It’s Time To Start Again..

I’ve started a brand new vanilla Minecraft world but why I haven’t touched Minecraft in over 5 months because honestly I was finding it kind of boring so I look back at my previous worlds and playthroughs to find out what went wrong and these are the new rules I’m going to be playing by number one no hardcore mode although the risk of Hardcore is a good challenge I found that I was playing way too safe all of the time I want to explore take risks and if I die I still have 5 minutes to recover my stuff or it’s gone forever number two I won’t be abusing the mechanics in Minecraft I want to enjoy the game as intended that means no kidnapping of villagers forcing them into a hole and making sure I get the best trade at the cheapest price for as long as this guy lives his little life that also means no iron farms and that leads me on to number three no tutorials I usually end up trying to build something looking up on YouTube and just following the tutorial but then if I’m not making it my self what’s the point also call me old school but I feel like Let’s Plays of Minecraft these days are way too fastpaced so this playthrough is going to be longer chilled out sessions of the game those are the videos that I most like to watch and more importantly the ones I enjoy making the most so here we go let’s do it let’s start again again again all right let me do the classic we got at least not cut this part out here here we go starting fresh I don’t believe it maybe this could be like my last Minecraft world ever like my I I just don’t ever stop using this one I think that would be pretty cool is it all in my brain still I feel like someone who’s kind of like retired and come back but it’s like riding a bike I know exactly what I’m doing right I want to climb this tree basically get up top see what we’re working with okay now that’s what I like to see oh buddy Okay so we’ve got two Villages off the ri okay it’s a little bit overpowered but we’re just going to go with it we’ve got plenty of biomes around as well yeah this is going to be good I like it first off let’s get to that Village and see what’s going down over there because obviously that can be an incredibly good start for us I want to try and kill a fish with my bare hands well that was easy what’s up fellow adventurers I am here I am bearing gifts of salmon how’s it going buddy a looting one sword that’s wao whoo whoo whoo wao what’s going on with your eyes hey or eye I should say what’s going on don’t look Shifty how are you look at you’re turning the other way and still looking at me how are you doing that hello anything to borrow large Fern got some bread I’m going to going to yoink this actually you know what I’m a change man I’m going to live here I’m not going to steal I’m going to use you and leave you yeah agreed oh you walk differently oh they look weird yeah that looks really weird but cool he’s kind of strutting let me just quickly explain why he’s actually strutting because I I didn’t do that for some reason it’s a really cool resource pack it changes the way pretty much every mob moves in Minecraft and it makes the world feel so much more alive you’ll see it throughout the video we’ve got change to villagers cats skeletons creepers it looks awesome so if you see a creeper creeping weirdly that’s because of this pack and I think it’s really cool what else we got down here we got plenty of pumpkins that’s not what I’m looking for I’m looking for wheat that’s the only thing I’m going to steal I mean borrow there is a lot of blacksmiths around here Bane of Arthropods and knockback Unbreaking excuse me why is there 17 obsidian in here I have just got free achievements thank you sir oh yeah I said I was going to borrow it they’re already judging me I’ve already messed up I don’t believe it okay I can take this as long as I replace it self impos rules yeah look at these achievements flowing in I guess we can do the thing where we do the achievements again cuz there’s going to be plenty more achievements in the newer versions of Minecraft cuz I have not done the achievements in a while let’s get some bread that is not enough bread this is not as much bread as I thought I was going to find here to be honest but we got a second village and more houses let’s see what else is up here the way they walk I cannot get over come out come out the door do your draw and get out sir I don’t even know why that was funny why you keeping cats like this huh he’s trying to get out I’m letting the guy out oh guy I’m judging all of you now there’s so many blacksmiths here oh my God I am this is why Villages are too good maybe they they need to Nerf Villages is this a gravestone I think it might be so what I kind of want to do here is oh my God I found emeralds as well jeez man this is I feel like I’m already breaking my own rules don’t judge me cuz I see you in that eyeball of yours judging me you even moved your mouth he’s doing the sideways Emoji I don’t believe it I’m being judged by these guys oh find an iron sword as well this is definitely ridiculous right