I Transformed The Nether Portal In Minecraft Hardcore

but I recently moved into a new base which comes with one problem I still go to the old base to enter my nether portal there that’s an easy fix you say just build a portal in the new base yeah that’s uh boring and since I’m not a fan of how a regular nether portal looks I mean the end portal just looks way cooler I thought what if the nether portal looked like an End Portal turns out it looks absolutely amazing so inspired by the two legends colani and beo I built a giant nether themed end portal and to top it all I build a giant nether inside the portal creating the illusion the portal is actually working and since you’ve absolutely demolish the like button on the dungeon video let’s try and get 30k for this one and I will make a download too putting such a huge n in the ground requires a bit of preparation though first I need to take a 170x 170 hole using TNT to BU first so let’s quickly grab some dirt and mark the area where the hole will be this was actually the fastest way I can get I cut the block placement for every single frame the only way making this faster is this cut but with the area now defined I also needed to flatten out the area to make the TNT dupers work properly obviously starting by removing all the trees which took less flint and steel than I thought however this actually still took quite some time and I also have to flatten a bit of terrain over here and the final thing before building the tn2 bus removing all the visual water in the caves within the area now this should be all the preparation work done time to grab some stuff to build the team T ders and get to [Music] work all right moment of truth this is my first time starting a quarry machine so let’s see if this is working oh he dead but it looks like looks like the thing is running well of course I had to make something wrong got to rebuild it again I accidentally paused recording but I just removed one block right there and it seems to work again let me just quickly PA the machine again yep all right but what’s what’s wrong with with that one so I basically just removed the glow stone so after a bit of troubleshooting turns out I didn’t align the returning mechanism properly to the actual TNT machine but after some fixing I got it running again with the machine now running I only had to wait and remove all the water but since this is the first time I’m working with such Machinery I had no clue how long this process takes so about an hour in and only this much progress I soon decided to build a second machine starting at the second half of the area bro I I just wanted to get some Redstone from my from my from for my sh boxes to start the second machine yeah uh they they are they are all gone because there was probably a random mob fight right here I I wasn’t even here this was probably a skeleton trying to shoot me up there or something and then hitting a hitting a creeper bro that’s all my tools that’s all my tools my chest plate my goodies gosh it’s all gone from one single creeper you are kidding me and I don’t have any Rockets all right let’s go and grab some Rockets again yeah well turns out it was actually my own fault see I went back through the footage and found this I was casually going to grab some more Rockets without noticing some mobs spawning including skeletons and creepers just as I arrived at the Sher boxes and when I flew away the skeleton probably shot me but hit the creeper instead which then explode destroying the Shaker boxes and 5 minutes later they obviously despawned you can even hear the Creeper explosion in the background if you listen carefully that’s a pretty big loss not going to lie I lost tons of goodies with this two with these two Shak boxes all right let’s get some Rockets again all right let’s finish this I’m going to feel this loss in my bones for quite a while I guess but I got straight back to work and started the second machine now working with TNT tropers is actually easy but also kind of annoying since you can’t just AFK till it’s done I always have to check like every 5 to 10 minutes to see if there is any water or lava which has to be removed but the whole day of work and 6 hours of running machines later and the hole was done all right this just took uh 6 hours but we have a pretty big hole now in which I just need to build a nether now now this is where things get interesting I definitely won’t spend hours building a nether from scratch risking a bad looking outcome after hours spent building instead I pick different parts from the real nether in a creative world and smash them together in a hole then used worlded it to make it all fit together and finally did some smoothing and the basic nether shape was done and by turning that into a l metica schematic I can build this weird shape layer by layer in my hardcore world and now that we have a blueprint of the raw nether I’m going to build in here uh we just need to get all that Netherrack which are about 45k of nether that’s 13 double chests and 26 Shaker boxes yeah that’s actually doable however one pickaxe won’t do the job and since I lost my tool shaker box earlier I once again got to make some more pickaxes luckily I still got a bunch left in here no here no here so let’s go to our giant enchantment table into the library start by combining some of them first well at least I didn’t lost the Shak box here yeah I’mma fix that later [Music] and let’s use my armor Factory to turn the fortune one into netherite again going to duplicate that press that nice we got a fortune pickaxe again all right let’s grab a totem and farm some netherite and of course I will farm at y level 15 to also get the chance of some ancient debris you got to be kidding me [Music] PE all right we got all these chak boxes build with Netherrack nice we even got some in here some in here and I already started collecting some Blackstone since I will need that later too and as you can see I made just enough pickaxes like this is the last pickaxe I have it has a little bit left but yeah we got all the nether EG we need so it’s time to return back home and build an