NOOB vs PRO: Amazing Digital Circus EPISODE 2 Build Challenge in Minecraft!

my brother Milo has challenged me to a noob versus Pro amazing digital circus chapter 2 build battle but Milo has no idea that I will have help from a special friend wao Milo look it’s the amazing digital circus Build Challenge oh yeah boy I love that show I’m toally going to win this no way I’m going to win this oh I’ve got the best idea of what to build yeah sure you do Milo right what Milo just not know is that I am not alone I actually have Pro help oh look Kane is here well hello Chim don’t you look excited to get going on today’s Great Adventure I think it’s time you get building and you know what happens when the gummy goo and the bandits get here now don’t you don’t forget to hide your bottle of maple syrup inside of your build the first person to find the maple syrup wins The Challenge oh and it’s time I go oh bye Kane oh my goodness okay I don’t have a lot of time to waste in getting building but I have had an amazing idea and that idea is to use these Dy to make a gummy goo build oh yeah this is amazing gummy goo is one of my favorite characters in the entire amazing digital Circus by using world edit to paint him we can make him really big really really quickly oh boy this is about to be the most epic build ever gummig goo is one of the candy cane kingdoms most fierce Bandits he’s very well known for stealing lots of maple syrup he’s so good at it it’s actually freaky now that is why I really want to make sure we use gummy goo as the shape that we make our base out of Milo is going to have to go inside the structure to try and find our maple syrup we haven’t hidden it yet but once we do it is going to be impossible for Milo to find gummy goo is a crazy sneaky guy so it’ll be really easy to make this into a crazy sneaky trap course oh my goodness it’s a little bumpy and a little rough around the edges at the moment but once I get this fully built it’s about to look so amazing okay this is epic let’s just keep making this lime concrete wall up I can’t believe I get to build gummy goo from The Amazing digital Circus the candy Canyon kingdom is a pretty crazy Place normally a Candy Kingdom would be so nice you could eat candy all day and have fun but in the amazing digital circus things are not what they seem especially when Cane’s around he uses these candy cane kingdoms to make these crazy challenges for everyone to get through it’s really mean although to be fair I am now making a really difficult challenge for Milo to get through huh I kind of am a little bit like Kane either way I think our challenge is going to be really fun Milo’s probably totally going to enjoy it right now we’re making gummy goo back but I think we need to make his tummy gummy goo’s tummy is actually white it kind of looks like the bottom of a little shock or a little gummy crocodile candy I guess that’s why he belongs in the candy Canyon Kingdom he fits in so well there I wonder what they wanted to do with maple syrup oh boy maybe they wanted to have pancakes for dinner or something oh wow that would be so cool I love having pancakes for dinner maybe if I win this challenge I’ll make Milo make me pancakes for dinner every single day oh boy this is amazing although wait a second Kane is here I’m sure whoever loses this challenge will have something really bad happened to them maybe we’ll even get transported somewhere or trapped somewhere forever or turned into an NPC gumu is actually one of the NPCs from one of challenges Kane knows him very well cuz he made him himself oh boy I wish most NPCs were as cool as gummy goo is Gummy goo is so awesome he’s definitely my favorite one I think he’d be such a fun guy to get to know all right now that I’ve made the front of gummig go out of this white concrete I need to make sure we build the arms gummig go has one green arm and one yellow arm to start let’s make the green arm the green arm can go over here in this direction yeah it’s going a little bit outside of the build Zone but I think that’s actually okay we’re about to make this build so cool that I’m sure Milo and Kane will totally forgive me for anything I do like that all right now we’ll make sure we make gummy Goose AR just like this hey this is looking pretty good gummy goo’s arms do look very similar to this in the real show they don’t have any Wi on them one arm is completely green and one arm is completely yellow so I think this works really well his NPC hands also have fingers just like this we’ll make one finger go out here that can be his thumb and then he can just have three more fingers here a this is about to l really silly hey that does kind of look like gummy goo fingers I’ll make the thumb a little bit pointier though that way it’ll look a bit more like a real thumb and less like a weird squiggly finger now that we’ve done that hand I think we need to do the other one except oh no it’s way too close to the orange wall oh boy H we’re going to have to think of a really smart and creative way to do this H maybe the other hand can be going down yep that’s a great idea because I’m only building gummy goo’s waist it’ll look like he’s using his hand as his leg that’ll be really really funny gummy is an NPC so maybe only some parts of this gummy goo NPC are properly rended in yep I think that’s a perfect explanation all right now that we’ve made Gummy’s second arm we just need to make it a little bit thicker like this we’ve got to make sure that none of what we’re building goes over into Milo’s side that would be really really terrible Milo would instantly know by using world edit and I don’t think it’s against the rules but it definitely wasn’t said to be allowed I should probably try and keep this as much of a secret as I possibly can right now I’m building the very basic shape but soon I will use a smooth command to smooth the entire thing out and make it look super duper good and actually perfect oh boy I can’t wait to see how this turns out all right this part’s looking pretty good now we’re almost moving on to making gummy goo’s head gummy goo is pretty tall so I