I Survived 100 Days as TOOTHLESS in Minecraft

how to trade your dragon just so happens to be my favorite animated movie ever and if you love that movie as much as I do then you definitely love toothless which is why I’ve added toothless into Minecraft with all of his Night Fury powers and now my goal is to play as a Night Fury and survive 100 days in Minecraft oh and uh just to spice things up a little bit I’ve added three enemy Hunter dragons whose goal it is to hunt down toothless before day 100 and let’s just say they have this ugly guy on their team so this is not going to be easy day one I spawned in as baby Toothless and of course that’s a problem because there are three Hunter dragons right in front of me trying to hunt me down and I am dead if they get me and just to make matters worse the second I leave this little platform here they’re going to attack and since I only have five hearts of HP yeah that’s really bad and there’s something outside what is that you know what I’m not even going to worry about that for now let’s just worry about getting out of this pit which by the way this is the training pit from How to Train Your Dragon I just don’t have really much time to enjoy it because you know I’m about to be murdered the second I leave but whatever let’s go ahead and let’s go for it we have a bunch of toothless upgrades that we can get on our toothless upgrade menu and that’s what we’re going to use to survive okay now the first bit of good news is toothless has double jump and that’s what I’m going to use to escape this situation so here we go let’s do it and go go go go go oh fire oh oh God get oh God okay get in here get in here get in here oh God fire with that fire oh so much damage uh go this way right here right here quick get out of this Arena I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out go go go go oh that is a big dragon that is a really really big dragon oh that is the boss Dragon oh that is definitely a boss dragon oh my God can I even hurt this I I can’t move wait I have limited Sprint oh my goodness I have a Sprint bar in the bottom right hand corner I have limited Sprint oh God what am I supposed to do this dragon’s huge wait I forgot baby toothless has double jump that’s going to be the only way we can survive this cuz oh my God is that thing huge we need to go quick oh I fell in this hole yes okay thank goodness we got out of the hole oh he’s coming for me oh God the other three hun dragons are back there as well in the village in the village he’s so big there’s no way he’ll be able to get me in these buildings we’re going to grab let’s grab some food let’s grab some food we need some food quick so we have something think oh he’s coming get behind the building get behind the building oh the other dragons here they can fly oh we’re in a lot of trouble they can fly we need to go we need to get out of here I’m going to have to lose them oh I can’t move I spot him oh wait they don’t see me no he he’s gone stay under the tree somehow they don’t see me somehow they don’t see me wait oh he’s right there he’s right there they found me they found me quick in the forest in the forest in the forest oh my Sprint went away again oh gosh where’d he go he’s in the trees quick they’ll lose me in here they’re big I’m small I can lose them in here okay quick hide amongst the trees make them think they lost me we’re going to hide right here where he I lost them too he’s gone come on okay they’re looking this is definitely our chance to lose them I have an idea I have an ideaa go up here go up here go up here go up here oh the boss Dragon no he doesn’t see me he’s just big it looks like he sees me but he doesn’t oh let’s go this is our chance quit get in this forest and we’re gone yes we definitely escaped here oh let’s go now normally in these situations I would work on my toothless upgrade menu and work on getting a power like pointy tooth but with that giant dragon being back in that Village that ain’t happening I’m just going to take the fact that I escaped as a win and get out of here after getting away from the hunter dragons and they’re giant Le I spent the next several days just making a survival base where I could store my stuff safely and work on upgrades so welcome to my first toothless base as you can see this base is really really small but it has everything we need an area we can craft and smelt infinite Fuel and of course some storage now this base isn’t super hidden or anything I literally just stuck it behind a waterfall over here but it should do for now seeing as you know we have to start getting our night fury Powers unlocked now obviously there’s the other elephant to address in the room which is like you know the big boss Dragon we just got away from but I’m not going to be able to fight him for a long time because like the game told me earlier I need four crystals to defeat that guy and I have zero so until we start getting those crystals he’s out of the question and I’m sure he’ll stay at spawn so I’m just going to avoid that area but what I do need to do is work on unlocking our first Night Fury Power which just so happens to be called pointy tooth is that a dumb name yes do I care a little so let’s go ahead and let’s unlock this pointy tooth ability which hopefully is going to be a lot better than this iron sword we have though to actually unlock it is pretty easy first we just have to take an Axe and strip five logs and then grow a beetroot to full size using some bone meal and then it’s time for the really hard part of this quest which is literally to play tag with the hunter dragons no I’m not even kidding like if you read this Quest here it literally says tag a hunter and then survive 60 seconds without getting hit I’m playing tag and I can’t be tagged back that’s basically what that Quest is saying let’s start with the easiest Parts first which uh just need to do this and there we go first Quest done that was super easy next let’s use some bone meal to grow a beetroot plant to full I don’t actually have any beetroot seeds at the minute though I do Happ to have a a few bones so let’s go grab those real quick there they are and now let’s go find a village where we can find some beetroot seeds okay perfect we found a village perfect here’s the farm let’s just see if there is any beetroots here I think these are beetroots right yeah it is that that’s beetroots you can usually tell cuz beetroots are a little curvy on the top now let’s just turn these bones into bone meal and let’s grow these beetroots all the way to full size and boom we got beetroots check them out and now the beetroots are done with that’s two quests completed and now we just have to play tag with the hunters which I have no idea how that’s going to go but it’s going to start with me just looking for them because again I have no idea where they are so let’s go find them and let’s play some tags so I went off to search for the hunter dragons so we could play a game of tag but before I did that I first went back to spawn to make sure the boss Dragon was still there and he was so as long as I don’t have to deal with that big guy we should be just fine oh I see a dragon oh my God look it’s a hunter Dragon he’s right down there in that Village is there base in this Village it very well could be the Golem’s right there oh stone brick right there right next to the Golem that is their base their base is right here in this Village let’s get down there without getting seen I’m just going to do my double jump so I don’t take fall damage get against this fence here we go oh wait they going are they going back in they’re going back in the base yes okay that’s huge I’m taking that chance this is our chance to get away with this we can go in that base tag one of them run back outside and then just hide I mean that’s really our only option because the fact that they can fly means playing real tag against them is not going to be easy cuz they fly and I don’t like what am I supposed to do against that that’s crazy now I fit in one high gaps and they don’t there’s a dragon right there okay we need to get a lot lot more gotch I don’t have enough food boy do you have food uh I have a little I punch one go oh he’s right here oh go go go go what just happened I don’t see he’s right there oh I see him I see him get him get him this way this way wait what fence over the fence here I think I saw him go down here I think I hear him there we go there I’m not going to move what happened I’m not going to move I’m going to stay in this hole for 60 seconds okay we just going to wait in here for 60 seconds and this Quest will be done oh my God where is he okay the quest just turned green in the upper right we officially have played tag for 60 seconds and one now we have to somehow get out of here and not die okay oh we cannot be seen by them I’m going to unlock the pointy tooth I I whacked her with the pony tooth she’s now bleeding okay this new pointy tooth is like a sword but it’s really weak is the problem you’ll see it only does four attack damage but I’ll go over that more when we get home for now I need to get out of here they’re right up where exactly where I’m heading too let’s go this way I ran out of Sprint it’s over here oh gosh quick down here and in the wall let’s just start going this way okay let’s go up here there’s going to be a chance to get out ready this way climb here go go go go we got to get across this River climb we need to get in this Forest up here once we’re in this Forest we’ll be fine it’s my only opportunity really we’re in the forest we’re in the forest yes where are they where are the dragons they’re all over there yes go oh my God they don’t oh they’re coming oh gosh they definitely see me get him oh this way go go go go go go oh fire fire I forgot they had that oh oh that almost hit me in the Tre he’s in the Tre oh my God they’re flying he’s over here I see him I see him and we’re going to lose here ready watch this and where’d he go I hear breaking I hear him breaking stuff okay keep going this way man C go through this block here oh my gosh are you kidding me what are the odds this way this way this go go go go go go digging on a shovel actually this is a good spot to be we can lose them here ready watch get down here now down here that’s huge that’s huge that’s huge go this way and now we’re out of here oh my God I can’t believe that worked we actually escaped no way we are out of here with our new pointy tooth in hand okay so now that we have a Night Fury tooth which is kind of weird cuz I’m toothless you know that I I have a tooth but anyway now that that’s unlocked we can actually move on to our next toothless upgrade before we do that I actually want to test something at this Village real quick so let me just go up to a random villager here and when I whack him you’re going to notice that he starts to take bleed damage just like he’s supposed to from this tooth but you’re also going to notice it didn’t kill him and that’s cuz I realized this tooth is actually way weaker than an iron sword but because it deals bleed damage and acts as an omni tool it’s basically a better version of what I had so this pointy tooth is here to stay for right now and speaking of right now it’s now time to get our next toothless upgrade which is called quick Claws and honestly I’m really happy to get these quick claws finally done with because it’s going to remove the limited Sprint that I have at the bottom right hand corner of my screen cuz right now I still have limited Sprint it hasn’t really affected me cuz I’m not running for my life at the minute but it is still annoying that I can’t run super large distances I mean look I’m out of Sprint and now I can’t move so yeah I want to get rid of this Sprint bar once and for all and to do that we just get the quick claws now to unlock these quick claws I need to complete my hunger bar down to three bars of hunger I need to get one block of mud and I need to get the Tactical fishing advancement oh I froze again okay so first things first let’s go ahead and let’s grab some of our iron ingots and let’s make ourselves a bucket Now using that bucket we simply grab some water and now we’re going to go to the river right in front of us and catch ourselves a fish using this bucket if there are any fish I I don’t see any come here you fish there we go got them and there we go tactical fishing is now completed so now let’s get a block of mud cuz that’s also really easy to do all we need is a piece of dirt right here and we need three pieces of sand now we simply throw that sand inside of our furnace right here and now we dance with our new salmon pet while we wait for that to finish cooking okay right so now let’s just grab the three glass turn that into glass bottles and now we grab a bottle of water now we simply put the dirt on the ground and combine it with this bottle of water to get a block of mud and now we just break that mud and boom mud Acquired and now there’s just one Quest left get my Hunger bars down to three and of course after I sleep so that way now we can what no way okay sorry I know I just went to bed and I’m changing my thought real fast I can throw my pointy tooth like an ender pearl I literally have an infinite ender pearl look at this oh my goodness that’s so broken anyway as I was saying we got to go deplete our hunger bars down to three now so let’s just go and do that all we need to do is go outside and basically just start drowning to take a bunch of damage so that way my Hunger stops regenerating oh here we go got to be careful here we don’t want to die there let’s oh oh oh no no