[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] n [Music] Boy chat hello how you all doing today make sure you guys like the stream before we start by the way it makes me feel good no I wasn’t late I was um well basically I guess kind of late obviously because we started a little late but making sure everybody was ready making sure people were setting up and I had to uh help my grandfather do some stuff so I got back around like I think 702 but we just got to make sure everybody was ready and set up and all that so yeah uh that was the moua theme from breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom yes because I love that and we will we will be starting off a Zelda series uh soon canot wait for that Co would definitely eat [Laughter] Play-Doh so how’s everyone doing today hope you all are doing fantastic um we got got some good things going on this week tomorrow well today we have stars above we’re going to be going to hard uh hard mode we’re going to be getting hard finally I can’t wait uh tomorrow we got Elden ring we are going to be doing the capital city finally after so many streams and then Sunday we have a new little stream thing that’s going to be going on where we’re going to be playing weathering waves if you don’t know what that is it’s basically little it’s anime elen ring with Pokemon Elements it’s [ __ ] sick I love it I cursed a little bit too early in the Stream YouTube please don’t hurt me but it’s amazing I love it but what uh Sunday we’re going to be playing that stream will start a little bit early around like 400 or 5: p.m not EST not 100% sure y still de sliding it but it’s going to start a little bit early compared to like this time right now and I’ll be joining viewers worlds playing with them you know Pokemon hunting with them clearing bosses with them basically just having a good time chilling relaxing doing some stuff maybe I’ll throw on some music if I can find a soundtrack that’s not going to demonetize the entire stream but it will be a fun ass time and I can’t wait getting destroyed and for the worthy Master swords above SWS Jesus Christ what Zoda and chill version of tal theme is great I’d have to listen to that you’re great hell yeah the days of the custom Terraria Maps one I have not I didn’t know there was custom terar map I know there was custom mod packs for um I can’t think of the name Minecraft I couldn’t think of Minecraft I know there’s that also how’s the game on you got make sure it didn’t break right you guys can hear that uh thorium is next on our list after SS above no we don’t give a [ __ ] about nameless DVD we don’t care about anything Calamity we are if you seen it last year we are completely done with Calamity we’re done with it especially with just how the mods treated us um the Discord mods what I’m talking about how they treated us uh the the mod kept breaking the community it no more we’re done since I’ve swapped the stars above legitimately I have been so happy playing Terraria again me and lusi both have been happy playing Terraria again we have we were miserable during to like the five idiots series and you can tell during towards the end we were done with it how many times we rushed the bosses or just try to finish up or whatever like we were just so out of it ever since we we stopped playing like saying we’re done with Calamity and just ignoring it we have been so much more happy it’s actually a good time and we [ __ ] love it uh how far are we we are going to be going uh we’re getting hard today we’re at the dungeon we’re getting hard dungeon uh do I think one more boss and then flesh wall TR Sky Block no I have not custom maps o that’s kind of nice oh so before mod was I think okay yeah but yeah the next Terraria run technically would be thorium and I do not know how that’s going to work that is a lot of people have to get through especially since um lusi doesn’t want to do a series again with more than three people people so if thorium has what it seven classes he obviously is not going to join thorium and I’m going have to find basically a group for seven people which you know getting seven people together for one day is not that easy not that easy pretty difficult yes yes I know viewers would join yes I know but the issue with viewers joining is you guys don’t know how content works that’s the issue we have tried doing stuff with viewers before it always ends bad I mean doing viewer type content works but making a series doesn’t work it’s really hard to explain it really doesn’t that’s why there’s like dedicated viewer days for like streamers and stuff and stuff like that they don’t like just throw you into the content you don’t know how the content works you don’t know like what we can say or what we can’t say you don’t know like the basics of it essentially you don’t know what happens if you run a joke on for too long you don’t know what happens if um how much of a risk you could be for other people’s channels and stuff like that it’s there’s a lot to be thrown into it and you also got to think about you got to deal with people [ __ ] talking you every day I still get cypo hate mail to this day and that was over a year ago the two idiots over a year ago so getting hate mail in my DMs on Discord still getting eight mail it’s crazy the multiplayer server games yeah that was fun I actually want to bring that back H more Jordan I remember playing it I tried it out but I didn’t get that far I tried a lot of mods out and didn’t get that far those were all off camera though but we we’ll see about the Arma it’s going to take a lot more planning for that that’s going to be a while once just like Calamity once we’re done with Terraria it’s going to be a long period break something in between like another Zelda thing going on or whatever we’ll see but let’s get the world loaded up for the boys since we had our nice little talk I think it’s time to start so I’ve chosen my name and it’s kind of funny because um I just opened up Ur dictionary and this is what I was met with my name today is Texas Chili Bowl this is probably the most V name I’ve picked yet this made me gag I was like uh this is bad and that is my name today oh God which one oh yeah this one there we go that’s our name let me go put the password in uh Relic the pass yes I have played and that is our next uh Zelda series is relics of the past that we’re going to be replaying it so we’ have done Master mode on T the kingdom I think it’s time to go back do some good old relics of the past there also there’s there is a video on the channel where I was bet like $500 to play a mod like an add-on to relics of the past by my buddy so yeah you can go you can go see me play a little bit with my old account basically which is pretty nice you can see like what I used to have and all that but we’ll be starting fresh it probably be on Master mode again so I have to deal with health regen and hire up enemies but it’ll be fun it’ll be a good time basically if viewers were uh were to join content series then people would think it’s okay to just ask to be in content then there’ll be an issue that they can’t always be trusted thank you hydro can we get some W’s in the chat for hydro that is literally like the perfect sum up right there the why we can’t just throw viewers like in the series I you got think if I let you join think about the thousands millions of people I have denied espe not like Millions but obviously you got to think about all the other people that I’ve basically denied it’s not fair to them and I don’t like that now if I’m doing a viewer stream then yeah sure I’ve had somebody donate me money begging to join it was during the two idiots or whatever begging to join and I had deny him Midstream in front of like 100 people and I my face was red because I felt so awkward about it that those are the situations that we have gten into he didn’t donate like $2 he donated like 30 and you know what’s funny that [ __ ] went directly to lusi donated the same exact message not changed once not change he just copy and pasted the same message same amount you know what lki said I’m with it so now he sits there and dick sucks Lui every day and luki doesn’t care Lucy’s like hey man money’s money I don’t give a [ __ ] and I respect it all right let me give them the password uh Terraria password oh this is perfect this is perfect all here we go here we go wait no I just changed password hold on hold on yeah I had so many donos of people just trying to ask to join I I can’t bro I literally can’t wish you would luck I have beaten relics the past on Master mode all DLCs I’ll do it again I will do it again I’m built different the simp is here polar bear what’s up oh no I’m typing the password perfect hey boys how you doing the password put oh no it seems it seems you’re not GNA win once again just give me a [ __ ] minute what happened don’t worry about it he is yet to put me I have a king he has a queen and a bishop and chess is a stupid [ __ ] game that’s why you want to know why cuz chess sucks I know you can’t figure it out you have two decent pieces to Checkmate I want to watch this he’s this is sad you’re sad you’re a sad little boy [ __ ] you wow dude come on at this is reminding me this is reminding me of the frecking uh that risk of ram where I had like two pieces and he just had like 80 and lost all of them there just two pieces what am I supposed to do here go forward put me in Checkmate idiot well no [ __ ] all right how do you play chess I don’t know how about you shck my B SP no yes yes God finally won [ __ ] [ __ ] get hit [ __ ] yeah why am I feeling why do I feeling he let you win he did not let me no this was 10 minutes if he let me Inn this is a sad little [ __ ] man right here this is uh it’s Terraria time I think he let you win from how he sound [ __ ] no don’t even pull that card don’t even pull that [ __ ] card sorry my [ __ ] you sport it’s Terraria time you got a problem with it you can meet me on the corner of suck my street in balls Avenue [ __ ] [ __ ] you my name is balls Avenue my name is ball I would like to join oh my all right let me put this goddamn [ __ ] stupid code in what’s wrong with the code I like a lot more I’m not going to lie to you I like it when you don’t talk oh my God the godamn flamingos oh well he left no we need him why’d you got to do that he’ll join back don’t worry yep there he is yep there he is I’m back hey welcome back hello do you enjoy chess do you have fun I think loved it I enjoy he yeah I think he lik what did I just read in the bottom what what is that name is that a bunny what what clunt baby you don’t know what clunt baby is I thought I thought you were going with the other name I’m no I’m saving that for the other one the baby is a lot it’s a lot better for this this thing all right well since you join first what you what team you want to be on all right blue it is uh what the [ __ ] took long you didn’t even give it took too long the Discord delay you bastard I’m petting the cat I can’t pet the cat what team you want to be on blue blue I’m looking at looking at my weapons that I can get out of this activity how do you make a m out here we need out of here what is that little I want what is that baby following you what is that kill it there’s a baby following is that that’s my that’s my pet let me get the shotgun out no run run Patricia Patricia all right I’ll be right back [Laughter] oh I remember this I remember this for years to come come I like come you have a problem you have a problem you are a problem I’m going to break your back oh please all right well since we were waiting for them Let’s uh we have two things that we can do real quick it’s literally just going somewhere so uh teleport to the ocean your woman should talk to you I don’t want to tellep for the [ __ ] ocean talk to your woman she love you what do you want woman I’ll wear the starer tire here over wait a minute she’s changing clothes I promise I won’t watch the next one’s in hell I’ll see you in hell oh oh yeah I can buy right here [Music] Ohi yippee ly buddy yeah hey man come see the new house bud I’m back for my Tre why is there a booty hole don’t worry about that come see the new house don’t worry about the giant astral booty hole right here yeah don’t worry about that don’t worry about that I’m not worry about it I’m not going to worry about it come to our new house bud what the is that a pizza sign that’s a pizza sign yeah that’s actually really fire I’m not going to lie you live over here bad on the pizza sign hold on bro is this a [ __ ] y’s cast reference what