Minecraft Speedrunner VS 9 Hunters FINALE

when I start running nine of my friends will try their hardest to stop me from beating Minecraft will I be able to outplay and Escape The Hunters to beat the game one final time or will they use 100% of their brains to take me down losing me the series 2 to one if you enjoy watching me face impossible odds like this then if we hit 50,000 likes regardless of if I win or lose we may consider doing one final Manhunt series with 10 Hunters I hope you enjoy the finale everyone everyone doing a circle everyone do a circle what are you doing with that what are you doing you can’t you’re not getting loot before we start need the food and why are you giving it to him he’s going he’s going oh my God I jumped off a cliff I just got sent Tre sorry that was my bad you’re dead you’re dead that was my bad bro oh my god oh he’s dead what is happening where he going punching me I don’t oh my God oh my God how’d you get a wol someone get who did that Miss F did you give him that wool maybe I’m getting blocks yeah this guy’s an imposter yell at me we F Weill F Weill fans wait let’s go let’s go let’s go let go get get him jump jum build the bridge Bu The Bridge there’s nowhere to go I just missed I’m so oh who just put that block who punched me oh my fault bro that’s not my fault where is he how did you guys is he dead he jum where is he is he on the oh yes how did you guys not kill him I can’t believe I made that that was insane what he made it how do we get here like screw you f oh my God he got so much blue oh I made it in the water I made it in the water I made it in the water he’s the window I don’t have a compass guys guys guys you got to get wood or something get wood he’s like in the where they covered everything guys there’s nine of us we can’t let him get away walk here I know what to do I know what to do guys why is Bab dab being so quiet getting away is he down we said that last time yeah no way he went underground under you have to make tools where you going guys how have tools he’s oh he’s here he’s on top of his house he’s on top of this house oh my God come here come here I’m going to make you tools yes yes yes yes friend enough for two I have enough for two yes best friend how H you you’re such a good BS like this is what best friend I just said like keep the context y please I won I need a boat okay can we just kill babo where’s my tool I gave it to you pickax we going to get you don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me I’m to die don’t touch me oh you’re low it’s over if you get keep away from the O you guys don’t have loot yet so I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling oh yeah I don’t have any loot B don’t worry about I have a stone axe how do you no way you have weapons right oh my God W true battery one W you’re joke creatur is quite small isn’t it that was funny say it again that was a good one actually shut up Jack yep Zack yo SL temp temple it’s the ancient city Temple oh guys there’s a jungle temple City bro an ancient city yeah Ancient City Temple I’m on top of it I’m on top of it I’m on top of it yeah I don’t I’m low I’ll die if I go in by the way oh my okay how do we get in uh probably by mining this is what I’m talking about like Andre Andre is such a griffer I’m get no does anyone have food yeah uh yeah but not for you I’m in the I’m in the I I have raw beef wait wait you want to build a redstone trap uh can give me can you give me those uh strings oh my God left left left guys arrows I’m he’s in the wait that’s actually that’s actually oh that was him I thought that was where is he I still haven’t oh there he is wait he’s right there boom boom boom boom here someone sweat on oh Village V oh wait that’s the Sun what oh bab dab no go first how did you die I wasn’t paying attention I’m not going to lie he turn around and fight me am not going the first wait here you have to kill him your dispensers give me one food one piece of food I won’t kill you if you drop the dispensers I didn’t get the dispensers oh so that means you don’t care about them yeah you’re dead he doesn’t know how good they are yet he’s up he’s up he’s up he’s up he left he left he left he left Diamond I actually don’t care oh you damn skeleton did you go in this cave going for the iron bro yeah he’s going to have to come out eventually then he loses you don’t have to come out the same hole you don’t come out of your mom’s hole Again Play Hard not smart what the hell oh my God Jack a shield prot B your grandaddy he’s going back to the Village goes to my ears I just got jump scared why would you do that babo dude what are you doing I was in my inventory guys he’s at the Village at spawn what you say yack oh wait was he yapping I wasn’t even listening I’m oh he’s got a shield Why did no one tell me that this guys and say he a shi killed that skeleton I can he’s too good for me he’s going up he’s he’s staircasing up not good he’s going back up to spawn guys I’m going to get a lot of iron and diamonds he might Nice Nice Shot Nice Shot dude so keep keep oh my god dude I can’t parkour hello if I go in I’m dead we’re just going you going first you’re going first J are you stupid yeah we’re dead now okay yeah now I’m just like actually dead where even are you guys I can’t find youing why don’t you come bro what K you’re you’re your B shot did a whole like five Hearts to me dude hey oh my God you’re already back oh Jesus where are they oh great okay uh he went down oh I see him going down the mountain where that’s kind of rude there wait where did he go I I down there he’s down there he’s down there that that was crazy is he not on the mountain