no no oh he’s bleeding he’s bleeding okay he blew up some land that’s okay there we go there go there go no get out get out oh my Sprint bar just almost went on underwat and ran out of Sprint while I was on a heart that would have killed me I would be dead okay we need to get our hunger down to three that’s like our only goal at this point do I just like sit here maybe I should start mining or something like wait we can eat rotten flesh and get the hunger effect oh that’s brilliant I got an idea where’s my rotten flesh here it is we at 25 okay this is either genius or really stupid we’ll find out cuz this is going to restore some Hunger too I didn’t even get poison that just gave me my Hunger back I cannot believe this hold on if I eat it again maybe there we go now we got hunger okay it’s dropping my Hunger pretty quick here but not quite enough no oh it went away at 4: I need to lose a hunger bar how do I lose a hunger bar I guess I could try like swimming with my salmon and taking a little damage maybe oh this is so risky okay oh no no no okay we took a little more damage lower my Hunger that’s got to work that’s got to work yep there we go we just need to lower half more come on give it to me give me this Quest yes we did it three hunger now I can eat myself back to full health yes and now our Quest is completed which means we can unlock quick Claws and get rid of that dumb Sprint meter mean now you’ll notice that meter at the bottom right hand corner is gone and I can Sprint infinitely but it actually did something else as well and you’re going to notice that when I swing my sword I don’t have any weapon cooldowns now so I can swing axes just as fast as I can swords meaning it’s time for me to start using axes as my main weapon well obviously besides my pointy tooth but you get what I’m saying anyway now it’s time to get some more HP cuz obviously we still have five hearts and I need more than five Hearts so let’s go ahead and let’s upgrade from baby toothless into the Dancing Dragon which uh is the tooth list that everyone everyone knows from the meme so it’s time to become meme toothless right now by simply completing the quests you see in the upper leftand corner of my screen which starts with us first taking four hearts of fall damage with feather falling boots second crafting a bamboo raft with a chest and third waxing a copper block all of which I can do super easily but the first thing I’m going to need is definitely an enchanting table cuz that first Quest requires that I have feather falling boots which could only be gotten from an enchantment table well I guess you can also find like feather falling boots or like a book somewhere but you get what I mean let’s get feather falling real quick oh my God look at all the mobs in here oh I’m so dead if I’m not carefully here I am toast oh we got some diamonds right this is actually the perfect place to get the obsidian we need grab the diamonds cuz we need diamonds okay now I forgot to bring my own water but that should be okay I have a plan with that and it just requires me to raise this water here by one yeah look we made more obsidian okay this is exactly what I wanted now for the fun part because we have a pickaxe that can mine in an area that’s like 3×3 we should in theory be able to trick this obsidian so if I break this block here as an example and jump in this hole and then I mine straight ahead I should automatically yes there we go we got some of the obsidian without actually mining it now let’s do the exact same thing again this time though let’s put a block on top and mine it this way we should get more this way right yeah we got three that time yes lock on top mine straight boom we’re getting obsidian so fast yes okay then we do the same thing over here yes there we go and now we have 10 obsidian which is all we need to make a nether portal though um I just realized I was making an enchanting table not a nether portal I’m just so used to mining for nether portal obsidian that that’s what I started doing let’s actually put our nether portal right here mine this area out here and there we go boom we got our nether portal done with now and now all we need to do is make that enchanting table which we can do by just taking four obsidian two diamonds and then we just need a book here to put on top but I don’t have a book so let’s just kill this cow for leather grab a little of this sugar cane and now we can go ahead and make the book that we need to finish the enchanting table and now combining all the ingredients back together like this to get our enchantment table which we’ll just stick right here for now and now our goal is simple to get feather falling on our boots but that won’t be easy with a level one enchanting table so uh we got to level this thing up too we’ll work on that tomorrow okay so to level up this enchanting table we obviously need a lot of bookshelves but there should be bookshelves in this Village let’s go a let’s just check out all these houses and see what we can steal because I’m a thief nope no bookshelves in here check this one out okay I went through every house there’s no bookshelves here so we are definitely going to have to get them ourselves and uh that’s kind of a pain but uh we can do it let’s just start by grabbing a bunch of sugar cane like this because we’re going to need that sugarcane to make a bunch of books okay I got over three stacks of sugarcane so that should definitely be enough so now we just need to get some more leather to make some books and obviously the best place to get leather is from horses look we got two just from that die horses okay perfect now we have 39 total leather now we simply got to do is make a bow load of paper just like this combine that boatload of paper alongside the leather we just obtained and we’ll get a bunch of books then we just simply grab some wood from our chest we simply combine that wood together to make all the books that we need there we go and that gets us 13 bookshelves so now let’s just go and get our enchanting table back back real quick dig a hole in this wall and now let’s build this enchanting room we’re going to put the enchantment table down right here in the center and then carve a hole in the walls like this one bookshelf in the back here one bookshelf on the side here and one bookshelf on the side here and now our bookshelf is pretty much done I just happen to have one extra bookshelf so uh I’ll put in the floor I don’t know what else but there we go our bookshelf is now completed with our enchanting table and now we just need feather falling okay let’s just throw in our boots and let’s see if we can get it don’t see it um this is risky cuz I don’t know if I’m going to get feather falling off of level three let’s do a one let’s reset it let’s just reset it boom there it is feather falling four we got it now we can put these boots on and we have feather falling and now our goal is simple we just have to take four hearts of damage with our feather falling boots now we happen to have five Hearts so we got to be somewhat careful about this so let’s do it let’s go up here real quick swim up here and let’s jump down here we go oh okay that was three hearts of fall damage but I only took one because my feather falling so it looks like it’s counting what I would take instead of what the feather falling does hold on this could be good let’s just go up here one more block and let’s jump down boom we took the four hearts of damage we needed and that Quest is now complete now we might as well just go back inside the base real quick head over to our chest and grab some of our copper and now we just need to wait for nine copper to finish melting there we go it’s all done now we just have to make ourselves a copper block just like this and now we’re going to stick that copper block outside and we’ll put it right here because obviously one of our other quests is to wax a copper block so we can stick this outside to now to start oxidizing which will turn it green over time and once it’s a little green we can start waxing it and we’ll be good to go but that’s a job for tomorrow okay should I actually wax that copper block like I said we’re going to need beeswax so to get beeswax we need to find a hive that has honey in it and Shear that Hive we just got to find one which I’m sure we’ll find one eventually or we’ll find like one of those pink petal biomes which is actually like the best place to find those this actually isn’t a bad spot to sit let’s see if we see any bees here I don’t see a single bee how are there no Bees anywhere I found a beehive right next to a cherry blossom area I knew this is where it would be but this one doesn’t have any honey in it we got to start checking out the cherry trees these a lot of times have honey that’s fully completed and good to go we got one right here we got a hive right here and it’s got honey let’s go oh be nope he stung me okay the bee’s gone and we got honeycomb which means now we just have to go home and wax our copper block okay and we are officially home let’s just go up to our copper block real quick and right click it with our beeswax there we go now we’ve officially waxed the copper block and that Quest is done now let’s quickly remove that copper block cuz it gives way where my base is and now let’s dive back inside where it’s time to finish our last quest which is simply to make a bamboo raft with a chest which means we’re not sleeping tonight we’re going out and we’re finding a jungle to get some bamboo cuz uh right now I don’t know where a jungle is and I’m pretty sure I can find one pretty quick so let’s see what we can do I’m in a jungle which should mean bamboo should spawn in here in different places I just don’t see any oh it gets pretty thick over here we’ll find some over here for sure in fact I can see some bamboo right there perfect okay now let’s just go get that bamboo come here bamboo okay I got what two stacks of bamboo that should be enough okay now let’s just put down this crafting table and now using our bamboo we just need to go ahead and make a raft but that is not how bamboo works because you got to put bamboo in a group of nine just like this and that’s going to going to give you blocks of bamboo so let’s get a bunch of those real quick then we take those blocks of bamboo and turn them into bamboo planks which we can then of course use to make ourselves a bamboo raft now we just need to attach a chest to that so we make ourselves a chest attach the raft and the chest together and boom bamboo raft with chest now we hop in the water and boom bambo raft with chest we got this Quest done with we got the boat we got the chest all three quests are green which means we can now unlock the Dancing Dragon that’s right it’s time for the meme tooth list to finally be unlocked but first let’s uh let’s take our boat home okay so you goodbye to little baby Toothless and hello to everyone’s favorite dancing toothless oh my God he’s perfect he’s literally perfect look at him he’s beautiful oh my God if I shift I can do a little dance it’s close enough right oh my God imagine if I could actually do the dance that would be so great this is going to be the best video I’ve ever made anyway now that we’ve unlocked meme toothless it is time for us to go ahead and actually see what meme toothless can do because he not only looks ridiculous but he’s actually pretty strong because first things first if we look at our hearts you’re going to see we have 10 total hearts of HP then on top of having 10 total hearts of HP this guy also has speed one jump one and strength one so you do not want to mess with this tooth list but the most important part about unlocking this meme tooth list is the fact that when we unlock another tooth list we actually get a book with some information that’s the book that was in my inventory right there and if we look at this book it’s literally called the crystals by the 100 day God and the book says the following it takes four legendary crystals to weaken the boss Dragon do that and you’ll be able to take it down good luck your first crystals can be found and then it gives me some coordinates so if I simply head to those coordinates I think I can get my first of those four crystals I need to take out that big boss Dragon so let’s head to those coordinates and let’s see what we find there so one of the four crystals has got to be pretty close here um I don’t see anything yet oh I see something oh I definitely see something yes here we go this has got to be the crystal this has got to be it oh this is going to be so huge let’s go ahead and let’s grab it oh no it looks like I have to jump down in a hole let’s go down here we go oh well here’s a parkour we got to complete so I guess if we do this there should be a crystal waiting for us somewhere at the end over there so let’s go and let’s do this parkour now we want to be somewhat careful here cuzz I have double jump and if I accidentally use my double jump I will definitely fall so let’s try not to fall there we go okay so far so good now let’s go on this side nope nope ow hey look it teleported me back okay let’s try again one more time Jump here we go we’re doing good Edge okay we’re good okay here we go this is where we fell last time get on this Edge yes okay we made it now for the hard part doing these jumps these jumps are going to be really difficult now I think we want to keep our height as high as possible so I’m just going to jump to no okay let’s just stay as high as possible on these fenes as we can okay to this one wait we can go from here down to this one over to this one no