NOOB vs PRO: MODERN BARBIE GIRL HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

our best friends movie Bobby and weird Bobby have challenged us to a new versus Pro modern Bobby house build challenge which house will the bobbi’s like most and what happens to the loser oh my gosh chip Bobby is here it’s making me really nervous because I love her what Milo Bobby is just a doll and so is weird Bobby you really have a crush on them yeah I think they so beautiful and hey Bobby I want to smell your hair Milo you can’t just say I want to smell your head to someone come on get down off the table Bobbies don’t like that well I know Bobby really well much better than you know Bobby uh Milo I know Bobby so well and I definitely know they don’t want to have their hair smelled no I swear I know Bobby Marlo you couldn’t even build Bobby a toaster if she wanted one yes I could I could build Bobby a toaster and a beautiful house what Milo you need to know Bobby really well to be able to do that Bobby chip and I are going to build you haard and whoever builds the best one is the ultimate Bobby winner H okay I guess the Bobbies seem to be liking that all right don’t worry bobbi’s I’m about to build you the best Bobby Mansion you have ever seen I think here is a pretty good spot to start my build it’s going to be huge and of course the most important thing it is going to be very very pink Milo Bobbies absolutely love the color pink and your pink is not the right color yes it is this is the perfect color ship I know Bobby really well because I’m really obsessed with P Milo that’s so weird you shouldn’t just be obsessed with her I’m sure the Barbies really like their privacy sometimes yeah they do like their privacy that’s why I don’t ring their phone every day Milo that’s totally a lie you ring their phone all the time I can always hear you calling them from when I’m upstairs it’s really really loud and you’re kind of crazy with it yeah well that’s pretty much just because I want to talk to Bobby she’s so pretty and she’s really nice yeah Bobby is pretty nice but Miley you can’t be calling her all day how are you meant to know her well enough to build her house if you don’t even know that she just likes to have some alone time sometimes because I have been reading all the Bobby facts the Bobby facts Milo where have you been reading those well just in the book that I found Milo is that the book you found that was written by a mysterious author with the initials M Milo the initials that are the same as your initials yeah Milo you can’t just write your own book and then say that it’s facts why not Milo because then it’s not facts then you’ve just written a book about yourself and Milo I know that book is full of spelling mistakes even Bobby couldn’t read it well Bobby’s going to help me learn how to spell okay I guess that’ll be really good Bobby’s super nice so she probably will help you with it yeah that is really true and weird Bobby is going to be judging my house and I know exactly what she wants uh wait a minute Milo weird Bobby is weird are you sure you want to build a house that weird Bobby likes because then normal Bobby won’t like it at all what oh yes she will the Bobbies are all really really aome and they will understand my designed decisions uh okay I really hope you’re right Milo because otherwise you could be in a bit of trouble building a house that both the Bobbies absolutely hate Bobbies don’t hate anything except for negativity chip yeah I guess that is true but they kind of also don’t really like it when people smell their hair Milo I’m still not forgetting about that why but she use this really yummy shampoo what yummy Milo have you been eating shampoo again yeah I put it in my smoothies what Milo that’s so gross I guess it’s not a smoothie anymore it’s a shampoo the yeah that’s so funny oh my gosh Milo that’s so crazy I don’t think the Barbies would like that imagine if they went to go wash their hair and all they found was a bunch of empty bottles and a little bird on the floor hiccuping bubbles well I would say sorry bobie I’ll go buy you some more hair product Milo You’ probably just go eat that as well yeah probably oh my gosh Milo no barie likes it when you eat their hair products that’s so me wait a minute Milo is this why the Bobby’s hair combs also keep going missing yeah because I used to miss the toothpick what Milo those aren’t meant to be toothpicks those are for brushing hair well I don’t really have hair so I don’t understand how it works oh my gosh Milo how are you meant to understand the Bobbies if you can’t understand a hairbrush I don’t know chip but I just think they’re really pretty yeah the Bobbies are really really pretty they’re so cool and they’re one of the prettiest dolls ever and do you think they’ll marry me what Milo no all the barbes are married to Ken that’s kind of one of the things they’re famous for Ken would not let you marry his wife oh yeah Ken is very awesome he’s pretty much the coolest guy in the universe hey I thought I was the coolest guy in the universe he’s just Ken yeah sorry to break it into you chip but Ken’s a pretty cool awesome guy and he does the saing yeah he really does his job is actually Beach and he does a really good job at it oh I know how to do the beach wao Milo you work at beach as well have you ever seen Ken then yeah sometimes we talk about Bobby uh Milo if you talk to Ken about Bobby the same way you talk to me about Bobby I’m a little worried to think about how those conversations went no that good me and Ken are on the same page uh about loving Bobby yeah we really love her Milo you do know she’s his wife right he’s kind of meant to love her you’re just meant to be Bobby’s friend I don’t catch you I don’t want to talk about this because you’re just being really mean and I think you’re just jealous what no Milo I’m not jealous at all me and the Bobbies are such good friends even though they are kind of dolls and aren’t really actually people I still really like them but I’m not in love with them or anything that would be really weird well the design of my house is going to change Bobby’s mind and she’s going to want to hang out with me all the time really Milo I don’t even know how that’s possible you’d have to build a really good house for that to happen yeah this is a really good house have you even had a look yet uh Milo I just see a pink box besides my shade of pink is way closer to the official Bobby pink it’s so cool no it’s actually not because that’s a magenta what yeah Milo the actual bobie pink is way closer to magenta it’s a much nicer color what I didn’t even know there were different types of the pink what Milo the Bobbies will not be happy if they hear you say that pink is every Barbie’s favorite color and if they think you don’t know your pinks oh boy they’ll be really mad at you oh man I better St studying now I’m really worried because I just want to repress barie a that’s actually kind of nice Milo but if you really want to impress Bobby the best way to do it is to build a perfect Bobby house like me I’ve already finished a huge amount of the outside wall now I can start adding some glass to these windows and I have a feeling it’s about to look so good in here hey maybe I can even use white stained glass Bobby’s favorite color is pink but their second favorite color is white that’s why most of the things they own are actually those two colors and wo these windows are looking really really awesome I’m going to keep adding this white stained glass to these windows and Milo once you see my house you’re going to be amazed by just how epic it is and so will the Bobbies yeah but I think they’re going to say that you’re trying too hard what Milo Barbies try hard at everything they’re such hard workers and Barbies actually have every job in the world every single job has at least one Bobby that does it wellow everything I Le about Bobby just makes me love her even more oh my gosh Milo you going to stop being in love with Barbie they’re right over there you know they can probably hear you bye Barbie oh oh wow I can’t believe you don’t even care that is actually crazy yeah I think this makes me really confident I’m so excited to win this thing even if it is just because you can’t keep your mouth shut Milo yeah well I can’t keep my mouth shut and I’ll show you really okay what does that sound like Milo you got to remember to breathe as well oh gosh okay Milo while you’re trying not to breathe I’m just going to focus on building my Barbie house it’s going so well and these windows are looking amazing oh boy I think I’m ready to start on the inside H I think the best type of wood to use for a bobie house is Cherry planks it is such a nice pink color wo it really fits in I think the Bobbies will really like this color pink is still their favorite color and it is definitely the dark pink they like more but this kind of bubble gummy one will be really nice for them I think they will really really appreciate it so I need to make sure I add this to as many rooms of my house as possible the windows are also going to be floor to ceiling every Bobby loves a real really big fancy house it’s their favorite kind so the bigger and fancier I make my Bobby house the more they will really love it and the more likely they ought to pick my house as the favorite proving once and for all that I know Bobby the best oh yeah that floor is looking amazing now I need to add a little sign for Bobby this sign is going to say welcome home bobbi’s oh wow this is so cool because there are two bobbi’s we need to make them feel really welcome at this home they both need to be able to be here together and have so much fun now one thing that everybody loves is a huge entrance hallway this is about to look so epic and amazing instead of a hallway maybe we can even have a giant entrance area oh boy they’re so going to love this it’s going to be really huge and super Majestic and very very Grand I have a feeling they will definitely appreciate