else we got cartography oh empty Maps we don’t need maps for now yeah I guess grab this stuff head to the next Village see what’s going on there hopefully find some wheat borrow that and then maybe come back here oh they’ve got this guy as well what happened what did you do huh see what I mean there’s a story here we need to learn about these guys something something’s gone down so that he has to end up there and I don’t know what we we’ll find out while we’re here let’s do the old uh the old ritual of grabbing enough stone for us cuz I don’t see a furnace around here so here I just grabbed Stone I made a stone pickaxe I made a furnace and I also made an axe as well but for some reason I just didn’t say anything this is the greatest start we couldn’t have ask for much better to be honest we’re already kitted out a little bit we got some borrowed pants that I’m sure smell a little little bit but we’re not too worried about that we got the 17 obsidian we can already go to the nether which is ridiculous maybe that’s what that guy got put in the um in the little jail for he made a portal and should not have he’s been banned okay which way was that other Village it was near the ocean right I feel like it was this way but I could also be very wrong let’s take the guest work out of it and let’s build a shovel grab ourselves some dirt and then head straight up let’s go where is the next Village that I cannot pillage normally I would but I’m a changed person we need to go I’ve lost it I think it’s over there that’s where the ocean is you see a little bit of ocean there let’s head that way and see hey chicken yo walk for me walk for me I’ll take your child walk I want to see how you struck oh that’s kind of cool actually uh let me help you with this actually here is wait where’d you go I wanted to get witness to the birth of your first first child no don’t look at be like that okay I like this this is cool we got cows over there we’ve got horses we’ve got the most insane Snowy Mountain this is a good little place we’ve got some copper as well can’t remember what that’s used for feel like I’m playing Minecraft for the first time again I have no idea why oh iron at least I know that hello fellow villagers they don’t need to know oh wait you need to walk as well walk over here look at you blink yo look at me look at me squaring the eyes well try to at least I thought you looking either side of me blink no he’s refusing never mind look at this guy oh he knows what’s up look at him their noses wiggle how did they not noticed that before that’s hilarious knock knock hello sir you’re trading some flesh Don’t Mind If I Do you all look a little bit crazy crazier than normal and that’s because you’re drinking apparently Golems I wonder how the Golems walk what are you drinking sir Redstone Dust makes sense makes sense going to have to see a Golem walk I’m afraid come here this way don’t make me hit one of your friends cuz I’ll do it he’s kind of got a little Little Swagger leene over there come here oh yeah he’s eying me up he’s like what did you just do who do you think you are he’s shocked are you going to move I like the way he’s kind of standing there we’re already kind of running out of space which is crazy um oh hello efficiency 2 book off the rip not bad ah nice place you got here buddy look at the way he walks oh that’s never going to get oh he’s even come to greet me he must be the mayor or something wow this place is nice everyone’s out chatting speaking living the best life apparently they worship this tree that’s interesting they gather around it and uh talk about the legend of the white coated villager that’s what happens here don’t mind me just taking your hay blocks this is essential sus and in return I will improve your village and make you look way better okay uh hay bells acquired should I pay someone oh what’s this this a stable should I pay someone to move into their house I feel like I should I can’t just can’t just Ram sack the place we be trying to be respectful here mind you I feel like this is for animals and the animals didn’t like it so they left look at the way that works as well that’s hilarious it’s nose Wiggles this is this is the best pack I’ve ever added to Minecraft my God yeah no animals in here I’m going to say this is fair game if I find the person responsible for this Village I will pay them but for now this is a Monumental occasion this this right here is is Dan’s place I might shed a tear in we go look at it look at this carpet it’s actually grass but we’ll go with it for now this is where we make stuff I’m going to make a duble chest that’s it and then we’re going to shove stuff in here so you already have iron do a quick inventory we don’t need a sword no one ever needs a sword oh I I could have a plant pot what can we make that’s like a plant pot shape look at this View this is fantastic can I turn clouds off oh there we go that’s it look how relaxing this is with the mountain in the background we’re turning that into a volcano at some point um oh I do need a bed and I’m not going to steal one I’m not