I Ranked Every Stardew Valley Song

so these are all the stardew valley songs and I was thinking maybe we could try to uh rank them so there’s Shake Your Booty a banger basically a Bop mid not so good those are the options okay so let’s he so the first one’s Overture okay so here’s the thing this one’s classic it’s nostalgic even I think I think I’m I think it’s fair to put here because here’s the thing shake your booty is such a different like tier for me I think Banger is fair because it is one of like it’s very iconic you hear it every single time you log in and it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside right so I’m down with that next up we got Cloud country kind of classic right another Banger another another classic style but I’m thinking I’m thinking it’s probably it’s probably here for now it works I I don’t I wouldn’t say it’s mid by any means M we’ll get to Mid this is not mid this is this is like a a tune kind of sets the the tone and the stage for you okay distant banjo where’s that at distant banjo I’m GNA have to say mid it’s too similar to Cloud country and it’s it’s not doing anything new for me it’s still good song but like we got to be we got to be careful you know a glimpse of the other world okay so this one’s a little different let’s let’s let’s think before we just give it a let’s think for a sec here before we just shout it out it’s very it’s very like Zelda and you walk into like a weird store or something I respect I respect that it’s doing something different you know little freaks on on screen when this plays I almost want to add um hold on so that’s going to be this it’s like its own it makes sense for the vibe of what it is but it’s like not bad or good or Incredible or terrible it’s like it makes sense for that Grandpa’s theme [Music] you know what I’m sorry it’s a banger it’s a banger it is there’s a lot of emotion to it I I would say very nice okay settling in [Music] okay okay I’m shaking a little [Music] bit it’s a decent slapper it’s a decent slapper okay here we go got spring [Music] okay I’m shaking my ass I’m shaking my ass I’m sorry it’s a banger it’s a great it’s a great tune it’s a great tune oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] yeah okay yeah yeah yeah that’s GNA that’s going to be in my and shaking my ass as well no offense we are shaking our ass to that one as well okay this works but are we shaking our ass or are we stoked see right here the flute kind of goes a little wild but does it take too long to get to that point this might be this might be a wild take I think I’m going with decent slapper I think I’m going with decent slapper it’s not bad but it’s it’s fun but the but there are stronger spring time Tunes pelicant town [Music] okay fits the vibe for sure fits the vibe that is a very Town Hall Town Square having ass song it fits the vibe you feel me it’s very much just like a hey there’s a probably a clock tower somewhere probably a saloon you know it’s a it’s chill it it makes sense for the vibe but it’s not like I’m going out of my way for it flower [Music] dance mid mid almost it’s almost in blows actually I think it’s too mechanic it’s too lullaby sounding ass I think it’s almost in blows but it’s mid now fun Festival okay hold what festival is this little bit little bit of a jig o the egg Festival I’m going to go with a decent slapper I’m going to go with decent slapper it’s not a banger for me it’s not I’m not shaking my ass but it’s decent it’s a decent slapper it’s a decent slapper summertime [Music] okay okay a lot of different feelings in chat this part right here this part right [Music] here I feel like this might this might be wild that part brought it from decent slapper to B for me I think takes a little it takes a little bit to get there but I think it works iPhone alarm sounding ass I’m going to go Banger I think I’m going to go Banger it it’s it’s fun now library and the museum where’s that at here we [Music] go okay this is just like everything else kind of we’ve heard this already I feel like yeah this is fits the vibe that fits the [Music] vibe uh here we go mid that’s mid sorry sorry about it okay summer Nature’s crescendo [Music] okay I’m shaking my ass I’m shaking my ass in the Nature’s Crescendo this is like the Pinnacle ass shaking song I’m I’m putting it to number one this part right here you kidding [Music] me that part right [Music] there okay summer tropicala okay let me think about this for a second [Music] okay concerned eight put his whole ass into the summer I feel like yeah that’s good I’m shaking my ass to that the adventure Guild [Music] okay so this is EI I think this might fit the vibe I think I think this fits the [Music] vibe bro this is not blow [Music] I’m going with fits the [Music] vibe that part right there you kidding [ __ ] chilling with a bunch of old boys talking about weapons and killing monsters and [ __ ] okay hold on star drop Saloon [Music] okay they’re they’re kind of killing on the piano a little [Music] bit I I was going to go with Y so I was going to go with decent slapper but this part right here I’ve never heard in my goddamn life or it’s that forgettable who’s this who’s [Music] this where who’s then what what where did that come from I’m