I Cheated With /YOUTUBER In Minecraft Build Battle

my robot Guido challenged me to a build battal where the winner gets 10,000 diamonds but what he doesn’t know is that I can use the/ YouTuber command so the biggest creators in Minecraft can help me win those 10,000 diamonds are as good as mine gu wait are you filming me that’s right everyone look at the biggest loser in the Minecraft Dimension Steve my chat says good luck Steve no your Chad what you talking about never mind Guido has absolutely no idea that I came prepared because under here I have a two youu Summoner and as you can see when I place it down it looks exactly like one of those two youu play buttons or something it looks awesome this is where the creators are going to come from and they better hurry up because I only have 5 minutes to build and the First theme is store now let’s see here a story hm how about I found a Bakery that’s a kind of store right what a lovely day now I am encountering a very small issue looks like I can’t activate this Summoner and no Summoner means no/ to youu command ah what am I going to do oh steeve doesn’t know what he’s got himself in for he sends no chance come on work work uh wait I’ve got an idea everyone like this video right now hey he you guys did it look at that oh that looks so cool thanks adventurers yes yes the summon is working and now I can use the command now if I use slash2 uba Boom the two uba store but it looks like the only Creator right now available is Chester plays well let’s see if he can help us what the where am I this isn’t my channel yeah Chester I realize this is weird but I really need you to stay calm right now don’t panic just relax and someone help me please no calm down please you’ll be way too loud huh what was that oh is Ste getting hell oh he’s really not going to come down okay new plan take some of you some of this and a door come on them boom Kow get in there you Steve what what’s going on uh uh nothing Guido I’m I’m just working on my build quit cheating I knew your build was going to be garbage you’ve got 1 minute remaining wait 1 minute and all I’ve built is this oh this is bad Chester get out here come on man you must know how to help me win this build battle build battle why did you say so sure I’ll help you what’s in the Multiverse is going on right now Chester has created some kind of Fireball and it’s absorbing the blocks around it and it looks like it’s heading over to Guido side oh but then what’s going to happen I’ve only got 30 seconds there I think my bakery is ready what is that noise no no what is that stay away from my bakery I spent so much time on it the fireball is stealing my blocks this is terrible this is great no no no no no hey look Chester there it is okay if you’re going to do something do it now dude Chester amazing job we just stole Guido’s build right from him wa and we don’t have a lot of time so quickly grab some blocks and let’s turn this into a chest to play Superstar come on come on Boom there we go a chest of plays themed store I can’t wait to show this to Guido uh oh and it’s just dawned on me if we stole Guido’s build then what the heck is is going to look like oh here we go time to find out and what hey Steve Welcome to My Bakery oh quo what the heck heck is this oh my gosh it’s literally just a sign and a few pieces of bread on the ground Guido this is what you spent all your time on oh my gosh this is this is pathetic I I’m not going to lie I don’t understand I had it already you had something to do with this nonsense Guido come on let me let me show you my side Behold a brand new build that you’ve never seen before I call this my Chester plays Superstar and if we go inside you’ll find a bunch of fire merge no way you built this so quickly well it’s not up to you to decide whether it’s good or not it’s up to the Minecraft Gods and they have chosen me oh come on Guido you can’t argue with that I mean that’s your build whatever Steve it’s only 1 n and the first person to five rounds wins the 10,000 diamonds I just know you’re cheating somehow uh thanks Guido good luck he okay what’s the next theme Village I’ve Got 5 minutes to build an entire town dude that is like impossible but not with my two youu Summoner and with the/ tuuber command let’s see who we’ve got now all right so it looks like we have unlocked a new Creator and it’s left M hi Steve how can we help you and I guess all of left Mouse’s friends are here too all right listen up team this is my idea I want a village divided by a giant River each section should represent a different biome because there’s so many of us we can divide the test and be more efficient left m i want you to build the terrain here you can build the ice biome Dane you can build the swamp biome Ian you can build the forest biome and Casey you build the Cherry biome and I I’m just going to sit here and watch that sounds like so much fun let’s get to work team H now what’s my idea of a perfect Village oh I know what if every house was Beed after me yeah this is going to be great yes this is working perfectly look how well they’re working as a team we’ve got laugh M doing the terrain uh this guy this person and that