is going on here all right where is my room at though yeah you live it’s split between it’s yeah see purple blue split between us oh oh wait oh yeah that’s right I’m cuz I’m a purple guy yeah and this is your chest our Our Guest are that took your spot last stre he you test oh this one right here does have all the good stuff I need in it look at all this [ __ ] yep Pika cooked a little bit for you don’t worry I’m G pet the kitty I can’t pet the kitty why is it not let me pet oh there we go pet the kitty I got rich while you were going I have to watch V my interet so slow like extremely rich oh he’s St oh hold on let me do the math on this I’m going to have to add this up in a calculator to see how much [ __ ] white Australia my fault gentlemen all right had some hype answerer real quick I wasn’t able to hear if you said something after um the chest he he didn’t you’re good I have okay I have 22,000 PL I I didn’t want to hear anything oh yeah I want to hear anything anyway yeah you how much PL 42,000 42,000 no 22 I can make a 42 yeah 22,000 wait only 22,000 okay so I think we do need to fight this boss skin so he can get his ultimate what B what yes wait me yeah go LU on your own I’m not home look BR look BR all right look BR look BR okay I missed the wait hold on running away on um um stargazing Hood wait a minute let me put my away lki you better hurry up it’s attacking us oh no lki hurry up what the [ __ ] we’re going to die the [ __ ] is happening don’t worry about it I also join blue team should probably do that meteor shower boys hey boys Lucy’s over here guys oh this is a problem Oh this is a problem this is a problem what I have [ __ ] extends I can see don’t wor I got a rocket launcher I got a rocket launcher go to the arena go to the arena go rocket launcher Lord Lord I’m out of here Arena no rocket jumping I’m rocket jumping everybody make sure you join oh no oh God not this attack not this attack what the [ __ ] is happening don’t worry about why am I left in this area just don’t die there go there go swing [ __ ] you [ __ ] nope another attacki he watch out for that Dash ATT that one might hurt my hurt just let you know no no please I don’t want to be in here ow she’s shooting again she oh oh we’re good oh Jesus oh no relativity excuse me B well not good not good not good not good not good not good uhoh guys hey you’re on your own guys D I got my ultimate I’ll cast it nice thanks you got that see you’re fine oh okay maybe not maybe not Oh no you’re fine you know I forgot I could heal I forgot to press h yeah you can do that by the way hey did you guys know you can heal what is happening over here no want death death I don’t want to be in here okay why do I spawn in here I want to nope there you go yeah you bro he did a superhero Landing hold on oh yipp I we did it we did it woman hooray Nam we did it actually [Music] talk hey wait we should get oh yeah Dem knife chain hold on bro why don’t why I got the why I got the that big meaty thing on me now too why why I got Drake snake on me look at this thing not the meat rocket why why the meat rocket is crazy why I got Drake snake on me what’s Happening Here What’s Happening Here what’s happening here all right I D bro all right so the you got to join Blue Team by the way I can’t ly give me a minute he’s playing Millie Bobby Brown simulator Millie Bobby Brown Sim is crazy absolutely crazy all right that man Drake confessed the pre-ordering coou Bro e pre-ordering is disgusting all right no that shit’s crazy n same day shipping on [ __ ] same day shipping Jesus Christ I don’t want to be here anymore I’m [ __ ] understand oh my God I got all kinds of [ __ ] here you’re going to have a lot join blue team please oh no um um is that a bunny a lot of [ __ ] here what did I just pick up so that little tentacle thing you got hold it in your hand wait wait is that the one that teleports you around that’s for bro I just got Drake snake on me bro look at this thing oh wait okay here see the you see the butterflies over there right click them with that weapon butterfly o butterfly see if it works is that the right one shotgun deployed wait this butterfly right here no the snake one the snake yeah yep oh well you missed the execute but yeah that’s what it does you can execute with it what the [ __ ] was that you can execute with it try it on the bunny try it on the bunny wait Mr Bunny I’m sorry why isos did you place I can’t press the button it’s on a cool down CU you cool down if you missx the ex it’s on the cool down top left like a minute is it really a minute top left yeah it’s a minute suspicious eye ambitious oh ash oh it’s 30 seconds now yep yep it’s long cool down what the [ __ ] what did I just do it goes where your uh cursor is oops oh poor bunny Sor butterfly there was [Laughter] butterflies Sor right there’s another bunny right here all right let me see let me see what’s going on here all right Mr Bunny look all right I know you just chilling and vibing but I want to let you know your sacrifi did it work it did did it play the music yeah what the [ __ ] yeah you get the execute stuff if it’s low health and it works on bosses too does how much damage does that [ __ ] do Jesus [ __ ] more you execute the more damage it does so basically Goblin Army is get eviscerated Yeah so basically Goblin Army is just death it’s just [ __ ] mashing right click pretty much essentially yeah that’s if you can land it cuz if they walk out of it it doesn’t land okay so question do you have cloth in here now I got a question though sick what the [ __ ] am I using I got what is nano maacho reactor that’s all the stuff that he has crafted and we also do have the document that we get to read that name has worked hard on for us document me I pinned it I pinned it in the chat yeah on we’ll check it out in a second let me uh we have gel in here probably not abilities on cool down you need some gel I got 100 I don’t know what the [ __ ] that does just trying to CFT something there you go trying to CFT something try to CFT something trying to craft something why can’t C why can’t I craft this bad what do you mean what do you mean I need a grenade hello hello buy a grenade taking it out of your storage it’s most likely in here it is in here no my my grenad they’re most likely mine no they’re just saw them where are they there they are oh my I need this and I need I’m just being robbed right now what do you mean yep build it Yep this tax emeralds take that too favorite color blue are those are Blades of chaos blad S I don’t think I don’t think they are something just passed away up there something got hit by a star I I’ve crafted it what does this do godun that shoots faster when I hold down left click dear God oh my God holy [ __ ] this gets so fast what the [ __ ] are you shooting I don’t know a gun is that a gun it is a gun can you I can’t like bro that shit’s jiggling in your hands bro yeah I’m going put it in your ass real here put it in your ass now Lord wait don’t put in my booty hold on on I’m not consenting I’m not consenting even better even better hold on hold on hold on now you really are hold on [ __ ] hold on hey B at chest I need the whip get over here what come here oh I got you don’t worry I’ll take care of that he you’re welcome see I took care of it for you no hey come back we put it in the hole I got to practice put it in the hole he actually pulled out the whip I hear it over there dude got that whip fast as hell Jesus Christ wait a minute what what’s going on over here guys I don’t like what’s going on right now I’m not comfortable with what’s happening on the screen I’m not going to lie I’m not really comfortable what’s going on right now don’t whip me what the [ __ ] what is this about um equality he’s getting confused and whipping everybody even more quality yeah they told me I wasn’t allowed to whip someone so now I just whip everyone coity all right um so do you have any Essences lusi I don’t know what he has gave you I didn’t really check I don’t know what the [ __ ] I have to be quite honest with you all right I I don’t know all I know is the pizza is is looking fire I’m not going to lie I’m definitely going to steal this this going end up in my room at some point I’m I’m going to be completely honest we can get that pretty easily I I may have captured a 78 traveling Merchants just let you know what what if we need pizza statues and all that you know pizza statues yeah what we the Ninja Turtles I can put your turtle in me what does this do that doesn’t even make sense why am I hard right now whoa okay this one kind of cool damn damn hey y bam bam damn damn just how is this a summon weapon right click to summon powerful tornadoes ow let me guess I need minion slots to the stone IR give it to me I have those things oh I can easily just wait I can just do this just buy a uh suon potion okay I don’t know how this works anymore oh I probably I probably filled the bar up on the bottom that’s probably what I do all right you all good you figure out what you need over there do you need him to help you I I got the stuff that I best stuff on I don’t know if I’m supposed to craft anything or not you got the if there was something like I have to talk to Wu let’s take a look at the my W uh you should my forever on you should yeah you should you should get an ultimate I ain’t seen her forever an ulti yeah we get ultimates that’s why we did that b we ulti at you gotta talk to the woman this Stellar Nova menu is this the Limitless star blade oh you’re getting some Essences also why are you two still playing chess we’re not still playing it says you guys he just hasn’t left the experience my original ganger he’s still in the activity how I get all right well here I’ll show you uh open up your woman menu my woman is open all right the second one the Stellar Nova menu the one the second icon press that does that open up for you yes how many ultimates do you have they’re on the right so protecta Master okay I have one only one protecta master what check that two okay check that three okay now which one do you want I want this one uh because it gives me a big sword from what I’ve seen okay who has the unlimited blade works is that one of you guys I do okay I got unlimited blade works why do I have a bar under my head when you’re holding a weapon when you’re holding a weapon sometimes there’s a bar that means like when you fill it up a special ability happens what the [ __ ] why do I throw my sword down what the [ __ ] right click it you can change it shotgun deployed blade deployed yeah you can change between three mod on it deploy huh yeah you can change between three modes do they all do melee damage uh if you aspect to it remember you remember how to do that aspect it they all do melee how do I do that again uh open up your menu again the top one the right and then on the bottom press melee also you should have new perks cuz we cleared a lot of bosses I don’t know if it works you might we might have to defeat them for you wait didn’t me clear this where am I oh wait oh what happened to my boss log why are they all question marks wait how do I select an ulti I don’t yet why are they all what what happened why are they what’ you do what are you looking at sport the boss log oh progression mode isn’t able it’s in the uh top right of the boss log you got to disable it how do I which ah there you go well I think you found I think you figured it out I found it all right let’s see here so luski basically just needs to see this boss yeah I’m took I’m talking to a hooded figure right now yep that’s where you get your ultimates and stuff did you say just say sister and go ahead read that real quick and then we’ll we’ll start and all that let him catch up hi oh free money oh wait we can buy these I forgot uhhuh I just bought them what we can buy Life Crystals now the new ability for getting Max Health yay what’s Max health and you can get the slice of cake oh 50% wait 15% of damage taken is restored as health over time huh wait a minute forget about the St your cake wait a minute kind of want that you don’t want the cake what [ __ ] what cake wait a minute cake right here on the ground yeah you can eat the cake that title is crazy hey man it’s the best right table sharpening stone bass statue ammo box sh all the fun thing we’ll get rid of that and we’ll put this on yeah all right I’m now even harder did you buy your life crystals good yes all right good I’m now going going to upgrade our Arena a little bit there you go I got the statues the bass statues yep and The Other Place full sharpening