The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…

oh my gosh guys it’s the golden amethyst Warden it has a 0.001% chance of spawning these are the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns of all time this first speedrun begins and honestly everything appears to be pretty normal he doesn’t have any strange items in his inventory he’s in survival mode with zero XP and he’s also facing completely straight there’s just one small issue when the runner opens his chat we can see multiple messages about a player leaving and joining the game which means he’s on a world with another player something clearly not allowed during a solo speedrun this will make more sense in a few seconds so the runner starts off by mining some wood crafting some tools and locating a nearby Village but let’s watch closely to what happens when the runner loots this Village chest I’ll play the clip did you catch that even though there were clearly zero netherite ingots in the chest the runner somehow acquired three in his inventory but how is that possible well if we slow down the footage and look extremely closely into the corner of the screen we can actually spot another player and we can actually see that this player threw the netherite ingots at the exact same time the player was looting the chest it’s pretty obvious this player is the one we saw leaving and joining the world earlier in the run so the runner gathers the netherite ingots from his friend and places down a crafting table now you’re probably expecting him to craft an axe or maybe even a sword but he instead crafts th’s Hammer that thing is crazy so after destroying an entire village with this new item the runner begins his search for a ruins portal and everything appears to go pretty smoothly as the runner finds the exact amount of obsidian he needs to finish the portal in the chest there’s just one issue the runner doesn’t have a flint in steel in their inventory or enough iron to craft one so how are they supposed to light the ruins portal well the runner turns to the side and randomly starts mining some sand and when he turns back around he reopens the chest and magically finds the exact flint and steel that he needs but hold on just a few seconds ago we saw the speedrunner completely clear out the chest and there were zero items left in it now I would be suspicious of his friend we saw earlier but he’s nowhere to be found well until you look a little closer at these blocks of obsidian where you can actually see his friend wearing an Obsidian Skin and now it’s obvious how the flint and steel ended up in the chest so using the flint and steel from his friend the runner makes his way into the nether so the Run continues with the runner attempting to to find a nearby Fortress and he seems to locate it pretty quickly which is bizarre considering he didn’t use the common technique of scanning for entities like a real speedrunner would well let’s take a closer look at this zombie pigman for some reason he’s been walking in the exact direction as the speedrunner the entire time he was looking for the Fortress but that’s not all because at this Frame when he turns around we can actually see that this isn’t a zombie pigment at all but a player wearing a Zombie Pigman skin because look at the sword he’s holding a real zombie pigman holds it up while his is held facing down it’s pretty obvious this is the same friend we’ve seen throughout the Run pretending to be a zombie pigman to lead him straight to the Fortress so the runner locates The Blaze spawner and all appears to be normal he kills a few blazes and gets the normal one rod per Blaze that he kills but notice how the ER magically seems to get a fire resistance effect at this Frame which is bizarre considering he didn’t have a potion in his inventory and we never saw him drink one himself well let’s take a closer look at this specific Blaze where if you look closely you can tell this Blaze is not like the rest and at this part of the footage we can actually see this quote unquote Blaze is the one who threw a potion onto the runner if you haven’t caught on this clearly isn’t a blaze but his friend simply wearing a blaze Skin So with a fire resistance potion it’s pretty easy for the runner to collect seven blaze rods where he makes his way to a nearby Bastion and in the beginning everything he’s doing is completely normal he’s throwing gold his trades are 100% normal and he isn’t getting any strange potion effects until the runner turns around and finds a genie and he’s so excited oh my gosh it’s the magical Minecraft Genie did I miss an update so the genie types in chat granting the runner three wishes he can use Genie may I please use my first wish on a stack of Ender Pearls and is this actually going to work oh my gosh he actually got them oh my gosh guys he actually gave me the ender pearls it works for the second wish the runner decides to ask for some obsidian most likely to build a nether portal it worked again oh my gosh guys the magical Minecraft Genie and for his third wish the runner decides to ask for a girlfriend Genie may I please wish for a girlfriend but unfortunately his Third Wish isn’t granted so after getting the pearls he needs he uses the obsidian he got from the genie to craft himself a nether portal and head back to the