I Cheated With //DISASTER in Minecraft Build Battle!

today I’m going to be cheating in a Minecraft build battle using slash slash disaster uh oh yeah that’s just a little taste of what I have planned I’m going to be spawning in tornadoes meteors and even tsunamis and my friends have no clue what’s in store for them make sure to leave a like on this video and hit subscribe to see their reactions guys are you ready to have a build battle in Minecraft oh Johnny did you see all that lightning before I think a storm’s coming all right well we got to hurry up and start building in this dispenser right here there’s literally thousands of ideas so who wants to press in and see what we need to build I do I do no I want to do it no I want to you guys do not need to fight now none of you are going to hit it I’m going to hit it oh we’re building a treeh house wait it says a treehouse we need to build yeah look oh my goodness treeh house tree house all right well guys we’re going to be doing a bunch of different rounds so you only have 7 and 1/2 minutes to build a treehouse what that’s enough time 7 and 1/2 minutes and your time starts now go oh no this is crazy this is crazy so my friends think that I’m actually going to sit here and build a treehouse they got it wrong I’m actually going to be using copy and paste to paste in a treehouse from A Different World see how there’s no Treehouse behind me right now now check this out wow look at that I just spawned in a treehouse using my brain this thing is awesome wow it has an inside in everything I’m going to go all the way to the top oh yeah this thing is so cool wait a minute hold on what is that did Daisy just spawn in a giant tree oh heck no I am not going to allow her to have a taller tree than me I need to destroy it using a natural disaster so let me just go invisible real quick Haya oh yeah I’m in super stealth mode I think I will spawn some meteors on top of Daisy’s Treehouse I’m just going to start going crazy like this oh please please please please oh my gosh what was that oh yeah send them in send them in no oh my goodness great now even under the ground tree house oh gosh Daisy is super angry right now oh I’m going to lose I think I got to set off a couple more on these branches there’s still way too much tree here all right just going to put some wand over here just blow these up and now we just got to wait for the meteors to come down here they come oh yeah blow them up blow them up no there’s more what even are these things oh yeah oh that was a good one I like that one oh another one another one ow yes my four tree easy Treehouse is ruined oh my God they’re still going I think I did enough damage here I’m going to go back to my Treehouse guys I just unmuted and my Treehouse is looking beautiful time is almost up me too me too no I need more time wait Daisy you need more time yes why yeah you should be done by now um did you guys not see the giant meteors come out of the sky and hit my tree what giant meos what are you talking about there was a giant ball that came out of the sky and ruined my treeh house okay guys guys guys time is up let’s go look at daisies because she’s complaining way too much what I’m still building Daisy what the heck happened down here a giant meteor hit my tree guys you need to see this Gooby and Daddy come over here I’m here I’m here look at our tree house what the heck W this tree is huge by the way I know it’s my favorite tree why you make such like a broken Tree on it yeah look at these leaves up here they’re all destroyed they’re literally just floating it’s like a natural disaster came out of the air and like one in my Treehouse ooh a natural disaster hm well you know what Daisy this is pretty terrible so I’m going to have to give it a bad rating I’m going to have to give it a zero out of 10 I didn’t even have time I had a whole Treehouse and it got destroyed ooh I’m going to have to give it a a three I’ll give it a three cuz you tried you really tried your best o you know what fine yeah I did a one silver on it and I think it actually gets a two oh man that is a low score Daisy I didn’t even get to build a treehouse let’s just go see someone else’s ooh ooh guys I want to show you mine let’s see let’s see check out how good mine is compared to Daisy’s wao this looks incredible this does look really good yep there’s a lot of detail I I built all these ladders I built all the tree and uh yeah I did it all wao you really built all these WBS in such a short amount of time yep I did it all Gooby every single BL that’s crazy yep so what do you guys rate my Treehouse ooh I got to give it like an eight a solid eight I think it’s an eight too yeah Gooby M I think I to give it a seven cuz there’s no phone at all that’s understandable all right I’ll still take it I’ll still take it that’s a good score let’s move over to goobies next whoa yeah oh yeah what the heck is this a blue tree hm Gooby how do you even get up here um I didn’t even make a ladle you just have to like jump up there Gooby I do not like this tree I’m giving it a three what no it’s a good tree look at it it’s not a good tree I’m going to give it a four I’ll give it a five I’ll give it a five WR as my swee house it’s really good Gooby so far you’re in second place I’m in first and Daisy’s in she’s in last come on let’s go see my daddy’s Tree House wow this is cool T it’s not even a house though technically it is a tree house it’s not a house Daddy it’s a tree platform as long as you’re living in the trees it’s a tree house all the things of a house like a bedroom and a kitchen and even a bathroom you guys didn’t have any of that so I don’t like it I don’t like it Daddy it’s getting a fat two no it can’t be worse than goobies you get goobies a three okay fine I’ll give it a five I changed my answer I’ll accept all fives all around no I’m giving it a three there’s no walls you can’t talk you didn’t have a tray mine got hit by a meteor that’s what they all say when they can’t build yeah um I would give you a wol Golden Daisy Daisy’s got hit by a meteor so I guess it’s better than that so I give you a 5k let’s go I’ll take it second place is mine wow so it looks like I’m in first and Daisy you’re in last