Minecraft But, You Draw How You DIE

in today’s video we have to draw how we die I’m going to be going up against Bad Boy Halo whoever’s able to die first gets a point and whoever gets Five Points first wins but before we get into it if you like And subscribe that would be amazing this was so much fun I hope you enjoy this video 2 minutes on the clock to draw starting right now go fud how do I want to die first okay the way I’m going to draw this is I’m going to draw like the land that’s like grass right there and then I’m going to draw me right on top just like that there we go and then it’s simply going to be me dying to fall damage is your painting coming along oh my painting is coming along really really good I’m pretty much almost done okay well I’m almost done too what are you drawing oh nothing nothing super crazy you have 30 seconds left to draw what 30 seconds 30 seconds left you better hurry up I’m going to add a sun in mine just cuz I have extra time okay okay okay all right honestly this drawing looks pretty good I’m happy with it three two one and done okay all right what did you draw so I drew I drew me taking me by sky ball damage and then dying see it says rip what why is your so much better than mine so you fall 3T okay I’m going fall 3et I’m going to fall 3T over and over and over this shows you that’s literally be taking fall damage it’s implied yeah okay so you’re going to all right I expect to see you fall three blocks over and over I will I will okay come check out mine it is me drowning oh that’s so smart what the heck okay whatever I don’t care I’m going to win all right are you ready yeah I’m ready on your mark get set go go all right I’m in the water good luck Sky no I’m regenerating Keep Falling Sky no no no no Slow Down slow down you’re doing great Sky I’m proud of you this is going good I’m taking damage Sky me too me too I’m on like five Hearts you can only fall three blocks at a time true that’s not true it is true it is true yes oh my God you did like the EAS one yeah well you can do it too then all right all right that was smart you deserve that point Thank you thank you you need to think what are you going to do if I was unoriginal I’d copy you and just drown but I’m not going to do that all right I’m ready in 3 2 1 go okay for my drawing this time I’m simply going to put lava down right here this is obviously lava all right pretty good so far has your drawing coming along Skippy pretty good so far as well okay nice nice any hints what are you drawing this time uh no hints wow okay all right how much time do we have left one more minute one more minute that’s crazy one more minute to draw whatever you want what’s so funny why are you laughing no know I just I think I got this pretty darn good I think I do too and I think this time I’m going to win 3 2 1 one time up oh it’s night time interesting it is night time all right I’m going to come over and look at yours first and I’m going to guess what you have drawn what is that hell what do you think I think it’s you I don’t even see you I just see grass and a tombstone a tombstone what is that that’s not Tombstone scy that’s gravel what that’s me oh so you’re dying to gravel over and over I am going to be suffocated oh my gravel I see it now I see it okay all right let’s go see what you’re mine way easier you’re going to go find lava oh wait no this is you tanning you’re going to die from Sun no no you were right the first time I just like drawing tow just like drawing no there’s a beach towel no I’m not going to die where’s this lava I’m going to die from lava okay okay on your mark get set go oh thank you you literally just hit me you literally just hit me leave me in the no there’s got to be lava in nearby okay this good come on Minecraft Gods lava like that’s it no I’m sure better find lava I’m sure there’s going to be Lava somewhere nearby oh get ready Sky what are you no let’s go to be fair I basically picked the easiest methods you did so and it was very smart but I can’t let it happen again I don’t know Skippy I’m pretty happy with this fine two Z to you this is my comeback era okay okay best of luck Sky all right are you ready yes I am ready tell me hold on hold on I’m really thinking this through I don’t want to lose again all right think about it so you already have one in mind I had one but I don’t think it’ll work anymore all right let’s do this time starts now okay I saw an Enderman literally right behind me so I’m just going to draw make sure to not draw your suntanning again I’m not going to draw me suntanning well it look like suntanning and that’s me right there wait why do I hear the Enderman dying oh no the Enderman is gone oh my God I need to start over oh my God this is not good oh are you dead nope no no just starting over wait there’s another Ender back over there this is fine this is going to work okay that looks pretty good all right I’m feeling pretty darn good about this key no yeah me too are you ready yes okay so if you want to step right over here that right there is an Enderman and it’s going to kill me and then I’m going to die that’s interesting interesting cuz I I’m going to die good luck why is your drawing so much better than mine go go okay no no no get away get away because I took the time to make it look good stop it you have to die VI end doesn’t matter okay where’d it go I saw one over here oh my gosh he vanished dang it this is going to take forever to find one now not unless you know where it is okayy well I’ve got a good strategy for finding Sky okay there’s no such thing as finding an Enderman strategy no there actually is Sky but where is he I don’t know he was right over here yeah he was literally right here and now he’s gone he’s SK want to make it night time uh sure you’re looking for