going to do it do I just lay on this that’s how it works right oh there’s sheep I’m not going to kill their sheep I’m going to make shears I’m going to be so nice about this I heard sheep and I’m going to grab some grabb some wool ethically no murdering come here I know he’s watching me as well if I make oh if I make one wrong move he’s going to come for me how much do we get one stinge quick before the zombies come I don’t want to have to be a hero straight away yes yes yes yes yes yes oh you gave me two what a G oh God I’m going to have to be a hero already they’re spinning a lot they’re kind of oh my God I got iron from that that’s kind of rare right let’s sleep no let’s craft bed then we can sleep oh I hear spiders as well it’s not going to let me sleep is it this is not going to be nice sleep here yes we’ve just settled down already and we didn’t upset or pillage anyone did you just protect me overnight too that guy was running for his life oh that’s why hello oh I got to see this in action oh I the tree just blocked me when they’re scared they’re so cute oh man this is the best animation pack ever uh we’re going to I’m going to put up the obligatory home sweet can’t even spell home sweet home sign what else do we want to put in here excess wool oh I need to change this into bread so let’s do that might as well just do all now should I do I’ll keep some let’s do one more put the rest in here okay so we have three iron let’s put down our furnace got plenty of coal I’ve got a tree I’m going to put my first tree down where will it grow no there’s no block my view that’s silly going put it I think here I think it will still grow there obsidian is crazy plenty of seeds some paper sugar cane mushroom we got spuds I might cook up some spuds well we need to figure out what we want to do next I’m going to smelll the iron we’re going to make an iron axe for sure so let’s do that so iron axe and iron pick we have enough for that this is good progress you know we’re doing all right let’s keep these as backups just in case get the spuds on the go we don’t need too many spuds actually man I’m kind of proud of this place I didn’t have to build it I love how everyone’s got upgraded animations and I’m out here looking standard okay another thing we can do is sail that way so that we can look for shipwrecks and stuff as well and then decide where we want to live but this kind of view is nice I guess we could just upgrade the barn cuz I’m I’m not going to be able to build something better than this anyway oh you know what while we’ve got our little fern large Fern can we plant these in a pot I would sure love that give me some clay oh wait what’s down here oh my God I cannot get used to Minecraft being so crazy like this now oh there’s magma under here I’m going to drown that would not be ideal but is this clay this might be clay this might be clay oh it’s Clay there we go I knew there’ be some somewhere okay iron gained uh what do we have I mean we have a helmet and a chest plate and I have three iron so we need more iron definitely quickly make this pot that I want and then we we kind of need a cave I guess I could make some kind of mine around here I want to essentially upgrade this Village so I think I’m going to do that but first we need some home Comforts right here we go please allow me to put this in here I’m going to put it here please let me put it in no well now I’m going to need to pluck a flower I’ll take this one I’m reusing it recycling it don’t judge me there you go now that right there is cute okay let’s see if we can find a good place for a mine like this way is not going to work because it goes straight into the sea so maybe like maybe here would be good and I have no idea why why have you done this stop strutting inside my builds let’s try and build like a little entrance to it yeah bog standard that’s me that’s right here you go worst Minecraft time-lapse build you have ever seen but would you expect anything more from me I don’t think so I will try and improve this as time goes on but I just wanted this to fit in with the village which is just pretty ordinary odds on me not upgrading it and actually being uh here for the whole playthrough well they’re pretty high but but here you go here’s my makeshift mine this is not a house for you yo get out hey I don’t know what your name is but get out that looks okay okay so we need torches out here again I improve this but we’re at the beginning so be nice then we just got to go down this better be good otherwise I’m could be in trouble let me build this and see if we can get anything cool I just want to kind of go straight into like an open actually do I want to do this or I just want to go down I kind of I prefer a ladder I’m going to do a ladder if that’s what makes me happy that’s what I’m going to do we do this and then ladder straight down there oh I didn’t even grab ladders let’s grab ladders as we go this guy really wants to move in you’re not allowed I’m not letting you move in lots of sticks for this 18 ladders man why are these so expensive 45 ladders that will let