Busting Scary Minecraft Lies That Are Actually Fake

these are the scariest Minecraft wies you were not supposed to know starting with a myth sent on Discord from Among Us Red who says guys watch this and tell me there isn’t something wrong with this cave also notice the seed the seed is Kei blood should be a four there huh anyways all right let’s look at this evidence huh oh wow we’re changing the render distance to four and the entity distance to 50% wait why now okay so something is apparently wrong with the cave in the seed it’s not actually the Overworld I mean that that’s pretty normal looking cave to me oh who wao wait where are those zombies come from hold on all right that’s a little fishy but also mob spawning can be random but they were not there would he okay that’s crazy okay zombies magically spawn right next to him still not enough for us to say that this is cursed maybe we okay now the creepers are spawning I a little bit more cursed now dude the mobs are forcing him into this cave wait wait did that wall just appear guys look at this tell me what this is huh yeah there is no Redstone wall as he’s going into the cave and it’s like the moment he flicks back up right here oh it freaking shuts oh my gosh wait then it’s open oh now I’m lost okay something’s definitely up with this world man this is weird what buddy did you just miss that oh he oh he knows he saw something n wait a second wait a second let me go back inhance inhance oh buddy something there is not right there’s a red stone there redstone on red stone here huh by the time he goes back it’s just completely clean there’s nothing there oh man and he still has the same freaking zombies from above chasing him too that’s crazy what is this what I’m like Redstone wall but wait the pattern is like it’s perfect it’s mirrored on both sides of the walls wait is that Redstone wait wait wait wait wait and then he dies but right before he dies look at this there’s like Redstone creepy up like skull I don’t even think he notices it look look this Redstone just appearing beneath him and sucks him he’s been red stoned oh dude I’m hopping on this seed huh all right don’t forget the most important settings for some reason entity distance 50% render distance to four freaking chunks okay let’s go and get some wow voice crack time to get some materials I’m not going into this bloody cave when I have nothing in my hand huh wait is this the cave wait this is the exact same cave he just went into oh okay okay yeah now we definitely need to get some materials that is way too close oh yeah baby huh this is how you enter a cave with a wooden freaking pickaxe okay so first thing we have to test remember those those zombies they weren’t here but the moment we go into this cave zombie should appear boom wait it’s closed is this a different cave no this looks identical it’s literally blocked off but this is definitely the same cave there’s a chance this might be the wrong cave we need to keep looking for the right one okay okay I I what is this what is this is not the right cave man there was not this much dirt this cave is filthy what if the seed is actually corrupted and it’s less of the cave this cave has literally more emeralds than it does redstone this one is not it cheap oh oh oh we got another cave oh time to go spunking please Redstone I see Redstone oh wait wait oh this is a good sign this is an Abomination I feel like we’re getting closer though right like we’re finding more and more Redstone as we keep Jing into these caves but it’s definitely not going to be the one that’s flooded oh man give me a good cave please okay wao uh now this you uh did anybody else notice these uh flowers when I entered the cave is somebody planting poppies cuz these were not here when I went in the cave this is either a really good sign that we’re getting closer or a really bad sign that we’re about to die we got to make sure cuz I think he opened up his cords wait did he open oh there we are there we are oh yeah baby where are you at okay he’s at 30286 1184 I’m popping that open up on my other monitor tp-31 86 11 84 there should be a village oh this is it yeah dude this is freaking it oh it was this easy all along wait did he go oh no he looked at the Village okay it’s directly behind so it’s up here it’s up here this is where the cave is finally wait isn’t this the exact cave wait this is the exact cave we were at the beginning this is literally the same cave look you can see there’s the tree I broke and that one so it’s just going to be it’s open now dog this cave is now open please rewatch him 025 and tell me I’m not crazy cuz it was definitely closed all right now remember this is where the cave closes no come on Cave I know you want to do it Cave’s not closing Cave’s not closing fine we don’t need the cave to close then huh maybe the cave closing has nothing to do with it now where was the M shaft okay it wasn’t on this side that’s closed off again oh wait this is the M shaft oh come on 3 2 1 no red stone on red stone I didn’t want to see redstone on Redstone anyways everything so far has been fake in the seed we haven’t seen any weird Redstone other than a few pieces in these