other person over there doing the stuff I forgot their names but still this is looking great we got the Cherry Grove biome the ice biome we got the junk Le we wait I swear I asked someone to do the forest but I don’t see a forest anywhere where have they gone dude I swear if they’ve abandoned this project that’s wait was that a ladder oh my gosh there’s a ladder right here secret tunnel but where in the Multiverse Could It Go guess we’re going to find out it’s heading in the direction of Guido side no no no no I don’t like this I do not like this at all what is that noise who is Guido talking to that’s one of black M’s friends Ian so you’ll sabotage Steve’s bill that’s right for a price gold give me give me give me give me give me give me give me no this can’t be happening I’ve got to won the rest of the crew guys guys we got a trailer Among Us please just listen to me oh they’re all so busy hello KY this looks great but you really got to listen to me Casey oh this isn’t working and we’ve only got 30 seconds left and I don’t have a forest biome guess I’ve got to do it let’s see uh Spruce logs Spruce leaves come on come on what do trees look like I don’t even know something like this oh my gosh this is going terribly this could cost me the entire [Music] round what no oh Steve it’s vage time oh welcome to grotopia as you can see we’ve got the main living areas complete with green mustaches then we have our solar Farms because we use complete renewable energy mhm this is the town hall where I live I’m the mayor of this place you see and then over this way this is where the poor people live Guido you can’t say that okay yeah it’s very nice Guido it’s actually pretty impressive but we all know that you didn’t do this legit you had help what what are you talking about that’s right I caught you Ian come on out you traitor Ian what did Ian do I said what I said left M Ian is a sniveling little traitor and he’s got to be around here somewhere come on you in the poor person house no are you in the town hall under the solar Farms come on you got to be here somewhere but he’s right here wait what but but but he was in your village Guido I think you were imagining things seeing what you wanted to see I I guess so maybe what was all that about I don’t know sure didn’t expect him to blow up like that though so yeah this is my Forest are those supposed to be trees I know the trees look a little weird Guido I kind of run out of time okay wait was that no no what is this no no no oh oh come on come on man I spent so long on this watching my minions do everything and now it’s ruined yep I think I won this round Steve better luck next next time all right it’s 1 one and honestly I thought this was going to be way easier than it is but it seems like summoning the two Ubers comes with its own problems so this time when we use SL two Uber we’ve got to be very careful indeed let’s see who we’ve got here so we used left M and her friends and now we’ve got easy stream the Summoner is activated and it’s raining oh that’s a little Sinister wa good day mate easy dream than the Multiverse you’re here uh listen grab some blocks take these and help me build a farm 5 minutes isn’t a lot of time uh do you have any like powers or anything that can help me well I can do this what in the Multiverse the blood W easy stream no this isn’t helping me oh my gosh he’s right behind me he’s going to kill me he’s going to kill me how am I going to win this field battle now my farm is going to be so much better than thieves I’ve already built a giant barn wait is he screaming what is he up to you know what I’m just going to leave him to it no stay back I’m warning you I know Kung Fu I think well this is awfully nice aw Wy you’re so cute easy stream what the heck was that all the scary myths in the Minecraft Dimension work for me you see watch this hey Wy get to work on the field would you the warden is placing down a bunch of grass okay this is actually really awesome and really helpful uh Hey easy stream have you got any more of those scary myths W so powerful huh what strange weather The Headless villager that thing null and Herobrine all of the stere MS are here and they’re going to help me build my farm with this many myths my farm is going to be done in no [Music] [Applause] time guys this is looking so good and you built it super fast which means we still have a bunch of time to prank Guido he SA my build in the previous round and now it’s finally time to get my revenge go pay him a visit they’re gone Guido you’re in trouble now my friend there my farm is finished oh it looks so good wait what in the Multiverse was that [Applause] I am not dying today oh I might be dying today it’s so dark in here I can’t see a thing wait who are these guys are you my friends you don’t look like my friends oh you are definitely not my friends no no no no no wo wo wo wo a no if I can’t have my farm then none of you can either burn monsters burn so what do you think easy stream I’m thinking some bone meal right here a bit of grass and wait do you smell burning it’s gone it’s all gone Guido what happened uh dude you know that the theme was farm right on fire yeah I have some