this okay I think this is a pretty good size for an entrance hallway let’s just make sure the walls line up all the way over to here and we can even add some nice windows in here hey this is looking so good we’ve got to make make sure we do this design right and we don’t upset the Bobbies otherwise upsetting the Bobbies couldn’t mean that we lose this Challenge and the Bobbies think that we don’t know them as well that is just not true there’s nobody that knows the Bobby’s better than me at least when it’s out of me and Milo I’m sure there are people that definitely know everything about the bobbi’s but Milo just thinks he does oh boy I really hope that I win this Bobby competition otherwise the bobes will be stuck in a house with Milo that would be really terrible I wouldn’t wish that on anyone even my worst enemy although maybe my West enemy but nobody else now that I’ve made this huge entrance hole on the left hand side I think we need to add something that every Bobby really loves this room at the front here is not being used for anything right now but I think we can fix that over here we are going to make a little section of this room that just goes over to the side like this I have a feeling the Bobbies are going to really like this one because we’re about to turn this room into a giant Shoe Closet we’ve got to give them a massive area to display all of their favorite shoes that they have they’ve got really fancy ones as well they are so fancy that some of them are the only shoes of their kind let’s make sure they have enough space to properly display them I don’t know that much about shoes but I’m sure no matter what we do we’ve got to do a good job so the Barbies have a bunch of space to keep everything they own in okay I think this is pretty good as far as shoe tables go although we definitely need to use this wall a little bit better H let’s make these little platforms a tiny bit shorter that way there’s more walking space for the Bobbies as well and we can also push this one slightly further over like this hey this is going way better now we’ll just fill in the floor hole that we accidentally made just there okay I think this is a really nice layout for a Shoe Closet now we do have to make sure that we build these magenta concrete wools a bit higher up Bobby really likes to change her shoes but she needs her privacy so we’ll make sure the walls are really high so nobody will ever accidentally see Bobby’s shoe collection okay this is really good now we’ll just make a couple more layers of shelving so Bobby can keep even more of her shoes in here hey this is pretty cool now let’s make one more layer going all the way up here just like this oh yeah this is about to be so cool let’s grab every single different kind of boot we can get for Bobby even gold diamond and netherite boots they are so fancy but h leather boots won’t do just on their own we need to grab magenta and pink dye in order to make sure that these Bobbies have the best leather boots that can ever possibly exist oh yep that is a much more Bobby friendly color now we’ll add some pink to these ones and wao these look Epic hey I wonder what other combinations of pink we can get to make sure the Bobbies absolutely love their new boots yeah I think these are looking really good now we’ll also need to grab an armor stand H we’ll put the armor stands over here I think this way the Bobby’s shoes can be really well displayed wao these are so fancy come on let’s add this other pink one here and we can also add the really fancy ones on this table Bobby and weird Bobby are going to really like these so much and H these Amma stands are a little weird but I’m sure the Bobbies won’t mind at all let’s also make sure we display some more boots in these item frames over here this way the Barbies have a bunch more choices even if they are the same colors these ones can be different sizes that way no matter what size the Bobby’s feet are they’ll be able to fit in the shoes I know weird Bobby and regular Bobby have different shoe sizes so this will be really useful to them hey this Shoe Closet is looking really really good let’s have another section over here and these ones can be all netherite boots we also need to grab some carpets and we’ll put the carpets just here this way the Bobbies will have really clean feet when getting changed into their shoes and they won’t track any dirt around the room because these shoes are really expensive they need to be kept so clean and tracking dirt around is not a great way to do that this way everything stays absolutely perfect but there’s a little something missing we need to grab some smooth quartz and some smooth quartz stairs and start making the roof if it rains all these shoes are going to get soaked and I just know the bobes are going to be so mad about that by making sure that their shoes do not get soaked we can help keep every single Bobby really really happy all right this is really good Milo I bet you’re doing something totally silly have you even made a roof to keep out the rain yeah I have oh that’s amazing wa Milo why are you over here at my Bobby house I have a question to ask you okay what’s your question Milo do you think that if I looked more like Ken the Bobby would like me oh Milo are you still thinking about this yeah and I also planted some flowers so that Bobby would like me better oh that’s actually nice Bobby really loves flowers but Milo if you looked more like Ken you just have a blonde wig on and you’d look really silly yeah that would look awesome I’m going to do it oh no I really am nervous to see how this goes fry I’m going to show you in three two one what Milo that’s a gold helmet although huh it kind of does look a little bit like a blonde wig either way Milo it looks so silly you should probably take it off before the Bobbies think you’re making fun of Ken can I go talk to Bobby with my new blonde hair oh no no no Milo definitely don’t do that okay I’m going to do it hi Bobby oh no Milo look the Bobbies are walking away they really don’t want to talk to you right now no they’re actually really happy and they’re nodding their heads so jerks on you boo oh my gosh Milo I think they were shaking their heads look weird Bubby doesn’t like your hair at all no we Bobby and me are best friends actually so she really liked it uh yeah sure Milo okay bobes I know Milo is being crazy but don’t worry my house is going to be so good you guys will definitely love it don’t worry I’ll totally save you guys from having to be in Milo’s house okay now we’ll just place down a bunch of these slabs to make the roof and H this also needs to be so fancy so I’m going to add a chandelier in here maybe even a couple yep I think this is some pretty good spots for them H I’ll actually move the chandeliers a little bit further over this way like this this way they’ll light up the shoes really really well these chandeliers are beautiful but I think the white one is definitely best let me grab some chains so that we can hang this chandelier off something just like this and wo this looks incredible wow although maybe instead of chains if we use white glass panes wo it looks even fancier yep that is definitely the way I want to hang these chandeliers this is beautiful I think the Bobbies will totally love this room but that’s not all we’re going to build for them we’re also going to build a really big living room with huge TVs that’s what this room over here is going to be for let’s grab this wh stained glass and start putting it all the way around now we’ll leave a little bit of the wall segments because we will still need to place some magenta concrete up like this H although wait a minute maybe instead of magenta concrete we can run over here and grab this quartz pillar then we can start putting it on the inside like this oh this actually looks really nice I actually like this design a lot more than just using the magenta concrete it really helps spice up this room and make it a lot different from the other ones I have a feeling the Bobbies are really going to like this one even so much more than the other rooms and especially more than they’re going to like Milo’s Bobby house Milo are you you even building a living room for your bobes yeah that’s actually what I’m doing right now what oh Milo I’m doing the same thing that’s kind of crazy are you copying me no are you copying me oh no Milo I promise I am definitely not copying you yeah I don’t believe you what Milo why would I copy you I don’t think your Bobby house is going to be better than mine yeah you do I know you’re SE jealous no way Milo I’m not jealous at all me and the bobbi’s are really good friends and there’s nothing I could possibly ever be jealous of that would be better than that well I know everything about Bobby why C she has a castle uh what Milo Bobby has every house Bobby’s lived in kind of everything that’s why I’m making such a big mansion so that it doesn’t seem boring by comparison that’s true actually I’m going to make my house really interesting uh Milo by interesting you mean good right yeah and also really interesting and unique unique Milo by unique do you mean really odd and strange no chip Bobby really likes things that are a bit different okay yeah true Bobby actually likes most things it’s really really nice of her but that’s why I’m also going to make sure my house is a nice return to the classics she’s going to really like it and it’s one of her favorite things even though she does enjoy everything I’m even adding some lovely pearlescent frog lights into this room pearlescent frog lights are one of the only pink lights and they look really really cool I need to make sure I place them in the right direction otherwise they’ll look kind of weird now once we place all these pesent frog lights we’ll be able to to start decorating the inside of this room and I think I really want to give the bobbi’s a nice wraparound TV I think they’ll really appreciate that especially if it’s a flat screen it’ll feel like