what the what was that what the hell how did you guys just burn my diamonds bro what just happened how did you guys spawn a tree just burned my diamonds and spawned a tree there’s no way Diamond what was the what was the Strat there’s no way he did that die I mean I guess it worked quit qu this was so stupid bobl what I’d quit the tree was a distraction guess he can’t beat the best color ISAC HP D oh I’m dead feels disabled okay here you so i r out oh my guys I’m actually sweating I’m going to get full diamond I actually promise I’m going to get full diamond why you go for the obsidian armor Andre I hit a b be careful with B he can take eight guys at once relax keep do not give the in whoever I mean whoever edits this editor don’t get the in ready bab dab you’re about to be scared ready ready ready ready [ __ ] bab dab diamonds guys I’m going to have full diamond soon don’t worry why does Dev get an when he gets diamonds when I get it hey Yap attack okay oh oh you got to try it first F before you you jge okay I have tried it bro no no no no no no with like by me okay let me chill out let me chill out Andra Andra what Andra I’m going to your mou I’m what I’m going to feed you I think I can do this cover me with diamonds and and and and and oh my God I’m not even F armored up yet okay Dev come to me and just give that all to me okay oh I’ll come to you what keep this in not going to lie I kind of Me Jack yapping really though wait till he starts going wait till he starts going here you stop dying you’re making us look bad bro I’m trying to get my stuff back and then the freaking I keep dying you guys bullied Jack actually not talking no [Music] way I mean now I don’t have to go out the way to mute him myself so this is kind of better actually say sorry to Jack apolog apologize Jack you say Jack just hat it all hey bab bab dab why are you such a sweat see I told you you’re making a where’s your friends true battery where’s your friend true battery where’s your friend wait I see you stand still how are you not dead bro I wish they made a minion store employees had to wear like a little minion suit and they had to be under 5 foot you could work there no that’s only I’d never be able to work there never get fan at Genie bro never get fan at Genie you know what my wish would be fans what wish number one Genie blow F guess who wish number two is Genie blow number two that’s a crazy wish you never guess with the third it’s actually a good armor turn dude audre wait he’s on the ground wait is he here in the sky I I’m not going down one block off from dripstone wait what the hell I’m dead I’m just deadit what that just scared the out of me what happened oh my God I just blind straight down into a hole with babo and no offense here that’s why I don’t give you lapis at least I found him you were just standing there like an idiot yo what are you drinking potion okay guys relax guys I’ll watch up top and see he comes back up here to be the give me a c give me c he’s going up he’s going up he’s up he’s up all right here half a stack half a stack wait why he’s up this guy’s so slippery if I could I could I wouldn’t have saved you buddy yeah you would need full never right even then it’s even then it’s all isack talk go he’s this way how’ he go this way he lost so much time oh he’s he’s on the tree he’s on the tree okay I see how did he just all how did he destroy every one of us no he didn’t no he didn’t no he didn’t no he didn’t now he’s on the [Music] ground oh God get him get him get him get him he’s like T where’s he going where he he this wait what interesting there’s a Vine there awesome oh awesome yeah yes what the oh my God I surviv oh my God I’m not jumping down there what the hell what the hell oh my god oh my god well how did you guys all die Dev you had like diamond chest plates yes I don’t get the stuff get the stuff I’m trying trying oh oh my that’s actually insane why do you have a dog wait where’ it go damn Bo where is he he’s on he’s looking at he’s Enchanted okay why are you trying that hard bro it’s a man like come on you had the enchantment table budy by the way if you’ve made it this far and you haven’t subscribed you should definitely consider and if this video gets more subs than usual then I’ll be able to make more just like it Jack stay here come over here oh my God what the Bro oh my god what have a pearl get get my armor doing anything come here are you oh my god nice oh my God you have his chest plate now I’m not D the hell I’m so bad though Y what the hell you’re supposed to kill him you can edit that out it’s fine come on dude you got to be low actually no I’m missing one heart what you’re missing a couple probably blame going here I blame this I was going to give you iron I had iron for you cuz you ran the other direction I was kill yeah I don’t know why you had to go attack a SP me bro oh my [Music] god oh wait nice oh my god oh come here way V about to kill B this is so close you might have to delete your channel if that happen my if ramish kills B you should delete your channel there’s a will there’s a way oh he’s going oh sword why is might one on this diamond sword that I got from video what are you talking about I just run into [Music] B is this s cool though I’m no you what are you talking about what why you tring to like scare me Andre is like the slipperiest player here he’s actually like good insane oh you’re saying I’m yeah only don’t be a [ __ ] fine [Music] ah oh my God I was okay after that Skirmish is now oh wait no no no you Enchanted come here yo you thought you’re God oh there more of you bet didn’t expect us I expect the editors to roll up on here they’re about