Terraria | Dungeon and the ocean

[Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hey guys how’s it going good to see you good to see you finally Terraria is back what let’s see who’s here s d good to see you love stream might be just what I need is exactly exactly good word good to see you I hope you had a good day D good to see you strange gaming good to see you mey mey I feel I haven’t done there for a while I don’t know why okay good to see you to fre hello [Music] hello all right hey might not stick around for a long time I don’t I I also don’t plan to like stream too long at least like compared to the weekend so let’s see Co but thanks for the heads up that heart so lovely thank you thanks for the hi um so today we are playing the Terraria finally and any idea and I have my secret uh new secret weapon today and you guess what that might be and let me oop so change the sound here okay I think that’s probably well actually yeah there there and let’s see if I can uhhuh okay let’s see if I didn’t really forget anything already did almost and here all right so last time I I Le remember I built this nice Beach House welcome to my beach house everyone [Music] and I want to like get into this water and drink everything no no but it’s just uh want to get in the water but it’s kind of seems tricky or maybe that’s just like you know not your not something you need to do in Terraria I don’t know what you think uh I consider buying Terraria I don’t know if I’m fully convinced to oh is a secret weapon water nice yes but is something else uh the Eater of world H what is that okay I remember I at least I got this nice gun that solves all the problem like other all the other guns oh let’s see surely forgot everything about game not not every Everything uh I know I can like dig with these it looks like what is over there is there like a water underneath that looks interesting do I need something else to get to the there you go yeah my my new secret weapon is pretty simple if you really think about it uhhuh thinkk uh oh not that can I get in here why do I need to do to get in here tree you need to ask for the trees okay but I wasn’t like going for the trees I was going for like the dirt underneath the tree so I feel like this game is Just that me oh wait is it not dying it’s not okay it’s just like taking a while maybe okay okay okay there you go and oh you can dig the dirt as only the trees there I see but now it’s gone how up how about that uh hm it’s like the trunk is still there isn’t it that’s so weird he like I said earlier the game is flawed not me how do you get rid of Stomp is it the you don’t you can’t exit what interesting oh is that working no it sounded like it work for a second okay there you go no it’s not going okay okay how do you get rid of stom in Terraria I what okay what if I go a little bit lower and this okay well never mind then um yeah like I said earlier I have this nice beach house and I want to try like checking this like underwater world but I don’t know how to do it so let’s see I can I think there was like something that let you breathe under the water for uh a short amount of time oh and then then don’t forget Abigail there you go just get her every time oh stacking selling blocked selling selling blocked okay well why does it not saying what does it do mhm point of the St uh not H ground under we on the St not on the ground okay okay that sound like a music for the zombies but let’s see on the stone oh okay looks like that’s working nice okay now the guns okay I didn’t forget too much about it I know that’s like a dangerous area and so how do you get to like underwater guys oh there you go and let’s see what’s here oh looks like maybe there’s nothing I just saw some water and then I thought maybe there like secret way to something and oh no not much and that’s sand but that’s not sinking sand okay uh what underneath oh is that the dead body there you go something’s dying out there H is it somebody knocking at my door oh okay okay I’ll just get some rewards I guess for now what’s the so my secret weapon today is since nobody guessed you since no one none of you guessed it correctly is uh I’ll give you a hint is saw something flat and and let’s see if I can also there’s St star over here that helps and then if I can upgrade uh then I’ll just go back that’s my strategy for [Music] now nine wait okay that wasn’t too bad yeah what do you think uhhuh and and what else okay so I also killed like the boss how many there was who is this I feel so ADHD when I play this charge oh okay um I’ll probably be stopped doing the at some point oh yeah there was funny Wiggly boss and then and never again I’m so glad I got that at once and so that I don’t have to like do that again I want to finish and you are going to find me one wow ask me about it wow well you asked me about it nicely like what I love collecting those little bright yellow fishes stars that from the sky I love it even more when they land on someone’s head but but nothing be a start it falls in a forest lake is that even a word and turns into fish oh is this it is it like a starfish Fallen starfish oh where is the lake though that’s just uh totally red and you’re just red enough to get it for me I want to get it but I don’t want to like you know give it to you cut it the legs and surface okay Sky leg and surface that sounds like a cool one where is that though uh yes I get to be alone with all my fish why is the ocean my favorite place to go it has ton of cool fish though is this secretly the sky Lake not the ocean I don’t see any L uh the dungeon should be next what is the dungeon I feel like there are so many Earnest let’s see