I Have 5 Minutes to SAVE The Server From Suffocating……

imagine constantly suffocating in Minecraft when in This Server a breathing mask is the only way to regenerate oxygen but sadly me and my allies are running out of time guys I can’t breathe and I have no more oxygen oh no Dex what are we going to do wait eat this golden apple good thinking come on please no I can’t believe it he’s dead what’s the matter with your friend legie is he looking for one of these what you guys have breathing masks we could really use a pair what what is this hold up what’s going on is it closing in on us this is not good we’re going to get trapped inside dexi have fun suffocating in that Unbreakable don’t kiddos unbreakable wait it actually is unbreakable that is not good dexi how are we going to steal a breathing mask from their base if we can’t even break this thing don’t listen to those guys I have ender pearls ender pearls what are we going to do with that well if I place a ladder here and a block there maybe we can glitch out oh I see it’s the good old ender pearl glitching trick give it a shot let’s see if it works what well it got you above but it didn’t get you out wait legie you try maybe I’m doing it wrong I really do hope this works cuz I don’t want to suffocate in some Dome what it didn’t work for me either this is bad I only have 60% of my oxygen remaining it’s a good thing that I just know noticed our Escape check it out we can use our ruin portal we just need two obsidian would you look at that it’s quite literally perfect there’s two obsidian in the chest put one there and another one right there I’m pretty sure there’s a fire charge in here yep one exactly there we go wait legi watch out oh my goodness okay we survived where did that come from trying to get out not under my watch I can’t believe this kid we don’t have any more Fire charges either good luck losers are you kidding me we’re so dead don’t give up yet I think I just got a good idea check it out we have a TNT Shack I don’t know how we haven’t thought of this yet but maybe we can explode the barrier wait legi that could honestly work let’s just get as much TNT as we can we might not be able to break this thing but hopefully exploding it with this TNT Works do you have a lever dexie yep right here Stand Back come on come on come on what you’re kidding me how did all the grass blow up but the sphar is left completely untouched legie I’m suffocating what have you run out of oxygen oh no no take the steak steak is good but it’s not going to save me you’re right we need to figure out some way of getting you oxygen hold up we can use that Fountain what a fountain how’s that going to help come over here dexi I have a plan if we mine this block right there I have four Magma Cream in my inventory which means I can make a magma block and now if I put it right about there yep check it out there’s bubbles is it working dexi this isn’t working it’s not refilling my bubbles underwater that is bad but wait I think I just got an idea if I give you a water breathing potion then maybe it will work need to do this quick put a blaze powder there in the nether wood there and in here there should be a puffer fish yep leg I got five Hearts I’m going to die oh no no come on why does bre potions take so long okay perfect there you go drink it and go under the water come on come on let’s have a look all right I can breathe now thank goodness oh my gosh I thought you were going to die right there wait leg you look there’s horses horses X now’s not the time to be horsing around we need to find a way out this place exactly if we tame them we can use them to glitch through wait I think I get your plan but for that we’re going to need a saddle well that’s unfortunate I don’t have one do you not in my inventory I don’t but hold up there’s a mob spawner right there wait is there that’s perfect we just got to hope that there’s a saddle in one of these chests come on no this one doesn’t have one well it’s a lucky deal a cuz this one does yes let’s go that is so clutch now I just got to T this buddy there we go now I put the saddle on him and I reckon over here should be perfect if I place a block right there and run into it just like this and now I press shift what how did that not work I’ve seen this before and it’s worked let me try this one more time come on come on come on no you got to be joking me come on please get me in what Dex did you hear that let’s go check it out Dex I see a name tag wait is that fifth come on come on where’s my chorus fruit this is my last one yes it worked what why are you so desperate to get in we’ve been trapped in here for so long you have to hide me please they’re com coming right now I cannot believe this kid stole the key we have to find him hold up I see what you’re talking about and they’re coming this way guys I stole a key of theirs and if they know I’m here they’re going to kill us all dexi droing that bow I have an idea let me shoot you with this in there we go hide hide hide all right we’re here guys you two have you seen Fifth Fifth Who’s fifth I don’t know no fifth oh yeah so what’s this Sher doing here then uh the Sher well um honestly you’ve got the memory of a goldfish some kid just came by and placed that down