will have lots of space inside to make a massive digital Circus the real amazing digital circus has a bunch of challenges that everyone inside needs to complete challenges like stopping the glink queen and trying not to get abstracted being distracted is what happens when you go crazy in the amazing digital circus oh boy that sounds like it would be something really terrible Milo is already kind of crazy so I really hope he doesn’t abstract or anything inside my build oh boy that would be really sad I would actually feel so bad for Milo if he abstracted inside my challenge I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself okay that just means I need to make it at least possible so Milo doesn’t go totally crazy I do still want to provide a pretty fun and interesting challenge though so I’m not going to make it too easy now gyu’s head is actually kind of square shaped we’ll make sure to build two little sections going out like this then we’ll build them across to make gummig goo’s head into a square all right this is looking good now we’ll make his head go slightly downwards because that’s exactly what the real gummig goo’s head actually looks like okay perfect now we’ll draw a little bit across oh boy I can’t believe we’re doing so well at making gummy goo oh no I need to make sure I don’t look over into Milo’s build that would totally be cheating and I really don’t want to cheat right now the only cheating I plan on doing today is having some inside help from Kane oh my gosh I’m getting little looks at Milo’s build come on I need to face this direction that way I’ll be forced to look away Yep this is much more fair and it’s also looking pretty good gummig goo’s head shape is really starting to come together oh this is so cool all right now that we’ve done this I really am so excited to add more all right we’ll leave this shape for now but we need to add the underside oh boy we also need to add the sides of gummig Go’s head oh that could have been really bad imagine if gummy goo didn’t have the sides of his head he would look so silly and he would actually look really scary then he would be really gummy goo because he wouldn’t have any teeth only gums okay this is looking a lot better now we need to make the top of his head just like this hey that’s awesome for a while you could totally see the sky because you could see that he had no brain but now the sky is no longer visible because we’ve totally blocked it off this is really good this is just another step towards completing our gummy goo build now that we’ve made so much of gummy go his upper jaw we need to make his lower jaw just like this his lower jaw is white just like the underside of a little candy crocodile it’s pretty fitting that that’s his color palette because that is exactly what he is his lower jaw is also a square shape so we need to make sure we get this exactly right hey this is looking pretty good actually now we’ll draw the front in while trying not to look at Milo’s build oh boy I really hope Milo doesn’t see me doing this out here if Milo did see what I was doing out here he would probably get so mad at me oh goodness I’m really glad Milo is not good at seeing things otherwise I would be toast and not gummy toast imagine how yummy gummy toast would be gummy Pizza is really good and I also really like gummy hot dogs and gummy Burgers too so gummy toast would also be delicious all right now that we’ve made the general shape of gummy goo’s head we need to make gummy goo’s teeth gummy goo’s teeth are kind of sharp and they look a little bit like this wa look we’re doing a really good job making gummy Goose teeth shapes hey this is epic now let’s continue making them I don’t want to miss a little bit because then it wouldn’t look right oh wow this is probably one of the best gummy goo builds I’ve ever seen one thing we do not want to forget is Gummy goo’s eyes gumy goo is such a silly looking guy he has really funny eyes so we better give him to him right now a look at that he actually looks so silly oh wow this makes me really want to meet gummig goo in real life and be his friend maybe Kane will be so impressed with my gummy goo build that he’ll make him into a real person and we can have a brand new friend with us oh that would be so cool I really hope that’s what happens if I just keep making these teeth exactly as I am this will end up really really well now let’s start making the teeth on the other side I really want them to match up with exactly where the teeth on the first side were that way this will look as epic as it possibly can okay this is looking pretty good and pretty well matched although I think I can do a little better than just this oh Yep this is perfect now we also need to add a little bit of extra tooth in there perfect wa oh if only Milo could see this right now it’s okay we only have to wait a little bit until Milo will actually have to go through the challenges we’re about to make for him then Milo will see every amazing pot of gummy goo we’ve just built and he’ll be totally impressed and terrified of it he’s going to be so scared trying to go through these challenges I wonder if he’ll even manage to do it or if he’ll totally fail and I will be declared the winner it’s so good I had Kane’s help he really gave me a good talking to at the start and otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to make this gummy goo I just wouldn’t have thought of the idea at all oh thanks Kane he came in really really handy all right now we need to add some extra teeth in here okay this is pretty good hey come to think of it why would Kane make a Candy Kingdom isn’t he teeth and doesn’t candy kind of rot teeth oh my goodness I wonder if Kane’s accidentally made his own weakness maybe that’s why he only made gummy goo an NPC and not a real person in the amazing digital circus hm that’s really weird hey look we’ve made the teeth now oh this is so cool let’s go fly out the front and have a look at it hey this is looking really good so much like the real gummy goo it’s actually insane all right now we need to make gummy goo and eye on this side as