Having a ELEMENTAL DIREWOLF Family In Minecraft!

today we’re having an elemental direwolf family and Crystal check it out we’re the poison Elementals we have these awesome abilities like the poison spray Arrow boom Oh My Gosh babes we’re so powerful yes sir we’re spinning out poison this is Awesome song everyone try out our abilities there’s some in the chest over here this is sick okay wo whoo wao that is not what I just use Roxy is that the poison arrow scroll yeah it’s so awesome Bo boom boom wa this thing is crazy it one Taps everything check that out oh my gosh and look there’s so much poison residue everywhere a poison Heather wo that is awesome but check out the poison Splash scroll Splash on your face that does so much damage wao let’s try on the piggy boys over here P one shot bro I just one tapped him with poison ly check this out dude you could get so many at the same time wait spot a a Jillian pigs right now bro I’m going to test this out H H boy you are powerful dude the poison abilities are awesome the undead abilities are way better check it out what the oh my gosh no no no no no yo bro has a laser beam that’s so op no no no no no is it the red one Roxy is it the red one call bro this is sick I have a laser beam oh my gosh oh my gosh oh gosh they’re dropping ketchup what hold up Roxy is that the blood needles that you’re using right now yeah getting you up dude that is the most awesome direwolf ability ever check me out pow pow pow pow pow pow pow dude I’m like an anime character Luke spawn in like 50 pigs I want to see if I could one tap them all right I’m J clicking boom Oh my gosh no no no no no no this is insane this is insane this is insane it never stops attacking you guys are pooping so many at the same time I know right y’all boys is getting smoked and wait I’m going hit a splash poison oh my gosh Splash poison no the poison with the r oh yeah the poison is the best one to get rid of a bunch all at once check out the dragon direwolf ability Play WA you have dragon uhhuh and watch this what the Yo No are those that thing is lyia Fireballs wa is it the purple ones tether yeah and you’re also able to teleport with it boom not you’re capping bro you’re capping am did Roxy just teleport out of the map I flew out of the map where am I oh no okay wait I’m about to try the Starfall ly Spa some boys in right now please I got you all right H your bow wo wo Fireballs are coming from the sky yo this is insane ly and it has auto tracker so it hits the pigs that’s crazy as long as they’re in that big circle yeah and wait let me try the dragon breath yo this does serious Splash damage Heather this one is sicking bro and hold up I want to try to teleport Boop yo guys I’m up over here check me out boop I’m over here I’m over here hi guys hi guys W do it again do it again all right check me out there bow oh go wa wait it’s unlimited use there’s no cool down yo you can spam it guys shes that’s so fire this ability is super op to get away from people I know right if you have an enemy Heather boop boop boop that is sick okay Loki Heathers has the coolest one that’s nothing compared to the warden direwolf y yo oh no no no no no no no is that you doing that Alexa yes we have tentacles look at how the Pigs die wao wait luk do you also have those abilities yesi took it out boom Oh my gosh no no no I need to try it dude I can’t even get past them there’s so many tentacles bro I’m grabbing one right now yo are creeping me out okay okay wait let me try it out everybody stop ly I’m going to need you to spawn 1,000 pigs I want to see if I can take them on with one tentacle blast all right I’m going put them inside this fence so you can get them on ooh smart spawn them in oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah all right ready guys three two tentacles ah oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh is crazy dude no this is the most overpowered Elemental direwolf move ever Warden direwolf is sick and wait you still have one more ability SP what was that what was that that’s the sonic boom spun in your strongest enemy bow bro this one Taps this actually one Taps bow and it’s super long range dude this is Si bro did you just spawn in a mutant mob oh gosh this is going to be the real test let’s see how strong the tentacles are tentacles get him oh wait that’s not the tentacles it’s this one tentacles get him Roxy I’m cooking him up I’m cooking him up let’s hit him with the blood needles too get them come on come on you don’t like that you don’t like that no did we just instantly take out a mutant skeleton those boys are Mega powerful Mega powerful yes I guess you could just say the wardens are built different they’re actually crazy but guys we have to get our family and Ender Island wait a minute Heather this is where your kids are and it out instead of building we could just boom teleport everyone use a Teleport scool hi Crystal this is sick but hm wait it looks like there’s some rings over here do we have to go up the Rings to get to your kid yeah that’s what I’m thinking all right boom I can just teleport up and oh wo wo wo wo okay okay I’m teleporting like that oh gosh it says Target blocks are here to guide your aim huh shoot and crystals to open do you guys see any end cryst oh over here guys there’s crystals use the Starfall scroll wa I’m easily booming it hes you’re a professional already yes sir yo this is sick you can shoot this from long distance oh my gosh Alexa boom balls in your jaws Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow hey that’s friendly fire yes sir keep let’s go it open follow me guys yeah yeah and oh no guys there’s some intense parkour but hold up I can just teleport yo we’re cheesing it guys let’s go she I teleported all the way to the end oh yeah yeah we made it dude look it’s Heather’s kid hi Heather’s kid wao all right stop making last sounds but boom we broke you out and by