I Hunted The Kraken Just to Make Sushi

Oh man, I’m a little hungry. Heh. Well you know what that means. I need to travel thousands of blocks in a pirate ship with my crew to gather supplies, take down dungeons, pick up castaways, and take down the Kraken so that we can make the best sushi of all time. Naturally. What else would I do? Ohhh. But first I need to go pick up my crewmates. Three pirates walked into a bar. They met a man named Jeffrey Dalla– I can’t, I don’t– Oh. Oh my, what the? What the heck is this? Oh. Howdy, gentlemen. Captain Knarfy is that you? Welcome to my pirate ship. Yarrrr… Yee be my terrible crew. That’s a terrible accent. I’m not gonna do that the entire video. Let me get closer here so you guys can get on. Hold on. Join me. Join me. Oh. Join my crew. Ehh. Guys watch out, watch out for the crevice. Watch out for the crevice. Oh, I can’t, are ready? Careful, yeah, don’t fall in. There’s sharks. Alright, down this way, down this way, down this way. This is your quarters. This is the pirate’s quarters. Choose your color. Whatever color you’d like. Oh. I be– Yeah. I be sailor gold toes. Gold toes, yeah. I be sailor green toes. Green toes. Steal Crag’s great ideas, I’m sorry. How dare you? Aned I be Fundy Ah, yeah, pirate Fundy. No no no. Not pirate Fundy. Not pirate– I’m just Fundy. Just Fundy, just Fundy. Grab yourself a cutlass as well. You’re gonna need it on this journey. If you come up here, let me give you the grand tour. What is this? What did you do? Don’t worry about it. That’s Charles, we just leave him here. He just kinda– Coolment! Anyways, boys, come up here. Come up this way. Up over this way, in this– YEEEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!! (splash) Oh, man overboard. Do you hear a whale? Is there a whale down there? There’s a whale? I don’t know how to swim. The wildlife out here is crazy. Oh, no. Guys, get the ship. GO! Leave the monster behind. Leave him. Leave him. Don’t let him get up. Stay back. Get away. Hey, hey, my crew is– oh my goodness, my crew is the worst. Go! Go! [LAUGHTER] Oh my gosh, it’s the magic school bus! What’s happening? Come back, come back, come back. [SCREAMING] Crag fell off. Crag fell from the crow’s nest. OK, let me just get back over here. What is happening? Why are we flying everywhere? Why is the pirate ship in creative mode? I’m so confused. It’s a quirk of the system. We lost one of our crew members. I really don’t know what to say about this. How did he land it so elegantly just now? Bro is working with some yaw and pitch over here. Let me make my way over. I thought I saw him over there. Ah, there he is. I see him. I see him off of the distance. Ah, hey. OK. Hey, so I got one more very important piece of information that we all need to know. In this barrel, there are cannons, and in this barrel, there are flitlock pistols. So don’t do anything terrible with them. We do need these for later. OK. [LAUGHTER] Oh my gosh. What did I say? What did I say? You guys want some guitar? No, I’ll do it. I’ll do it. It’s fine. I’m not going to do it. Don’t worry. Theeeerrreee… Avast ye, telewackers. There’s a– I see a shark. I see another boat. Ship ho! Oh, no. Ship ho! Oh, gentlemen, prepare to be boarded. Fire the cannons. Where are the cannons? Yeah. Oh wait the cannons are here! Get the cannons. Get the cannons. Fire the cannons. Fire. Fire. OHH– I don’t know how to fire a cannon. I’m going to board. I’m going to board. I can’t. I don’t know how to get up there. Prepare to be boarded once we figure out how to get up on the ship. [TARZAN NOISES] Oh, Avast. AH! You scurvy– GO GO GO! I wish I had a shield! I’m dead! Well, just going to sit down here for a minute. Die, Raiders. There he goes. Yeah, got him. Oh, me, oh, my. I sure am craving that Kraken sushi now. Oh, I missed. We got to take care of ’em. There’s more of them in here. Where did Zee go? Did we lose him? Oh, yes. I think we lost him. This is my life now. This is my life. I was left behind by all my friends. Left to suffer once again. Where is he? Where’d he go? This is my life. Oh, there he is. There he is. He’s over here. All of my friends have left me behind. I was killed and now