they’re in a cinema watching a movie and we can even have the Bobby’s favorite movie playing it’s the Bobby movie of course I don’t think there’s a single movie that Bobby’s would like better H let’s grab some black Concrete in order to start making this TV I say we make it right over here it can be absolutely massive just like this and we’ll even give them a huge huge TV platform H we’ll make it out of quartz stairs like this and we’ll have the black concrete going really tall but more than tall it will be going to the left and to the right just like this oh this already looks awesome I think it’ll look even better once I place these blocks on each side like this waa Milo the Bobbies in my house are going to have the biggest TV ever I don’t think you’re going to be able to compete yeah well my bobes aren’t going to need the TV they’re going to be reading and painting and stuff uh yeah that is actually kind of nice activities for the Bobbies but everybody likes TV are you sure they’re not going to want to watch TV at all yeah I’m sure Milo does your house even have Wi-Fi yeah it has Wi-Fi are you sure Milo the last time you tried setting that up you just put a little tin can with a string on it yeah that’s how you do the Wi-Fi wait are you doing it again Milo I told you that doesn’t work well I don’t trust you because I think you’re trying to sabotage me oh my gosh Milo I’m not trying to sabotage you I don’t think I need to do that you’re probably going to do a pretty good job of that on your own what’s that supposed to mean Milo it means you’re really silly and I feel like you’re going to add something super crazy to your Bobby house that means that I’m probably going to win this thing uh-uh I’m really smart right now okay I’m interested to see what you mean by that H now I think I also need to add a big seat going around the TV this way there is as much space as possible for the Bobbies to sit relax and watch their favorite movies all right I think the seats can go around like this although hey maybe we’ll C it in just a little bit yeah that’s nice and look I just tested out the seats and I can confirm they work really well and are so comfortable hm this is looking nice but let’s add a little bit more we’ll make some wool backing to this magenta chair that way the seat has a really nice back rest it also makes it look really really fancy oh wow this is such a cool seat let’s also add some carpets in front of it so that the Barbies don’t get their feet saw on all the wooden planks all right this is so cool they’ll be able to really enjoy this house okay now we’ll also need to make sure we add some nice decorations We’ll add some flower pots around but I think we need to add really pretty pink ones these are absolutely perfect these aelas have nice pink flowers on them and the Bobbies love pink so they’ll love these flowers oh this is looking so nice the Bobbies are really going to like this house I can just tell Milo are you adding anything nice like flowers to your Bobby house oh dead bars are the right side yeah but I mean anything on the inside Bobby’s love flowers on the inside of their house are you sure you didn’t add anything oh I’m just coming working on the design so I’ll get back to you on that one oh my gosh okay Milo I’m a little nervous to see what you mean by that but I hope your Bobby house goes well I don’t want the Barbies to accidentally pick yours and have to live in a really silly house they will not do that because my house is simply not silly okay I guess we’ll see about that now I’m also going to build a really lovely fireplace for the bobes I think I’m going to build it right over here hey this looks really cool already but it’s going to look even better all right now we’ll need to grab some Netherrack in order to put down the fire yeah this is great we will need to be safe about it though so I’ll just have some reinforced iron bars in front of it h those bars were not very good-looking I think these brass bars are way nicer instead Yep this is perfect and now we’ll add some smooth quartz slabs over the top of them we’ve got to make sure we cover every angle of this fireplace otherwise it won’t be safe at all we’ll also grab some smooth quartz stairs from the ceiling and we’ll just continue this design along hey this looks really really good all right now we’ll need to make sure we make the back of this fireplace just like this oh yeah this is exactly what I wanted it to look like now we’ll add some more smooth quartz slabs just over here before we add some smooth quartz stairs as well oh wow these Bobbies are really going to love this Milo did you know that bobbi’s actually love to sit by the fireplace no I didn’t know that what you didn’t know that but Milo it’s so cozy and nice what well I guess I got to build a fireplace over here yeah probably but whatever you do your fireplace can’t possibly be as nice as my one it’s looking so good and I just know the bobbi’s will really like it yeah well the bobb’s going to like mine too um I don’t know about that H I guess we’ll just have to see who makes the best fireplace now we’ll grab some campfires and we’ll put them at the back here hey wait a minute this gives me an idea because campfire fire does not spread the same way regular fire does I can add quartz and we can leave a little Gap here that way it’s a little bit more reachable and you can actually see Into the Fire as long as there’s a little bit of protection we should be totally fine now over here on the other side of my epic Bobby Mansion I think it’s very important that we add a huge kitchen H we’ve got to think about what we want to add to it though I think we definitely need some roast chicken because bobbi’s love fancy food we can also get some grilled salmon and some rice roll medes I don’t know what that is but I’m sure it’ll come in handy wo honey glazed ham yes please we also definitely need some dumplings and some cake as well and hm what else can we get I don’t want to give them raw pasta that would be yucky but oh yes hamburgers and they also need melon popsicles all right now wait a minute I haven’t built anywhere for them to keep this stuff H we better build some shelves and pretty quick as well we’re going to use Cherry trap doors to build the most epic walk-in Pantry ever it’s going to be so nice and the Bobbies are going to really like this it will also double as the kitchen oh yeah the Bobbies will be so happy about this one let’s just add Cherry trap doors on each level just like this and hm right now it’s looking a little silly but hey maybe at the back we can add even more cherry signs this way we’ll be able B to add item frames on the back side of each of these signs to keep these items displayed Yep this is looking really cool let’s test this out with an item frame to see if it really works oh no I can’t put it on the back of the signs only on the back of the glass H I think instead we’ll just have to put the item frames like this yeah we don’t even need signs anyway this way the Bobbies get a much nicer view of outside anyway so I think it’s a much better choice right now we’ll also just make sure the items go up we’ll put melon popsicles on the bottom and then we’ll just add a bunch of these other items all the way up if the Bobbies want to unlock any of the items and want to get any of this food they just have to grab this trapo like this and then it should eventually pop off and wow yeah that’s perfect now we have two grilled Salmons although we should probably want to put this back yep just like that now let’s continue building this kitchen so that the Bobbies have a bunch of stuff to cook with and enjoy in order to make the bigger area of the kitchen we’re going to need some sinks sometimes Bobby has a lot of her friends over so she has a lot of washing up to do afterwards she’s really good at it though so she gets it done in a split second wow it must be so cool being Bobby next we’ll also add some wall cupboards too we’ll put some extra drawers on this side so we have space for it and boom oh wao look at that these wool cupboards are epic we can make sure they go really high up so Bobby has a lot of space to grab things from we’ll also add some on this side as well wo that’s so cool now we’ll also just add a couple little dish racks for Bobby that way she has so many dishes to cook her epic meals with we’ll also add some already made meals for her and for weird bar they’ll really like them they love Lobster and hamburgers it’s one of their favorites but we got to remember to give them some mustard and ketchup that way they’ll have some cool things to put on them too we’ll also add some wo mounted cookware as well this way they’ll be able to grab any of the cooking materials they want and just cook with them and they’ll also have the tools they need let’s also make sure we give Bobby a big bench all the way over here on this side that way there’ll be so much space for her to cook anything she could possibly want we can even make it go over the paralles Frog lights in the floor hey let’s even add a couple more going out this way this way the bench will look really really cool next to the mall oh wow this is so amazing I really like this already now on top of this bench we can put some seriously cool stuff like a massive cake W Bobby loves to eat cake so this will really make us super happy over here on this side we can add some fridges and we can also add some ovens and stoves oh wow these stoves all have pies in them she’ll definitely like cooking with these pies and we also need a couple other things on this over here we’ll need to put down a blender and a little microwave that she can use anytime she wants hey that’s such a cool microwave I really like it we’ll also add a little bit more cups for her to use right now I have a feeling she’ll definitely run out of dishes pretty quickly We’ll add a little bit more drawers and then just add some wallmounted cups over here on this side wow now no matter how many friends she has over