stone ammo box bewitching table okay I’ll just trash these and then I got these lanterns oh nice Boop pop we place these real quick I bought too many but that’s fine that’s all right same for later yeah we just letting lki catch up on his women talking so he missed out a lot in his life yeah he took it for me I’ll put the cake in the arena remember we’re doing nothing but stars above weapon so make sure you’re using stars above weapon R only don’t forget about that a wooden sword all right that’s copper short sword copper short sword now I got the and the this weapon might actually be for good for you Sportz you’re a Summoner right dragalia found is the dragon Essence Grant two defense for every minion slot this would actually be really good for you pretty cheap I’ll make it real quick yeah I have it but I actually think it might be useless for me so I’m have to put it away how how many how many bosses did you guys beat last time okay so I’ll tell you we killed so we killed that boss the very SpaceTime the ultimate BR cthulu Goblin Army Queen be Skeletron and then another uh boss that I we’re about to show you okay yeah I just keep getting more and more [ __ ] the more I left click that’s good actually G the progress that’s good that’s good all right not much to say right now okay well a minute I don’t know I got a lot of shitty whoa lot of Ence he probably did craft some of them for you so you might want to put on recipe browser and see just look I’m going just do this he’s throwing it in the storage oh no yeah I have my potions ready and [ __ ] bro I actually have some good stuff I need can I buy this band of star power oh I can I can buy it now where’s the droller is it this guy are you the droller yes give me that yeah Old One’s Army will be skipped for a little bit but everyone that’s Jo in the chat hello hello hope you all are having a good time uh how are you guys do B regeneration baby I any cuffs okay I think I’m good to go now you got everything set up yeah you need accessories or the P give you that too no I’m all right I think I got everything good oh wait we can buy the anle to the wind now look oh wait we get up yeah that’s what I’m doing right now cuz I trying to upgrade my stuff wait can I choose the all right unlimited we will take a look at the do hold on we’re doing [ __ ] wait how do I use my ulti so do you see the bar on the top right by your health yes so that builds up in combat essentially and then you might need to put the keybind for Stellar NOA you might need to go put a keybind for it I’m not Stellar Nova Stellar Nova it’s in controls all the way down okay settings controls Stellar Nova we’re going to put that as that hopefully that didn’t [ __ ] anything up what’d you put it as okay as my mouse button yep so basically now when you when your ultimate’s build it’ll pop up above your head and you hear a sound like steler Nova and you press that and it will cast the ultimate now and it basically just builds up by doing damage or like little when you’re in combat like little yellow crystals will drop down you pick those up and that builds up your ultimate all right all right now let’s show you this uh we’re going to show you one of these bosses that you miss cuz it’s actually it’s a stars above boss looks pretty cool bosses yeah uh oh I just upgraded my I just realized how fast I am with Spectra boots holy [ __ ] I upgraded to the frost bark boots dear God I need to do oh love we brought back Arena lki your favorite your favorite Arena oh wait hold on did you guys just Goblin Army down here maybe ah the good old days the good old days have just yipp yipp and everything dies awful horrendous deaths all right you ready here’s the boss you missed Bud does that be night time it has to be night time how do you go to sleep real quick everybody come bed come in the bed yeah um everybody come in the bed so what’s up with the flamingos is the question oh uh don’t worry about this yeah don’t worry about them don’t don’t worry about them did you buying the weapon action key the gun you use which one I’m just not going to oh what did I drink I drank something oh oh I can see which gone [ __ ] you everybody sleep the [ __ ] are we doing I’m trying to night oh [ __ ] my bad my fault [Music] my what the [ __ ] what just blew up don’t worry about it I’m worrying about it we all can’t sleep in the same bed only you sleeping with me you better be sleeping with me I am I’m sleeping with you we’re sleeping over here all I’m making sure MH we’re sleep good good good good because we don’t have the sunnd doll yeah I can’t just make it night soon when the vid’s coming out when I work on it Tak time I’m the only one all this yeah when everyone’s asleep time goes faster is it one of those things like if I look at the clock it’ll go slower because um it says one for me no it’s two somebody not sleeping are we all sleeping we’re all sleeping yeah I’m sleeping okay it is speeding up it is I see speeding up yeah is it it is MHM here watch watch the clouds ready I’m going wake up see how they stop now I’m going sit back down they’re still moving from oh oh yeah they’re moving a lot faster okay okay so I take it the longer we sleep the faster they go good Lord yeah clouds are [ __ ] zooming now Jesus God damn oh yeah lki you can buy the uh Life Crystals now so you can um no longer be uh oh yeah under 240 Health where do I buy those at uh when it turns seven we’ll go I’ll show you all right all right because night time’s officially at like 7:30 but we can’t see that because we’re old we can’t see time can’t see time nope can’t see time our eyes to see I don’t know how time work time now work all right come on come on Lucy come over here all right where the [ __ ] we going this guy right here go to shop and buy your life crystals all right this dude all right [Music] codes I got present for you I’ll be over here here you go codes wait a minute hope you like my present wait [ __ ] it doesn’t go over 400 a how much did you buy I may have boughten too many um put them away for now all we can use some to craft what I’m saying where the um whatever they’re called heart Lantern Life Crystals m [Music] all right come over here lki all right buddy I’m gonna go I’m gonna fight the boss over here here you go lki here’s your so you drank this and it summons the boss the mying drought so if I just drink this potion oh it just sucks Us in yeah I forgot about this what the oh yeah yeah be careful what is huh watch out oh the dude’s right there watch the bar on the bottom it tells you the next attack essentially ring huh what is this water Mo move left move left or right it tells you you got to so basically this boss fight you have to follow his commands or you’re dead [ __ ] Simon says what the [ __ ] does AIC oh Paradigm uh chemical Anarchy that’s a fire [ __ ] band name uh Paradigm of chaos let’s celebrate what is any of these [ __ ] mean means don’t die numb nuts well GE thanks you’re welcome man you’re a dick how the [ __ ] am I supposed to know what ring Masters will means stop moving oh [ __ ] what it tells you move left I gotta move right oh [ __ ] my health oh above your actual [ __ ] head it actually set it tells you yep oh dear God [ __ ] Christ I just got back oh wait it’s sucking me hey welcome back bud wait so I’m a dragon watch out to blow BL BL [ __ ] this game keep swinging on this [ __ ] swaging basically while following the commands move right move right I don’t see that on my Stellar NOA oh dear God he watch out for that what just just sitting here opening far ow the balls oo oh I forgot to listen to the command you should listen to the commands yeah it’s boss fight’s basically just listen to command and then just watch that yeah I think I’m learning yeah there you go just yeah watch up for those see it’s not telling me the directions though like got go you got to separate so it pops up above your head I don’t I don’t see anything about my head is the pro what the [ __ ] hey fellas I have oh my health I have arrived oh yeah it’s not tell me anything above my head I just see everybody else’s above their head it’s it’s a little weird you have to walk away from one another it’s a little weird that’s it take my sword oh move right ow [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh dear God somebody’s Al just went off who was that that was mine there we go we all back yeah we all back it’s a pretty it’s a pretty easy boss way it’s just listening to commands without dying H like that like that the Texas bold chili has died that’s okay come on baby we Prosper dude come on baby stop moving oh okay ly move right just get was left confused I’m so confused I saw you said right wait a minute I don’t know what all right he’s about to be done he’s about to be done he’s about to be done yeah bro this boss fight is so weird [ __ ] thank you there you go yeah good job Lucy you did it [ __ ] I don’t know what you did but there’s a grave Road over there now [ __ ] this game oh I got new painting all all our houses are full you know what I get present to you guys you’re welcome attack from above oh I can’t wait to do the dungeon we we the Battle Cry chat time time 10 times spawn rate question mark hey luski how’s your how was your fight man I don’t even know if it went [Laughter] good oh um so wait if I drink that again will it spawn the yes it will in the middle of house put that away we’re we’re GNA yeah we’re going to put that away I don’t want I don’t want to deal with that it’s hly [Music] why he cut out to the ho you know and the ones that you [ __ ] left h Huh what you [ __ ] me in left I don’t know how I feel about that I did wait until I [ __ ] you right please I’ve been waiting wait until I’m not the only one that finishes no does stellar reant do anything besides make little gremlins oh just oh [ __ ] Ence essence of the ocean a new one no that’s not a new one just kidding oh damn that was kind of hot oh oh we need more of these okay all right well I’m all good for our next objective we got so what is our goal now so the goal we got to do today all right what do we got on on the on the agenda on the boss log so we’re hold on can you can why do you assassinate that guy when you right click this man over here to the left with your little assassin [ __ ] this he’s gone there’s a bunny over there if you want to do it to him oh what damn all right so as I was saying in the boss law you can already see we we got deerclops okay we have the twin forces and then we have W flesh and we’re we’re hard we have acheve hard uh it’s a deer with one eye okay is that a vanilla op yes that’s a vanilla yeah is also vanilla the twin forces is stars above we also need to explore hell hold on yeah what’s up what happened I might have [ __ ] up my um I don’t see the monster names the boss log what oh he has the the boss logs weird for him too oh progression mode yeah I don’t know how’ you fig we fix that in the top right of the little book there’s TS at the top one of them should be red and if you click on that it turns off okay now I see them now I see them so we got deer clops you said yep yep and then the twin forces and then well they look cool as [ __ ] actually and also while uh you know because you miss some stuff we have pylons go teleport to the snow pylon your favorite man’s over here who in the snow bro who in that oh it’s guy work but he can no longer rob you because we have thousands of dollars yeah we have more money than he could take I got meding I’m so happy I’m pretty sure I have 50,000 Platinum now dude [Music] what what man Jesus hey y’all y’all can [ __ ] on me man it’s just drop chipping there’s nothing wrong with it shit’s legal damn you got you got it there Arcane flour wait what the hell is all this I can do magnetic flow there’s some cool things I can do all right well I got everything set up for me I’m all good I’m ready for the next objective Terrace spk boots is already made also Lucy you can upgrade all your your your boots and stuff but we need to check the document first okay dear God I just saw all the platinum in the chat everybody open up the document please oh I think Lucy’s going to like this document just from what I’ve opened up and so what do we need before we fight deerclops uh we need to do uh a special thing first before deer clops and also read the document your document yeah your favorite things in the document all right where is where’s it at in general CH Fu dare don’t you [ __ ] dare all right yeah I pinned it in general chat for you all right well look at what we’re back to here who’s reading