us go down 45 blocks I mean that should be enough but let’s see that’s right I’m risking it if I fall through a cave both good and bad risky Minecraft at its finest oh okay we’re in the ocean that’s not ideal why does this happen to me this can be fixed don’t worry I’m going to make a trapo and then we’re going to mine down this way this is going to work so we go down here we build this this is so scuffed this is not going to work is is it yeah I don’t think that’s going to work I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die open the trap door this is bad how do I navigate this I know how to do it I know how to do it I just did it wrong here we go right chop this and we do dirt then trapo right I know wait do I have to do it while I’m in here that’s scary yes genius but now I’m under the ocean by myself I think this will work if I then do that then lock this off yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I don’t even need this this currently being the only issue but we can just build this up okay this is good yeah let’s carry on sweet see I am smart sometimes oh God a it’s a flooded cave this might still be fine yeah we got this oh we found something is that tough cobal deep slate need more ladders need more ladders we’re going to have one place where you can fall and one place where you can use a ladder I think that’s probably the best idea this just works with the trapo this is great Redstone hopefully that doesn’t mean lava is nearby I love this new looking red stone it’s like evil Redstone zombies I hear them this is good oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh no no right think fast think fast where’s my exit go away oh no oh no I’m dead I’m not dead I’m fine I’m fine I’m absolutely fine okay technically this is what we wanted I think I saw a mine shaft too Mission success so what we need to do is make this Dan proof that’s right back up son this ain’t for you oh they want to Feast on me oh you know what don’t mind if I do easy like a mob farm the skeletons I could do without though there we go easy clap easy clap okay so I kind of want to make a door here I need to go back up to make a door to come back down that’s right yeah yeah yeah and then we’re going to fight our way through probably ideal to make a shield actually but this worked at least I didn’t fall to my death all it’s night time hopefully no one died please no one died we got the goons here it’s fine I can never remember the shield recipe please be this it’s definitely not that is it bye-bye how can I never remember a shield recipe this is embarrassing oh it’s like that why is it like that okay now I should be ready the only thing I don’t like about The Shield is it takes up a lot of your space like your your face space excuse me are you good are you coming to advise me to not go yeah I didn’t I didn’t think so you’ll see you later buddy thought it was going to tell me not to go down Into the Depths but I haven’t got any choice I need stuff and this is for the greater good as well this is for your village this is for our village I needed a door I almost forgot okay here we go we need this this door now let’s see what you’re working with huh we have got what looks like what is that oh it’s like a it’s the underneath part of a mine that’s good oh my God we got Diamond diamonds we got them we got them and we got zombies big Pro not a big problem at all you can not do that please thank you I feel pretty confident we’re just going to go and Buzz around light this thing up baby that’s right check this out oh yeah yeah yeah yeah diamonds we’re killing it when your Noob strategies actually pay off our first creeper sighting what’s good buddy oh yes oh we got this thanks for killing your friend that’s right not today thank you very much I’m here to claim my diamonds and get out of here we got down here huh okay another way to get down is good more iron is good cuz then we can make full iron armor this looks promising too what’s through that’s not promising that’s a creeper this is great nothing to complain about a lot of skeletons though that is a lot of skellies don’t touch me can’t touch me can’t touch me can’t touch me that’s right can’t touch me oh you’re terrible yeah fight each other you idiots that’s it look at these guys noobs wa the creepers run really cool I like that they’re even more terrifying yo kill this creeper for me kill this creeper for me come here yes give me a music disc F1 music disc F1 don’t blow up please we’re going to get a music disc if I get a music disc I’m using one of these diamonds to make a jukebox no work on your aim sir I will get one this way this way this way yes he’s got to be like one shot right it’s this one right yes no way as if that’s what it oh my God he just did like a no scope on him that was mad thanks sir I can’t believe that’s the disc we just got though oh man how many bullets do we take quite a few we got got 11 oh well I said I was going to do it so I guess we got to now make the M the Jukebox and that is going to be our village Anthem that’s right right three diamonds from