she will not run out of any of her things to cook and help everybody eat with now above here we’re going to add some smooth quart slabs just like this and I think it’s also important that we turn these into full blocks that way on the sides we can add even more quartz slabs this is about to make the kitchen look so cool next to everything else in the room hey this really does look pretty epic the one thing it is definitely missing is some more chandeliers oh wow let’s add one right here hey that looks so nice although hm it’s not symmetrical uh-oh Bobbie would not be happy about that let’s have a think about what else we can put here I think I have found the perfect thing look at how awesome these lights are wo they look so cool I really like these ones and now we just have to add some carpets to the kitchen area to really complete the look although hm these carpets don’t really make it feel like much of a kitchen oh I know if we grab some white carpets and make a little checkerboard pattern like this this will look like a real kitchen hey this looks so cool I’m really liking this room now we’ll just add some golden carrots and some little beetro barrels hey this makes it look like Bobby has so many ingredients to cook with if I was Bobby I would love this room so much we just need to add a little bit of a dining room here and then I think we should show bobie the first few bits of her house I have a feeling she’ll really like it so far because bobie likes to have so many friends over she’ll need some really big tables that is why picnic tables inside are the only right option here she’ll be able to fit so many of her friends in that everyone will come over and enjoy all the food she makes hey this looks perfect we’ll make them really long just like this and wao hey h maybe we can even make it a little bit longer just like that oh yes that looks so cool these are the longest picnic tables I’ve ever seen in my life and maybe we can even make them a little bit longer Bobby has so many friends so she never even has to worry about filling them all up people will definitely arrive let’s grab as many different dishes as we can possibly grab and put them over here on this super cool eating table we’ll grab cookies nobody can resist a bunch of cookies we’ll also have a cookie job because I really do like cookies H we’ll also have a bunch of cake and an apple pie as well Bobby really likes cooking sweet things for all her friends and she ALS really likes giving everybody hamburgers and roast turkeys as well all right this is looking pretty good but everybody needs a plate that’s why instead of bread we can have a dish although H wait we haven’t given anybody any cups that’s why maybe instead of plates we’ll just have cups everyone’s going to be too busy enjoying their burgers turkeys tacos and sandwiches as well not to mention their apple pies oh yum I love apple pies so much yep apple pies are really delicious and Bobby agrees she really really likes them we’ll also add a bunch of cups too so that everybody can enjoy a delicious drink this is looking pretty great but we can’t forget these massive cookie trays oh boy I’m getting so jealous just looking at them now we also want to add some little cookie jars like this so that nobody’s left out and we can even add a chocolate cake yum this place looks so delicious we do need to add in the windows then once we add in the windows and make the roof we can show Bobby this house I have a feeling she’ll really like it as soon as the time that we have to build is complete oh boy the bobes are going to be really judging out house so this time where the Bobbies are judging it for fun instead of for reals is really important we need to make sure we use this as much as possible okay these windows are looking pretty good I don’t know if we have time to build the roof before the Bobbies come see it you know what I say we invite the Bobbies in show them the rooms that we built and just see their reactions I really really hope they like it hey Bobby do you want to come check out my house it’s not done yet but I have a feeling you’ll really want to see this early part of it all right oh she’s coming all right come on Bobby this is the beginning of the house as you can see there’s a little Shoe Closet through that window and wait a minute Bobby when did you have a dog oh my goodness I did not realize you had a dog this whole time uh-oh well let’s go inside and just check that all the rooms are okay to have a dog in h oh no this is really bad I totally forgot about that all right welcome to my house Bobby this is the entrance Zone and over here we have the dining room in the kitchen where you can cook anything you want although h a lot of this isn’t safe for a puppy it’s got chocolate in the cookies and that’s a chocolate cake uh-oh um well maybe we shouldn’t be in the kitchen over here we have a shoe room and wait a minute what if the dog chews up the shoes or sits on the sofa H okay Bobby I know I wanted to give you a tour but I have a better idea I’m going to build a room in your house just for your dog to enjoy that way both you and your puppy sequin can really have a fun time here all right thanks Bobby you can go back to your viewing platform now I’m going to need to get building and quick I think I definitely need to build the puppy area over here and we’re going to have a bunch of different dog beds this way no matter where Bobby’s puppy wants to sit he totally can I think Bobby will also really like having the main puppy area in the very front of her house that way it can also very easily go out to her garden where she can play with her puppy all day oh this is going to be so nice I think Bobby will really like it now we also need to make sure that once you’re inside the puppy area which will be open the puppy should be able to leave whenever he wants we need to have a little doggy door this way the doggy can come in and out whenever he likes Yep this is perfect we’ll also add another doggy door on this side just in case any of the doggy’s friends wants to come inside as well oh this looks so cute already now in case the puppy does not know how to use a toilet we’ll just add a little dead Bush over here so he can pee on it whenever he likes we also should probably add a little pet food bowl and a doggy water bowl hey that looks really nice let’s also add a bunch of treats for the puppy We’ll add a bunch of chicken over here so that the dog can eat the chicken whenever he likes dogs also really like to go on beds so we’ll make sure we add a bunch of beds here so that the dog can jump on it and lie all over it and maybe even tear up the pillows without even needing to worry hey this is looking really cool I like this although hm bobie has lots of pets oh I know we can add a bunch of bird cages as well we’ll have them hanging from the ceiling just like this we’ll have a bunch of really pretty ones and I think Bobby will really like it of course we will make sure that the birdies can leave whenever they want and we also need to not show Milo Milo hates bird cages they remind with some pretty scary memories Milo used to get his head stuck in the stairway railing a lot and he used to think he was being kept in a cage he definitely wasn’t but he still screams about it sometimes so it’s important that Milo does not get upset about these bird cages okay this is looking pretty good now we’ll just destroy the extra glass pane and add the Second Story this is about to be so nice I’m basically almost done wow I’m so excited to start building my second story right now and wait a minute what why do I hear bell sounds oh my gosh who who is that oh my goodness it’s a new Bobbie judge prison bobie oh uh you want to see the house now okay sure oh my goodness I didn’t realize there was a third Bobby uh-oh this is scary right this way prison Bobby um you’ll really want to see this house it’s definitely good see here’s a welcome sign for you you’re absolutely welcome in this house I think you’ll find it very nice here what H oh no you you don’t like it but but it’s such a nice house and I worked really really hard on it h yes this is the puppy room it actually has a lot of space so if you have any pets you want to bring in here they’re totally welcome I think you’ll find that wait prison Bobby what are you doing that’s TNT oh my goodness no why are you blowing up my pet room and wait a minute no stop destroying my house come back come back right now oh my goodness this is bad hey I thought bobies were meant to be nice oh my goodness my beautiful floors wait I can patch this up I can fix this please prison Bobby I don’t know why you’re doing this oh no not those rooms oh no please please stay away from the shoes stay away from the shoes they’re too precious no prison Bobby you got to get out of my house right now oh my goodness I can’t believe this no Bobby should ever be doing this in my house please oh my goodness well prison Bobby look I’m really catching up to you now all the blocks you’re breaking are barely doing anything oh my gosh although there is still a lot of Destruction right now hey prison Bobby stop it no not my beautiful roof please you’re going to let all the rain in I worked so hard on that oh my gosh PR Bobby why are you so evil I can see why you went to prison this is crazy what kind of crime did you do probably breaking an entring except you breaking and breaking and breaking and entering oh my goodness this is terrible prison Bobby you need to get out oh my goodness please please look if I break a window will you jump out the window please I I just want to get you out of this house so I can rebuild this thing oh my goodness this is so terrible the floorboards these were so expensive and so nice to make oh my goodness please not the fireplace oh no I don’t want anything to go wrong with that and a fire to start let me block this one off with more quartz I’ll be able to remove it later but for now safety is the number one priority oh my goodness please