Can You Beat Terraria Master Mode with ONLY PICKAXES?

thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring today’s video pickaxes tools that are usually used for digging not slaying eldrich entities but what if I decided to summon my inner dwarf and Diggy Diggy Hole my way to Victory well today I sought to answer that question welcome to Terraria pickaxe only Master mode I started my world off by cutting down some trees then I quickly realized that completely defeats the whole purpose of this playthrough so I save and exited and restarted my whole world and character and then stupidly I did again okay this time I’m only using the pickaxe I stumble upon some living trees which have some wood in them this will be one of my only sources of wood and make my way down the living tree to find some ores so I can make a new pickaxe which isn’t much better than the copper pickaxe but it’s a little bit better and then a pair of gnomes jump me so luckily pickaxes do damage they just don’t do much damage I’m killing slimes very slowly now it’s night time so I need to create a shelter problem is I can’t cut down the trees at my spawn so that means there’s no space for me to build so instead I decided I’m going to make an underground base I also started just digging straight down it’s one of the only things I can do right now is dig I find some valuable ores and gems along the way luckily on this world it contains Platinum Ore instead of gold so I was able to get the Platinum pickaxe which is better than the gold pickaxe it does a whopping seven damage now when I started this playthrough I really didn’t know if it was going to be possible and this playthrough is literally built off of damage that you usually will only accidentally do eventually I got a full set of silver armor it then starts raining slime I can barely kill these guys I have a decent amount of Defense so they’re not really doing much damage but they take a while to kill even with a platinum pickaxe and I literally took so long killing them slime stopped falling from the sky before I could even kill enough of them I then go into the underground desert now usually I only go here for one thing and that’s mainly the bar statue but there is something in particular that would be very help and soon enough I actually get it it’s the magic conch and then I die to a rolling Cactus and now with all my enchanted night crawlers as bait and some sonar potions I went straight to the ocean and started fishing waiting for one name to pop up and the first fish that appears on the Sona potion is the Reaver shark that’s exactly what I wanted but the line freaking broke that single line break cost me 20 minutes of my life but I finally got it and the line didn’t break this time now the Reaver Shar is a pickaxe but something that’s really nice about the Reaver shark is it’s actually a decent Weapon It’s not amazing but it’s bigger than your regular pickaxes and it does much more damage and then I feel an evil presence watching over me again and this time I’m actually going to attempt it problem is I don’t have Max health so it’s going to be a little difficult also with the reaper shock I have to get close to the eye but suddenly a fallen star hits the eye of cthulu which does over 1,000 damage to it what the freak a second one but I got down to 7 health so I teleported home and went to talk to the nurse but unfortunately the merchant was too busy sitting on her lap that I couldn’t get a heal so yeah even with my Fallen star luck I still couldn’t beat it I then went to the jungle and did some mining around for loot such as feral claws now what’s interesting about pickaxes is melee speed doesn’t affect your mining speed but it does affect how quick you swing your pickaxe which means it can swing faster but not mine faster so melee speed with the pickaxe actually does help me in this very Niche situation I kept going back to the jungle and just dying I may have the raver shock but it’s really not that good I just keep mining in the jungle looking for Life Crystals until I get to full health now just so you know this is 5 hours into the playthrough it’s so tedious after all my Adventures I ended up with 200 platinum bars so needless to say I have enough Platinum for armor I continued scouring the jungle for a sharpening station and eventually I found one in some jungle house I then also conveniently found the Shimmer so I was able to make the vital Crystal and then I went home straight to the eye of cthulu so you know what I’m going to fight it yeah maybe it’s over halfway through the night but I can do this and I mean with 44 defense I better hope I can beat it it does like one to three contact damage to me once he gets the second phase it does do more damage but I just need to position myself so that I’m hitting it as it dashes past me it’s not the easiest thing I do just tanks some hits sometimes and I only get a few hits in every now and then I’m really not doing a ton of damage and it’s almost turning daytime and the eye of cthulu still has like 1,000 Health left but I just keep tanking hits and getting some hits in exchanging health I do get a heal off it only has a couple hundred Health left and just like that the master mode I cthulu has been defeated with only a pickaxe but unfortunately I don’t really get anything from that fight I’m not using the shield of cthulu cuz it does damage and it’s not a pickaxe and then a goblin arm approaches at this point I have a lot of Defense but these enemies are still doing enough damage to me to be a nuisance I end up dying a couple times to these little nut balls but it wasn’t really too much of a problem and then I find the bound Goblin tinkerer and I quickly get to reforging my raver shark which I do get legendary on then a Blood Moon happens so I go on a killing spree on the blood moon enemies with my raver shark but I don’t really end up getting anything from that and then it starts raining slime and this time I can kill enough slime to spawn the King Slime now the King Slime does a lot more damage than the eye of cthulu was doing he’s actually doing like 50 contact damage which is quite worrying so with this fight I have to really understand his AI behavior and know exactly how far it’s going to jump now the good thing about the raver shock is it swings backwards a little bit so I can hit him from behind and with that in mind I just ran away from the King Slime while swinging