him no looking for an end you are oh my goodness where is he oh interesting okay where is the stupid Enderman dude he was right here I did get another idea for great death just for the no you want to share no no no oh little end what I found it no you did not here no you did not yes there’s no way kill me yes are you just saying that yeah I’m just saying that did you get a lot I already am this is crazy why did we both end I don’t know I figured out a way to win now what how gby come here what what what is the strategy come here come here yeah whoo whoo whoo you can’t do that that does not count I just need to kill you until an Enderman spawns come here get away from me no I’ll just kill you until it Enderman spawns you’re being ridiculous don’t kill me wait no you can’t use my strategy against me where are you I see okay no oh I see him yes yes kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me yes no no get me three to five dumb no I’m big brain Sky I’m big brain so dumb are you kiding me why is this going so badly for me yes you ready to go kby yep round four on your mark get set go 2 minutes on the clock all right I’m just saying there’s 0% chance you win this one I have like the biggest brain strategy ever okay well I can say this for absolute certainty key there is a zero chance you win this one because I’ve figured out the best strategy I feel like you’re copying me nope you were copying me no that last one you copied me don’t copy me again and we’ll be good that’s crazy you think I copied you no you copied me no you copied me you obviously peaked how could I pee how could I have peeed you were looking in F5 mode at my picture I didn’t move a muscle okay then how did you know exactly the way that I was going to die I didn’t until I saw it think about that okay well guess what good luck all right time is almost up anyway literally it’s only been 1 minute yeah exactly time’s almost up time is not almost up he still one whole minute Sky all right I think this looks pretty good I’m trying to die from lava again cuz I saw lava pool in the distance and I know exactly where I’m going this time so as long as I can get there quicker I’ll pretty much guarantee win for this round all right 20 seconds left okay well I’m enjoying this artwork I think it’s going pretty good how’s your artwork going Skippy going pretty good you feeling confident yeah I’m pretty much done now so ready skiy yes I am ready all right let me see yours Skippy dies in lava let me guess you found a lava pool baby okay well come and check out mine oh I’m winning hey wait a minute no I just remember like that I never got the point like that what so you can try again do water one I can do anything I want that’s crazy okay well do you see what mine is yeah I do that’s actually very very good of a drawing by the way thank you thank you I’m going to get killed by dripstone so yeah I might know where lava pool is and I guess that means we’ll start in three 2 one go why did you go in the chest no reason I didn’t you got the item already no no no no no I didn’t I didn’t I just put my Paladin but I’ve got good news Skiby I’m already at 5 Health okay that’s fine because we never heal and skeletons kill me so I’ve got an advantage skipping I don’t have that Advantage I don’t want it oh my gosh come on oh my gosh I’m so close gy yes yes yes yes come on come on come on yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no oh my God the wrong direction and I was stressing out but I found it that’s so dumb let go that’s so dumb let’s go congrats keby all right are you ready 3 2 1 go all right this time I’m going to draw a skeleton skeletons usually look like that and then they’ve got their bow what’s so funny nothing Sky nothing okay that actually looks good I cooked and then their Arrow hits me and then I will die this is so dumb what do you try give me a hint this and that this and that you know how it goes yeah exactly okay why does it look like I’m dancing it doesn’t matter the point is I will die to a skeleton and I will win the round all right could you give me art lessons after this by the way uh I don’t know if I’m qualified to give art lessons I will try wait I want this round to take as long as it takes because it’s starting to become nighttime and there’s going to be more mobs so I’m going to stall as long as I possibly can here are you ready 10 more seconds 10 more seconds I just need a stall I need a stall come on night time go faster all right I am basically done five more seconds oh my God oh my God wait wait wait wait wait five more five more five more five more five more seconds five more seconds 5 4 it’s getting dark think okay three more seconds three more seconds SK okay yes three more seconds yes there’s a skeleton my techic works up all right all right I’ll look at yours first I’ll look at yours first wait no kill him no kill him he’s trying to destroy ar oh my gosh okay I’m looking at my wait you’re trying the same thing again yes I will okay come look at mine all right let’s see what you did that’s why you didn’t want to kill the skeleton you son of a gun you son of a gun go hunting for skeletons oh come on wait are we maybe I don’t know I didn’t know that that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s crazy oh my goodness that’s crazy you just run off without saying go you just ran off without saying go that’s actually ridiculous y we started yeah but you already ran off you already ran off you could have like 100 no that’s so dumb no no no that’s so dumb that’s so dumb that’s so dumb you are so living luy I was taking longer cuz it was slowly turning to nighttime wait that’s crazy that’s crazy you cheating R muffin that’s crazy you tell how good my artwork is that’s crazy that’s crazy okay tell me when you’re ready