Terraria, But I Can Only Use Flamethrowers…

in this video I try beating Terraria using flamethrowers only but as many of you know there are only two flamethrowers in the game the flamethrower and the elf melter however both of those can only be obtained in hard mode so I installed one of the craziest Flamethrower Mod that adds in a whole bunch for both prehard mode and hard mode not only that there are also new armor and accessories so the question is how good are these flamethrowers and will they be strong enough to take down the final boss Moon mode stay tuned to find out okay let’s go gather the materials to craft the first flamethrower which is going to be either the golden Fury or the Platinum Fury depending on which ore this world has also just to mention that I’ll be collecting each and every flamethrower this mod has but for now let’s gather some wood and then try to find a cave all right that’s enough wood for now I’ve collected 277 and there is a cave over here so let’s go explore it oh there’s a gold chest and a slime statue what wait how lucky did I just get this was literally the first cave that I found too okay there’s the band of regeneration and luckily I am able to trigger the slime statue with this pressure plate so I’ll leave this here for now and when I do get my hands on the first flamethrower then I’ll start farming fing these slimes for gel and it looks like there is platinum in this world so I will be crafting the Platinum Fury there’s also a couple of Life Crystals down here so after these two I’ll have 140 Health never mind there’s actually one more Life Crystal down here so now I’ll have 160 Health it’s a pretty decent start so far another gold chest hery boots and and it has armored on it there’s the suspicious looking eye and that should be enough Platinum Ore I’ve mined 100 let’s just collect this life Crystal and then head back home let’s first build a house to store all my stuff away all right inventory is cleaned out a bit now it’s time to craft the Platinum Fury are you kidding me that was 24 bars of platinum and I ended up getting awkward on it hopefully the speed and knock back won’t affect it too badly but let’s go and test it out I only have three gel so I’m going to see if that’s enough to kill at least one slime let’s summon out the slimes with the slime statue all right moment of truth 3 2 1 oh that should be plenty beautiful one more time wait I ended up using three gel already from one click what oh come on I guess I’m going to have to resort to collecting some lava with a bucket to kill them off bucket made and let’s also craft the tungsten pickaxe okay that should do the trick there we go and now I basically have have infinite ammo so I ended up checking this mod out more in depth and it turns out that I’m able to craft the endless gel pouch with 999 gel so I’m going to keep using the lava to kill the slimes until I gather enough okay I think that’s enough jumping my hands are so tired so there we go yeah 1,047 gel but I also see something new and it is the golden gel interesting oh the golden gel is just basically ammo okay then I would assume that this would deal more damage compared to just regular gel but anyways now I can craft the endless gel pouch perfect oh yeah the Flames are looking nice and I won’t ever have to come back down here here the next flamethrower that I’ll be crafting is going to be the sky burner so it is night time at the moment I’m going to take this time to collect as many fallen stars as possible and then I’ll head up to the skies to kill some harpies for their feathers the flamethrower is a bit weak but it sure is satisfying and there we go that’s 20 fallen stars it’s time to start killing some harpies one more feather to go there we go that’s enough let’s craft the skyb burner oh there we go that’s a much better modifier plus 133% speed and 10% velocity let’s see what it looks like 3 2 1 oh my God this has a much wider range of attack compared to the Platinum look at that that’s insane not only that it rains feathers down too let’s test it out on this blue slime here we go oh oh my God it has 10 range damage 8% Critical Strike chance and yeah shoots feathers from the sky it’s about time I take on the first boss which is going to be the eye of cthulu so let’s wait until night time time to summon it it is finally night time let’s go ahead and summon the Boss 3 2 1 where is it coming from the right side here we go okay I’m going to be real with you guys the damage is still a bit on the lower side so oh yeah it’s going to take some time to kill this boss second phase here we go less than 500 health now come on there we go the first boss has been defeated I guess that wasn’t too bad I honestly thought it was going to take a lot longer but I remember that once I have cthulu reaches second phase then I’ll be able to deal more damage let’s build some NPC houses and then let’s start mining down to Hell while I mine down I’ll be searching for some Life Crystals and accessories that is 300 health just need five more Life Crystals until Max health and this is the