it I think the person that knows how to say the uh the big word up there can read it please don’t do it ladies and gentlemen anything I’m I’m begging anything but that the stars above with four idiots did you say it official document by nameless Cloud gazer sup guys it’s been a while welcome to the simpler times that is the stars above document unlike the Calamity ill we don’t mention Calamity run here all right first of all yeah wait we don’t get that out of here look delete it have access to this delete it can we just have the can we can we I’m requesting access can we just put the c word the c word I don’t want I don’t want to mention Calamity ever again also re access part I don’t think the first page has changed at all except okay yeah the first P yeah wait the except for the the first first page is unchanged could we just not mention I don’t want I can we just put the C we could put that bold and underlined the blank the SE document the SE all right all right let me get back to it though the stars above for official document by name sup guys it’s been a while I read this whole thing it’s the same down it’s the same yeah same thing oh I see it’s split up it’s split up for you guys so you get L ski sport beating meat together codes alleged T what do you mean alleged tax fraud elaborate what do you mean alleged it’s real no no no no there’s nothing nothing fraud about it there nothing froy about it’s all froy about it wait what is this oh the weapon scales with balls is defeated oh we should make this I need I need every uh every the’ in this document I need bold and underlined please yeah every the we need B it’s the my apologies he says it perfect every time same tone and everything I don’t want to do this anymore no you’re ly and Sport beating meat together you guys are beating meat together where am I turn how did it turn evil I don’t know backward so I mean you’re the one that’s beating me wild connection I was not expecting hold on um follow vanilla for now weapons post vagrant oh I know um yeah okay yeah summon reach hell after Skeletron oh after Skeletron see we need to Fe we before we get the morning St we need to beat deerclops anyway y all right so we need to go fight deerclops all problem with that we don’t have the materials to craft the Summoner we need to go to the snow biome and start looting around loot Montage woo yeah also come over here and get your what ly come back come we’re back here where where he go back to the house your charm your charm your charm the potion charm charm potion charm I got my charm on me always you got the potion charm what you doing buddy charm this dude say get charm have fun down there do I not okay I’m go charm do you have the Alchemist charm already the what the what Alchemist charm Alchemist I don’t have is it in there I don’t have my Alchemist charm this guy should give you it if you press get charm when you talk to him I get sh yeah now put it in here and you can upgrade it it’s this the charm that lets you drink potions through your piggy bank okay now type in charm charm um tier one wait oh beess the blue one yeah the blue one blue one there we go there we go charm tier two yeah now now take that and then favor that and boom now you can you can drink potions anywhere buddy yeah of that I’m Buy bu some potions real quick not again sunshine potions I’m buying all of these yep all right bought 45 these are never leaving my inventory they’re staying here forever forever whatever favorite them Yep they’re favored they’re staying there forever what’s happening over there is that a travel Merchant just keep digging oh damn hey uh luy before we uh continue on I do I got I got something for you buddy here you go man you can have that wait here you go Luc you forgot your outfit here you go man wait a I gave you an outfit and why aren’t you in [Music] uniform bro what is up with all these but butterflies get off my lawn hold on with the Cape is all right oh we’re rocking it we’re rocking I’m with it before before we leave come up here so you can uh all right good [ __ ] Lord good [ __ ] Lord we we moving though we moving all right how many [ __ ] feet do we got snow biome not really wait we going straight to the snow all right yeah we I’m looking for it we need all I I’ll get some of the boss stuff cuz we need um some things to be able to summon it and all that like battle potions and [ __ ] cuz we need the equipment so I’ll buy that real quick and then can we whitel list ice please I’m pretty sure I have it let me find out um oh dear God um so hey the snow biome who needs the snow biome I got us there we go uh uhoh he’s doing snow too this is a goddamn Masterpiece oh hey man nice I SP someone that was audio what happened what happened why did he leave what happened he left what happened happened what’ you do what did you do don’t come up here I’ll fix it oh I’ll fix it I swear failure what the [ __ ] happened over here no outfit I could what did you [Music] do what was he building hold on wait I’ll fix it I swear uh this and then he he like alt fored everything I fixed it here we go all right where was that cave you C lately that’s been weing on my I actually don’t know where that uh Cave is wait wait where where was that cave I spent five minutes on did you crash what were you building I I built a snow [ __ ] and we ve mined it oh let’s just let’s just say he he really excavated that vein if you know what I’m saying I like that vein that take fall damage oh sick I don’t I found the cave I did not find the cave here here here keep keep I fixed it it’s fine fixed did you like start digging down somewhere yeah yeah I went under the water and then up and I just started digging straight down water yep I I legit made the cave I’m leaking the P because we don’t have one way under under the oh it’s safe Lucy you can drop down lki wait hold on oh oh you okay you go what have I done down here uh yeah I don’t know go I’ve leaked the password that’s it excuse me pardon me excuse me pardon me y you’re in my way appreciate it excuse me hey what’s up [ __ ] you what I do to you you know exactly what you did you goddamn piece of [ __ ] are you building another [ __ ] IC what the [ __ ] don’t worry about it hey what’s up down don’t worry about writing a wrong don’t wor boys good down here yeah a little little bit little bit uh don’t mind this all right there we go what why notop me I swear what why can I not vein mine this what snowflakes down the host over here kill this thing kill this thing up here right up there oh no that thing kill it kill that thing skill it we need spur I got it kill this one I got it I got it I see it I see it I killed it got old shaking CH oh there’s a slime there’s a slime somebody open the chest okay wait can we not oh we need the gold key this poor man we can’t free this chest it’s one of the pet slimes he’s stuck at that chest forever yeah he’ll be fine he’ll be fine I I’ll make him a hole to your buddy guys I found the snow biome oh you found the snow biome that’s sick man hey what’s up after you created yeah PK I got a question for you oh what’s up you feel lucky punk what about what why is this not working what are you trying to do don’t worry about it are you trying to summon a boss cuz it might have to be night time bro who the [ __ ] is Excavating the Earth itself Jesus [ __ ] Christ my ears someone come here ears someone come here I found a thing oh sick how am I the one that dies how am I the only one that dies I just got there my bad he literally dude at this point just don’t teleport to me every time you teleport to me only you pass away every teleported to me did he I no he teleported to me I teleported you he teleported to me and then he just blew up oh okay I’m being shot time for counter attack uhoh I was scared what the [ __ ] was that my ultimate I was scared you your white up here scar I’m scared oh dear God Jesus Christ I can’t see anything I can see everything the [ __ ] was that that was his ultimate he got scared I’m scared when the [ __ ] was my ultimate Kill [ __ ] my God oh my God he’s Excavating the Earth again I’m scared I’m scared why what is this gone to I’m scared this Terraria still no it’s my quest I can’t hear anything just keep Excavating he digging we took he digging too what are we what are we even looking for is the we’re looking for we’re looking for a little white [ __ ] and we’re got kill it and we need a fur no don’t kill me that’s not sport we need flinks F we need to look for flines we’re looking for a little white [ __ ] yeah he has fur that’s not sport doesn’t look have fur you do have fur I don’t you look like you have fur what down here not down here oh there is one down here make more make more room hold on I’m being shot girl oh God I’m in the water everybody here take this drink that and then uh drink this here lki drink this got drink that H your potion or press B Press B B for B for [ __ ] b for [ __ ] who didn’t get H 100 potion I Dr I a get one here you go drink that drink that this little thing to the left you see you see you see how it’s highlight and red that little thing to the left the little white [ __ ] yeah ready get him man get him attack attack oh my god dude there’s another one get get him get rid of his home get rid of his home no home for him oh is he dead oh is that a mimic is that a wait oh no it’s the chest we yeah it’s a slime oh I’m scared I am not about to stop no I scared am I stuck are you stuck I can free you please don’t [ __ ] please don’t all right how much fur do we have anybody have PL fur uh I have four okay we we have enough we can go home we can make the the summon finally after we’ve decimated the snow biome we hey we need there is just a hole there now bro all right let me look at the map real quick machine going off brud it sound like there was just machine guns going off down there bro machine guns I’m scared of those oh no I can’t see where the crafting is my God where am I love how you casted the ultimate and you missed the [ __ ] zombie at the door I was aing at lki oh You Want Your Flank spur yes please so I can make the try to gra put that in here codes CES what what how do I talk to my how do I talk to my wife left click the disc or right click the menu you picked up the flank sty put it in the storage please do you want to fight de clops or not no I don’t actually I’d rather be laying down right now oh well too bad if you want to lay down then you got to complete the things [Music] first you all right all right I’m no longer angry that hurt my throat though it just drowned for a second I dude man who the fu got a bucket of water beside your desk you just water board yourself whenever you’re angry wait that wasn’t smart H [ __ ] what are you wearing where’ my Ice stick go lki H what what are you wearing where my what’s wrong with the fit um what wasn’t me hey wait a minute wait a minute it wasn’t me I swear what I just fixed this oh what the [ __ ] I I got the credits on my screen I just why do you have the credits what happened fix what what happened just I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about you know exactly what I’m talking about oh oh never mind I don’t know what we’re talking about I’m playing dear clop de clops where is dear clops dear get him open fire oh dear God quite literally he’s a dear God no no no dear CLS not your he has hands yeah yeah he had hand he’ll throw my got hand he throwing hands open why wait a minute I’m trapped in a corner this ain’t good that’s very not good uhoh ow how do I throw them MPS chat where the [ __ ] did y go still biome hey remember this guy woman please shut up I don’t want to speak to you yet this not good this not good oh I should probably buff up that’ll be smart I need the song of my people play the flute [Music] I’m about to die I’m about to die no you’re not you’re not you’re not you’re not say prep this is like a prep but it’s not casus oh I need to have them in my inventory oh what the [ __ ] I almost got my ultimate hey be careful with the NPCs he might die if you go in there like [Music] that is that how you cast your ultimate yeah that’s my that’s my battlecry is absolute gibberish I’m on Battle Cry sorry no Bon be all right there’s an Abomination anyway true oh the hands are touching me I don’t know how I feel about that Ah that’s it feel like church all over again no I’m pull out the rocket launcher I’m about to die I can’t heal ni door the Rockets hitting you ow [ __ ] you okay over there lki you’re taking fall damage I see oh I’m about oh dear God oh dear God W I’m scared oh dear God