the way you have awesome abilities like the Starfall oh can I use it next please yeah use it it’s inside your body try it out uh okay let me give it a try W hether your kids at natural I need to see if my kids aome you to teleport there I’m teleporting first ah oh God H wa bro I literally just teleported all the way to the middle and bro is that Roxy yo Rox you teleported like crazy dude now I’m there now I’m blasting your butts wa okay guys let’s go to the warden’s Forest Luke Luke look at me look at me ly look at me you see me here right and boom now I’m there what’s up bro that was sick a crystal oh gosh Crystal ooh that was a close one yes I’m so clutch yes sir and guys check it out it says Red Light Green Light what does that mean dude it’s Warden Red Light Green Light don’t move oh no I see the warden wait it’s red light no one move a single muscle how bad can I even be wait Roxy don’t move it’s red light it’s no it just killed Roxy it just killed Roxy dude are you serious right now oh you have to make it it’s green it’s green I’m racing I’m racing go L go L go oh gosh did you move no oh no I think I’m good oh gosh no one move a single muscle we have to wait for green light and then we could kill bro okayy we can use all of our abilities at once go go go go green light go we made it don’t move get him just get him we already made it starf oh no he doesn’t like that one bit oh yeah yeah I’m going get him with his own medicine bro I just blasted him ly did you see that dude did you see that me up D me up that was quite the shot dude I literally said broom smoked little bro if you think about it it’s like a fart gun know right and hold up wa we can enter over here oh my gosh this is sick come on let’s save my kid what the what guys is that a mutant Warden Roxy lock in right now bro we have to use all our abilities get him you shall not pass oh no we’re passing L bro you’re not him poison Splash boom get him Alexa use your powers let’s go let’s get him let’s get him hea dragon yes sir I’m spraying with my poison y we’re smoking it right now guys for my kids I’m mama bear oh no Alexa watch this boom I just use your powers yes slay guys I just tentacled bro and then blood just got sent to this Shadow realm everyone gritty on him right with thaty homy let’s go and look your kids we saved them boys how are my little munchkins doing hi guys I’m Uncle omy Pooh I’m the poison direwolf oh hi can I call you fart what I thought he was going to say father blood said fart Luke blood said fart oh no he must smell it really what about you do you like me Alexa’s kid uh BL I’m not a blah what are you hey hey yo she do stay away okay Luke your daughter is czyy bro czyy oh my gosh they’re so adorable to my kids hey come here Roxy I got the teleportation see you later alligator in a while 360 dial I know you saw that Roxy was that Lit dude well I got the skill where’s oh hi Roxy and over here it’s the undead haunted house whoo this has to be your side it says raise the dead to have back up what raise the dead how do we raise the dead it looks like there’s zombies and stuff in here you got to give the mouth to mouth what I don’t think so L I think we have to use one of the Scrolls hm what do we use Roxy hes you have to use this scroll what the what is that it says raise the dead bro oh my gosh do I do I just use this on the grave Rock see yeah like this boom what oh my gosh yo this is sick Luke we resp spoted these boys wa we got so many helpers in now wait are they friendly hold up okay Roxy you’re just killing them okay just kill them guys we need the training anyway boom nothing will stand in our way yes sir yes sir throw a tentacle or something oh no bro yo Rox your abilities are lowkey insanely overpowered and yo who respawned them Heather was that you yeah that was me oopsies oh my gosh easy smoked but Rox your kids must be in here haunted house with spooky scares oh Roxy I don’t like spooky scares one bit dude me neither let’s go inside all right we’re Brave cuz we got the P oh Roxy what is that what sucking me in kill him I’m with I can just punch it wait oh okay really bro who the heck made this dude there it’s like a um guys what is that outside ums I think I B M spawn this are you serious bro respawn a black hole kill it oh my go get it oh guys run inside run inside we got to go we got to go we got to go follow me up over here we have to find Roxy’s kids and careful Crystal arrows arrows arrows ow bab that hurt me a little bit oh gosh watch out everybody Luke watch out jump over the actually just break wait break the trip wire boom all right you should be be good now dude I’ll take these arrows nice and oh my yo Roxy dude this place is literally a haunted house there’s a jump scare over here kill it I don’t think you can wait no I got it I got bro and haunted maze whoa wait I got an idea teleport let’s go Roxy teleport up easy picking cheating shortcut and it says parkour to save the kids race you guys hey Roxy come here Master you are not the parkour master kid I’m smoking you H what’s up wa we made it this place is sick where your kids at though we have to beat this guy to save my kids look at him what the what look smoke that guy smoke that guy right now smoke that guy right now oh that boy’s crazy waa wait Roxy got a new ability slide that over Roxy slide that over I need that take it oh my gosh wa Wither Skull Attack yo Luke check me out bro I’m wither skulling this dude you going crazy my boy he has sir behind the back a we’re smoking it we got him in the corner dragon breath Heather I’m using your ability oh yeah shoot it at him nice oh my gosh I got him with the dragon breath that John was over really why is there a skeleton here get out of here bro you’re not that guy pal you’re not that guy M’s my kids you saved them oh hi little Roxy hello do you speak words my name is Roxy hey yo oh my go yo oh my gosh L’s killing me he’s trying