complications okay it’s not like your farm is much better well let me just show you around this is the center of my creation which I built All By Myself by the way uh it’s the barn this almost looks like my barn before it burn down oh really Guido well it doesn’t look like you have a barn right now so sorry to hear that also got a windmill here got a nice little water Silo at the back to uh you know water my crops or in case you know a fire breaks out would be really useful to have some water on the backup you know what I’m saying uh a couple of trees and uh this is my farmhouse which is why I won come on come on yeah of course I won I mean my build looks like this and yours looks like well the less said about that the better this is not over Guido has no idea what’s really going on all right we’re two one up and getting closer to winning this entire build battle and it seems like right now the best strategy is to just keep outnumbering Guido so let’s just go ahead and do the SL Q uba command again and perfect we’ve got cash nio now because everyone knows two Builders are better than one sleeve good to see you man his name’s sple Dumbo SLE sple wao W wa hey guys stop fighting listen we’re not going to be Guido if you do this just stop fighting oh my gosh listen the next theme is tropical island and we’ve only got 5 minutes to do it so you take some blocks and you take some blocks and here is my plan cash you’re going to work on the underwater areas I want Coral seagrass kelp I want it to look amazing and Nico you’re going to work on the island and the landscape itself seriously but I’m so much better than cash at Water stuff no you’re not shut up bro I do not want to hear it either you get it together or you get out I have got a build battle to win that’s it work as a team team this is the only way we’re going to be able to defeat Guido unless you know he burns his entire build down again but we’ll see I guess and there we go with no sudden urg just to set this place on fire the Land part of my tropical island is ready this looks beautiful but there’s only one problem I can’t touch water oh my gosh this might take a while that little bit of water I just put down is like 2% of this entire bill this is going to take forever now let’s see here if I do something like this then maybe one more chest here crafting table in this entire little beach cabin is ready to go Nico you’re pulling my hand oh gosh what is that seriously that finding again I’m going to oh you guys no no no stop it quit it cut it out no no stop enough enough right listen you two this is clearly not working one of you has got to leave we’ve only got 1 minute left and we haven’t got any water fine I’ll take my skills elsewhere all right listen maybe it’s better this way cash now we can just focus on making this tropical island perfect grab yourself a water bucket and let’s get to work oh this is so bad hey little guy I’ll help you I’m great at Ocean builds wait really prove it wow he’s filling up the entire tank and now he’s making the underwater sections beautiful come on come on just a little more water almost [Music] there there we go this is looking so good this is perfect hash there’s absolutely no way we’re going to lose this now we’ll just wait for the walls to fall and see what Guido Behold The Mighty teamw ofo what Nico what are you doing oh don’t don’t you get started with that cash you were the one that wanted me gone come on Steve take a look this is my tropical island we’ve got some little beach Cabanas here looking very nice and then just over this way we have a nice little relaxation area oh did I mention that the water is super blue and full of life dude what you’ve got Dolphins come on and check this out Steve sers dude what where did they even come from you know what never mind my build is so much better come take a look as you can see our beach Cabanas are much bigger and much better looking there’s so much more space in here we don’t need sun beds we’ve got actual beds that’s right uh come check out this Cabana over here too I actually worked on this one personally it’s like the master Cabana you can rent this one out if you like not bad but let’s see the water uh yeah okay water let’s go take a look uh we spent a lot of time on this as well and as you can see it’s an underwater Paradise cash what happened dude this is terrible Nico’s just laughing at me oh gosh we got dead coral we’ve got Mossy blogs oh it’s so gross we’ve got dead dolphins Steve this is not good yeah I mean I I guess we’re just not that good at Water builds this isn’t looking good I honestly don’t think there’s any way that we won this round oh yeah I was [Music] right best tropical island in the Multiverse you stink steeve it’s two two neck and neck again yeah whatever Guido Guido absolutely obliterated me there I mean it wasn’t even close I really do not want him to build any momentum so let’s see who the next Creator is uh I guess it’s deathy Steve good to see you buddy how could I help you hey what’s up Dy listen I’ve really got to win this build battle and so far it’s been a real mixed bag so I need you to use your challenges to make this really tough for Guido