then he took off that way are he lying to us why would we be lying why would anyone even want to come in this stupid dome in the first place oh this kid we can’t let him get away guys you guys are legends I can’t believe I got the key for the oxygen masks what that’s great because I’m running out of oxygen right now now we just need to get to the enemy’s base and find where those masks are you’re right but we have to get out this place what do you have in your inventory well I have the sending dress what do you guys have in there pretty sure I have a chorus fruit in this Shuler wait no I don’t but I do have chorus flowers A Chorus fruit will definitely work that’s how it got inside in the first place yep let me just pick up this endstone now we just put it right here and the chorus flower on top and hopefully this thing grows yep just like that so let it grow a bit more so we get extra fruits oh we even plant another one right here we just doubled our C Food efficiency we did indeed in fact I reckon they’re ready to be mined yep I got five over here and that one only gave me one but I guess six is going to have to do that’s two each we got to get a little bit lucky with this let’s see where am I am I inside or outside no saddle you’re still in Broski kidding me but hold up I still have one more chorus fruit so we can’t give up just yet I already ate both of mine and didn’t get me through that’s pretty un lucky but if at least one of us can get through then it’ll be good so let’s see what you’re kidding me this is bad guys I’m running out of oxygen I’m going to start dying soon wait I think I know how this key can get us out this place what are you going to do unlock the barrier or something no listen what if we bait the enemies inside the Dome once they enter we can escape from the place they went through think about it they have to enter the Dome to get their key back wait you’re a genius guys they’re already here fif take this and legi follow me we got to hide I see what you’re talking about we need to hide now good luck fif you got this buddy I can’t believe we couldn’t find Fifth you better not stolen our breathing mask hey guys looking for me wait fifth where’s our key which key Oh you mean this one he’s got it guys nto use the barrier breaker on it boss come on guys I’m getting pretty tired of holding this key it’s getting kind of heavy no way actually check it out work on come on come on this is our way out let’s go you guys really thought you going to get this key what he has in po POS guys it worked quick let’s go to their base come on we need to do this quick they’re going to be right on our tail but we need to get this oxygen mask I’m not kidding when I say I have one bubble left we can’t let them take the masks don’t worry we won’t let that happen Okay we’re in we need to find where these masks are at I see their n tags they’re coming right now go go go what do we do where do we hide wait guys look it’s night time everyone get into the bed they’re coming right now good idea though I really hope this works oh my goodness they’re right there guys let’s go check if the master are still there okay I think we’re good that was insane good thinking fifth wait what the Master’s still there leg you must be in the storage room guys they’re leaving this is perfect let me just shut this door FY go for it bro let’s unlock this door Ando nice we’re in I need one of these quick let me put it on okay all of my bubbles have regenerated we’re finally safe guys good job not yet they’re still right there let’s Le these chests and get out of here good idea good idea we need to get out this place quick we might have these masks but we’re definitely not in the clear yet let’s get out this place guys wait someone else is coming up these ladders and these guys are coming back as well quick guys let’s hide in here wait that’s so smart come on come on come on come on okay think I’m safe they are right here have you guys seen legi and the others no but all the Mas are gone well don’t worry guys I got the perfect idea if we can’t track them down ourselves then IA and dexi assel can take us right to them oh no that’s not good guys we need to get out this place now how did they catch Snuffles I don’t know but it doesn’t matter right now we just need to get out this place quick guys follow me on top of these trees wait guys I see them they went this way wait guys get on the roof I hate to break it to you dexi but Snuffles is about to mess us up big time wait check it out there’s a creeper no way it’s targeting the creeper they cat went around the back let’s go him I can’t believe it that creeper just saved Our Lives guys follow me this way let’s get out of this place what’s your plan it’s a bit of a risky one but we can try to TNT out of here just like this this is indeed a bit risky you guys have to land in my water bucket come on like this yes that was insane quick guys let’s get out of here wait did anyone else hear that TNT let’s go investigate come on guys let’s get out of this place everyone land in my water just like that perfect come on Dex right let’s go you’ve got to be kidding me I can’t believe we let him get away again this is bad guys how are we going to find them now well that answers that