On today’s Minecraft Monthly, we’re continuing to celebrate our 15th birthday. And we’ll also reveal the release date of the Tricky Trials update, since its features are finally locked in. [humming] Locking the features in! [gulping] [door knob turning] Now, Agnes is joining us in the studio to share some big news. So, Agnes? Huh. She must be late or something. How about I read a poem while we wait? [clears throat] What could possibly guarantee-eth more smiles than the update I calleth Tricky Trials? [phone ringing] Oh, someone’s calling me? People still do this? -Hello? -Hi, Vu. I have some news for your show because we are going to reveal the release date for Tricky Trials today. However, somebody apparently locked me into this development room. -That’s strange. -Oh, well, anyways, just like last year, we have hidden a number of clues throughout this episode, each one clueier than the last. So see if you can find them all and figure out the release date for Tricky Trials. Thanks, Agnes. Okay, so here’s your first release date clue. I can exclusively reveal that Tricky Trials is not being released on April 3, 1887. Sorry if you booked that day off of work to play it, somehow. -Our next top story. -[car horn beeping] Minecraft is not old enough to drive a car. But watch out, pedestrians, because it’s getting closer, as our little crafting game just turned 15 years old. Huh? That’s better. Let’s look at some highlights from the first 15 years of Minecraft. Well, maybe the next 15 will be more exciting. What is exciting is that for the last 15 days, we’ve been celebrating and celebrating and celebrating… [fast-forwarding] ..even more. We’ve been giving loads of stuff away, including this free 15 Years map made by Oreville Studios. Is it called the 15-year journey because it takes 15 years to complete? Thankfully not. This huge Minecraft Museum showcases iconic moments from the past 15 years. Play mini games, collect lost memories, and explore historical exhibits to unlock the rich history of Minecraft. We’re also giving you a free cape. Is this the most incredible thing that’s ever happened in the entire history of time? In my unbiased opinion, yes. Yes, it is. {an8}And for the last 15 days, we’ve given away 15 daily free character creator items. {an8}We’ll put a link in the description {an8}to where you can get all your free 15th anniversary celebration goods. I won’t put the link in the description. I don’t actually know how. As part of the celebrations, two Minecraft superfans insisted on wishing the game a happy birthday. Very well. Let’s roll the clip. Oh, my God. It’s somebody’s birthday. -Whose? -Minecraft. Somebody throw me a sword. And me a pickaxe. Yeah. Look at my pickaxe. It’s kick-axe. -Ready? -Yeah. [both] Kink! Let’s feast. Next up, have you ever dreamed of being inside Minecraft? We’re working on a new Minecraft experience that’s coming to real-world locations. Check out the video description for more details while I try not to think about what it would be like to meet a creeper in real life. Anyway, it’s been an incredible 15-year journey for Minecraft, and not always an easy one. Did you know that it took us six years to add the first block to the game? Oh, and that it took 13 years for us to add crafting? You didn’t know that, because it’s not true. Still, makes you think, huh? More anniversary news now. And one of our other games is also celebrating. Minecraft Dungeons just turned four. Wow, just 12 years away from overtaking Minecraft. If Minecraft stops aging, which it probably won’t. We’ve been celebrating Minecraft Dungeons four-a-versary since last Friday, and we’ll stick a link to its X profile page in the description so you can get involved in the celebrations. And one more birthday. Minecraft Java Realms is turning 10. To celebrate 10 years of Realms, we got not six, not 13, but over a hundred of the best map makers to collaborate on a free Java super map. That’s right. We’re not even giving you a chance to complete the 15-year journey map first. Check the video description for more info. Now, obviously, we saved the biggest anniversary news for last. Today is May 30th, 2024. That’s right. It’s the one year and three-month anniversary of Minecraft Monthly. Wow. Let’s watch a montage of highlights from last year, and some change. Seriously? Okay, well, that about covers everything for today. See you next month. [phone ringing] Two phone calls in one day? Now I’ve seen everything. Hello? Hi, it’s me again. Are you ready for me to reveal the release date for Tricky Trials? And did you find all the clues in the episode? There were clues? Tricky Trials will officially be released on… [drum-roll] ..June 13th! I hope you all will enjoy that date very much. June 13th? Thanks, Agnes. [glass breaking] And thank you for watching. See you next month. [tooting]

In this edition of Minecraft Monthly, we continue Minecraft’s 15th anniversary celebration by putting a big cherry on top of our birthday cake: announcing the Tricky Trials Update release date! Can you spot all the clues? And what did you think about Vu’s poem? He really wanted us to ask.

Today’s episode covers:

– The release date of the Tricky Trials Update
– The free 15 Year Journey map for Bedrock Edition
– The 15 Year Anniversary Cape
– 15 free Character Creator items
– A special birthday wish
– Minecraft Experience, a real-life adventure
– Minecraft Dungeons turns 4
– Celebrating 10 years of Java Realms with a free supermap

Discover all the anniversary surprises, including up to 50% off Minecraft games:

Learn more about the release of the Tricky Trials Update:

Read about how to get the free Character Creator items:

Discover Minecraft Experience:

Join the Minecraft Dungeons Celebration:

Download the free Java supermap here:


  1. Happy Birthday Minecraft❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ most favourite game❤

  2. I love minecraft but make it for free the offers day 1june <——->1july to download minecraft for free also add everything from minecraft java on minecraft pocked edition for free pls i will share in social medias as the top of all games in entire world i sewear im going to do this all what i say

  3. Hello minecraft developers, I'm a huge fan of the Minecraft game, and I was wondering if it would be possible if you could add the ice and fire mode to it

  4. These guys their "facts" haha! Happy to have been there from the start and thanks so much to all involved for creating not only a great space for all but an educative one. I don't know where I'd be without time in my world once in a while.

  5. Happy birthday Minecraft 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 can you add the ice later and his minions in a mob vote pls and the glare maby the copper golem or rascal or the tuf golem into Minecraft that will make me feel better today isn't going my way

  6. Hello, i just wanted to say that when i put the code in the sign in website i entered this "help us beat the robots" then i did the pointing task thing but why does it made me not signed in on the Minecraft when i come back?

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