going to go with fits the vibe it was almost decent slapper but it fits the vibe but I don’t know who the [ __ ] that part was [Music] low I’m going with decent slapper there’s no way this is mid this is kind of fun it’s got like a Mario 64 Vibe bro there’s no way chat there’s close your eyes there’s no way this part you’re you’re saying is Smith Wait wait just wait there’s no [Music] shot there’s no shot they got to they got to pay this flute flutist overtime okay wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] this might deserve its own tear perhaps it’s whimsical as hell you’re not shaking your ass to this though however ascending [Music] ascending I it’s great it’s a great song it’s very Chill Vibes it put if it’s putting you to sleep that’s then it’s is doing its job cuz it’s a very very nice ethereal [ __ ] eal [ __ ] son fall fall has some slammies fall has some Slammers [Music] that clarinet is [ __ ] it [Music] up H it’s Banger got to be a banger for me got to be a banger for me it’s a banger [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we got to let it cook a little bit that’s ascending I think that these are those are the songs where we can just listen to it you kind of feel you feel it in like all over you kind of Vibes you know this one’s another one that like builds up to something really special I think what’s up slim how you doing now fall has some of the best music that [ __ ] like wind ass [Music] flute [ __ ] yeah that’s really [Music] nice yeah it’s it’s up here I’m not shaking my ass but like my my brain feels good oh the Buttercup Melody where’s that [Music] that blows [Music] sorry that blows Festival game where’s that Festival game [Music] mid mid it fits the vibe but it still sucks so it’s mid it like fits the vibe but it’s like I don’t care for it Spirits Eve Festival okay this is like the Halloween one this this one’s I like is it’s a little different okay it’s a banger it’s a banger I it was almost shaking my ass but it’s a banger I don’t I almost put it for shaking my ass but it’s definitely a banger I I would say oh I sto the best part sorry I’m playing this when I’m up to something when when I’m planning something wild this is what I’m [Music] playing it’s very it’s very like Luigi’s Mansion or like booze area in Mario Vibes like the haunted house a pleasant memory so this Penny’s theme [Music] okay what in the grease sounding ass [Music] oh Beauty School Dropout yeah that’s going to [Music] be I don’t know I wouldn’t even say it’s decent though it’s kind it’s like forgettable I’m going with mid I’m sorry I’m going for Mid I’m sorry it doesn’t blow I’m going for Mid sorry uh okay winter okay [Music] guys close your eyes this is this this is something [Music] else yep [Music] yeah this one might be ascending too fast for ascending this part right here bro I got goosebumps a little bit is that okay to say yeah no this one’s good the nocturn of ice is real good I like that one a lot uh winter the wind can be still ooh [Music] okay he really he really did a lot of good stuff with winter here as well this isn’t ascending guys it’s not ascending might be a [ __ ] Banger though this part right here [Music] [Music] oh okay yeah this one has a lot of soul to it a lot of personality I like that one a lot that’s a banger it’s a banger I’m not shaking my ass but it’s a banger you know what I mean okay winter ancient this song Always confuses me because it sounds like two songs are playing at the same [Music] [Music] time you know what I’m going to go with fits the vibe it fits the vibe it starts off too weird I think but if fits the vibe it’s it’s very winter ass sounding I would yeah CU I wouldn’t say it’s like it’s I think that makes sense it feels cold it feels windy [Music] I’m not going to lie this might be this might be a wild take I feel like I’m shaking my ass a little bit to this sorry get caught that’s an ass popper for sure yeah throwing it in a circle right under the [ __ ] Christmas tree it’s also it’s like fun and different and also nostalgic I like it okay a golden star is [Music] born wow okay no come on I’m kidding I would say a golden star is born fits the vibe it fits the vibe it is like makes sense for that moment with the junimos but it’s not I’m not ascending to it it’s the diet Moonlight jellyfish yeah that’s but that’s my take that’s my take obviously you know we all we all have our own takes okay hold on here we go country [Music] shop is this not the same as like the other five we already have we heard this one before or no you know what I’m going to say it’s a decent slapper nothing wrong with it it’s a decent slapper it’s decent um okay the Calico desert this one gets you anxious if I’m real [Music] it’s a banger it’s a banger for me it’s a banger it’s not I’m not shaking my ass it’s not I’m not ascending but I think it’s a good tune I think it’s a good tune [Music] I think this sucks it’s called [Music] playful when you hand the ox core to a [Music] Teletubby I’m putting it in blows we need to put more in blows and it’s it’s not doing it for me I’m sorry guys there are so many bangers what is [Music] that I’ve never heard this I’ve never had a high enough friendship with Elliot I’m going to go with mid that’s mid it’s not I