JJ Trapped Mikey in a Tiny World in Minecraft (Maizen)

[Music] today I have big plans I want to make fun of Mikey I’ll trapped Mikey in a tiny World H now Mikey is on the second floor soon he will come down hi Mikey let’s go for a walk outside I slept so well tonight maybe we’ll go outside look Mikey there’s an exchanger it says one ender pearl for 64 diamonds great when puts one ender pearl in here then Mikey will shrink I hope it works and Mikey won’t know it’s a trap look here stop digging in the garden oh what is JJ that you want from me you can’t see I’m busy I’m cleaning the garden okay I’m going what do you need did you not notice look there exchanger if you put one Pearl Ender then get 64 diamonds this is a very profitable offer I wish I had Ender’s pearls H I’ve just got one ender pearl I’m sorry JJ but I’m taking all 64 diamonds I’m so glad I have one ender pearl I kept it on purpose I knew I would need it they can’t believe you bought it it’s an obvious trap how could you buy it you know what I’m going to do to you when I get out of here what are you going to do to me I’ve thought of everything in advance I’ve already prepared tiny world for you don’t worry Mikey you’re going to love it how dare you do this how could you possibly shrink me let me out now there’s not much air I’m going to suffocate if you don’t let me out stop shaking the jar if you’re going to carry me like this keep the jar straight H don’t worry Mikey I’m going to let you out H you’re going to love it I built this Panorama for you you can run what are you going to do to me I don’t understand why you did it and what happens next H you just make fun of me you will have to survive in this world if you can develop well then you will grow up hm and I should bother you as I see it why would you bother me and what do I get out of it I told you if you could evolve I’d get you back your size that’s what you’re going to get this is going to be really funny be my revenge on you for constantly eating my ice cream I’m going to take a bucket of lava and see what you have to say what are you going to do wait JJ are you kidding me you really did all this because I ate your ice cream give me back my normal height did you seriously pour lava on me you think you can keep me here I can easily get out of this trap I can jump these blocks see it was easier than you thought I was just wondering what are you going to do next pour water on me and flood me how can it be how do you do it you’re usually irresponsible and sloppy I remember you falling on a flat floor you’re just jealous that I got out of your Avalanche trap you can do whatever you want but you can’t leave me all right you ask me what’s next I’m going to give you one I will remove most of the land see how you can develop if you take some of the land away from you what you did what’s wrong with Mikey what this can’t be are those diamonds were they even here thank you for deciding to help me you have helped me so much in the development if it were not for you I would have been much more difficult H You Found Me Diamonds thank you JJ I wanted to make it harder for you to survive not help you you can be happy while you can do it you can be happy while you can do it let’s see what you say when I pour lava on you and I’ve definitely already done it h okay whatever I want to do something to make fun of you but I don’t know how to do it I think I made it up you have no food I’ll give you an apple I know you’re allergic to apples so you can’t eat it that’s the real plan what do you say to Mikey oh no what can I do I am so hungry only you made a little mistake I am allergic to pears and not to Apples what so thank you for the food you should see your face right now oh it’s very funny you’ve got all the veins on your face right now how could I forget before that just cannot be I remember you said that you cannot eat apples exactly I remembered you said you liked apples yep how could I have made a mistake there it is the biggest mistake in history I hope this apple is sour and tasteless how could you be so wrong I eat apples all the time that’s very funny JJ I want to go downstairs and get my diamond which you helped me find I wonder if you will somehow interfere with me let’s see what you say to that I put the spikes on let’s see how you look at picking up the diamond why are you scared Mikey listen to me JJ is your main objective to make me nervous what you do realize that you’re just helping me because of you I have a mountain of iron huh I want to tell you on the contrary thank you for helping me first I found the diamond and then I fed it and now I have the iron you’re supposed to be blocking my progress H I’m so sick of you let’s see what you say if I pour water on you see if you can swim what a strange question I’m a turtle JJ of course I can swim and what will you do next thanks for the diamond I’m going to need it h you sure are a turtle you can swim I don’t want you not to be able to get the rest of the diamonds and iron blocks H I think I came up with it Mikey I think you liked it very much oh I will pour water here but not ordinary in this water will swim sharks you have no idea how hard it was to find a dwarf shark the right size what when did you build such a house where did you get wood and glass it’s a secret I won’t tell you although it’s simple I’m surprised you didn’t guess I think you’re not telling me something you got a craft table and a furnace yep I want to see the river you made and I wonder what kind of shark you brought look JJ are you sure these aren’t toys what they just don’t move uh-oh maybe you were tricked in the store although no they started moving it looks like they were just sleeping it would be funny if it really were toys I would laugh very loudly H well Mikey apparently you can’t get all these resources anymore H you don’t have the strength and the courage to jump into the water with the sharks who knows maybe I do jump to sharks what especially since I’m sure this is not the only place where there are valuable resources it’s so fun watching you can’t decide what to do well if you want to jump in the water and take a chance who knows maybe the sharks aren’t hungry what how is it possible you know how rare they are it was very easy I just recently had a bath and accidentally turned on the hot water so I just remembered it so I decided to do the same thing only instead of hot lava water what you should see your face now how could you possibly have thought of that even I couldn’t have thought of that come to think of it you can beat sharks it’s just one test of all I’ve prepared well now I can not only take all the resources for myself now I have fried food two birds with one shot got myself food and beat the sharks look JJ just to be clear you’re supposed to be in my way right I think you’re just helping me what