Minecraft Hermitcraft :: What Have I DONE!?

[Music] [Applause] hello wild forest horsey hi oh enjoying Forest time that’s beautiful today we have today you could say is called TBD day taking care of business BDubs has a lot of business to take care of we’re headed to the shopping district where business is done one of our orders of business is with Ren oh he’s making some cool stuff his area out here is so cool and unique I love it but he challenged us last episode he challenged us to try to get our terracotta permit I I slept you both on the cheek with my handkerchief I challenge you both shorty to a set of challenges for your permits scar also has a couple of terracotta permits and ren is trying to get those from him and we are going to find a way to not lose them scar has a wonderful idea and I’m going to try to execute that but oh yeah the wood shop so this has been lingering in the background for quite some time hitch and post hitch and post hitch and post no hitch and post he’s been lingering in the backr ground for quite some time and just so you know this is uh doc M77 has created this along with some other people that all have the permit to sell wood items okay Joe Hills has Oak and Birch skiz has cherry and Mangrove and vintage beef has these ones and then uh there’s this one and doc has these two jungle and dark oak now doc has made this whole place to he’s made it so he can get sand last season he wanted to make a sand duper a machine in the game you know Doc’s a scientist he wanted to make a machine in the game that would duplicate sand so he could have infinite sand all the time and and he was not allowed to and so he’s getting his revenge on the Hermits this season by making us pay sand for wood I spent 2 hours he keeps saying oh it’s simple it’s simple to make get go get sand I spent two hours and he precisely made it to where three Sher boxes sand is one full Unbreaking diamond shovel as soon as it’s right at the end you’ve got three shulker box I know he did that on purpose so I have three Shuler boxes here and I’m going to have to actually use some of this newfound wood that I have here to make something cuz I’ve got a problem with this Shuler boxes are in short supply for me so I think he’s just speaking in terms of single chest I think people just say shulker but certainly he couldn’t mean just give me a full give me a shulker box as well as all the sand 2 hours worth of sand mining certainly not see beef has shulkers for sale out here and the shulkers welcome to Shuler central four diamonds per box so if Doc’s wanting free shulker boxes along with that that’s four diamonds times three that’s 12 diamonds worth of shulker boxes so I’m I I’m going to assume that he just means a single chest so there it is I took and I gave the three shulkers of sand okay I have to do this believe it or not one more time one stack of wood for oh one stack of oh okay one okay same price same price over here so I need Spruce as well so here we go three more shulkers question yes have you purchased wood from the wood shop I have yes okay did you know that it says three shulkers of sand for one shulker of wood for some of them yep is it safe to assume that when he says shulkers he means single chest and don’t include the shulker Box oo good question um cuz a shulker box is Four Diamonds yeah yep he’s asking quite a lot if that’s what he’s asking he probably just means single chest right I think it’s just a single chest was there an empty Sher box in there somewhere no there wasn’t oh no why were you looking for one no I was just wondering I like CU like maybe maybe that means he is looking for a shulker see that’s what he needs to do if he wants payments in shulker boxes he needs to provide the shulker boxes we can take them out get the sand and bring them back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz I just put three single chests okay well I guess we’ll see what happens then yeah yeah good luck with that man expensive that’s expensive wood it’s very expensive two hours of mining that stinking sand last night oh yeah you put in the work though yeah let’s go okay good luck I’m GNA pop a Terra Cotta shop up oh let’s go I’m excited I’m excited to see it is it going to go somewhere nearby I do not know it’s going to be slightly temporary and it’s going to it’s kind of essential that I get it in very soon oh okay I got you all right yeah looking forward to it you told me about the thing with Big T and uh the game plan is oh is that scar I think oh this is perfect actually he swooping on yeah the game plan is uh get a terracotta shop down now and then it puts them in violation because we’re part of a collective aha yes that’s brilliant okay you go you go okay I’m off see you okay we did have a scar swoop in and then he left but uh the game plan is now I have all that terra cotta made and ready to go I’ve got this shop here and it would be nice to kind of stick it around here but terra