where am I oh that might kill him that might kill him yeah where am I I don’t know where I am but I killed it there we go slow oh I got your here’s your summon man um I’m dead oh the world’s still shaking for me though um wait don’t yeah don’t block it up yet he died you need to grab his stuff oh I got the I got the shadow hat how do I get your stuff yay yippee good job C you surviv I’m starting to get cold what the [ __ ] [ __ ] I got Lucy the axe I want Lu your woman should also talk to you take the no I want the axe Lucy mine Lucy minec weapon she mine summon it again I want the axe what oh summon it again you get a new whip you can keep the axe I have something better well I kind of want to craft this too damn need chains I think we we all can craft this actually do we not have iron in here oh yeah it’s all inside their chest I forgot yeah hey thanks for the chain appreciate it wasn’t yours it was mine oh where am I it’s mine it’s in my chest the Morning Star sir I don’t want to trap you here but you’re leaving me no choice goodbye cessi farewell what the [ __ ] are you is this a fluke well guys we did it we did deerclops now we got other things to do no we don’t we did it we’re done no we’re not hard so now we got I’m I for real that’s my secret Cap all right I’m always hard okay just going to let you know that owl but look I got a mini deer CLS is that past tense of an now it was press the weapon action key CU seem up I don’t have engine slots it’s useless for me I not claim [ __ ] oh so I can shoot grenades out of my gun let me go buy 900 grenades what what wait a minute all right perfect I got my grenades all oh my God I have a whip oh that’s amazing damn damn did they hurt me yes I think they hurt me but your animals will make them fight harder wait so did we all get the whip I got a whip all right I don’t know where that [ __ ] went but I that [ __ ] said I got a whip at least why why did sport leave what happened to sport it’s I don’t know I didn’t got the whip to talk to get him back oh I think we lost for all right Sport come home oh so he uses okay I see how this works now that’s kind of yeah I can blow things up I forgot how to Crafton you press F yeah and then I put the essence in there yeah and then you put it in the green and then you put go in the blue and you can craft you got to make sure the items are in there is that Lucy perfect chopping weather does this hurt oh look it’s back does this hurt my friends hello yeah but like even after I did that I mean I still can’t I don’t know where the [ __ ] my whip went [ __ ] that whip anyway SP oh hey there it is hello that explains why I didn’t get any essences game just had a stroke oh oh do guess what my game broke and I didn’t get any Essences yeah you’ll be fine I can’t [ __ ] fighter with the egg moment welcome to the FL buddy dialog appreciate you can we get some W’s in the chat and some eggs in the chat even after going through the deer CL dialog again yep idle dialogue it’s an essence you should get I got a shattered disc I think I got an Essence yeah I got the essence I just can’t Morning Star dial oh oh yeah the essence of empirism yeah there you go nope I did not get it okay what does that give me all well I’ll meet get you the whip I’ll meet you guys the next objective which is the uh the Morning Star yeah that’s what I can’t see the Morning Star dude morning all right do you have something on on accident oh wait I can craft these I don’t think so I can’t make no whip you know you probably have you probably have a filter on a filter will make it not show up buddy vampirism oh you know the issue we don’t have tungsten or silver or chains that’s why we’re out of tkin no matter what we’re out of T completely we’re out of tunkin completely so w oh yeah the [ __ ] man me what the [ __ ] did I do bro ate all of our ton skin there we go there we go I I made it I fix you all what I want a Morning Star I crafted one you can have it you want it yay I don’t need you father I got it thank you though for the offer yippe yippe I made teror spk boots nice I’m going to go scamble all my money away where is he gambling YP yep nope nope nope nope menacing Please Mr Goblin tanker please please stop giving me brisk and Arcane and warding please don’t do this to me Mr Goblin Mr Goblin I’m going to go broke I only have 999,000 PL don’t lie to me Mr Goblin please my hard earned money is going away Mr Sandman please give me medicine don’t have to get grumpy I’m going to get grumpy all hell is about to break loose so I don’t get War all right so how do I how do I switch the damage again on this [ __ ] thing you don’t it should automatically still be swapping to it hold it in your hand and see if it says uh what was it range is that you’re going melee going melee yes see if it says melee I skat it says summon damage when you’re holding it yeah okay then yeah you got to change it all right who the [ __ ] how do I do that I think I remember hold on I’ll figure it out what what the [ __ ] happened I thought we killed Skeletron I thought we had access to that why is there a graveyard here what you do oh I wonder why you like the egg emote yeah I did it it’s melee damage now let’s go yeah that’s right I did I did I Who Do You Think You Are I Am you all right get him back into his [ __ ] room I’ll handle him don’t worry wait wait hold on what you doing bro out here dude just stop teleporting to me every [ __ ] time you teleport to me you [ __ ] die I just died a [ __ ] awful death as well um I was just a bystander I was just a bystander all this this is um money all right I need ice cream I’m ready to go to the next thing oh already I’m busy what the I’ll beat you over there someone teleport to him so I can what happened H H what the guy was down in happening what the [ __ ] is Happ we’re going to the our favorite place come on get on in J come on men just keep pushing just keep pushing J Jan J J ow HT I I don’t have a we’re going in the dungeon we need loot J why are we going in the dungeon I want to be here D Adventures D how what we looking for in the dungeon everything we need we need yeah we need to open up the gold chest we need items is this a trap please guys I think I’m have to call out sick for this episode today um I’m yeah oh no is that trap oh don’t go down there oh I go down there I know go down there go down there don’t go down there go down there V mine it V mine it I’m working on it you’re going to M this vein buddy you just it [ __ ] [ __ ] you SK [ __ ] you SK [ __ ] you skeleton [ __ ] we need we need to find gold keys so we can open up chests so we can get the loot the mechanic I found the woman woman retrieved safe up I’m not going to lie I miss teleporting I do miss teleporting cuz that would be nice right now let me guess the uh what is it called [ __ ] R A Discord is that what you missed oh oh there’s a trap there can I break this I wonder I got a I got go key what am I looking for here uh when you open up gold chest for shadow key and stuff I got a shadow ow life depleting balls balls hurt alchemy table balls are sweaty knees weak arms spaghetti I see a CH hanging with the gifted we get some W’s in the chat for penguin thank you boy how do I have an eye bone uh I use YouTube I don’t use twitch I YouTube all the way leave me alone Bowman well this is an awkward situation we need boners by the way bro why the balls hurt why do balls hurt Tes big spiky metal ones dungeon slime oh oh oh my bro it sound like a kinky [ __ ] German Sex Dungeon right now bro with all this whipping balls in my face this is a German Sex Dungeon I like your balls in my face I am a Sex Dungeon okay my name is sex you’re what huh I I am a Sex Dungeon I got you are the you are the dungeon yes I would just like you to respect my decision no Texas Chili bow you almost uh had some balls in your face I’m fine he spoke German it really is he spoke German on me that’s say [ __ ] no the balls what any help oh Joke is on You I can walk on water I’m jeus oh no I’m not jeus anymore stay away from me [ __ ] this I’m having a great time I don’t know about you guys buddy I hate the dungeon this place makes me sad a great I’m thres this is not the balls in my face that [Music] I ly swing back swing back leave me alone leave me reload [ __ ] die oh [ __ ] you what is that Prismatic core Bro [ __ ] you all right you guys still alive yeah okay barely all right whole time killing things [ __ ] I don’t think having fun no I’m no longer alive hey man hello I don’t have a I do have a key yay yeah we need to collect Keys oh I got two keys I’ve been passing up chest thinking I don’t have time to go back why did I spawn on SP I think you’re the only one there [Music] chat so how’s your guys’s dungeoning going mine’s going great I passed away so I’m putting my money away I going back oh my stellar nov is ready I I’ll keep mental note of that next time I’m scared are you scared now you should be really are you feeling in now Mr Krabs I also probably should get more potions that do more than just 50 healing yeah yeah that would help that would help a lot yeah it’s just like like like last time when a bubble was the one that had it where he had was using [ __ ] 50 healing on plant era yeah um it definitely dear to have good heal oh dear God hey man what’s up I got you I got you oh thanks where am I how do I how do I use my oh dear God whatever you put the key to if you didn’t bind it yet then yeah I did the mouse button it tells you in the top did you drink a uh did you drink a what what you drink a bad Potion No I don’t believe you for some reason I still [ __ ] die why can I not move you should try and move oh did you get you might have got inflicted with silence you’re a silence what good two Shadow ke go they’re brought friends friends hello CU I brought friends buddy I don’t like your friends what it’s not very nice that’s why I said it that’s precisely why I said it yeah they smell like sour grout dogs stay back I got this stay back damn it here I’ll get rid of it oh oh I can’t get rid of it left right left right left right aot loot Luc you okay over there did we lose him he’s here no I’m losing myself right now buddy okay hey what’s wrong you okay do you need do you need to be adult I wasn’t expecting the dungeon okay oh wait all right the the old chest do key say I know we’re fighting skeletons but they’re they’re touching me with the wrong bone oh he despawned or he died I’m going to I can B you so not only are there metallic balls but there’s [ __ ] flaming balls here too scar I like the flame you should probably be careful down their HS I’m scared okay okay I’m scared I’m also scared I’m closing the door I’m scared oh oh money oh get off my ly oh oh oh the [ __ ] is shooting arrows from a mile out there’s a trap that you’re stepping on watch your head here keep swinging keep swinging I’m going get rid of the spikes i r the spikes got I got him I got him I’m shooting grenades Oh shot I shot him by myself it’s just exploding back there go down there I don’t think that’s the way no oh goodness stay back oh the chest is back the chest is over there we need to get the Slime we can’t leave them to die don’t leave him down here stay back damn it wait [ __ ] I shot the grenades up myself there he is get him yes we got the I killed myself with a grenade all right we got the Slime hello little slime G what is his name s you okay with the codes how’s dungeon buddy what are you doing up here I’ll save you budy hey man oh a chest yoink ow I need a McDonald’s shake I need c yeah I need I haveen ke I just need something that’s light on my Hees Hees I do I do I do there you go there you go there you go right there oh hey [ __ ] in here your chest take it all take it all [ __ ] oh Godly M mamasa we need that [ __ ] it’s mine now Yi this thing kind of sucks I’m not going to lie um remember you can’t you can’t use it though it’s probably used for crafting we’re using stars of above weapons only what the [ __ ] hey what’s up oh my God there’s a lot hi guys I’m shooting the rocket launcher this is a small Elementary School that we’re fighting right now stay back Dam it oh small small elementary school right here pull up the gun opening fire uhoh that’s a trap stay back get back to class back to class I’m throw a grenades the door get back to work get back to work p push where do we go from here go right more go right go back go back right okay okay okay oh dear God [ __ ] balls why did it look like I killed you with my ultimate stay back God damn it I don’t think Lucy likes the dungeon Welcome to the Jungle welcome