stop teasing me woohoo how did you get the diamond block you didn’t have it before it’s a secret you think I can’t stop you yep you can laugh at me but I have a plan oh so just wait a little okay I get it you have a super plan but you’re not going to tell me about it what’s next everything I do is good for Mikey well done keep it up maybe not interfere at all although no I will be too bored in the meantime I’m going to take this sword and diamond and go up to the second floor and I think I have a plan all right I’ll just do my own thing I’ll take the pearls Edge and move to Tiny World and I’ll get in Mikey’s way well I knew there’d be pearls on the second floor of the edge now I have to go to the room where Mikey is now H the chief so he can’t find me all right I shrunk and I’m as small as Mikey hm now I have to make a point at him I hope Mikey didn’t see me I want to take a closer look at his house H how high up here if I fall then I will end okay like Mikey was in the house better wait for him here how could he even find a resource for the construction H I wonder where JJ is now I thought he went to the second floor but he never came H maybe he forgot about me H so Mikey didn’t know notice I was shrinking great so I can do whatever I want we have to wait for Mikey to get out of here I’m afraid of what to do with Mikey standing here I’ll go get the resources we need to follow him I want to make sure he’s really going after the resources hope I have enough diamonds to make myself armor maybe I’ll make myself a Diamond Tool H still Mikey has developed very well he’s done a lot in such a short time great so Mikey’s getting resources so now I can break into his house hopefully there won’t be any trap I want to make fun of Mikey I have an idea I will put the armor stand I will put the head of the creeper on this counter I’m sure when Mikey goes in the house he’ll definitely be scared now I need to hide so Mikey doesn’t see me H great I think I saw him he’s on his way here I can’t wait to see his face Mikey is very shy so I’m sure he’ll be very scared great now I can sleep how did I have a creeper in my house what is he doing in my house how could this happen I don’t understand I thought there were no monsters here he bought it I can’t believe it it was definitely worth it Mikey had such a funny face I think something is wrong here we have to check again I knew it was a construction site for the armor and it has the head of a Creeper on it h who did this I do not understand I am alone on this island H maybe it’s one of JJ’s pranks but it’s the only thing that comes into my head I need to be careful I have a very bad feeling H all right we need to keep digging I hope nothing like this happens again great Mikey’s gone now I can make fun of him again I want to dig a big hole and put spikes on the bottom H when Nik gets home he’ll fall into the pit it’ll be fun I just have super sharp metal spikes but to make them work you need to put block of redstone H it’s a good thing I saw it coming and took all the resources I needed I imagine Mikey would be surprised when he falls into this trap you have to cover the hole with a thin layer of grass so he cannot see from the distance H it looks like it looks good now you have to finish laying the fake layer of grass great the shop is done I can’t believe I could build it in such a short time you have to throw the diamonds here to lure Mikey that should work all right now we just have to wait for Mikey to finish Mining and come home we need to find somewhere I can hide so Mikey doesn’t see me where is Mikey well I see him running home I hope he falls into a trap wooo H it’s like a diamond but how did it end up here maybe it fell out of my pocket H got to get it what is it it was definitely worth it how could Mikey fall into such an obvious trap how could he have thought that the diamond fell out of his pocket when he didn’t even have any Pockets Mikey keeps surprising me we have to hide him now I thought he’d suffer more where did these spikes come from yesterday there was nothing I don’t understand anything maybe it was a ghost or something well that’s the only explanation I’ve come up with what’s next H you want to know what’s next I’ll show you I’ll put a creeper’s head behind you I wonder how you’ll react but if you get scared it’ll be very funny where did this K come from maybe it was always there I I thought it was a creeper where it came from seconds ago it wasn’t here h i don’t get it JJ didn’t go in the room so it wasn’t him maybe this pit was always there and just this time I stepped on the pit I fell down it was very funny Mikey doesn’t know what happened he really thinks the whole ghost did it there’s something else I need to do and I want to do more but I don’t know what else to do okay I think this hole has been here a long time in fact well it doesn’t matter I better go get some resources I don’t know why but I have a really bad feeling great Mikey’s gone so it’s time for the final prank I’ll put the TNT here and set the lever on the other side this is amazing when Mikey gets home I’ll activate the lever and Mikey’s house will explode now we have to hide and wait for Mikey soon he will come I already imagine how he will be surprised when his house explodes great he’s coming here I hope he doesn’t suspect anything the plan is very simple when Mikey goes in I activate the lever and Mikey gets a throttling why is he running so slowly I hope he doesn’t suspect anything it was just genius H who is it it’s that creeper I knew it was someone who set it up got to run it was very funny okay Mikey it’s really me JJ where did you crawl look I’m going to take off the creeper mask I don’t believe you it just can’t be all this time it was you I shrunk and decided to make fun of you you should have seen your face now H well don’t be angry Mikey it was all a joke it wasn’t funny you put me in here and you decided to make fun of me whoever does that do you know how scared I am at first I thought the creeper had learned to talk no offense Mikey it’s just a joke you make fun of me a lot too but I’m not mad at you come on we have a lot to do let’s quickly restore your house honestly it was very funny to look at the slaughter you thought it was all a ghost you know what was the most difficult don’t laugh so loud now we will quickly restore your house but now you have a house of diamond blocks I like the way you made your house we are going to build a very cool huge house I’m sorry Mikey but I want to destroy your house that’s why I brought TNT are you kidding me we just restored the house

JJ Trapped Mikey in a Tiny World in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

WARDENS vs. The Most Secure House – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7AhPzV6yi8


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