all right now just wasted you’re a Splatoon Mega fan uh you might have no merch or you also only have a wiu oh yeah nice I’m glad you have something that you enjoy a lot that’s pretty fun yeah I think it should be like illegal for maybe not like illegal but it should be like highly frowned upon to shut down the servers of old games cuz it’s like you paid for the game to be able to play it and if they just shut down the servers it’s like what like what now cuz it just makes your whole purchase useless so yeah I think it shouldn’t be allowed honestly okay that thing’s scary I don’t want to mess with it oh gosh oh man it’s over please die here let me just box it in I’ll be good that way there we go we safe die stupid worm hear zombies oh yeah I forgot I got the water walking oh there’s a heart down there I got to grab that with this stupid freaking worms after me bro can you stop there it is die please so close there we go all right let’s grab this heart oh oh no it was a trap oh [Music] no there’s no fan game of it so you made a rom hack like Adventure Pack for Super Mario BR X fan game o okay very cool yeah I will be sure to check that out that would be awesome dude I can’t believe I freaking died from the crystal heart I didn’t even get it that sucks all right let’s see if I can buy a piggy bank because those are good Investments uh yeah okay very nice uh we can toss these let’s place this just down here very cool oops all right let’s put my money in here let’s see if I can make a furnace I completely forgot how to right what do I need to make a furnace hang on I’m going to the wiki oh it’s right here okay hang on I’m dumb one moment please it’s right here Bo what even is this diamond gen cor what are those do o how that’s cool only 30 levels and a little weird story writing and some textures look bad well that’s okay all projects start somewhere and like you said it’s only really a demo so yeah excited to try that out oh yeah that is a lot of platinum heck yeah get rid of this that is a loud owl okay I literally only could craft one gold bar that’s going to be completely useless to me since this world has silver instead of gold get rid of that all right holy that is a lot the difference between downscaled image and actual pixel art is sick you uploaded short little videos and example on your channel that show the comparison all right uh yeah you know what since it’s night time anyways I might I might give me a moment let me finish crafting my stuff all right give me one moment let me pull it up sorry one moment uh hang on sorry I’m trying to set up my streaming thing so that it’s looking so that it looks better is it the uh is it the one called the difference between old and new textures is it that one yeah all right let me switch let me pause this oops there we go and then let me switch this okay all right okay oh interesting that is pretty wow it’s pretty cool big difference there dude that looks sick I’m very excited to play that very cool oh sorry sorry that the stream’s lagging a little bit it usually does that with YouTube and stuff yeah uh that’s that’s really cool um very excited to play that all right what can I get rid of cushion oh wait can’t I make a SP in the bottle of this I’m pretty sure let me put this down so that I can other things there we go yeah we be cushion in a bottle I’m pretty sure is something that I can make what do I need need to make it though hang on di I need your help crafting cushion no I can’t uhoh oh wait that’s the trash Oh my gosh I almost just messed up yeah fart in a jar what do I have to use to craft it though what crafting station does it need all right never mind boom hang on let me look this up real [Music] quick F in a jar Terraria oh it’s got to be in the Tinker Workshop okay I see that is slightly unfortunate because that means I got to get the Goblin for that so I guess we’ll just equip it for now and then I’ll put this in my piggy bank oh the game is louder than my voice hang on let me turn that down a bit sorry about that that owl’s really loud though to be fair like why is he so much louder than the freaking music playing all right let’s put this in here um let’s put all our ores in Here Pink gel that is pretty rad right let me um got to make an anvil did I make one already I don’t think so yeah no all right make that and I don’t want to put it directly in front of the door so I’m actually going to put it up here all [Music] right uh the lights out levels from dkc what’s [Music] dkc okay platinum’s pretty good I can probably make some full iron armor maybe yeah I think so oh Donkey Kong Country I’ve never played Donkey Kong Country before actually all right