well we don’t want only one side of gummy goo to be able to see no that would be terrible oh look at that that’s so epic this really does look like the actual gummy Goo now before we start smoothing gummy goo out we probably should give him a little few extra details like making his eyebrows a little more defined like this and also probably giving him some spikes the real gummy goo has a bunch of little Ruffles on his backside there’s one on the back of his head just like this and there’s also a bunch of spikes down his back yep they look exactly like these ones do hey wait a second there’s something about gummy goo that I’ve totally forgotten I’m so silly before we smooth out gummy goo we need to make his hat gummy goo always wears a cowboy hat it’s a really cool part of his design we’ve got to make sure we give gummy goo a cowboy hat just like the real one does all right now that I have a brown paintbrush let’s let’s get started painting gummy Goose cowboy hat now cowboy hats are a little wonky they’re not really A Perfect Circle which is pretty good because this means we get to give Gummy’s hat a really awesome shape oh no we’re almost at the top of the wall if we fly too high and Milo sees us he might think with peeking over which is definitely against the rules Milo would not like that at all and he would be so angry oh boy it’s a good thing Milo can’t see us right now I bet our build is way better than Milo’s right now anyway Milo’s probably building something so silly and I’m really excited to see it not cuz I think it’ll be better than mine I do not think it will I’m really excited to see it because I can’t wait to see how easily I win all right now that we’ve got the top of the cowboy hat we need to make it go slightly down on the inside all right this looks good now it’s looking so much like a real cowboy hat cowboy hats are so cool I wish I had one now we also need to make sure we add the sides of a cowboy hat it kind of looks like a really big bucket hat all right now let’s make sure we do this right I don’t want to do this wrong at all cowboy hats kind of have a ring all the way around but it is definitely the biggest on the sides all right we also need to make sure the sides go slightly up in each Direction just like a real cowboy hat would the cowboy hats kind of look a little bit like a pirate hat but pretty different the cowboy hats come from the wild west and pirate hats come from the oceans filled with pirates back in the olden days gummy Goose cowboy hat is also slightly tilted it’s a little bit higher up on his right side than it is on his left side so luckily we’ve added that to our design hey this is looking pretty good W our gummy goo is looking amazing if it wasn’t so bumpy it would look exactly like the real thing right now actually wait no it wouldn’t let’s add a couple more teeth to the front and now it would look exactly like the real thing all right now let’s start smoothing out our gummy goo wa this smoothing tool works so good Kane would be very impressed at how powerful I am right now this is so epic it’s really making gummy goo look so cool and uh-oh I think we might be melting gumy goo oh no we need to be very careful with how we used this this seems to be a very powerful tool let’s start at the very top of gummy goo’s hat I think that’ll make it easiest not to accidentally melt him yep that’s amazing now let’s keep smoothing gummy goo all the way around the sides who once I’m done smoothing gummy goo out he’s going to look so cool probably like the coolest gummy crocodile anyone has ever seen ever maybe even cooler than the real gummy goo H I actually didn’t know about that the real gummy goo is very cool oh no some of the colors are totally Landing in a way that I really did not mean for them to do H I guess we’ll have to make sure to be very careful about it okay this is super good looking right now we’ll just make sure the back side of his cowboy hat doesn’t keep these little spheres that we’ve added yeah they were pretty useful When painting him but now that we need to smooth him out they are not something that we want okay this is looking pretty good now that we’ve done a lot of work on his cowboy hat let’s step back and take a bit of a look at it oh okay it looks kind of melty but hey it also looks a lot smoother this is good now we should also probably work on smoothing out the other parts of gummy goo this is going to be the easiest part of gummy goo to see and it’s going to be where Milo gets his first impressions so we need to make sure it looks really good I know gummy goo is melting right now but I actually have a really good way of undoing that once we get the smoothing done of course once we fix that gummy goo will look absolutely perfect now we also definitely need to start smoothing out gummy goo back a little bit as well right now gummy goo does not look smooth at all and it looks really silly actually now let’s start smoothing gummy goo’s lower jaw yeah just like this hey this actually looks pretty good wo I really am liking this right now all right this is about to look so amazing let’s also smooth the inside that’s a pretty important part of it oh yeah this is looking so much better than it ever was before let’s get this part looking a lot smoother I think this part is super important in case we ever need to get Milo to go inside gummy goo’s mouth this will definitely be how we do it all right now that the front of gummy goo is looking so much smoother already we should also probably do the under side of his little Jawbone all right that’s looking way better oh no wait I think I might just be causing holes uh-oh that’s really bad now let’s start smoothing gummy goo tummy just like this hey this is actually looking way better than it was before I’m really happy with this all right let’s keep smoothing this all the way around okay it looks so silly right now but it’s about to look so good let’s also make sure we smooth gummy goo’s arm over here hey this is looking way better now it’s looking a lot more like an actual NPC hand and not a weird claw thing let’s also make sure we smooth