oh I gotcha Minecraft but everything is small the next theme is Castle and I’ve already got a fantastic idea in mind I’m just building the wall here and wait what dude I’m so so tiny now I mean look at the size of this block it’s like an entire building ah this is going to make things so much more difficult nice job defty Guido sounds really frustrated this is all going so well uh-oh huh who said that no no no de T please stop I’m not going to let my small size get in the way of this concrete powder this Castle is looking great w well that was weird Dey what were you doing that shrunk me as well oh gosh I’m so sorry uh here let me make it up to you Minecraft but it’s upside down oh Dey something’s changed but I can’t quite put my finger on it if I had fingers oh well I’ll just carry on with my build doesn’t really sound like this is affecting him Dy oh just you wait when the world is flipped back around his build will be totally messed up wait everything’s back the right way off and hey it actually looks better when it’s fallen down yeah there’s multiple floors now thank you dos of the Minecraft Dimension Dey what are you doing luckily for you I was working on this while you were messing around I just hope it’s enough to defeat Guido in fact we need to make certain it defeats Guido okay okay I got just the thing there’s no way I can mess this up Minecraft but Guido’s build sucks I think I’m just about D wait what is that no no where are my blogs going Dey what is this Guido is stealing my castle everything is gone well good luck oh get back here you blue oh my gosh oh he disappeared and I’ve only got a few seconds left okay uh Don’t Panic Steve we can still fix this uh is this what it looked like maybe some brick like oh gosh no no not like this I beg of you please oh the walls coming down wait that’s my flag those are my roofs weo just stole my entire build what kind of crazy person does that no no one is that stay away from my viery I spent so much time on it oh yeah uh I did that welcome to Fort Guido as you can see I have a perfect Castle right here it is three floors tall it’s got a neat flag which I totally didn’t manage to steal and it is the perfect spot for me to rule over the Minecraft Dimension uh yeah very impressive Guido U say why don’t you come on over to my side to for Ste no stop laughing I tried my best but it seems like my best just wasn’t good enough well that was kind of expected thanks a lot Dey I’ve won two rounds in a row Steve you’re doing really badly the score is 23 and I cannot let Guido get within one point of winning this entire build battle so if I want to do something and change this around then I’ve got to do it now let’s see here yeah we are never using defty again again uh there we go Paul Logan he’s big he’s strong and he can help me with this next theme which is stadium and Paul Logan has a lot of experience in stadiums isn’t that Paul I brought you here to sabotage Guido not me oh I got you here drink some crime it’ll make you feel much better you’ll have the edge you need to win your battles oh yeah maybe later what I need you to do right now is to get over there and ruin Guido’s build oh I guess wrestling isn’t fake after all so here’s my idea if we’ve got to build a stadium then I think the center of the stadium should be like a football pitch sorry a soccer pitch anyway we’re going to build this out making sure that this is all nice luscious grass then we’re just going to lay out the markings for this pitch yeah that’s looking actually accurate enough now we’ll use these smooth quart stairs just like so and this will be the markings of where the white lines are something like this I think and I wonder how Paul Logan’s getting on every Stadium needs a screen so let’s just finish this off here and oh yeah The champ is here who in the Multiverse do think you are the champion of the world the Maverick [Applause] PA Lo W no that’s it you’ve done it now I want you in this ring right now yeah quit squirming [Music] wa sounds like Paul Logan is really distracting Guido okay got to keep going with my build I’ve added these nice little bleacher areas here so you know people can come and sit and watch whatever’s going on on the pitch but I still think we have time to do more 1 2 3 I did it I’m the Champion oh but I’ve still got a build battle to win I forgot about that that’s right Guido you’ve only got 10 seconds left and I managed to build all of this look at this we’ve got some nice little food stall areas and this stadium is pretty much complete three 2 one let’s see how we did Welcome Guido to my Sports Paradise uh wait what is that it’s my Championship Bell pretty cool right yeah it’s kind of cool I guess anyway come over to my side come see what I’ve got going on so this is the main area when you walk into my Stadium you can choose from a variety of snakes I don’t see any snaks yeah well I can only do so much in 5 minutes I actually think I did pretty well and then we head onto the main pitch as you can see on the outside we have got a running track so this is a multiports facility we’ve got the flood lights up above and this soccer pitch is made with exotic grass wow really