I don’t think it blows but I think it’s kind of boring it’s mid the land of green and [Music] gold okay lawn laan Ranch [Music] honestly I’m putting that in mid I I I I I’m sorry I think it kind of is sh [ __ ] it’s it’s just kind of like I’m I’m good on it like it’s not like incredible it’s not terrible it’s just that it just exists for me a Stillness in the rain okay it’s very serious but you know what I think it’s decent I think that’s a decent slapper it’s a Ye Old Banger yeah I think it’s a little different and I think it’s fine I think it’s like it’s not like I’m not like yeah but I’m not like that sucks it’s very Renaissance Fair yeah yeah yeah okay then we got um we got star Watcher this is maru’s theme I actually [ __ ] with this one I’m pretty [Music] sure not just cuz she’s my wife in game though it’s very we’re outside it’s nighttime I could smell the dew on the on the grass it it’s ascending but it’s not it’s not dancing the moon like Jelly’s ascending we we could put this I think in fits the vibe I think I think we can put it in fits the vibe because it makes sense for that scene but it’s also good it’s very calm slapper and that’s my final offer uh no I I like that I like that I like that a sad song for [Music] Alex this is a very Zelda sounding song it’s Walmart Zelda I don’t think it’s mid I would say that okay I’m bringing I’m bringing Maru a decent slapper and I’m putting him in fits the vibe I think that’s what we’re doing here the pickle jar [Music] rag h [Music] where’d that come from that’s a surprise that shake I think pickle jar rag I think I’m shaking it it’s a little surprise as shake I’d say um okay subashan theme documentary soundtrack ass [Music] song H I’ll say it fits the vibe it didn’t really do much for me but for the Sebastian stands I know it makes sense so we’re going to put fits the vibe grapefruit sky [Music] have I ever heard this in my life I’m going to say decent slapper it’s a decent slapper it’s I don’t mind [Music] it yeah it’s a little Whimsical even this is Alex’s keepsake [Music] kind of [ __ ] boring [Music] it just ends like that I don’t I’ll say it’s mid I’ll say it’s mid I don’t know ban [Music] practice that’s it band practice we’ll say fits the vibe because it’s 15 seconds this one’s called Sam’s band [Music] pop oh no this is Sam’s band electronic wait Sam has like five different band songs it’s a little repetitive [Music] though I would say it’s a decent slapper I would say it’s a decent slapper Sam’s band electronic decent slapper for me uh D Sam’s band pop version [Music] I’m going mid I’m just going mid immediately for this one blue grass version [Music] [Music] I yeah you know what I’ll put that in Banger actually I’ll put that in Banger if that’s okay and then Sam’s band heavy version this is started what the [ __ ] [Music] what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that’s I think that’s got me shaking my ass if I could be honest with you guys a little bit that was actually kind of kind of good a dark corner in the past of the past [Music] this might be mid for [Music] me yeah that’s mid we what is that music box song [Music] okay okay thank you I would say this one’s a decent slapper oh say it’s a decent slapper if that’s okay um JY okay [Music] there’s no way this is [Music] M I would say that fits the vibe it fits the vibe it’s in between decent slapper and fits the vibe I think that’s where it goes for me uh violin solo [Music] okay fifth grade like production like school school school play school [Music] solo okay we’re going to put violin in mid just cuz it’s it was pretty but it’s like just I don’t know it’s just a violin [Music] this one’s called wedding celebration that’s a decent slapper it’s a decent slapper I lik it it’s not iconic enough as it for a banger in my mind and I’m not shaking my ass that hard but I do like it I think it’s a decent slapper okay now we’re getting to the mins [Music] guys crystal bells [Music] it’s very it’s [Music] very I’m a sending with this [Music] one it’s very nice it’s very very [Music] nice I like that one a lot okay now we got uh flicker in the Deep mines okay this isn’t this is is an ascending it’s [Music] not we’re on the cusp of either a banger or a decent slapper for [Music] me this might be a banger [Music] yeah I like this one a flicker in the Deep that’s a banger uh we got okay next one is star lumpy this is a Pokemon [ __ ] on a bike having ass sound this is like cycling Road [Music] I’m going with decent slapper it’s a decent slapper uh min’s icicles oh yeah now that is what we’re talking about immediately you knew that you know this one we got to wait for it to pick I think a little bit [Music] [Music] here is it wild to say I’m shaking ass to Minds icicles cuz I am I think I am I like this one a lot uh M’s Mara of Frozen bones this one reminds me of just a bunch of Bones this is a banger that’s a banger [Music] cloth this one is very Minecraft yeah we’re ascending to mine’s cloth guys we’re we’re we’re ascending to that yeah that’s nice that’s some good stuff this one when someone saying something really sad that [Music] credits it’s like you’ve changed and I won’t forget you man have fun I’ll see you bro yeah mine’s cloth that we’re ascending there visitor