to kill me he’s trying to kill me get out of here bro get out of here they’re crazy he’s just so overpowered dude no Roxy your kids have the op abilities Crystal we got to get out of here yes babes and where’s our kids it’s our turn we’re about to get the poison D wolves Crystal are you excited yes yes I’m going be the mom and you’re the dad or maybe Heather’s the mom oo sorry I just wanted to troll I just wanted to troll I’m kidding Heather is not the mom I’m kidding I’m totally kidding definitely am the mom no you’re not Heather don’t be weird but poison lab who this is where our kids are TP it says shoot the target with poison dart ooh okay the target’s up over there and the poison dart is this one over here poison arrow boom wait did I hit it I missed it wait boom I hit it and wao water spawned in that’s super cool yes sir come on guys let’s swim up in it says shoot poison targets above and defeat mobs we have to shoot those targets to create parkour but it’s not going to be easy mobs Crystal use our poison abilities bab get the zombies I’m smoking them poison everywhere poison Splash scroll Roxy get him boy oh yeah our teamwork is crazy right now we’re all using our abilities these zombies got nothing on us bow bow bow Crystal we just instantly smoked all of these boys nice job yes we have to protect our baby boys and now we have to get these targets and I’m going to use Roxy bo bo bo bo wa check it out it’s lighting them all up on fire this is sick okay I’m about to do this one over here everyone do it together so we can burn it fast wao the parkour is starting to drop yes all right let’s do this one over here Boom the power of lasers oh yeah yeah let’s get that one Roxy everyone do all of that BW pow pow pow poow get the last one over here we’re about to get the whole parkour dropping down baby yes s ski we going crazy now wait the parkour just needs to break these wao it all fell follow me guys let’s parkour up y are we going to get our kids I want to see them so bad me still Crystal come on let’s go see over here we making it through the parkour teleport squirrel skipped it and it says must get mutant x potion to break door huh where do we get a mutant x potion wait a second do we got to release Dr floa oh no all right let’s see what happens um I hit it now what oh the zombies over here oh this is Dr Flopper smoke him guys laser beams we’re going to send you where he came back from boy oh my gosh get over here Dr floa poison spray oh gosh guys he’s starting to attack he’s starting to attack oh oh gosh um Heather what is this did you just do the black hole oh my gosh this is not good this is not good this is not good oh my gosh guys teleport out of here yo it’s sucking me out he why oh no this is not good at all oh the good news I got the mut potion uh okay well we got to make it out of here I’m spamming the teleport oh gosh teleport out wait guys I see the cage oh I made it all the way over here and oh no the black hole is getting serious L get the M zombie bro I’m already over here I’m about to save the kids pull up all right I’m coming my boy you got the potion dudei drink it up my boy ooh this should open up the door let me see if I drink up the potion I’m feeling strong does it open it up uh SS you just got a lot bigger bro that’s what the potion does makes me big and now let me see if I’m able to break it I’m going to try and use the poison spres wao I just burnt it down with my poison baby that was sick dude and oop I’m back to normal babes look it’s our kids baby OHS and baby Crystal oh my gosh hello baby SS how are you doing today hey Dad can I eat roxxy’s butt oh my gosh do not eat Roxy’s butt oh Roxy yo don’t laser my son dude eat my butt all smack your you want to go B poison spit oh my gosh Roxy Don’t Mess oh my gosh what is he okay Luke let’s leave our kids spawn in the black hole that Heather gave me okay L get out of here bro get out of here Roxy has cursed abilities are you scared that roxxy’s a strongest dude bro is not the strongest if you guys really want to test it out we could see who’s the strongest direwolf El to right now who wants to do a free-for-all me me I’m confident in my abilities let’s do it all right guys everyone get a corter let store let’s do this oh gosh no I’m lowkey scared I’m lowkey wait I’m getting Lily first bow Wither’s close to your face then Ray booming not effective what oh my gosh oh was that effective ah I just smoked Lily Lily’s dead oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh in survival mode these things are one uses hether died oh gosh oh wait I’m about to get everybody right over here what’s up Roxy boo no no no no no he’s dead that was easy pickings and Luke what’s up bro drag it bre to your face no you’re too far chill friendly oh gosh oh gosh I just wasted wait did I get you l y you got me oh my gosh Alexa you’re alive who else is alive it’s Alexa and is it Crystal too no babes Luke got me with his SK oh no it’s just me and Alexa Alexa what’s going to happen what’s going to happen I only have a few spells left a few supposed to laugh up well it’s actually really simple I’m going sneak up behind you I’m going get you okay wait I just raised a dead are these guys going to hurt me please don’t hurt me guys please don’t hurt me they’re on my team let’s go get Alexa Alexa pull up and you’re about to get smoked by my boys bro my boys is over here do you think I’m scared of a bunch of zombies Sonic Boom through the wall did you feel that yep that hurt a little bit oh gosh I already got a Scrolls dude I only have two left wait this is going to get you ah boom T Doom anything I’m going for a fin let’s go I am the strongest Elemental Dire Wolf oh man and oh gosh wait guys black hole ah it’s chucking me in and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are having a ELEMENTAL DIREWOLF Family In Minecraft!


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