there let’s get these ones as well don’t mind if I do one two oh three four from there nice little hle so that’s seven diamonds which go down to six when we make the juke box that’s okay oh there’s another one uh I’m going to grab lapis we can actually make a enchanting table I don’t really want to rush this though we don’t need an enchanting table just yet this is good going though we’re going to have to explore the mine at some point too let’s grab iron and gold don’t mind if I do that new gold block looks insane we have 16 iron we need a little bit more let’s Venture this way lots more gold here wow don’t the creepers move in such a cool way my last torch is going to go right here oh it’s a little chest let’s risk that should we risk it don’t see why actually I’ve got full inventory let’s not risk that right now this was pretty successful ah we made it back to bed so jukebox I can make one of them and I’m going to I need the attention of the the people of the village hello everyone hello everyone hello hello can I have your attention please yo check this out so I am going to try and contribute to the village and the first thing I’m going to do is choose our Village Theme Song like we need a song Hey listen buddy fine I have to do this myself can I put it in the tree this tree seems pretty sacred I don’t think I should put it in the tree let’s put it below here and let’s listen to our Village Theme Song [Music] what’s everyone’s opinions I don’t think this was a good idea I’m just going to put that in there that doesn’t need to come out again we have got Goods though look at this stuff let’s get smelting we need irons we can make make more of our armor then we’ve got diamonds we got six diamonds so we can do diamond pick we can do diamond pick and diamond axe actually I think I’m just going to do a diamond pick for now cuz I feel like there’s a high risk of me dying still I don’t want to lose it diamond pick when I used to play Minecraft back in the day starting out the adventure diamond pick was the goal and it’s taken us an hour Minecraft changed man it’s changed going to make another furnace as well just so we can get the double going so we put one there keep our feet toasty while we’re in bed get the gold going I still can’t believe how crazy of a view this is it’s like living next to Mount Fiji so we have the diamond pick but you know what we didn’t even need one because we’ve got the obsidian here we can already build a portal I don’t want to I don’t want to stress everyone out but we can already make one but where should we put it I’ve got a few ideas is the total the amount of two we we could put it on a little island over there in the middle so that if anything comes out and spawns then it stays on the island oh that’s an ice Spike over there oh that’s cool and then my second idea is to just have it here somewhere and freak everyone out look at my first official build this is beautiful work my God I think my next task is going to be make iron armor so we’re going to do that and then we’re going to go and see see what is inside the mine we’re going to do that and then we need to decide on our our nether options cuz I don’t think we need to do the nether just yet how’s the iron get on six we only need pants that’s not enough for pants is it no we got something in here we’re good oh we got pants the first sweaty pair of pants have gone back in great so we actually need to make a lot of torches so let’s grab these 48 torches I don’t know if that’s going to be enough but we can come back up right we’ll be fine everyone stay alive all right I’m serious then maybe go to the other Village I’ll improve that one instead yes this has worked perfectly right let’s go to the mine oh my God are we in a slime chunk wait this is this is huge slimes are so hard to get but we’re out here in a slime trunk this is great I’m just going to harvest these ones real quick I love the animation too I’m going to say that about a lot of things how many slimes you going to get from this chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop oh my God rining the slimes rinsing them give me yes I think we’re in a slime chunk that’s crazy 11 slime balls slime boys are so annoying to find sometimes I can’t believe that definitely should have bought another axe with us but we’ll survive I’m going to start down here cuz we got this what’s inside oh my God God that is a find take this take the dust I’m actually going to take everything cuz I want to I want to make the infrastructure of our world mine carts because I feel like they’re severely underused so I want to try and make some kind of infrastructure with them well this isn’t ideal what kind of spiders are these the bad ones I put my sword away as well oh yeah they’re the bad ones oh oh oh no why they oh God yeah I regret the animations now jeez that was horrible no oh God okay bad times bad times he just died that’s hilarious I left my sword what a noob a there it goes we’re that we’re back to Stone kind of want to go that way there’s nothing here there’s a trap oh more diamonds though this is