How NOT to Play Minecraft

this is how not to play Minecraft from trying to get wood to trying to defeat the Ender Dragon watch until the end because the ending and honestly this entire video was nuts how to mine a tree wait is that what we’re starting with oh no wait what wait what is going on this is so much brain rock where where are all the trees going they’re just floating okay what’s actually going on there’s so many memes this is about to be so funny dude I don’t know if you guys are going to be able to like keep up well Alex can’t keep up she just died BR just turned alive okay I don’t even know I I don’t even think this guy’s going to be able to mine a treat what the I’m so confused he’s commanding the fire to burn down the trees but then it started raining and then oh my gosh tree missile dude this is crazy what who is this guy oh he’s disguising as a tree now wait but the trees disguise as Steve dude this is actual brain Rod so like I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up and why did the Golems get mad okay supercharge the tree wait why are we in the cave now huh what was that just a random jump skirt for no reason okay dude this is actually like the weirdest video ever keep in mind our only goal here is to mine a tree but the tree just keeps killing us and okay we got a gas to hopefully BL what bro just pulled the Uno reverse card not even a dragon will be able to mine the tree come on he got it he got the wood now give it to us wait what the dragon is just stealing the tree wait what oh my God now we just we’re nuking the trees we’re anti-m Mr Beast bro did we get the wood what how how did the tree survive what is this and now an RPG bro if a nuke isn’t going to work how is an RPG going to [Music] work what bro just stole the [Music] body okay we trapped the wood guy 200 IQ he can just mine [Music] under what is this the TNT mineart got scared dude a villager tank my brain cells my brain cells are actually gone we just need to get a single tree bro this really is how not to play Minecraft man okay we have an army of waa we have super Golem super Golem mine super tree wait it’s going to come back from behind I knew it I knew it and then Whack Him and now we’re dead and now what wait what since since when do since when do illers care about the trees man not even netherite armor is enough what now we have giant Alex non scary mode dude this giant tree just keeps ruining our plants okay now we are like a bomber we just s like a plane wait we killed the tree the wood it’s right there it’s going to come alive I knew it I knew it it’s going to run away bro we’re literally just like this is a war on trees I just realized this is literally just a war on trees we got flamethrowers and everything where are they going the trees are migrating hey yo this makes no sense oh Birch oh nobody want Birch what Don’t Make Friends wa what are we hiring the Birch to destroy Oak I don’t even know what like these stock images keep going on screen bro this is so random but I guess we teamed up with Birch now oh no I don’t think I could do that you guys know I hate Birch it’s fine I’d rather win the war with an Al or with a with an enemy than lose with an ally I I butched that quote wait are we winning what is this is this a villager nuke button it’s a villager nuke button I knew it oh my gosh the missiles who won dude this is crazy what just happened are we good um oh and then we just put a magnet down to collect all the wood we did it all that just to mine a tree and now our crafting table is running away from us wait what don’t Alex you had one job no way this is how it ends oh no now we’re on how to mine a stone block bro mining wood was already hard enough wait he just dipped where did he go lava okay this is so stupid okay what now bro we got a stone block wait no but we got the cobstone Run okay we died to the minions dude this is going to be goodbye Stone goodbye that’s impossible dude but honestly nothing in this video is literally possible like nothing and wait what he just [Music] bedrockedition void for you of course a cobblestone generator that is getting bigger and run run run Daddy what I don’t know why I said that sorry I’m actually losing brain as I’m watching this wait you can’t even mine a villager house what dude this is so crazy oh my gosh what is Alex going to do now what the heck bro just got smashed pause okay wait that’s actually the most unrealistic troll no you got to kill him okay of course the goblin comes to safely day what a Sim honestly and now know we all know the dragon’s just going to scam us never mind he scamm himself new record was that like a speedrun record dude this is a speedrun record to brain Rod Minecraft brain Rod I can’t believe we actually unironically watching this not safe why would you do this you actually made a video that’s not safe to watch wait he did it never mind he got one shot probably has sharp a thousand Come On Come On One V one versus the stone block what is this what we got the game play cuz the cuz the video is boring I guess I don’t even know long pickaxe long cave long death it’s just over oh we got the magnet that worked last time though okay not a good idea for stone I guess the magnet did not save us how about a creeper okay that was like way too easy but now we’re upgrading to TNT okay and Stone just became sentient and ran away what I actually don’t understand he just came back in what is going on now is this a standoff what is it is a standoff is the only one space for butt crack in this stone block Town Steve versus Stone gang gang ruber glob I got the Magnum ready fire yo this is sick who won Steve’s going to die