away from him and that’s the King Slime and I got the slimy saddle now I don’t really want to admit it this is lowkey so don’t tell anyone but I did kind of get back onto the angle fishing Quest train listen his fishing quests are really helpful they give you nice stuff for fishing which was incredibly helpful on this playthrough because of how slow everything was I then went to the snow and found a blizzard in a bottle and I found a lucky horseshoe I then did a fishing Quest but that doesn’t matter anyway I made it to hell now the reason I was in hell was I was looking for a magma stone a magma stone is the only way I can inflict fire with my Reaver shard without any sort of flas and while I was doing that I was building a hell bridge for the Wall of Flesh killing two birds with one stone and then I went down into the corruption I’m just going to fight the boss without the magma stone I’m pretty sure I can beat it but not before I get a slice of cake from the party girl which holy crap that makes my mining speed insane that was mixed with the ancient chisel the mining potion and the mining shirt and now it’s time to fight the Eater of Worlds remember that mining shirt I told you about that I had on yeah I forgot to take it off and put on my platinum armor we’ll just pretend that it makes my pickaxe do more damage it it doesn’t now I was actually kind of shredding the Eater of WS with this pickaxe it was actually doing quite a bit of damage and I also was only taking like one damage from his body I was taking more damage from the spit and from the head but it was manageable I just kept swinging my pickaxe doing damage I was losing Health here and there which is mainly because I didn’t put my Platinum chest plate on but I was just tanking hits and Swinging my pickaxe having a good time time with all my Buffs I mean he’s doing nothing to me I’m surviving everything he throws at me and that’s the Eater of Worlds defeated and now we have a worm scarf which means we take even less damage and now I’m able to get a new pickaxe the nightmare Pickaxe this one is not as good combat wise as the raver shark but it does allow us to get hellstone with our absurdly fast mining speed we tear through the hellstone I end up getting almost 800 healthstone ore and I make the molten pickaxe which is the last pickaxe that we can actually get pretty hard mode and it’s not as good as the Reaver Shar it does inflict fire onto enemies but it’s just nowhere near as good now after farming more for some magma stone I decided to switch it up and fish in lava instead and that way I can get the lava charm from the obsidian crates and Shimmer that into a magma stone and after I kid you not over an hour of lava fishing I finally got the lava charm which I went to the Shimmer and shimmered into a magma stone I then went and made a big arena for the queen bee this was quite annoying because the jungle enemies dve me insane but then I spawned the queen bee by killing its child but real quick before we fight the queen bee let me tell you about today’s video sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is the best vehicle combat game on the market and it’s available on PC and consoles right now you can command over 2,500 tanks planes helicopters and ships of 10 major nations from the classic propeller planes and armored cars of the 1920s to the modern fighter jets and tanks of today personally I love the aviation combat it’s so much fun to just fly around and shoot other players some games design Aviation combat so poorly but this game did it perfectly it takes some skill 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of all you can use the link in the pin comment or in the video description to sign up for free on PC Playstation or Xbox if you make a new account or you haven’t played for the last 6 months you receive a huge bonus pack filled with things that give you a head start in the game including multiple premium Vehicles the exclusive vehicle decorator Eagle of Valor 100,000 silver lions and 8 days of premium account time that’s over a week make sure to be quick because it’s only available for a limited time thank you so much to War Thunder for sponsoring today’s video this couldn’t be possible without them and make sure to show them some love let’s get back to the video now this shouldn’t be too hard I’m using a feather fall potion to make sure that I’m getting hits off of the queen bee using the slow fall to get as many hits off as I can and using that new fire debuff to do passive damage I’m doing enough damage to her she’s doing quite a bit of damage to me though but it’s manageable the hardest part is getting close enough to her to do damage and when she stands still and sends out the bees it’s a pretty easy way to get a bunch of hits in the queen bee is so erratic that it’s really hard to get any hits in with true M she moves a lot with my strategy it was at least manageable and just like that the master mode queen bee had been defeated with a pickaxe now I didn’t really get anything from that except the witch doctor which he sells the imbuing station which allows me to make flasks I then slept and slept and slept waiting for a Blood Moon doing fishing quests in between it became a fishing simulator what I become I did all this just trying to get a shark tooth necklace I didn’t get it but I did get some bloody tears so the endless blood moon cycle ensues and I eventually got the shark tooth necklace I then did the tedious task of fighting the queen bee again and again and again and again until finally the honeycomb fell into my grass with that I can make the Stinger necklace randomly while I’m going towards the dungeon the King Slime spawns on me so I have to quickly show him whose boss it wasn’t even close and now it’s time to initiate the curse of the old man and fight Skeletron now obviously with Skeletron first phase I have to destroy the hands the hands just don’t have that much health they’re kind of easy to tear down turns out that Skeletron is immune to poison but the fire and the Reaver shark is tearing apart his hands and quickly they’re both destroyed and now it’s just the skull with the skull it’s just about maneuvering it correctly slipping between the Homing skulls I can get a couple hits in while he shooting the Homing skulls but not much and not that consistently it’s only until he starts spinning that I actually start to cook but I had to take some hits