talk to them uh I’ve got the cure for what a all this yeah get it a no I got the cure for what [Music] Ela uhuh okay so basically sell stuff uhm also need need to like check all my other stuff I got some chest but I think I got way more at the other house which I don’t know how to get it now it’s too far aways meter okay and what else talk again nice hope not that Eternal Crystal the first thing you need to know about the special defense artifacts I’ve got for sale but only if you have some Defender medals I think I’ve got it uh finally some peace and quiet as a bartender this is a luxury M it’s also bartender uhuh Okay so where do I go for how do I get this gu Lake I think that’s what’s the most interesting right now so is it going to be any Star turning into it oh how do I know this is not a Lake but a [Music] beach okay let’s check get all right time so this is not it okay Fallen star what else is here nothing oh it’s falling nice another fall star but that’s not the okay okay H that’s pretty deep and nothing’s in there not much at is in the short distance zombie Banner T claws have some other about the sky Lake more uh oh defeat I somehow defeated zombies just now okay I can type something in the bottle I don’t know if you can [Music] see star ball star fish what is that did I just find something what does this do oh uh you are supposed to fish them okay I wouldn’t bother with the fishing inter except if you want to 100% game since the quest and rewards are extremely boring in oranging I see I see but okay so if the dungeon is next I will be okay with it but where is the dungeon because I don’t want the B dungon again or kind of forgot where the other ones are or is underground all considered dungeons wish I could walk at the bottom of the lake or ocean then I can’t see the hor with our ORS um there are plenty on the top of it too but yeah ocean hard it’s something else it’s just um what do you call it so definitely a different kind of fear I think there’s like a fear about like deep ocean and then there’s a fear about like big universe okay maybe I should stop uh there’s got to be something that helps me breed underwater perfect not those uh castle like structure on the surface oh that’s the dungeon uh oh I haven’t seen any oh there’s a dolphin can I pet dolphin no oh okay I cannot go there come on come on don’t thing wow come on come on come closer here where are you there you go [Music] hi oh wish I could do this down that be so bad for my throat I still have a little bit of us staying there pet pet pet oh I think I touched it no a that’s an interesting detail like it actually like waves do you see the wave underwater that’s like a very interesting detail hi W can I ride the dolphin no okay doesn’t matter I guess it doesn’t really do anything for you all right enough swimming with the dolphins let’s go find the dungeon wall is still bright okay oh no okay hold let spill something so I don’t fall again uhhuh okay let’s uh remember these and there’s like a button okay there you go that’s probably good enough and how about here uh is this right [ __ ] I need to go closer okay there you go better and this one this St okay oh okay that’s a good memory castle like structure on the surface where could I be and uh I okay I got those there you go there you go okay it’s coming back it’s coming back and let’s see uh okay hold on I got this don’t worry about it I got this and what do I do is like jump and okay there you go okay he uhuh is look like a castle uh no it’s pretty weird it’s like a kingdom of trees or something in your chest forget about it there you go and still um there is loot okay do I hear something oh there’s that okay that’s not the good one oh remember those were horrible okay does it come all the way over here okay okay okay definitely not [Music] want okay well that’s so convenient oh my God okay okay H but is there any way to like go cross the ocean like make a boat or something I think I have a work table I guess not you know that you will have to pass them one day pass the dungeon well I mean I I don’t mind passing it I don’t mind that one daying today I just don’t know how to find it yet uhhuh crafting no bo I mean h you know like sometimes I I’m feeling like why can’t you just you know leave a relax life like somewhere in the out of middle of nowhere and just like you know be at the beach all day and relax all the time I guess I guess it has its limit you cannot stay that way for too long and that’s like unfortunate that you got you like you like have to ser for some like stress for whatever reason oh the metor hands but how do you face them it’s not like you can kill them or [Music] anything come on buddy but they’re not there all the time right I’m kind of hoping they’re just gone by now so I need to like pass all the Mator heads to get to whatever that dungeon place is okay that’s more convenient what if I just like go [Music] fast I mean I passed it last time right okay I think I hear [Music] that no that’s not it where is it uh oh God I didn’t mean to run so what what am I going to do like I’m going to try shooting them I don’t think they’re going to die for [Music] me and like okay well that go [Music] faster uhhuh wait I can’t even C past this uhhuh [Music] okay oh I can shoot them okay I didn’t know that what then it should be [Music] fine okay well how do I shake it up where I I why am I still dying it’s just going to why is it not getting okay there you go and build uh build keep building and keep building that’s awful but that’s fine okay okay okay okay bye bye okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine okay don’t panic oh God okay and look at look at