caves wait it’s the red stone wait is it perfectly matching just like his wait it is hold on hold on this could be it this could be it okay remember as he approached the corner the Redstone starts slowly growing right here and then kills him but will do it to me okay I’m going in I’m backing up what is it a sheep why do I hear a sheep what okay buddy buddy listen I’m trying to die here I know it’s an odd request literally nothing is there something deeper here are we missing something I feel like I did everything right I got all the right settings do we just like go back and then come back around how did you get from over there to over here and why are you Red what you bro you just jump scared me okay something’s definitely oh this is it’s this corner man I don’t know what this corner is but it’s possessed wait maybe the Sheep touched the Redstone corner behind us and that’s how he turned into the red sheep you ready for this 3 2 1 make sure you watch until the end to see what happens Minecraft has a lot of scary myths but we’ve been missing a terrifying one right in front of us this is The Dark Secret of giant zombies in Minecraft if I were ask you what the scariest mob in Minecraft is You’ probably say like the creeper maybe even the warden possibly the Wither but how come nobody talks about a mob that is way creepier than all those combined the zombie well not a regular zombie like this but a giant zombie like this this thing is absolutely terrifying look at this thing I hear you right now in the comments saying Preston that’s not scary it just stands there and it kind of looks Derpy and it wants to hug you but listen you literally can’t find this spawning in any world naturally what the heck is that anyways but like I was saying you can’t find this guy spawning naturally in any Minecraft world or seat and that begs the question why did moing turn this small zombie into a giant zombie in the first place and even if it was some kind of failed boss why did they decide to just keep it in the game to me it just doesn’t make sense cuz usually moing has a reason for every mob they put in Minecraft except for the glow squid that has no purpose like even if you go into survival mode it won’t even attack you look at it like the little zombies trying to kill us who’s going to now be turned turn into you’re going in the pool buddy have fun being a drowned zombie but look he’s just standing there like he doesn’t even care like I’ll literally go over here and touch his toes so this got me thinking a lot and I started researching online a little bit more about the giant zombie and why moang added him to the game and here’s what I found giant zombie secret the truth is the giant zombie was originally Mojang’s greatest achievement they gave him amazing world class AI I don’t know about that it was good too good and when the giant zombies started learning too much they had no choice but to delete him from the game but for some reason they couldn’t delete him from the game and now he remains only to be able to be spawned via a command whatever you do don’t use this mob in your games isn’t that creepy like when you think about it that’s creepy right wait did he move hold on can you please rewind at 025 speed let me know if this guy just moved I swear he was right over here anyways this post might not be real but that’s not the only one I found that’s super creepy if this was a normal zombie like the one I pushed in that ocean it would die to daylight but if I go to time set day this guy survives look at this normal zombie just dies to the sunlight but somehow the giant zombie has conquered the sun he’s unkillable can you please just coming over here yeah have fun chasing me buddy and 3 2 1 even though it’s daylight time it does nothing just standing there menacingly looking to give me a giant bear hug well let me know what you guys think about this in the comments have we really unfolded the Truths Behind this giant zombie or is there still more that we have to figure out next up is a myth that was sent in our Fire Nation Discord by by rickon and this is what they say guys this is not modded there’s something terrifying about this snapshot Dimension and they have oh they have video evidence too and the name of it is literally just what is this so on this snapshot moang was basically messing with everybody for April and it essentially you could like write in a book and quill anything and then throw it into a nether portal and it would create that Dimension it’s insane so so far everything’s normal we’re lighting the portal now the question is what dimension are they trying to make if you think I’m lying you can try this like here’s the snapshot version try it yourself oh and they’re putting Oh The Blood Dimension what no way it turns red but is it different on the inside this is sick like terrifying but sick wait is that blood water wait there’s there’s blood water so this is the blood Dimension wait did his his portal just disappeared and then he freaking then they die wait rewind okay comes around the tree sees the water turn to blood portal just vanishes out of thin air tries to go back into creative mode and to make another portal