to cut your existence out okay oh my God my God I would never watch out for the creeper video he fell turn around what a fight I’m all right actually I’m okay I’m okay nice GE I’m low I’m pretty sure he’s fa low but he didn’t oh my goodness come on we can get him don’t we don’t need anybody HP he get him damn it yes oh my God yes dude no I burned the webs oh my God am I dumb or that oh my dude guys I just the Mansion no troll no Manion I just come to me come to me come to me give me your me your what are your Cordes bro yo wait audre yes wait we got to build a mob farm we got to build a mob farm oh that was so fun here babe found you what it’s V sorry I got you wait I just realized you have two underscores in your name as well 2 two years dude oh yeah no it’s V my God it’s V it’s vit smok it’s a it’s silent J is it is vit I heard that in a book in a b you mean in a never say that again how does every know what that is I thought was I thought that was an underrated word I thought it was mayonnaise okay this conversation yeah so I it’s like caviar like it’s like a Del okay I’m not in this conversation uh I got totems but the is burning [Laughter] down why am I stupid huh oh he’s the bus boying no let’s go oh guys guys don’t worry don’t worry guys guys I love the nether I love it I love it I love it love it I love it no why did I take this why are you behind me why are you behind me oh my God how are you full oh you die thank mrry for that oh yeah oh my ah oh I’m going to join you I’m always destroying oh he’s got he’s got a Bastion oh how did he get so far he went that way oh what does that mean what if I hold shift say did he go into the Bastion Bastion B oh it’s treasure I need five I can give you some I’m okay okay um I don’t have I don’t have full diamond yes you do I saw you behind me dude you have no I’m naked that’s my that’s my natural it’s not your natural death what the Andy oh my God wait you have total I mean you have that thing you have that item yeah let’s go no you’re going to give us a jack over here oh my God that’s crazy I one more that’s wait you have paper Okay paper and then Rock we actually playing rock paper scissors rock Pap shoot yes what no no give me that give me give me give me give me son of he’s he’s running he’s running where is he I think oh he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there there’s all of you guys in full diamond armor like what oh fans he Ved hey that oh he’s sweating there’s another SW another SW SW oh my God don’t pop your totem oh my God you pop a to I’m alive I’m have that my told I was going to get popped how does he have I would how did you get yours popped already Dev yeah he’s sweating he’s sweating that’s why you have full diamond I’m bad be up oh you’re not in the B no no we’re like a we passed it a bit no we’re back F I’m fighting him he’s just destroying me wait that was right what the hell just happened on my screen oh my God yeah you like that you like that you like that he has po to so bad oh he’s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re hey bab dab oh what is he doing does anyone have a oh I found this bridge I found this bridge oh hey bab dab oh he got a fortress you got a fortress of course of course not Bo no no no no don’t don’t don’t this is so sketchy oh my God why this is actually what is he doing this is crazy oh my god oh no this is actually what there’s so many wait it’s literally a double spawner right here I like this where where he go where he go where he go where’d he go there is so much in here oh my God grandma oh my God guys guys we’re going to die yeah I’m I’m dead here junun guys what a fortress need food you’re a sweat you’re literally just a sweat it’s crazy what did I do well guys I know where potion room’s at I play a lot of hopl oh guys why am I alone with him wor okay guys help me I’m here no run run run run run run run guys don’t let him get full diamond oh no oh my God oh my God get down get down run there there I think I had like 50 in Sak on my body nice nice oh my God hey guys finally I’m not on one heart why is there a Wither skull on the ground hereone here take some Shields there guys do I look dripp or [Music] what fans don’t there what did I do wait screw up are you the one in jail the hospital yeah yeah I’m in jail I killed my whole family and you’re next bro if you say that again I die this is all your fult okay Jack what do we do I’ve been circumcised three times already and they can’t seem to like you know what is it job uhoh dude go in that hole come here what happened to your audio have you given up yeah I see I’m my mic was away from my face me I could be on half a heart I could be on full health I don’t know you want to burn this person’s house down I’m building what is that fans what are you doing he’s here he’s here he’s here where where where I have to eat I have to eat he’s on true battery 301 ow oh my God are you guys crazy no I’m dead all my stuff’s burned what [ __ ] you’re tra app please oh you’re lucky [Music] why are you just letting him attack why what was that for get out of that you literally put us in a [ __ ] hallway Andre are you talking of dementia swearing what’s with the swearing though sorry oh I can understand none feel bad is no fa that tot’s going to pop Andre that tot’s going to pop in there yes Andre that’s so sad is that all the totems gone I think I think that is you guys have a great team chemistry there no team at the hell is this song guys have you like up I’m getting iron I’m getting iron how did fans kill K kill fans what the you guys okay no here down there youing loser chck yes Fu you [ __ ] you you suck why is your mic so far