Giving Terraria NEW GAMEMODES You Should Play!

what if Terraria had even more game modes to play from challenges like fighting a boss but there’s 10 of them to a new insane difficulty where bosses hit 10 times harder let’s hop in game and check out these new game modes today we are adding new game modes to Terraria with this mod right here called game modes plus as you can see we open the config and look at that we have a bunch of game modes the developer of this mod said they plan to add over 50 which is kind of crazy but we could go ahead scroller Mouse through a couple of them if you want to read them specifically but we’re going to go through them one by one let’s start with a cool one let’s go straight to the middle Attack of Titans enemies are increased in size by 50% health and knockback resist the mobs is increased by 50% and damage by 40 all hostile projectiles are increased in size too let’s start with this one let’s hop into a world with this game mode on we are in the world where are the enemies let’s go ahead let’s uh turn up the small r Wait I heard that I heard that yo oh these aren’t enemies but look at the bunnies and the squirrels they’re big hold up that slime was Tiny but let’s bring in some enemies and let’s see their girth bom eyeball gigantic slime the size of me zombie damn 7 foot should be playing in the NBA and what about bosses are like bosses bigger or something let’s see no King Slime is a normal size so it’s all just the normal enemies and obviously they’re way stronger this is Journey mode and the guide is struggling to just kill a normal zombie what is usually like a large enemy that we can make even larger I don’t know let’s see a worm a worm enemy oh my God actually like terrifying is the the worm from dun gigantic salamanders what about the fly oh my God am I tweaking is this no this thing’s definitely way bigger so I’m assuming mini bosses then are affected by this mimic gigantic so let’s let’s bring us some more mini bosses who else is a mini boss sand tank oh yeah way bigger okay I’m kind of messing with that we could bring in the uh UFO or the Martian saucer is that bigger I can’t tell honestly if it isn’t bigger this should be the size they should actually be in the game we could bring in stuff like the ogre and Betsy oh my God now that actually is terrifying low key that should be like the the late game ogre this should be the first one you see like the normal size one and then late game it should be the gigantic one but that means even Betsy’s huge that looks normal Oh Betsy has a health bar that’s one well the ogre had a health bar yeah that was the Titan one let’s go ahead and check out another game mode now we get into some of the more fun game modes here we got double trouble Triple Threat Quin tiple struggle and 10-fold Terror and as you can see most of bosses appear in double quantity same thing with this one triple and then obviously quintuple and then tenfold so let’s start let’s do triple threat and then we’ll do tenfold later all right we’re back in the world let’s just bring in the King Slime I guess we got to do it with a uh slime slim crown or the original spawners and let’s see is there three of them oh yeah this looks like something you were doing like Elden ring or Dark Souls challenge let’s bring in some more bosses let’s do the eye so lowkey is going to be the triplets off rip and then if we ignore the eye and go straight to the twins it’s going to be the the six tuplets I don’t even know what six is and they’re all connected too this actually would be hell now I wonder if this stuff works on like some of the crazier bosses like do you think it works on the wall of flesh what about something like the Destroyer does it work on the Destroyer how would that work oh legitimately just three of them and one of them is like a Chad Destroyer which is kind of interesting I don’t know maybe not enough segments to go around maybe there’s a certain amount of segments that can be placed who knows at the end of the day though it’s the Destroyer not too crazy of a boss to fight let’s throw a voodoo doll into the lava here and let’s see if there’s three wall of fleshes oh my God what is even happening there’s just Wall of Flesh mouths just floating around is there like a eyeball underneath this eyeball oh my God there is look at that so technically there is three wall fleshes they’re just all stacked on top of each other minus those two I don’t know what those two are doing but now that we’ve seen the triple okay wall FL killing me in god mode now that we’ve seen triple let’s see tenfold we are here with the tenfold let’s bring them in what if I bring them in like this oh my God so I can use chii to bring him in 10 King slimes is crazy in this is Journey mode imagine playing on life for the Worthy or any other harder difficulties from mods that would actually be insane let’s make it daytime and let’s bring in 10 Dukes yo I got a headache fighting just one I really could not imagine 10 I need my boy cataclysmic to do a 10-fold challenge against one of these bosses I don’t know which one because they would all be hell fighting oh the emperor light would definitely be hell fighting oh my God what the [ __ ] daytime Empress Al light but there’s 10 of them they’re all stacked on top of each other too that’s the crazy thing they’re all doing the same exact attacks that’s honestly insane so synchronized 10 Queen slimes also should be very bad just because Queen slime is one of those bosses that spawns an insane amount of enemies insane amount of projectiles along with the insane amount of enemies so this would be terrible 10 deerclops potentially will break your speakers and or headphones let’s listen I hate it I hate it I have my volume turned down so low and it’s still hurting my ears 10 Golems oh my God this dude’s got 10 fist by himself there’s like one main one that’s got all the fists 