Do These Things To Get The PERFECT START In Minecraft 1.21!

hey you yeah you are you dreaming of going from rags to copper in no time Minecraft 1.21 style in other words are you looking for the perfect start to Minecraft 1.21 and at the same time a start that will Fast Track you all the way down to your first trial chamber if yes today I got you how you doing everybody it’s me wles and welcome back to a different episode of the Minecraft guide we’re going to talk all about the things you need to do first off in your world to FasTrack you from a brand new world all the way over to a trial Chambers this guide is meant it’s a little bit more for those of you who are making a new world in 1.21 if you’re planning on keeping your pre-existing world like I am then maybe consider checking out this episode instead either way though sit back relax and enjoy because here is how to get the perfect start in Minecraft 1.21 so you made it this finally update day day new meow Uno the most crucial thing before you start your world is that perfect world name and good world names and I think I got the one no little prequel to The Best Minecraft 1.21 has to do with game rules there are a couple game rules you might want to consider changing before you jump into your world the first one that I always like to change is this one right here if I bump that number up to say eight then the snow will actually be able to pile up and it’s pretty cooling the other game rule you might want to change especially if you’re doing multiplayer is this one right here it’s a brand new one if I turn this on that means if me and my boy or inside of a boat well we could sail through the portal and it’ll work and that’ll actually also go for single player as as well if you’re in a boat with a villager trying to move it around well you could sell it clean through a portal but anyways here we are day number one inside of a Minecraft world it feels fresh it’s new but also more importantly for us today it feels like tough and copper Minecraft 1.21 baby first things first inside of our world it’s back to that good oldfashioned Bo that we talked all about in this episode right here which by the way the entire earlier part of the Minecraft guide because of the changes that were made in 1.21 well it’s still in insanely relevant so if you’re ever looking for some more early game tips after this episode maybe go back into the playlist and you know check out the episodes we got the beautiful tree that I chopped down all the way and a giant plains biome inside of this great plains biome with a little bit of wood secured it’s time I start running around and looking for the most important thing and that most important thing has been the most important thing for years now we need to find a Bed first things first now lucky for you finding a bed and securing that so we can ooh so we can Thrive should be relatively easy cheap spawn in practically every single biome in the world except for exactly where I’m standing right now I think I see some over there no big deal but that’s only one part of BS the other parts of BS are going to be food and shelter after you secure yourself a bed and lock in it’s time to start considering food especially if you’re trying to like speedrun 1.21 and make your way down to the trial Chambers ASAP if you’re playing things on Minecraft Java one of the best food Farms that I can recommend that you could totally build within like day two is a cow Crusher Farm on the other hand if you’re on Bedrock because entity cramming doesn’t exist consider jumping into your local River and farming salmon or Cod for a little bit of time and then last but not least you’re going to want to have shelter now for today because we’re talking about the perfect start of 1.21 how to make your way down to the trial Chambers ASAP if you can get lucky early on and locate a village mark down that village where it is once you find it and then not go too far away from that Village then you’re going to be Golden Village village Village home sweet home so after a tiny bit of quick set of work it’s time for that normal survival Minecraft grind we continue that early Minecraft grind until we feel comfortable heading down Into the Depths alone now one final thing that I recommend doing before you head down into the cave is to prep yourself for the next step that we’re going to take on a little bit later on once we’re more geared up sugar cane if you found even a little bit of it it’s smart to start a basic farm for this stuff depending on where you’re ending up settling and maybe where you’re going to head down into the ground try and set this Farm up where it will be loaded in even if you’re not up on the surf if you build it near where you’re going to be it’ll continue to grow that way once we make our way back up to the surface we’ll be able to harvest the farm and expand all right so I realized that kind of Ted through a lot of early game Minecraft for you right there but great news 1.21 hasn’t changed very much with the flow of things it’s only changed our priority if our goal is not only the perfect start in 1.21 but also a fast track down to the trial Chambers well off to the caves next up it is more specifically it’s off to the deepest largest cave that we can find that’s nice and wide open along the way though you might want to pick up some more basic supplies you know things like extra logs and some torches if our goal was the trial Chambers which totally yes absolutely it is then our current goal is definitely going to be a little bit of diamonds you see ideally if we could find a ton of diamonds like maybe enough for a set of armor then our experience inside of the chamber is going to be a whole lot easier great news though the trial chamber at least the non aous version of it well it’s kind of described as a midgame challenge which means theoretically if you’re good enough with combat a full iron set of armor maybe a couple of enchantments thr the mix should be pretty good right now what we’re going to want to do is run around inside of a big large deep cave and look around all over the place this is going to be your easiest fastest way to find diamonds but it might be a little bit dangerous did I hear creeper we’re going to need to be careful but we want to run around inside of these big wide open deep caves and look all over the walls for diamonds so far no look no way no uhhuh I take it back early game my diamond goal is usually something like 24 or so diamonds but if you can get all the way up to half a sack or a little bit more hey hold up hold up hold up when you find a diamond always dig around the diamond oh how did I almost forget about that before you head down to the trial Chambers you’re going to want to gear up at least a little bit if you can manage to get a little over half a stack of diamonds you could have full diamond everything and enough diamonds for an enchanting table too great news if you’re coming