it look look look where you going not bad all right so there the as it it looks likely at least I don’t know like how to like crab and move at the same time all righty so what said this dungeon that oh I see someone what is this that’s not a bed or something see an old man how rude hello silver hair friend my master canot be someone under the light of the day oh think I don’t want to see their Master is that I don’t remember anything but that’s my hunch is that Master spider he’s talking so I need to I come by at night is that is that the long leg bug again what underneath a don’t push me I cannot let you enter until you free me of my curse [Music] oh do I want to [Music] though come back uh not if you wish to enter can’t even like build something here oh that’s okay he’s walking to his desk I think oh look like it’s totally fine to just oh oh wait a second his I turn to Red uh looks like I don’t like need his permission anyways let’s put a campfire what could be here hello me play games how’s it going looks like you’re here oh with the perfect timing finally getting the Terraria night how’s it that how do you like that uh see if okay so this is just like cold dungeon let’s see if ly screws it up okay well oh thanks for your support as always it’s not doesn’t look too bad are you going to say something I’m here without praying your curse root all now what are you going to see who’s that Master I see you’re looking forward to for me to mess it up big time uh not too bad yeah uh to n to find out okay why should placing campfire instead torches uh isn’t campfire supposed to be giving you like faster healing or something so that’s why and I forgot that I hold torches also [Music] uhoh okay looks like it started it’s the night time not bad okay let’s talk to that guy and [Music] where is that guy [Music] though can I get this too or they not retractable um cires give you around one HP more per seconds um and reason that gives less light oh they give less light okay and torches you can hold and not place it until you get the light uh okay that is okay because you know I’m glowing here [Music] pickaxe um looks like it’s not doing anything although it’s kind of fun writing the [Music] bookshelf okay where is that guy okay he’s outside uhhuh oh this is X oh not pickaxe all righty please battle my cter and free me I beg you what the oh okay okay okay I see what you did I see what you did ah come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh God okay okay it looks like there’s no way come on still not ready for this okay but I still actually I’m not doing so bad you know okay okay where’s my magic pop okay run and shoot towards it no okay okay uh potion and shoot okay okay okay how do I survive this oh God okay so the hand don’t get hit uh it’s F not how do I how does it get damage okay oh why do I do okay hit the head is that is that how it works okay okay I’m really bad at this okay use it use the potion why is it not using it but it’s not so bad uh there’s no room to jump okay uh you’re entering the dungeon which stops you Mo my [Music] okay we have a man to cool down on the potion I thought that passed already no it it doesn’t have the x mark anymore okay now I drink it okay so it should be open open space I [Music] think I think it’s because like last time I succeeded like killing the boss at like such a leaveit his space I thought maybe this could work the same but I guess [Music] not okay maybe maybe just like swim at the ocean night ocean while I wait so the next thing happen is there star it’s kind of glowing what is this it’s 40 layer rare I think okay okay oh there was your shark is a shark going to kill me looks like they’re pretty harmless also in higher difficulties you have to kill arms before the head oh takes damage oh you’re lucky or on the lowest difficulty I see classic is the lowest difficulty Yik are they star no they’re not okay stop doing that oh there’s a doin again come on how far can I go think this is like bestes I can swim fish and what is that okay um what about the potion there’s got to be a better way uh quick inner to uh gr ail to flood in the water o that sounds cool do you does she have an inner bottle item does it I have bottle does it count usually you want to bait The Boss by going in One Direction and jump over the arms when it comes at you oh okay okay that makes s that’s very scientific that’s nice consume sand block places sand castle that’s cute Thon all right good to see you um bottle isn’t an accessory okay all righty then let’s uh you know what let’s try and Tube okay looks like two wait how do I use it we equip okay so that means accessories like there you go remember see how much I’m growing okay that was kind of funny a not a what it’s just a look how about what if I do that oh what look at it what just like swimming through the night ocean with all the stars wow it’s a whole new map what did do you see the like top right corner there oh it’s not moving anymore this is the end of the world what guys the Earth is flat cannot go any further what oh my that’s pretty cool okay so you got to have like a in a bottle item to be able to go under the water yes earthy FL comfor what this is the one end of the world now I want to see the outer end of the world now I have explored half of the surface that’s only half it’s pretty big isn’t it why okay so it looks like okay so at least this is ocean not the sky FL or something and then there’s some tunnel underneath there I see and it’s raining a that’s such a cool experience [Music] s is coming okay I wonder what will like pop up if I just like wait here it’s like uh are they going to like dolphins coming out of nowhere