dang it I’m just so bad at parkour I’m guessing I actually have to jump across all these regular wooden ones now that I notice it actually makes a pretty clear path so we want to stick to these regular wooden ones oh no to this one to this one come on yes okay we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re doing it yes yes yes yes okay we got past the hard part now we just got to do a bunch of ladders okay ladders I can do I can handle ladder parkour this is not too bad okay we get up here here we just going to jump to that platform we did it okay it looks like a slime jump I can do that perfect we got some more ladder parkour I can do this easy just climb across these there we go jump on the trap door no way oh now I’m stuck great Cannonball slime jump there we go ladders and trap doors there we go now we did it now we just simply jump to this PL no now we just simply don’t double jump this time here we go jump regular good jump regular good jump yes okay one more jump one more jump one more jump yeah yes we did it and inside this chest should be the red Crystal which is exactly what we came here to get and now we have the first of four crystals that we need to take down the boss dragon now this red Crystal might look pretty basic but you’re going to notice that if I right click it I can throw this red Crystal outward and since I didn’t hit anything it appears back in my hand but if we were to hit the boss Dragon this would lower his armor down and make him weaker and if I get all four crystals I can take them out but uh for now let’s just eat this steak and let’s head on home and now our choice is simple we can either work on our level two combat power or our level two utility power my combat power is called tail whip and my utility power is called onion soup yeah let’s get tail whip to unlock tail whip there’s just a few things that I need to do first things first I need to use my pointy tooth to get two kills on the hunters second I need to brew three potions of speed and finally I need to take out the hunter dragons in an obstacle course or that’s what it says anyway in the quest though uh I don’t have any information on where an obstacle course could be wait unless I got another book that I just don’t know about hold on I have one book here wait wait there was a book I put in my chest earlier hold on okay let’s see yep here’s the book right here and this book which was also by the 100 day God does give me coordinates to a dragon obstacle course so we can actually find this thing now I did just do a parkour course so I don’t know if I want to just jump immediately into another one but it does say that I’m going to run into the hunter dragons so I might actually do it real quick was that a trident that just almost hit me I’m pretty sure a trident almost hit me now this is actually the perfect time while I go investigate that trident that flew by my head I forgot to tell you guys that this toothless I have actually has triple jump now so I can jump once and then a second time as well now who threw that trident oh my God you have a nautilus shell hold up you come here we got a nautilus shell that’s crazy now see if we can get that trident as well no way we get a trident already BK Bonk yay he’s gone but he didn’t drop the Trident oh well you win some you lose some anyway let’s go ahead let’s follow that book’s coordinates let’s just go to that obstacle course and get it done with because it’s either that or I do something boring like you know Brewing speed potions okay the coordinates say it’s like right oh is it here is this a pyramid is this what I’m looking for this desert pyramid this is definitely it is this the obstacle course oh wait maybe not oh wait uh maybe so that definitely looks like an obstacle course hold on a minute wait what is this press button to summon Hunter oh God and when I push this button I’m guessing a hunter is going to get summoned and then I have to verse them in an obstacle course and if I win only then will this Quest be completed oh that’s so dumb whatever I’m going to push the button here we go push oh God and there he is there’s a dragon where am I hello ugly yeah I’m talking to you hey I’m not ugly yeah yes you want look at you literally look at you I don’t own mirrors I don’t have a comeback for that anyway it’s time to do an obstacle course with me and you and uh I’m forced to bring you here because I have to beat you in an obstacle course just to finish a quest oh you’re on okay here we go I’m going to countdown from three and then you can step on your pressure plates and go in 3 2 1 go okay I’m going to beat you let the race begin oh we got to go this way this way jump across these leaves get on this ice that’s huge oh we’re doing really good I feel like I’m doing good anyway I don’t know if I am or I’m not okay here to here see oh that’s not good I fell on the Soul Sand oh that’s not good I got it right there jump over The Lava I see the Finish Line come on and yes I did it I won oh come on you cheated oh and oh I guess you are a lot bigger than me that’s probably way harder for you but either way I win which means the second I touch this water Quest completed and now I am going to hide just so that Dragon does not kill me quick quick quick quick let’s go to the Village let’s go to the Village go to the Village go to the Village I’m just going to go under here and hide and there we go now that Dragon can’t get me and more importantly our Quest is complete completed now that we’re done with that all we need is the three speed potions or two kills with our pointy tooth and honestly I’m going to start by getting those speed potions done with cuz they’re honestly the easiest and it gives us an excuse to finally go to the nether so let’s light off our portal let’s get into it and now let’s go to the nether now we just need to make speed potions which shouldn’t be too too difficult to do as all we need to do is find some Nether Warts okay perfect we finally made our way back out to the main nether boom we found another Fortress right there that’s huge oh okay we almost fell in the lava there let’s just jump down here we’re now inside the nether fortress so now just get some blaze rods and and some nether Wards okay here we go blaze rods we can get right here okay we got a blaze rod nice found a blaze there we go now we got three blaze rods that’s all we need for the blaze rods now let’s just go find some nether warts in this place boom Nether Warts that’s the other thing we need to grab perfect and now that we have these in our hand we just have to go back to the Overworld and get ourselves some sugar to make the speed Potions all right let’s just go ahead and let’s get back through this portal real quick oh God the Bas go away Dragon oh he’s here oh he’s here get him get him watch oh gosh I’m killing him I’m killing him I’m kill I took two of them out yes okay we took two of them the boss Dragon oh I need blocks I need blocks I need blocks oh god build a wall build a wall build W hold on he can’t get in he doesn’t fit through that hole oh this is really not good can I hurt him let me try whacking his leg I can’t even hurt him oh gosh it’s like I mentioned earlier as long as he has that shield on I can’t hurt him and I need the four crystals to actually take him out well that’s just great okay we’re going to have to lose this guy somehow I think my best bet honestly to lose this guy we’ll come back for our items later for now let’s just do this I have a way he can’t get me we can just go through here through the side watch this and just start breaking these top blocks and that should give us a staircase all the way to the surface okay I see dirt this is good we’ve got to be getting close to the top here yes I see grass yes we’re out okay does he see us I don’t think he sees us yes he doesn’t okay there’s the boss Dragon right down there and now let’s go ahead and let’s get out of here before he does see us we’ll come back for our stuff later with our first base found by the boss dragon and his Lackey we obviously needed to move bases to a new one which I chose to make over 2,500 blocks away okay so welcome to the second toothless base now let’s play a little game the base is somewhere behind me and I want you to take a guess as to where it is is it a hidden underneath one of the ice sculptures you see behind me is it B hidden in that tiny waterfall you see behind me or is it C hidden in the snow behind me or D hidden in the lava behind me take your pick right now the hidden base is right up there behind that snow like all you need to do literally is walk into this powdered snow right here and if you keep going in you’re inside the base now the base looks pretty much like my other base except I’ve now added the M shaft inside the base so I don’t have to leave to go Min and then on top of that I got a fully leveled up enchantment table now and I’ve set up some item frames where I can start keeping track of all my crystals now so this base is ready to go and by that I mean we got to finish the three speed potions we were working on before we started this base which luckily I have all the stuff in this chest ready to go all we need to do is get some sugar from the sugar cane grab three glass bottles and throw them inside of this brewing stand then we just add one Nether wart which will turn these water bottles into awkward potions and then we just add one sugar to turn these into speed potions and our Quest is complete and boom there we go speed potion one speed potion two and speed potion three which means now we can unlock our tail whip attack which uh does this that was so slow oh my god look it does not look that strong hold on we got to try that on a mob or something okay these cows will do let’s see how this works oh my God it took out all the cows oh it also sent them flying come here sheep I’m trying on you next get over here okay that tail attack’s actually really cool and now that we have that unlocked it’s time to work on our next upgrade which is is literally called onion soup which we can unlock by eating three different fish baking a cake and obtaining Return to Sender which is that advancement where you shoot a fireball back at a gas definitely doable so let’s just start with the easiest part which is just eating the three different fish most of which I’m assuming I can get from a river just like this so we just have under water here we just have to look for some salmon some cod or some tropical fish and right there we got some salmon perfect now we got the salmon so let’s go a let’s eat that and now that’s one type of fish eaten we got some cod right here and now all we need is a tropical fish this area like I said just has salmon and cod so uh we need to look somewhere else okay I see a dolphin that’s a good sign that we can find some tropical fish oh wait I think I see some right there yes there that is some need to take out one of these fish now oh it’s puffer fish that’ll work and just in case it won’t let’s grab one of you guys and now just eat the puffer fish and there we go three out of three fish eaten and I’m getting dizzy anyway now that we’re done being poisoned let’s go ahead and let’s start on the second quest which is to make ourselves a cake now to make a cake isn’t really that difficult we just need sugar cane eggs buckets of milk and basically all the items you see on screen right now so first things first we need to get three wheat which we can do just by getting some hay blocks from this Village or that was my plan anyway but I don’t see any hay blocks am I going crazy oh no no here’s some hay blocks there we go grab a couple of these there we go now we got the wheat we need and now that we have the wheat done with we just need to get the following one egg three milk buckets and two sugar now luckily for me we have nine sugar canes so we already have the two sugar taken care of meaning now I just need three buckets for milk and I need to go find an egg now I’m going to do whichever comes first whether we find an egg or find a cow but so far I have not seen either oh well there’s a chicken and where there’s a chicken sometimes you can find some eggs hold up that’s a good sign I don’t see any more chicken so I don’t think there’s any eggs okay nope but there is a cow right here this will work for the three buckets of milk we need so let’s just go up to this cow and there we go we have our milk now all we literally need to do is find an egg from a chicken hey you leave that cow alone punk anyway as toothless was saying we need to go find an egg we got chickens we got an egg yes okay we now have everything we need to make a cake now that we have this egg so we’re just going to go ahead put the egg right here surrounded by two sugar stick three milk buckets on top and three pieces of wheat at the bottom and boom we got ourselves a cake which of course we’ll just stick on the floor right there and eat a little bit to bring ourselves back to full and now there’s only one more Quest we have to do which is to get returned to sender and that Quest is super easy as we literally just have to go to the Nether and defeat a gas with its own Fireball so let’s go ahead and let’s quickly just get returned to Center this shouldn’t take too long we just got to find a gas that’s like the hardest part where is this guy I definitely hear one oh my God he’s under the lava look at him right there there he is oh that fireball may have actually just saved my life oh God oh God oh gosh come on please extinguish please extinguish come on yes okay we’re alive barely but we’re alive let’s see if we get