ooh that’s rough let’s just move on to the next build everyone follow me this way all right guys second round time to hit the button and see what we need to build Gooby you want to press it this time yes too late I’m doing it oh unfortunate to how would you do that I Was preparing all right how about this you could read it you could read it no I don’t like reading it says cats cats we’re building a cat cat a cat we need to build cattle what a Cadillac a cow I don’t know jaky you eat it okay go this is Castle oh a castle that’s right I said it I waited it wait that’s going to be so cool I’m definitely going to win this one no I’m a professional building castles remember I’m a princess all right well guys I’m just going to say you don’t want to be the person that builds the best Castle why not I’m trying to win this thing I’m just saying Daddy all right here we go it’s time to start building in three two one go go go I build the best castle ever that was really weird to say you don’t want to build the best castle of course you do it’s a competition all right Gooby stop talking and get to building okay all right it’s time to get to building but obviously I’m not really going to build I got way better things that I need to do like spaw in tornadoes I’m going to go invisible and see who’s building the best castle and whoever it is I’m spawning a big tornado on it but first I got to make sure that I’m going to secure the dub so I’m going to copy and paste a castle in right now wa check this out oh my goodness wait this is the best build yet look at the front this looks so beautiful there’s so many different rooms I’m already lost I’m actually already lost in this Castle wow wow this one is definitely going to make me win all right but I need to make sure that I’m going to win by spawning in some natural disasters time to go invisible let’s Snoop around and see who’s building a really good Castle Daisy looks like she’s building the front of a wall M this one’s not looking too good who what is Gooby building it looks like he’s building a blue Castle uh-oh my daddy already has all four walls up on his castle you know what that means I got to get a tornado over here let me just go over here and get a tornado spawn egg once I place this down on the floor a massive tornado is going to spawn and destroy my daddy’s build let’s place it down in three 2 one hya wa oh my gosh a tornado actually spawned hey wo wo wo what’s happening to my castle wall oh no let’s go it’s a tornado it’s ripping through everything oh my God it’s blowing everything up oh no how am I going to fix this in time I’m going to lose I’m going to be the biggest loser it’s literally drilling through my daddy’s castle walls why me why me oh God it’s attacking my daddy oh God help all right well I think I’m just going to leave my daddy to have fun with that I’m going to go back over here to my amazing Castle this is just so much fun all right guys time is officially up put your blocks down no it can’t be I need more time why Daddy what happened to your your Castle over there guys you’re not going to believe this but a tornado came and ripped my castle of shreds really really daddy literally No One Believes you you guys didn’t didn’t feel the winds tornadoes aren’t even from here what do you mean they’re not from here a tornado could spawn in anywhere no they can’t think you’re just making up an excuse everyone come to my daddy’s everyone come to my daddy’s build yeah we got to inspect this first what is this I’m trying to make it pretty oh look at it hey no more Daddy no more blocks cheating cheating what do you mean no no no let me just put this hay bale here and I win I win if I put it down moldy what were you thinking this is just a giant hole in the ground yeah why would I put a hole in the ground Gooby why would I think this is a great aesthetic choice for my castle you tell us Daddy it’s not I didn’t do this there was a hurricane I swear it came down with a tornado and then just ripped through the whole entire Castle it was insane I think you’re making excuses right now yeah it says the one that had a meteor stried on their thing wait a minute you’re right metor did hit my build what’s going on here aha oh nothing happened to my build yeah guys nothing happened to me or goobies build so I think you’re just making stories up and just trying to cheat you guys are in cahoots with each other no we’re not I don’t like Daisy yeah Marty’s old yeah MDI um I’m going to have to give you a one hey yep you’re getting a zero for me Daddy okay that’s ridiculous zero for me too hey I actually gave you a score so that’s hurtful well guys let’s go over and see goobies build oh yeah mine’s really good trash looks like a sea Temple actually trash look it’s made of blue and gold it’s like golden I’m a king let’s go I’m hiding can you find me hey Daddy oh dang it that was embarrassing all right this is actually pretty good I’m going to give this a seven I like it I’m going to give it a six five giving it a big old five all right so so far Gooby is in the lead he’s number one yeah I’m winning all right let’s go over and check out Daisy’s build ooh ooh Daisy’s build looks super good wow there’s horses W you put the horses in here of course there’s ponies you put the horses in the back wait this is like a real castle cuz the castles when you know my daddy was like a little kid like hundreds of years ago they always had horses in them exactly how old do you guys actually think I am I mean jeez all right I’m going to give this one uh 10 out of 10 oh a 10 yep 10 out of 10 yeah I’m going to give it a F because I don’t like the floor but everything else I like the floor’s so nice nope it’s still just plain wood well guess what I’m giving this a seven seven that’s a pretty good score so so far Gooby is in second Daddy are in last and Daisy it looks like you’re in first finally I don’t know if anyone can beat that yeah that won’t be for long because you guys haven’t seen my build yet come on over oo check it out wo this is huge what take it all in what’ you even what the who the how the and there’s flowers yep there’s flowers it’s got everything a castle would ever need what there’s no way you made this this is