out gummy goo’s green arm over here oh yeah this is definitely one of my favorite areas to look at now that it’s way more smooth than the bumpy way it was before right hey I like this one a lot actually oh no his fingers are kind of blending together but actually no they’re not at all this is looking really really nice and his thumb is definitely looking a lot more like a thumb now hey this is looking way better come on we can totally get gummy goo looking absolutely perfect we’ll raise up the parts of him that we accidentally melted a little bit during the first part of the smoothing process and get this gummy goo looking so epic and amazing then we’ll actually start to work on making him hollow inside so that we can turn him into a proper amazing digital circus go through challenge I feel like Milo’s definitely going to find it pretty difficult to go through this thing I know I certainly would and I haven’t even made the parts of him that Milo will have to go through yet Milo will just have to wait and see if he’s even strong enough to do this I know he can or at least I know he probably might be able to it’s a pretty important question I just hope Milo is good enough at this if he’s not then oh no he’ll lose although I kind of do want him to lose I just don’t want him to be so bad that I feel guilty about it oh boy Milo better stand a Fighting Chance otherwise I’m going to feel really bad for him oh wow it feels so good going back over to this side now that we have a way to make gummig goo a little bit less uh melty it’s so much nicer to look at now that gummy goo has a huge part of his face back let’s also make sure we make his hat look a little better hey this is really starting to come together okay this is looking absolutely amazing now I think it’s time to hollow out the inside and start making our super cool challenges for Milo to get through to find that maple syrup wow looking good chip although I see you haven’t hidden your bottle of maple syrup yet have you seen Milo’s build no I haven’t uh-oh I’d hate to say it but I think Milo could win this one and could you imagine how annoying he’d be if he won by Kane oh my goodness that’s crazy yeah imagine how annoying Milo would be if he wins oh I really want to take a look at Milo’s build but I can’t go through the top or through the side Milo would definitely see me peeking and he would totally know I was trying to sneak a glimpse H I’ll need to find another way to look at Milo’s build all right I think this is a good way to do it look there’s a Lea over here I think I remember setting this up boom look I can see through the wall and now it’s glass this is called ccus Milo oh my gosh he’s built an entire circus tent and wait a minute Milo’s circus tent may look newbie but he’s already made his parkour oh no I can’t believe this Milo was so much further along his build than I am would you look at this you’re cheating how dare you I’m telling Milo right now he will not be impressed oh no Kane no no no stop it all right that’s it I’m making my way through I need a diamond sword right now Kane get back here oh my goodness Kane I won’t let you do this come on take this take this oh my goodness whoa he just disappeared okay I think that brought me some time hooray yeah what was that nice oh no Milo’s there quick I better get back and turn this wall back from glass into concrete oh no I don’t have much time come on let’s place these back and boom okay the Wall’s back to normal I think I see Milo’s name tag wait I didn’t see anything out here but that was a really Weir noise I better get back to building Milo doesn’t suspect a thing all right now I need to get back to building as well I’m about to make the inside of my gummy goo build so incredibly amazing and difficult for mil little to get through we’re going to need to make an entrance into gumu and I think this is the perfect one we’ll have a huge door here oh yes this will look absolutely perfect and we can even make it in the amazing digital circus colors to totally scare Milo oh yeah this is going to look so cool let’s polish this up a little bit to make it look really smooth oh yeah this is going to look great I just know it now we’ll also remove a couple of these blocks just to make sure every single part of this door is on the same level oh yeah this is about to be one of the coolest doors I’ve ever made and it’s going to go into one of the most epic Challenges ever I don’t think even Kane himself could do a good job on this challenge it’s going to be way too difficult a lot harder than anything Kane has ever made all right this door is looking pretty good but I need to make sure we build this properly I Don’t Want to Miss a spot and kind of mess up the door at all that would be really really silly of me so in order to make sure I don’t do that I think I’ll just keep the door looking exactly as it is now this is perfect now that we have an entrance way inside our amazing gummy goo challenge we can probably make the main circus area this is going to be a really difficult challenge we’ll make it mostly yellow and red concrete just like this oh we’ll also need to have some other colors too though I think blue and all these other colors in my inventory could be some really fun ones to add I can’t wait to see how this turns out it’s about to be so epically Miler won’t believe his eyes and I think Kane might be pretty surprised as well not a lot surprises Kane he can be a pretty difficult guy to surprise especially since he controls so much of the digital circus nothing really ever stumps him he knows basically everything going on he knows a lot about who’s in NPC and who’s not so you do not want to cross Kane at all I really hope Kane isn’t mad that I killed him in order to stop Milo from knowing I was cheating I’m sure Kane can forgive me for it and besides wasn’t Kane the one that told me to do it in the best place I think I’ll be totally fine Kane definitely won’t mind and maybe he’ll even forget Kane is kind of crazy I know everybody goes crazy in the amazing digital circus slowly over time but I think Kane might be crazy from the