this gas to shoot at us come on come on gasty boy we can go over here now let’s just jump to this side hold on we can get this guy to shoot for sure shoot at me I got you come on oh you’re right on me what shoot me dude I’m right on top of you okay I’ve made a platform this is so risky please attack me what is wrong with this gas oh my God I almost just fell is he going to do it while I’m on this Edge that would be the most annoying spot for it hello he is yes oh we got returned to Sender of course while I’m on this terrible spot oh my goodness we’re done thank goodness and now we can officially unlock our onion soup upgrade and now we have an infinite food item so we don’t need food anymore though I should probably tell you what this onion soup does basically I can eat it and it gives me fire resistance haste and regeneration so even if I take damage I now gain hearts for the next minute and a half every time I eat this soup making it really overpowered it’s time to Now work on our tier three upgrades and this is also my favorite part of these videos cuz starting in tier three my abilities start to get really fun like as an example my next attack is a wing attack I can also get the smell location ability or I can straight up become full grown toothless like I said this is where things get fun so basically I am stuck between three tough choices do I get stronger do I get smarter or do I simply become a level three Night Fury well I’ll be honest with you it’s a pretty easy choice for me anyway and that’s to work on the smell location ability because if we actually read this ability this power is going to let use toothless’s sense of smell to track down the Dragon Hunters wherever they are and that’s super useful to use because now even if I have quests like the fury blast that require me to find the Dragon Hunters well I can now do that super easily with this new ability well uh once I unlock it anyway which to unlock smell location we actually have to get a load Stone from a Bastion and use a compass on it name a dog with a name tag and then take it to three different biomes and then finally we just have to hit 10 different entities with eggs so we just need some more eggs now I’m actually going to start by by heading to the Nether and getting that load Stone because it just so happened that I found a Bastion when I was battling the gas just about like I don’t know 20 minutes ago or so so let’s head back to that Bastion and let’s check it out to see if it has a load Stone cuz I’m pretty sure it does okay let’s just break in theide of the Bastion right here here we go we’re now inside now let’s just go over here let’s quickly take out the spawner okay now we just got to take out these guys so let’s start with this one okay we need to take out this brute next oh he can hit me up there dang okay now they’re all dead now we just need to look through the chests and hopefully find a load Stone okay let’s see what we find here okay no load Stone in this one just some gold blocks and some diamonds and netherite and stuff okay now let’s gather up these Gold Blocks yeah there’s another chest right there let’s check out that one for a load Stone see if that one’s the right one okay that brute is not going to like me here ah go Bo I’m fireproof oh thank goodness I’m fireproof oh the soup saved my life I fell in the lava I thought it was dead oh that was so close there we go block them all off okay do you have a load Stone in you you don’t okay let’s go ahead and let’s check the right with the rest of this Bastion okay let’s grab these Gold Blocks here next then let’s make our way over here and start climbing up we should be pretty close here okay these are the types of chests we need to search there we go he’s gone now let’s see if we get a load Stone nothing in here nothing in here no load stones at all okay now we got to go this way uh-oh oh [Music] ah oh my gosh that was so close okay we have one more room we still got to check in this place okay let’s check out this chest still no load Stone no where’s all the load Stones okay we got to find another Bastion this one literally doesn’t have what we need okay here’s another Bastion literally right up ahead here I’m hoping this one has the load Stone chest okay let’s just go up here real quick and let’s go and let’s grab all this gold now we have 39 Gold Blocks which is a ton and now we just need to look around this place for any sort of chest oh dear de dear okay they can’t get me here oh they can hit me down right going this way okay there we go we landed that nice let’s start climbing up okay perfect now let’s check down this path we got one here we got anent debris but no load Stone that’s fine keep going this way inside oh here we go found a bunch of gold blocks ah I fell into lava oh thank God we have we are fireproof right now got another chest down here grab this one next I don’t like being next to you load Stone load Stone it’s load Stone chest grab the load Stone and we got it boom we now have a load Stone from a Bastion and all we need to do is add a compass to it oh we got it so now let’s just go home and let’s go let’s quickly craft ourselves one Compass nice and easy and now let’s go back to the nether with this load Stone to finish up this Quest We simply put the load Stone down right here right click it with our compass and boom we now have a load Stone from a Bastion and we used the compass on it now let’s go home and let’s work on the next Quest okay so now that we’re done with the load Stone we now just have to name a dog and bring it to three biomes so let’s just go ahead and grab our name tag come up with a good name for a dog and now we just got to go find one now it really shouldn’t be too hard to find a dog like they’re not like difficult or anything well they’re not common either like I don’t I don’t see them all the time so really the best chance of finding him is just going from forest to Forest and looking around and seeing what you can find because uh that’s literally the only way I mean I guess technically you can look for sheep being murdered but like that’s that’s really it let’s see if we can find some wolves dog found one yes come here you okay now that I know where you are I just got to feed you a bunch of Bones 25 bones should be enough oh my God I I did it in the first bone well that works and now we have to name this dog milk shake and take him to three different biomes with this biome being the first biome this Forest being the second biome and now we’re just going to bring him over here to the plains biome for biome number three which of course is literally right here and there we go three out of three biomes done and now we just have to go do the eggs you know the thing I was going to do first so we just have to find 10 eggs and throw them at 10 different mobs really not that difficult so let’s just quickly collect some eggs egg another egg there we go that’s three that’s four eggs okay that’s five eggs right here six eggs right here that’s seven that’s eight eggs nine 10 yes we got the 10 EG and now we just have to hit 10 different entities with these eggs starting with chickens that’s one so we got a cow right here that can be two we got a pig right here that could be three we got a horse over here this could be four we have villagers up here and an iron golem so this could be five and six there we go now we just got to find the Golem so we can get six there we go now we run away and simply throw one at a creeper a skeleton a spider and now we just need to get that zombie all the way over there so come on let’s do this let’s be quick come on yes we did it oh my God there’s so many creepers okay I’m out of here and with all that complete we can now unlock the smell location abilities which like I said allows me to track the hunters anywhere on the server now I’ll actually show you how this ability Works in person later cuz uh for it to work we need to want to attract the hunters which uh I don’t want to do right now so we’re not going to do that okie dokie now that we have smell location done with what the heck hey buddy how’s it going this is creepy um okay that was rude just pushed me out of the way of my own shot that’s nice anyway as I was saying it’s time to move on to our tier three combat ability and this ability is called wing attack not to be confused from the one with from Pokémon are you really this guy just keeps coming into my shot I’m just trying to explain wing attack you know what never mind and to unlock wing attack all we need to do is get the caves and Cliff’s advancement use a fishing rod to get a puffer fish that eat it and then fling seven Hunters away with my tail whip ability let’s get started this is the perfect chance to show off our brand new smell location ability because we can use it to track the hunter dragons and once we do that we can then fling them with tail whip to hopefully you know survive anyway let’s go let’s use smell location and let’s find them okay so let’s actually activate smell location and as you can see there is a green particle Trail pointing upward and in that General vicinity so as long as we go in this direction we should find the hunters and be able to take them out with our tail attack so let’s go ahead let’s follow this particle Trail all the way to the hunters these particles are turning fast here yeah it’s shooting like toward this way oh wait what it’s going down what the heck I see their wings they’re right through this wall oh my God yeah their Bas is right here hold on let’s turn smell location off so they can’t track me oh okay I found their base this is huge we just need to find the entrance it’s somewhere right here oh is this it there’s like a lake in the center of this island yeah look I see glowstone and trap doors okay eat some food and then all we need to do is fling them seven times with tail whip okay here we go let’s get down there I have a plan ready and oh my God what gosh swim get him oh I need dir build up build up jumped in from above oh got i h him with sword oh right they could fly I forgot stay in the forest stay in the forest go this way go this way go this way we need to keep getting them with our tail that’s all we need to do oh he’s in the water he’s over here okay here we go they’re getting close they’re getting close this is what I want oh we did not expect the fire oh I him he’s right here he’s tra there go I hit her with tail I hit her with tail that’s three hits some food where’d he go I bued he’s underground I buried myself tail attack I did it again I can hit them through the wall with my tail attack but now I’m suffocating he’s he’s here oh I killed one I killed one oh no no yes we got him seven flung oh we got it we got to get out of here now oh gosh okay how am I going to get out of here without dying they can fly this is going to be so difficult I need to get I need to get to that Forest okay oh swim wait wait he can’t he can’t flame me under water does he see me under here oh he threw a spear at me what the heck they have Spears oh God what is that spear oh yep they have a spear oh gosh go go go go go in the forest in the forest in the forest actually yes we definitely can cross this Gap dig in this wall right here and boom we’re now hidden and we can get out of here okay so now that we flung them around a bunch of times with our tail we now just need a fishing rod of puffer fish and eat it so let’s start by simply making ourselves a quick fishing rod and now let’s go fishing for a puffer fish okay so let’s just go and throw our fishing rod out and now we just got to wait for that thing to go underwater and we reel it in and hopefully we just get a puffer fish I got it okay well I got a Cod it’s not a puffer fish that doesn’t really help let’s just keep trying to catch one and see what we can do I got a puffer fish no shot well now we can just eat them well after I take a little damage that is okay let’s get out of the water Let’s Lose a hunger point and now let’s eat the puffer fish who once again is going to bring us down to half a heart of HP and now let’s head on home to finish up our last quest which is to get the caves and cliffs advancement now this advancement isn’t really too difficult to get we just have to go ahead and jump from the top of the world to the bottom of the world without dying which normally would require a bucket but because I don’t take fall damage when I double jump that’s all I have to do to survive so uh let’s do that okay an area like this is probably going to be best for a quest like this simply because there’s no water and there’s no ice making this the perfect spot to do this so let’s go ahead and start by just simply digging down and digging our hole straight to bedrock so we’re just going to dig straight down here and hopefully not hit any water cuz if we hit water it’s going to be a pain but oh okay let’s get rid of that small little waterfall here there we go okay boom we’re officially at Bedrock this is officially the bottom of the world so this is exactly where we want to be okay so now our goal is very simple just to get to the top of the world standing right here we’re going to go all the way up to the top of the world and jump into this hole and survive and that should get us caves and cliffs okay boom we’re officially at build height you can see we cannot build any higher so now we just have to jump in that hole go all the way to the bottom and do this thing here we go okay we’re jumping in let’s do this I used my one double jump already so I won’t take fall damage here we go boom and there we go caves and cliffs completed which means