to do damage that’s just how it works in this playthrough but yeah it was more of the same just circling him to dodge the Homing skulls and then just breaking his skull with my pickaxe mining for any sense of a brain or intelligence inside that thick skull of Skeletron well it doesn’t matter because now his skull is destroyed and that is Skeletron down with only a freaking pickaxe I went down into the dungeon Unbound the mechanic opened some chests and did some game stuff found an Alchemy Station and I found a Cobalt shield and a shadow key which is all I really need and now there’s only one boss remaining the wall of flesh but little did I know this is the hardest challenge yet not only that but this was one of the hardest challenges I’ve done on this channel I built my platform very far out to the edge of the world basically and started going to town on the wall of flesh now the main problem with this fight is not even the wall itself it’s the hungry the hungry grow goow back rapidly and my pickaxe does not do quite enough knock back to keep him at Bay and they easily get hits into me so I had to run away and get some regen back up and then go back in but I mean by the time I’d killed the hungry I was like almost dead so I had to go back and regen but then the Wall of Flesh has taken like no damage and eventually I died brutally and I didn’t get far at all this was looking very very Bleak I attempted it again but the hungry would just slapping me hard doing so much damage to me it’s also pretty hard to be close enough to the all of Flesh that I’m doing damage but not too close that I’m taking damage so it ate my face off so clearly the platform strategy is not working and I wasted a bunch of time so instead I’m going to be doing the funnel strategy the funnel starts off with a big set of blocks that funnels the Wall of Flesh into a much tighter area now it is a lot of effort to do you have to place a lot of blocks just to get this strategy to work and if it’s off just a little bit then the Wall of Flesh will escape from the funnel I also did a mine cart track so that I could maintain the speed throughout the fight and then I challenged the Wall of Flesh again and the funnel was working there were no lasers being shot at me and it funneled the Wall of Flesh into one spot but there was a big problem still the freaking hungry my knock back sucks my damage is not great and it just sucks I also realized that the Mine Cut kind of sucks because I can only swing to the left in a mine cut and that means that I’m just hitting the hungry back into myself and as you see in this next Wall of Flesh fight I need to switch my positioning to the right sometimes so that I hit the hungry away from me now at the start of the fight things seem to be going pretty well I’m killing the hungry pretty quickly they’re not doing that much damage to me and I’m getting some hits into the wall of flesh but oh sweet summer child that is your first mistake to let your guard down like that no see the Wall of Flesh has this weird mechanic where the hungry get stronger they get more health and they do do more damage as the Wall of Flesh loses Health this means it gets harder and harder to keep the hungry at Bay they have so much health they do an insane amount of damage and I just can’t do it I can’t do it they are tearing me apart so I decided to place campfires heart lanterns and bar statues along the funnel to make sure that I’m getting enough Buffs that I need unfortunately I only had three bar statues which won’t cover the whole funnel I fought the Wall of Flesh again and once again I got it to about half health and I got to the end of my funnel and died so clearly I don’t have enough funnel space I tried using the bone glove which as you can see ended up helping quite a bit as it was keeping the hungry at Bay a bit more I got the Wall of Flesh to under 5,000 Health but it ended up killing me extended my funnel a bunch more and once again I only got him to about 5,000 Health but I’m determined to beat him so I fight him again and this time I get him to about half health and die I then fight freaking deer clobs now deer clobs was fine I just tanked the hits I teleported home at one point but deerclops just stuck around as he usually does I then went back and finished off the job and maybe the bone Helm will be enough with the little ghost hands maybe it’ll do enough damage I got the Wall of Flesh to under 6,000 health and then I run out of funnel space now I’m just freeballing it on my old platform and then after lots of running and just shooting back at it with the bone glove I ran out of platform space and the hungry just overpowered me easily and then I gave up that’s right I gave up I went and did a whole another playthrough my shotguns only playthrough before coming back to this I was done I thought it was impossible I had to take a breather I had to take a break but after coming back my first idea that I had was to go to the underground desert and find as many bar statues as I possibly can which I ended up finding bar statue after bar statue I thought I was going to have to fish to get these bar statues but after searching basically the entire underground desert I ended up getting 11 extra bar statues now my other idea was obvious increase the size of my funnel I need more funnel now this required a lot of blocks I had to squeeze out as many blocks as I could then while I was digging a bunch of dirt up for more blocks I ended up getting the dirtiest block okay now with my increased funnel Arena hopefully this will be freaking possible I am using the bone glove just for a bit of extra damage but I’m not using the helmet I’m using The Inferno potion to inflict the fire onto the hungry and the Wall of Flesh that way I can have my flask as the poison flask so I can inflict fire and poison at the same time without using up an accessory slot or anything so that does quite a bit of damage to the hungries at the start of the fight they’re not really a big issue my Titan potion is helping a good amount it’s knocking them back enough so that I have some extra hits in and so that it keeps them at Bay so that I’m not getting hit by him it’s important that I switch my positioning though so that I’m not hitting the hungry into myself now the wall of flesh is at under half health and this is where the hungry get buffed and they do lots of damage and they have way more health so I need to start being