good so many diamonds is in this one we have got two three o hold up might be four yes give me give me I do feel like diamonds are so much easier to get now but I guess it rewards exploring which is something I really really think Minecraft needed rather than just like vein mining you know oh there’s more come on don’t just give me one that is just one fellas that’s okay oh my God look at this guy you’re cute why are there two of you you should be out where where are your parents oh the way they run is so cute man go away they do a lot of damage go away stop Cupid dead jeez there’s more diamonds there as well and so many skeletons what where are these parents control your kiddos how many is in this one just one no diagonals okay fair enough we kill this one now me and my friends need a new music disc you gave me the scuffed one oh God oh God this is bad took him out shoot this creeper I need a better disc do it ah on this is it shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him no why are you like this you’re awful sort yourself out man you had one job help her other out yes good shot shoot me shoot me yes oh he’s a g give me the disc this looked like a nicer disc this looks like one that my friends might actually like what do we get what do we get what do we get wait okay this is better wao Hyo okay I can’t do anything about you right now but you look cool at least I’m going to have to bail I think I got oh nothing going on here I made it is everyone good yo everyone I’ve got a better disc for you let’s see what this one sounds [Music] like oh yeah [Music] this one’s way better now that’s a Vibe yeah we’re keeping that one on actually stays quite loud I never realized that’s a that’s a cool one right how many diamonds we got now 10 don’t mind if I do give me diamond axe cheeky upgrade Bam Bam golden apple is a good find oh yeah big man over there is enjoying it look at him strutting his stuff okay so I think what’s the next thing we want to work on we got lots of raw iron as well no we don’t we don’t really need it we just need diamond armor now I’m going to take this so I can get rid of the spider webs need more wood renewable wood let’s try out this trusty diamond axe oh it’s quick look at it making quick work of these trees I do replenish I swear okay you go sustainability wouldn’t have it any other way okay I’ve got the sword this time we’re going to do some arachnid dusting right now sounds a bit crazy but I’m just going to chop these actually could I attack it from the side the side seems to be a much better way to do this it’s pretty high up though let’s just chop through it let’s do it I’m going to I got my golden no I got my diamond axe now didn’t even need to use it did not even need to use it well that was easier than I thought it’ be I need coal oh oh oh oh oh I accidentally found diamonds uh I should be able to get these I think I might be too low for coal actually how do I have no coal but loads of diamonds here they are y give me these oh there’s more down there no way okay this was a good accidental trip don’t mind if I do still need coal though no I can’t come back here to to this happening yo buddy get down why are you up there hey hey hey hey hey get down it’s not that bad here come on what are you doing oh I see scary man look what was he doing come here get down man what you how did you even get up here huh yeah that’s it come off the edge are you just sightseing that makes sense okay um did you see anything good I guess he’s staying up here I don’t know how this guy got up there because villagers cannot climb ladders but here we are what are you doing the way you walk is kind of funny too he’s like he’s got the opposite of gamer posture look at him come on do a little strut for us Walk For Us carry that block that you stall I know I would look straight into your eyes but I can’t look at him go he’s like a model that’s hilarious so I think how many do we have 13 diamonds we could actually upgrade the old chest plate but I feel like we should save it until we can enchant it maybe but loads of gold as well why do you keep coming in my house don’t don’t even H you are a Shifty character he lives there I see what’s going on here buddy I will sleep in your bed I will I’ll do it next time you get in the bed you like oh it’s all musty and moist why is that because I slept in it I think he wants my bed you want my bed don’t you get out no you can’t get out don’t make me put an iron door in are you nodding at me I’ve sused him out right we need uh we need preventative measures this guy is getting a bit risky um I am not having my bed stolen buy this guy again oh we desperately need some uh Some Coal I’m going to grab me a button making some security upgrades a little bit earlier than I thought I would need to where is he I need name tags if there was an easier way to get name tags that be so good because we just need to name all these guys so we can keep track of them I think there’s only is it him there’s only one nitwit around here and he lives opposite where is he can’t believe I had to put the