Steve Steve’s not main character stone is main character wait did they both miss you guys are trash Oh Alex got shot and they both Miss okay that was really funny I’m not going to lie wait and now they’re going undercover to just mine this what oh no waren oh no yo at least he survived though the Steve okay giant pickaxe long pickaxe didn’t work though why would the giant one win yeah bro is getting mined of course I knew it I well I didn’t know it but I I should have known what where is he getting taken why is the video getting so blurry where did bro get kidnapped oh but what if we act like Stone Stone’s going to act like Steve bro what is going on N La though na la of course yeah wait what oh that’s a fake piece of stone so what is what is they what are they going to do bring back more don’t drop it on us and laay is not useful bro I don’t know why we added this all right fine let’s do it let’s just hunt down a piece of stone with a rifle that makes sense who shot the oh bro you’re dead wait where’d he go wait what it’s time for war once again with realistic guns and villager Army you know what we you know what we need to do our mission drop down and never mind our mission failed our mission completely failed I thought we were like in the sky and then we were just in a cave what oh it was more of like an elevator I see Yo lightsaber duel over The Lava that’s sick come on oh come on really bro bro bought a gun to a knife fight that’s messed up distracted he’s distracted oh oh we got it we got Stone but at what cost oh no creeper really bro we had it we literally had it oh no what is this don’t tell me this is no how to mine iron no no let’s just give up why don’t we just give up actually low key the ending is probably insane cuz like we’re going to have to kill the Ender Dragon oh dude we got to keep watching Gamers we got to keep we can’t just stop now we’re already in too deep we already got half a brain cell left let it melt the entire nucleus of our brain what is going on a to mine iron let’s go let’s do this I thought we already were in it wait what yo why hey hey what the heck was that we were just possessed what the heck that was like a scary trap and okay hello iron block bro all the iron combined to a block that was sick and oh yeah that’s right never mind that did not work never mind I was going to say you could just kill an iron goem and get the iron like that that should be a feature and no dropping never mind guess not don’t want that happening to me dude that is too crazy wait all the pickaxe hidden in the 200 IQ wait so now can’t we just Yo No Way where’s that going why is the iron running away from us huh wait you just bought iron from it was fake you got scammed I knew it you can’t you can’t buy iron from a villager that doesn’t make any sense and now the Go’s mad at you of course dude you got to like tickle this guy oh wait what are they doing what the they’re B where are they taking them goodbye fellow Soldier he tried it and now they just exploded nice iron door yo I ain’t trusting that iron door bro uh-uh I’m not going in there oh he just took the iron door what the the slowmo shot too okay you T died too that’s so funny but we got the iron door I guess we can smelt into iron I didn’t know that was a thing never mind furnus is just like nope you’re not getting iron little bro sorry little bro and oh of course wait this can’t end well this literally won’t end well we already know we’re at a desert temple a you stupid furnace I swear and bro’s just going to get out nice thank you for leaving us to just die what is this wait we already un had the iron why did you like why did you turn it into Iron Pants I’m so conf why he starts crawling like that he just got trapped in a door yeah you can just open it you L Trap yeah for sure you’re supposed to use iron doors and what is bro walking on he was like using like fences what okay so we defeated the iron orb or the iron stone block whatever and now there we go we’re just getting taken away this makes no sense bro and once again it’s time Mission every one of these we have to go on like a military secret agent Mission we have a silenc pistol bro like what is this it feels like I’m playing a Cod game like Call of Duty this is crazy watch out for any Tangos grenade okay we’re cooked we’re cooked it’s over it’s over we’re about to get abducted oh wait they only got swords though shoot them open fire yeah okay never mind there was too many I guess the gun didn’t onot them I would have just been sprayed honestly actually I would have dropped the gun and just yeah yeah you don’t know about that ain’t nobody want the smoke no Minecraft YouTuber can challenge me I don’t even I I like forgot we’re watching this video for a second what is this bro we’re just dumping emeralds TNT we’re what is going on so okay wait oh I get it we traded a bunch of TNT we made TNT circular nuke knock that bad boy at what cost though our PC BR bruh BR bro I’m just emoting now cuz there’s nothing else to do all right let’s see we now entered an ancient movie oh it’s like last time it was it was like the face off with the gun but now it’s a samurai duel yo bro thinks he’s Zoro come on Steve this iron a’t Zoro you got this he’s weak come on Steve is the better S I Believe In You Soldier uh-oh uh-oh how how is the iron block even again with a gun fam you can’t just keep bringing a gun no you have no honor iron ore no honor subscribe if you agree I got no honor Alex saved the day no shot oh she fell from the lava in the in the last one in the stone so just so we know we got uh uh wood Cobblestone and and iron diamond diamonds diamonds yipp yipp we’re rich we’re