it’s behind my monitor wait why is it why is it your monitor I’m sorry I actually didn’t mean [Music] it you guys have to be nice and Sh with your brother why do you why did I get punished for that oh [ __ ] where is he [Music] yo relax how about that die he’s about to die he’s about to die he’s H hit oh my God Str bro bblue oh you fire okay well that was a awesome fight man did you fire what happened flash me with fire oh my God and then you died how did the other guys fall in it didn’t even work out the way I wanted it to but I guess I mean it worked but this should worked this as well this was S as though if you ban Jack from the server I’ll give you every dollar my bank account holy that’s that’s Millions that’s actually Millions that’s actually Millions this invalidates the run now cuz it’s not a 9 V one oh wait you’re right can you stop Jack you son of a everything I won I just won won what I you don’t give don’t give me don’t give I already destroyed you in every realm of human endeavor we don’t have who made a juke box no way you took a diamond and made auke and then Andre’s burnt the disc killed the power what are you doing after 10 hunds you there’s like there’s another like series you could do after that all right’s do this what do you mean it wasn’t even supposed to be a joke I was just going to say Minecraft man versus Korean it wasn’t SE my documentary fil like what is happening why did I just hear Peter Griffin uh’s down there he’s down there guys guys we found him what where is he what see you he’s still on the stronghold he’s still looking for it he’s still looking for it oh okay what’s up guys oh this is the Dream Team right here how are you full diamond by the way again you can thank Andre for that yes sir you should see me what the that did a lot of damage okay yeah he’s low he’s low he’s low he’s low he’s low [Music] excuse me bring bring to me bring him to me bring him to me come no what is this mountain hey no not really I do not like fighting you with a sword when you’re in the water come here here okay get him here get him here I know okay V guys eat my boat crazy sorry mine now crazy take your stupid bow away what how did that Che he’s cheating he’s cheating he’s cheating okay oh my God two more friends are joining us oh it’s over a village yay oh we can set our spawns nice oh I’m dead for the I got two hit with full iron and diamond where he go he here stupid he like just yeah I’m so stupid okay Andre is wear a cut him off I’m I’m him off mind oh oh he’s got to be he’s got to be so low n this a hop and this Ain hopl this Ain hop this a hopl do you need a shield oh I don’t have Shield uh why does he have rail yo I saw that you TN mine cart are you kidding me oh you f I’m so easy huh damn how’ you let him kill you like that how do you have this like here stop leing me here he can’t hit me he can’t hit me get Jack you can’t hit me oh no B hits no B hit help zero B hit oh my God he’s getting destroyed already I missed I hit him what the yes happened oh my God obsidian what sing who gave him an end Crystal who gave him an end Crystal okay F that was all your fault was your fault what that was all fans’s fault I can’t believe that I didn’t get any of your loot I didn’t get any of your loot are you kidding me that was kind of crazy I didn’t think that would work I L got that from a montage like I just saw that I need I need to breathe I need to breathe Andre I’m going to suffocate Andre please there’s too many of us here are you doing we’re going to get entity crammed what if we get entity crammed I’m following Andre look he’s I see his name I see just go just go [Music] down me bro guys I really don’t feel like this is the smartest idea this is ter look at that what the did that what did that oh he did the thing he did the thing he did the thing he did the thing he did the thing he did the thing dream thing oh I just got a free which one am I which one am I wait what you just why you that’s not me in full diamond wait wait guys guys no what was his armor what was his armor of us his armor he hadre I don’t think it’s any of us like holy hey guys jump dude he justed us and then ran away no I’m walking among you guys right now yeah he’s not caught on to which one’s he didn’t put armor on guys wait I swear wait was he naked I think [Music] so find it find it find it find find there’s nine of us guys we should be able to find this in no time I mean I can’t make it back down what happened to you oh you died you guys blocked up the hole and a I know where it is I know where it is it’s Lally it’s literally here it’s literally here go back go back wait you can’t even see my name yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about what the hell yeah I can’t believe that actually worked let’s go come on Dragon just got to get these crystals and then re win for me all right guys I got a Str wait we tra side wow oh that’s him up there Andre put that mine cart away buddy hey where is he are he still he’s still up there like a little D is he up there don’t worry don’t worry we got a plan I think he just popped strength how would I have strength I don’t know bro Brewing no he did he’s here why is he going for me I’m just trying to fish you’re full diamond dude have a shield he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead now I look yo it’s not even funny his boots his boot his boots broke his boots are gone give me give me the give me the give me the give me the you set it up and I’ll shoot no no give me the bat and I’ll shoot I’ll shoot I’ll shoot I’ll shoot went under Oh’s on him it’s over no diey get him in the void what the I can’t hit that was actually smart I