we can unlock our new wing attack ability which is an attack that looks like this now right now obviously toothless doesn’t have wings so all you see is a bunch of particles but I promise he will have wings in a moment which honestly speaking about that we should probably get him some wings so to get toothless’s wings we just have to head to an ancient city and extinguish 15 candles light off a creeper shaped Firework and very specifically burn the Hunter’s Cat music disc before the day ends now that third Quest might be a little confusing cuz it is so let me make sure it’s obvious on what we have to do here obviously the candles thing in the ancient City and the creeper firewor are pretty easy but what it’s talking about with that cat disc is it’s actually talking about the fact that the Dragon Hunters obviously have the music disc cat somewhere in the world and the quest is telling me that I have to destroy that disc before the Days End meaning I have until that sun sets to actually complete this Quest so if I don’t complete this I will never get my wings so uh let’s fix that real quick and get our wings and let’s you smell location to quickly find them okay the base is right in this island I can even see the base right here and all we need to do is sneak in here before the day’s end it’s only about noon right now and we have to burn their cat music disc which I’m guessing they just have I’m guessing I just picked a random item of theirs that I have to burn and of course it’s cat so let’s go and let’s burn this I got a lava bucket ready to absolutely annihilate this music disc we want to be quick here too I can see their chests over there I wonder if I could almost get behind the chest without being seen that would be really nice but it’s just hard with all this water we need some more go okay we’re behind the chest is there a cat disc in here there’s a cat disc yes I don’t even think they noticed I stole it I don’t even think they noticed I just stole that oh my god let’s drop it let’s burn it and the quest is completed oh my goodness that’s huge okay let’s get back over there and let’s get out of here wait there’s a hole oh wait they notice the hole they noce the hole they nowi it’s the hole this way he he’s here this way this way this way oh god oh gosh okay this way I think I spotted him yeah he’s over here I tried to get him with my wing attack oh that did not work quick this way oh that’s huge hey he’s running he’s running get across this Gap oh my God he’s fast this way go oh this is so difficult go in here go in here go in here oh my God these trees I thought I just saw him there we go get her tail attack boom we go knock her back oh thank God for my abilities here if I did not have abilities I would be in trouble and oh okay okay he hurts he hurts there we go they felt that they felt that yes yes that’s one down that’s one down there’s one above me you fit free stuff so easily there we go another down okay there’s only one more there’s only one more oh no no please not like this oh he got me oh I’m low I’m low I’m low oh what is that crossbow yes he’s gone he’s dead this is our chance run run run run run get out of here go Ryan go or a toothless I mean go toothless go we are out of here okay so now that we burned a music disc and barely got out of there with our life let’s now do something a little easier like I don’t know shooting off a creeper firework I mean it’s literally our next Quest on the list of things we got to do so we might as well start and get that done with first it’s also really easy to do in fact luckily for us to finish this Quest we have to start by heading to an ancient city anyway so while we’re there we might as well extinguish the 15 candles we have to do it took 3 days of searching but I eventually found an ancient city to extinguish some candles boom ancient city we found one huge let’s just jump here now and start checking these chests out and of course we get nothing good but chests aren’t why we’re here we’re here for two items which we can only get in an ancient city which the first one we should be able to find right over there candles and all we got to do is extinguish 15 of these things the thing I can do by just right clicking them yep there we go extinguish all these candles I don’t care if my screen goes dark there’s so many shers around here boom there we go we officially extinguished all the candles okay now the last thing we need to get in this ancient city is a skeleton skull and this is the only place you can get skulls in the game so uh let’s be quick and get this thing cuz I do not want to summon a warden boom there’s the skeleton skull right here let’s just go ahead go over here and let’s grab this thing BK and now the skeleton skull is mine and using that we can make ourselves a creeper firework and finish this Quest up and be completely done obviously after I loot these chests that is and they have nothing good so let’s head home so we won’t actually combine together some Gunpowder with some dye and that’s going to make us a fireworks star and we want the skeleton skull into this because that’s going to give us the creeper shaped face that we need for the fireworks then we simply take that star combine that with a gunpowder and paper and we get the fireworks with the Creeper face we need to finish off this Quest I can’t that was a terrible shot okay what about let’s let’s light it off here maybe we’ll see better yeah there we go that’s a good firework okay that was definitely worth it and the quests are now completed which means we can now give toothless Wings which means it is time to say goodbye to our cute Mimi little friend here because it’s time to become toothless that’s right we are officially the real toothless with no teeth a broken tail and the ability to fly that’s right as you can see we can now fly so if you look at my screen carefully you might notice I only have about 10 seconds of flight left and once that’s over I will Plum It To The Ground anyway let’s just go back inside the base real quick where now that we’re toothless it’s time to get the blue crystal the second one we need in fact we have a book right here in our hands let’s go ahead let’s read it it literally just gives me coordinates that I have to go to to get the blue crystal so cuz those coordinates are pretty far let’s get going right now and let’s go get that blue crystal the blue crystal turned out to be really hard to find and that’s simply cuz they hid the entrance to the blue crystal which wasted a ton of time like why would it be hidden I have coordinates okay this is it this is where the blue crystal is going to be located we just got to go down here and get this thing in we go why do I hear eating sounds oh not this ugly guy again oh come on I’m not I’m not that ugly I I just got a mirror I’m not that bad looking okay well he apparently got a mirror now and now I have to what what is this is this death run you literally have buttons are you kidding me I have to do a death run at in the middle of a 100 day challenge okay whatever let’s do this I need to get to the other side and this guy is going to try and kill me but luckily at the end right over there is a blue crystal with my name on it 3 2 1 and go oh I’m trying to F him come on fake him yes oh yes H okay now he fell for it so now there’s a delay till he can hit it again so now I got to get through this next obstacle without dying the problem is I don’t know what it is oh this isn’t good okay I got idea watch this I’m going to jump there and then oh I should be dead I should definitely be dead oh my God the fact that I live that okay we got another one here wait this one’s clear this one’s safe this one’s safe let’s go to the next one now quick Qui quick Qui Qui quick yes it tricked him oh my goodness what okay now we can just jump across that jump to the next one we’re safe okay this is it the last one and there’s the blue crystal right there okay how do I fake him out here I could step on the Bedrock I guess let’s do that let’s do that jump and jump back it worked it worked like a charm oh come on thank you and now I can just jump across here and that blue crystal is mine thanks ugly Dragon hey blue crystal now mine and now it’s time for me oh God I’m flying away go get back here no we’re just going to get out of here let’s fly on home quick with the blue crystal in hand okay now let’s put the blue crystal right there where it belongs and now there’s only two more crystals to go the green Crystal and the yellow Crystal and me and milkshake are going to do anything in our power to get those crystals and defeat the dragon at spawn in fact now it’s time to unlock a night Fury’s main ability which is its breath attack now if you’ve seen How to Train Your Dragon you know toothless shoots out this purple explosion sort of something we’ve simply called Fury blast and now we’re going to unlock Fury blast right now now you’re going to notice there’s a lot of quests on my screen that we have to complete to actually do this but it’s really not too bad because most of them simply require us to dance in fact very specifically we have to dance with a parrot to the Cat music disc dance with a parrot to the other side music disc dance with a parrot to the five music disc then the pigstep music disc and finally The Relic music disc and then beyond that there’s only two other things we got to do find an arctic fox and take an item from its mouth and finally use wing attack on three different Hunters so uh since we got to do a lot of dancing with these quests let’s just go ahead and let’s start collecting some music discs in fact let’s quickly head to an ancient city and let’s go get them there cuz that’s the easiest place to get music discs okay let’s just look at each chest in each room like this and let’s see if we can get oursel a disc here we go we already got 13 that isn’t one of the ones I needed though now if we look under these stairs there should be another chest nope there’s not okay what over here is there one over here yep I see one over here there we go we got cap we got the first one we needed okay we got a chest here we are going to trigger this though oh but it has what we need we have other side a and three music disc fragments nice that’s a lot of disc fragments that’s all we need now we just need the Relic music disc and pig step which neither of those discs you get here so that means it’s officially time to get out of this ancient city and now head to the nether where we can go ahead and get Pig step and this one should be pretty easy as we just have to really fly to a Bastion and loot a chest to take the music disc okay we got a Bastion right here in front of me and now let’s just see if we can find Pig step in here now I think I may have already looted this one oh maybe not I do see lava dripping from the ceiling okay I don’t see Pig step in this one oh yes it is and it’s right there I’m blind and now we just have to get the Relic music disc and that disc is not as easy we actually have to make our way to what’s called a trail ruin and start brushing some suspicious gravel to see if we can get it like that’s the only way to get the Relic disc I’m pretty sure okay so this right here is what I was talking about it’s one of these weird like structures that spawns with a bunch of like colorful blocks like this sometimes this gravel is suspicious gravel and you can get music discs but this one doesn’t seem like I got too lucky well this is what we’re looking for this one doesn’t really count and won’t really help us too much there’s a lot of gravel here though hold on let me check all this cuz there might be some here that I’m just not seeing is that it is that it oh my God we found it Relic well there we go that’s all the music discs we need and now we just got to find a parrot and start dancing to all this music so let’s start by crafting the disc 5 and putting all our discs in a line at the top of our inventory and now we’re just going to grab a diamond from this chest and a bunch of wood and make ourselves the Jukebox that we’re going to need and now it’s time to Simply go dance with a parrot so let’s go find one okay we’re officially at a jungle we just got to go ahead and find some parrots now it’s not a massive jungle so I’m not expecting this to have parrots but we’ll find out okay this jungle definitely is a little bigger this could definitely have some parrots here oh parrots where are you I see parrot hello buddy come here come here come here we got some dancing to do okay first up Relic yep there we go he’s dancing he’s doing his little no don’t leave we still got to dance to the other discs five and other side no he’s getting too far we still got some more dancing to do hold on okay now let’s go let’s do pig step one more to do we got just got to do cat ready you know what I wouldn’t dance the cat either cat’s a bad music disc I’m on your side we’re not going to dance the cat and now let’s get the next Quest done with okay our next Quest is very simple we just have to go ahead and find ourselves an arc stick Fox which aren’t like the most common of mobs but because we live in a snow biome we should be able to find one and then once we do find one we have to hope he has an item in his mouth so we can take that item and complete this Quest okay let’s see what we can find there’s got to be an arctic fox around here wait I think I saw an arctic fox hold up do you have something in your mouth I can’t tell if he has something in his mouth he is something in his mouth oh how do I take it from him oh he’s so quick these trees just get in the way