cotta kind of a big deal I don’t know I mean we’re kind of blocked off with this thing that green made this thing G made back here uh so we can take a look back here and see what we have going there are some things over here some spots over here we could actually yes oh this could be perfect right at the end of the wo alley right here now this is scaffolded off for some reason but that’s okay believe it or not this is going to be a little bit temporary but it’s temporary because we need to get this shop in right away I think this is I think I’ll just put it right here [Music] well the neighbors might be a little noisy huh the neighbors might be a little noisy by the way still haven’t sold any purple wool that’s my permit back there but that’s okay no big deal all right so uh this is you know there are popup shops around this is a little different this is a little different scar had the wonderful idea he said why don’t you just make it like a facade like you know an a studio set and that works out perfect I was able to get it up real quick and get it in and now we can start selling you know um if we made some big commitment and made some huge building and then the Collective got together and there were problems that that might not be great uh so this is actually going to be wonderful now can I put this right here sure enough I can terracotta for sale here you know what let’s put it on the outside if I just flip this like this it’s a mess what a mess we’ve made H well these are the things you have to do if you want to retain your uh permits and be a happy person there we go there it is nice and tucked in there there and flip it the right side right way around now I brought a bunch of my terra cotta stock with me so we can fill these up where is it all what what have I done here it is so time to start loading these up but what I haven’t done yet and what we haven’t done together yet is figure out what’s the price how much are these going to cost now of course you guys know the tedium that I go through how these are made from dirt and gone through many levels but comparatively most people just go out into the world and they grab items in the the Terracotta in the Terra Cotta biome and then they they it’s easy we make it a little harder but I’m going to price it appropriately so two diamonds that’s four diamonds for a stack of bone blocks four diamonds for a stack of blown blocks okay I think wood is a nice comparable item so I want to check out the wood what’s the what are the diamond people pricing it at skis for example he charges diamonds for his so that’s eight diamonds for a stack of logs that’s four for 3 eight diamonds for a stack of logs now those are kind of harder to get than terracotta these are three diamonds for strip five diamonds for each what what three diamonds each oh okay just the regulars three okay okay okay what is beef charging four diamonds for a stack of warp stems I think that’s about right Four Diamonds seems about right and this is all sand cost okay I’m thinking Four Diamonds now I know we go the extra effort but I really want to move product so five diamonds let’s get crazy huh you guys love seeing BDubs do that huh let’s not be sweet and kind let’s make some cash let’s see what happens I have more at home this is just what I could carry with me but we’ll bring this over I’ve got a couple barrels set up for scar as well when Scar comes around I want him to get his terracottas in here as well see what if he doesn’t mind paying for that uh but we’re in we’ve got a terracotta shop it’s priced they’re ready to sell these things are ready to go unfortunately the rest of the collective is not ready and they are in violation and they’re in trouble potentially can lose their permits uh-oh oh Ren just joined I just this is the worst timing I just told scar I got the chop in is scar on yes Scar’s on Ren just joined so he saw that message okay all right I’d like to get him over here and get his product in uh-oh and there you have it say what now oh nothing oh nothing oh oh he’ll find out last night I got a video from my wife of a raccoon on our back porch so I got online did a quick search for Pest Control not a single good website so I’ve decided to take care of it myself you know it’s 2024 I feel like every company should have some form of a website because Squarespace has made the website making process so easy and it’s getting even easier cuz Squarespace just released a new feature blueprint AI not knowing where to start can be overwhelming but with a blueprint AI you answer a few prompts and then it’ll generate for you some professionally curated layout and styling options for you to choose from and of course you can customize it from there but it takes some of that heavy lifting at the start out of it and whether you’re selling a service like pest control or digital Goods or physical products it’s very easy they’ve got tools to help you set up online stores uhoh but