should have just broke the cobweb guys we [Music] Fant how much he’s right there oh he’s right here where where where where where where where where where where where where okay I hate you oh there go oh he’s right there want to set it up I’m dead I’m dead I don’t know what he did I don’t know what I think it was a respawn anchor I think it was a respawn anchor God it sounded like a respawn anchor all your stuff is kind of burnt I’m not going to lie who’s both of yours actually no it’s like he has more is that I thought beds weren’t allowed it’s not a bed it’s a respawn anchor that’s different okay there’s a bunch of stuff ah it burnt no B oh you’re so lucky he’s going to call you be careful yeah here you go okay holy [ __ ] guys okay he’s done he’s done he’s done he’s done oh get him here boost me boost [Music] me I’m going run out of food oh my God oh my God oh my God he just saved himself with a cobweb oh my God who just boosted me dude I did did you get boosted okay well well fans stole mine so I have to get something Jesus no are you freaking kidding me guys let’s just bring beds in at this point this guy is okay fine no I had to craft those I had to earn those that was reason to why he can use the respawn anchor cuz he crafted it so we can craft what if we craft the bed he’s invisible he’s invisible he’s invisible he’s invisible hello hello he’s in mid he’s in mid right here somewhere here yeah he is here he’s swimming I’m just I’m just constantly tracking him he’s like just keep tracking him I’m like tracking him right now he’s to M he P to M he P to M he’s going to be like right here I see I see I see particles I see particles he’s here I don’t see him I don’t see him he Spiderman no no he just died to no armor I see him I literally just saw him he just us a nether ax he’s killing he’s he’s M he’s M he’s M keep following that he’s he’s going around okay someone Swip no swiping ow you’re such a coward kill yourself oh I hit him I think I hit him or no bro this is so this like Ghost Hunt he’s here he’s hitting Dragon I see him he yeah he’s hitting the dragon he’s hitting the dragon I hit him once I think oh he’s here he’s here he’s here think I hit him I’m an [ __ ] he’s killing it he’s I see I see where watch see I see I see his legs you’re a bastard for lava guys guys I’m I’m I’m making guys I’m defending mid I’m defending midone took my La who’s dying I’m killing someone who took my laet hey sble just died he’s a m Dron I hit him I hit him I hit him I don’t know where he went though I don’t know where he went there he is there he is there he is it’s so slow oh just this wasn’t me dud Andre who just have the hell we have a slime in I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead bro like we ran out guys there’s food right here where what if you what if you forfeit if we give you supp let’s let’s just let’s just bed like what the [ __ ] I’m done I’m done this is just not even a team at this point we’re literally going to lose now because of this we’re going to lose a 1 v9 oh God Dam by ra I’m doing the thing keep hitting him where is he he’s down here but I don’t want to get hit off I’m a psycho that’s right no way oh my God I had 16 iron yeah I can give up you guys you guys can can do this yourself you’re the one who just jumped off I’m blowing up here I don’t give a [ __ ] why okay now we’re screwed don’t break it we’re screwed I already broke the bed I already broke the bed I already broke the bed die I died everybody oh yeah the bed’s spawn okay I’m on spawn I can’t go back okay well use the bed run up to him and Play You’re Now oh de you’re soill whole team only this whole team’s a joke I’m here why would you break the bed and bring it in I don’t claim to be part of this team what is wrong with you when did I get a Time helmet I’m I’m dead holy guys at least we’re all at spawn as friends again I’m going to kill you no I don’t have any food I got a plan B he’s up there guys we can be friends good luck you’re going have to for me okay there’s bones that if there’s bones at the beginning just just grow trees and get apples I’m doing the Apple Strat I doing the Apple Strat hold on some apples what is the Apple what he do I’m trying to read it yeah I mean no way dude oh no we lost oh no wait is it just Andre’s then oh my God oh my God uh I uh no no Sprint and just uh you’re no Sprint what’s your health looking like Andre be honest with me what’s your health nine Hearts nine Hearts Andre you might have the Health Advantage here a little you might have the sprinting Advantage you’re right you can me Al love I’m just dead like I I can’t he so look at how stupid he is I’m sorry I’m sorry I can’t believe that don’t lose [Music] this yes dude oh Andre your ah oh my God if the dragon just purges there’s no way you guys can get back right there’s no way you guys can get backu ruin SP this is just like bull I got an apple from True batter’s tree and I made a golden apple I had no food no Sprint and that’s what let me kill Andre I was on half a heart wow wow well you’re lucky we have an idiot on our team wow wow yeah for what my bed’s still set from on top and I have an iron sword and I’m wait out oh it’s not going to be enough yeah it’s not enough Andre hi boo you missed me how are you here hello do you know the dragon’s birching it seems like I’m actually going to go after you [Music] too oh my God yes no 50,000 likes we’ll do 10 Hunters 50,000 likes 50,000 here how did you ch next time don’t invite Dev if you haven’t already you should join my Discord I’m pretty active in there and it’s full of people who are fans of the channel that you can nerd out with about the videos bye everyone