10 plantas what the hell 10 queen bees these are all just terrible 10 brains look at your eyeballs 10 Moon Lords how would this work oh my God and I got a texture pack on it so that’s why the moon Lord looks super cool yeah this would be terrible look at the health bar it doesn’t even fit on the screen all right the next game modes that we’ll check out here there’s some like lesser ones that don’t seem super crazy but then you get some more interesting challenge ones like on the moon where there’s no oxygen and you got to collect bubbles to keep oxygen okay interesting and then you get randomized which is kind of like a randomizer and then you got Insanity who is insane enough to go through this says damage and defense of all enemies increase to 300% enemies are immune to all debuffs in lava World difficulty is always Master mode each mob has a 1% chance to be insane insane creatures are purple and have all their stats increased by five times and bosses have a 10% chance to be insane let’s check out the insane game mode bro we have to too okay we are in the insane World which is Master mode like it said so let’s just bring in a normal slime enemy 75 Health nothing too crazy now what if this thing was to hit me what would happen not that bad not as insane as I thought it was going to be obviously that’s just a slime even a slime hitting you for like 50 damage that that is kind of insane but let’s bring in like a crazy enemy you know an enemy that they Nerf that used to be crazy let’s bring in the Rock Golem bring my boy in and let him hit me that’s not that crazy okay this insane mode is not as insane as I thought but you know what I do want to see I want to see the like insanity boss or whatever it’s called it said there’s a 10% chance that it spawns for bosses and they’re supposed to be purple right so I feel like I would notice oh there it is I feel like I would notice when it’s purple let’s bring this thing with me a little bit further away it’s got 177,000 Health that’s definitely not normal King slim health I do like how there actually is like a visual difference that’s always a good thing go ahead and hit me though how much damage do you do oh my God a king slime doing 1,400 that’s the that’s literally the earliest boss in the game I don’t even want to imagine like what one of the actual like hard ass bosses would do hold up let’s bring in I want to see in insane Empress of light this going to be very loud trying to get one to spawn in I don’t know if this Empress of light is insane or not but it has 600,000 health is that normal I don’t know if that’s normal I want to get hit by you wait it’s daytime it’s going to hurt no matter what go ahead and hit me night time emess light how come I’m survive in that but not the king slot the last thing I want to do for this video which is something I don’t even know if that’s possible or not that is can we turn everything on all at once and if we can’t play with everything on all at once I’ll just check out the randomize mode but let’s see if I could turn literally everything on uh besides mild and not so hard or half the Wrath let’s see let’s see what happens does the game just like break okay we’re in the world there’s definitely some stuff enabled here for example the oxygen one’s enabled we’re supposed to be looking for bubbles with this one enabled but I don’t see no damn bubbles anywhere so I don’t know how the hell you’re supposed to survive with this one but if I bring in a boss will there be 10 of them oh everything’s randomized I was about to say some of these do not look like bosses why is there a rat on this list yo that rat is Big New York where’s the King Slime though wait hold up D A light here and she died right away I don’t even know what happened yo I see the bubbles okay go ahead and pop some of these bubbles get little air back where are the enemies at though Tim oh my god did you guys see that that is not Tim who is this what the [ __ ] the first team we spawned in literally took off running yeah this gets a little crazy with the randomizer on as you can expect hold up that’s the Golem that’s that’s regular Golem no sound like Betsy what the hell what even is this death what does this mean so obviously it’s it’s a little cursed when you uh do all this and turn on everything at once I think one of the things I turned on literally like disabled spawns so there’s no enemy spawning it so you got to like pick and choose which ones you want I really wanted to see bosses without the randomizer cuz I was trying to see 10 bosses with the extreme mode on but I don’t know if I could do that or not I like that Tim is tweaking off the fence as we can see it’s he’s literally different every single time I spawn him in that is not Tim oh my God what’s going on with the health bar what the hell ter randomizers are crazy bro oh my God look at the size of this like pumpkin king Scythe will something kill me I don’t know they’re still alive over there but yeah that was the game modes plus mod which adds in a bunch of new uh game modes obviously and I’m kind of excited to see more feature ones cuz a lot of these seem like really fun challenges SL game modes I would like to see more of like I don’t know party/ like mini game type game modes you know what I’m saying something like that because a lot of these are really just like challenges you would do and I would like to see some of these more on like the the really fun side that you can do with like friends and stuff is this a slime AI on a giant saw blade I don’t know but thank You’ all for watching the video shout out everyone that worked on The Mod make sure to check it out also make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you don’t miss future videos was that noise I’ll be seeing y’all in the next video

What if Terraria had even MORE GAMEMODES? Let’s find out!

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