to the Jung jungle just keep swinging keep this game [ __ ] wigging there’s a chest I’ll open it [ __ ] is behind [Laughter] us it takes a second to go off Lucy I like how Cod is just having the time of his life like not really much happening [ __ ] being touched let me out of the pit let me out of the I’m being no no I don’t want I don’t want to pit no leave me alone I’d rather be playing please please what’s up buddy buddy [ __ ] off well I’m here to help you got us in this situation to begin with what do you mean we need to be down for [ __ ] I’m activating my ultimate [Music] oh don’t hurt yourself please I needd come here lki come here who wants to buy codes is McDonald’s so he oh dear God oh lki not being lki activate your ultimate lki ultimate build your ultimate fter I don’t got it oh hey how you doing okay okay I think we got this I think we got this we just keep swinging don’t stop SW I got got the chest I got just keep swinging swinging oh money thanks man AIO cut out from that oh God oh God Birds somebody has gave me money to buy you McDonald’s codes wait what yeah yay I oh hey scared sorry there it is I got a poster for our room oh sick man dear God I’m scared it might be too big I’m sad oh my God a too big just keep swinging man is that a [ __ ] soda I will pick that up that’s is sad yum a oh dear God oh hey somebody you okay up there penguin thank you the W’s for penguin oh oh they took my weapons they took my weapons I’m being shot oh back up back up now they took my weapons the D help help help me save it hey man hey inct just swung off rip you see how it just Instinct just started swinging codes come on to chest [ __ ] bro all right all right good [ __ ] Lord you know it’s through this door buddy what no stop why why why why why we done this all right all right it’s always funny after the end of a Terraria series hu’s like why is everyone never wanting to play Terraria that’s Calamity [ __ ] that’s Calamity I wonder [ __ ] why I wonder why want right now the dungeon fighting an eyeball oh I got a mouth I got I can show you my [Music] mouth no oh no oh no I Rise I can take my grenades idiot easy all he died all right keep we continue on hey codes what I what do you want from McDonald’s I got money for you buddy they take my weapons again I don’t even know I just wanted something to ease the throat why we I got Cal why we got to be in a dungeon BR we need boners got be here BR what else we need what else we need the gold chest I’m losing my sanity down here we need the gold chest did you know how many gold chests I’ve open what have you gotten out of them what else we need BR here I have I have about seven aquac spors any handguns I I legit have only got aquors all right we press forward boss with the $10 I died of poison uh EO thank you B make sure you guys B A like on my Super Chat and penguin with another gifted thank you and cter with the four BS you guys doing so good thank you I’m ready for a you guys are being 00 I love you guys ‘ lock what go what you want I’ll send you the money I don’t know what I want that’s the thing [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s not a clock hurry up what do you mean it’s not a clock it’s closing soon McDonald’s closes soon why would I my weapon why can’t I your weapon away I took his weapon away You’re cursed I tried to help shame it’ll be fine thank you Xavier for the five I can tell you what I want from MCD hell yeah I can tell you will thank you I mean make sure you guys give that a like as well fair is that chest open yes we got to break it then no I’m breaking them that’s fine I broke him I’m going this way don’t go this way don’t do it don’t do it what did I tell you no hey hi just keep pushing keep we’re we’re in the same area we’ve been going in a circle the past 5 minutes let’s keep pushing you know what where are we let me figure out where we need to go oh [ __ ] the dungeon bro okay okay I know where all right let’s see okay I I know where we need to go I mean I have a shadow yeah my way all out my way what guess what happened right now guess what happened you’re never going to [ __ ] believe it I [ __ ] died I like the dungeon all right let’s see here we are down here and and then down here yes look un unexplored there we go Y open that yeah oh look another Aqua guess what guess what [ __ ] happened I didn’t Lo everything in that chest did you drink like an ouch potion something what I feel like you did I feel like you’re lying to me right oh yeah look common cry activated what where have I seen that before I’m going home a oh hi buddy I love hitting deposit all and it all goes into not my chest oh no luy no luy dude I think I’m cursed when people teleport to me it’s okay lusi survived though all right so we got this chest here uh over here here okay get out of my way sir Cobalt Shield oh nice that’s something we needed yes we’re one item closer to Hole uh I believe we’re oh yeah now I think we’re good he died we’re good we’re good now yeah pretty sure we’re good now yay all right good Adventure boys we D I’m going be back we’re done with the dungeon we’re done i’ be back we’re done we’re done with the dungeon yes let’s go you know what’s funny and why why is it why is Hell easier than the [ __ ] [ __ ] the dungeon why is Hell easier than the [Music] dungeon all right luy we’re going to go on a calm Mining Adventure okay okay penguin with the upgrade to sip tier God damn thank you penguin I also notic it didn’t play in the track as you upgrade I guess upgrades don’t count yet so uh let me real quick go into the element thing and play you your little um where we going you did you decide what you want let it all out I already ordered okay all right how much was it so I sent you the money oh they they actually donated money to buy you food it it was it was 20 20 I can yeah I could send a screenshot so you know door Dash is [ __ ] expensive I never order on it not really you dash pass it I don’t I have dash pass oh damn yeah you [ __ ] out of look then buddy all let me do this real quick all right let me play this for you dude my body is shutting down good all right so the member alert for sip tier looks like this well uh boy there’s no easy way to say this oh look no one’s here look you’re a simp I’m going to have to report you back to K but obviously it will say your name but since you upgraded is being stupid sorry about that so thank you once again for the upgrade we get some W’s in the chat for penguin and Y in Calamity for upgrading to a juvenile God damn y’all killed it today Jesus is there slime rain yeah activate the battlecry I want a king slime oh okay thank you my friend there you go buddy thank you you’re welcome man where’s the where’s codes rning back I left after I decided take a breather so I don’t end up offing myself but you know it’s just an average day I too had to step away for a minute luy are you okay buddy I don’t think he is yeah I would rather put my crotch under a machine that has a boot that just spins in a circle endlessly kicking me in the GU then do that again what the dungeon why is there a king slime why is there it was raining it was raining slime yeah just all you rather this you want King Slime or do you want [ __ ] dungeon all right Bud look bro I don’t want none of them I don’t want none of them to be honest with you I’m throw grenades both we go to the dungeon we none of them oh no let’s not do that hold on I’m throw grenades at them I’m throw wait a minute these grenades do a lot holy [ __ ] Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam they also kill me if I’m not careful enough oh like that I Sur I still [ __ ] died still died I still [ __ ] died you’ll be all right [Music] man all right why are you crying what are we doing get out of my way I’m going to whip you thank you what lki come here where are oh he’s dead there you go Budd there you go is this I can’t even pick it up it’s a sugar cookie fine if you don’t want okay I’m I’m eating this miss your cookie I’m eating that [ __ ] that tasted delicious how delicious I’m sad why are you sad why wouldn’t he be all right this [ __ ] [ __ ] hurts it was just a dungeon oh I grenaded myself I well I gred myself again we’re going to clo their F voodoo doll [ __ ] that voodoo doll how about that [ __ ] that I’m putting everything in here all right healing what are we doing now uh hey can you go put some more houses in the jungle oh no we’re running out of space for NPCs important NPCs which where’s the potion button okay we need to put the W in the why can’t I make healing potions who I buy healing potions from uh should be this guy yeah this dude right here shop healing potions are those the restore 100 [ __ ] oh wow what a surprise a be Nest get out of my house you get out of my house be aul Mingos be simple and respectful we have we have that rule mainly because people are just [ __ ] so how do you have infinite money um I want to play something else I don’t know what you’re talking about we know have money definitely didn’t do to get money attacked by a slim he was on a [Music] balloon what was I doing oh I don’t know what you do anymore oop boop boop I made us all [Music] bags void bags yep nice come hither children I’m you just told me to do something I’m coming over to you oh here you go come over here there you go take your bag that’s extra storage essentially and then I I’ll extra your storage here you go man bunk thank you so how does this work right click at the clothes favorite yeah there we go all right there you go I built you more houses and thank you now now we’re going to do uh before we do uh the next two bossers we need to uh do a little mining sesh in in the dungeon no you’re God now hell all right let me over here I’m buying I’m buying obsidian potion yep go to the first Shop Vanilla you want Obsidian Skin potions and you’re going to want splunker potions and maybe even M I bought a thousand obsidian skins that can work I’m G buy 200 sprun Pur just kidding I bought 270 bye-bye friends I go mine lava hold on for them cuz they don’t know better never mind never mind friends I don’t come here coach you need to buy these potions and lki obsidian potion Obsidian Skin mining potion from this chick the first shot vanilla vanilla obsidian Wireless yeah we’ll set that up I think he just had like a hemorrhoid or something cell shock Sor I bought a bunch of Potions all right cell shock I have to see about that all right did you get those potion I got splunker and then what’s the other ones Obsidian Skin and Mining okay Obsidian Skin a purple BL mining is like a an anchor looking potion hi so this is place where the dead rest let’s see where we can find hey you still take fall damage we don’t have wings yet bud oh you got your Potions all right go down with us come on oh oh drink the potions drink the potions all right I love welcome oh the battle C is still active turn that down turn that oh no all right so all right so you see that thing over there to the right to the left I don’t with the doll yeah yeah kill it do not kill it over lava do not kill over our lava we’re all right we’re all right look see we’re good we’re good El codes that we’re all right we’re all we’re going to be okay everything going to be all right okay all right we’re going to be all right because the since we don’t have did you not drink your potions oh I probably should have I probably I was we don’t have we don’t have increased spawn rates so do not let that doll fall in the wobble at all right at all cost don’t do it so uh we’re looking for this over here come here C we’re looking for this we’re looking for this as well ly this stuff right here right below me what is okay I keep taking [ __ ] fall damage Stone we’re looking for that all right we need that badly I wonder what swimming in lava is like find it’s kind of nice probably out oh uh oh what did you do this apparently oh yeah I remember forgot yeah I forgot yeah I couldn’t mine in here I had to let you guys do it get out go back home go home go to your home home go home go to your home what but I can make us a cool Arena look no no you’re not you’re you’re Excavating everything but the hell Stone oh my God oh my God God oh God oh my God guys I made a quick I made a parkour course parkour he make everything but what we wanted hey codes how you doing bud a what the [ __ ] Cod oh it’s demon let’s get us some hellstone guys demon Scythe let [ __ ] can you [ __ ] get up ooh Shadow chest y there’s a chest of Shadow I have the key for this [ __ ] please oh that is that is an ouch magnet magnet magnet my