rich the luckiest find ever is here this is not going to end well something’s going to happen he’s going to turn alive I knew it bro dude diamond is about to get even the scream yo chill little bro not safe presents how to M Diamond this is about to get crazier this is about to get crazier oh no oh no diamond don’t mine [Music] down wait why is he getting why is he trying to get sped hey yo what yo what the clickbait not clickbait we saw in the the red circle thank God the red circle was there otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see the Diamond walking wait what the heck it was a prank well wait so was the creeper the iron ore or the diamond ore sussy not even x-ray will help not even x-ray will allow you to what is that oh no the walls of diamond oh my gosh that was insane wait what you got banned for cheating oh yeah x-ray I guess how come the diamonds don’t get banned huh they’re cheating too wait I swear that was Diamond I knew it you little troll man get him get him and what’s going to happen wait what what happened to the diamond guy I thought we had him Ro lost him shaking my head all right so according to our map calculations there’s a chest wait what hey yo bro just went inside wait yo he got it no no rip I spoke too soon that was so dumb bro oh run he’s just escape the 2D Dimension he has now entered our third dimensional World wait these guys can’t trade diamonds it’s a scam it’s probably gold wait what no the ancient debris it’s made out of diamonds that makes sense okay bro just got railed are they going to go inis this this didn’t work last time it’s not going to work again last time Alex got wrecked what the the Diamond PNG is running where is it going though again we lost him no we found him again we found him oh no wait this is a real diamond ore go go go go run who is this guy bro stupid zombie man okay come on Long pickaxe oh there it is no you should use long hands we got it easy wait what the that’s not a good sign Dead come on man there you go this is the secret agent Mission I’m pretty sure right all we have to do is quickly swap it out there you go all [Music] good oh no oh no okay wait yo this guy’s crazy oh we oh yo this is insane I love this dude imagine this is like what you had to go through when you mine your first diamond in Minecraft okay now you’re now you’re cooked it was an entity go go escape the ball no shot we got the diamond that was epic bro we did it right oh no wait there was an Enderman wait thank you for watching no this is this is a prank I knew it I called it that little rat I knew it wasn’t over I said it I literally said it I saw him in the background I was like I know I can see everything in the background now I do a lot of scary videos and I always miss stuff so I’m trying to get better at that but wait huh did he just what stop trading with villagers it never ends well oh my goodness the diamond grew out diamond ore like little feet bro wait why would you get the bow to huh that was so Random no it’s an Enderman and Diamond men I don’t even know bro I’m stupid I lost all brain cells we got a diamond helmet though from the church I wouldn’t steal from the church church personally feel like that’s not a good idea it’s pretty Blasphemous what what that’s one way to die in Minecraft that literally that’s one way to die in Minecraft not the not the way I would imagine but we got him with the water cage it’s the guy with the wait what he can carry multiple things I’m so confused didn’t he have the diamond on him no come back oh bro is now dream okay stacking up a bunch of diamonds this is not going to end well nothing ends well if dream is invol bro what the huh what just happened yo oh my gosh they set off like a nuclear Diamond texturing Farm or something something some bomb just exploded and it just textured everything into diamonds wait huh no food no it’s all diamonds I thought this was a good thing a diamond world sucks there’s no food okay but now that we got diamonds we need food you know we we need a farm so make babies right we’re getting ready for the end fight we need we need like oh no what have we made what creation is this I I thought the chickens were breeding Steve what did you do Steve you weren’t supposed to get in the middle bro no no how to farm animals in Minecraft no oh God extreme Edition this is not how you make a farm oh God bro come on everything hates us everything we can’t even make a farm in Minecraft this is going to be insane okay we got the we literally got the skin huh it’s Alive N dude this is so stupid I I’m honestly like I’m cooked I’m cooked I would just give up I would not continue playing Minecraft what he just absorbed Steve as nutrients to regain weight okay that’s it I I I I think at this point guys if you’re still watching comment down uh blueberries in Minecraft that’s it calm me down blueberries in Minecraft cuz honestly my brain is the size of a blueberry now like what is this what why what were we even trying to do make a horse farm why do we need horses oh my gosh a chicken copter is is it going to throw a bomb like a egg bomb Oh I thought it was going to throw an egg bomb yo sheep disguise oh no you just got what is going on dude we got squished pig is it still alive what why are you going slab boy oh my God we just need some food there you go we got some food let’s go right what what’s going to happen now oh my gosh of course unlucky moment literally the unluckiest moment okay what can that even happen I didn’t even know that was a possibility how how is this reaction time so bro just shared him his clothes off why would the Sheep want the clothes no don’t get under that oh