stop this what do I have to do do you want money I don’t have much money but I can build you a really nice Prison Room no not the carpet I worked so hard on that quick we need to grab the magenta carpets and then the white carpets and put them back exactly in this order oh prison Bobby this is it I can’t believe wait what why did you keep going oh my goodness no please these floor boats are so precious to me why are you breaking them in the same way that I was placing them come to think of it you’re doing such bad things I’ve never even heard of a prison Bobby that’s really weird I didn’t even know there was a Bobby prison wait a minute how did you get here if you’re a prisoner Bobby you would have had to escape hey I don’t think you’re actually a real prisoner Bobby at all there are only three other people here right now there’s the two Barbies and wait a minute where’s Milo oh you’re not a prisoner Bobby you’re Milo get back here Milo come back here right now no you can’t catch me oh my gosh it is you Milo you dressed up as a prison Bobby to get me and break my house that was the r good prank oh my gosh come back here come back here right now oh this is it I’ve got you and Milo you’re back to normal yeah I’ve been here the whole time oh Milo this is terrible you know what H I going to get revenge on you I have a special little present for you that I think you’re really going to love you’re going to want to stick around until the end of this challenge if you want to see it Milo a man that’s so scary yeah it is pretty scary I can’t wait for you to find out oh no this house is totally destroyed there’s so much damage I need to repair right now Milo I can’t believe you broke so much of my floor pretending to be prison Bobby yeah it was a funny prank have fun cleaning up boo well Milo I’m actually a really quick clean look I’ve almost fully repaired the entire house I’ve already repaired the windows and I’ve already repaired the entire right side of the house that makes me angry what Milo you’re angry that I’m recovering from your prank that you pulled yeah Milo that’s so mean you’re a really crazy guy you know that right yeah I’m crazy and I’m awesome and bobb’s going to love my house no way Milo Bobby’s don’t want to live in a house made by people who would do such an evil thing as destroying my house that is so mean and I can’t believe you’ve done it well I think that Bobby’s going to like my prank I don’t think so Bobby is one of the nicest people ever and she really likes respecting people unlike someone well who’s dad you’re talking about Milo I’m obviously talking about you you’re the least respectful guy I know if you want to be more respectful Milo you’re going to have to learn to stop destroying people’s things even if it is just a prank yeah well I’ll think about it but for now I’m going to keep pranking oh my gosh you know what then Milo I’m just going to have to make my house so epic that I can call the competition done early then the Bobbies will be so amazed and they’ll be very impressed that I’m already finished even though the timer isn’t up then you’ll still have to finish your build and you’ll run out of time you’re right buddy I’m actually doing a really good job and I’m pretty much nearly done what you’re already complete h i don’t believe it Milo there’s no way you’re such a Slowpoke I have a feeling you’re still going yeah well I’m building the bedroom but that’s going to take me like our time Milo that’s cuz you’re going to make it really bad if you want something to look good you got to spend a little bit of time on it fine I’ll spend a little bit more time on it then all right I’m excited to see how this looks but Milo I still can’t believe you pranked me yeah well it was really funny no it wasn’t oh my goodness Milo I am going to get you back all right look I’m already making the wool for my second story this room is going to be a really big bedroom it’s going to be so nice I think the Barbies will really like it it’s going to be a huge bedroom so that both Bobbies can fit maybe it’ll be a bedroom where one side is normal Bobby and one side is weird Bobby that’ll be really fun to make okay I actually really like that idea I think that is definitely the one I’m going to go with now we’ll just place down this magenta concrete it’s important that we do this really really nicely the Barbies spend a lot of time in their room sleeping so if we get this right then the room that they spend the most time in will be a really good one and they’ll totally love this house let’s also remember to place down as much of these Cherrywood planks as we Poss possibly can we don’t want to forget these because they’re a hugely important part of the house let’s also try and grab some really nice looking cut cowside walls hey these look so epic if we put them on the roof like this the Bobbies will have a really lovely balcony a this looks really cool I think the bobbi’s will definitely appreciate this I also need to remember to make the roofs for the other parts of my Bobby house this little building here is only going to have one floor but it’s going to have a really cool roof this roof is going to look so amazing my Milo you’re going to be pretty jealous of it from your house over there if jealousy equals not caring then sure what Milo jealousy doesn’t equal not caring it’s actually kind of the opposite jealousy means you care a whole bunch and secretly you wish your house looked like mine well all I’m trying to say is I actually don’t care CH because I’m doing the most epic idea ever right now what Milo there’s no way that’s possible what IDE DEA are you even doing just a little bouncy castle oh yeah boy a bouncy castle okay that is actually a pretty good idea I think the Bobbies will really like that the bobbi’s love having fun and bouncy castles are super fun oh dang it I wish I thought of that idea myself yeah I bet you did because it’s genius yeah it is kind of Genius good job of thinking of that one Milo but you’re going to need a couple better ideas than just a bouncy castle if you want to build a better Bobby house than me no way I’ve got this unlock unlock H Milo the only type of lock you’ll see is the Bobby’s locking you out of my house when they pick my house is that favorite hey that’s really mean what no it’s not mean Milo H sorry I didn’t mean to be mean I’m just really excited about winning me too I’m confident about winning what Milo you’re confident about you winning I’m confident about me winning look this roof is almost complete it’s going so quickly I wasn’t expecting it to move as fast as this that’s why I’m feeling so good about this look I’ll even make sure this roof is so cool and wait Milo are you building a castle yeah look I just updated my hle look epic wao that is pretty epic you’re right but Milo the Bobbies want to live in a house right now I think they’re sick and tired of living in a castle castles are for the Medieval ages where they didn’t even have flowing hot water do you have any hot water in your Castle Milo yeah and I also want to say something oh okay what do you want to say mil Bobby is a princess and that’s why she deserves a clo oh that is true Milo wait are you flirting with Bobby again yeah because I really like her oh my goodness Milo I can’t believe you’re still on this come on you got to leave her alone and Milo in your Castle you got to make sure that you at least build a really nice place for her and hey wait a minute do you have a crush on regular Bobby or weird Bobby I have a crush on all the Bobby every single Bobby ever Milo that’s like a thousand bobbi’s and each of them has their own Ken yeah that’s right Ken’s my best friend as well what Milo you’ve only spoken to Ken like three times yeah but I think he’s really cool I want to be like him when I grow up and by that do you mean married to Bobby oh my goodness Milo I think you’re absolutely dreaming there speaking of dreaming my house is going to be like a Bobby Dreamhouse they’re going to be absolutely loving it every single second that they spend in here will feel like a total dream it’ll take them out of reality and into a much better one where they live in such a nice house they never want to leave all right this roof is almost complete it’s about to be so really cool looking then I can build the walls of the second floor and decorate the inside and I’ll be done oh Yep this is is coming along so well let me just see how many blocks tall the first story is okay I think I’ve got a pretty good idea let’s go this is about to look so epic these walls are getting built so quickly I’m never going to run out of time these Bobbies are going to have the best house ever with me because I’m going to have so much time to build all the most epic things the longer Milo takes to build his Bobby house the less time he has to make it look really good so I can make sure mine is so so epic by comparison of course I really hope no new bobbi’s show up though obviously prison Bobby ended up being Milo which was a total fraud but I really hope that there are no other normal Bobbies this house is huge but the more Bob’s actually are meant to fit inside the less big it will be and it’ll start to become really crowded I really hope that doesn’t happen that would be so terrible I think the first step of building this second story now that we have all the walls ready is to make sure we can actually get to it now Milo left a pretty big explosion although actually he didn’t destroy much this is perfect because I think it’s a good idea to make the dog area just a little smaller now we can make a staircase here we’ll make the staircase just on this side we’ll also just leave the doggy door here so that the dog can go outside to pee I don’t think having a bush to pee in inside is a very good thing and the Bobbies would not like it at all that’s why it might actually be kind of a good thing that Milo totally destroyed this house for a while oh I also totally forgot to just open back up the shoe room now that