on the run the wall of flesh is also getting faster at this point so it’s getting scary now luckily my bone glove is doing some extra damage while I’m killing these hungries I decided I can tank a hit to get some hits off on the wall of flesh to get those debuffs onto it and everything I’m on full health at this point but it drops down to around 200 very quickly and then under 200 health and then under 100 Health that all happen very quickly so now I’m on the run just trying to get my regen up enough as possible so that I can go in for the kill but Wall of Flesh still has 3,000 health and it’s really speeding up I decided I had enough Health to go in and do a bit more damage to the wall of flesh the hungry were Whitted enough down that I could go in but unfortunately I did take contact damage from the mouth because of a stupid blunder so now I’m really on the run and the wall of flesh is getting super fast at this point so it’s almost catching up with me but I’m just slightly faster than it out running it the leeches are feeding me a bit of health and I’m doing damage with the bone glove and eventually I run out of funnel space but I’ve done just enough damage that when the Wall of Flesh catches up to me I end up killing it and just like that we finally freaking defeated the Wall of Flesh with only a freaking pickaxe that was insane and I did that first try after picking this back up I didn’t think it was possible I literally gave up on it before we get into hard mode don’t forget to subscribe Gamers we are trying to hit 100,000 sub subscribers lifetime dream you know the drill it’s free and over half of you aren’t subscribed already so now that we’ve beat the Wall of Flesh and have officially entered hard mode there was one thing to do I went over to the corruption with my pone Hammer to start the or grin I smashed some Demon altars and you might be thinking hang on a minute isn’t that using a hammer which isn’t a pickaxe and you would be right yes I did use a hammer instead of a pickaxe to smash all the demon altars and this was a complete mistake I completely forgot about the fact that I wasn’t supposed to smash demon Al so not wanting to restart my world just because of one stupid mistake I vowed that I would never break any of the ores that I spawned into my world or if I did by accident I’d trash it right away and instead of doing the hard mode or grind with a pickaxe I did it with a fishing rod that is right I spent an absolutely stupid amount of time fishing for crates and after about an hour I ended up getting a full set of orac Calcom armor and now with that armor I decided to kill myself a bunch of times to get a bunch of gravestones with which allowed me to get Crimson seeds and with my artificial Crimson biome I was able to fish for hop panas and Crimson crates I also made a titanium pickaxe which is the best pickaxe we can get right now it is considerably better than the raver shark but that still doesn’t mean I’m strong this weapon still kind of suck so while it was raining I decided to cheese some ice Golem so that I could possibly get an ice feather and what I was truly looking for was the frost cor and on the last one I actually got the ice feather with it I kept crate fishing in the Crimson so now I do have some Aqua flasks and I decided to take on the eye of cthulu unsurprisingly it does like one damage to me but my damage is pretty bad it actually took quite a while to beat a boss from early preh hard mode when I am in hard mode and now we have the brain of confusion for a little bit more survivability I then went and did some mimic farming and holy crap my mining speed is insane look look at this then I found a gold goldfish walking around when it was raining which I decided to turn into a goldfish Bowl which I put on my head some call it drip I call it River and then farmed some hallowed enemies for greater heals and then I took to the skies to take on the Wyn and this was very annoying to deal with is I had to be very close range and the haries were being very annoying and then I found two gold worms back to back while it was raining first it was a gold goldfish and then two gold worms I then did a ton more fishing and eventually with all my titanium bars and adaman typ bars I was able to make out of the titanium bars a full set of titanium armor and with the adaman typ bars a full set of frost armor so with the titanium armor and the massive defense of it I decided to fight the Wyn some more it didn’t work so I switched back to the oricalcum and after a long time of fighting the wyen I finally finally killed it and now I have to do it again finally after all this time prepared to the Max B statu all the potions I could possibly get wrath and rage Inferno even I took on the Destroyer now I decided to go for titanium I wanted to see if I could beat it without the orac Calcom pedals but it wasn’t doing quite enough so I quickly switched over to orac Calcom now the damage is very low and I’m quickly getting overwhelmed by these probes then the Wyn decides to jump in so I have to go home and nurse once he dealt with honestly things aren’t looking too bad I’m dealing with the probes I am accidentally breaking platform every now and then cuz I’m using a pickaxe which is kind of funny but yeah the damage isn’t great but it’s enough I will easily be able to kill it in time right when it’s at 10,000 Health It Gos all my NPCs and then stupidly I let the head collide with me which is really annoying cuz that fight took forever but I think we can do it so I fight it again and then the Wyn shows up again I didn’t even go that high up unfortunately my spawn is just so high up in the world that space is really close this is a large World by the way but eventually I take care of him and this fight is just more of the same stuff make sure I don’t get hit by the head which is harder because I am true melee and I have to get real close to it eventually the Destroyer is getting super low luckily I dodge a head shot I’m super low I’m at under 50 Health but the Destroyer is super low as well the pedals are doing so much and the Destroyer has been destroyed and I got sex’s wings from the treasure bag as well then the Pirates showed up so I had to deal with them which was incredibly excruciating this was so bad I was dying so freaking much I had to like funnel them into my house and kill them one by one if a pirate Captain comes along then forget it it’s