wow place for people why good to see you how’s it going let’s just wait here for a sec it’s raining dolphin oh man it’ be so cool I feel like there be got to be a lot of um fan story about it was on the other side of here oh man I’m so curious so that we good to see okay it’s a long way so let’s just do this all righty okay so I’ll go back to that dungeon and just try to get used to it maybe I don’t want like a weir it where it is on a regular day okay let’s clear things up of it um oh wait what did I do okay okay and I lock this spy no not there uh Shi was it alt what key I okay there you go that works Acorn probably don’t need it dirt block no ly since you’re um your Mage you might want to break the books in the dungeon oh that sounds cool I like books do you guys books I I used to like read a lot but not anymore and again I mean it’s been a while to for me to say like not anymore for like hundreds of years uh not necessar before she beat the boss uh there’s a small chance she gets it interesting oh who is this still the Charles okay stop that talk to Charles yes it’s raining now I can watch you get stalking wa why you what is this guy okay ignore a nor Charles I’m like what the hell what do I get from the book before I B the boss they can’t spawn before being deep enough for it to come anymore what whenever you use a square bracket it makes me nervous shoot shoot umbrella slime shoot I just like them they’re just uh cute oh uh traveling Merchant has arriv right okay actually where is it oh is at the other house probably okay well well then uh they made no seems like yeah but Terraria death h on nend form but they have like dolphins in the ocean like what that be a surprise you mean like fanmade F activities okay I should I should really be better at this okay there you go oh yeah heart did I die here before okay nice see how fast I was oh the Dophin are intended fun I see what does she know that material right is for Maes too like what but what do you what do you mean four mes like for your mes to kill um meteorites it doesn’t sound familiar I thought like those like Fier things are we meteorite I think I tried once maybe but like it was like too hot I like died too quickly so I think that’s what happened last time okay dungeon again is this jungle armor better anyways oh it’s about the oh so suide is about the armor I see okay let’s see what it says [Music] about okay so the night time that’s annoying so when the boss comes I need to like run here and like fight them here huh okay so let’s build a platform form so it’s easier not like that uh let’s build a better platform [Music] all righty is that the starfish oh no no this is not this is not the Star Lake there nice goldfish uh I just want to use some M corn um wait what do I have now zapinator isn’t zapinator better than the metor gon and again I probably play Calamity so I don’t know about vanilla oh okay that’s right you play pretty intense Mones are much easier if you have a cloud in a bottle what that sounds like something I need to catch which is an item found in the underground chest this is just like underground anywhere so they want to talk to me okay so he’s like sacrificing me for so that he can be free nice I can’t take it lesser amount of Potion No that doesn’t work what a book can I pick it up I can’t even pick it up like what’s going on uh yeah it’s underground in every biome but some biomes have their own version of it like s storm in a bottle oh I think I’ve haven’t seen any bottles like that also you can’t pick up the Mana potion cuz you have no space Oh that’s sorry I really forgetting about those oh [Music] pluses done lots of J which one should I throw away probably don’t need both what else new more chest uh I think so too I guess I shouldn’t be like depositing it here what do you think is that a bad idea uh don’t need a Reco potion to Shell BL star would I do like to keep p bomb wall I guess the other those are useful at some point and don’t use those I think oh maybe I’m the tough player to press deposit all by late game spend 40 minutes looking for through 204 building we’re just for one item wow that’s like a lot but I can kind of see that happening so I look like you’ve probably got to build some sort of system to like search all this at some point potion bottle seed bucket uhuh see everybody thinkers resources nice glow stick uh little plush here okay is this night time yet all righty now I have it uh healing potions do I really when do I use Hammer I kind of forgot uhuh Mana and green break I guess these are green braks what you can be placed material it contains strange symb bols can be placed so like here no not in accessory just like literally quick just like that bra shelf oh that too so just we home hi namely do you seem nervous do not worry there’s no need um I got a a press like this mhm yeah yeah uh-huh uh-huh you see all right and did you see my japing eror don’t worry all right talking to him uh cannot be someone under Al light of day okay Al it was pretty dark okay 5:00 p.m. so it’s too early for dinner so I guess I’ll just get more books for now all right uh the traveling Merchant departed okay you can see the time uh you have a watch well I can’t see the watch but you know I forget about them and I’m like when does the lifetime start okay 7:30 go to the left so you can escape easier okay put it down the face okay the time’s coming huh I’ll just uh build a little more so it’s just easier I’m that lazy okay all righty almost time not yet what do I do with the blue stars uhhuh com back night if you want to wish to enter it’s so strange I I was able to enter isn’t it dark already you I really need to light