beginning that’s a pretty good thing for us because if Kane wasn’t crazy he would definitely remember what we’ve done and he would probably ban us oh boy I do not even want to think about how bad it would be getting banned it would totally be really scary I think this is looking pretty good though hey this is epic all we have to do do is place these final blocks and then we’ll be able to make this entire thing go super duper High I don’t know why I plac green there I think I got really excited and confused when you really think about it the colors of the amazing digital circus are kind of similar to ketchup and mustard huh I wonder if Kane did that on purpose by the way we’ve now made an amazingly cool main area this looks so epic and it looks so much like the real amazing digital circus does now we can use our really trusty world edit to stack 30 blocks down and boom this looks like the proper entrance into the amazing digital circus we’ll need to add some curtains in here though so it looks really like an actual entrance into a tent and if we don’t make it properly oh it’ll look so bad and silly hey this is looking really really good I’m so happy with this one we’ll just add the final few blocks of the little tent curtain looking area and oh boy this now looks so good imagine coming in from this side and thinking you’re about to enter a regular Zone but then it ends up being the amazing digital circus it would be so scary and that’s exactly what Milo’s going to have to go through we’ll also use weld edit to set this entire floor to Blue concrete I think yeah this block looks great wa this really does look like the amazing digital circus but H I think we’re definitely going to need to have some difficult parkour maybe we can have some spinning blocks that’ll just look amazing yeah I think that’s a great idea we’ll Place some blocks over here just like this and hm what can we make this look like oh we’ll make it look like a bunch of castles stacked on top of each other that’ll look really good hey this looks so cool it looks like toys like they have in the real amazing digital circus now we do have to make this pretty difficult and that’s why a lot of the parkour here won’t just look like this it’ll also be spinning yep exactly like that this one’s spinning really really slowly but it is actually moving if Milo wants to make it to the end of my amazing digital circus challenge he’ll have to parkour up this while it’s moving and every single moving part of this challenge will be moving quicker and quicker next you’ll have to jump up on some pretty crazy these can be a bunch of archways yeah this will look really cool imagine how crazy these spinning archways will look and W I just heard a really creepy sound you know what I think that’s a really good sign because this build is about to be super duper freaky Milo might even be so scared of it that he decides to quit then I will definitely be the official winner okay these are looking pretty good maybe these ones won’t spin yeah I’ll do my little solid and make not everything super duper crazy I’ll make it mostly crazy though so won’t spin but it’ll still be really difficult parkour the next part of the parkour will be gummy goo colors and these little platforms will be spinning independently from one another hey yeah these are going to look pretty cool as well Milo will definitely struggle to make it past them but I think that’s what makes them even funnier the more difficult this is for Milo the better we will do by comparison so I think it’s pretty good to make this place super duper challenging one thing about the amazing digital circus that we also can’t forget is that it is kind of clown themed it is a circus after all so we need to add a couple of little clown Wheels I think these are going to look really really cool they’re even in pom’s colors wow I really hope pomy is doing okay she was kind of losing her marbles at the end of the last amazing digital circus episode as well as the first one actually wow pomy really just isn’t doing great I hope she doesn’t lose her mind because if she does she could abstract just like kofo did oh poor guy he also was a clown actually uh-oh maybe there’s something dangerous about being a clown in The Amazing digital circus luckily I am not a clown you will not catch me clowning around at all the only clown I know is kind of Milo and I guess Kane although Kane is definitely a ring leader he’s a little bit of a clown but only cuz he’s so silly Kane makes so much silly choices he’s actually kind of a crazy guy I’m really glad that Kane’s been gone for a while otherwise I could be in some serious trouble Kane flying around here is pretty scary he can do some super duper terrifying things like poof You Into Thin Air which I really don’t want for probably obvious reason I’m sure Milo would probably love came to poof him Into Thin Air though Milo’s always wanted to be a cloud I don’t know what he means by that but someday I really hope to figure it out okay this spinning thing is looking pretty cool I really like this parkour Zone not a lot of it spinning yet but once it’s time for Milo to go through it it definitely will be finally we’ll just add a couple few parts to this this part’s going to look really cool it’s going to look like Milo and chip colors a that’ll be so awesome I think Milo will really enjoy it actually Milo’s favorite color is blue and my favorite color is orange but I don’t think you’ll like the color blue anymore after how crazy this contraption is going to be this entire paror zone is actually going to be super insane I really hope Milo can handle it finally we will make a blue yellow and red staircase leading up to the next level oh wow this is about to be so crazy I really hope Milo can actually make it through otherwise I’ll just feel bad for him all right everything is now spinning properly and it looks absolutely insane I can’t wait to see Milo try and complete this but that’s not not all he’s going to have to do in my amazing digital circus challenge now there’s not many things that are more amazing than an actual maze oh yeah