so big and crazy detailed well yeah I obviously like to add a lot of detail to my builds Gooby that’s what makes them good unlike yours we didn’t even have enough time to do this yes we did that’s not enough time this would take three years three years yep I agree guys you’re just mad because you didn’t build this I’m giving this a 10 out of 10 yeah 10 easily a 10 easily a 10 I guess I get a 10 but it’s very suspicious nope it’s a 10 out of 10 out of 10 that’s 30 points right there I’m the winner I guess you’re the winner but I think I’m going to have to keep an eye on you for the next round how about this for the next round I’ll go a little easy on you guys I won’t use all of my building expertise okay good you see an expert that’s cheating him and making a really good one she that’s a Sho move that’s not cheating Gooby that’s not cheating that’s if he got like a pro Builder to come in here that would be cheating Gooby stop complaining okay let’s just move on to the last and final build come on guys follow me all right guys last and final round let’s see what we need to build and Haya who got the piece of paper I got it we’re building a train what a train I don’t even know how to build a train ooh I’m going to Wi this one going to go yep that’s that’s what a train does Gooby good job good job I Love Trains well this time I’m not going to have a hurricane tornado rip up my build so I’m definitely going to win oh yeah you guys are you guys are all definitely going to win you’re all going to be winners on this round it’s going to be so good yep so good all right guys here we go and start going now woohoo oh yeah I got to make a really good train my friends think they’re actually going to be able to build a train in this round uh-uh I am not going to allow that to happen before I spawn in the last natural disaster let me just spawn in my train all right let me just copy and paste it and Haya oh oh check this thing out it’s a floating train this thing looks so awesome there’s literally so much detail and it’s also floating like 50 blocks in the air now I did this on purpose because this next natural disaster is going to be a tsunami and it’s going to flood the entire world but not my train because it’s floating all right let me just go invisible real quick and now all I need to do is place down this bucket of tsunami anywhere and it’s going to flood the entire map let’s first check up on everyone else’s builds so it looks like Daisy just has some track down that she’s going to build a train on what the heck is Gooby making this is looking nothing like a train oh wait actually I kind of see it this is the front M it’s terrible and now let’s see my daddy’s ooh this is not really no this is not a train that’s a car that’s literally a car right there well I think I’m going to spawn in this bucket of tsunami right here on Daisy’s wall this is about to be crazy okay here we go I’m going to spawn it in in three two one oh yeah oh it’s growing it’s actually growing uh what is this water oh my God it’s growing it’s going everywhere guys there’s a wave a wave of water I think it’s a tsunami what are you guys talking about there’s no wave gen whale be prepar for the you’re going to want to get up here the tsunami is coming for you look it’s coming I’m trying to make a Swain here no no no no it’s water there we get up here right now oh my goodness guys no all of our train builds what just happened this is so stupid what is going on today it looks like another natural disaster hit everyone’s builds wait Johny but but you even have a giant train in the sky oh yeah um uh I wanted to build my train in the sky just in case a tsunami would hit just started building buing oh yeah well uh um yeah I just built that train in like two seconds yeah I knew it I knew it you are cheating I’m not cheating Gooby I was just I was just really fast at building okay we got a cheater you’re a cheater eater well guys it looks like all of your builds are underneath the water and mine’s not so I’m the winner no you’re actually The Biggest Loser here you big cheater hey no I’m not cheaters lose but daddy I’m the only build look guys come check out my build it’s awesome right this isn’t even your build yes it is I literally placed it down okay wait a second he just said he placed it down oh you’re right you’re right you caught him in his lie hey no I didn’t I didn’t copy and paste it or anything anything I just place down each block no way you know what you guys are just so mad because a tsunami ate your builds all right wait a second oh my God I think you know the train needs some more power of some sort hold on let me give it to it hey it doesn’t need that type of power it doesn’t need that type of power no Daddy I bet it needs stronger power oh yeah help me out Daisy please guys oh yeah oh 100 times oh let me just hit that real quick this is not fair oh no it’s raining d dite I think there’s a roet storm happening guys whatever wow a weird natural disaster just occurred to your train I guess you’re you know you’re lost like us well you know what guys I have something to tell you you know all those natural disasters that were happening to everyone’s builds yes they were you they were me the whole time daddy we knew it I can’t believe you spawned a meteor on my tree house yep I spawned a lot of meteors on your tree house and Daddy I spawned a tornado right on your face oh you Mak me so mad this whole competition is just uh void it doesn’t count it does count Gooby and I’m the winner I got the most 10 out of 10 well if you want to watch another video then click when on your screen right now and also make sure to leave a like and everyone hit subscribe

Today, Johnny Cheated With //DISASTER in Minecraft Build Battle! Wait until the end to see Marty, Gooby and Daisy reactions!

#johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft


  1. Johnny why you doing that to Daisy this is exactly why Daisy is more important than you cuz you keep doing too much and I'm going to tell her Daisy Johnny messing with your stuff so you better know that and he messing with your other stuff he needs to watch the tree house and I don't know why

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