squares spaces tools make it very easy to help you start selling online and of course the detailed analytics that help you get insights into your top traffic sources and help you kind of adjust your website to to optimize for that people don’t use phone books anymore they use the internet so if you don’t have a website it’s time to get one and Squarespace is the way to do it but let’s see if this works raccoon get ready to get trapped so check out the link in the description or go to squarespace.com B100 to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain especially if you’re a pest control company cuz I I don’t think this is going to work aha there he is flying around his Mountain he’s been demolishing he’s been demolishing this whole Mountain oh it’s amazing hello scar oh hello there P look what I just found did you make this no here come in here real quick look okay this whole time I’ve been tearing down this mountain Cub’s been chilling in here it’s CU out 44 I opened the roof up here last night and all of a sudden I’m like what is this he’s been chilling out here every time I’m tearing down the mountain this is where the horns are coming from does this mean there’s he’s horn farming you yes oh he’s looking for horn opportunities when I scream yes wow but I I hear horns randomly and I’m like where’s it coming from turns out he’s been hiding in here as I take down this mountain oh that’s amazing oh okay okay okay there’s business I I did it okay for those that don’t know all right scar is The Mastermind all right you’ve been collecting terracotta permits because oh yes I’ve done that yes Big T messed with you on your day off and you said you’re getting all the Terracotta permits and you’ve gotten how many now five or six five or six fantastic you have six I have one the big boy and you got the good one you got the best one yes uh lnc lnc we come up with ideas sometimes and your idea was let’s just build a shop because uh I just I just flew away while you were talking that was how rude I’m like dude there’s a bug over there how exciting all right race me oh man all right I’ll let you have it it’s fine I’m getting rusty than you for letting me have it this one time yeah you needed that you needed I did I actually I’ll say this I genuinely feel better um look at this be these are the permits over here and as you were saying in the L andc we decided yes put the shop in just put it in don’t just get it done yeah don’t mess with this game this challenge that he challenged us to we we just going to put it in and as the enforcer of the shopping district that the other half of the collective isn’t there so they’re in violation then oh that’s okay you reminded me what happens in the lnc generally stays in the lnc mostly I forget because it’s late at night but yes okay so you built a shop yes and then I can go over and bust them and say as the popo the shopping district you are in violation of not having a shop you must join the collective throw away these challenges you’ve taunted us with for many days yes put them on their heels put them on yeah just happen to have the Hat in my inventory oh that’s perfect perfect perfect timing okay how about this when they get on for their meeting because they have their meetings every Monday yes grab up all my permits put them up on the wall of the shop that you made and I’ll pop down and I’ll bust them and tell them they’re in violation yes yes and I’ve got stock I’ve got a bunch of dies and stuff so we can they can’t say oh but the the permits are here but the Stock’s not here I have stock as well so we’re we’re in compliance done you said oh it’s done I mean yeah it’s done you you just said you know put something up simple uh like a facade or something um I may have taken that too literally I don’t know do you want to see it yes I want to see it okay okay I love it I love it I love it it’s like a little facade don’t tell me it just it does it ends on the other side yes yeah yeah just this it’s a movie set yeah just a movie just a movie set just a movie set for now you know for now um but it’s an official shop and I assume oh dude you’ve got the ender chest and you’ve got the permit this is in full compliance full compliance right exactly so we can’t get in trouble we can’t get in trouble yes yes here put the other permits up put the other permits all right there’s there really I mean there’s going to be some difficulty here with the fact that um there’s not much room for everything but that’s okay we can make it work I’ve also taken the uh I’ve taken what’s the word taken the Liberty to price them uh and I’m curious what you think the sunflowers one stack for five Diamonds oh my God what do you think that what do you think that’s a really expensive BDubs how about how about one stack for three diamonds that is just outrageous oh come on let’s let’s have some fun let’s get rich here’s a d box okay let’s just dye a stack of each right or just I know