that’s right this isn’t going to be an amazing digital circus no it will also be a maze digital circus I’m going to make Milo go through a very difficult maze here at the top it’s going to be so challenging I wonder if Milo will actually be able to do it if Milo does manage it there is going to be a huge surprise at the end waiting for him I just hope Milo’s smart enough to realize what it is and to figure out how he can get around it somehow this maze has to be made very complicatedly it’s got to be super difficult to make sure Milo doesn’t get through to find the maple syrup I still need to figure out a place to hide that stuff H I wonder where I can put it somewhere really well hidden of course otherwise things would be way too easy for Milo and he’d be able to find it in an instant Milo is a really hungry guy and even though he’s often only hungry for bird seeds he’s still hungry nonetheless so he would be able to find any food in such a short short amount of time that’s why this maple syrup needs to be really difficult for him to find Milo is not very good at parkour so hopefully that will be a really helpful thing in keeping him away from it if we can make sure the parkour and the Maze are so difficult Milo will really struggle with them this will be very handy for making sure he doesn’t find it very quickly I really hope it works I’m also going to try building this super duper fast so that we don’t run out of time Milo was basically almost done with his build that’s pretty crazy normally Milo takes a while but today he is going super Speedy I wonder if he also had help from Kane no way that would be crazy I think Kane’s too much of a crazy guy to be helping two people at the same time he would basically explode I don’t think Kane can handle that much all right I think this is pretty good actually the maze is looking very very difficult H I think I know exactly where to put the very end of the maze I’m going to make Milo have to go around the entire thing oh po Milo he’s really going to struggle with that it’s okay though I have a feeling it’ll be so funny to watch him go through I’ll make it enjoyable to do at least I don’t want Milo to be sad going through the maze I want Milo to really find it fun and in order to make sure Milo finds it fun I’ve even made it blue which is his favorite color after all by making it blue I really helped Milo have fun during the maze okay this is looking pretty difficult I don’t know if Milo would ever be able to beat this on his own all right we’ll add a couple extra rooms in here just like that maybe this room can be here oh yeah that’s way more difficult we’ll make Milo have to go through some crazy twists and turns to get through once Milo does get through and manage to make his way towards my maple syrup I even think we could drop him into a dropper map Milo is terrible at those he always just starts screaming and falling and he doesn’t bother aiming anywhere he just starts falling and screaming aimlessly so of course he doesn’t land in the water at the bottom he never realizes that you’re actually meant to have a strategy with those things he can be really silly so we can take advantage of that the more silly Milo is the easier it is to trick him into losing this challenge all right I think we’ll just make this Corridor a little few blocks thicker that way they are all the same size that will confuse Milo even more the more difficult we make it to tell his way around this place oh boy the better it will be for us because he won’t be able to make it out in time all right I think this maze is looking pretty good but we’ll just add the final little bit here to really confuse Milo let’s add a couple little extra twists and tens to this maze that way Milo will hopefully lose his Direction the more we can make Milo lose his Direction the longer it will take for him to complete this maze okay I think we’ve done a pretty good job of making this maze almost impossible so far I can’t wait to see Milo try and go through it look this is a crazy layout Milo is going to have to find a very specific way to go around this thing if he even wants to survive if he doesn’t find the right way around oh boy he will not have a very good chance at making it through once he does make it through to the other side though here is where we are going to put the droppers I think we’ll extend out this red and yellow concrete section because it looks so cool we’ll make it go all the way way up to here I think then here’s where we will put the deciding doors for Milo to go through we’ll grab some pressure plates to put in front of each door I think the lightweight gold one will work perfectly all right we’ll put one door here one door there and actually I feel like it might work better if we do this I’ll just test if these pressure plates will actually be possible to go through oh no they definitely won’t be H let’s do this instead yep that is way better now Mila will be able to go through these pressure plates so easily he won’t be able to turn back though because the second he steps off them they will instantly snap shut just like gummy goo crocodile Jaws let’s also add some blue concrete here so that it fits in with the wall color of the Mason all right this is looking pretty good now we need to actually make sure each door leads to something different this door on the left will lead Milo into a massive F that leads straight to his death I think at the bottom here we can put a pointed dripstone these crazy spikes are really dangerous you do not want to find yourself on the pointy end of one of those that’s why we’re going to use it to make sure if Milo picks that door he falls down to his absolute that’s going to make it pretty hot to complete my Challenge and steal my bottle of maple syrup this is so cool I’m really happy I thought of that now we’ll make these blocks go all the way to the top like this and boom this door is now sealed we’ll just build the walls up like this and now this door is ready now the door on the very right will also lead Milo right down but instead of Landing in a crazy dripstone area Milo’s