over eventually I cleared the Pirates and now with a mechanical boss defeated I was able to get one single life Fruit and I turned that into an agis fruit now with not much left to do I could search a jungle for full life Fruit but I’d have to wait for them to grow and I just didn’t want to do that I spawned the twins now I opted to use the frost armor for this just for the extra damage over time because the twins move so much and tend to stay away from the player it was going to be really difficult to get any hits in so I need to do damage with debuffs also one of my main strategies for this fight was honey something people might not know about honey is it does give you that extra regen but also mitigates debuff which was very important because I had to get close to spazmatism which was going to do extra damage to me because of that cursed flame debuff and it was going to happen I was going to get hit by the cursed flame debuff and it was going to ruin me and yeah it wasn’t going too bad I was able to keep my health relatively High while doing damage to the twins although the main issue was that they weren’t in second phase yet eventually I get spazmatism to second phase which obviously isn’t great because of that cursed flamethrower it does a lot of damage so I have to stay away from it as much as possible and then once it’s done go in for the kill but now with both twins at second phase it was getting a little hectic there’s plenty of time in the night I don’t have to play aggressively and they are much below half Health as long as I keep my distance it’s fine they’re both at like the same amount of health because of the damage over time being my main source of damage I’m not able to single one out really I’m getting in hits where I can and honestly I think the star Veil came in clutch so much the extra immunity frames were huge and eventually spazmatism is dead and rtina is not far behind and just like that the twins have been defeated on my first attempt which I didn’t see coming at all now there’s not much else to do but to fight Skeletron Prime if I can beat the twins I can probably beat this this will be no problem he is much easier to hit I’m not too worried about this fight there’s not much to say but I kept hitting it with my pickaxe doing the damage over time I do have the frost armor equipped again just for that extra damage I didn’t even really need the titanium armor in the end I do have to go in and get hit every now and then just to make sure I’m doing as much damage as possible and the titanium pickaxe is honestly doing a decent amount of damage if I get in close enough the skeleton Prime isn’t taking too much damage but the hands are getting pretty low and eventually the laser hand is destroyed and the sore isn’t far behind it then the vice is destroyed and the last one is just the cannon which is quickly destroyed and now it’s just his head which is just easy I mean this is so easy I can’t get hit into his head anymore so I’m just doing as much damage as possible I do get stuck in his his head for a bit I do get relatively low but it’s fine I have so much damage reduction and defense that is no problem and just like that Skeletron Prime Falls to me and now we’re in the end stretch I mean we’ve defeated the mechanical bosses which I wasn’t sure if we could do in the first place it should be possible from here so now with all the mech bosses defeated I’m able to make the pickaxe axe which does seven more damage than the titanium pickaxe now with the pickaxe axe I’m actually able to break trees for the first time in the playthrough which is crazy cuz I can actually make space and get wood I then went around scouring the jungle for Life fruits and with the chlorop FY I got I was able to make a chlorop FY pickaxe which does even more damage than the pickaxe ax eventually I got all the Life Fruit I needed for full health and I also made chlori armor for that extra damage from the chlorified again for another emblem this time it was much easier to beat I could tank most of the hits and with that emblem I made a mechanical glove and then a fire Gauntlet and now I’m fully prepared to make a big arena for plant Tera this was incredibly annoying because there was so many enemies spawning and they were really annoying to take care of with just a pickaxe but eventually I had enough space to challenge plant Terra now this shouldn’t be too hard I just circle around her and every now and then I’ll hit her with the pickaxe I’m using an IA flask this time because I am able to hit her more with the pickaxe and don’t have to abuse the debuffs as much and also the chloride set bonus does damage too and yeah it was going completely fine until second phase then things started to get a little crazy I had to keep my distance which is hard when I only have a pickaxe which I have to get close to do any sort of damage but this boss has no time limit so I can take all the time I need all I need to do is survive I can do as little damage as I want I just need to stay alive and low damage I did do this was taking a long long time but I’d take out her little plant hungries to make it a little bit easier I mean it wasn’t even really that close I could take hits and be fine I was staying up in the higher range of Health all the time I am so hard to kill at this point even without Turtle armor and yeah just like that planta has been defeated and now I went to the underground glowing mushroom biome I grabbed a bunch of glowing mushrooms and put the dryad in a house under here so that I could get glowing mushroom seeds with that I made a surface glowing mushroom biome for the Truffle at the dungeon so I can teleport straight to the dungeon I knew I wanted quick access to the dungeon cuz it’s going to be excruciating down there with the Truffle I got the auto hammer which I could make shite bars which allows me to get a fantastic pickaxe for the damage the shite digging claw this thing actually as if it’s a bladed glove but it’s a pickaxe it swings incredibly fast and does 45 damage which is insane with Buffs and legendary modifier it does 76 damage per hit and because it swings so fast that makes it utterly insane the only problem is it has basically no rain so now it’s time to go into the post planta dungeon with my shomate digging claw the shate digging claw does make this relatively okay I am able to kill things at least but yeah when something like a paladin comes along I