there’s no Milo prison Bobbies to keep out of the shoe room it should be safe to open up again all right now the staircase can come up we’ll need to leave a pretty open area to keep the staircase here and we’ll also add some slabs just going this way a little bit hey this looks really nice I like this staircase so much it’s pretty big as well two people can walk up or down it at the same time so it’s nice and fancy and really well made okay this is looking pretty good but now we also need to make sure we fill this whole top section let’s add some quartz slabs here so that way we can make a nice indoor balcony oh boy the bobies are really going to like this let’s make sure this wall goes further up like this to help segment the build a little bit more this gives it a lot of 3D depth and it looks so awesome like that all right now we can add some gloss panes and oh yeah this is looking really good Bobby this song goes out to you FR wait what Milo are you playing a song for Bobby you’re a bobie girl and a bobie world Milo’s awesome a chips the was hey Milo that’s a terrible song those lyrics are so mean it’s a really good song and I wrote it myself Milo you copied the Bobby girl song it’s the same Melody no I wrote it myself Milo that’s a parody you just changed the words to call me the worst that’s so silly Milo you can’t just say you wrote a song even if you didn’t well it’s pretty much true oh my gosh Milo you’re so cheeky well that cheekiness isn’t going to help you much here I’m already on to my second story and it’s about to be so epic the Bobby’s mind is going to be totally blown first we’re going to need to build a huge huge bed for these Bobbies all right now we’re going to need to make this a double room so we’ll have one bed over here for regular bobie and maybe weird Bobby can have a gray bed or wait even better a yellow and blue bed we’ll grab a yellow bed here and we also can grab a light blue bed like this yeah we’ll make weird Bobby’s side of the room all crazy colored and weird but regular Bobby we’ll just give it pink everything I think this will go really well over here on weird Bobby side we’ll have a bunch of crazy cabinet colors just like this we’ll need to make sure we add a bunch of them so it look super odd and pretty interesting actually now we’ll also have a drum kit for weird Bobby to play and weird Bobby also really likes painting We’ll add a bunch of super cool paintings around here because she’s pretty good at it or I will also give her a bunch of paint to use hey this is looking pretty nice for regular Bobby will’ll give her some cabinets and her cabinets can just be a normal color she really likes this color of pink she really likes it so much regular Bobby really likes to play the guitar so we’ll give her a guitar as well and she also loves listening to music she likes doing it the old fashioned way though so we’ll give her a photograph she also loves to do absolutely everything else so we’re going to give her every single equipment she might need if she wants to make a movie or she wants to do some sewing or even if she wants to play The Hop as well she’s so good at everything she’s even good at sculpting all right now we’ll make sure that we can put one of her sculptures right over here W he’s really thinking about something we’ll also make sure we add some scissors and hm we can also add some purple thread and right here we’ll add a sewing machine hey this looks great now over here we can keep Bobby’s collection of electric guitars wo those look really cool and maybe over here we’ll keep Bobby’s film rolls she loves to film things as much as she possibly can she leaves her film rolls all over the floor and maybe the music section can be right here hey this looks really nice we’ll place this one like that so the music can play out into the room Barbie’s hop can also go here on her nightstand she really likes the Hop so much now let’s also make sure we grab some carpets we’ll grab yellow and blue ones for weird Bob and will make it look really crazy it kind of looks like there’s paint spilled on the floor well weird Bobby is pretty silly and normal Bobby can have her carpet over here a this carpet looks so lovely I really like this one all right that looks really cool and we can even make it go all the way to the end of the room hey this looks so really amazing we’ll also grab some lamps as well H I think we’ll grab a white magenta one for normal Bobby instead of the black one I just grabbed and for weird Bobby we’ll grab some different ones we’ll grab a white yellow one and we can also grab a gray light blue one Yep this is perfect we’ll put a bunch of them on this shelf like that Yep this is looking pretty silly then for regular Bobby we’ll just give her one here and maybe we’ll move her hop one block down there we go this looks so nice wo what a cool bedroom now over here the Bobby’s definitely need a bathroom and I say we can put the toilet right over here oh we’ll need to make sure we give a toilet to each Bobby that way they don’t have to share we’ll also make sure we add some nice baths over here and we’ll give each Bobby their very own magenta bathrobe hey this looks so nice let’s also not forget toilet paper that could be a pretty big mistake we’ll also add some nice towels next to the bath and we’ll also add the towel on the other side like this H we also need to add some mirrors all right we’ll add a nice bath through mirror section over here and we’ll even give each Bobby three sinks that’s quite a lot I have a feeling they’ll definitely appreciate that now we also need to add some shower heads to the baths because they can also be showers at the same time it’s really cool and of course we definitely need to add a women’s restroom sign because I don’t think the Bobbies want anybody else in their bathroom all the Bobby’s friends are other bobbi’s and they’re all girls so we should probably add women’s restroom signs right here we should probably add a lot actually just so everybody knows for sure now we’ll add a bunch of carpets over here so that the bathroom is really nice and homely I don’t think anybody wants to be stepping on really cold wood floors when they get out of the shower no that would suck having a bath mat is very important so puddles don’t form and nobody slips over this is looking pretty good oh wow there’s only a couple more things I need to add over here we’re going to need to add a really cool water elevator this way the bobies will be able to get from each floor to the next really really quickly all right we’ll add the magma block on this side and the Soul Sand on this side it’s so cool because the magma block is actually powered by the fireplace which now I can open up again now that Milo’s gone and can’t keep breaking everything speaking of Milo I should probably go check up on him hey Milo what are you up to at the moment how’s your Bobby house going yeah great just do to a really cool hobby section the hobby section wait you have an entire section of your Bobby house just for fun hobbies yeah because Bobby does everything yeah that’s pretty true I don’t even need a hobby section I’ve built all the Bobby’s Hobbies right into their rooms and there’s another section of this house I want to add but I’m not going to do it just yet first I’m equipping this house with the most epic water elevator you’ve ever seen oh that’s interesting I don’t really care for water elevators what Milo you don’t like them why not because they get my feathers wet uh Milo yeah they do but then you instantly dry when you get out of the water it’s really cool N I don’t like the feeling okay that’s fair I guess you can use the stairs because my house has both all right now you can go up this elevator all the way to the Second Story and wa look it’s so quick I’ll add a couple panes around just so that nobody accidentally want us in especially not the Bobby’s dogs that would be really bad they’d get their foot all wet wa the Bobby’s rooms are looking great but hm I just need to make the roof and then I can make the outside then I’ll be finished how close are you to being finished Milo I have a feeling I’m pretty far ahead of you but just in case I really want to know not just putting on the finishing touches wait the finishing touches does that mean you’re basically done yeah pretty much oh no I need to activate super building Speed come on chip all right I have to build this so quickly otherwise the Bobbies will have a house made by me that is not finished that would be so embarrassing the Barbies would never forgive me and they would probably pick your house as their favorite that would be really bad because Milo you still have a crush on them and you’d be so weird and silly oh yeah I’m going to win this thing no way once I get this roof done I’m going to build one final thing in my house and it’s going to be so epic it’s going to totally complete the whole thing and guarantee that I win sure than chip whatever you say oh yeah I agree Milo now the final part of building my bobie house is to make sure the outside looks amazing first we need to make sure we add a beautiful gu and then we’re going to work on surrounding the entire house with quartz just like this first the garden though all right the garden needs to have a very lovely area I think we can have a quartz path just like this hey this looks so nice let’s make sure we continue this all the way around this Garden is about to be so beautiful we can have a bunch of really cool Cherry leaves and some cherry trees as well I can’t wait to see this and I can’t wait to see the Bobby’s reactions to it as well I just know they’re going to be really good now at the end we’ll make sure this design loops around and it can even have the most awesome little spirals yeah that’ll be perfect I think the bobes will really appreciate that it can Loop right around and then go back into the main path this is about to be so pretty and we can put some seriously epic things in here yep I think that is a beautiful