Stardew Valley 1.6 – Let’s Play Ep 73

good morning friends and fellow Farmers okay I think it might have snow coming here tomorrow it’s going to snow okay uh Fortune is mildly perturbed queen of sauce is a rerun what does she say omelets we’re all good with omelets all right let’s uh Boogie on out oh what is the mail seems like you’re starting to get close with some of the town’s people if you want to show someone that you’re romantically interested you got to give them one of my beautiful flower bouquet bouquets I’m selling them now for a very fair price if you want to start a family this is the first step yes uh capitalism is the first step to starting a family Pier first I buy love hey all right uh those are grown in looking good we got our second recycler here so this is going to go quickly here all right so let’s grab two of [Music] those we’ll grab uh two of these and we’ll grab one of those close that door I’ve left it open yesterday poor Critters sure they put a complaint letter into the the municipality whoa look at that duck we got a duck egg [Music] nice well that’s exciting oh there’s another egg camouflage down there yeah it feels like the animals matured really [Music] quick all right and then hello friend what have you got here oh right you you’re not every day all right yeah we go back over to the machines and then CD Shunk um okay think we’re looking good oh I could have taken the mystery box to Clint I don’t even think about these things okay we got some clay there nothing to uh Monumental that can go yeah the hell it can [Music] go all right now with my crop selling more it does get me to kind of a a juncture where I think like some of this gold stuff I just I’m going to sell it um I mean I was keeping it for energy well you know what I might keep it I’ll keep it for energy who am I kidding I think I’m probably not going to end up using it okay then we’ll put uh the egg I’m just going to put here cuz we’re not there yet we got a bit to go and these give me yeah the raisins give me a mountain of energy wow um snow yam seaweed guess we’ll keep the snowman snowman the snow yam there all right uh okay and I’m going to go murder some stuff so we don’t need that that I’ll keep my fishing rod cuz I’ll need it later sure I’ll take some torches so let’s go get some bugs oh I don’t have my my [Music] hoe okay so here we are already juicy bugs all right only they’ asked for slime oh my gosh uh normally I wouldn’t go after all this but like this is a ludicrous number of slime it’s Wednesday I was thinking it was Tuesday I was like I can’t even go see Robin anyway about um the uh the upgrade oh my gosh okay yeah we should get on that there too many things to get on here but it is nice actually having some income well we’re going to get a pile copper I can’t complain entirely about that that’s [Music] good okay now to find our way [Music] out all right bugs any bugs any bugs want a bug me me please come on step on up come on let’s bug a clock let’s go bugs so out of a morbid curiosity I ended up watching uh well I didn’t intend to I was going to watch the first five minutes and I got kind of pulled into uh not for all the right reasons I I start watching ruthless people I was like my first thought was did I see this when I was younger like it feels like a thing you know I would have watched as a as a kid and then I was like no I definitely didn’t see it um boy Danny Deo is Danny Deo he’s just he’s so it’s always sunny in that but he he’s just always perfect he’s perfect for that role he’s very good I I’d worry that it’s not even acting he’s just so good but no it was uh it’s not great doesn’t age well you know it’s bet Midler’s funny but uh yeah it’s kind of it’s it’s weird we got a note look at that have you found my secret in the dark tunnel look forward to meeting you key he hired an assassin in the dark tunnel yes I think we did already did we put the battery in the tunnel I hope we did there is not enough bugs down here today I mean I’m getting at like a mountain of ore I’m not going to complain about that I don’t really need all the copper although yeah goodness knows I will but it’s 2: p.m. it’s like okay let’s get going out of here did I I didn’t even find an exit yet got another note yeah we’re going to be seeing secret notes coming out of our ears now aren’t we oh what was that one there’s only two so it shouldn’t be hard oh uh okay right we got to go ho that over there okay cool yeah that was my problem with the railway station I was trying to like do something that doesn’t exist yet I I always forget how right we don’t have the not until you get the notes that really start certain things start opening up I’m definitely not seeing enough bugs we need like a bug attack is what I need cuz what are we at three you are kidding me now we’re not singing a bug meate look this level should be good soon as you get more jungly there we go okay well it’s there this is it this is what I want please feel free to come and attack me gu I need to be swarmed a few times all right I like this it’s going to take my time here come on that’s I’m at seven all right but yeah everybody’s like acts really well in uh Ruthless People but it’s just kind of like the pacing