W another 30 minutes okay H now off face member move and attack at the same time thank you it’s not that I don’t want to do that I just uh you know you know you know okay sounds horrible inside and out here what’s up there I guess nothing oh fallen star see these are out all how come your boss is not oh yeah please F my cap her and free me I beg you oh now understand what it meant all righty go to the left okay this time it will be easy okay there’s J now too move and attack move and attack strange what does it say do you defy my master or something like that uh capture what was that there well stranger do you posess the strengths to defeat my master okay I think so let’s go all righty all righty come on ready oh it’s hard to run okay okay okay there you go okay attack attack and run okay okay doing much better okay okay see attacking and running at the same time attack run at the same time pretty fast yeah okay not bad okay shoot shoot shoot shoot ow come on oh I don’t have any Manis Manis I’m trapped okay there you go there you go there you go it’s heating right it’s heating okay run run run run run I hate this what what is that okay okay not bad not bad like do I have like a time limit come on okay it’s pretty good pretty good [Music] uhh I need to like heal my Mana faster oh what’s going on [Music] okay oh why as as you like run under it doesn’t hurt you that much hit the head or hand okay there you go get going oh wow that that is the best place to be uh okay I think I can take a potion [Music] and run the other way also returns faster when you stand still oh that’s good to know thank you okay I’ll get wa here okay there you go that’s very useful oh God that’s not good that’s not good so that’s why I see I see I can kind of see why I want that long leg boxs okay I think I got this i got this I really shouldn’t have [Music] I’m standing still or maybe I’m under something oh God no no no no no one hand down okay that’s good okay and then that one really [Applause] helpful nice Point defeat skeleton let’s go [Music] ah GG thank you my easy easy okay those are good to remember when you are standing Mana restarts faster I should remember you remember that you’re surprised I beat it then why do you tell me to fight it like oh what okay okay I mean arguably was my second turns but still it was pretty good yeah easy my Let’s uh let’s build something here this is kind of annoying mhm there you go here that’s better all righty wow okay let’s get to that old man and not to be offensive with us his name did he just disappear just like that wait what what an ungrateful H what an ungrateful fee seriously he’s not here anymore how do I find him now you can explore the Dungeon what happens if I like explore the Dungeon without killing the what’s his name [Music] BS just don’t gain anything oh what is that okay a little water r you disappear too if we kills your skeleton how do you kill my skeleton this is a single player game if you have spare houses she might move in oh he might move in the skeleton movies Oh you mean the the old man if you did not kill the ball something very funny would appear water break like I didn’t I never did that before whatever it’s always nice the eat that he mentioned would appear wasn’t it the did I just kill the it is it going to appear [Music] again or if it if I didn’t kill it it will appear in the house is all just say not is a Immortal it can be killed okay that’s [Music] good all right let’s see what that is it drops a good P but part of that but uh there no reasons to kill it I see oh not the eat okay where did have okay forgot about it the music’s very like mysterious over here the I only appears if you try to explore the Dungeon without killing skeleton the boss you just kill oh and then eat you cannot kill okay so eat is much worse than the boss sounds [Music] like am I hearing to eat okay let’s uh get a little light up here not there like can I put it on the top or something no it doesn’t work like that how about like at the bottom okay that [Music] works all right oh the music really gives like the exploration by like I found something oh what is that it’s like a goblin that seems you oh it’s almost impossible most people have never even tried wow U looks like I’m going to like wake something really bad here now that you are in the dungeon be careful that is a dangerous place that LE you can place torches on the background Oh I thought so too unless the background is wless okay oh my is that the spider it just popped I just [Music] C uh okay so shiny things for C webs feels like a bad bait I shouldn’t have followed or something [Music] interesting the music’s really Grand like why let see all that’s easier uh oh I was like what is that okay so that’s like fancy grave oh God extrait here heres extrait were detached by skeleton but no longer get get out I don’t want to see it if I get rid of it never [Music] happen also you didn’t need to mine through the dungeon to explore it mining it leads you out of of the dungeon what you will hear the music changes once you get into the dungeon dungeon interesting oh look I for Blue Book uh do I have a blue book I guess only green one so far I’m trying to get this snail okay oh is this blue or does it look like different oh is this dungeon dungeon sound different that was CH oh uh to get the BL you need to mine the bookshelves okay wow that’s that was dangerous uh there is a texture that shows which bookshelf is it is on but I personally don’t know it uh there’s a texture that shows which bookshelf it is texture so like it looks different basically do I just like mine any book oh man the sounds scary it looks blue okay all right [Music] then gotcha wait what was that over there uhh is that full of book come on now the music sounds really nervous didn’t get it yet I don’t I don’t need this get out but that one looks like uh I kind of like the design actually it looks it sounds like some sort of like big monster is like snoring and I don’t want to waste naked I just want to quietly pass this by what is that that just hurt me right oh is that like a little gon bound mechanic what hold on so looks like she could be a squirrel uh than it was uh just a matter of time before I ended up like the rest of the skeletons on here or yikes sha what do I buy damn shelling District or D selling District it’s an NPC you have to find now that you talk to her she will move it move it if you have a spear house oh okay so sounds like should build more stare houses and I want to be ke building at the beach um do I wonder if they ever like P to like you know like the traveling versions her items are primary for making Contra Contraptions the good place are the good players use but there are like so many over there like what do I exactly need to buy [Music] it’s confusing oh what was that thank you Abigail I need some sort of uh structure to run these wires through I feel extremely uncomfortable in the dungeon as if creeping eyes are always watching me perfect no one is in the way for building infrastructure I don’t like the underground REM reminds me of a traumatic experience like sounds real you don’t really need anything at the moment okay so I just want her to like move in huh uhuh sounds like the same thing don’t move I dropped my contact oh no yeah you can go through every play through without opening her shop okay all righty well then um I’ll see you at a new house oh shiny what is that oh silver okay blue book books does it look blue before I mine it okay thank you jaor [Music] H where is it so all these skeletons were like not skeletons before based on what the what was her name what the squirrel said how de is this oh I think I recognized like I’m kind of in danger okay okay potion zator let’s wait a second oh and maybe actually get the Mana is it over there uh if you press h on your keyboard you can drink potion without having to change items oh [Music] H wait a second what is that that could be like a pretty bad Final Touch oh man of potion okay uh but how do you decide if you are drinking like Mana potion or like potion potion uh you can go through okay I can shoot the Flaming s s blade next oh wait is it just attacking I thought was like a fa or something dark cter key looks important is this it oh no no not the book golden key is this important uh monion is a different one okay oh there you go nice Oh I thought those only came with the normal chest in the dungeon but the dungeons are oh my so many of them okay okay stay here uh in the dungeon there are golden chest oh which you can open using one golden key nice s like a really good cast I feel lazy do I need to like really go through all oh don’t stand here do I need to mine all this same [Music] books oh God it’s pretty bad uhhuh H did I use it I don’t think I did okay settings uh quick heal is C uh is that how it works okay okay uh I guess this for two I like I’m dying too much Q is better good I probably should change it with your device a one more light one okay not there okay P sh another key nice another potion think I kind of need it mhm it’s not opening do I use a key how do I use it though like this guess that’s open okay and there they’re strong uh that’s a special chest uh since closure okay you’re way too early to open it oh that means I need to come back here again ah wait a second is there a faster way to set the torch [Music] oh left jump quick move Mount R and down right gra pole is that what it is r no be calling back to dungeon thanks is it also special chest oh I can key is is this someone oh not this key okay all righty a lot of special chest okay looks like we reached the end only can get it later um then my question is I mean this is pretty much the end of the open dungeon Hall should I be digging because I didn’t find the blue hook yet or it just kind of like not there the dungeon is much bigger oh [Music] oh what happened okay oh oh wa I say op okay I heard in vanilla there are hidden walls or something oh maybe this is oh that’s a little scary actually okay so these are the he walls I’m shooting at you right why is it not okay there you go okay cring walls what that sounds pretty cool is there a way to like Place torch without like having to click it all the time hi Jia how’s it going what I crumbl the walls jump jump shoot just run into it it’s not grumbling they all look same but these are not crumbling oh just like that Holy okay that’s interesting uh you try to be careful so that I wouldn’t like fall and die uh apart from toally Smart C which makes it easier to place without having to be accurate uh to your mouse don’t think there’s a easier way to place Tes okay okay thanks for the info oh wow this is deep all righty so deep okay what on under there something swinging I [Music] see am I ready to fall uh let’s grab nice it’s working oh torch oh wow flying skulls that’s so annoying don’t stop it stop it I got a torch torch torch okay [Music] L last grapple night way you go well that is big why do you mean I’m like a sitting though why do you mean ah ah oh I press Q uh which way should I go where is a blue book okay maybe here and am I not ready for this okay grapple uh if you hit the blue uh projectiles the enemy shoot at you with your own projectiles history why do you mean my own Pro projectile that place seems more empty so I’ll use him oh this is a bad