design and now we need to add in these super dupal Cherry saplings this can be like a cherry pink Grove wait and maybe it’ll look even better if we put flowering aelia leaves around the edge of each little G in section like this wo this look looks so lovely I don’t think I’ve ever seen a g in this pretty hey and I don’t even mind that it’s not orange normally I would really care about the color but since it looks so nice I’m actually really cool with it let’s also make sure we add some super cool lamp posts here we’ll add a nice one over this side and wao that looks cool now we add a White Lantern on top and wao that looks so good let’s keep adding more of these around the garden I think if we have one on every corner it’ll look absolutely perfect oh boy Milo you should really come check out my garden once it’s done I think you’re going to be so jealous yeah I’ll come check it out but I’m going to judge it really hard yeah and so will the Barbie judges that’s okay though because when they judge it the only thing they will see is exactly how beautiful it is they’re going to be so happy with it they’ll probably forget their judges at all and just want to move in right away what no they not because they’ll be living at my house already no way Milo I don’t think you know how this is going to work they meant to choose the house they like the most and that’ll probably be mine V funny joke it’s not a joke you’ll see Milo you’ll see very very soon now we also need to add some little Pok benches around because they look so nice we’ll add a couple on each little one of these hey that looks really good let’s also add some over on this side so that you can sit on them and look back at the house I think the Bob’s would really love to do that because the house is so pretty let’s also make sure we add these on the other side too and we can even add another set of benches this way it’ll be really symmetrical and I know the Bobby’s really like things to be symmetrical that is one thing that bobbes learned in Bobby’s school it’s how to be symmetrical all right and now we need to place down these Cherry saplings in the middle of these little Groves and wa that’s so beautiful let’s add another one over here on the opposite side hey that looks so cool let’s add some flower petals underneath them these are going to look so pretty wo look at that this looks like a magical Enchanted pink Garden just the way the bobes like it all right now we’ve added pedals on this side let’s go over to the other side and add this same thing over here oh boy this is about to look so good oh wow I can’t believe it now we also should probably add this quartz ring all the way around the house before we totally run out of time wait I’m using slabs and that is way too slow let’s grab a smooth quartz block so we can get this done so quickly come on come on we’re running out of time all right and now we have done we’ve surrounded the house with this quartz but uh-oh if there’s one thing that all Bobbies like it’s Ken but also horses we need to add horses around here otherwise the Barbies will not be happy uh-oh this is bad come on we got to make this quick let’s make the Stables right here I think the horses will really enjoy being a part of the garden it’s going to look so cool and we can have two horses that way there’s one for regular Bobby and one for weird Bobby they will each have their own animal to take care of and have fun with oh they’re really going to love it even though weird Bobby and normal Bobby are pretty different they both absolutely love horses that’s one thing they definitely both have in common so by adding a horse stable to the back of my Bobby Mansion I help keep both Bobbies really really happy I’m going to need to make sure I do this right though H in the middle we’re going to have some extra fences and they’re going to be connected to some pretty cool things we’re going to add some water feeders on this side and some wheat feeders on the other side let’s make sure we do the same for the other horse H I wonder which horse can go to regular Bobby and which horse can go to weird Bobby I guess we’ll figure it out pretty soon all right on this side we’ve got the water troughs and here we can have the wheat feeders hey this looks great although H we should probably add a couple extra bales of hay this way we make the horse stables a lot more comfortable for the horse and they’ll be able to lie down whenever they want and lay on the really soft hay they also have really soft grass in case that’s what they feel like but either way they get to choose oh this looks so nice already all right now we’ll make sure we add some wheat on the other side just like this this is looking so good I’ve got to hurry though I don’t know how much time we have left I don’t even think we have the time to go check how much time we have left that’s just how much of a rush I’m in okay we’ve placed down a lot of this hay now we need to add a couple of horse plushies so they feel really happy and have little friends to play with all right we’ve got different horse plushies let’s add some horse plushies in this one here as well okay this is looking really good it’s time to spawn the horses and see what horses we get all right this horse is wo a really cool one it’s got a white stripe in the middle of its face it kind of looks like an Oreo this horse can be called Oreo and hm this horse also kind of looks like an Oreo although this horse looks like s’mores this horse can be called s’mores now oh my goodness there’s something totally missing we need to get a crafting table right now and we also need to get some leather horse armor and some pink and magenta dye these horses need to be dyed the right color although wait a minute maybe one of the horses can be a magenta and pink color and the other one can be yellow for weird Barbie oh yes this is perfect all right let’s make sure we don’t forget anything all right yellow horse armor here we are and magenta and pink horse armor here we go okay this looks really good let’s just make sure we equip it to the horses in time oh no I’m dropping dice everywhere this is so embarrassing all right you can be weird Barbie’s horse and wait a minute I have to tame you first oh no I don’t know how to tame a horse oh waa W I’m getting sick okay I’m not a bobie so I’m no expert in this oh boy I really hope this works come on horsey gety up oh yes okay it finally worked all right here you go here is your leather horse armor W it looks so cool in it oh boy now to tame this horse wao this horse is even crazier it keeps kicking me off horses kicks are very power ful so I don’t want to stand behind its legs then I could be in some serious trouble but once I tame it I’ll have tamed it for Bobby and she’ll be totally fine to use this horse it’ll make it a lot safer for her and oh yes okay now that I’ve tamed the horse We’ll add Barbie pink armor to it and okay everything is officially complete my build is ready oh this is so exciting I’m going to go tell the Bobbies right now let me just check everything in my house to make sure it’s SP and span for when the Barbies arrive okay this is looking pretty good the kitchen and dining room is perfect now the TV room and the shoe room look epic and so does the fireplace too the backyard we just made so we know it looks super cool the doggy area is amazing and upstairs we still have the bedrooms and these are looking good too and so is the bathroom and hey my present arrived this is really good this will come in really handy in case we need to surprise Milo I can’t wait to use this all right let’s head downstairs and go tell the Bobbies we are ready this is so exciting and wait a minute what is that hey there’s a weird lever on a wo Block in front of my house oh maybe the Bobby’s left this I bet this does something really really cool well I guess the only thing to do now is to press this thing let’s see what it does in 3 2 1 whoa what hey why are the cobwebs everywhere uh Bobby’s I don’t know if you meant to do this uh-oh wait a minute oh cobwebs that’s Milo’s thing oh my goodness wait a minute they’re everywhere uh-oh let me see how much they got this is terrible and oh my goodness Milo my entire Bobby house is surounded by cobwebs seems like you’re in a sticky situation H you oh Marlo you did the joke yeah I did the joke well I have to clear out all these spider webs before the bobes arrive otherwise I’ll have nothing to show them except a bunch of sticky houses and the best part is you only have 2 minutes until your time’s up only 2 minutes oh no this is terrible I don’t know if I’m going to have enough time okay I guess all I have time to do right now is to just clear a simple path through the spider webs that way at least the bobes will be able to get from room to room but I can’t even see anything I don’t know what room I’m in right now okay wait what room is this let’s try and figure this out oh wait this corner I think I recognize it oh this room is it’s the um oh goodness what is it I can’t even tell oh it’s the shoe room oh my goodness if I can’t even tell what room I’m in how are the Bobbies meant to figure it out this is terrible Milo I can’t believe you’ve done this chip it looks like you’re having a really hard time over there yeah I am and speaking of time Milo I don’t know how much I have left you said there was only 2 minutes but oh gosh I worry that we’re running out yep you only have 30 seconds 30 seconds oh my goodness okay I need to clear out as much cobweb as possible in only 30 seconds this is going to be really difficult and I need to make sure I don’t break anything inside the house what room is this oh this is the kitchen this is the saddest kitchen I’ve ever seen all right I need to make sure the bobes can reach the dining area to see at least one pastry item each oh my goodness this is so sad all right now quickly we got to run back and go towards the oh my gosh the cobwebs are getting me stuck and I’m having to break the floor this is bad all right