security measuring Pace already unbelievable I need another button I can’t actually get out right now there we go next [Music] button okay cool Dan’s Place security heightened be on the lookout please for that guy do you know what we’re going to run out of food soon we need to make we need to extend this I think we’re going to extend it all the way that way cuz this is not efficient right now H let’s let’s plan it out we’re going to need some dirt so for one body of water can’t you do like a 7×7 or something ridiculous I might just make it match I don’t know why you had to use logs like this though right your boy needs a hoe so let’s just go iron for now uh let’s do this perfect it takes me so much more effort to get out my house now that guy has ruined it I don’t believe it I probably should have grabbed a bucket as well actually which would be a handy thing to have anyway because you know I’m going to fall off at some point and hurt myself a the rain no one likes farming in the rain dude I mean it’s something it’s a better start let’s take these carrots actually and then we can plant these down these are done we don’t want potatoes carrots more carrots I think bread is best maybe potatoes are all right you know I wanted to just place that forbidden disc where is it just so H I feel like I’m going to put it on here this guy deserves it here he is I’m putting a curse on this house and one day I will steal your bed not yet you make me even more mad than now I will steal your bed now this is where I was going to end the video here but there’s more because literally the day after I finished filming this Mojang released this the armored pause update so now we can get armor dillow but most importantly we can get dogs more dogs so that’s what I set out to do it seems like more people are outside now that I’ve changed the the music disc they all seem a little bit more happier did they add another Bell as well I never realized there was two Bells there before anyway I need to see if we’ve got oh we do we have bones already 13 do you think that’s going to be enough oh yeah I definitely think you should be guarding this place I don’t know if he’s in there or not just keep an eye on him all right I don’t know what’s going on but he’s freaky which way should I head I’m going to go I think this way I think the Sun is setting maybe I should take my bed with me yeah I think I’m going to do that actually I’m just going to sleep and then leave let’s go find a dog or maybe even an armadillo an armadillo would be good as well but I don’t think we have the right biomes for that I’m thinking we go this way that way is just not going to be I can sense it already it’s just water and now why’ you have to go ruin it with a bad Omen like that huh there’s not even a village here well apart from that one but still a black cat you going to be give me a bad Omen like that so quickly yeah you run off I don’t want to see you around here again unbelievable something’s about to go very very wrong feel like I haven’t tamed a wolf in Minecraft in ages as well I’m hoping that because there’s new types we can actually find more them more often that’ll be quite good whose legs are they oh that’s a sheep never mind I also don’t feel like getting lost either or dying I don’t want to do that more sheep not ideal not what I’m looking for today fellas I could maybe grab some of this wood too cuz there’s just so much of it and I definitely need it hold on oh my God that’s so cute wait what if we just get a fox instead is that a fox family he’s got something in his mouth too oh my God what is that he’s got wheat in his mouth where did you get that from hey guys how’s it going yeah don’t freak out don’t freak out don’t freak out I’m sorry no no no what have you got feathers and Bones what you guys been up to huh I’m going to leave you alone I’m not I’m not here to get you like I swear they’re so cute man look at him oh oh the animation is cool too they run really nice anyway we don’t want foxes yet I will get one at some point but not right now we’re on a different Mission I want a dog are they dogs or Wolves I guess they’re wolves but now they’re kind of more like dogs I feel like this is one of those Minecraft tasks that is going to take me forever but it just shouldn’t I feel like every time I used to spawn into a world there was just a dog right there was one of the first things I used to do but today it’s going to I feel like it’s going to take me hours just because it’s the one thing that I want if you ever want something in Minecraft it will take you hours to find it but any regular let’s play no no no you’ll find that straight away o we got bees okay worth noting that there’s bees over here the Fat Bees oh hello nether portal as well I mean we have enough for a nether portal already but I guess we can pillage this oh there’s bees everywhere James would love it here what you got for me nether portal huh what you got you got have something for me don’t just don’t just leave me hanging there no chest oh there it is okay what you got that’s one of the worst chests I’ve