entire nether oh I almost forgot um yeah I I managed to get exactly 30 ancient debris from from this giant hole I don’t know if that’s many or not uh let me know in the comments but I think I I got pretty lucky with 30 Eng debris anyways let’s get home all right let’s build this n [Music] all right even though I built this with light metica this still took 3 hours I got this much Netherrack left oh boy this thing looks absolutely crazy I mean from the inside it’s just a basic nether but from the outside this this looks this looks pretty funny and it seems like I made the hole just a little too big but that’s fine though now when coming up with this video I yeah I actually didn’t figure out an order in which I will build this big project I mean we could continue building the portal on top now but we just finished this nether first and I think I I will do just that so let’s start with the most annoying part of this nether first which is to add the lava lake at least for this part of this Nether and I should also repair my pickaxes again yeah well we all know lava is not stackable and that’s a quite a big lake so with the tools repaired I got a bunch of iron to make full Shar a box of buckets that’s 432 lava and after getting some fire rest potions and expending their duration with some Redstone it took about 10 minutes to fill all the buckets which got me this far so two more times getting lava and a lot of empty buckets later the lava lake was done I will never do this again oh my gosh just took way too long did I miss any no nope I don’t think so do you know what actually feels really weird that that’s weird I just spped in the nether look at that we got we got a lava lake in the over world this is this is crazy all right we still got some lava buckets left for some lava coming out of the walls and dripping off off the roof come on buddy now let’s continue with some more easy tasks to make this nether look like an actual nether starting by getting a lot of nether o and by a lot I mean a lot I also came across this random ancient debris that’s got to be rare right I didn’t collect any glowstone since I can just grab the glowstone dust from my R farm and turn them into blocks now I just need to add all the o to the nether add some glow stone as well as some more lava and for at least a little bit of contrast I also added some gravel to one side of the lava lake and finish the terrain with some magma blocks and this nether is starting to look like an actual nether now that looks more like a nether now but we’re definitely missing one thing this nether needs a structure too so let’s just head into the real nether again and get a structure which obviously is going to be a fortress so let’s get to Beacon down first wait this is not working in the nether I got to break bedrock on top yeah I’m too lazy for that Well turns out you don’t have to break the badrock got to admit I was too lazy to find out let’s get some Nether Bricks [Music] wait a minute don’t I have Nether Bricks in there like pck trade them right oh my but that’s not a lot though but I know there’s still a bunch of yeah look at that there’s still a bunch of Shaka boxes unloading yeah look at that and this one should be full as well yeah let’s quickly get all the Nether Bricks from the Chaka boxes all right I don’t think that’s enough but let’s start with that what about storage so yeah just 25 all right let’s see how far this gets us hello hi oh are you almost landed [Music] there well I was expecting to get a little further with almost one Shak box so all right pickaxe almost broken and this better be enough now [Music] [Music] yeah and of course I got way too many left now but hey we got a fortress in here now and it looks pretty dope we just need to figure something out for the BL spawner over there and yeah guess we can add all the fire now I was running low on Flint though and with my only two shovels having silk touch I decided to make a new shovel with Fortune to refill my Flint stock quickly oh yeah um I will fix that later 16 flint and steel are probably way too many at least I got some Flint again time to play some fire I think for now I’m happy with how this nether looks still have a couple of ideas in mind of what to add to this nether which I will maybe add later on in this video now let’s just focus on building the actual portal on top so let’s just grab a bunch of dirt again and start building the frame of the portal and it’s also about time to finally remove these flying machines all right let’s also grab a bunch of grass again cuz there’s one final thing I want to do before actually building the portal which is to fix the terrain all around the portal [Music] [Applause] and as always this took way longer than I expected it to take but it doesn’t look that weird anymore we got the frame on top now and all the grass around but while Terror fing I also realized I have to fill these gaps just like that yeah that’s [Music] fine at least this only took 10 minutes but now we can finally start building the portal and make this project look complete and since we’re not building an ordinary end portal but build an end portal which is nether themed we need a few different Red Blocks starting with some more Netherrack some red concrete red terracota which I should have in my old storage system oh yeah no we don’t have any Terra left I really love that it only takes one layer Beacon to insta mine terra cotta but the Beacon’s reach is just terrible I mean look at how close I am to the beacon and yeah no more Hast for me I think two sh boxes is a good amount to start with though we also need a good amount of mangr vogs which is an absolute pain to farm so let’s move on to the next block because I think I’m going build a farm for this one for which we need the diamond toe that one is almost broken doesn’t matter because I will fix that later I’m going to put some efficiency Unbreaking and of course mending onto that hoe just a quick repair needed into The Nether we go and farm a bunch of that stuff oh jeez guys that was pretty close we also need some black wool Black Stone this is and probably not enough wait