what colors we had black okay light gray is a great one I’ll get you light gray going okay okay light gray let’s get a stack of that have a spare barrel uh I I think I am a little light on barrels um I can get more Barrel made I’ll make more Barrel right now good we don’t have a lot of brown we don’t have a lot of brown dye no all we need is eight eight makes a stack I’ll see if I can I think Pearl didn’t she have Dy right out here yeah steal some from Pearl from Pearl no what never okay wait she just sells flowers ah here’s the D okay how much is this Barrel how much is this price uh uh how much is this price I don’t see a price anywhere okay I’m just going to pay her I’m just going to pay her later all right I got the round eye goodness sakes do do we have five or six permits because we have light gray y brown red yep black yep and gray is that it yeah that’s six total oh that’s a lot is that half the permits that’s half I that’s almost half I think there’s 16 colors total oh okay okay okay we need to figure out who else has any of this not in the neighborhood and persuade them to come to our side that’s a great yeah that’s a great idea they’re all on you said they’re having a meeting right about now did you get it all filled a meeting every Monday that’s when they came to strong Army on my day off today is my day off bebs today’s your day off I know I know you’re so you’re so kind but this is you know this is this is lifechanging stuff here uh it is let me get the rest of this brown in oh and here is a little bit of your Bo ah thank you very much this officially means that the Terracotta business has started the collective has started and they are not a part of they are not here they are not stocking so uh time to bust them head over there and bust them you know what that means change a wardrobe oh yeah oh the police are in business yes the police was zero Authority that’s right oh you Bluster no Gusto no that’s definitely not a saying you got what about Bluster no Bluster yeah no Bluster austo yeah that’s right uh let’s go bust where are they yeah where are they I think uh I think they have a meeting place down I’ve been I’ve been SC gross hole Yeah Yeah the the meeting place hole Yeah shall we wait there is a meeting place hole yes yeah there’s a meeting place hole down in a RAV oh meeting time oh my God meet ups look big tear cave meeting this is perfect okay okay okay all right I’m so glad I got on on my day off yeah yeah yeah okay uh let’s let’s go dive bombam do we need any horns I have not horn I’ve lost my horn box again oh no no I got it I got it if you need a horn pick out a horn for yourself pick a pick a pick a horn out hello there I have this one I’m going to use this one I see you yeah that’s good that’s good that’s good hold on let me see I declare bankruptcy oh yeah you know what that’s what I’m going to use that I got a line I got a line okay good good good all right all right all right okay wait wait now before we leave we’re never going to get over there got to take a quick shrip they’re going to be done they’re going to be done yeah we got to hurry sleep in yep okay okay all right um cave cave cave I assume it’s in the neighborhood BBS this looks Wild L suspicious yep there’s a trail the little Squirtle or Potters yes yes this has got to be it oh God wait did we find it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this looks like a meeting place yes it’s like a trapped meeting place to be honest with you oh be careful be careful yeah um oh boy oh it keeps going it does keep going maybe the meeting’s deeper in do you want to do you want to just go in guns of Blazing or do you want to sneak up there first to get a lay of the land what sneak sneak yeah okay there they are there they are perfect perfect okay let’s get closer okay we’re kind of in the open y a little bit can’t really sneak from here excuse me wait how did they they found us okay all right it’s a it’s a bus they know we’re here I this is this is a bust here a bu a bu what do you mean how do you bust a meeting what busted in yeah we busted in oh I guess g this is this is highly irregular sorry what is occurring I come back with a warrant oh oh it’s coming it’s coming let them have it scar you are all in violation in violation raise your hand if you have a terracotta permit me I got one I do I do maybe I got two yeah yeah yeah challenging them for you we’re chall challenging you for them yep no po po po po has ruled that you were in violation of not having a shop for your permits as there is now an existing terracotta shop which makes you in violation of not stalking your shop and not part of the collective hang on hang on we don’t have a shop because there’s not a collective yep it’s already started the collective is in place it’s in place the collective has started when there is about five minutes ago five minutes ago There is five them the collective okay yep I hear decree as the popo the challenges