going to try the drip Stone one again no I’m trying something else give me the thing I’m going to win this how many is that that’s only two I don’t need to worry yet all right tell me when you’re ready Sky I am ready wait you’re not peeking this time dance some where you can’t see 3 2 1 go all right for this one I’m thinking I’m going to try and go with fall damage yet again bad tried to do his twice so I’m going to do mine twice what I’m going to do is jump off a ledge or a mountain or something and then what I’m dead r i p again I’m so confident I’m going to win this round there we go we’ll just call that B2 all right I’m pretty much done how’s your looking it’s coming along I’m not done yet okay hey no peing doing perspective is very hard SK it better not be the same one again no no no I’m drawing it differently so what I think I’m going to do is run to the top of that Hill as quick as I can and just jump off assuming his doesn’t take like 5 Seconds all right something tells me time is up no time isn’t up yet okay I’ll give you 10 more seconds no no no I need at least 30 30 seconds 30 seconds gab almost done almost done all right I’m coming over no no no not yet not yet no no no I’m not ready hold on this better be like the best you can come over um dude I’m done why is that so good this time I’m falling backwards so you’re looking at me like from above while I’m falling backwards on this bik this this one this one I’m going to do it this time SC take a look at mine you’re going to try the fall damage Strat again all right all right good luck Mark set oh my goodness why didn’t I pick creeper there’s like a mil I’m going to let this creeper damage me like a lot yes oh you’re done for done for you’re done for you’re done you’re done for no there no way there no way oh my God you’re done for half a heart half a heart you are not you’re not no it was all damage it was fall damage Fall by a creeper that’s not fall Dam it affected me a lot earlier that was a lot earlier no no no it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter it’s going to be it has to be by Fall damage not by a creeper you kid let’s go let’s go that is so stupid that was like 10 years earlier what no way there’s no way yes I deserve no you were doomed to fly by a creeper that different type of that was like that’s not what the game well the game says no the game says you were doomed to fall creeper yes I I think that’s fair there’s no way okay so I may have purposely ran into a creeper which like took half my hearts and then I jumped so that’s why I don’t oh then it doesn’t count but it wasn’t yes well you were though did you die immediately after it blew up oh it like damaged me five hearts and then I took fall damage whatever whatever whatever I’ll get you know what I’ll the but that means I can die from stalactite again wait so that’s my point yeah you going have it you going have it yes okay so it’s 3 three all right good luck Sky Good Luck Good Luck time starts now go I haven’t thought about what I’m going to die from this round ooh I know I’ll get sand and suffocate myself wait this is a really good idea this time I’m going to try and make my art really good so I’m going to do a perfect square perfect square again of sand that is not a perfect square but it looks good enough get some orange up in there ooh my drawings are getting better perfect and then that’s me right there oh there we go there we go got to add the sun in there how’s your drawing come here along I actually think this is my best drawing yet okay and then I’m going to put green everywhere in the background for the grass yeah I’m pretty I’m pretty proud with how mine is going to look I actually like took my time for this one and I made like perfect squares and stuff so I think you’re going to be really impressed okay I hope you’re going to be really impressed may not be that good compared to your standard my standard I don’t have any standard yeah yeah yeah no no no that’s crazy your drawings are very good Skippy they’re very talented all right should we say 30 seconds sure all right 30 seconds left to draw all right all right all right okay I’m pretty happy with it bad if you draw the same exact thing again I’m going to going to lose it I’m I’m not going to do that cuz that’d be crazy okay okay why do I feel like you’re still going to do it no that that’ be crazy scy all right I’m done I am done with mine so whenever you’re good we can compare all right come on over all right let’s see what you bad are you kidding me what it’s different how is that different it’s drip Stone again I added blue sky to the background dude one two three one of these days it’ll work scabby one of these days it work was that four gripstone versions what you’re going to levitate boxes above you no that’s sad you literally this looks like you’re no this looks like you’re laying on the ground and there’s two boxes like placed above I’m going to suffocate to the sand okay well the sand all right all right good luck Sky good luck go oh my gosh oh my gosh no way no way no way no way you’re winning this I ref to here we go oh my gosh got to drop it over my head now oh I’m suffocating I’m losing hearts bad you’re Nots right now that quick yeah just need to get no way it was that quick you’re already set up no no no I’m not even there I’m not even near it that’s it I’m bringing one of these dripstone no it will work it will work the dripstone is your downfall okay whatever whatever whatever all right next one next one all right I’m drawing something different this time okay I hope you do I’m so done okay good luck I don’t have an idea okay oh my God figure it out I don’t care you have 2 minutes figure it out coming all all right all right wait I’ve got it I’m going to copy his I’m literally going