NOA right no are you scared oh no I can make him scared oh my God no I’m just colleting SP down ow you did drink your lava potion right codes yeah okay good good good so here you got your pickaxe right no do you really not have your pickaxe I got it okay all right so this oh that’s a bone serpent this stuff right below me you want this thing right here you could drop into the lava with your potion ignore that this is a demon hold s to drop into the lava your Obsidian Skin Potion will make you survive so some of them clearly don’t have little dolls below them can I still still kill those guys above lava yes if they have a doll below them yeah if they’re holding a doll do not kill it over lava unless you can clearly grab present dropped out of them I thought I thought it was the doll yeah there’s your present buddy a doll I’m fine you all right hey what’s good hey be careful uh the the walls might collapse on you J loor God why Jesus I just I just buried lki in lava oh my God stay back where’s my gun there okay down there wait do we have a hell Forge um sport yeah do we have two I have a okay we don’t have one in ours then all right I’ll grab one you don’t stay back demon stay back all right how much else does everybody have uh 171 okay I did not mean to do that I have 327 good good I have 1,173 all right somebody kill him oh no demon demon Bo demon vo demon going be all right you know what I’m saying he going to be all right how much how much of this do you think we need four of us fighting the wall flesh I have a feeling no I got it I got it I almost died for it but I got it I was about to say we definitely fighting the Wall of Flesh right now dude he put the [ __ ] little sights up as a wall and it knocked me away from it scared the hell out of me you need the therapist with go mean don’t make me get the another spawner penguin with the 10 or you can collect 30 Potions all right so the reason why I don’t use that is because uh people are cranky and people don’t like it and we don’t really like it ourselves so we just don’t have it on and plus we just keep buying potions it makes us more reason to use money so we don’t really care for it CU since you’re actually exploring in here if you see uh any Shadow chest like purple chest let me know I have a shadow key like that one up there yeah there’s a here I’ll open it for you and you can loot it here you go Bud here you go buddy now hurry up the walls are oh B Bad to the Bone uh oh I got a hell Forge but penguin thank you for your 10 bud I appreciate you thank you once again so nice I shall use your money well obviously we already paid for paid for CO’s meal but I shall use it to feed my kids all whatever they want to eat how much he Stone do we [ __ ] need Jesus four of us there’s four of us so a decent amount depends on what we all have right now that’s a that’s a bone snake um that’s not the snake I’m usually godam it the bone with God damn it you keep hitting yourself With Grenades no the world’s Excavating around me oh trying to get problem there’s a bone snake everything but the hell Stone [ __ ] hey what’s UPI the boner snake [ __ ] you know if this was Calamity we would have crashed by now if this was Calamity we would have been done we’re PC fried yeah Calamity you weren’t allowed he’ll be okay yeah he’ll live yeah in Calamity I legit I couldn’t mine anything in Calamity because of just how buggy it was everything would break oh I’m being more careful God damn it what’s up you should drink drink your potion I may have um forgot I noticed I out a lva lose keep to come to me I mean actually wait hold on wait a second okay there we go I’m out of lava let’s hurry up for accident excavat something oh I must drink my potions thank you chat oh okay you’re over there all right I continue on then God damn it [ __ ] God damn it’s a lot harder because the the ash blocks break in one swing so I just excavated it immediately oh oh hold on oh well well at least if you’re traversing over here in hell it’s a lot easier let me uh hey what’s up hey man you should probably drink your dude I swear to God if that happened again I drank my [ __ ] I drink oh oh oh oh oh at least hey look there’s hell though all right all right how much are we sitting at now I’m sitting at 1,200 I have 1,900 I got 500 I got 583 okay that should that should be enough we should be good now let’s get the [ __ ] out of here can me out of here please oh get off my nuts you bat [ __ ] I can show you some nuts all right there is 2,000 Stone all right door Dash food better be here I’ll be back all right hurry up all right yeah making the Wall of Flesh aren over easy for us I could just eviscerate the Earth yeah we’ll just send you down there yeah don’t look guys you don’t need to spend that much money on me okay you just being here is well appreciate all right if you want to donate you can donate but don’t go broke please please it’s been whole Century since last I’ll think about a p all right we got that and then uh Stone bars yeah there we go there we go now we’re talking Lucy gets a whole new armor set Lucy about to start creaming with that what’s my next armor set I don’t know you’re what are you summon Summoner I think what armor are you wearing right now uh obsidian um I think you just wear obsidian actually it’s be okay yeah well no you can make you can you can make the B armor oh I don’t know if it’s better I think it is cuz it gives you more minions I think I don’t know oh yes it’s less actually what am I making you can make molon armor you make molten armor Molen molten armor yes molon molten Co at least one doll in the storage you need need a we can also make molten pickaxes don’t don’t forget that’s what I was doing molten breast plate are you making yourself one yeah okay I’ll make him one crafted my own and it’s unpleasant mol pickaxe there you go and lki there you go wait Lui did you get two pickaxes I I made my own you made your own molten yeah okay well then that’s fine just throw it in there can I upgrade this with Celestial magnet what do I do with this boom boom boom Boomer boom boom boom all right I’m good to go now hell yeah all right I also um what boots should I be rocking right now because I definitely only have two pairs of boots on right now uh here I got you beer wait two pairs of boots only have one yeah I have the warding Spectre boots and Hermes boots yeah Spectre boots is the upgraded Hermes okay look at my little friends oh no longer wearing Hermes boots yeah you should have the Spectra boots on um as for another accessory I mean here you can have this brain of confusion all right here you go put [Music] that watch any confusion movie sick yeah definitely watch up watch the videos we we have a lot on the channel and it’s all variety content need here come over here let me help you so you’re going to go to this dude up here surrounded by the what the hell is happening up here oh my friends you like my friends all right don’t you walk away from me yeah on the channel we have so much Varity content it’s all really good I like it it’s fun for me all right so this guy up here this guy up here you can buy your uh so you need the anklet of the win the aglet SP can help you g l e t aglet don’t forget it sport help him make him his boots oh man okay right what do wait I’m D so on the channel we basically it’s variety content so what’s going to happen is after stars above it’s going to be a short period of time before we do more Terraria just because I like spacing out videos I don’t like spamming Terraria because then I just get a terrar audience and then it’s just people don’t show up for the their content I like I’m trying to build a community all right I’m trying to have a good time with you guys while making entertaining content and having a good time so essentially after Teraria is done full movie will be posted and all the episodes will be posted for that there going to swap to like some other games like the next series is is basically uh one of the most difficult breath of wallet mods or Dark Souls there’s a Dark Souls breath of wallet mod even either one of those I’m still thinking about it so it’ll basically be that and then it’ll swap back to Terraria or we might wait a little bit longer Terraria cuz the next Terraria series is Thorium and there’s like seven classes giving seven people for that is going to be crazy I don’t think that’s going to happen I’m going to be honest I think the most we’re probably to get us four or five I’ll have to see I’ll have to see but yeah uh so we have Terraria for Wednesdays tomorrow we do outen ring on Thursdays if you guys want to see us get our asses beat we’re almost I think we’re at 100 deaths now or we’re almost at 100 deaths or just watch me car Bubba it’s kind of funny and we also have a new viewer night stream that’s happening on Sundays where uh basically I’m playing weathering waves with viewers or just the boys and just poke Pokemon hunting cuz you can Pokemon hunt in that game Pokemon hunting doing bosses together clearing content together just having a fun time just chilling but yeah as video wise there’s literally everything we got risk of rain content warning lethal company Terraria Minecraft whatever I’m playing whatever peques my interest it’s on my channel that works diving helmet are we all good now okay okay you could you could mute yourself the found stupid now my fault my fault my fault I didn’t realiz they white I thought they were blue from memory okay now so do you have the Spectre boots already I do okay so you want to put those with the ankl of the wind and the aget it’ll get you the lightning boots okay lightning and then the lightning boots you want to turn into Frost spark with the ice skates I oh I didn’t [ __ ] put my boots in there all right there it is now booties and now you want to make the lava waiters which are wait no first you want to make an obsidian skull they crap obsidian risk rain yeah we just posted our first modded session of risk and rain literally yesterday yeah yesterday was the first one where it’s essentially our reactions in void L and our first time modding it I am we’re basically taking a break from uh risk of rain because we are very behind on editing I’m the only one editing all this so I don’t have an editor well luckily I have codee’s editing one video for me to help me out which is nice of him but right now it is basically me editing all this stuff and it’s a pain in the ass because you know I’m a father and all that so it’s I I stay up till like 300 in the morning then wake up at 7:00 the watch good I am a tired person yeah everybody give a little heart for codes codes needed codes is sick today so you guys donating to basically him some food helps a lot bro’s sick bro’s going through it today it’s Thursday today it’s Wednesday for me so we’re going by E if you really want to know when streams are happening or what time they’re happening for you best chance is join the Discord it’s Lo side you still getting your stuff together I good think you’re all good I think we’re good I got a [ __ ] gun what hold on let me see where you’re at I’m kind of happy thank you come come come come come come come come come come did you get your pickaxe Mr come man uh if you’re talking about a new one then no um the molten pickaxes no I don’t have that okay I think Lucy picked up put him in here he did yeah here you go there you go buddy thanks me gay you’re welcome bud that’s your new pickaxe oh this actually looks cool as [ __ ] wait a minute it’s a mol Pig I already have just open my bad that’s it my no no please no why do I have a chair why did you do this I was reading oh I was reading you blame codes blame codes that was I’m sure it was okay reading it’s probably my own money this one’s for codes oh no don’t donate don’t if you can’t donate don’t do it you watch G mov it’s actually really good uh we’re still working on the chat interaction mod it’s we’re still working on it it’s almost done almost done right now these guys can still get some points so you can [ __ ] with me when we do that here’s the kingdom play through are we all good now everybody got their armor whatever going to go what armor are you wearing codes uh stargazing Heroes mantle stargazing Heroes yeah huh what I’m wearing I don’t know that’s what it I’m the helmet’s Crimson helmet and then stargazing Heroes mantle for the chest plate and then the pants stargazing hero GES stargazing mantle wait let me see this show throw it to me okay Co these are vanity items well never I bro bro is rocking [ __ ] I know why I know I I think we