Overworld and as soon as he spawns in the runner sees the magical Minecraft Genie once again please just give me one more wish well the genie actually gives the speedrunner a book and when the runner opens it it reads the exact coordinates of the strongholds thank you Genie oh my gosh I love you Genie this Genie is so overpowered so the runner finds the coordinates and digs down straight into the strongholds where he’s easily able to locate the end portal and once again he sees the magical Minecraft Genie who gives the speedrunner a chest with the most overpowered items in all of Minecraft this Genie is so overpowered so the runner and enters the portal and spawns into the end and this is where things get weird because it appears as though the Ender Dragon is dead as he doesn’t have a health bar at the top of the screen and when the runner goes to the surface the portal is already filled but he still sees an Ender Dragon well if you watch closely doesn’t he seem to be moving slightly different than normal dude this is literally the goofiest Ender Dragon I’ve ever seen and since when does he drop golden apples well if you couldn’t already tell this Ender Dragon is actually a player’s friend we’ve seen throughout the Run who is actually using a morph modon because at the end of The Run he actually transfers back to his normal form this next speedrun begins and at a first glance it appears fairly normal he’s selecting the first slot of his inventory he’s in survival mode and his hunger bar is completely full but take a closer look at this speedrunner Crosshair in a real Minecraft speedrun your Crosshair will always be parallel to the surrounding blocks but in this speedrun we can actually see that the Crosshair is angled slightly to the left of this tree which means this world generation is completely fake and the runner has already been on this world so the runner starts off by mining some wood crafting some tools and locating a nearby Village and while the village itself is completely normal the speedrunner actually just cheated because let’s rewind the footage to when the runner first started searching for The Village notice how he seems to run in a very specific Direction which is odd considering he had no way of knowing the location of the village well if you look a little closer you can actually spot these strange pieces of dirt on the ground and if we play the entire clip you’ll actually notice the runner has been following these dirt blocks all the way to the Village it’s pretty obvious he placed the dirt blocks himself before recording and now it’s clear why he had to fake the world generation so the runner enters the village and after collecting some beds and Gathering some hay he goes to loot the chest in this village house and on the surface this loot would appear to be pretty normal with the runner finding feathers flint and even an emerald and to further prove his innocence he finds the exact loot that would normally spawn in a Fletcher house the exact house that he’s located in so what could possibly be fake about this part of the speedrun well the problem comes from the biome that this Village is located in because a Fletcher house can only spawn with a chest in one specific Village a taga village the problem is if we rewind the footage we can clearly see this isn’t a tyaga village which means the runner actually placed this chest himself off camera to gain an advantage so after Gathering his loot the runner makes his way to a nearby ruins portal and at a first glance the loot in the chest seems completely normal as all the items are ones that can naturally spawn here but the chest is not what’s fake about this part of the speedrun because let’s play this clip back in slow motion and tell me if you noticed what just happened look there’s actually a secret pressure plate on this piece of stone right in front of the chest and if you move your focus to the right of the screen you can actually see this pressure plate moving a piece of obsidian in place to complete the portal clearly the pressure plate was placed by the speedrunner off camera and secondly it’s not even possible for Pistons to move obsidian so I don’t even know how he pulled that off so the runner finishes looting the chest lights the portal and makes his way into The Nether and giving him the benefit of the doubt his spawn seems fairly normal he he’s still in survival mode he gets the advancement for entering the Nether and he doesn’t have any strange potion effects but despite all of this the runner still manages to locate The Fortress extremely quickly very bizarre considering he didn’t use any speed rang techniques to locate it like a real speedrunner would well let’s pause the footage at this specific frame where if you look extremely closely into the top of the screen you can make out the shape of an arrow from this glow stone and if you play the footage notice how the speedrunner runs in the exact same direction as this glowstone Arrow points it’s pretty clear he placed this himself off camera to remind him which direction The Fortress was located so the runner enters the Fortress and for the first time in the entire speedrun he does something pretty normally as the runner fights the blazes and starts collecting rods without any suspicious activity until when he