I got to kill him oh that’s how I finish the quest so now I’m guessing I just pick up the sweet berries it dropped and now uh the quest is completed yeah yeah it is okay well that’s great so now that the that’s done with um we just need to use wing attack to kill three of the Dragon Hunters so uh let’s use smell location and let’s go pay them a visit okay we got 6 seconds left on our flight let’s go and get our flight back up their base is right down here and we just need three kills with wing attack okay let’s fly on in and let’s go get this taken care of oh he’s here he’s here okay hit him once Qui out here out here out here eat some food get get him that’s right I can fly now let’s tail attack there we go almost hit you nice we killed that one we got two kills we got two kills I missed no we’re at a flight oh gosh okay we’re setting him back setting him back that should count as three yes that counts as the kill we got to unlock our new power got to unlock our new power we got the fury blast yes I’m getting our flight back to full keep setting them back that’s two down two just died to that let’s try Fury blast now let’s see what this does let’s go in the base and let’s try it oh we just took out all their stuff this is the night Fury’s breath ability oh my god let’s take out the base let’s take out the base where’d he go oh he’s in here he’s in here oh they see me through here they see me through here but you can’t get me while they’re distracted by that I’m going to take this chance to get out of here with our new Night Fury breath in hand okay so Fury blast is awesome not only is it just super visually cool to shoot Fireballs that explode like that but it’s actually just like a night Fury’s real breath attack and now that we have that unlocked toothless is getting powerful in fact toothless is getting really really strong the only thing he’s still weaken at the minute is his HP where I only have 20 hearts of Health but I can actually change that by becoming armored Toothless and if we get him some armor he’s going to have a lot more HP so let’s go ahead and let’s armor up toothless for more Health now to unlock armored toothless you need to pop a totem of dying enchant two pieces of diamond armor with protection four and explode a respawn anchor now the easiest part of that is definitely blowing up that respawn anchor so let’s get that done with first as we literally just have to head into the nether grab some glow stone okay so now let’s turn that glowstone dust into glowstone and combine that together with our crying obsidian to go ahead and get ourselves one respawn anchor and now to blow this thing up we simply have to set it off in the Overworld as it basically does what happens if you place a bed in the nether we got to be careful here cuz uh we don’t want to die ourselves oh okay that took out 10 of my hearts oh oh my God but we lived we did it and it did in fact blow up and now the fire is spreading oh oh God there we go I put the fire out we’re good we’re good but now that we blew up that respawn anchor let’s now simply work on getting two pieces of protection 4 armor now technically I already have one right here but the reason it doesn’t count is cuz I didn’t make it so let’s quickly make ourselves a diamond helmet and a diamond chest plate and let’s get protection four on both of these now I’m currently level 40 so I should have enough to get protection 4 it shouldn’t be too too hard let’s just grab our lapis and let’s get to work okay first things first protection three that’s not what we want what about what about the helmet also protection three okay this is a problem but not a major one cuz we just have to use our grind Stone to reset the enchantment after Okay so let’s just go ah and let’s give it uh a basic enchantment now just to reset it real quick cuz we don’t want to spend a lot of XP unless we’re Guaranty this is it this is it watch okay we’re just going to keep enchanting this chest plate until we get protection four on there we’re still level 37 so we’re still okay oh Thorns 2 this could be it and that was it our first one is a Thorns 2 protection for Diamond chest plate now we need to get one more to finish the quest so now we’re just working on this Diamond Helmet so let’s throw the diamond helmet in and boom there we go we officially got protection for on this one which gives us our Quest completed up at the top and now we have more diamond armor on and now that that’s done with we just have to pop a totem of undying which of course means we’re going to a woodland mansion and obviously head to a woodland Mansion we need a woodland Mansion map which we can get by simply Gathering up some sand and some sugar cane so let’s start Gathering up all the sugar canane that we can real quick okay there we go that is all the sugar canane we’re going to need so now let’s just use our pointy tooth and let’s go ah and let’s grab all the sand that we’re going to need yeah that’s enough okay so now let’s just throw this sand inside of our furnaces right here so that way it starts smelting into glass and we wait for that to finish we’re just going to take our sugar cane and turn it into paper and let’s turn that glass into glass panes we now we have two stacks of glass panes that’s all we need to get to a woodland Mansion though uh wait the sun’s starting to set so hold on we’ll go to the Woodland Mansion tomorrow okay so now let’s set up our cartographer in this Village by putting down the cartography table and seeing if anyone takes the job I think one of these guys might take it oh no this guy seems like he wants it here here we go and boom we now have a cartographer so we can trade him a bunch of our paper for emeralds then we trade him glass panes for even more emeralds and then we just trade him for his Woodland Explorer map which of course we can follow all the way to the Woodland Mansion so let’s get following it and let’s go pop a totem of undying there on days 58 to 61 I simply headed to the Woodland Mansion but while flying there I came across the boss Dragon who wasn’t at spawn so I had to hide for a bit till he went away and then I could continue onward to the mansion oh the map’s finally starting to generate oh my goodness it’s only taken us days to get here but we did it and there’s the wood Le Baden all we need to do is get a total of undying and pop the thing to finish this quest line and then we’re going to become armor toothless so uh let’s get to work and finish this up we just breaking through this wall right here take you out give me your totem of undying okay now we just have to pop that totem of undying yes there we go now let’s see if we can get another totem just for the rest of this video there we go got him now we got a second totem okay there’s nothing else on the second floor at all let’s just go to the bottom floor now and I’m not finding anything down here really so now that we got one extra totem in our inventory let’s just go ahead and get out of here and head on home oh wait I’m forgetting something I’m forgetting to become armored Toothless look at him look how cool he is I’m now toothless with armor on which means now I have 30 total hearts of HP and can fly for 60 seconds which is perfect cuz that’s going to make flying home much easier so let’s take off and let’s head on home oh and it looks like we got another book in our inventory so uh time to go get the third crystal and if I actually read that book like normal it gives me coordinates that are going to lead me to another Crystal which is going to be the green Crystal according to the book so let’s just follow these coordinates to that green Crystal and let’s see what we have to do to get it oh there it is let’s go I found it this is it right here for sure let’s Jump On In and let’s see what challenge we got oh first things first I can’t fly in here it took away my flight I’m spamming space bar I don’t know if you can hear this but I’m literally like spamming space bar okay so I can’t fly in here and I somehow have to get all the way across this room using this which is TNT oh God it’s a TNT launcher so I have to Stand Here let the TNT blow me up and launch me onto this platform I then have to go over to this platform hit this button and use this TNT to launch me onto this platform and then I have to do it one final time right over here to get to that ladder that would be crazy if I do this first try no no no no no no no no no no no yes first try let’s go and we got the green Crystal to show for it which means now that we have this Crystal in hand all we need now is one more Crystal and we can take out the boss dragon and now now that I can fly again let’s go ahead and let’s fly on out of this box and let’s head on home and now let’s work on our last tier four upgrade because right now we have Fury blast we have armored Warrior but we’re missing just one ability and that’s the electric camouflage ability which we can unlock by doing three different things one escaping the dragon Layer Two killing all three Elder Guardians in an ocean Temple and three curing a zombie villager and then smiting it with lightning to turn it into a witch yes it’s confusing but yes it’s going to be cool but since I already know where an underwater Monument is let’s head there first and let’s take out all three Elder Guardians using our Fury blast okay so let’s just start by breaking a hole in the side here and we’re just going to break a ton of holes in this thing I already see one Elder Guardian but we just want to go quickly break through all of this place so we can get to all the Elder Guardians really fast Bo we got down to the bottom we made a giant hole in the center that’s exactly what we wanted to do now we just got to take down all three Elder Guardians inside so let’s get down there let’s take out this guy first there we go that’s one down now let’s go find another one there we go got him and now if he’s here I’m guessing the other one’s literally going to be on the opposite side he’s probably in here I don’t see an Elder Guardian oh no he’s right there yes three Elder Guardians down now we can get out of here with armor toothless leaving Victorious now let’s do the next quest which is literally just to cure a zombie villager then strike it with lightning to turn it into a witch which sounds kind of fun so let’s do exactly that which to do that the first thing we need to find is an igloo okay so I found a really weird Igloo inside of a village and this Igloo is actually really really good so let’s just go ahead and let’s go down here real quick let’s open up this bottom area take out these silverfish now we just have to to break a hole right here grab the golden apple from this chest grab the weakness potion from this brewing stand and now we can go ahead and turn this zombie villager back into a regular villager and then the second part of this Quest just requires that we turn that regular villager into a witch and we can do that by simply just putting some lightning rods right next to this guy which hopefully turned him into a witch obviously we need to be storming for that to happen and uh they’re still covered up right now but for now that’s fine cuz we need this guy to actually turn back into a villager first so we’re just going to wait here and wait for that to happen oh he turned which means now we should have to Smite him using these light lightning rods but uh it’s sunny right now so uh for this to work we need it to be rainy so uh we’ll be back over here once it’s raining and for now we might as well go finish our last Quest now to actually find this Dragon layer you can see that it says escape room there’s a bunch of coordinates inside the book that’s in my inventory so now when we wait for it to start raining we’re going to head to these coordinates and do what’s apparently an escape room but wait for some storms to start coming through so I began to head to escape the Dragon Lair but it started raining while I was going there so I had to turn all the way around head all the way back to our villager watch him get smited into a witch and then head back to the dragon layer okay so following the book has led me to this jungle temple right here which oh has a big hole in it okay let’s jump down this hole and let’s see what we got inside it says your key to Victory is new enter code now luckily for me I already see a code we have a number nine right there a number three right there and a number eight right there so the code would be 938 I would assume so I think we just take a piece of paper rename it 938 and then we’re going to throw throw it in there that didn’t do anything maybe it’s a different order instead of 938 it’s 839 let’s try that let’s try 398 and let’s start there let’s try these let’s throw in 398 first 839 I guess we can try 389 I we haven’t done that one yet that would be weird if it’s this one challenge complete wait that was it I just threw it in and boom challenge complete well I guess the quest is completed now that that’s done with we escape the dragon layer which means I can unlock Electric camouflage my new ability that does this oh my god did you see that I just flew through all these blocks in a matter of seconds now I don’t really know why this ability is called electric camouflage cuz it doesn’t involve electricity or camouflage yet it destroys blocks meaning it can destroy the hunter dragon’s base so it’s good enough for me well anyway it is time for us to head home oh no the boss dragon’s at my base wait what and also wait what I’m being hit oh my God they have crossbows oh they’re actually doing damage what is happening