to get back out of the dimension and then dies on the spot what and that’s the end of the evidence that’s all we got holy freak dude dude this is going to be so freaking sick okay we got our obsidian flint and steel book and quill oh dude look at the creative menu look at how weird this is because of the snapshot version all the items are like disorganized basically okay so they put down the obsidian to make the portal then they light it okay so now if we just go through it without the book and quill yeah regular nether but now we’re going to go back out and then write the blood Dimension and throw it in that is freaking crazy that’s insane and again if you don’t believe me you can try it [Music] but I’m actually mind blown like there’s trees if you could even call them that instead of Netherrack we have hay trees that are made of cobblestone and dark oak planks this can’t get this this cannot get any weirder wait there’s pandas it officially got weirder why are there pandas here okay okay I got to find water specifically I want to look for that blood water that they found we have to be careful though cuz they died as soon as they found it oh we got what Axel in the freaking water hold let me get a bucket is it like is it regular water yeah it’s regular water okay but in the video they like went behind a tree like this and then came back around and it turned to blood water but it is nothing for us wait there’s even a ravager next to the fandom okay there’s got to be more water somebody tell me there oh wa wa all right floating Mansions normally would be crazy especially because it’s floating in the nether but this is normal for the snapshot version I need to show you what’s on the inside wandering freaking traitor mhm there’s even a mushroom cow like dog what is this I’m going to summon the warden the freaking we have frogs in the mansion like this is so many different types of wrong like what is this it’s upside down and then we have we have goats we have a freaking caged cat instead of a lace and this isn’t even the normal prison that are inside the Mansions it’s okay now what is this like this like the hippie room I dude this freaking snapshot version is so sick like you can’t hello uh-uh no no you can’t pull fast one over me this water was red every time I freaking film these videos things change and I can’t explain it it’s like unexplainable but I know you can rewind the video you tell me in the comments that this water wasn’t red what what the freak is this bedrock and cobwebs tell me it doesn’t get weirder okay it gets freaking weird that is freaking weird this generation is nuts like you have to try this for yourself I’m telling you it’s not the same until you try it for yourself what is this a freaking is this a copper iron golem what the heck is this but where the freaking where is the blood water wait wait wait wait wait we forgot remember in the video the evidence video their portal like disappears or whatever is it still there portal portal the Portal’s gone wait it’s freaking gone this is literally where the player died in their evidence like because the portal [Music] disappear thank God okay our portal did not disappear thankfully but we didn’t see the blood water but I think dude I’m telling you right now this myth is a bust you can try it for yourself we didn’t see no blood water but it was so freaking sick getting to explore the snapshot try for yourself a terrifying entity moing has been hiding from us the myth of the living jukebox now if we get a jukebox from creative mode and put this thing down you can’t tell me that this doesn’t look like a mouth it’s a little bit awkward but to me it’s not where you put the music discs but the even crazier thing is that the myth is stating that the Jukebox can come to life and if that’s the case is this actually a slot from music discs or is it a mouth that can devour of things and there’s so many different rumors on how to make it come to life but we got to start with our first attempt this is the image that’s been everywhere online and every player says this is how you get the Juke Box to come to life we’re going to need an armor stand and some Redstone and last but not least a lver oh and then finally I can’t believe I forgot this a specific music disc 11 the build is kind of silly so you put the armor stand on top all right redstone’s going around baby now the interesting thing is that they don’t actually connect the Redstone it’s almost like they’re making more of like a summoning Circle the only that’s connected is right here where you put down the lever okay so far nothing’s happening and you know what why not yeah take the Jukebox this will make it easier for us to tell if the armor stand’s arms have like moved or not and last but not least we’re putting in the music disc on 3 2 [Music] 1 okay nothing is happening but this music disc every time I inserted the Juke Box gives me the freaking Goosebumps okay well his arms aren’t moving and I’m I’m terrified from dis 11 I’m going to try something else there has got to be a better way to make this come to life so remember how I mentioned that this thing looks like it has a mouth remember how I mentioned