last life Crystal for Max health I ended up Gathering a whole bunch of tungsten so I’ll be crafting the full tungsten armor lovely jubly 25 defense and I’m also going to craft the sapphire hook I should be good to take on my second bot now and that’s going to be the brain of cthulu so let’s make my way over to the Crimson let’s build an arena first a three layered Arena should be good enough and now let’s break some Crimson Hearts last one here we go run run run oh come on get up there we go and it begins oh my God the creepers are they’re getting decimated wait they’re all dead already oh my God they just all bunched up together and then they couldn’t move this flamethrower is insane oh my God it just covers the entire boss and oh God it’s getting a bit hard to uh differentiate which one’s real but I should be good if I just do this then I’m I’m perfectly fine but let’s not do that cuz that’ll just take way more time 100 more health and the brain of cthulu has been defeated ooh and the Goblin arm is approaching I guess I’ll take care of them before I do anything else okay Goblin Army has been defeated now I can start searching underground for the goblin tinkerer before I do that though I am going to craft the deathbringer pickaxe and with it I’ll be mining some health Stone to craft the molten Maelstrom oh I see the goblin tinkerer hello I almost missed them cuz it was so dark let’s buy rocket boots and the workshop and now let’s start mining some hell Stone all right that’s enough health stone 358 now I can craft the molten melstrom got agile on it not bad I’m going to craft the molten pickaxe and my very first accessory for flamethrowers the Blazing flower increases flamethrower damage by 8% and velocity by 8% let’s combine the rocket boots and Hermes boots to make Spectre boots and then it is time to take on Skeletron but real quick let’s see how this flamethrower looks like 3 2 1 oh okay okay so at the very end it explodes into fragments 19 range damage 7% Critical Strike chance inflicts enemies with fire oh yeah and it does deal damage oh this is this is nice let’s quickly build an arena all done and let’s talk to the old man to summon the boss here we go Jesus look all those Fireballs okay one hand down already that was super quick and that’s two just ahead now all done let’s go grab myself the Cobalt Shields and I’m also going to be farming the skeletons for their bones to craft the necro armor set and then turn that into the shadow flame armor set there it is oh what is that Superior Water thrower oh the water blast can go through water okay let’s test this bad boy Out 3 2 1 oh uh this doesn’t seem very good to be honest yeah let’s go back to my uh molten Maelstrom all right that’s enough bones let’s craft the necro armor oh I’m such an idiot it requires the myth Anvil so this armor set can only be obtained in hard mode oh my God I mean I didn’t waste my time I still do need it for later on matter of fact I’m going to use it right now cuz it does increase range damage oh and the set bonus gives 10% increased range Critical Strike chance so before I had 19 range damage and then 22 I’m all set to take on the wall flesh so let’s head down to Hell to summon the boss okay made it to the end of the world let’s toss in the voodoo doll to summon the wall of flesh 3 2 1 there we go hungries should be no problem let’s try to angle it so I can hit all three parts at the same time oh yeah burn it up 2,000 more Health left yep no problem all done let’s open up the treasure bag and see what I can get nothing useful at all except the pone hammer and demon heart let’s go back to the Crimson to break some Crimson altars to spawn in the hard mode ores so we’ve got Cobalt or Calum and titanium that’s enough Cobalt next up or Calcom that’s enough or Calcom and finally let’s go mine the titanium and that’s enough titanium firstly let’s upgrade the necro armor into the shadowflame armor oh yeah there doesn’t seem to be a set bonus though which is a bit of a downer and with the titanium bars let’s use it to craft the titanium yeah let’s use titanium to craft titanium and I realized I mind a bit too much there’s really nothing else I can craft using these bars so I might as well keep on Crafting the titanium to get a better modifier o there we go deadly one more time okay let’s test this weapon out 3 2 1 oh my goodness wait this flamethrower has such a long range of attack it literally reaches the ends of my screen let’s go up into the skies to kill some wyverns for their souls flight to craft myself a pair of wings oh my God that wyvern got shredded wait I just realized this weapon is going to be insane against the Destroyer oh my God okay oh another one what is going on okay that is plenty of Souls of Flight and that’s enough Souls of knights now I can craft demon wings I’m all set to take on the mechanical bosses now so let’s wait until night time okay it is 700 p.m. which officially marks night time the first mechanical boss I’ll be summoning is of course the Destroyer 3 2 1 go go go okay here we go oh my God wait my damage is insane oh