get away from my base let’s lead them away from the base I don’t want them to attack my base I have an idea I have an idea watch this pretend I can’t fly anymore let them land here let them land here and there we go go this way no I’m going to die I’m going to die who said they’re going to die back here you’re de yes one down I missed with the wing attack ooh okay this is getting tricky this is getting tricky let’s fly let’s fly let’s fly I apparently have lost my ability to fly oh gosh what is happening oh our flight’s back that spear must get rid of my ability to fly there we go he’s done he’s done he’s done one more Dragon to go let’s bleed him with our claw he’s taking bleed damage now now no please he’s running he’s running I’m about to run out of flight I’m about to run out of flight no yes oh we got him with 1 second left now let’s get back to the base quick the boss dragon’s still there and he could destroy it please tell me the base is okay the boss is gone so oh the base is completely fine let’s go but they clearly know where it is so uh it’s not safe to stay here it’s simply time to start packing up our stuff and milkshake and it’s time to move to a brand new pace and of course like clockwork I have to move bases again the only good news is that milkshake survived so at least we could bring him to the new base which Speaking of we finished on day 78 welcome to my brand new toothless base yes this base is extraordinarily extra and we actually commissioned my build team to make this base for me at the cost of just sacrificing the days to have this base and we did this just because we wanted toothless to have a really sick last base and uh I’m not going to lie they honestly nailed the base it looks really cool so let me go ahead and let me show you around this really crazy base so let’s just quickly fly up our stairs real fast all the way into the base we’re on the bottom floor we have our enchanting table table and lava generators then on the second floor if you go up this water path you have our chests and smelting areas and then finally if you go up to the top floor this is where you’re going to find our nether portal and bed so the nether portal is over here there’s a small potion making area off to the side and then my bed is right here in this obsidian box so yeah this base is crazy and luckily I didn’t have to build a thing to get it so uh that’s always great but now let’s go ahead and let’s go into our giant nether portal because in the nether we can get blaze rods and ender pearls which we can then turn into Eyes of Ender to get us to the end because that’s where we’re going next to fight the Ender Dragon so let’s go ahead and let’s start killing these blazes really quick for their blaze rods okay there we go that’s all the blaze rods we need for now so not just quickly go ahead and let’s fly home real fast and not just go ahead and let’s grab our Gold Blocks we got two right here another 41 right here and now we just got to find a Bastion Remnant where we can trade all this gold at for a bunch of Ender Pearls and we could get Ender Pearls by simply killing Enderman inside this warped Forest right here but it’s much easier just to trade for gold so we’re going to do that okay perfect we’re at a Bastion let’s just go ahead and grab any extra gold we can we got one here we got one here let’s just break in the roof real quick go all the way down to the bottom where we’ll kill this guy now just go ahead and let’s grab the three gold blocks in this chest with the ancient debris as well grab the netherite upgrade and the diamond armor now let’s simply grab all the gold blocks that we can so we’ll grab all these then we’ll grab all these o don’t let them break now we got 57 like that’s actually so many we do not need that many yet I can still get more and I’m going to get more just because I can because if we just fly around back here there’s obviously tons of gold we have not gotten yet so let’s just go ahead and let’s dig down right here and grab this gold dig down right here to grab this gold block and then we’ll just dig right here to grab that one and there should be apparently a bunch right here as well yep here’s one there should be some more right here yep here it is and now we literally have a stack of gold blocks which is the perfect time to start trading so I’m just going to go ahead and build a trading area right down here in this lava and there we go now this guy can start trading so we’re going to go ahead and just give him some ingots to get started and now while he trades we’re just going to go ahead and get as many of the other piglins down here as possible now we’re just going wait for these guys to finish trading so we can get our ender pearls and then head to the end oh they’re done I got shot we have 20 total ender pearls and I didn’t even give them all my gold blocks I still have 42 more well it’s enough ender pearls which means we can go ahead and leave the Nether and now it’s time to head back and fight the Ender Dragon okay so now that we’re back let’s turn our blaze rods into blaze powder and let’s combine that with our ender pearls to get a bunch of IE ofender and now we have an easy way to get to the end but before we actually go to the end I actually have three ancient debris one netherite scrap four netherite upgrades and one netherite Ingot and we could use that to get ourselves some netherite armor so let’s go up here to the smithing table real quick wait do I not have a smithing table no way I guess let’s quickly make a smithing table cuz I just forgot to make one and now let’s turn our Diamond chest plate into a netherite chest plate oh wait it loses its enchantments wait I didn’t know it lost its enchantments that wait what I don’t want to lose my protection four oh God you know what let’s hold off on upgrading anything further except for like maybe the sword we could upgrade the sword I guess let’s just throw the ancient debris in here to quickly smell now we just combine that with a little bit of gold to go ahead and get another netherite Ingot which we then combine with our sword to get a netherite sword wait why did that keep the enchantment no way wait did I enchant the wrong chest my protection 4 chest plate is right here I upgraded the wrong chest plate oh I’m an idiot okay well you know what we still have that other chest plate so I guess we’ll just save it for now I’ll just keep it in this Barrel I guess that’s so sad and now I guess let’s go ahead and get on top of our Tower and throw off the First Eye of Ender so we can find the dragon and take him out and I don’t mean me not me dragon the Ender Dragon so I followed the ice of Ender which happened to lead me straight to an ocean where I simply had to dig down all the way to the stronghold where I found the end portal okay now let’s just go ahead and let’s jump in and let’s take on this Ender Dragon now let’s start by taking out all his crystals all the crystals are gone so now let’s just take out ugly Dragon there but first things first we need some dragon breath so uh let’s get to work on that wait I just heard a portal sound oh God the Dragon Hunters are here and that’s bad timing cuz I just got the dragon breath we needed too we got to take out this Dragon quick okay give me some more Dragon Breath give me some more Dragon Breath ugly oh he’s he’s killing the dragon careful oh they’re right there they’re right there send them backwards there we go keep him backwards keep them up oh I got to take those things out I got to take those things out oh he’s he’s getting rid the I didn’t even hit him once okay oh God this is not good come on we got to kill one ow no guys help I’m low I’m low get over here he’s coming yes one down let’s keep pinging that Dragon we can’t let the dragon just get away here oh I’m being shot by the turret nice we took another rout there’s two down there’s two down oh he’s he’s shooting fire oh he got me okay let’s let him land on us let him land on us watch this run run run run okay he’s going to run oh he’s flying he knew that was going to hurt come on get him oh that hurts that hurts that hurts he ran a fire breath get him he’s getting away he’s getting away we got to take out that crossbow where is it it’s over here there we go it’s gone he put another one down he put another one down hey leave my turrets Alone come we get him this is our chance yes he’s dead we just got to take out the dragon yes now that we’ve defeated the dragon we just need to start Gathering some stuff up from the outer end and to be honest we don’t even need the dragon egg to upgrade but I’m going to take it just to confuse the Dragon Hunters we have the dragon egg that’s huge yes now let’s grab these ender pearls and now let’s go to the outer end portal where now our goal is simple all we have to do is gather up the dragon head and some elytra and and some chorus fruit and we’ll be done with this place here’s an end city right here but it doesn’t look like it has a dragon head which is actually what we need but it will have shulkers which we need to kill for their shulker shells so let’s go ahead and start by killing a bunch of those guys okay I’m pretty sure that’s all the shulkers that existed here now let’s just go find another n city okay perfect we got an end ship right here which we can simply go to the front of break it and now we have the dragon head and now to get the elytra all we simply got to do is go in here break right here kill this guy and now we can grab the elytra as well and now uh we check the chest just a bunch of junk though not really anything good so that means we can get on out of here with all the items we need officially in hand okay so now that we’re back from the end and have our dragon head here it’s now time to finish the last three toothless upgrades so we can get the yellow Crystal and defeat that Dragon waiting for us at spawn or I’m guessing that’s where it’ll be anyway regardless now that we’re home it’s time for us to finish our malicious Melodies upgrade which requires that we summon the Ender Dragon one more time and defeat him or we can simply throw a lingering potion of Haring at the Dragon Hunters while they’re being hit with one of my night fury blasts now I’m going to go ahead and use smell okay to actually track down the Dragon Hunters in a second but first we need that lingering damage potion which we can make with some of our dragons breath right here let’s just go up here to our potion making area let’s put some water bottles inside of these Brewing stands right here and now we have to add a Nether wart to these potions which will turn these water bottles into awkward potions then we simply add a spider eye to turn them into poison potions and finally we add this fermented spider eye which will turn these poisons of potion into poisons of harming poisons of potion into poisons of harming now we just add a gunpowder and that’s going to turn these potions of harming into throwable potions of harming and now that way have the splash potions of harming we simply add a dragon’s breath and these will turn into lingering potions of harming there we go that’s exactly what we need now let’s use smell location to track down the Dragon Hunters so we can throw one of these potions at them and then hit them with a Night Fury Fireball it’s literally leading me back to the end portal wait what are they in the end okay well let’s go find them yeah literally their base must be in the end somewhere now because it is shooting me way out here so they’re either out here with a new base either that or they’re hunting me down and think I’m still out here but now it’s me hunting them down okay smell location is taking me right here this has got to be it oh no that’s definitely it oh there’s a dragon on top hold on does he not see me watch this ready I did it I hit a I’m just leaving before they even know what’s hitting them go go go they’re not even coming after me no way wait am I just going to get away with this they literally don’t even know what hit them and now we simply have to go home finish our last few quests and we’ll be able to take take down the boss Dragon that’s been causing us problems this entire video okay so now that we’ve night fured the Dragon Hunters once again it is time for us to take off and finish yet another Quest you see on screen right now now I’m going to do the easier option which is to do the armor trims first cuz we already have a few trims so let’s see what we can quickly do okay so we have a ward armor trim and that’s it I have one armor Trim in my mouth right now and that’s all I got so we need to find three more armor trims real quick and then throw that armor on an armor stand and this Quest will be finished so honestly let’s just head to the nether real fast fast cuz we can get one in the nether really easy I’m actually surprised I don’t have one from here yet okay let’s loot these chests we didn’t loot earlier uh that should be like right here yep here’s one there’s a netherite upgrade that’s not a trim though we got another ancient debris and a bunch of junk okay great okay there’s another chest right here let’s check this one out yes there we go snout armor trim we got another one and another ancient debris so we’ll definitely take that okay now that we got that one from the nether now let’s go to the Overworld and find one at a desert temple ooh is that a temple right there that might be a temple this looks weird or never mind that looks so weird I thought that was a desert Temple wait is that one oh my God it is it’s like buried underground but we found one hold on now let’s go