one [Music] two oh I didn’t oh crap I just crafted a second iron chest plate I am a failure oh my gosh I can’t believe I did that I’m so stupid that is fine just give me money for it that’s not worth it at all oh I can’t believe I did that I feel so dumb all right I guess I’ll just make boots out of something else then probably Platinum actually sounds good Platinum boots very nice all right let’s see what sword can I make cuz a new sword would also be pretty nice silver Broad Sword that would probably be good oh how much is the sword and how much is the pickaxe oh okay I can only take one or the other do I take the Platinum sword or the Platinum pickaxe the lights turn out and on all 5 Seconds you shortly can’t see anything it’s got a Cool vibe nice very cool yeah should I make the uh the silver sword or the silver pickaxe pickaxe all right sounds like a plan all right nice yeah and then once it goes daytime I guess I’ll explore to the other side I still can’t believe the way I died that’s such a dumb way to go I didn’t mean to kill the ow whoops this game is very dark gets brighter in the daytime yeah it might just be my screen or my stream settings because it’s not super dark on my screen I wonder if I can turn the brightness up hang on video yeah I know I don’t know I wish I knew how cuz I would but I don’t I’m literally just waiting for it to become day right now honestly with my iron armor I probably don’t even need to wait oh mushrooms uh I mean as long as it’s not like inappropriate I guess that’s fine lot of mushrooms that is very good to have mushrooms are very [Music] good another chest down there that is pretty radical dude shut up that is awesome sauce oh gosh I’m getting mugged stay time music changed loot doll actually I don’t need the wand of spanking sparking that says sparking not spanking [Music] whoopsies oh what’s up Charles how you been it’s been a very long time fine about you uh I’ve been all right sorry I haven’t streamed in a while or anything I’ve just been uh I’ve been I got diabetes and then I just did not want to make videos for ages so I’m back now though all right let’s grab this iron w wow this pickaxe dig so much faster all right grab this uh it’s not what I meant to do here we go mining potions I’m not a huge fan of potions honestly Wario bro really just said Wario what do you mean Wario oh yeah is the world generated uh yeah I think so I mean I’m playing in it I would hope it’s generated bye Charles yeah me too I’ve tried to figure it out before uh back when I was really into programming uh I kind of figured it out but it never I never really got it to work right so yeah cuz it’s like with 3D they use like sound Maps I think but in 2D I actually have no clue let colle Crusher 4 jump scare what’s up dude it’s been a while oh crap I almost just died it has been yeah what have you been up to have have you how have you been doing you started playing guitar ooh nice how good are you you actually just finished learning a new song very nice I’ve always wanted to learn to play guitar but I’ve never really had the resources I mean I’ve got a guitar I just I mean I guess I could just watch YouTube videos but I don’t know I just haven’t really had the time I mean I guess I could doing that instead of streaming but like I enjoy streaming opinion on Arnold Schwarzenegger um he’s great he’s an absolute Chad he is a unit my favorite movie with him is jingle all the way so you just taught yourself very nice how’s that going like can you can you read Sheep music moist critical oh he’s the one guy with the long hair right you can read tabs very nice I feel like it probably if I tried to learn guitar it would probably be I I think I’ve already gotten the hard part out of the way cuz I used to play clarinet so I know all the note names and stuff Stu I think the only hard part would be like my fingers you know which is 90% of it so the whole thing would be hard probably you’ll send me something on Discord sick I’ll watch it later maybe not on stream though I really don’t want to log into Discord on this computer because if I forget to log out my little brother will go through my messages yeah I’d say today’s stream has been pretty fruitful I mean I’m not done yet probably uh how do what do you call camel with no legs um Whoa man whoa who wait what what does that even mean camel with no legs being that what is that what how is a camel with no legs that oh just random stuff I see I mean it made me laugh so good joke I guess one of my favorite things to do with chat GPT is ask it to describe tragedies using emojis only okay I got to throw something away I don’t even have a bow so these are basically