back to Minecraft you haven’t played in a minute well diamonds are wonderfully more common down inside of these big caves now one of the in between updates of Minecraft 1.20 increased the diamond generation down low it was wonderful now all we’re down here is spunking for diamonds we also want to take note of the cave generation I haven’t seen anything quite yet that is very suspicious however if you can find a strange looking wall that is oddly clumpy like maybe clumpier than normal or very suspiciously flat then you’re going to want to write down the coordinates or maybe even just dig around right from the start you might have found a trial chamber see the thing with existing down low in these cas is the fact that we’re also existing exactly where the trial chamber likes to generate trial Chambers typically generate right around y z and when they generate around y z that’s like a start they’ll extend upwards and downwards wow little side note this is going beautifully I’ve spent not very much time in this cave at all and I’m already looking at a a little over a quarter stack of diamonds that’s not bad right now at this point in the game about 20 or so diamonds secured I could totally head back up to the surface if I wanted to or I could stick it out a little longer so real quick an example of potential trial chamber generation inside of the caves I mean hm what in the world do I have here is it maybe a trial chamber there’s only one way to find out you dig a couple blocks out and oh yeah yeah all right yeah spoiler alert but yeah this is definitely a trial chamber if you find a wall of tough bricks or anything copper inside of the caves you done it you found a chamber but trial Chambers have this feature in generation where they try and encase themselves fully in blocks if possible when that happens usually you’re going to get strange walls walls that are really really flat looking and pretty plain inside of a cave say this wall for example look at how long this thing is and oddly flat it is compared to the other side and I mean there’s a little bit more motion going on down low and stuff it’s not a bad idea if you find a strange flat wall like this instead of 1.21 to maybe dig a couple blocks flat straight back into this wall it’s not going to work every time but usually after a couple of blocks say like five or less you will break your way into a trial chamber if there is a chamber there look for the flat walls or I mean just look for the tough bricks because that wall casing generation it definitely doesn’t always work sometime later back up on the surface at home sweet home my sugar cane Farm has been killing me I’ve harvested the sugarcan farm a couple of times and maybe say found some out in the wild while I was exploring around looking for a cave right now we’re trying to stockpile us some paper this farm that we’re setting up needs to be big but not the largest thing in the world the amount of paper that we’re going to need to pull off all of this trading stuff if we’re lucky the first time is going to be approximately two stacks of paper that means if you can say have a farm that has 64 plants you harvest it one time you’ll get all of the sugar cane that you need because the trade that we’re going to use is not a guaranteed trade though I don’t recommend harvesting your entire farm and ruining it not replanting I hate to say it but there is definitely the chance that we go through the work the grinding level up a villager waste the materials and then it just doesn’t have the tra on the other hand if you’ve already located a trial chamber when you were down in the caves well great news you don’t need to do any of the trading anyways back over at home sweet home with a little bit more materials it’s time we go ahead and take those materials and put them to good use the things that you are going to want to prioritize when heading into the trial Chambers is definitely going to be combat and defense a diamond pickaxe could be nice and cool to have but more importantly probably stuff like diamond armor diamond sword maybe even a diamond axe if you like to use that for combat or even scraping copper balls like I mentioned earlier the chamber is considered a Mame challenge which means maybe even a combination of diamond and some iron should be good enough if you’re careful while you were down in the caves you might have also found some spers and took them out maybe consider making yourself a bow to how in the world do I do it but also at the same time there’s one big mob the breeze where range doesn’t work ever so you might not even need it so at this point you’ve probably been in your world for a second now you’ve done your grinding maybe even a little bit of beautifying if you’re nervous about the chambers your next step is going to be enchanting now on Minecraft to Java if you build that beautiful Crusher Farm getting your hands in the leather and if you’ve been setting up the sugarcane farm getting all of the ingredients to build your enchanting setup shouldn’t be a problem at all however you’re going to need an enchanting table which means diamond pickaxe maybe you need one after all and hopefully you find a little bit of lapis download too when it comes to enchantments and Enchanted things that you should maybe prioritize and take a look at any of the diamond stuff that you have and consider trying to upgrade it even a little bit the diamond sword should be a big priority looting is always nice but also the diamond armor as well when it comes to the armor just a generic protection is probably the best way you could go because of the mobs that we’re going to deal with inside of this thing I mean they’re kind of all over the place so having General better protection is good when it comes to the sword on the other hand I mean you don’t need to go too ham and build the god sword of your dreams but an enchantment like sharpness or an enchantment like Smite those are probably going to be your best bet again because of the mobs that you’re going to end up dealing with inside of this thing with the level 30 enchanting setup and a little bit of luck you might be able to get something like this that’s at least a little bit decent and should work bright and early the next morning it’s time we set out on a little Adventure you see with all of our stuff kind of lined up and US basically ready to go and head down to the trial chamber there is one final thing we need to do assuming you haven’t located yourself a trial chamber quite yet like you didn’t find one in the cave it’s time we need to level up a villager and get to trading now there are a couple different things that we’re going to want to have for this villager trading extravagan the first big thing we’ve been talking about at all episode long paper you need to have yourself about two sacks of paper the other thing that you’re going to want to have is about two stacks or actually just one in a little bit more of glass