luckily the water elevator works a lot better than the stairs now so oh goodness this is bad can I at least break a little pathway over to their bedrooms and their bathrooms have 10 seconds oh my gosh okay now here’s weird Bobby’s bed she can now reach it and oh come on we got to let normal Bobby reach her bed okay good now we just have to go over to the bathroom but we’re getting stuck yeah that’s time oh no no this is terrible oh all right I guess I should prepare for the Bobbies to come over but oh my goodness this is so slow Milo I’m really worried that the Bobbies won’t like my house after what you did that’s my idea I want them to not like your house oh Milo this is terrible well I guess I’m just going to have to win this thing oh yeah let’s see oh look it’s time oh goodness let’s see your one first Milo mine’s not ready all right everyone time to inspect Milo’s build follow me ladies oh wao Milo your house is looking uh certainly something why does it say ba a on the side because that is the first two letter is in the red Bobby uh Milo I can see something inside and I’m a little scared to find out what it is are you sure the Bobbies will like this and wao what is that this is my beautiful tree and a little statue of have someone thinking because Bobby likes to think about a lot of things wait I have the same statue in my Bobby house and oh no weird Bobby seems to like this one yeah that’s right good Bobby loves this house come inside everyone after you Bobby oh wo this house is uh wow there’s a lot of pink here yeah because Bobby’s favorite color is the pink and here’s the kitchen everyone W weird Bobby clearly loves it this is bad I don’t think normal Bobby does though normal Bobby does not seem impressed this is good do you guys like the loung M oh my goodness wait weird Bobby definitely does she’s jumping all over it and wait Milo why are there toilets because it’s really funny and that means you can have two in one what two in one Milo nobody wants a lounge room toilet room do you want that movie Bobby no she doesn’t Milo oh hey maybe they won’t like your house I don’t listen to the haters everyone look at my dining table it’s got the sa uh Milo they’re not haters they’re judges and Oh weird bobb’s really liking this but normal Bobby doesn’t you got to make sure you make a house that both Bobbies like well I think they’re going to love it come upstairs everyone okay what’s upstairs wo Milo what is this why is there more of your head everywhere because they can always look at my face cuz I’m a really cool guy Milo none of the Bobbies want that that sounds terrifying anyway have a look everyone this is the hobby room because Bobby has a lot of hobbies and she’s got so much stuff to do as well as looking at all the awards she’s won Milo why have they painted a 3D picture of your face and beautiful oh my gosh Weir Bobby loves it look she likes all the things on the shelves and oh she likes how crazy it is I don’t know normal bbby doesn’t seem too happy though Milo oh yeah she totally doesn’t like this place well wait until we see the next Floor come upstairs everyone oh boy this is about to be crazy I just know it and wao Milo there’s no railings here the bobes could fall off look everyone get on to the bouncy castle it’s really fun wao a bouncy castle is a pretty good idea Milo but oh my goodness look I can see my house from over here I can’t believe you you cobwebbed the whole thing both of the Bobbies love this oh look chip they’re having a great time oh no this is bad this is bad oh yeah even mie Bobby likes this PO I have a good feeling about this I wonder what my Scar’s going to be well we’ll have to wait and see what the Barbies think this could either be really good or really bad either the way I just hope it’s not as good as mine all right guys let’s stand out here so they can chge my house yeah that’s a really good idea right I’m kind kind of nervous to see how this ends up all right Bobbies let’s see what Milo got wa Milo they’re telling us the score oh boy a two out of five a that’s pretty good right no Milo that’s really bad that’s less than half well luckily your house looks like stinky so I’m probably still going to win no way Milo there’s a little something up my sleeve that I just haven’t shown you yet but you’ll see you’ll definitely see yeah right buddy all right Bobbies welcome to the front of my uh well it used to be a house that I’d made just for you guys but a little something happened and now it’s covered in cobwebs I think it looks better like this anyway what no it doesn’t all right okay Bobbies if you just come through uh This Way eventually you’ll reach the main floor all right this says welcome home bobbi’s oh my goodness Milo I don’t think they like the spiderwebs a chip they look really disappointed oh hey don’t be disappointed Bobbies oh my goodness okay um well over here is a little area for your dogs or at least it used to be an area for your dogs now it might be an area for your spiders if you have any spider pets yuck chip everyone knows that Bobby hurs spiders oh no they both don’t like it well um out the back here we have an area for your horses although uh-oh I don’t think the horses are doing too good they’re surrounded by spiderwebs let me free it before Bobby season oh no oh poor horse I didn’t mean to hit Bobby’s horse this is bad this is really bad this is not looking good for you chip I think you should show us some more rooms yeah um well come here Bobbies oh wo I keep getting my head stuck in these cobwebs um well over here is the oh goodness what room did this used to be oh it’s the dining room as you can see there is H some pastries that you can probably still eat I don’t know if the spiderwebs got on them so they should probably still be edible yeah I don’t know about that this is not looking good at all well here was the kitchen um you can’t really cook much in it anymore but uh it used to be usable oh my gosh my little can’t believe you’ve done this this was a really good pre no it wasn’t Milo it was so mean but um over here bobes on the other side of my cobweb house you can see we have a lovely fireplace that I really hope these cobwebs don’t catch on fire from that would be really bad and uh over here you have a TV that you can’t really see anymore and I don’t even think the signal can go through all these spiderwebs yeah I don’t think that’s how the signal works yeah no definitely not oh no I broke one of the seats oh my goodness uh well yes you can see the TV kind of it’s a really small one now cuz the rest of the screen is blocked but it’s a TV still um on this side there’s some shoes yeah I’m sure you guys will really like the shoe room yeah the shoe room more like the spider we room Milo every room is a spiderweb room thanks to you you did this you know oh my gosh well um as you can see there are some nice shoes do you want to try them on or are they a little too spider Webby for you guys I don’t think they like them chip we better move on before they rate you zero oh okay uh please don’t rate me zero you guys um all right well over here oh no not here that’s the fireplace over here if you come right up this water elevator it’ll take you to the next level all right now up here is the bedroom and bathroom level let me just clear some more cobwebs so you can actually walk around and first we’ll go to the bedrooms I think the bedrooms more like the spider sleeping rooms what Milo there are no spiders here I only see cobwebs yeah right oh my goodness I keep breaking the walls accidentally oh this is so embarrassing right here’s the concrete and um over here is your side of the room Normal Barbie um do you like it a little bit at least um chip she doesn’t like it she’s really actually sad oh my gosh no I don’t like that and look weird Bobby’s found her side weird Bobby really liked your house and all the crazy stuff maybe the Cobbs are kind of crazy for you weird Barbie oh nope she is not buying it she’s shaking her head oh well um there’s some instruments and a statue of you know what never mind um hey wait a second there’s still one part of this house I haven’t shown you guys really I hope it doesn’t have any spider webs in it oh there are lots of spider wees in it but there’s also a little something else over here I got a little present delivered earlier today a little present what’s with that chip I didn’t know you had this yeah well it came kind of late but it’s something that I think the Bobbies will really enjoy I ordered it for them all right Bobbies are you excited and ready to see what’s inside this box let’s see chip I’m very interested all right I’m about to open the box in three 2 1 all right say hello to your present an army of Kens what chip what is going on well I figured there’s nothing the Barbies like more than Ken and after you pranked me the first time by destroying my house I thought I should order something that can’t be destroyed oh my gosh chip they’re so happy I think they’re actually about to give your house a score oh wait I’m so excited come on let’s find out exactly what they’ve given me come on Bobbies you can do this and Milo I got a five out of five thanks Bobbies no this is the worst thing ever get me out of here this is perfect picked I win the challenge yay [Music]

Milo and Chip are building Modern Babrie Girl Houses in minecraft, but what will Babrie think of the Noob vs Pro builds? And what happens when Ken shows up!?

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. I dont like it when milo covers all of the chips hard work in Cobwebs, but i stil like your Chanel and your videos 😊 they ar so funny 😅

  2. I looooooooooove Milo and chip so much!❤❤❤❤❤❤ I also want to be in your videos too!😘🥰😘🥰😍😍😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍😍😘😍😍😌😍😋💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠💠👍👍👍👍👍👍‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💠💠💠💠💠❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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