useless to me at the moment nice hobby real I think we should bring back slavery but like on all Races not just like certain colored people what the crap why did it use my jump there like I think everyone should be slaves honestly Whoa man chill out you’re going to get yourself cancelled jeez man I remember when woke used to mean cool yeah I think it would be cool to own a slave but like only if they were uh White because otherwise that could be considered racist obviously I’d pay them Fair wages but it would just be cool I guess that’s more of a servant than a slave huh yeah I guess it would be cool to have I we should we should have indentured servants that we pay because slavery is bad oh gosh uh kind of bored 3:00 a.m. and you don’t know what to do too lazy to work on your project well if it’s 3:00 a.m. I’ll tell you what you should do uh probably sleep um I mean if you want to keep watching that’s great and I don’t mind but like uh yeah if you don’t know what to do and you’re bored at 3:00 a.m. then I think sleep is the answer oh gosh come on just kill the Slime which got like half a health half of Health yeah sounds about right there we go you sent it to me Rad I’ll check it out later off the Stream what the crap did I just kill I just swung my sword and heard a killing sound and I don’t I don’t know what I just slaughtered slavery still exists heal working well yeah I feel like you shouldn’t you probably shouldn’t compare the two but yeah the US’s current economy is kind of screwed up I mean it’s not as bad as something like freaking China where the inflation is like crazy but like it’s still pretty bad yeah I enjoy politics which sucks because if you have a different opinion from someone else they’ll dock you they’ll they’ll dox you and find your home address me one Terraria political Edition for real Terraria the political update you can vote for a resident to be the president somehow the last well I think the stream before I got diagnosed with diabetes I think I also somehow ended up talking about politics and I don’t even know I’m not going to say what you just said because it could be taken out of context but like to each his own you know I ain’t going to bash on you if you don’t like that stuff ruining friendships like Uno for the Xbox 360 before it for real what the crap am I fighting I can’t see thing oh crap I’m going to die I was too busy reading the chat oh gosh it’s over it’s so over oh man there we go how do you beat this game uh you fight the moon Lord I’m probably not going to beat it today I’m just on my road to beating it you know I haven’t fought any of the bosses yet this is a brand new run just St loock strategies for Real Pro Terraria PVP I should probably eat a mushroom I don’t have any potions yeah I do what am I talking about switch these crap can’t see I’m going to die there we go oh man dang hopefully I can make a new sword now after that session uhoh real okay let’s see what I got probably not as much as last time yeah we only got 14 silver which is still a decent amount and however many iron that was I didn’t check right boom I need chests my inventory is full would it be fitting if you were to record a video of you playing the sad trombone sound on the guitar yes very incredibly fting okay we got 12 damage or 14 damage I wonder which one I should go for oh yeah and look at this size of this thing it’s slightly bigger than my old sword wow it’s so good I can’t tell if it’s about to be night or about to be day oh it’s about to be night okay might as well go fight things got nothing else to do plus I need a second lens so I can get those goggles now we wait here we go yo wait Mr Beast beat T Series and subscribers dude wait really dude that’s in saying he that means he’s the most subscribed to YouTuber now that is really cool I kind of stopped watching Mr Beast once it started feeling like a corporation honestly cuz I liked it when they all just felt like a group of friends but now it feels like they’re they’re all just like corporate personalities all made up and they’re so shallow I don’t know yeah yeah so I’ve I haven’t really watched a lot of Mr Beast since then but if I see a good video every now and then I’ll click on it I don’t deserve all that yeah same here I watched him like a long time ago yeah I think I saw him before he really went big I think cuz like I used to watch a bunch of those challenge videos that he used to do not like him but like I used to watch another YouTuber that did Challenge videos and then I think I I saw his stuff from them from their stuff how do I still not have a second lens oh zombie Banner that’s cool let me put torches around so that you