going to land in a very different area he’ll land right here and it will lead him to the beginning of the parkour this is going to make Milo so mad if he has to restart the entire parkour from the beginning he will be so angry he’ll start screaming and he probably won’t ever stop we’ll put a melty chocolate block at the very bottom here that Milo will have to land on in order to soften his fall oh yeah that looks so cool this is exactly like episode two of the amazing digital circus where they really do go to the candy Canyon Kingdom and have to fight that crazy evil fudge monster what a crazy guy that fudge monster is absolutely insane all right we’ll build this concrete a little higher up until it reaches the maze level this is about to be so cool I have a feeling Milo is going to be very scared when he drops down po Milo he’s such a silly guy if only it wasn’t so fun to scare him and prank him with these sort of things then I probably would have less fun doing it and I do it way less often luckily though for us it is really fun to scare Milo and we get to do it all the time the middle door will actually lead Milo to where he wants to go it’ll lead a little bit down but then lead him right into the room where I’m going to keep my maple syrup this will be perfect because then Milo will be able to leave through the side of gummy goo just like this WOW gummy goo’s got pretty thick skin but boom that will be the exit Zone oh Milo’s really going to like this I think if he manages to choose the right door he’ll probably say that he had such a fun time stealing my maple syrup of course he could come in from this side all along but Milo is not that smart he also probably won’t find it in the entire massive area of the gummy goo build I’ll even struggle to find it if I walk away from here then come back I probably won’t be able to come back in this direction it’ll be too confusing oh all right we’ll just link this up to the main door up the top it’s important that we make every single drop- down Zone look exactly the same that way Miley will not know which one is right just by standing on the outside but when he goes down here he will find the maple syrup before we add the maple syrup in though we just need to make our maze walls really really tall I want to make sure that we can still see the maze from above though so we won’t give it a roof yep that is definitely a good height now let’s make sure these walls over here at the exact same height and then we’ll be ready to place the maple syrup in the maple Sy storage Zone oh this is going to be so cool I can’t wait to see this and I can’t wait to see if I’m able to get through Milo’s amazing digital circus challenge easily all right now let’s go down the middle door put down an item frame and grab some maple syrup to put inside it all right here’s the maple syrup I think this will go so well in the item frame we’ll put it right down here and boom all right it is time to tell Milo that we are ready looks like you’re all ready to go chip time to take on Milo and his amazing digit circus build whoever finds the hidden bottle of syrup the fastest wins your prize Well it’s only the most amazing prize ever oh wow that’s crazy all right I can’t wait to find out what this prize is let’s go get Milo welcome to my amazing digital Milo circus Milo this is so silly are you really wanting me to go through this thing yeah obviously it’s really difficult hey look I even built a massive jet hey that’s pretty cool this guy’s pretty scary Milo you know that right yeah I know it I meant to put it that to scare you oh well it’s not going to scare me Milo I’m so confident that I’m going to win that if you win I’ll let you in on a little secret oh yeah I like getting Secrets but you are not getting my maple syrup buddy yeah I totally am look Milo I know those blocks are bouncy down there I’m going to make my way to the other side and wo what are these creatures well they’re pretty much just the chocolate slime jumpies and I’m going to put some up here to get you oh my gosh Milo they look crazy oh my gosh they super hot fudge monsters I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get through these look they’re trying to jump towards you this is awesome not for long Milo I made it through in hey is this a maze um yeah it’s the maze but you’re actually going the wrong way what oh my goodness hey wait I can look over and see the right way oh I think it’s on the left hand side hi pumy W what is this yeah this is p I just put her in here why is she sick Milo what did you do um she’s called glitched py I don’t know something went wrong with her oh my gosh Milo this is insane this wa Milo is that glitched Kane y That’s glitched Kane and he’s probably going to get you if you’re not careful oh my gosh I don’t like this at all wait I don’t even know how to wa Milo is this ker uhhuh all the amazing digital circus guys are in here oh my gosh and they’re all so glitchy this is crazy I guess I have to go back the way I came there’s no other way to go through and wait a minute Hey ow Milo what were you doing I’m spawning downal side boys oh my gosh Milo that’s cheating oh my goodness ow wait glitched P’s attacking me oh no this is so hard I have a taser what a taser Milo how am I meant to survive this is is that funny you are not getting that maple syrup oh my goodness yes I think I am what no you’re not it’s okay I have pumy cornered okay I managed to kill glitch pumy right now I can make my way back over and I only have one hot this is crazy Milo yeah it’s pretty crazy cuz I’m a genius and hey chip what are you doing there I got your maple syrup Milo that was so easy but I did it I beat your challenge no put it down no way now it’s your turn to try and beat mine God dang it oh my gosh chip this is insane yeah my gummy goo build is huge and you’re going to have to go through it oh man this looks really crazy I’m actually pretty nervous and hang on what are these things that of spinning yeah this is the spinning parkour that you’re going to have to get up if you want to beat my amazing digital circus base and find my maple