mean it’s it’s over now the reason I’m down here is for M ninja gear and a paladin Shield mainly I eventually decided to hollow out a big arena just to farm these guys which ended up working better than what I was doing before with the lava paladins would take forever to die I decided to speed up the paladins a bit by going down and swinging at them it was a bit dangerous but it ended up working most of the time but with Master ninja girl I finally have a dash in this play through which is really nice and I was just not getting anything this was treating me terribly I literally spent about 3 hours waiting for the Paladin’s Shield I literally got a paladin Banner it took that long but I finally after like 3 hours got the Paladin’s shield now it’s time to farm the ice tortoises which takes forever I just need an ice turtle shell and it’s not going to give it to me because it never does but I actually lied I got it very quickly which was a big sigh of relief now I’m able to make the Frozen shield which is a fantastic survivability accessory now I’m going to be very very difficult to kill and all that’s left now is to go to the lizard temple clear it out and fight the Golem very annoyingly I forgot to press record on a very important part of the playthrough where I defeated the Golem and the Martian Madness event so I went back to the temple after having defeated it already and I fought the Golem on recording this time now I did make Beetle armor but I switched it off for clarify armor obviously cuz I can’t have Beetle armor pre Golem I just take out the hands first obviously I don’t have like any range which is very annoying because I do take quite a bit of damage really I just have to tank a bunch of hits to do a bunch of damage and then get away from the Golem to regen this is honestly pretty hard and it takes forever which is why I was annoyed that I didn’t record it cuz I had to do this again and eventually the hands are destroyed so now I just need to go into the middle of the Golem tank a bunch of hits to get any sort of damage off on him and I mean this just took forever this fight is actually excruciatingly long the damage the Golem does is pretty low so I can just sit in him and do a ton of damage to him with the Frozen Shield 25% damage reduction under 50% Health it wasn’t that bad and once I had enough health I went back in and finished him off and from that treasure bag I got the Sunstone which was really good actually and now I’m going to go ahead and fight the Martian Madness again now I wasn’t really fighting all I did was sit and let them die to Lava which took forever and occasionally I’d use some cheesing Maneuvers to hit them with my pickaxe through walls there is a reason I’m doing the marsh of Madness there is a single pickaxe or drill that drops from the enemies I already got it off camera but I decided to fight the Martians again just to show that I can do it I guess when UFOs came along I basically just died on purpose to him I wasn’t going to fight him cuz there’s no way I could beat that thing so yeah now we have the laser drill which is technically a drill and not a pickaxe but it just was so helpful that I really wanted to use it for this playthrough basically it’s the only pickaxe SL drill that has range so now with Beetle Armor All the Buffs I need laser drill and shite digging claw I decided to fight the Empress of light now this is going to be difficult really freaking difficult the only real weapon I can use against the empress is the laser drill otherwise I’m going to take insane contact damage from the empress and I honestly just can’t get enough space on the empress to get close enough to uh to hit her with the shite digging claw but the damage was abysmal I was doing nothing to her like nothing at all this is looking really bad it was halfway through the night and I’d done maybe 20,000 out of 120,000 health and yeah I wasn’t dying I was basically full health for a lot of the fight but by the time it was daytime I hadn’t even done half damage to her and now I’m going to get one shot if I even get hit here and I survived honestly quite a long time without getting hit I got it down to 56,000 Health before dying though but I thought to myself well I don’t need this much survivability I could just go for more damage so I switched out the be Lama for clarify armor and I switched out some accessories for damage and I decided to use a cursed flam Flash instead of the Ia floss just for extra damage over time now I also equip the frost armor into my vanity so that I can switch straight to it for that Frost burn debuff and then I can switch to the chlorophyte armor for the chlorophyte damage so I did this game of switching between Frost armor and chlorified the frost bur debuff up so then I’d have cursed Flames Hellfire and frost burn just to do as much damage as possible and then while that was going off getting the chlorified set bonus damage going I could have used Venom but whatever this fight was just ridiculous it took so long I was just using the laser drill trying to get all the debuffs off on her as possible but even with all this minmax damage it was still taking forever but I did get her to about half Health at about halfway through the night which is way better than before so I just keep doing the same thing switching between the armors which was really tedious but I had to do it to get as much damage through as possible but it turns to daytime and empress a light is 5,000 Health left it’s incredibly close but I get one shot with her on 4,800 Health left I do the whole thing again taking like 5 minutes and then it turns to daytime with it to 10,000 Health left and I die instantly I SW out my Frozen shield for a warrior emblem just for some extra damage I fight her again and this time it was better I got her under 4,000 Health but I did instantly die this time she was under half Health at past midnight and yeah that one really didn’t go that well I had it at half Health at midnight and it ticked over the daytime but I was not getting hit I was making sure that I was staying alive and not getting one shot I got her to 1,700 Health before getting one shot I then fight her right as a Blood Moon Rises which is really annoying so I skip to the next Knight and then another Blood Moon Rises so I have to fight her with a Blood Moon two blood moons in a row and then I die to her at daytime with about 11,000 Health left this time it’s going