to do the dripstone one how did he draw it though he coming over I’m almost done I’m almost done I’m not almost done okay there we go just got to do a upside down triangle this time I’m kind of rushing it but it’s fine it’s good enough okay wait this is coming along there’s my arms there we go that is looking good and then I’m just going to write l o l I’m feeling pretty confident scabby me too I’m done I am almost done oh I really hope this works this would be so funny if I win like this now and I know there’s dripstone over there and some in the cave so I don’t know the exact fastest way of doing it but I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out all right are you ready almost almost all right I’m ready Sky I’m ready are you ready I am ready okay 3 ready no no you’re going to be hit by a okay okay okay clever scabby clever SK you’re so funny okay well look at mine I actually didn’t do this okay wow you’re going to die from lava that’s okay I’m going to die from lava that’s my mission Sky all right good luck bad all right good luck go no get away from me get away you’re following me you’re trying to kill me not you don’t know where this lagti is do you where are you going why going nowh don’t worry don’t worry about it yeah Cannonball y get be trying to swim in lava to escap what skeleton that’s different that’s a different test I love it okay let’s go Sky fedge I have to win this one I have to win this one the final one all right Sky just in case you do something really Mei I am too so I’m warning you I’m going to do something really really annoying and you know that now oh no are you going to just do wait did you already die to Lava yes okay so you can’t do lot all right good luck fudge good luck Sky good luck okay so for the final one I pretty much want to guarantee the win cuz the way I haven’t died is drowning what oh this has to work okay okay okay dang it sky can you just tell me how you’re going to die um you’re going to be really upset but you know I need to secure the dub okay you know what I’m changing my method okay I’ll tell you and I’ll switch it if we both do like a hard one well should I tell you up to you okay I’ll tell you if we both tell each other okay ready I was going to do fall damage I was going to do drowning oh no okay okay maybe I should have picked the drip stuff dang it I don’t know if I can beat you in Fall damage you know what I’m going to go for it I’m going to try it I think I can I don’t think so oh SC me this is a this is a lot of pressure there’s a lot of pressure good luck bad but I’m feeling good about this one and I like my draw okay I’m hype about this one I’m done and I want to watch you draw for the last one oh my gosh how do you do this I just a crazy little guy all right what do you think I think it’s a 10 out of 10 but I think you’re going down all right bues you drew bubbles okay all right all right I’ll give you a 5c Head Start 1 2 3 four 5 skeleton no skeleton no wait there’s a skeleton you know what if you get it do matter I’m swimming to the very bottom okay oh my gosh oh my gosh I can win no you’re not going to I can do it I can do it yes yes what yes what the skeleton help me Sky the skeleton didn’t help me what no it takes a while to drown sky are you drowned yet I’m still going I might have been able to make it to the drip Zone Sky what let’s go I did it wait so do I win what yeah I guess you win you know what scuby I’m feeling confident I will do a double or nothing if you can beat me in this next one you take it off you win okay D or nothing but you can’t use drowning okay okay okay double or nothing double or nothing double or nothing I’m feeling that’s how confident I’m feeling sky so we only have 30 seconds to draw okay all right 3 2 1 draw there we go this is me that’s going to die to a creeper and I’m happy about it so there we go okay that looks good all right I’m done all right I am also done okay coming over I speed ran a little bit okay come look at mine No 3 2 1 go come on creeper where are are you no no no don’t give him a creeper there’s got to be one close I need to win this yes yes yes I need this I’m halfway there Skiby you better hurry find a creeper no you won’t I have to come on if I can get one extra point more than you I’ll be so good why is there no creeper when you need one oh my goodness I’m going to be killed by a skeleton before I make it yes yes yes oh no oh no oh no no no no no no yes good slow down slow down slow down slow down slow down chill chill please I hate this no I found the creeper I found the creeper oh my God yes no yes yes the lag tight got me yes oh man that was close I finally died the lag tight you win yes congratulations thank you scy thank you enjoy this Victory with a nice a nice drowning all right this is this I bet I can drown before you can keep hitting me oh wait fud hit me your time to do the outro right here as we’re drowning the video is going to end when we die thank you everybody for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to like subscribe uh we’ll see you next time goodbye I bye no

Minecraft But, You Draw How You DIE.

Follow My Twitter – @Skeppy
Follow My Instagram – @Skeppy


  1. On a serious note i am genuinely loving these new videos. They seem so much more fun and its way better then the insane obnoxious edits and the loud yelling. I truly hope you are doing good man❤️

  2. this was such a fun and unique video, please have a sequal, maybe make one linger like 10 or 15 deaths so there can be a bigger variety of deaths u need to seek out, that would be fun

  3. what is the music called that goes like du du du du 'higher' du du du du 'deeper' du du du du, du du dudu (i dont remember and cant find the timestamp sorry)

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