I’m so glad the flamethrower can penetrate through the entire body okay let’s not get cocky though things could end up really badly really quickly okay that was so quick next up the twin Target this spasm first okay second pH that’s one down here we go second phase for the retin now and there we go twins have been defeated now before I take on Skeletron Prime I’ll be using the hollowed bars with The Souls of Sight to craft the brothers it has 84 range damage and if my guess is right then this flamethrower is going to shoot out the cursed Flames as well as the lasers Let’s test it out here we go last boss 3 2 1 oh my God yep exactly how I envisioned it the lasers are not accurate though they’re just like going everywhere okay one hands down two hands down and all done yeah for sure this is a lot stronger than the titanium too bad this weapon doesn’t inflict the cursed flame debuff though all right let’s craft the pickaxe Axe and then let’s head to the Jungle to try to find the plant bulb as well as as mine the chlorop FY ores to craft the venomous sprayer oh there’s the plant bulb let’s start making the arena right here then all right the arena has been made let’s break the plant bulb to summon the Boss 3 2 1 here we go just going to fly in circles for the first phase second phase is coming up pretty fast here we go shouldn’t be a problem though and just like that planta has been defeated this thing is actually really strong wow and the temple is right here so let’s enter it to take on Golem this is a decently sized Arena okay finish building the arena just a single layered platform is good enough let’s begin okay both fists are down head is down just the body now all done now the only thing that I’m really looking for inside this treasure bag is the eye of the Golem because once I have that I can craft the Temple’s rage let’s pray that I get it not this time but that’s okay got three more tries there we go I used up all of my power cells for that and now I can craft the Temple’s rage 104 range damage 3 2 1 okay that is Beefy all right let’s head back to the Jungle cuz I still need to craft the venomous sprayer I was a little sidetracked all right that’s enough chlori ore let’s buy the illegal gun parts and finally I can now craft the venomous sprayer 91 Range damage homes on to enemies and also inflicts enemies with poison oh that is pretty Let’s test it out on the AF cthulu so if I shoot up straight it should home in oh yeah there we go oh not bad now let’s craft another accessory this is called the oil can so I need 25 iron bars 12 solar tolet fragments and eight Souls of Knight it inflicts enemies with oil and fire and increases flamethrower damage by 12% and this accessory is going to replace my blazing flower honestly I feel like all flamethrowers should inflict the fire debuff let’s head back towards the dungeon now to take on the lunatic cultist here we are let’s begin so far so good let’s see if the venomous sprayer is any better less than 10,000 health and there we go lunatic culus has been defeated it’s now time to take down these Celestial pillars I’ll be going straight for the vortex pillar first cuz once I get some Vortex fragments I’ll be able to craft the plasma surge okay Vortex pillar has been destroyed give me those fragments it’s time to craft the plasma surge let’s reforge this first deadly that is so expensive to reforge 32 gold is it possible to get unreal on this I’m just going to go for it come on if I get dead again then I’m sticking with that oh God my gold okay there we go no more no more it now has 158 range damage 9% Critical Strike chance shoots through walls and periodically shoots lightning that will deal double damage here’s what it looks like okay blue flames nebula pillar has been destroyed two more to go there goes the Stardust pillar one more left before I destroy the last pillar I’m going to go down the dungeon and farm some bone leaves for their tabies and black belts then I’ll combine those with the climbing Claws and shoe spikes to craft the master ninja gear there’s the taby and there’s the black belt Master ninja gear has been made and I’m going to replace the shield of cthulu with it now let’s go destroy the last pillar all right there goes the last pillar let’s get ready for Moon Lord here we go middle ey first [Music] teleport looks like I’m dealing about 3,000 damage per second which is pretty good actually oh my God that was close one hands down forehead eyes down all right just the core now [Music] [Music] [Music] 10,000 more health and moon Lord has been defeated now having some luminite bars I’m going to combine it with the vortex fragments to make the infernal gaze o and we got Superior on it 205 range damage 10% Critical Strike chance shoots through walls and has massive spread 3 2 1 oh wait this is like buttery smooth oh my God this is like eye candy to me the video isn’t over just yet I’ll be getting my hands on the rest of the flamethrowers that I haven’t gotten so let’s start off with the shadow vaporizer in order to get this I’m going to have to summon the Goblin Army