place to be hold on where the enemy okay it’s behind the whatever that is [Music] okay a little water break [Music] I feel like I’m really deep in I cannot get out until like I guess something I don’t know okay so what’s my goal here because I do want to like wrap up within like next 30 minutes and thanks for the 100 wo perfect score uh your own projectile is like the bullets your jator shoots okay oh awesome I saw golden chest on your left oh you go back up okay let’s do that but more water [Music] bre all righty ready H once you think you’ve explored now we can just use the magic okay let’s at least get that where is the golden chest on on the left this one okay let’s go back [Music] up okay okay what is that who’s shooting why can’t I oh there you go man AB so helpful how do I open this oh there you go wow there’s nothing grab one um okay fire hi hi Kingdom uh just go through the door and drop down a little bit where am is or was [Music] nice let’s uh try to grab one there you go oh wow okay there is the golden chest and I think we once we open it I think I can’t be done with this [Music] okay okay dungeons high is still a key okay let me get out of here I can of like [ __ ] it through the walls okay let’s the door helps or Abigail yeah I hope the Spike’s too bad oh you use the key now you can see what’s inside oh I see I see okay so maybe I’ll just like BR okay okay whatever this is just all oh wow okay oh no did I Dro everything uh 11 Gold 83 copper okay that’s not too bad isn’t it okay I got all the other valuables yay at least I got it I’m glad we so annoyed to just like go there to get it again got the blue moon all righty what is that make sure I keep it you draw nothing but money on D okay that’s good nice what are they let’s read it uh Markus very L quick trash a what is 6 56 Med damage Critical Strike chance slow speed what did they do gravitation potion nice consol allows to control gravity 3 me duration wow so you can fly is so what it is uh very funny weapon got a mill weapon so I guess not for me really I think I’m still you know Japan is still maze right okay well uh maybe I’ll you know still put in the storage ancient necro helmet equipable 5% U I think this helmet is still stronger right jungle hat is that for balling somehow do I use it for anything uh space no longer make you jump but turns the world upside down is why that would be fun to see there are sky islands most people explore once they get gr portions wa I do want to see that no gr PS make the makeup key change gravity you can SL jump all right oh so let’s put that oh that’s what blo is okay let’s see go outside interesting that’s a very spiky Moon hello har aventer good to see you how’s it going uhhuh okay so put that in the chest uh What uh Char want you as a show the uh show the Hern of for erant monkey what what does that mean I’m just trying to okay place it here uh hold your left click here you go oh who’s this oh no was it’s just them standing together already uh drink for for outside it works better that way oh but isn’t it like you can only use it one time yeah it’s consumable uh I think I think I want to do it next time when I’m like more ready for it hold your left click with your one new weapon okay let’s see oh nice that’s pretty cool gravity potion last s in okay I see for now I want to go swim with the dog hold on [Music] maybe maybe not this okay this we I just went to the dungeon I want I want a vacation wow uh you you can drag it along around if you throw it and hold it left click before it comes back okay let’s try here it sounds more fun here I can drag it around that okay shark com find at me is that how it works nice I played in tur fall so I have no idea why you can play it in the phone isn’t it too small for that like I don’t know it’s uh I okay I can kind of picture it but yeah I think it looks probably better for the bigger screen okay somebody’s pushing for the Calamity mode again I think uh I think because um this game definitely has like the scenery aspects of it so I think it’s better on the bigger screen oh yeah and if you are like considering like just getting the game uh I do have a link in the description you will be surprised how much like um Terraria ver and games and stuff Amazon has uh at the end of the base game is halfway point of Calamity oh but sound sounds like I’m not at the beginning of the Calamity yet or like half of the halfway of the Calamity Calamity wait am I even at the beginning of the Calamity person ah looks so nice see this is how you should like live life after you know you win something like that this looks like a happy life okay catch a fish I just flirted how about okay is away okay oh you’re at the first part of the regular game like what I thought the first part of the regular game was like killing the first boss or something so it’s like I just like still just started uh Moon just hway b h not even close okay wow did not know that all righty good to know guys okay I think uh can rest here uh plus K has a lot of cooler stuff along the way but those are intense isn’t it oh those are dolphins ah I can s the dolphin hi oh once you finish explore the Dungeon you have to go to the hill what okay well then let me swim with the dolphins before I go to the H can I do jump did you see that pet pet we go 100 fet under just hasn’t beaten like 90% early game bosses [Laughter] jellyfish oh you didn’t mean to do that I meant to shoot oh Sho now you look really gay oh wow you those are really wet you should kill the dolphin not the dolphin [Music] let I don’t know I guess I have a special place for uh spot in my heart for the dolphin we that’s one way of going to hell well