pains with all of that in mind if you can head out into your world and find about a stack of sand you should be good to go but if you can find more because again that trade is not guaranteed you never know your luck well then absolutely 100% take your time and get more so you can start to see right here where finding a village early on becomes absolutely clutch with the village located I would not have to do the next step of heading out into the world and finding a village you see now that I already know where a village is I’m kind of living inside of one as my home sweet home all I need to do is make myself a cartography table wait for one of these nitw fools to make their way over to it and take the job now take a look at this trade right here 24 paper for one Emerald if you’re not messing with those experimental villager trades that aren’t technically in 1.21 well yeah if you’re not messing with those trades then this trade should always be basically the same thing using about two stacks of paper we’ll take that paper trade at first and level the Buddy up once it levels up we have a map trade right here we ignore that and we have a glass pain trade right there that’s what we want next so that means it’s time for my first furnace of the world somehow mysteriously in a little bit of sand and coal inside of it once my glass has smelted up it’s time we go ahead and take this trade now we’re going to take this trade enough times to level it up and nothing more after that we stopped you can see we’re just entering the second stack of glass paints too now the moment of truth if it works I need to go find a compass if it didn’t work I need to find another villager oh baby it worked right there 10 emeralds which I just got from Trading with a vill and one Compass those two combinations of things for the ticket to success in the end of the perfect star for 1.21 now I hate to be the bearer of bad news however if that didn’t work sometimes you won’t have the map trade there unfortunately what you have to do is uh you got to find another cartographer villager and repeat the process exactly with the pains and the paper until you see that map trade at level three it will always be at level three so right here needing a little bit of redstone you can see why heading down into the caves ASAP specifically deeper and bigger the better is probably your best move for 1.21 we could use a little bit of redstone combin it with iron to make this Compass by the map and then take a look at this thing now this map will lead us to the closest trial chamber and look at that already colored in they’re pretty common to use this map to locate a trial chamber is pretty straightforward hold it in your hands look around if you’re on the bottom of this thing you need to find of the north Direction and move in it on Java to find the direction you’re facing inside of the F3 screen you see that section right there facing north yep that’s the ticket facing west mhm Facing East that’s how you figure it out on Minecraft DE betrock we’re going to have to do things the old fashioned way the sun the sun that friend it rises in the East and sets in the west so take a look at the sun figure out which way it’s moving whatever Direction it’s headed towards right now is going to be West knowing that that way is west I would be able to turn 90° this way and figure out that that’s North you could also totally just use the icon on the map like look at the map and move around if your cursor is moving in the direction that isn’t towards the map well then you’re probably going the wrong way and you need to turn now after that using the map itself is so straightforward get yourself on the map use the map and make your way to that little icon that’s sitting right there a little bit above Center the beautiful thing is the fact that on both versions of the game bedrock and Java the trial chamber structure is a pretty common structure it shouldn’t be very rare at all in fact it actually seems like 50% of the time I get these Maps I’m already on the map or like literally right next to it oh wow it’s a full circle moment the map takes us all the way back to where we started our journey today with that special little portal oh don’t make me get emotional and so we’ve done it just like that with the help of a tiny little map I’ve located my way over to the trial chamber now great news the trial chamber is a pretty large structure if your chamber happens to be sitting right underwater well depending on how close you can get on the land you’ll probably be fine if you’re a little bit off center of this icon as long as you’re close to the icon you should theoretically when you start digging down hit the trial chamber now still remember never dig straight down instead of digging straight down on say one single block I’ll stand on the middle of these two blocks disregarding the fact of me ever trying to get out of the chamber I don’t know how that’s going to work but anyways the safest way to dig straight down if you really can’t wait any longer for the trial chamber structure is to stand in the middle of two blocks and start digging right down alternatively maybe if you want to come in and out turn the thing into a farm later on well maybe just make a staircase instead now the trial chamber structure it will usually generate right around y but it can extend upwards or downwards that should mean once you start reaching right down and near y0 you’re in Prime chamber range you’ve got an option right around once you start seeing deep slate if you want to continue digging straight down alternatively you could start digging little branches off just to see if maybe you’re missing something or whatever another great thing you can use your advantage here is sounds not that just chamber inherently makes very many sounds it’s going to be empty but just take a look at the subtitles if you see anything weird maybe you got something something strange just like that I’ve made it to the chamber and the end of the video the episode today Minecraft 1.20 if you got the update and you can’t wait to jump into the chambers you want that perfect start well that’s just about how it’s done for even more guides on the trial chamber how we dive into it check out the everything series playlist I got some stuff out already but that survival experience well that’ll be coming very soon in the Minecraft guide once the update’s actually out for me and so for today’s guide episode going from rags to Copper what do you think is there something else that you should do right first off first thing inside of 1.21 if there is and I missed it call it down below and thank you all so much for watching on the end card will be the playlist of the series if you’re planning on keeping your world and you haven’t yet check out the things you need to do in your world right now before the update to help prepare yourself it’s been me Waddles I will see you all tomorrow goodbye [Music]