guys can see better stupid nerds dude I kind of love being homeschooled means I can just do basically Whatever Whenever as long as my grades are fine which at the moment they’re not but what do you call Sonic when a girl tells him to just be friends dude what are these questions green green friend zone wow that was a good one James Steven Donaldson that covered the topic of immediately watching a video out done who the crap is James Steven Donaldson is that Mr Beast name dude that’s messed up his parents need to be like killed for that dude that that’s jacked up who would name their child that James Steven Donaldson that’s like the most white person name ever a cartoon Casino villain yeah come on please give me a second lens yes finally now I can go make my God Les that make my character not look like an NPC he runs the casino in the back of the laundry mat in Texas wow I bet the real I I bet Mr Beast money launders that’s how he really makes his money he’s like a drug dealer and he launders his money I’m going to sue Mr Beast do you think I’d win that lawsuit if I sued Mr Beast what why did you throw a bro just threw a grenade in the house is he stupid I did not understand the reference I’m unfortunately a tad bit behind on the internet at the moment you you watch Young Sheldon no thanks I’m good man I would I would like what would I rather do I would rather uh watch allive skibbidy toilet than watch Young Sheldon bro bro cried to the Splatoon soundtrack sorry I’m not dissing you I’m just that’s impressive I think it’s the only time I’ve ever cried to anything anything like in media was probably when Iron Man Died In The Avengers end game such s tier show I don’t know I’ve seen too many Tik Tok clips that just make it look like trash honestly I could be wrong but I don’t know it just doesn’t seem like my cup of tea I can understand if you like it but yeah I just don’t think it’s my thing not oh I should hang up my zombie Banner I got to build like a Hall of Fame at some point not like a Hall of Fame but like something where I can hang up all my trophies and Banners skib toilet Hat episodes I love love love skib would you rather watch skibby toilet or eat a pack of nails like metal metal nails the ones that are Pokey you know the ones bro would rather do n and just used to exist no let’s be honest there are some people that would say a pack of nails but no one would actually eat a pack of nails to avoid watching skib toilet so I i’ choose the skibby toilet skib toilet is s tier no okay man whatever you say I got to figure out which side the dungeon’s on S for skibby that’s that’s the only reason it’s s TI you also do music on your YouTube very nice I’ll be sure to check that out probably off stream but I will check it out I wonder if I could take on the eye of cthulu yet oh I got a snow biome that’s pretty interesting it’s been a long time since I’ve had a snow biome usually I have to like make a whole separate world for him are there any chests immediately in sight no which means I will keep on [Music] moving crap I need platforms um give me some of these there we go should be enough for now oh come on yeah I’m thinking about playing FNAF 2 soon I had that FNAF one thing that went really well so yeah I’m just thinking about FNAF 2 at the moment I feel like that one is like a lot harder than FNAF one though if I stream that one I’m definitely doing 2020 mode on stream the rest of the episodes will probably just be pre-recorded though honestly dude why am I so slow oh I got chilled that’s why Cactus stuff is pretty good early game but I don’t think I had desert close enough to me to be able to use it and we’re pass that now oh R the Crimson Crimson desert yay oh there’s a chest down there I need it longer I’m here the more likely I am to die so yeah we’ll keep that in mind let’s get rid of you yeah you go down there stay there let’s grab these nothing too important here really yeah okay let’s keep moving I don’t want to die oh gosh oh crap move it there’s no way for you to donate oh should I set that up like after the stream I just didn’t think I would have enough viewers for anyone to actually want to donate so I didn’t set it up yet oh thanks yeah you don’t you don’t have to donate to cheer me up I’m already having a great time I just do this for fun I don’t really if I wanted if I wanted the money for this I’d be like I’d be like oh go hit that subscribe button right now in order to see me kiss poppy playtime and the the pomy from circus I’d be like lanky box if I wanted oh see you Ammon if if I if I if I did this for the money I’d be like lanky box posting five corporate videos a day subscribe to see pomy poop