I Tried The WORST Bridging Methods…

Minecraft Bedrock is great because you know you can just scaffold but today I’m not going to use that I’m going to use some of the dumbest bridging methods I can come up with because why not so we’re going to start out with the first ever bridging method which of course is the classic a Java Bridge here we go We’re Off to the Races ain’t nobody going to stop me now we’re going at the speed of light as you can see my my Rush he doesn’t know how to defend against that I mean it’s Java bridging we’re kind of go to so now that we’re over here I’m actually very surprised that he wasn’t just like waiting to knock me out we’re going to roll him and get his bed that kind of worked a little bit too well I’m actually kind of concerned hello would you like to oh wait oh no wait oh off the map get out of here okay so far this is actually like going incredibly well who knew Java bridging was just the best bridging method you see this guy is using the Java bridging method too because he’s a genius just like I am honestly just considering that guy’s pure genius I’m going to have to go Target him he just he looks a little bit too good at the game luckily okay I thought I could breey Bridge however I can’t let’s give that one another attempt hopefully this time I don’t walk off the edge oh yeah let’s go breey bridg I’m the best java Bridger and wait there’s someone already at this dude’s base what the heck man I came all this way to harass this dude and then you’re already here get off of the map and they have deep slate and I hate this game dude what and now I just have to beat him up at his own islandz cuz what am I meant to do there’s freaking a deep slate I hate this I’m just going to stand here at his diamond island menacingly okay you’re not coming over here I’m going to wait for enough to get a pickaxe it’s going to take a while and then would he least expects it we how do you not have a sword dude I left your Island for like a full minute and he didn’t he didn’t take that time to buy a sword he was just like sitting there why are you punching me I just want to buy a pickaxe to cause your final death I I mean I guess that does sound kind of aggressive actually finally I got the bed okay Bros where are you hello goodbye that fight was an entire Saga okay I had all the emotions but now we just got a side Rush yellow again wait a minute how do I Bridge okay I figured it out we’re Java bridging well actually I should get an authentic Java Bridge here you know this is this is the real way you’re meant to bridge you know I got to up I you got to jump sometimes in your Bridge so that way you know you get that altitude I’m quite the pro Java Bridger if I do say so myself and I think we’ve made it I I can’t I need to bridge this way instead of actually like bridging you know Bedrock uh can I get his bed without are you do you care I feel like you should but oh okay that was a fireball and he did all of his health he hit himself with the fireball out of here luckily gray base is just right there so I don’t have to Bridge Okay bridging that way I’m not not exactly great at Java bridging I kind of lied last time when I said I was anyways you want to not oh oh wow this dude just gave up you know thanks for the sword however I am going to use it to cause your death he just gave up he’s letting me the bed I feel bad sorry end of the line challenge is crazy too and blue team is right across from here I guess I got to hit one more breezly bridge if I could just not fail that’d be awesome I’m trying I’m like cheating I’m just holding down the button but still it’s difficult somehow hopefully they don’t like use a fireball or something I’m very scared I got to go up I’m not allowed to bedrock Bridge so we’re just going to do this it’s going to go great I can see them in the very corner of my screen I’m bridging towards him menacingly and goodbye okay oh oh wait he actually has equal stuff to me I need to like a lock in uh there we go legendary fight PVP and hit a quick gritty now the next bridging method I’m going to use is what I like to call the um the covered bridge okay we got to build a fortified little pathway here because safety is really key especially in bedw Wars you know it’s a very game though now as you can see my Covered Bridge it is a lot more expensive you know some people are going to rush you it’s going to be very scary but he can’t okay this is what we call no no bueno oh no oh okay this one is diagonal so I have no clue how I’m going to do the freaking covered bridge maybe I’ll just kind of bridge whichever whichever way I really feel like you know we’ll just start bridging to the next Island in a a bit of a scenic route if you know what I’m saying you see realistically it’s probably best to take the most efficient route to the diamond island however that’s not very fun is it so we took this route and oh no okay well that guy we got to we got to hurry up here that guy is rushing me got to get the Deep slate quickly and now my bed’s like Invincible oh no get out of here what what is that name I can’t even tell and luckily they built a really direct path for me cuz I was not looking forward to bridging towards them so we’re lucky there um can I get your bed sir that just be very nice get off goodbye and now that I have my first Rush done I’m going to actually start my side Rush mainly cuz it’s probably going to take me 17 years to get over there okay I think my bridge is just almost done and yep that should connect it so that’s a pretty direct route I’m enjoying that and we’re halfway to Blue base oh gosh okay I got to go back to my Island I ran out of blocks and you know this bridge is very effective actually