that instead of a set of a disc holder it looks more like a mou I’m going to see if we can genuinely feed it the drops from this mob farm I made yeah keep piling in there keep on coming keep on coming oh this is important the trap door has to be shut I want to kill the mobs and get all of their drops right here before I open it up to try to feed the juke box and make it come to life they are literally dying to The Entity cramming which is perfect we have a looting five sword this is going to be nuts oh yeah okay surely tell me this is this has got to be enough we’re even going to feed it XP okay we got to do it from further away and nothing come on come on I know you want to eat this I know that’s a mouth hole and not a disc hole dang it is this one also busted do we really have to move on I feel like where was I coming from what I did not put that disc in there unless somehow it dropped from one of the mobs but the only way a music disc would be possible is if somehow the skeleton killed the creeper they were dying to entity cramming I don’t know if that counts though that’s the only explanation for how that dis 11 got back in there even though that didn’t work don’t worry we have plenty of other tricks up Our Sleeve to try to make this thing come to life okay so this is the other image that players have been circulating it’s similar to what we did at first but it’s a little bit different it’s almost like you’re making a in Portal out of Juke boxes you can’t tell me this this does not look like an End Portal anyways but the weird thing about this is they actually have a villager inside the middle of it almost like they’re trying to give it a Living Sacrifice oh the fences go down now we can put in the villager look at him dude he’s freaking trapped oh I hope this doesn’t work cuz I feel bad for the Villager if it does now looking at the build looks like the redstone blocks go in the corners dude don’t give me those puppy dog green eyes of yours okay I already feel bad as it is okay the build looks perfect now we have to put in every single music disc that’s in the game one by one come on baby I heard glass break did you see anything was it wait was it this no wait yeah it literally sounded like somebody broke glass or a piece of eye so it had to be like right over here next to this tree okay dude something sus is going on we didn’t even get to put it in the discs okay discs are coming in now prepare your ears this is going to be loud I don’t think I’ve ever played every single disc in Minecraft at the same time like this oh my gosh dude my freaking ears oh okay I got to turn my sounds down man this is too much okay you know I’m just going to turn it all the way freaking off hey no way where did my villager go wait wait is that him how did you get out of wait how did he get out of the Trap dude something here is not adding up there’s no way a villager can get out of this like I’m in survival mode right now and there’s actually no way there’s no way he could have gotten out and there’s nothing different we all the Juke boxes are just staying in place okay this is freaking me out cuz none of this makes sense maybe I’ve just been over complicating this myth from the beginning what if we just get our Juke boxes carve pumpkins and try to make it almost like it’s an iron gold right like jukeboxes on top of each other like this carve pumpkin head on the top and then finally music disc 11 watch until the end to see if we can make the Jukebox come to life up next is C 213 Z which is supposed to have a terrifying distorted end world and of course to get to the end we got to build a portal you know every time I build these I mess them up so I’m hoping that this time I do a decent job and don’t butcher it oh please did I okay thank God SL hello what is a chorus plant doing here hey that is strange who I have never seen this many Enderman you can let me know in the comments if you’ve seen this many but I’m telling you this is abnormal like maybe three to four times as many Enderman that I typically see when I come to the end uh wo and wait why is the egg here this is a wait this is a brand new world like I haven’t defeated the Ender Dragon yet oh dude this is weird Okay I don’t want to get distracted for too long but this is bizarre we have the rumor coordinates for the distorted in city and it is 15751 1900 oh wow oh dude I got to travel into the void it looks like I’m not even moving but then if I go into F5 mode you can see the island behind me slowly vanish for spring we’ve released the largest fire merch collection ever with over seven new designs only available at firem merch.com Link in the description ion and now we’re literally just in nothingness oh yeah this is exactly what we were looking for is this the distorted in city oh wait it’s like two islands on top of each other and then just a bunch of chorus wait it’s infinitely repeating it’s so satisfying also I don’t ever remember chorus fruit being this tall like this is these are some long chorus fruits my guy oh but it doesn’t go on forever it ends are they do they break normally yeah they do oh wow dude look at how much chorus fruit from just that one dudee we almost