are ended you must stock your shop and join the collective that’s right but but would we’ve already made the challenges so close to finishing her challenge before before they start before they start using logic let’s go yeah dude this is a dangerous place okay did we bust them good enough yeah we busted them good they’re they’re freaking out down there Cleo you know she’s very logical they’re all pretty smart people so it’s good we just got in and got out it was rude but I had to talk over her because if she started getting her logic out it would have been all over yeah yeah I know I know I think that went perfectly okay you know what they should do I declare bankruptcy dang it I forgot to use it I was going to do that line on them I was going to say you know what you guys should do and then and then hit the horn h I think that was perfect so did we tell them that they had to go into our shop or go next to our shop or on top of our shop or around our shop they can figure that out they they figure out all that matters if we got them on their heels now they’re backed up and they’re panicking a little bit which is fantastic and guess what if they want to if they want to fight and enforce the laws and they think oh this isn’t fair or whatnot I’m building a courthouse today J dur executioner yeah that’s right that’s right so I’d like to see him get past that oh I love it oh oh that’s so exciting yes oh wow okay so in in the end you know we kind of did what they did to me when I was just out in the woods Gathering resources and they came in and just strong arm me off right yeah yeah now you Strongarm exactly for the benefit of the server now we have a terracotta shop that’s right you get ready to go clear a mountain let’s do it okay yikes you know you ever have that time in your life especially maybe you’re a teenager now or do you remember when you were a teenager and you are kind of going along with a friend and your friend is kind of doing stuff that’s like oh I don’t know if we should be doing this but it’s exciting that’s how I feel every time I’m with scar I don’t know if we should be doing this but it’s exciting you know they’re I they kind of know the rules a little better than I do but apparently we’ve got them we’ve got them cornered uh which is good scar can enforce enforce some rules I I was kidding but I maybe I’m not kidding about the courthouse thing I think I like to make a courthouse and I’d like to be the judge of it and I think that would be put us in a very good position I’ll have to think about that a little bit oh this is awkward this is slightly awkward an Olive Ranch from Big T love Ren dog okay Ren gave me this Ren brought this by and uh I forgot about that right that was a sweet thing he knows I want lots of dirt to make terra cotta that was really sweet all right you know just let me keep my terra cotta permit you know that’s all I’m trying to do to keep my terra cotta permit and that was a Sweet Olive Branch uh we’ll see we’ll see I noticed look it we’ve we’ve got plumage which means slice it’s Mail Time wait a second we got this uh fireworks thing out here as well from cubby Kaboom fireworks now open okay that’s a good way to leave a note on piece paper b o Edition oh I know he was working on these enjoy these free premium fireworks we got three stacks b o Edition he was showing these to me oh that’s sick Oh and it fades check this out check this out probably better at night but it goes white and red which is kind of works with my colors and then Fades to Green cuz I’m always a little Mossy at heart that’s really cool I love that okay what’s this mail prize it has begun Mission possible Mission possible uh I’ve never seen this Mission possible token it has begun by iscal iscal what does he have for us dear hermit Mission possible is now open located centrally on the big map in a tall cyan building with its proud M logo is Mission possible headquarters Mission possible is a season log Omega project a game of Doom oh the goal is to carry out missions these missions are non-targeted and non-g grindy you may carry out as many missions as you want oh that’s fun and every Mission you complete you will earn a mission token that’s fun mission tokens can be used to claim unique rewards at the HQ that’s fun all right there’s some rules to this game um some of the lore you can pause and read and maybe I should pause and read uh but um we need to go to this headquarters this is this is cool cool you know what I’m going to fly so you can get a once over okay a nice high view of our world so this is our area here right here with the silos and The Silo and the cabin and the trees and the forest okay and then we fly over we haven’t ever done this so I think this is actually a great episode for this this is Scar’s area here mumbo’s right there there’s Joel and then the cyberpunk city is Right beyond that right in here let’s land on the roof and take a quick sleep but oh is that the