going over to this dude’s base took so long that I literally have iron armor now so that’s nice anywh who I’m going to quickly Rush Osio blades over here he’s doing the the largest defense in hive bedwar video please leave me alone Osio ignasio we can talk this out ignasio luckily my bridge was able to save me there okay Osio blade calm down okay she oh I’m opening the shop what’s happening I got to go to this diamond island to get a pickaxe cuz Ste slate it’s just the bane of my existence H get trapped dude oh he parkour uh what a nice job I wonder if he’s going to buy a sword eventually or what what’s the Strat hi you want to just keep punching me I don’t I don’t think it’s going to work this is quite the bed defense though I must compliment compliments to the chef here oh no he’s taking my bridge how does he even know how to use it it’s such an advanced tactic get out of here what is this bridge I almost accidentally bridged to Mid like correctly that would have been a major mistake there but yeah we got to bridge the snake route cuz if you bridge any way other than the snake route that’s just that’s not real you know one of the best perks about this uh type of bridging method here is that to go across the 16 block Gap you need about a stack of blocks which really increases your uh Financial capabilities in the future you know for investing anyways we’ve made it to Mid with that bridge luckily green made a bridge to M so that way we can actually get to their base in a reasonable amount of time and look they’re AFK they’ll oh no oh no oh that’s not fun that’s not dude that’s not very fun okay quick I need a snake bridge out of here oh okay evacuate uh stop roll oh red team also has a bridge out of here I got to take the red team bridge hopefully it helps me red team I’m sorry but I’m going to cause your death quickly it’s just a side clask oh wait I’m rich too I can also just buy diamond armor okay it turns out I was actually just incredibly wealthy so we’re in full diamond now we got a diamond sword we got Fireballs uh we don’t got a bed that’s a bit unfortunate hopefully he doesn’t notice okay let’s go we’re in the final we’re in the final battle now boom Fireball I missed one of them but it doesn’t matter cuz Fireballs do 177 trillion damage out of here now that we’ve graduated from those weird bridging methods okay those ones weren’t even good we’re going to do the best bridging method of them all cuz you see I am going to Andromeda bridge to diamond island now there is such a thing as like good Andromeda bridging but uh I’m not going to do that I’m going to do this Crouch Andromeda bridging which is going to be very helpful cuz you see now I can Sprint jump back to my base now if I somehow make it to Diamond Island before my first Rush that would be an actual Miracle okay I don’t think that’s a makeable jump unless I mine the stem of my bridge and I can like use it okay I think that this should oh yeah we got to Mid or Diamond whatever we’re at somehow I beat my first Rush who still hasn’t started bridging so that’s impressive now you may say that this bridging method is stupid or inefficient but actually it’s perfect cuz now I can Sprint jump all the way to this island okay and now I have to bridge all the way to this dude’s Island so that’s going to be fun but like if you like speed this up as some stupid amount does this look really cool I’m sure it does um definitely this dude’s building a wall what the heck I’m getting closer to the wall I don’t know what I’m going to do when I get to the wall though I think I can break through the wall I think that’s allowed anyways there Hello Connor can you die the fact that my first Rush was slow enough to let me actually do that is kind of insane though the fact that I did this bridging method to get there that’s kind of crazy not going to lie and you see best part about about it we got the Sprint jumping back I’m going to need to spend like my entire salary on blocks so I can actually get around this map cuz this map is huge and I just do not have the bridging method that’s going to let me be able to Traverse it oh my gosh anyway there’s like two people here I should probably deal with them I’m just going to follow the bridges that are that other people built so I don’t have to build my own cuz building my own is quite painful actually oh this dude bought a diamond sword what the heck and my bed’s gone everything’s going perfectly I’m loving this game dude get get out of here what do you think you’re doing out of here you think you’re allowed to fight back no oh he just logged out didn’t even get a chance to break the bed PVP time oh my gosh that dude just jumped out of nowhere and got rolled now only orange team is left hopefully they’re not rich because if they do that becomes a large problem for me but it’s probably fine hopefully oh they got a bow this is not fun well I’m going to hide under their stairs like a troll please don’t please don’t fight me that’d be bad they threw a fireball at me I’m stuck W oh I tried to use a Dory didn’t work GG’s I mean in drama to bridging is just clearly the better method anyways if you want to like And subscribe you should do that and you should watch this video if you’re bored you have to legally or I will andom bridge to your house

hive bedwars but this time, i bridged

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I make hive, hypixel, and other minecraft server related content, because im cool. I play games like treasure wars, skywars, survival games and other minecraft bedrock servers and minecraft java servers and am incredibly sneaky at hiding tags so no one will notice.


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