Minecraft Guide 77 is all about a new world in Minecraft 1.21! In this episode we talk what to do in minecraft 1.21 first, how to find diamonds fastly, and most importantly how to find the trial chambers! Whats your plan for Minecraft 1.21?

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The Minecraft Guide is a tutorial lets play series in minecraft 1.20 and in minecraft 1.21 survival hard mode. In this Minecraft lets play series we build tons of farms, explore the world, and more while talking minecraft tips and tricks.

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Minecraft Tutorials
Minecraft 1.21–bSJ5

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  1. I guess the only question I have at this point, Wattles, is: Why aren't you in Hermitcraft yet? I realize you don't make massive builds intended for the Nephilim but your attention to detail, alone, should have gotten you invited by now.

  2. I started my forever world last year, and made a lot of progress, but when I was beginning to design my mega base, I had the new tuff blocks as a major piece of the build, and haven't been able to design my base without them.
    Hopefully, this creativity block disappears the moment the new update drops.

  3. I just realised your pfp changed😮😮 also thx for helping me with this I already watched recraps video about trial chambers but thx for going into detail

  4. Note: on bedrock you don’t need to look to the sun because on the map is always you’re direction shown even outside the map

  5. On Bedrock, maps always show which direction you are facing, even when you are off the edge of the map. So just look at the map to see which way to go 🙂 Also, at 2:40, orphaned lamb. 😮

  6. Haven't watched the video so keep that in mind, but… I think the perfect start in a survival world is when it's not perfect at all. The fun lies in the challenge of venturing out and bringing back rare stuff (rare in terms of you starting a "poor" area) I used to hunt for the perfect spots that had at least 3 rare biomes next to each other with villages nearby etc etc. But I find that it's much more satisfying starting with nothing

  7. Nah bro for the map in bedrock the icon isn't a dot it's a pointer so you know your direction like on a real compass

  8. I was finally able to find a nether fortress and defeat the ender dragon for the the first time (by myself) on my main survival world so I’m really excited for the update.

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