actually pretty dang good but it’s just still not enough then I decided to fight the solar eclipse I want to fight the solar eclipse in an attempt to to get a moonstone and a Neptune’s shell and eventually I do get both of them and make the celestial shell which is overall a very good melee accessory hopefully this will do just enough to get us to beat the Empress of light this one’s going well I get to a second phase before midnight but on this attempt I actually died before daytime which hadn’t happened before I’m determined to actually beat it this time I’m switching around my accessories a switching around my armor trying to do as much damage as possible with such a terrible weapon I get to the second phase before midnight again actually with quite a bit of time before midnight so it’s looking pretty good I just keep dodging her bullet hell trying to get some hits in where I can getting the frostbone debuff and the glorified damage in and finally finally right before daytime it doesn’t even tick over to daytime I killed the empress a light that took so long and I’m so glad that it’s over now that was the final boss that has a time limit that is a huge weight off my shoulders and now it’s time to fight Duke fishron this one doesn’t have time limit so it shouldn’t be as bad I can take my time but it’s going to be a little difficult especially once it gets to its Final Phase but the first phase is going fine I’m just using the laser drill again as a ranged weapon to do damage to Duke and the damage is pretty bad I mean this is taking forever Duke is dropping in health but it’s very slow Duke fishron gets down to second phase and this isn’t that bad it’s more of the same stuff it’s just charging at me a bit faster now and after a long bit of fighting I finally get Duke fish run down to third phase now now is teleporting and dashing around but with the master ninja gear I’m able to out Dash him not get hit anywhere and if I get hit I mean I can take that hit I’m a tank I’m getting that frostburn debuff on and getting the chlori on I’m taking some hits but it’s really not a big problem this fight was going so long that I was running out of Buffs which wasn’t great but Duke fishron is getting super low now I just have to keep dashing around and just like that Duke fishron has been defeated on the very first attempt much much much easier than the empress Al light and now there’s only one thing left to do and that is the lunatic cultist now this one shouldn’t be awful but it’s not going to be great this has a lot of projectiles and I have to get real close to him I stupidly hit the wrong lunatic I spawn the dragon and that’s really not good because my damage is awful so the dragon takes forever to kill I do hit the right one on the next one but the dragon’s still around I hit the right one on the next one and then killed the dragon finally but I’m super low on health but I hit the wrong one and now a dragon’s out and two lunatics but then I realized I’m just really not taking that much damage with all the damage reduction so I go super close to the lunatic to do tons of damage with the shite digging claw instead of the laser drill the damage is much different and then once I just start using the shite digging claw and just doing a ton of damage it’s really not as bad the Clones come out and I don’t hit the right one in time which really suck I do get down to 20 Health but survive somehow the dragon’s still around which like a solar eclipse starts happening I’m barely hanging on this fight is still going on I didn’t hit the lunatic clones in time cuz I was focused on the dragon which really sucked now there’s an ancient Vision which i’ like never spawn i’ never have that thing against me things are getting crazy and I end up dying well that didn’t go so well so let’s try that again this time I’m just using the TR mate digging claw just going into him and making sure to hit the right one and things just are going so much better this time around I got under 100 Health at one point but I just regen and I was completely fine I almost didn’t hit the right one but I did and now the lunatic Al this has been defeated and now it’s time for the lunar pillars now my main strategy for the moon Lord will be the shrimpy Truffle Mount from duke fish run I know it’s an overused Mount people use it a lot against Moon Lord but for good reason it has Infinite Flight and in the rain or in water it has a lot of speed and it gives you extra damage buff I then just threw myself at the pillars the first one I threw myself at was The Vortex pillar I just kept dying and dying and dying and dying it was insane eventually I just boxed myself died occasionally but did enough damage to kill the enemies and destroy the pillar then we go over to the nebula pillar and there’s not much to say except I died a lot there’s no real cheesing the nebula pillar you kind of just have to throw yourself at it and die and after many many many deaths the nebula pillar has been defeated I then chased the solar pillar which meant I only died a couple times trying to destroy the pillar itself and eventually it was defeated defeated and now all that’s left is the Stardust calling the Stardust enemies was kind of annoying since I wasn’t doing too much damage but eventually the pillar had been defeated conveniently it is raining so the mount is going to work here I made some super healing potions can we defeat the moon Lord with only a pickaxe or two pickaxes or technically a drill but whatever so my best friend here is going to be the TR mate digging claw it does the most damage I am able to get close enough to the eyes with the shate digging CL in some situation the main issue is going to be the top ey how am I going to be able to do enough damage to the top eye cuz it’s quite hard to do true me top eye it’s also very annoying to kill the leeches I was doing very little damage but luckily so was the moon Lord the moon Lord wasn’t doing too much damage to me now I started to catch on that an easy way to kill the leeches is I get close to the mouth that way they still have the same travel time but they’re all bunched up I just keep fighting the moon lord it’s taking forever which is unfortunate because eventually the rain is going to stop and then we’re going to be in trouble but I just kept doing more of the same because I’m so tanky I am able to tank a death ray which makes this a lot better I’m mostly ignoring