building that’s got an M on it that’s the one isn’t it impulse and I have been doing some work here and impulse is working on a Metro station game which is going to be really cool you can see that on his channel but let’s check this place out this gradient oh this is similar to the gradient of my I made the shop uh similar to this last seon oh he’s done it so well it’s go very good very good okay is this the building rewards these are some of the rewards oh that’s kind of O I like these is that a face mask a TNT face mask oh I like that or you could wear an arrow to oh oh oh okay hand in completed missions here to get your reward that’s a bookshelf I don’t have a completed mission two times Mission tokens okay hold on Mission possible token I think that’s the same thing okay so you get a spin of something okay if you put two tokens in we only have one to get started what’s upstairs ring the bell to get a mission is there an extra upstairs no that’s back down okay let’s ring bell let’s get a mission heyo that’s sick uh oh scar scar got slain he’ll be fine he’ll be fine don’t worry about scar he’s going be fine using a dice or another randomizer select a random hermit and build their f Bas on your base you are not allowed to take it down until they point it out oh no oh heavens to Betsy Almighty okay okay and then I can get something scar I think he’s doing this on purpose it’s fine um okay this is uh our mission and Scar might need some help I checked on Scar and it seems like everything’s fine but I put this I’m so glad I put this diamond in my inventory I put it in my inventory because I did take D from Pearl’s truck and I I didn’t pay but here I am now to pay and I think it says yeah obviously right on the emerald in the middle one Diamond per stack so I took a stack of brown and there goes a diamond we paid for it this has been a very productive day I didn’t play oh yeah of course let the high Jinx begin shall we I see I see how it is I love a friendly little back and forth and competition is good for business I didn’t know I don’t know if you guys know that but uh this is good this is going to force us obviously to up our game and force them to up their game and this is going to be wonderful for everybody where what is this and last one I think last one okay I think we got it the Shop’s kind of back in order it’s rag tag it’s rag tag right now but we’re we had to do this no sales yet of course but I think I think we’re going to get five diamonds per stack for that stuff it’s been a long haul getting all the Terracotta stuff and boy we’ve been building like crazy every episode I didn’t do 10,000 I did that many build blocks today but I think we made some very good progress and we had fun while we were doing it next episode I think we handle this Mission so we can get our prize got to put a hermit’s face in our base somehow and it has to stay there until they notice it that’ll be fun I like that idea that’ll be really fun this land right here is screaming my name I know this is not meant to be here forever there’s also a big mess of stuff over there that’s not meant to be there this is like early starter stuff and this land feels like this would be great land for a nice big giant Courthouse built for judge bebs I think this is the spot I’ve talked myself into it I’m going to do it I’ll have to talk to the hermit to make sure that spot’s okay but oh I’m excited buckle your buckle your seat belts for next episode but I think I’m just going to walk home I enjoyed that fly over the server and just kind of soaking it in with you guys and I think I just want to do a walk through and just really really feel cuz when you’re on the ground you really feel the bases of the Hermits which will be fantastic but I’m going to do that on my own and let you guys go thank you guys so much for watching I love you to death and we’ll see you in the next episode [Music]

Minecraft time on the Hermitcraft Server Season 10 SMP Episode 13. Head to https://squarespace.com/bdoubleo100 to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code BDOUBLEO100.

Today on the Hermitcraft Minecraft SMP, we finally start up our terracotta business and put Big T on their heels.

Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bdoubleo100
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Hermitcraft Website: http://hermitcraft.com/

#minecraft #hermitcraft


  1. I love Bdubs Shopping Experience – in this episode we have first Doc and then Pearl

    other episodes – Trident from Gem, Redstone from Tango

  2. Ya'll should call out at Grian for his 5 unfinished projects; protentially six if we want to included his volcano, lol. (His two shops, the three buildings around his base. lol)

  3. For the mission possible you just got, you could build/carve their face into a cliff, kind of like mount Rushmore. Thay way it won' look ugly, yet it will be impossible to miss

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