got an entire stack from just one oh look at these islands did it move yo are you creeping on me am I getting creeped on by chorus fruit right now like I never had a stalker and I don’t want to start is the fruit cursed no okay just teleports us like normal okay that’s weird dude okay it’s fine we’re almost in the right spot anyways just got to keep going this way all we got to be getting close come on where is this dude where is this City oh wait is this it oh freak yeah dude I think this is it right here we found it baby but now is it distorted how do we know if it’s distorted or not this looks normal like does this not look normal to you if it was distorted I feel like it’d be infinitely repeating like what we saw earlier uh oh I can hear okay we got shulkers that’s normal wo wao what yo is this wait are these vanilla no way this is vanilla loot this is insane and like most of it has cursive binding or Vanishing there’s even banners inside of it too all right other than the the chest everything else is looking pretty normal so far ah dude going to the top always takes what was that n man This shulker I Swear had a face on him okay dude this is not the shulker I saw I swear go back in the video I think he had like a demented face it almost looked like he was dead inside okay this is creeping me out a little bit now but still the the city looks pretty normal dude this is just so much wo wow that’s crazy the this is crazy protection 4 six diamonds but I can’t I can’t like say that this place looks distorted oh wait this might be because we’re at the wrong cords we’re close but we’re not actually there yet all right we just got to keep flying until we get to the right coordinates oh wait oh we got another in City hello okay wait oh this has got to be it yes they’re repeating oh dude and look at this look at these blocks that is not normal this has got to be the distorted City oh okay this is wild dude different wooden planks what else are we going to find oh wait there’s a ship oh wo what is wao wao that’s weird oh look at freaking dead coral blocks what wait this one’s alive how is this thing surviving in the freaking inity okay dude this has got to be it we’re getting too many suspicions confirmed now oh it stopped repeating oh wait this one actually looks normal compared to the [Music] rest wait are these is this slabs wao crying obsidian wait is it pointing to the end chest oh no oh no what am I doing dog that is definitely an arrow or a cross oh okay wait no wait it’s an arrow okay I don’t know if that makes it any less terrifying maybe the person who built the arrow is dumb is it this one no it’s just more diamonds and cursive binding D this loot is insane except for the curses that it has on it wait maybe they’re not dumb it’s probably pointing towards the ship now I’m getting the Goosebumps man okay regular potions of healing that’s in vanilla come on we got oh we got elytra but it’s surrounded by Redstone why is this oh no you freaking saw that that is the same shulker box I saw when we flew up the the the first inity I’m actually being stalked first of all how did he get here second of all where did he go and third of all why am I being stalked like I’m just going to no freaking way where did the eltra go now something’s freaking cooking up you got to be freaking kidding me I did not put this here I’m going to go on the record and say that this elytra somehow magically went from the chest into this freaking random hole is just like cursed if I get fireworks I’m I going to like freaking explode as soon as I activate these dude okay hold on but before I do that where’s that shulker box huh oh are you in the Crow’s Nest nope he’s actually gone like the shulker Box just came and then went he freaking wait wait this one’s normal this is not adding up this is this is not the one we saw that is a normal shulker box not the freaking deathly stalking one okay we can’t we can’t dwell on this let me try the elytra all right please tell me this is not going to kill me oh it’s normal okay cool we like normal elytra sometimes it’s Nic just to have normal things in Minecraft am I are those eyes wa is that a floating Enderman that just teleported okay now now we got the shulker that’s stalking me and Vanishing now it’s the Enderman oh there he is freaking you come back here right now oh my did you freaking see his eyes I got freaking jump scared is this why it’s distorted is because these freaking demon in mobs our next myth comes from Reddit the abandoned igloo and they say I know Igloo aren’t Minecraft’s scariest structure but trust me the one in this seed feels haunted How could an igloo be haunted am I am I dumb for saying that ah but there’s only one way to find out if it’s true well well well hello there igler so if you didn’t know when you get to the bottom there’s a villager and a zombie villager plus a potion and a golden apple to heal them but they’re gone this is where wait wait this is where the Villager always is and then the zombie villager is over here dude wait there’s no golden apples and we don’t even have the potion of weakness wait well and there’s torches in here how am I just now noticing that wait a