herself from digital circus you freaks that’s right I’m giving children fetishes yeah that’s a good thing for you to be doing though davor DAV DAV DAV DAV David dader Daner there we go I think that’s how you say that yo what’s up old man okay so the dungeon is on this side I think once I explore the other side I’m might end the stream maybe I’ve been streaming for almost two hours now I kind of yeah maybe I’ll think about it we’ll see your Splatoon things oh okay oh you’re Hungarian so it’s like a troll name for English spe speakers to say oh I’m I’m trying to figure out what the troll name is supposed to say interesting well thank you for letting me know before I get myself cancelled let’s see if we can find the angel angler I’ve got an extra house open dang it I always accidentally use my freaking potions I got to change the keybind for that because it’s really annoying my the the button for my potions are very close to my space bar so if I jump I have a chance of accidentally using a potion there is a chest down there that’s pretty cool I might check that out one there too yeah let’s grab those real quick very cool all right oh yes climbing gear that is really good I’ve been looking for that climing claw oh yeah go to let’s go get this other chest that’s down here because that looks like it might have something worthwhile in it in it br oh yeah here’s the stepping stool thing I was talking about that’s pretty nice oh crap I’m going to drown there we go is this whole thing going to drain into some cave oh man I I I’m destroying the ecosystem yeah see now I got a stool that’s pretty cool should I try to get the oan chest you know what screw it I’m going for it if I die I’ll just respawn doesn’t matter oh crap there is a shark oh no okay so it’s got to be down here then let me prep a recoil potion so that I can use it is there seriously nothing down here so disappointing okay let’s go this way and then once I re reach the other end I think I’ll probably end the Stream [Laughter] I already got that chest I think yeah cuz I was down there for a while if I didn’t get that chest I’d somehow be more impressed dude jungle biomes suck they’re so difficult plus the corruption doesn’t spread through them so you can’t you can’t even Hollow them o okay there we go yeah the cloud in a bottle is so freaking useful like you can use it to get higher you can use it to freaking to invade fall damage got to be one of the most broken and underrated items in the game this stuff let’s grab this I don’t need a blow pipe uh very cool okay now I continue um Boomerang that’s not really important nice okay [Music] [Music] oh gosh that’s a bat what the crap what is that yellow [ __ ] tail o we got a desert nearby that means I can get some cool fossil armor I love fossil armor probably out of all the armor I’ve seen the fossil armor is probably my favorite looking I don’t really know how good its stats are but I know it’s pretty good I mean at least vanity wise gulp it’s starting to get [Music] dark oh crap Crimson that’s never good oh oh there’s a thing in there that I need for the cell phone come here baby grank Sigma Ohio oh shackle crap crap crap crap crap crap this is not a good place to be not at all I guess I don’t really need this [Music] crap I think we good hopefully apparently the Crimson is supposed to represent caner or something I don’t know about all that I mean it might n cancer is genuinely like a terrifying disease though it’s like it can just come out of nowhere and you won’t even know until it’s like too late and then you’re just kind of screwed and the doctors give you like a amount of time left to live genuinely a horrifying disease I would not not wish it upon anyone well I guess there’s one person I would wish it upon but that’s only because they’re like a massive d word actually no even then I probably wouldn’t oh there’s a chest there oh I’m dead I’m so dead DED I’m so D crap okay that’s good enough got to get to the other side of the world but it’s night time so it’s spooky look desert that’s slightly better I guess oh no this is just the ocean got my recall potion let’s grab a glow St there is nothing down [Music] here did I miss a chest I did not see but I’m assuming probably not okay so I pretty much have no ocean chest that sucks all right I made it to both areas I didn’t see the angler that’s kind of weird but yeah I’ll probably go back at some point um yeah I think I’m probably going to stop streaming for the day thank you everyone who tuned in uh I had a lot of fun and I will see you all next time bye

I’ve played it a lot but i’ve never beaten it.

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