if I have to go to the hell anyways then I might as well you know have some fun along the way God dang what if I’m being a good kid then you know it’s not going to make me go to hell is that is that how it works did it seem like it yeah didn’t think so huh [Music] huh yeah they careful of dying to my hands oh no can I go under oh oh so I can maybe like EXP bore a little bit with [Music] this what’s over there I want to like we we oh you know how to how malicious Dolphins can be they I mean this one doesn’t seem malicious yeah I can’t even list the dolphin U miss these because it be to and AAP for YouTube what really I thought they were like good creatures or something okay let’s see if I can see what’s under here in the Deep cave and then I’ll get the mirror ready if I have to or maybe I can like how long does it take to jump for not too bad all right how about this St three bubbles okay that’s pretty good ah deep ocean exploration I definitely wanted to do this WOW hold on so okay it holds pretty nicely I didn’t mention a cat’s biology for comparison are you oh didn’t mean to do that are you implying the cats are also malicious are they that bad but are they worse than you I know what you’re saying oh no the Roes no no no no no no is this also special chest oh looks like it okay wow oh that’s pretty fun okay yeah at the end of the day the nature is [Music] beautiful there’s um you know different kinds of beauties so so Works nice okay I got to equip that mirror Okay we okay I need to use [Music] it h okay okay that that was pretty deep okay let’s see if I can go a little bit deeper [Music] go nice hm I really want to like find that bottle thing so I can like bre under water do you know how to find it uh there might be some more chest in the ocean cave okay then let’s go again oh 70 wait is a inch or feet underground okay I want to jump [Music] we oh that’s pretty fun I don’t know what B let you uh oh what is that s am I getting attacked by a squid like some special squid what or jellyfish also oh oh he I don’t know a bottle let you breid under water unless you’re talking about gills potion oh that might be I think there’s that and also I think I think maybe it was you uh just me somebody today just mentioned that there’s like a sun bottle that I can wear all righty thank you for visiting today hope to see you again bye bye see you uh uh that kill potion I think I did have it before but might be at uh the different house I mentioned the cloud in a bottle of proses wish was should double jump I see what is this black ink well then oh where did I find the kill potion I think I did have it uh in one of the earlier dungeons should I go to the other house to get it maybe that’s easier uhhuh uhhuh okay should be we wow moon and nice we falling all righty I think there’s not much more to find there um well a little water break before I wrap up today anything else you think I should check I’m a little shy but I’m letting the mic on while I take a water bre feels so weird because uh I don’t know if there’s a way but when I like clean outside of teria it just like mutes and that kind of sounds weird okay I’m not very addicted water I’m very very addicted water thank you no I’m not there’s no thing such thing as a water addiction okay there needs to be water we have this is becoming an issue how do you okay if water is addiction is a thing and if water addiction is a bad thing if it’s even a thing how do you do a Water Rehab mhm there’s not such thing because it’s not bad for you and it’s not a thing uh-huh should I take up that Tobe it looks a little bit silly I don’t want to lose this so oh okay there you go reorganize a little bit I forgot what I use the hammer [Music] for and probably don’t want to lose it either [Music] you stop drinking water but you cannot okay stop drinking water has more problem than like drinking a lot of water uh and it’s impossible for you to drink a lot of water unless like I don’t know you are drinking like a two per hour that is exactly why someone daddy said to what you say quiet silence silence um let thr out some stuff that’s not needed do I need green break crating Green platform starring bottle what is this is this just for decoration increase man of R narration one place nearby so it’s kind of like the fir Place opium heals you too doesn’t make it an addictive what about Corum we’re talking about La water addiction or Hera addiction neither neither okay all righty uhuh okay so sounds like before we get into this conversation I got to run okay Mana fireplace I see oh what is this is this just leaves the moment I oh it’s disappeared what are those gling things it doesn’t do anything when I touch [Music] them is that just green leaves I don’t think I’ve seen it before I just leave okay did they like update some details or something they don’t look familiar all righty then La Tor leaves okay okay all righty then oh well it’s been a fun night got some dungeon done oh maybe it’s not done but at Le got some interesting potion I definitely want to I’m looking for this gravitation portion next time let’s not talk about um let’s not talk about copio maybe YouTube doesn’t like it you know he so he has a sensitive Soul so all righty then let’s not try that sometime uhhuh all righty uh before this get out of my hand and too much um have a nice evening have a nice day M bye peace thank you thank you oh yeah and thanks for the new subscription on the twitch thank you bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music]

Terraria beach or the ocean or whatever chat requests
beating the dungeon boss and swimming with the dolphins


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