question guys you think that cat is still chasing us might be but wait we can use that to our advantage what how are we going to do that wait this part is perfect guys follow me in the powed S I don’t really get your plan but I’ll Trust you bro if we place a bunch of scaffolding all over the place and then we cover the top with a bunch of snow from above it’s going to look like powdered snow what I don’t think I quite get it this might be the coolest trap ever let me demonstrate all right I’m interested to see how this works all the enemies are going to be chasing us and once they chase me down here we just break it oh because they all get removed instantly fif you’re actually a genius you better build that trap fast guys cuz I already see their name tag final snow okay guys let’s go bait him come on come on we need to go up there quick I hope your plan works FFF because if it doesn’t then they’ll just kill us these guys are definitely way more stacked than us there he is guys let’s go get them oh no guys they’ve got us we’re so dead we’ve got nowhere to go Now’s the Time to jump guys go go go come on come on come on let’s hope this works here he comes yes what did he not die what you think I ain’t got the clutches legie what he clutched how did he he do that uh guys I think this is it for me oh no no I got nothing to clutch with she’s dead F we need to run now luie we have to avenge dexi these guys have to pay you’re so right but for now we just got to keep running go go go wait what they’re right there fif keep moving you got to be kidding me they have boats and they’re catching up quick it’s perfect I think it’s going to work guys if we need to get out this place bro I don’t feel safe here whatsoever what I’m a half a heart what is this where are we congratulations legie you just got yourself trapped around toxic acid toxic acid what do you mean you legie if you touch this you’ll evaporate evaporate hold up this is not good the platform is burning but it’s so far away from it no guys where are you going fif this is bad what kind of mess have we got ourselves into legie I don’t know but we definitely need to think of a way to survive hold up I have planks if we stand on these I don’t think we have a chance of falling in the acid oh no what ah wa are going to keep us safe wedgie I see what you mean those are burning just as fast as the leaves I can’t believe they left us here wait fif check it out that’s an Enderman up there fif look hold up I have an idea if we build a shelter like this and now we just need to get this Ender angry come on buddy here he comes oh here he is oh my goodness it’s perfect all we need to do is get an ender pearl come on come on no no bi I think he died bro that’s unfortunate Brody but I think I have a plan we can escape with this trident really does it have Rip Tide indeed it does Broski no way that’s perfect bro place down some water oh I was hoping you going to have some no I sadly don’t I have an empty bucket if only there was a way to get some water wait is that a wet sponge uh yeah but how is that going to help us can’t rip out with a sponge no Brody you don’t know about this you can extract the water from a wet sponge by putting the wet sponge in a furnace and then a bucket underneath what what are you yapping about no you can’t wait what was that brosi there we go now we have a water bucket we can’t place the water on the leaves so we’ll have to go on top of this platform we just do this and this put the water in and now we go out of this place what you got to be kidding me no biy it’s Riptide one and it’s not enough what let me have a shot come on come on no it’s definitely not going to be enough hold up F I think we can use this water for something different though think about it what if we can extinguish the toxic acid using this water that’s a great idea brosi let’s try it come on come on come on let’s have a look what I’m running out of ideas fifth what are we going to do wait I think I got an idea we can build a vertical flying machine no way I think I know exactly what you’re talking about this is such a good idea it’s looking good fif almost ready wait what what just happened how did it go I think the Observer got triggered by the leaf burning I can’t believe that didn’t work what the what’s going on over there there fif I think we’re going to have to go to our last option we should TNT launch out this place if we just do this wait reie I see name tags hold up I see what you’re saying we definitely can’t use this TNT right now then yes we can drop it to me I think we can kill them kill them how are we going to do that as long as they don’t see me I think this is going to work I think I get your idea fif here they come how’s it going legie where’s your buddy fif at he died in the toxic acid he thought he could survive and he passed away right in front of me you better watch your mouth everald come on wait what yes oh my goodness they weren kidding when they said that it one Taps you good stuff fif we won easy macaronis Bry we got this in the bag now how do we leave

I Have 5 Minutes to SAVE The Server From Suffocating……

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IGN – MinecraftCurios
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