to the unknown I’m not sure if I’m shaking my ass or if it’s a banger yet I’m not sure yet it’s giving the Powerpuff Girls theme song There’s not not enough of a beat to really shake it correctly I think it’s I think it’s more of a banger bass the bass kicking in it’s a banger that is a banger um the lava dwellers this one reminds me of [ __ ] maple story oh [ __ ] that’s nice this is like a slow twerk that’s a banger that is a banger for sure there we go uh magical shoes this one hits [Music] magical shoes I think that’s a banger bro there’s too many bangers uh in the mines I would say okay this one’s really like scary kind [Music] of I like it though blood blood yeah we get a bunch of sad twerks some pensive ass shakes in the chat thanks I would say that’s a banger dude it’s I I what am I supposed to do not say that in the Deep Woods okay so this is the little area where okay this is the this is the uh secret Woods I think politely throwing it back to this one yeah [Music] hm [Music] [Music] this part right here [Music] though I think I’m go I think I’m going with decent slapper I think I’m going with decent slapper for that one journey of the prairie king [Music] I’m going to give it a banger I’m going to give a banger I think uh the outlaw [Music] I’m shaking my ass I’m shaking my ass at that one ass is getting shaked okay um this one’s called load game yeah that one’s nice that one’s nice we’re sending we’re sending to that one I would say um hold on what else there’s some other ones in here Night [Music] Market am I crazy to say it’s a decent slapper [Music] is that is that is that a bad [Music] take I feel like it I feel like it’s good but it’s not going anywhere like it’s really enjoyable but it’s not like doing anything different throughout the song submarine theme [Music] okay okay [Music] [Music] H I think fits the vibe I think works for this I like I like if fits if it’s if fits the Vibe now this is an Ocarina sounding [Music] song yeah we’ll put that in ascending I like that I like the one a lot so that was 1.3 where’s 1.2 at here we go um o what are all these ones the sun room [Music] this is M actually dare I say kind of whatever grapefruit sky okay I’d say it’s a decent [Music] slapper never heard this in my goddamn life but you know how it is um okay what is this happy junimo Show [Music] Theme I’ve never heard this one [Music] either I’d say it’s fits The [Music] Vibes crane game [Music] [ __ ] I’m putting it in mid since it almost I thought I was getting killed whose sword was that is ginger Island not on here I’m not I’m not even seeing Ginger Island on this [ __ ] list end of the second row no I I know volcano mines is here I’m looking for the song Ginger Island like that actual song the song slaps but it’s there’s nowhere to put it I’m going to add it I’m going to add it myself check this out okay what do you guys know about that huh and then that that that that Ginger Island okay and I think it’s aiel aiel and then it might be an aerial bold situation Ginger Island cool Ginger Island h there she is ginger Island I’m I’m shaking my ass right it’s like it’s a good song Leo song sad slow it’s serious sorry to do it I’m sorry to do it it’s kind I’m sorry to do it it’s nothing nothing some nothing we like Leo though we do like Leo but you know what I mean it’s like what you going what’s up pirate [Music] theme I’d say pirate theme is a banger I’d say that’s a banger that’s fun all right now we got the summit celebration this might be a spoiler never heard this in my life [Music] that’s a banger it’s a banger um what else do we have here mystery of Caldera oh [Music] yeah we’re ascending to the one this is actually I think closer to this one to be [Music] honest this is the lava room where you where you work on your weapons and stuff I like that a lot okay the Gorman’s cave I’m going mid I’m going mid I think nothing’s really happening with it to be honest right all right now I guess that’s it that’s all the songs guys right [Music] [Music] he [Music] all right so that’s the volcano molon jelly and then forgotten world [Music] [Music] [Music] it’s kind of nice I’d say that’s probably a banger if I had if I had to say anything all right I think what is Emily’s theme what is this Emily’s dance Emily’s dance what is this [Music] that’s a that’s a banger it’s Rainbow Road sounding ass wait are we maybe I’m shaking my ass for this actually a little bit I like that one and what else we got what else we got we got movie movie theater let’s try movie theater real quick it’s very like 1960s movie theater you know what I would say it makes sense for the vibe it like you can hear like the crack of the soda like I think it fits the vibe this is the movie theater closing song and why is it already better than the other one in my opinion this one kind of [Music] works I kind of like it Sims build music Closing Time decent slapper I think decent slapper um I think that might be all the songs that is a [ __ ] slapper of a day right there ascending shaking my ass Banger decent slapper fits the vibe for sure mid blows [Music]

We ranked the Stardew Valley OST the other day. Do you agree or disagree with any takes? #stardewvalley

Shoutout to ConcernedApe for such an awesome discography.