it’s just normal grass but if you don’t want to participate in the sport you can go ahead and just take a seat on the bleachers and you get a pretty good view no matter which seat you’re in what do you think this is pretty good but are there any free extras oh well that’s where this comes in Free bottle of prime for everyone Prime I better show you my side come on Steve over we go to my Stadium now I feed this after a wrestling ring and as you can see we’ve got a ring in the middle of this giant Arena yeah I like it Guido You’ even got a screen and everything I can also see the entrance ramp that’s pretty cool but it looks a little blend what do you mean blend well there’s like no colors on this ramp it’s just Stone and the seats don’t look particularly appealing I mean nether stairs really do you want to give someone a back ache I don’t really care I’m a champion and what are these lights it looks more like a castle or something I’m not really sure what these are but uh at least you tried it’s not up to you or I to decide it’s up to the gods of the Minecraft Dimension and they have chosen me yes I mean come on there really wasn’t that much competition I just had way more stuff than you did Guido oh yeah well I got a championship Bell ooh not for long Guido what are you talking about 1 2 3 and new champion of the world oh loan it’s neck and neck three rounds a piece remember the first person to five wins so if Guido wins the next round he’ll be just one point away of course I cannot let that happen let’s see what we’ve got going on here we’ve got the new Champion Paul Logan he was pretty good and oh we’ve got bionic what’s up bro need some help actually I do and I think you be perfect for this the next theme is space so take some of this and help me transform this area into the expenses of space dude we did such a great job look at the stars look at the planets we’ve even got this giant Supernova black hole Cosmic iron even know what this is right in the middle but for all we know Guido could have done just as good so do you have any way we can sabotage him I got you stand back wait what is he building down there I don’t understand wa wait a second it’s a missile silo oh this is awesome wait are we going to blow Guido’s buildup it’s opening and I’m guessing that inside is a missile which is going to obliterate guo there it’s finally finished my spaceship in space man I think this is my best build yet wait a second what is that it is you trying to sabotage me again well I’m not going to let that happen ret mode activate every good robot has a tennis ret mode better off Ste uh wait that’s baseball ah bionic the missile’s coming back quick bro in the silo wait bionic are you not jumping in as well bionic no don’t do this oh my gosh that is very loud uh fingers cross my build managed to survive let’s see what the damage is uh oh yeah this is uh yeah this is pretty bad hey Steve yes quo I think I would I would probably agree and now quo is just one round away from winning I have to win the next round no matter the cost I say whatever the cost because we have to use the richest tuuba in the entire Minecraft Dimension that’s right it’s sister yeast and there she is oh my gosh I am such a big fan listen do you have any powers that can help me win this build battle the next theme is Mansion Powers sorry dude I’m just Rich no powers how can you have no powers this is the worst day of my life here have 1,000 bucks money 1,000 Buck wa wait a second the more set I am the more money she’s giving me which could give me an advantage in the build battle okay you know what here we go let’s go all out no this is the worst day ever please Shout with me with money yes okay now we’ve got all this money now all I have to do is head to my phone and as you can see there is a brand new store thanks to Sister yeast’s money we can buy a bunch of pre-made builds oh this is genius but before I buy any of those pre-made builds I’m going to focus on the landscape for now so I’ve got to build a mansion now I got a ton of ideas for this Mansion but I am aware that I don’t have much time honestly mom these builds haven’t really impressed me so far so as long as I build something that vaguely resembles a mansion I should have this in the bag just one more round to [Music] go all right the landscape’s looking good and now I think I’ll buy my very first build let’s go ahead and buy the mansion and boom there it is oh my gosh I can’t believe I just did that we literally just got a full mansion in a matter of seconds that is awesome there’s no way Guido’s going to see this coming okay let’s see what else I can buy we’ve got a little bit of empty space over here so what if I go ahead and purchase a pool and boom there it is [Music] Cannonball this is so much fun but we’ve only really covered half of the build area we need something out front something that represents how rich we are and how big and bold this Mansion is something like a yacht and hey looks like we got a free tennis court too all right here we go a nice mega yacht right on the front lawn we got a here wonder how Guido’s getting on well it’s fairly basic but honestly with the time restrictions