down here and not it was already set off someone already set this off and now I’m out of flight great now I’m stuck down here with a baby zombie who’s now dead and I don’t have a trim to show for it okay you know what we’re going to have to go find ourselves some armor trim somewhere else cuz clearly we’re not going to find another desert temple in a short amount of time so since we already have Ward from an ancient city and SN from a Bastion let’s go check out the jungle temple I guess that’s over here and see if there’s one in that okay here we are let’s just break inside please have this armor trim o okay here’s the chest or one of the chests and it does not have it okay let’s first loot these we can get some free arrows from that and then please let’s go wild armor trim that’s three armor trims and now we just need one more and my best bet honestly for this last one is to look for a shipwreck okay there’s a shipwreck literally right here so we just break in this okay nothing in this one just treasure it’s a treasure chest that’s not going to spawn it here’s one here’s one yes Coast let’s go which means now we can just go back to land over here and start heading home where now we just have to go go ahead and finish up our armor trims okay so now we’re going to go ahead and put an armor stand over in this corner right here so now we just go over to this smithing table over here and we’re going to add some armor to be trimmed so first things first let’s just make some diamond armor that we can trim and now let’s throw each of these pieces in there and trim them with a different piece so we’re going to make the helmet made of iron so it gets this little white symbol around it then the chest plate we’re going to add copper to so it has this orange color to it then the leggings we’re going to go ahead and add gold to them and then finally we’re going to add lapis lazuli along with these diamond boots and the coast armor trim to finish it off we got 1 two three and four and boom a full set of trimmed armor that all looks different and our Quest is now completed which means now there’s only one thing to do resummon the Ender Dragon and beat him again and to do that we need four end crystals from the nether so let’s just go ahead and find some gas in fact I hear one right down here okay we’ll take him out we just need to get four of these gas tiers real quick okay there we go that’s four gas tiers now we combine those gas tiers together with a bunch of glass and Eyes of Ender and that’s going to go ahead and give us full and crystals and now he got to fly back to the end to resummon the Ender Dragon and take him out again okay so all we need to do is go into the end portal right here take these four crystals straight over here to the End Dragon portal and put them down so we can spawn them again and then we’ll get this last Quest completed here we go 1 2 three and four now the dragon’s coming back let’s just wait for the Ender Dragon to respawn cuz we do have to kill him again dragon’s now back right there and there we go let the battle begin okay let’s start by just taking out all of the crystals only two more crystals to go one and last but not least two they’re all gone now we just got to take out Andy here boom and now that the Ender Dragon’s dead once again we can unlock our new Melody’s ability which uh let’s just say you’re about to see a lot of dancing toothless’s and of course as promised now you can see dancing meme toothless there we go I activated it and look there’s dancing toothless is everywhere and they start to use the power of music to start just destroying everything in the area they’re destroying everything and you can’t even hurt them so yeah that is our brand new toothless ability and that’s only one of three tier five abilities we get to unlock in fact the next power that we’re going to work on is going to allow us to summon actual dragons from How to Train Your Dragon in fact this ability is going to let us summon some of your favorite dragons including Meatlug and hook Fang now to actually obtain this ability there’s a lot of stuff we got to do in fact as you can see it is a very big box that is all the stuff we got to do so let’s finish this upgrade as soon as possible okay so now I’ll just go and grab our dog milkshake right here and we’re going to bring him to a raid so he can help us defeat it okay so now we’re at the village with milkshake and I’m just going to go and let milkshake chill here sitting and now we just need to get bad Omen and start a Raid inside this Village okay so now we’re at a Pillager Outpost where we just have to start killing pillagers and looking for a Pillager that has a banner on it oh this is the one we need right here Bo kill him and there we go we now have bad Omen which means now it’s time to go back to that other Village okay here’s the village we’re going to start the raid the second we enter this here it is where’s our dog we need to protect him in this raid so we’re going to go ahead and build an obsidian area around our dog to ensure that he does not die because that’s more important than anything in this raid at the minute now we just got to win this raid oh my God we just got hero of the village we’ve won the raid and our wolf has survived without dying meaning this Quest is now completed okay so now to get rid of this giant block of text on our screen we have to do a bunch of mining let’s go ahead and let’s down mine a bunch of ores using our electric camouflage ability so we just have to go ahead and start flying like this then hit that button and uh yeah we get a bunch of ores and you see just like that we’ve now gotten two coal ore done with and five of our iron ore with already done but yeah we just got to keep through the world and getting a bunch of different wait a minute why do I still have four end crystals wait where did these come from didn’t I use these to summon the Ender Dragon whatever I’m going to ignore it for now let’s go back to just Gathering the ores we need to gather we’re done we don’t have to collect any more Ores and now there’s only one Quest left get a frog light now I know we’re getting close to the end of Toothless here and the dragon’s getting pretty strong but getting this Frog Light is toothless is not going to be easy because we somehow have to get a frog to eat a Magma Cube in the nether so first things first we’re going to go ahead and empty out our inventory just cuz we have so many or on us at the minute and then we’re simply going to grab all the obsidian we have right here along with a flint and steel and now we’re pretty much ready to get this Frog Light done with I found a frog in a swamp and now we have to go ahead and get this guy into The Nether oh there he is he’s right there almost there yes we got him through we got him through we got him through he’s trapped yes and now it’s got to get a Magma Cube over to this frog okay I found a Magma Cube he’s just chilling right up here hey buddy now I was trying to think of all the ways I could get you down there without you dying but I realized you’re a Magma Cube you can literally swim through Lava so come on oh my God one more jump yes okay let’s get our frog out here now let’s take this guy get him into small pieces come on you’re right there yes he’s eating him we got frog lights and that means the quest is now completed and we can unlock winged reinforcements which means we now have the ability to just simply right click the ground and summon all of our Dragon friends we got meat lug we got hook Fang we got the two- headed gross Dragon so yeah now that I have a bunch of dragons on my team there’s only one more thing I have to unlock and then we’ll get the last yellow Crystal and take out that boss Dragon once and for all okay so to unlock that yellow Crystal we just have to become the the final toothless Evolution which we simply called the final Beast now luckily for us two of these quests could be completed in a matter of seconds okay so first things first we’re going to take some of the shulker shells we got earlier and turn them into shulker boxes and now we just have to fill both of those shulker boxes so we’ll just go ahead and stack them right here and right here and it should be done but I just realized the quest isn’t fill two shulker boxes it’s fill two shulker boxes full of fish let’s go grab a bunch of fish and fill them up with those instead which would normally be difficult but because I’m Toothless and can fly through water like this it’s not going to be hard at all oh yeah there’s tons of tropical fish this is what we’re going to go for is all these guys here and you see that with one toothless attack we took out all those fish giving us 20 tropical fish this is actually going to be much easier than I thought so we can just go up to these guys and use wing attack and in a matter of seconds we get a bunch of fish okay in total we have 54 fish right now which I think should be enough let’s put a bunch of tropical fish in that one and we’ll actually stick one puffer fish in there so that way there’s different fish same thing with this one two puffer fish followed by a bunch of tropical boys now we just break both these with a pickaxe and and boom we have two Sher boxes filled with fish so now let’s just fly to the top of our base where the dragon head is located and all we have to do now is put a lever next to this guy to complete that Quest and boom that Quest is also now completed which leaves us with one Quest left move across a bunch of ice on a boat is this blue ice or packed ice over here I’m actually not positive let’s find out so if I took my boat and started moving it across this would this count oh my God it does oh my God wait can I just go back and forth here A bunch oh my God I can look at this let’s see if there’s a better area for it though oh this right here this is perfect we’re going to finish this Quest right now 75 and it’s done we finished that Quest on a tiny patch of ice which means we can unlock the final tooth lless called the final Beast right now oh my God he is huge look at him and look how cool his animation looks it’s so smooth and fluid and my flight’s now unlimited I don’t have a timer anymore oh my God this is awesome but we’re still not even done because now that we’ve unlocked the final tooth lless we have a book in our inventory right here that will lead us to the yellow crystals so let’s just follow that book and let’s see where it leads okay here we are this is where we have to go for the yellow Crystal I guess and it says you have 30 seconds to escape before this whole room explodes oh God wait do I just have to fly to the other side oh I see I got to fly through a bunch of stuff and then we got to fly through these holes I see why this is difficult oh it’s not difficult we’re done we got the yellow Crystal and we did it in 30 seconds which means now we have all four crystals we need to take out the boss Dragon so now let’s just go let’s fly our way back out of this place let’s gather up all the rest of the crystals we need and then it’s simply time to take take on the boss and defeat him once and for all okay we’re at spawn this is where he normally I see the dragons oh he appeared look at him and he’s got his shield on so we cannot hurt this guy we got to get him with all four crystals first so we got to hit him with the red Crystal the blue crystal the green Crystal and the yellow Crystal ow he bit me and now his shield should go down oh I missed with the yellow I missed with the yellow oh did I miss again no his Shield’s gone look his shield dropped now that the Shield’s gone we can take him out he does a lot of damage too but I can spam click come on oh the other dragons don’t even know what to do cuz if I kill this boss Dragon they’re going to get banned from the server oh I only got him half let’s eat some food eat some food you know what let’s get our winged reinforcements to fight them get them my friends get them everyone attack take out the boss Dragon I hit him with my Fury breath too and boom I hit these guys sent them flying okay let’s shoot another Fury blast at his feet that did a lot of damage Last Time come on we just got to kill him on our reinforcements back in and now we have double reinforcements shoot him again with the blast there we go it’s right below his feet that’s a good spot for it ooh come on he is dead yes and now they’re all getting banned Hayes left the game Bowie wolf left the game engine left the game which officially means the boss Dragon Was Defeated and all the evil dragons are now gone meaning it’s just me and my friends and now that the boss dragon’s gone surviving to day 100 is super easy to do so now I’m just going to create a dragon Society with my friends for the last few days and thanks so much for watching this video where we survived 100 days as toothless

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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as TOOTHLESS in Minecraft


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  1. Please can you try to do 100 Days as the Dovahkiin (Skyrim Protagonist)
    I'd imagine 4 Upgrade menus

    Shouts: Unlocks different Thu'ums that the player must unlock

    Combat: Unlocks different combat elements from the game

    Idk what you could do for Utilities and Progression.

  2. Did you know that they're making a live action How to Train Your Dragon I'm excited about that anyway down to business you did100 days as a mecha Warden and a skulk dragon why don't you do 100 days as a mecha dragon

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