kills this specific Blaze he drops the ball Rog that thing is so powerful so after destroying an entire population of blazes and collecting seven rods it’s now time for the runner to locate a Bastion but he locates the Bastion in a way you’re probably not expecting because the runner pulls out his pickaxe randomly starts digging straight down and falls right into the heart part of a Bastion the problem is it’s literally impossible for a fortress and Bastion to spawn in the same region so I have literally no idea how this Runner pulled that off so the runner enters the Bastion but there’s just one slight problem the runner doesn’t have a single iron pickaxe in his inventory and without an iron pickaxe there’s no possible way for him to mine gold and he can’t trade with piglets well let’s watch this clip in slow oit because as the speedrunner is casually walking throughout the Bastion an iron pickaxe seemingly drops from the sky but let’s rewind the footage to see what really happened because remember when the speedrunner used a pressure plate earlier in the run to gain an advantage well if you look closely at this piece of Blackstone you can actually spot another pressure plate and if we listen to the speedr runner’s audio we can actually hear the sound of a dropper being active ated meaning this pressure plate was placed on purpose for the runner to get an iron pickaxe hoping we wouldn’t notice and to prove this even further at this Frame we can actually see the exact position The Dropper was located so using the iron pickaxe the runner can easily collect golden ingots and he starts making trade with the piglins but throughout the handful of completely normal trades is a single trade that raises suspicion which is when the runner gets it’s this singular piece of redstone and while it may appear innocent it’s impossible for Redstone to be traded from a pigin and this will make more sense later in the run now after collecting 16 ender pearls a normal Minecraft speedrunner would build a nether portal and head back to the Overworld in hopes of locating the stronghold the problem is the runner doesn’t have enough obsidian to build a portal so how is he going to get to the Overworld well the runner randomly decides to run to this wall and starts digging until after only a few seconds he stumbles across the Overworld in the nether what am I even looking at well the runner walks through and I guess he’s actually in the Overworld I’m so confused on what just happened so once in the Overworld the speedrunner then throws his eyes of vendor using a technique known as triangulation to locate the strongholds but if you pay close attention you’ll actually notice that the runner isn’t following any of the Eyes of Ender he’s throwing and actually traveling in a completely different direction let’s take a listen into his audio to figure out what’s going on yo Brandon what were the coordinates for the stronghold again I forgot bro well he’s literally talking to a friend asking him the exact coordinates for the strongholds how is he going to play this off guys we’re at the stronghold I just use a secret technique I can’t reveal I’m pretty sure we all know his secret technique is called cheating so the runner enters the stronghold and ends up locating the end’s portal room there’s just one problem the runner only has four Eyes of Ender left after he wasted too many earlier in the Run meaning he doesn’t have enough to complete the portal and travel to the end until the runner makes this announcement all right guys I’m going to go get some water I’ll be right back in a sec and the runner turns off his speedrun there’s just one problem he didn’t turn off his audio and we can actually hear the sound of Eyes of Ender being placed into a portal guys I’m back let’s continue the run and to nobody’s surprise the portal now has eight Eyes of Ender leaving him with the perfect amount to finish the portal so the runner enters the end and this is where things get crazy do you remember when earlier in the run the speedrunner got this piece of redstone from a piglin well he uses that very piece as the last item in crafting a shrinking device is that even a real Minecraft item well instead of shrinking the player it actually turns him into a giant and he’s literally as tall as the N crystals and being this size the fight with the Ender Dragon is fairly easy the only problem is he’s just slightly too big to enter the portal subscribe for more fake Minecraft speedruns

The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…
Today, I present to you, The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…
This video is similar to my other videos on fake speedrunning, like “The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft Speedruns…” “The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns…” The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER… “The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.19 Minecraft Speedruns…” and finally, “Hilarious FAKE Minecraft 1.19 Speedruns…”

This video contains some of the funniest fake Minecraft speed runs on the face of the internet, some coming from obvious trolls who just want to make some people laugh to some children who have no idea what they are doing. This video


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