I think this is the best I’m going to get besides if I’m low on time then surely Steve is too oh I’ve got so much time this is great so in this grassy area I’m thinking golf course there we go four that’s how many rounds I’m going to win when I’m done with this build and to finish it off something in the sky maybe a hot air balloon or three oh this is amazing uh oh 5 4 3 2 1 it’s time behold my little robotic friend the mega mansion what that’s right build all of this in 5 minutes with uh with uh absolutely no help I’m rich now I can just buy another phone anyway Guido go ahead and show me around your Mansion wow what is this this is like a shoe CER to me yeah yeah what are you saying hey Steve this is my mega mansion I went for a Sandstone exterior and if you will please step inside I got uh a whole bunch of nothing down here and upstairs also a whole bunch of nothing and in this room I mean there’s beds Guido that was pathetic any who if you’re coming out this way I’ll just show off what I’ve got going on here so we start off with the mega yacht you know the first thing you see so took me like 20 seconds to build this I’m just that good uh then you can come over this way we got a golf course which reminds me I actually need to try this thing out hey guo sit down on the floor for a second [Music] okay no ST we got a pool watch out for your circuits the hot air balloons in case you want to see things from the sky uh tennis court helipad come on inside this is how you do a living room Guido we’ve got a couch nice breakfast bar over here fridges Reading area come upstairs the master bedroom is right here look at the size of that bed and of course we’ve got the balcony to see over my Empire with how did you build all of this uh definitely not with the help of the biggest tuber in the Minecraft Dimension R yeah oh come on that was an easy decision we’ve got all of this versus just that there’s no way you did that legit Steve something going on here and I the great Guido am going to prove it there’s no way you’ll win this next round good luck not oh we’ll see about that Guido I can just buy any build I want with the app on my phone which I just threw into the water I’m actually going to have to build something maybe I really will be exposed this is it 44 the final round whoever wins this will be declared the build battle champion ion of the Minecraft Dimension oh and also win those 10,000 diamonds although right now I don’t really need it now the theme is Idol H that’s a pretty tough one and as we’ve already discovered we only have 5 minutes to build this so I think I am going to have to get the help of my two yers again but which one Idol something that people can worship H how about me go my minions that’s it build in idle to me the most loved person in the entire Multiverse the mighty guo hey I look kind of handsome which of these creators would be the best at making an idol uh wait how about all of them that’s right all of the two yubas are going to help me wa look at them go they’re all building their own Idols dedicated to their fans left Mouse here we got easy stream oh that’s from earlier sister ye St Paul Logan’s here all of them working together to show their true dedication to their fans it’s kind of beautiful oh and the walls are falling it’s time to see what Guido’s oh he is so selfish what is this it’s me Steve and don’t I look great as you can see I’ve got love hearts around me to reflect the love that everyone has for me oh and also dollar signs because I’m a big time player okay I’m not really sure what that means but sure you have built an idol but it’s for yourself but what have you built I with the help of a few friends that you may be seeing built several Idols in dedication to the fans of these two yubas we got defty we got cash we got CIS East Chester Paul Logan who you may remember hitting you in the back of the head with a chair what are you talking about left mail and easy Stream So they were help me this entire time that’s right buddy and I hope they’ll do it one final time yeah W oh my gosh that was amazing we went back and forth but we finally did it guys we defeated Guido and 10,000 diamonds and now M wait what was that weo what’s going on can you oh my gosh if nobody else wants me I’ll just burn my Idols to the ground yikes [Music]

Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but I cheat using SCARY MYTHS! When Steve is challenged to a build battle with his best friend G.U.I.D.O Steve uses Minecraft’s Scariest Myths such as Herobrine, Null, Giant Alex, Entity 303, and That Thing, to cheat his way to victory! Can Steve cheat using Minecraft Scary Myths to win the build battle? This is MINECRAFT BUT I CHEATED WITH SCARY MYTHS!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
‣ Buy Checkpoint MERCH: https://creatorink.com/collections/checkpoint
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~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #BuildBattle #Minecraft


  1. You do know Talk to YouTube balls I want copyright and It's stopped covered the tool loop This is why Guido It's maybe small too Tell me you Steve.

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