ever seen like ever I’ve never seen a worse chest than that I don’t even need the obsidian I’m not even going to take it a big open field okay another Village I’m seeing cows I’m seeing bees scanny for wolves right now sheep literally nothing okay feel like this is a good place to build though look it’s right on the ocean and has oh it’s got a cave the odds of getting distracted right now pretty high got horses out here we’ve got literally every mob that I could possibly want apart from wolves I told you Minecraft’s out to get me right then has this Village got anything that I can borrow I ideally like some hay bales you got cats look at this oh my God that looks insane that looks really cool right I need I need a little bread top up if you don’t mind oh yep this will do this looks like it’s for animals but I’m just going to borrow it just for now I’ll bring it back add it to the tally add it to what I owe maybe I need a bed I might need a bed I’ll bring this back as well I swear yes okay I knew you’d pull through let’s go got a hoe as well look at this oh I can taste the bread already this guy has the worst house in the world hanging over an edge like this that’s unfortunate how much can we get out of this oh my God pretty much what we got before yes refilled okay the Quest for dogs continues it’s just spoiling me with so many cats look we don’t need cats how far am I willing to run how did I not see them they’re camouflaged yo look yo what’s up fellas these are like chocolate dogs oh my God hello yeah you want this don’t you oh my God look at the way it sits I’ve never been so excited to own a dog oh my word right protect me protect me oh my God it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen are you kidding me oh yeah stay there protect me my new best friend woohoo I can’t believe we just found them like that right uh do you want a home as well oh my God everyone wants a home yep yep yep yep yep look at that little Tails Y where your friends I want to take you away from your family your family can come too where are they I don’t know how I didn’t see them one two or you’re hard to please huh 3 4 5 6 oh my God okay you hungry seven let’s go we got we went out for one dog okay back with three was there anyone else I don’t want to leave anyone behind I’m going to feel really bad also don’t tell the others but you you’re the main dog These Guys these are these are backup dogs like just in case right and fellas let’s go I’ve got to try and find my way back now oh my God they’re incredible look at them I really wish there was a way to craft name tags I’ve already wanted to name villagers I want to name wolves now can we get an easier way to get name tags please man these guys are cute we need to come up with names for him also I’m very lost this always happens I’m unsure where we are right now I’ve tried to grab some stuff I grabbed some coal and then completely lost all sense of direction oh wait is that it is that the place I I don’t think that’s the place let’s go see anyway boat time fellas meet me at your new home is this it this is it right that I recognized the mountain do the dogs come over yes did they make you guys smarter or something that was impressive oh come over here yeah this is it check it out welcome so let me introduce you to everyone so this is our house come in come in oh it’s going to be a problem yeah come in okay at least one of you is in here the way they sit as well are you kidding me look at him good boy good boy you guys can just uh you do what you want out there I guess you can be guard dogs for now yeah this is our place don’t go in there this is the only place you’re not allowed this place cannot be he’s not even looking at it yeah I know it’s a big creepy but don’t go in there please and don’t trust the guy that goes in and out of it either this is cool I can’t believe we’ve got this feels so cozy already we got dogs roaming around we’ve got uh a juke box that can play our favorite tracks we’ve got friends you know what I think everything’s going to be just fine here what could possibly go wrong don’t know why I said that that was a terrible idea but hey here it is new series it’d be awesome if you can leave a like that’d be great and if you want to keep up with every other episode that comes out after this then hit that subscribe button too you’re the best it’s good to be back

In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I start my Minecraft world again..

Edited by: Me, DanTDM



  1. Dan: This may be my last world

    Me: So when you’re done with this world you’re done forever? 😭😭

    Dan: I may never stop playing on this world

    Me: oh… … carry on

  2. my whole childhood right here with a new series, genuinely excited for the future eps and hope you don't give up on this, also you should recreate the lab in this vanilla world just for nostalgic reasons

  3. OMY GOSHHHH OUR HERO IS BACK!!! I’m so glad you’re okay Dan, I hope you had a really fun time with your family and also TYSM FOR RETURNING❤❤🎉 We love you!!

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