is a little slow the jokes are you know they’re the gags and stuff are not that funny especially now it’s just it’s not that funny you go really you know bman Midler’s whole thing being obsessed with her weight and it seemed like I mean I guess it’s making fun of the80s but also kind of not because she genuinely does seem obsessed with it all and then he’s superficially you know happy which I guess is is really the jokes on him um but her belief that she needs to be Hill skinny is kind of yeah sort of messed up I don’t know I like most 8s comedies the jokes really generally fall flat they’re not they’re not as funny as they would be and then they try to be like a little risque or something and it’s always like pretty cringy but it’s hard to remember the time period when those come out it was it was very different people did think that was funnier um yeah uh it’s uh definitely you shake your head a bit okay let’s outbox these raisins cam it’s the sound that raisins make come on bugs I’m just looking for bugs that’s all I want yeah I need more than this in one day to make this like really you know worth my while I don’t think I found an exit but yeah I’m oh good okay can we have like a bug attack here that would be nice I’m always like super disappointed when I watch older like movies from the 70 well not the 70s the ‘ 80s the 80s are atrocious um yeah generally I’m just like they I feel embarrassed for the 80s when I watch them okay we got oh we got some new ideas I must have leveled up my mining that’s good that’s something there we go 750 okay good keep attacking oh come on come on [Applause] [Music] guys all right anybody down here one easily bu [Music] okay uh but yeah it was I think I end up watching the movie cuz it was like a bit of a watching a car accident it was just I couldn’t look away and again Denny the opening is strong like Danny deito is very like he he’s just you know he’s deliciously good as those kinds of horrible characters I recall liking like Dirty Rotten Scoundrels more when I was a kid when it was younger oh there we go um but again that probably doesn’t age very well either none of them do all right but it’s funny that that idea of um cuz you know the terrible people the Ruthless People they get their come upin and it is funny how that we’re still very happy with that kind of humor um again I think like that’s entirely what it’s so Sunny is predicated on you know they’re they’re the butt of the joke um they they don’t they don’t get they don’t get the win so it’s we can be happy with that man this place is too big I just want to get let’s e some [Music] [Applause] hops um yeah we we’re comfortable where you know whether it’s like kerp your enthusiasm you know it doesn’t pay to be mean the crummy people always get uh they H the jokes on them and I think I mean I think we’re it’s good that we see that happen but it it is funny how that’s still such a like a like a comedy Trope okay here we go now we’re talking I don’t know if it’s like you’re I don’t think you’re better off allowing them to become flies cuz you generally get like a bag of meat that’s how I like to Envision it it’s just a large bag of bug meat oh yeah there we go there’s a few it’s the ones that drop like two or more those are the ones were of interest in oh there we go yes finally and we got a note that one was carrying a note it’s uh please uh let my son out of school early cuz he has an orthodontist appointment that’s probably what the note was poor bug okay is that it uh I can’t go through this one all right so what do we get 14 14 well that’s a start where do we got to put them the barrel next to Wily’s house um let’s also read our other note it’s a note maru’s Parts still needed for my greatest invention gold bar idium battery pack diamonds strawberries so what we know her loves uh gold bar iridium battery p pack diamonds uh the battery pack is the easiest one for us I think at this point now out of curiosity does it uh put them into maru’s thing here I somehow I still blow past people I’m like there’s only five people here it does oh that’s exciting so it does dump those here cuz I clearly haven’t given her in a radium bar aha that’s fantastic yeah I love that when uh when it actually and yeah so he’s not so picky oh she likes okay he likes fruit salad you’re probably never getting one of those uh yeah L is he likes everything okay right and the uh buddy over here I gu start giving the dwarf stuff uh let’s go to the bus stop it’s getting a bit late tonight all right we’ll dump this off okay I’ll put that there so if I grab okay so it doesn’t count I’m just going to leave it here for now um oh good we got an ancient fruit seed here that’s nice do we yeah there we go we know the recipe for that so let’s go and plug one of those in there okay then we’ve got one two three okay there we [Music] are we have pickles up okay you and you excellent all right well let’s get some sleep and next time we uh Thursday we’ll see sorry Kitty we’ll see what we’re on I think we’re going to learn an idea here level eight mining plus one pickaxe proficiency and we learn Mega bombs

Juicy bugs and secret notes are the order of the day!

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