a minute hm aha oh oh oh My Wo I wasn’t expecting that many and the final thing needed is some black concrete which I think I should have there we go a Sher box left in here from building a giant void right final thing needed is uh yeah the mangr wood for which I need a farm which is the only replay file that got corrupted in this video however the farm wasn’t even working properly do it to the location I picked see mangraft saplings always have the same spot on a block this only changes if the Block’s position changes too and the position I choose for the farm couldn’t be any worse since the seing is as far away as possible from the player so I had to change the AFK spot a little to reach the saing again resulting in getting damaged by the TNT so setting up a beacon was necessary but on top of all that the farm wasn’t even running efficiently so I decided to use mang planks instead of strip mangr blocks since I’d get four times to blocks that way but now it’s finally time to start with the [Music] portal that’s three done nine more to go however I was already running low on materials so it’s time for a quick restart starting by killing a squid to get black concrete powder to duplicate at the sand derer just to realize there are still tons of black concrete powder left at the sand boy no one told me that there’s still so much black concrete powder left in here just need to convert powder into concrete at the concrete converter and do the same for red concrete I definitely don’t have to worry about Blackstone got another two sharers of black wool more Netherrack and teracota had a little incident while repairing my pickaxe and now there was only nether W block and mro planks left which I this time actually found manually using my hole to go top down since that way it was way more comfortable and the farmer build isn’t efficient it worked for the Crimson trees though just had to get some funger but now let’s finish the [Applause] [Music] Potter yes the eyes are missing but that’s because I have to grab some gold first so I afked for about 1 hour at the Gold Farm turned all the Nuggets into ingots and into gold blocks just a few other yellow blocks needed and now I can do this now this is got to be my favorite project I have ever done I mean I absolutely love the view from up here look at that this is just amazing it’s a bit lifeless though so let’s just change that and put some Striders inside there so we need a bit of a obsidian we also need a fishing rod we should have some name tags yep right there we also need a saddle let just get a few let’s set up a portal right here get into The Nether let hope we get a good spawn uh that that’s not a good spawn let’s try that again that’s not too bad look at that we already got one here we also need a fungus there we go come over here please yes don’t take a shower all right let’s just get some blocks oh yeah look at that okay um which guy do I need to ride is it you yeah no no at least I’m fire resistant for half a minute now grab a new totem though all right how do I get my saddle [Music] back let’s make sure I won’t fall again there we go we got the first Rider let’s get a few more I got like three more sters when I returned to the Overworld with thunderstorm turns out they die in rain well guess we don’t get any Striders in here wait I have an idea let’s get a bunch of glass and let’s use some Scaffolding in the corners as high as it can get there we go this looks a little funny and let’s build a platform of glass and the height limit so the Striders won’t die when it’s raining all right it’s raining scaffolding but yeah we should fix the problem now let’s get back to getting some Striders in here and I actually think if I move the portal a little break that let’s put it in here where the heck am I okay let’s not move the portal again all right there wao okay H we made it worse and that’s one give here buddy that’s two wait can we just get some of that fungus and breed them wait we can breed them okay yo um we don’t need to get anymore because I can just breed them it took a while to install the roof up there so yeah do me a favor and don’t die all right last thing I want to do is uh to take care of the terrain around the portal cuz yeah the terrain looks too much man-made so let’s just fix this with some trees all right I’ll be back once all the trees scw because I’m too lace to go through and yeah bone me all the trees now forget what I just said I actually went through and Bone me all the trees by hand but I think that’s a good amount of trees whenever I want to go to the nether now I can just do [Music] this please tell me this transition look good I also need a regular portal to get to the nether though there we go but that’s probably it for this episode I’m going keep reading the sters definitely let me know your ideas on what to do with this Blaze spawner right here and make sure to hit the like button since I will make a download for this build if we reach 30k likes but until then see you in the next episode German potato oh over and up bye-bye [Music] oh

I Transformed The End Portal Into a Nether Portal in Minecraft Hardcore

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★ Credits ★
Inspired by: @Kolanii @Beppojoe
》 Music from Epidemic Sounds
》QUMU: https://www.youtube.com/c/qumumusic
》Jerm’s Better Leaves: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0


  1. Be really easy to add a crimson and warped biome to this.. Just one piece of both crimson and warped nylium and loads of bone meal. it spreads like moss on nether rack. Also bone meal the occasional fungi to get the full trees.

  2. Here's a little tips you should add other biome like the warp one or the red one and you sould add zombiefied piglin, zombiefied hoglin and wither squeleton in the forteress in your nether. Really cool build I would love to see it come more to life.

  3. For the blaze spawner you can downgrade your world into version where woth silk touch you can mine spawners and you can go after that in the version where by pressing B you get creatove mode in hardcore

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