syrup what ah this looks impossible but luckily I’m actually pretty good at all the parkour so I’m going to try my best yeah wait Milo you keep falling off the side this is not looking good for you yeah I’m already starting to feel kind of dizzy yeah be careful Milo if you let yourself go too dizzy you might go crazy oh man how is anyone meant to escape this place I don’t know I’ve made it pretty difficult for you Milo this is going to be a real challenge yeah not kidding how am I even about to get Crush there well Milo you need to jump on this bouncy block down there oh man that looks really tricky all right let’s try it out in hey I didn’t make it you almost did though Milo come on you got this all right round two boy let’s do it you got this Milo I believe in you and wo You’ made it across yeah I made it and I’m doing a really good job yeah you totally uh I’m very impressed okay now I going to jump in oh man this is freaking me out you almost got it Milo you can get to the next one and waa you’re on the spinning platforms oh my gosh I got a time at roll care yeah you do come on Milo you got this I believe in you hey I made the jump again wo you did I’m very impressed now you can make the jump to the next one as well H can I let’s see yeah look at me girl wow you did it Milo now this one’s going to be pretty tricky but but it’s a little nice break from the other super fast ones this is the craziest digital sagers I’ve ever seen if this was in the real show they would all go crazy yeah they totally would H I don’t know if this one’s possible actually Milo you know what let me give you a little bit of an easy time I’m going to switch this one between really fast and really slow you just have to go at the right time okay okay sounds good to me hey chip can I say something yeah sure what is it Milo you actually reminding me a lot of K what hey why because you’re like the ring monster of your circuit what Milo you just put me through the circus you built as well we’re both doing this it’s about whoever wins The Challenge yeah but you seem really smart and in control thanks Milo that’s really nice of you to say all right it’s spinning really fast and it’s slow for a second um well I’m too far to jump so oh now it’s fast again Milo you missed your chance now I’m going to make it even faster a r what am I going to do I’m too far away all right now it’s really slow and now it’s really fast again oh man I got to go around another time now it’s super duper slow oh wait you’re moving across and now it’s really fast again and oh you made it oh yeah that’s we did at that time good job Milo but I’m going to do the same thing for this one you’re going to need to make sure you can make it across to that spinning platform there are you ready I got to time it super carefully let’s see if I can do it all right are you ready Milo I’m about to make it real slow oh yeah let’s see it all right it’s super slow now you got this wow I just did the jump okay I’m just going to go over the up like this I hope I make it I really don’t want to fall in wow I did it Milo that’s amazing now it’s only a little more jumps until you reach the next section but be warned this next section is going to totally trip you up these stairs are even kind of difficult if you ask me yeah they are pretty hard but Milo you’ve made it to the next section okay I hope this isn’t too scary yeah it’s not too scary but it is a maze that you’re going to have to get through with no help this is confusing okay I’m just going to have to keep my brains together yeah you totally are oh Milo you’ve definitely gone the wrong way yeah this is a dead end oh man yeah it totally is and Milo you’re going to definitely struggle with this maze I can just tell oh chip this is making me feel scared oh the blue colors are too overwhelming yeah there is lots of blue but I thought you’d like the blue Milo isn’t blue your favorite color really is my favorite color but now when I’m feeling terrified and hey what’s this Milo you made it back to the start you got turned around in the Maze oh that’s embarrassing a I wish gummy goo was here to help me yeah I wish gummy goo was here to help but he kind of is he’s kind of all around that’s true and I’ve got a good feeling about the direction I’m going in h i don’t know Milo oh well yes you did have a good feeling and it was right now you’ve made it to the three doors behind two of these doors is a terrible fate but behind one of them is maple syrup you just have to pick the right one okay well can I tell you something funny yeah of course you can I am really good at smelling maple syrup so I’m going to smell it out what hey that’s cheating I don’t smell it in there and no not in there either H what’s in here I think it’s down here uh Milo about that no Milo okay well it’s obviously not in that one so my next guest is probably this one let’s go oh Milo I have good news for you you found the maple syrup did it I found the maple syrup and I am the champion good job and wait chip you know what this means what does it mean Mila well you know how ear you said if I found the maple syrup that you would tell me a secret yeah well the secret is I had a little bit of help from a certain someone what like me no Milo like somebody else what do you mean chip who’s that well it looks like we have the results and I can now reveal the wi of my totally awesome surprise is Milo what no that’s terrible this is amazing I never win anything hey Mr Kane what’s my prize and for your prize Milo you will live the rest of your life in the amazing digital circus with me pomy gummy goo and the rest of the guys let’s get going they’re all excited to meet you no I don’t want to go there what oh my goodness they both just vanished are they in the amazing digital circus for real now huh I guess I’m really happy I didn’t win yay [Music]

Amazing Digital Circus is back with Episode 2 and Milo and Chip have been challenged to a Noob vs Pro Build Battle! But what happens when Chip has AMAZING helpers?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


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