second wait has this freaking been explored this looks like a player has already been in here but how would that be that can’t be possible I’m literally on a single player world okay honestly maybe uh busted maybe a busted Igloo I mean we there should be a couple more nearby let me just let me fly and find another one real quick okay here we go yeah yeah there’s another one okay sick uh tell me okay come on don’t you dare tell me yes and no freaking way dude two in a row is this like the Mandela effect is there something wrong with my difficulty what’s my difficulty at my difficulty is at no we’re at we’re at easy difficulty they should be spawning but they’re not here unless this is like the freaking Mandela effect you know and it’s like I thought that this was no like let me hold on hold on hold on I’m literally going to show you guys that I’m not crazy here yeah look see look at the bottom look at that there’s only supposed to be one torch above the signs behind the iron bars there’s two different cages a villager and a zombie villager and a zombie villager can be cured with a golden apple and a splash potion of weakness both found inside of the igloo so why is there no freaking zombie or zombie villager splash potion of weakness or freaking gapple I’m going back to the first Igloo this is exactly as I remember it oh no freaking way wait a second how where did y’all go how and why are you facing dog that’s scary you do not turn around oh and now magically the golden Apple’s back and so is the splash potion of weakness cuz this is what you’re supposed to do you Splash them like this take the gapple break this and then feed it to them and you got to wait an absurd amount of time but they do transform back into a villager and you heal them but I don’t understand like I didn’t do anything different and they were back like are you guys you guys on vacation wa whoo am I about to die where’s this water coming from oh my gosh bro it’s just a freaking block of ice melting freaking give me a heart attack thought I was about to die I thought this was like an assassination attempt but this still doesn’t explain anything like maybe the mobs reset because I flew away and flew back resetting the chunk but I don’t know I mean maybe this myth is just not real and it’s just fake or something like that I have no idea but honestly I can’t say this one is confirmed because it’s a bust what happened to The Living jukebox still nothing happens good okay so literally no attempt worked is this just busted is there nothing about the living jukebox what if we go back to what our attempts look like this one did nothing other than the fact that somehow music disc 11 got back inside the juke box but that could have been from The Entity cramming from the mobs over here was our first attempt where we had the armor wait there’s no armor stand wait there was wait no no we put an armor stand on here and we gave it a jukebox and it’s freaking gone what about attempt number three dude wait a second wait a second attempt number three okay good all right this one this one looks the discs are out of the Juke boxes dog I did not release the music discs I did not freaking do this all right now I’m being trolled no way no freaking way nope nope uh-uh absolutely not absolutely not what was that entity in the freaking distance is he gone oh okay maybe I was just seeing things that like freaking terrified me like there was like a random entity in the back oh my this is not busted and I will never be trying to summon the living juke box again and now what happened with the blood cage right 3 2 1 nothing happened I didn’t die I’m not turned into red well more red than I normally am bro I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think this myth might be fake and the red sheep’s gone what he hey yo wait a second wait a second wait this Redstone grew sheep where did you go my friend where did he go is sheep wait did he just die cuz you know the Redstone That Grew and touched the guy in the video killed him and I think it might have just killed the Sheep too which means we’re next uh-uh uh-uh Redstone no oh no no no no I heard a noise where’s the spread where’s the spread oh there it is there it is oh you can’t catch me baby oh I’m too fast oh you have to spread way faster than that if you want to catch me oh yeah better be faster next time Redstone oh that was close so it has like a limited amount that it will spread it can’t go any further than this as long as you go in the seed and you don’t go here you’re fine cuz it can’t spread okay okay Famous Last wordss no way I’ve just been consumed I’ve just been consumed I have now been red stoned please click this video if you do not want to be red stoned but unfortunately this myth is true

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  1. When you were returning from the cave the cave opened watch your video closely 🧐🧐🤯🤯😱😨 I repeated and back 5 or 6 times I can clearly see that cave is opening 🤯😱😨🧐 i try but it didn't work 😢

  2. The first cave you ever found, you thought it was not it, but that was it cause I saw it open when you were walking away

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