Minecraft Speedrunner VS 9 Hunters FINALE, The Hardest Challenge yet

Featuring: @KIERandDEV @Fantst @OGQndres @Vitjok @SquareApple @rammage @Truebattery1 @JackattackIndustries

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Server hosted by: https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=9052

Edited by SquareApple and Baablu, Intro by https://x.com/Pinkworkerfx

#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt #Baablu


  1. Genuinely Qndres was the worst person on this team. He fucked the hunters over so badly so many times. He had so many chances to kill Baablu. I know I'm seeing Baablu's health and so am biased, but any sane person would rush the man who is obviously low on health. Baablu has such an easy tell he starts grunting and breathing heavy when he's low and somehow Qndres has never figured that out. That being said, blame does not fall solely upon Qndres. The whole team is stupid. They know he is going to trap his water mlgs or ladder clutches, and yet still every time they fall for it. This manhunt would have ended so quickly if they just weren't retarded. Even if they ran out of food all they needed to do was load up on stone axes and rush him in a war of attrition. Eventually his armor would break and his food would run out, and bam they win. There's 9 of them, they could just have 2 people constantly making new axes. Their stupidity genuinely surprises me. Holy shit.

  2. I am posting videos for Minecraft and I stopped because the support is low. I hope you can help me, but if I reach a thousand subscribers, thank you for your time ❤️❤️

  3. Not trying to be rude, but ur such a good player, that playing against these people, save for dev, is way to easy. Get a manhunt with Minute tech, rakrap, clownpeirce, dream, and ferre mc, and then you would have an amazing vid. But great vid tho

  4. This video is so fake he has 50 bone meal makes a tree to kill someone, someone also gives him wool and he uses it start of spawn why out of any way he chose that way and a village happens to be there and blacksmith right in front of him this is all not adding up

  5. All of baablus hunters combined gives an IQ close to that of Skeppy… so I don’t think that they pose that much of a threat… however…

    AMAZING VID BAABLU!! <3 Also Kier and Dev, Get good.

  6. 25:69 Crazy? i was crazy once, they locked me in a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. and rats make me crazy. Crazy? i was crazy once, they locked me in a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. and rats make me crazy.

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