become a Member with perks:

00:00 Going over Tier List
00:20 Overture
00:44 Cloud Country
01:22 Distant Banjo
01:37 A Glimpse of The Other World
02:24 Grandpa’s Theme
02:53 Settling In
03:25 Spring (Big World Outside)
03:51 Spring (Valley Comes Alive)
04:15 Spring (Wild Horseradish Jam)
04:48 Pelican Town
05:21 Flower Dance
05:42 Fun Festival
06:03 Summer (Sun Can Bend An Orange Sky)
06:50 Libray and Museum
07:08 Stardew Valley Fair Theme
07:32 Summer (Nature’s Crescendo)
08:23 Summer (Tropicala)
09:05 Adventure Guild
09:54 Stardrop Saloon
10:31 Luau Festival
11:18 Dance of the Moonlight Jellies !!!
12:05 Fall (Smell of Mushroom)
12:50 Fall (Ghost Synth)
13:44 Fall (Raven’s Descent)
14:27 Buttercup Melody
15:11 Festival Game
15:45 Spirit’s Eve Festival
16:55 Pleasant Memory (Penny’s Theme)
17:40 Winter (Nocturne of Ice)
18:23 Winter (Wind Can Be Still)
19:29 Winter (Ancient)
20:13 Winter Festival
21:13 Golden Star is Born
21:53 Country Shop
22:27 Calico Desert
23:21 Playful
24:02 Piano Solo (Elliot’s Theme)
24:24 Land of Green and Gold (Leah’s Theme)
25:02 Stillness in The Rain
25:23 Starwatcher (Maru’s Theme)
26:19 A Sad Story (Alex’s Theme)
26:47 Pickle Jar Rag (Haley’s Theme)
27:33 Echos (Sebastian’s Theme)
27:51 Grapefruit Sky (Dr. Harvey’s Theme)
28:24 Alex’s Keepsake
29:08 Band Practice
29:29 Sam’s Band (Electronic)
29:54 Sam’s Band (Pop)
30:26 Sam’s Band (Bluegrass)
31:13 Sam’s Band (Heavy)
31:48 A Dark Corner of The Past
32:16 Music Box Song
32:50 Jaunty
33:22 Violin Solo
33:50 Wedding Celebration
34:20 Mines (Crystal Bells)
34:49 Mines (Flicker in The Deep)
35:47 Mines (Star Lumpy)
36:20 Mines (Icicles)
37:04 Mines (Marimba of Frozen Bone)
37:36 Mines (Cloth)
38:25 Mines (Visitor to The Unknown)
38:57 Mines (Lava Dwellers)
39:56 Mines (Magical Shoes)
40:42 Mines (Danger!)
41:32 In The Deep Woods
43:02 Journey of The Prairie King – Overworld
43:58 Journey of The Prairie King – The Outlaw
44:22 Load Game
44:38 Night Market
45:18 Submarine Theme
46:29 Mermaid Song
46:56 Sun Room (Alone with Relaxing Tea)
47:21 Grapefruit Sky (Pasta Primavera Mix)
47:45 Happy Junimo Show Theme
48:18 Crane Game
48:45 Ginger Island
49:45 Leo’s Song
50:09 Pirate Theme
50:29 Summit Celebration
51:08 Mystery of the Caldera
51:53 The Gourmand’s Cave
52:30 Volcano Mines (Molten Jelly)
53:40 Volcano Mines (Forgotten World)
54:44 Emily’s Dance
55:28 Movie Theater
56:06 Movie Theater (Closing Time)

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  1. Also taking a solid moment to appreciate the effort put in to editing the million timestamps/chapters in this video ❤❤ thank you so very much

  2. It's rare I find a tier list I agree with, but I was right with you with almost all of these. But putting Volcano Mines Forgotten World as just a Banger should be illegal. It's an ass shaker for real.

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