I’m– Hey! Dumb! I am necessary to find shelter. I will become a humble hermit. One who lives in the caves. Let me go get him. I’m gonna live in the caves! This is my new life! I’ll eat any human. Any human that steps in my cave, I will eat them with no mercy. Oh hi Crag! Come here! I need food and sustenance. Go, go, go, Knarfy! Go, go. Don’t worry, I got him. Oh, I missed. Oh– Ahhhhh!! Ahhhhh!! Get him. Get him. Oww, my liver. I got him. I’ll handle this. Hey. Howdy, sir. How’s it going? Catch. I think it worked. That is the best thing to say before firing at someone. Catch. Surprise. Oh, no. No, please. I got it. There’s always a bigger fish. You guys don’t want to see what’s in the engine room. I want to see what’s in the engine room. No, you don’t want to see it. Wait, cringy, cringy, cringy. Together, together. [Villager noise] All right, gentlemen, as the sun is rising. Who is this young man? Uhh that’s a new recruit. We just picked him up off the side. He’s a nitwit. All right, he doesn’t really do anything much. All right, we got to go sailing, boys. Anyways, I’m going to activate flight mode. Here we go. Oh, no. What is this? Why? Why me? I just activated Peter Pan. Oh, no. Oh, no. Help. I’m on the bottom of the ship. All right, gentlemen, now that we have a vantage point, we can see what we’re going for. Guys, if we’re pirates, where’s our pirate song? Time to go to our pirate number. Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. I’m a pirate. Pirate’s life for me. I found some ice. I see ice. All right, we’re looking for one specific thing in the ice, gentlemen. One specific thing. We’re looking for a well. Land lubbers, be weary. My eyes do not deceive me. I’ve heard tales of a monster beneath this world. Oh, I’m under the ice. Oh, no. And it’s not Crag. Oh, shoot. Oh, shoot. Hello? Is there a monster that I’m aware of here? Hello? Surel– Oh, hello. It’s nice to see you. Sorry, you’re going to have to keep your distance. I hear growling. Oh, hello. Hey, friends. Not today. Oh, oh, yep. Devil fruit powers activate. Oh, I see it. I found it. Hold on. Yes. Activating flight mode again. Whee. All right, you see the well, gentlemen? No. No. Give me one water bucket and one wish of good luck. Do you see it now? Do you see it now? Argh, matey, gentlemen, I found it. I found the well. You found the well. Let’s get in. Let’s go in. There’s someone in there and he’s cold. I need to save him. He’s cold. Do you have a coat? Go in. Do you have a coat? I’m wearing the coat. Oh, it’s so cold. It’s so cold. Oh, hey, buddy. Oh, my gosh, you are. Oh, geez. Oh, geez. Oh, I got him. I ran out. I got some sharp bones. You can eat the sharp bones. God, nobody has complimented my shiny boots. I’ve had it for a while. No one has said anything. I like them. I like them. I think they’re– oh that torch is actually so nice. I’m going to take them back. No one said anything about my shiny boots. What did I get? Oh, I got boots too. Yeah. Oh, yes, the torch. Pull out a torch, gentlemen. You’re going to need it. Oh, another pirate pouch. What the frick was that? Someone is very hungry. Oh, whoa. Whoa. What the– Whoa. Howdy. I’m just going to– Ope you can’t just– It doesn’t take any damage from flintlocks, it looks like– There’s only one– Oh, geez. Go, go, go, go, please. How do I get– how do I drive this thing? I didn’t go to boating school. Get him. Get him, boys. Get him. I will be– I will be victorious. I will be brave. I will be– I will be– Oh, oh. What are you– what is– what are you doing? What is going on? This is not an ideal situation. This is not an ideal situation. What are you doing? What? The ship. The ship. The ship. Get off. Get off. What are you doing? Where are we? We’re heading. We’re heading. Why are we up? What are we doing? We need to help them. There’s a monster down there. Cat– cat– cat– well, let them solve it. They’re professionals. Yeah, you’re right. I don’t want to get eaten. We need to speak their language. [GRUNTING] [WHAT THE HECK ARE THESE NOISES] Oh, I found them. Oh, that’s not a villager. There is a– oh, no. Well, I even have a diamond hoe. I got this. This. I got some gold. I have been looting. Ah! Help! Help! Help! Oh, darn it. I’m dead. I haven’t showered in– in– uh– how long have we been– I don’t know if I want to– I’m going to go. I don’t want to know. I don’t want to know. I’m coming with you. I don’t want to know. I’m following you. Ah! This way. This way. Hey! Hello! Hello. You got– you all right? Yeah, we’re a bit confused. And stuck. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Okay, let’s get in here. Oh, Lord. Oh. Oh. Oh. O’ Riley’s. Come on. Oh. He died. I’m doomed to be watching the ship is what it– oh. I just found an army of villagers. I mean, pillagers. What? I’m just looking at a house right now. Oh, my God. That’s all I’m seeing. What, like, real estate? What are you talking about? AHHHHHHHHH!!! HELP! HELP! Cut in half by servant. That’s horrifying. Hey. Got any treasures down there? Here. Let me– let me come up to you. I have– I– I– I have something. I ran into some– into some booty. And, uh, I– I expect my share. That will happen. AHH! All right. See you. Oh, it’s right here. It’s over here. It moved. How did it move? What the heck? It’s directly underneath you. Calm down. Oh. Oh, great. TNT, that’s a brilliant idea. Is it working? We’ll blow him up. Fire in the hole. It’s in the water. It’s all in the water. The T&T– I’m going to kill this thing real quick for you guys. It roars me away. I got it. Don’t worry. I got it. It’s stuck is what it is. It’s kind of a dumb fish. Hey. You’re stinky. I’m going to turn you into Shishimi. What is that sound? What is that? I heard it with Crag before. It’s so magical. I don’t know. I think it’s– I think it’s– What’s– It’s Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. No way guys! The real Tinker Bell? That’s crazy. It’s the real Tinker Bell. Whoa. I just wish I knew what was going on. There’s so much happening. You need keys. What is happening? Maybe we get the key from that giant monster. Go on, get– I don’t know how to kill it, though. I got it. I got it. I got it. Maybe tickle it or something. I’m going to tickle it. I got this. Stay on back. Just stay there– Yep. Dang it. I found– I found some pillagers. Oh, I found a lot of pillagers. If you find the pillagers, they might have the key. If they have the key, we could open the chest. I’m fighting them. One minute, I was in law school, and now I’m a pirate. Man. Your captain is coming Watch out. Oh. Oh. Oh, I see them now. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Goodness. Oh, we did it. We took care of him. We did it. Oh, watch out, Cringy. Oh, no. Oh, my. Where– where– where we going? Oh. Well. Hey. Hey. Let me– I need– I need to assume the genie position. Hang on. Listen. Your pirate crew is in shambles. They’re chaotic. They’re not listening. It’s true. You need to get them together. You have one chance to solve this problem. Step up. Step up, dang it, and show them. Do you have a solution for how I can do that? Yes. This. Oh. Take this. What is that? Whoa. Take this, and it will lead you to greatness. Take my birch planks as trade. Whoa. That is definitely an equal trade. Yes. Definitely. Echo. The call. The call of the wild. I hear it now. You have one chance, one opportunity, one chance to blow the horn. Mom’s spaghetti. You got to take your crew and get them together. I will. We got all the loot we need here, Cringy. We can run away. We can– We can buy our own ship. We can buy our own ship. And start our own adventure. Ayyyy! Found a fin. That’s cool. That’s very, um– We got a fin-ish– That’s very fin-tastic. [LAUGHTER] I really want to kill you now. Knarfy! Knarfy! I just broke out of prison. What’s going on? Hey, how’s it going? I got you. What do you need? I got you. You’re part of my pirate crew now. Take this. All right. All right. All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Pirate crew. All right. Come with me. Come with me. Watch my back, please. They’re after me. Okay? I just broke out. Oh, who’s– oh they. Who’s they? Yeah. I did something. I did something real bad. What– what– is this your house? Is this an escape room? Definitely. Hey, so. We accidentally set it on fire while you were gone. I’m sorry. You see that blue thing over there, SystemZee? Yeah you need me to kill it? I got it. I’ll kill it. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. You can do it. I believe in you. I got you. I got you. I’ll take care of it. Yeah. He’s blowing me back with his stinky breath. It’s working. We can get him. Go, gentlemen. I can’t go back there. I got him. Oh, my gosh. I got him. I got him. We did it. Did we get the key? Do I kill them for you? Do I take care of them? You got people here! What do I do? So we’ve, we’ve, uh, there were some strange vibrations under the sea, apparently. The beach boys? I’m picking up strange vibrations. Yes, the beach boys are under the sea now. Mike Love, I’m coming for you. Gentlemen, what? I looked deep into the boots that I found earlier and I found myself a frozen key. I don’t know how it got there, but I have it. Will this take us to the shores of gold? It might. It might. It might take us there, but I think it’s more likely to unlock this frozen chest. Just a hunch though. Just a hunch. Someone put some light down. Put some light down somewhere here. Lets put some light out. There we go. Yeah, beautiful. Oh that wor– Alright. We got some time. I’m unlocking the chest. Whoa, sea stew? More. I got, I got another echo of the ship graveyard. Whoa. I gotta rune. I gotta go. I gotta go. Oh, no. It’s burning. The entire place is burning. What? Where are you? No. Uh, captain, I think, I think he’s, I think he’s betraying us. I will not. I refuse to go back to prison. This is my escape plan. That ought to be the worst pirate I’ve ever seen. He’s still the prisoner that he always was. All right. Let’s get back to the ship. Back to the ship. I’m sure I left it. I left it around here, right over here somewhere. I’m just digging out. I’m just digging out. It’s all good. I think, oh, there’s the ship. We got to get out of the ice. We gotta pull a Peter Pan and get out of here. I need food. That would have been so awkward. What’s happening? I’m bleeding. No. Help me. Coming down. There’s a lubber of land? Its a carrot! Oh, hey. Ahoy! Save me! Hang on! I got you! I got you. This is one small step for man. One giant landing for SystemZee Hello carrot! How are you alive? Aren’t you a carrot? What is– That doesn’t make any sense. A sea gull picked me up and left me here. Oh. Dang it Cringy!! What did I tell you about that? Wait, wait, carrot, carrot. What? What? I know where your family is. Where? Oh, God. Bretheren!! Oh, how I’ve missed you. Share. Share the rations. Get on our ship! OHHH SHOOT!! Gentlemen, gentlemen, listen, listen here. Listen here. I vote that we add him to the crew. All in favor? Yeah, I think we just leave him. Bye! NOOOOO! Well, welcome aboard, but I’m not happy about it. Oh, there it is. The dark oak forest. This is what we’re looking for. Is Voldemort in there? I want to see it. We got a dig. X marks the spot, gentlemen. NOOOOO!! I’ve got shovel. I’ve got a pickaxe. All right. Just down. We just got to dig down. Let me find the. Oh, my gosh. Help. Help. Help me. This is our final spot before we get to– Oh, gosh. We got to gear up, gents. Oh, geez. Oh, no. Why did I decide to join you guys on this adventure? Oh, no. Scoob? Like, like, I got to get out of here. Get in there. We got to get some gear. Help me. You got to get some gear, gents. Wow, it sure is a little porky in here. Oh, my gosh. Oh, no, I’m dead. I got– Help me. They’re following me. Oh, my gosh, there’s so many. What does this lever do? Yeah, that one time doesn’t matter. Yes! Yes. Yes. Yes. In– oh, no. Well, that sucked. I don’t know. I thought that was pretty awesome. I found– I got a lot of good loot. You guys want sushi? Yeah! Yeah, let’s go get sushi. Let’s go get sushi. Let’s go get sushi. Oh, geez. Oh, no. I’m seasick. You there. Will you be my minion? Yes! Wait, no, no, wait. No, no, sorry. I asked the wrong question. Can I be your minion? Peter Pan. Woo! Oh, holy– Oh, my gosh. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Okay, I’m all right. I’m fine. Oh, wait. Yeah. Hey. Oh, did we just leave him behind? Hey, hey, we got to drop– we got to drop Cringy back off at Sesame Street. Let’s go. I see– [RANDOM TALKING] Gentlemen, the Kraken. Oh, my gosh. The Kraken. Oh, my. It’s the Krak– We ran into it. We ran into it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I’m sorry. Sushi awaits. Oh, my gosh. Our sushi awaits. I missed. It’s like under the ship. Fire! I got him. Fire. What is it doing?? Oh my gosh! Oh, my. Go, help me. Captain, help me. Oh, I can’t help you now. I can’t help you now. The sea’s got you. The sea. The sea. Captain! Only the sea can save you. Oh, oh, Gosh. We got to use the cannons to our advantage. Come on. I want my sushi. I’ll go get em! Cannon! Fire the cannons. Take him down. We can do it. What if we sacrifice to it? Oh! Wait. I got an idea. I got an idea. Hang on. What’s the idea? Let’s bed-strat him. I got– Bed-strat! Bed-strat! Woah!! He’s getting him! He just launched me! He’s getting on the ship! Oh, we’re dealing– oh, my gosh. I just watched that happen. He’s taking damage. It’s working. Oh, no. I fell. I fell. Take one for the– AHH! Oh, no. A worthy sacrifice. I’m going to bed strat. You can do it. Bed-strat. Oh, get him. Get him. Get him. Come on. Come on. I’m going to defeat him. We need to create the sushi out of his guts. Captain, I’m sorry. You’re doing a great job. Come on. Oh, he’s coming for me. He’s coming for me. Take him down. Fire. No. No. AHHH!! AHH! He’s taking the ship. Fire the cannons. Time for a crit. Oh, he dodged. He’s half-heath, gents. Hit him with the whisper of the abyss! He’s at half-heath. We can do this. We can do this. We’re so close. Holy cow. My crew of motley men. Hi-yah!! We can do this. Guys, where’s the ship? Half of it’s gone. Oh, never mind. It’s back. He’s so close. Oh, no. Everything has lead up to this moment. Don’t let it heal. Don’t let it heal. Die, you foolish fish. Your mother doesn’t love you, Kraken. I want sushi. Give me my sushi. Give me my sushi. Oh, he’s so close. Oh, he’s so close. I’ve got it. I’m gonna kill him. I got this. Yeah!! Let’s go. Yes!! Where’s the sushi? Hey, boss. The ship is pretty damaged. I can’t see anything. I just drank rum and now I’m so confused. What do you have on your head? This can help. Why are you wearing a cannonball? Does it still work? Does it work? It still works. She still floats! Gentlemen, I have what we came for. Yeah!! Lets goo! Nummy. Nummy. So good. That’s what I call… Endangered species taste so good. Delicious. So worth it. Absolutely worth it. Oh yes. Hey… You guys think it was a good idea to leave Crag on board with all that dynamite? Hey, guys! Guys, I found fireworks! Uhhh… Crag? Um… Wait! Oh, no. No! No! My baby!! This took a super long time to make! Thanks for watching <3 – Subtitle Knarfy

Join me and my friends on a hilarious Minecraft adventure as we sail thousands of blocks in a pirate ship, face off against the Kraken, and take down dungeons, all just to find some food! This video has been in the works for about the past 4 months, so I hope you love it as much as I do!

Featuring @syszee, @CringyGull, @CragDyna & @GarrettTheCarrot

Mods Used in this Video (Pack Created in Forge 1.16.5):
► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pirates-and-looters-mod
► https://modrinth.com/mod/valkyrien-skies
► https://modrinth.com/mod/eureka
► https://modrinth.com/mod/aquamirae
► https://modrinth.com/mod/when-dungeons-arise
► https://modrinth.com/mod/create
► https://modrinth.com/mod/entitytexturefeatures
► https://modrinth.com/mod/essential
► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/flywheel
► https://modrinth.com/mod/rubidium
► https://modrinth.com/mod/oculus
► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pirate-hats
► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pirates-armoury
► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minecraft-shark-mod
► https://modrinth.com/plugin/simple-voice-chat
► https://modrinth.com/mod/bl4cks-sit
► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/treasure2

Edited by @vfxraydell & Knarfy
Finalized by Knarfy

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#knarfy #minecraft #adventure


  1. Knarfy : "WE NEED TO MAKE THE BEST SUSHI" (Even though youre a LITTLE hungry)
    Me : "Why don't we make salmon sushi you don't need to risk your life"

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