the left and right hand I want to Target the top eye first because that is the most important thing to do I just need to do as much damage to it as possible so hugging it with the shite digging cloy is an effective strategy to do as much damage as possible but then the rain stops which is really unfortunate I did set up some water streams and some bubbles which I was using to get the water but the lack of movement speed on the mount made it really really hard to touch the top eye he also with the laser drill accidentally broke a block which meant that it was draining this is the problem with using a pickaxe as a weapon but the top ey is super low at this point now this fight has been going for 10 minutes at this point it’s taking forever but I finally destroyed the top eye so now I just have to destroy the other eyes I then realized I could just use the bottomless water bucket drop water on my head to get the buff on the Truffle Mount eventually the right eye is destroyed but the left eye is basically full health which means that the true eye of cthulu are out and I’m not even hitting the core yet but I just keep dipping my mount in water hitting the hand where I can then I hit the edge of the world and get trapped and a death rid kills me so that was really unfortunate but I basically know it’s possible at this point I set up a bunch more water in my world I clear out some things and then I pause my recording and I forgot to unpause it which means that I beat the moonl Lord while my recording was paused I missed the moonl fight which sucked because it took so long I finally beat it and I didn’t record it so that means now I have to beat it again the really nice thing about the last fight that I didn’t record was that it was raining throughout the whole thing I managed to beat it before the rain stopped which is really rare cuz rain can last a long time but it’s rare to happen hopefully this rain will last long enough for this fight if not I might be in trouble so this time I have my strategy down really well all I have to do is use that shomate digging claw to damage the top eye as much as possible when it’s open and then I hit the other hands when it’s not and if the leeches are out make sure that it’s not leeching any health that’s very important otherwise I’d be here all day it’s just more of the same really tedious I’d lead the moon Lord down so that I have enough space to go up and the mount has enough speed that I can hit the top eye while I’m going up and it’s doing quite a bit of damage and after lots of death rays and lots of top eye damage and also damaging the left and right hand while I can and minutes of fighting they’re getting pretty low but unfortunately it stops raining early this was a really short rain which sucks because now I have to drop water on my head which is pretty tedious is dropping bottomless water buckets on my world very pretty for my world is it causing a mass flooding of my world yes do I care considering there’s an eldrich monster trying to kill me right now not really now the eyes are super low at this point all three of them which is way better than last time and event I destroy the top eye right before it shuts then I go and quickly destroy the right eye right afterwards and then I destroy the left eye as well and now I just need to stay alive I’m distancing myself from the Moon Lord making sure that I can regen all my health back which I do comfortably and once my health is back up it’s time to hit the core the core is a little annoying because it’s positioned below the player so I need to lead the moon Lord up to the top of the world then just drop down while I’m dropping down swing that treate di in CLA to do his as much damage as possible I am taking quite a bit of damage here so I do NSE just in case I might have been able to survive honestly but I don’t want to risk it so I just keep doing more of the same leading it up and then going down and doing a bunch of damage to the core it is taking a long time I have to dip my mount in water and after more of the same of leading it up bringing it down doing damage to the hard I finally defeated the moon Lord and I am officially the victor of Terraria Master mode pickaxe only the hardest parts of this playthrough were first of all the enemies they were really freaking annoying but also the Wall of Flesh was incredibly hard the mech bosses were hard the emperess of light was ridiculously hard and the moon Lord was pretty dang difficult thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video don’t forget you can play it right now on PC PlayStation and Xbox for free just check out the link in the pinned comment or video description and remember new and returning players that haven’t played in 6 months will also receive a massive Bonus Pack across all platforms including multiple premium vehicles and other goodies aailable for a limited time only so make sure not to miss out thanks again War Thunder for sponsoring this video but yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you did hit the like button let’s try and hit 10,000 likes on this video and yeah I’ll see you guys next [Music] time what

Check out War Thunder and use my link for a free large bonus back with boosters, vehicles, and more:

War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2,000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.

In this video we took on the challenge of Terraria Master Mode with ONLY pickaxes. This was an incredibly hard challenge that tested my Terraria knowledge and skills to their limits. Pickaxes are normally used for digging, but I use them as a weapon against my enemies. Can I beat the Wall of Flesh and eventually the Moon Lord with only tools designed to chip stone and dig dirt?

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0:00 Intro
0:17 Pre-Hardmode
8:36 Sponsor
10:35 Pre-Hardmode
19:39 Hardmode



  1. Check out War Thunder and use my link for a free large bonus back with boosters, vehicles, and more:

    War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2,000 playable tanks, aircraft, and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.

  2. It's a good thing this isn't a speedrun, because you know someone would be calculating the odds of two gold worms and a gold goldfish in a 138 page document about how lucky someone can be and at what point such luck is only possible in dreams.

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