it’s floating it’s like a cloud is it now a new Cloud it became one with the environment became one with the with the atmosphere more like dude I’m so sorry I’m putting you guys through this man why why is it still why is he still crouching dude these cows are terrifying I’m not going to lie there’s a singular egg what are we going to do with that cook an egg I mean I guess we got it it was an attack no no run run the chickens oh my gosh that’s actually that’ be so scary dude imagine you’re like just chilling in a jungle and like like chickens Ambush you bro what is this super be he just got headbutted hello dog kill the Sheep yeah get him puppy get him oh no oh no they’re conspiring it’s over okay I thought the dog was going to turn on us okay but we trapped this guy and now all we need to do is kill the zombie right and then we get uh-oh what the what where is bro going and what’s going to happen now dude since when our chicken supposed to be this overpowered okay there’s no way anything bad is going to happen in a mushroom biome wait what is that what happens they can just turn themselves into oh no bro just got squished by a lollipop this is it this is the farm this is our mission what is about to happen no Pig meteors Pig missiles what the what why are why is the farm fighting I’m so confused don’t they eat each other well don’t farm animals eat the seeds how did we even get higher how do we hired the villagers it must be done it must be done we must need we I don’t mean what what is our objective here I got the diamonds like when we needed diamonds but now what we’re just trying to make a farm for food dude I feel like at this point we’re just watching chaos just to watch chaos why are we under a bunker now what is going on dude huh okay so this was after the Great War of trying to obtain a farm a single meat yippee we got it no way it can’t be it can’t be that’s it we did all that just for a few pork chops the radiation oh no BR why did you think that was a good idea to eat radioactive meat oh no now we need to beat the end this is it Gamers the ultimate ending to this insane Minecraft video This is actually the most brain rot I’ve ever watched in my entire life so if you guys made it this far you got to smash the like button dude I’m we’re in this together we we lost all our brain cells okay so we’re just trying to get ender pearls right and defeat the dragon what the huh what just happened shears eyeballs off wait wouldn’t that give you like Eyes of Ender huh what is going on oh I guess we’re still trying to get more and more pearls so we have a few so far I think what Pearl Enderman that is terrifying yo that is terrifying stay away from me okay we’re in the nether now bro just put on a dream skin of course dude bro definitely cheated there’s no shot okay and now we’re making a scuffed end portal H how’ that make sense I don’t get it uh-oh uh-oh it was too crazy what it took us to Roblox what the fart what’s going on what the huh okay this is breaking like the fourth dimension what is going on what is going on [Music] what I give up I give up on trying to understand the video made sense the beginning we got wood Stone iron diamond and then it just went crazy I don’t even know where we’re I don’t know what’s going on anymore we just calculated according to our calculations it should be right under there what why is the grass blog trying to kill us huh okay I guess we’re now trying to get to the stronghold so we got all the materials bro just got the entire chunk what that is so cursed that is so cursed okay but we’re inside we’re inside the stronghold let’s go hey hey hey are we going invis oh that’s night vision run up we’re cornered GG there’s nothing to do there bro okay we’re back in though we ain’t giving up we ain’t quitters we’re spitters huh okay Co diamond armor the Dragon came to us what oh no wait so where’s the dragon now is he still in the overw world oh come on dude imagine that’s what happened when you like you get in the in the end bro you lose everything bro just stole your what are you going to do what are you going to do about it you can’t do anything if he just steals your GUI it’s over bro and obsidian has gravity now oh it’s just going to fall all over no Oh I thought it was going to like fall and Squishy okay so wait I don’t get it what is going on now are we trying to get an elytra or something he just stole the entire structure what what he just stole the island now dude I don’t know how these Endermen Are that strong bro they’re like literally a skinny like me hey yo not bad right okay sorry was flexing I’ve been working out a little bit not going to lie huh bro forgot to put on his straps it’s like going skydiving and just not bringing your parachute bro what imagine those guys gave you that effect and switched your head wait that’s lowy a fire scary myth huh okay wait what the heck puff end endermite it’s like an iceberg all right I’m never looking at endermite the same again okay the the cheater copter let’s go oh we defeated it we got the Ender Dragon no way oh my goodness they stole the portal within the milliseconds bro no Bob where did they take they just stole the speedrun everything was a lie what what was the point of anything subscribe

Today we react to How NOT to Play Minecraft

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Reacting to @NotSafe (GO SUB!)

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  1. Na bionic you can do better in videos 😢but this one I am not interested 😂but a video that can interest me is a one we're you have to servive in an island infested with zombies

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