so let’s go farm some tattered cloths oh and here’s a meteor I didn’t realize that one fell already okay that’s enough tattered cloths and with the Goblin Battle standard I can now summon the army so to make the shadow vaporizer I’m going to need 38 crimtan bars and a shadowflame hex doll there it is first try here we go let’s see what this weapon looks like o that purple it’s not bad okay taking care of the Goblin Army on to my next flamethrower I did mine out the meteor from before so I can quickly make the Blazing meteor I just need 14 bars there we go all right whoa wait it’s green okay I was not expecting that and I don’t think this one has any special effects okay no I was wrong it does inflict the onfire debuff but that’s about it next up the necrotic Blaster I’m going to need 30 spooky wood and one Dark Shard so let’s start up the Pumpkin [Music] Moon all right I got plenty of spooky wood let’s go get the Dark Shard there it is all right let’s see oh that is evil a blackish purple flame is there any of effects with this no it just has a massive spread not going to lie this is a bit lackluster it looks cool though next in line is the shroom Blaster so I’m going to need to make the Onyx Blaster and craft 34 shite bars let’s purchase the shotgun and then I’m going to have to farm two more dark shards that’s one and that’s three okay Onyx Blaster made and now let’s make a suitable house for the Truffle to spawn all right it is all done now let’s just wait until the background changes to the underground mushroom biome all right it is finally done oh my God finally this truffle took forever to come but now that he’s finally here let’s buy the auto hammer and now I can convert my chlorop FY bars into shite bars there we go now I can craft the shroom Blaster so this flamethrower has 73 range damage but that’s because of its awful modifier and it summons a mushroom on hit Let’s test out on the Zombie 3 2 1 oh yeah I saw the mushroom over there and I think that mushroom does deal damage let’s test it against the I cthulu here we go H I mean it’s not bad but it’s not good either I personally don’t think it was worth the time used to craft this weapon next up is Betsy’s breath so let’s take on the Old One’s Army Here Comes Betsy almost done all right let’s see if the flamethrower is in this treasure bag oh yeah there it is surely there has to be something insane about this weapon Moment of Truth here we go 3 2 one oh okay the spread on this flamethrower is definitely way bigger than the infernal gaze it also inflicts enemies with fire but for a weapon like this that’s pretty much a given there are just two more flamethrowers to obtain and those two are The Inferno spitter and the lifel The Infernal spitter is dropped from the Wall of Flesh and the lifel is dropped by the Empress of light it’s not the right time to collect the Prismatic lace swing so I’ll be getting The Inferno spitter first Jesus this spread is big enough to just hit all three parts of the Wall of Flesh without me even having to angle myself properly there we go Got The Inferno spitter here’s what it looks like oh pure red flames and it shoots out lasers honestly if I were to have gotten this weapon when I first defeated the Wall of Flesh I definitely wouldn’t have farmed all those titanium to craft the titanium flamethrower oh and I just realized Betsy’s breath is able to pass through blocks oh there’s the Prismatic lace swing let’s go ahead and summon the Empress of light here we go 50% Health second face oh God I’m a little out of practice with this boss 5,000 more Health all right we’re good now will I get the flamethrower yes I will 110 range damage 177% Critical Strike chance using this weapon during daytime increases the damage by 20% and at night time it decreases by 20% that would make a lot of sense all right here we go let’s see what this things made have ooh it’s rainbow oh that is so nice this one can’t pass through blocks unfortunately and it doesn’t seem like it has any other special effects other than the damage increase it doesn’t burn or anything like that all right that’s going to be it guys thanks for watching if you’ve enjoyed the video don’t forget to leave a like comment down below if you have any other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll also leave all the mods I’ve used in the description below if you guys want to try this out for yourselves that’s it for me I’ll see you all next time peace

In this video I try beating Terraria using flamethrowers only but as many of you know there are only two flamethrowers in the game, the flamethrower and the elf melter however both of those can only be obtained in hardmode so I installed one of the craziest flamethrower mod that adds in a whole bunch for both pre-hardmode and hardmode. Not only that, there are also new armor and accessories so the question is, how good are these flamethrowers and will they be strong enough to take down the final boss Moon Lord? Stay tuned to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner

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