know why he was dying so often bro took off like 18 defense by not wearing his rocking [ __ ] bro where’s your Crimson armor here there it is here it is here it is take your Crimson armor please Jesus Christ oh my God like starus I was like wait what isn’t wait isn’t that a I’ve never heard of that armor before yeah I was like wait a minute what and then he threw it to me and I was like there’s no way it look cool man it does look cool but also what the f that’s why it’s a vanity item that’s why it’s a vanity item it goes in the vanity slot beside the armor it goes in the Square slot it go it’s right into the square hole into the square hole all right are you good now codes do you need to change your accessories or anything nope now that you have a defense higher than four yeah it’s it’s it’s I need to do a little bit of reforging increases jump speed yeah I want to get rid of that I don’t want that anymore here codes What accessories do you have I don’t [ __ ] know name them out [ __ ] you can read are you talking about like the cloud in the bottle type of [ __ ] yes those are accessories okay cloud in the bottle Royal gel Shield of cthulu [ __ ] horseshoe balloon brain of confusion and Spectre Spectra boots spectr spect yeah we’re we’re going to we’re going to upgrade you we’re going to fix that yeah we’re going to fix that so you don’t perish in point2 seconds okay come here come here buddy first you see this bunny he need to die first okay now come here okay that this dude all right and I wait hold on are those accessories in your cosmetic slots or are they actually all the way on the right no they’re all the way on the right okay thank God all right come up here this dude right here okay this dude that this dude you talk to him this dude is where you’re going to buy your accessories okay so go to the movement speed and miscellaneous yep you’re going to buy an anlet of the wind and an aglet then ice skates a shiny red balloon Lucky Horse you and then you’re also going to buy a Obsidian Rose and a lava charm and hold on I only got the [ __ ] I only got the red balloon the Horseshoe okay so all the way on the left the top left the aglet and the anglet of the wind you need both of those yeah and then the blue boots you need the blue boots the water walking boots yes and then you need the ice skates which are two like the other actual ice skates yeah okay got it and now now you need the lava charm which is all the way on the bottom left okay and then all the way the on the bottom right is the Obsidian Rose okay okay now bring them over here please my inventory full give me a minute you’re welcome all right now put it all in the storage that’s a cool sword you have what the [ __ ] is that a summon yeah damn okay I like that the whip oh did you put that put them all in there I got to put yeah other stuff into okay all right that’s fine I believe in you buddy you get to H all right I’m good okay so now it’s raining okay so now you’re going to put your boots in there your uh Spectra boots yeah put them in there put them in the storage now go to the blue you see the filters on top press filter equipment it looks like the anklet of the wind okay press that now you’re going to make the lightning boots the yellow boots okay grab those yep and where did they go wait you did get the ice skates right did you put them in here what the heck okay all right make the frost spark boots all right all right all right okay oh it’s a pet okay now make the obsidian walking boots okay and the lava Wanderers see on the left yeah make those the lava Waters or whatever yeah yeah and now Terra Park boots there you go shut the [ __ ] up they’re Wafers right okay spark boots okay got it all right now equip that and now you’re going to make yep in a second here now you’re going to make the blizzard in a balloon where the [ __ ] that D it no found it make that and now make the White Horseshoe balloon see how it changed when you crafted it on the left same spot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah craft that okay there you go now that will will replace your double jump and make you immune to fall damage do you have any do you have a slot open or no after you equip all that no I just replaced the double jump okay so what do you have all together right now okay I got the [ __ ] horseshoe balloon Royal gel Shield cthulu [ __ ] apparently I have a okay I still have the blue horseshoe balloon somehow and uh brain of confusion put the blue horseshoe balloon in there and then here you go you have these this frog gear and just to make sure you’re wearing your cryton armor all the way in the right correct yes all the way in the right okay all right I’m replacing the blue balloon with the Frog gear yes okay you’re going to keep the white balloon yeah yes there you go okay now you should be o o o o get to get to the arena get to the arena blood moon Time Blood Moon Time Blood Moon time get to the arena get to the ARA get to the arena quickly quickly oh dear God the blood what theor what are those open up the hatch open up the hatch somebody get inside what are those my sword’s just going town please open the door you please open door somebody close it who didn’t close the door who didn’t close the door close the door BR okay hold on I’m going to go open it I’mma open it for you boys Cal down right you like you guys like the healing oh that’s sick you actually heal us thank you yeah my little my little sumon guy heal yeah it does heal yeah or I could have something that attack but Men start the grinder oh go my minions go go murder all bro it’s literally just a blender bro a bender boom boom all right is this a hard boss it’s I guess we going have to see there might be a boss this I don’t I got to I got to Hype us you know what you know what how about we start the boss right now [ __ ] it do it during blood moon oh dear God we will guys we can’t damage we can’t damage the guy in the wall hold on I wonder if I can chase you with I can’t change to please oh there’s two of them they yeah two they are the twins equalizing their HP why why why why so remember guys about spawning it right now why is there an earthquake oh my God now is the blood moon still going on oh it is God damn it goats are like mushrooms if you shoot a duck I’m scared of toasters what did you what did you just say I don’t know but I agree what did bro say right now quickly get inside stay back F demons bro can I please can I [ __ ] I don’t want to move oh stop using the [ __ ] side right click on right click it just stop attacking and right click it it takes a couple seconds there it is there it is it was because I standing over all these [ __ ] Stones down here I’ll get rid of them I’ll get R there you go there you go start the grinder oh okay oh yeah I can’t do the uh mechanic Stu I can’t do that ah so peaceful we needed this you should put some like Jolly music behind this and this going to be a pro life commercial wow oh I thought you left POV the 1700 oh my God Jesus POV the night of prom KN night that’s crazy that’s crazy money trough yes nice do I have my ultimate I do not oh do now oh yeah me too stay away oh my God SC money money nice it changed the fish for it Ah that’s what it was yeah how long does this last Blood Moons last the entire [ __ ] night but it is good for us cuz there is drops that we can get out of this so and luckily we have the easy route just sit here and hold left click he y there’s another money trough nice I’m just going to hold left click with my right hand and eat my Chicken N yeah there you go see it’s it’s like a nice it’s a nice little break before we get to the boss you know yay just keep swinging I’ll even give you heal oh thanks man do you have more summon slots yet no more uh the sword takes up three and the Healer takes up one so that’s all four of my slots oh okay you should be able to buy a charm from the witch doctor I’m pretty sure oh yes I’ll have to do that did the witch doctor move in he should it be in the jungle we have a set where he automatically teleports ah look at all the Starlight energy up there dear God there we go hello there we go increase number of summons by one you can also use be witching potions one of L weapons need a top hat oh yeah big for us Apparently one of the later weapons need a top hat so if we can find a top hat out of this that’ be nice which I’m pretty sure we have ooh shark to a top hat I got a top hat okay that’s good one of the later weapons going to need that let’s go it’s a sword called alcoholic [Laughter] father yes bro how long is blood moon the entire night we don’t have a clock so I don’t know what time it is oh my this no you cannot no oh my God oh God don’t even think about running that ability is so sick sh looks so fire I can’t wait to see the other one there’s more there’s so many more Al appar there’s like 10 now apparently when I played there was only four and that one was not one of the new ones like that wasn’t one of them no I like the sword that was stationary and spun in a circle a whole bunch love that one look chaos my I’ll do the thing about it good job thanks man it looks to be almost done oh as tell I’ve been waiting exct moment I’ve been waiting for this exact moment failure failure oh no what bro I don’t think you’re um did you just come right there what was I think it should be orange yeah it’s orange my bad I don’t think I don’t think your [ __ ] should look like orange sink uh not at all not at all we were swinging in syn for like a couple frames there on my screen your screen’s lame what his screen cost more this is just a [ __ ] meat blender bro if the body’s actually stacked up this [ __ ] would 1,00% be overflowing this sh would look like the random dump you pass on the highway Jesus penguin with the five gifted we don’t have dude I said You’ not have to Jesus Christ thank you we don’t we don’t have highways thank you I hope you did not just go broke for that we’re getting Prismatic cors which is good oh when will the sun come up where’s the sun this is Terraria now permanent nighttime I need a mod BL every night blood moon every night would be crazy [ __ ] that you would get nothing done is that Areno you want yeah okay good luck you’re good on money okay all right as long as you’re good on money yes why is f throwing a party out of my way get away from me you all right no oh you bastard oh I think you’re going to teleport out my bad nope accept get away from my lki God damn it sir you don’t sound alive he all right well let’s store away our [ __ ] and then we can [ __ ] do the boss fight both boss fights I just why did all go into my void what the [ __ ] oh was your inventory full yes bloody tiar raincoat so many wedding veils I got 11 presents they’re all one over there bit pled glove Freddy Krueger who was money trough oh my god look how fast this thing is I got I got a money trough already I gave you money all right wait a damn minute I’m waiting what else is there what else is there no no no no no no no shackles lki the feral Claw is in here that increases your melee speed here you go what the bar claws in here that increases your melee barel claw yeah just got a lot of drip good [ __ ] Lord leprechaun shirt you’re can embrace yourself get it it’s a short joke all right is that a creeper yeah buddy yeah let’s just say my lucky being your mama’s mouth way back in the M got a from side to side so you’re basically [ __ ] leprechaun yeah yeah yeah cuz my leprechaun all right my my [ __ ] Lucky charm’s in your mama’s mouth buddy that’s what I’m saying all right yippee you see a new fit though you see a new fit damn princess princess hold on princess ain’t nobody here for you buddy Princess Peach you say Princess Peach you say these peaches ain’t for you buddy all right we talking about your mama’s Peaches N you you giving me those peaches yep nope nope it’s funny cuz like I don’t nope I don’t remember you having it okay you don’t stop it there get away from me you creep I’m out yeah yeah buddy come here what do you want from me buddy come here buddy oh I got new Essence hello I’m terrified you should be what is this needle I want to craft this we have cobweb we have stingers they’re probably inside your guys’ chest I’m going go go in your chest and use it no oh using it why are you the way you are cuz I am needle I need Stingers have stingers in here go [ __ ] be sting all right come here then I’m not a bee you’re my be yeah you are I need white string [ __ ] you needle what does this needle do all right where are we fighting this boss at the arena all right I’m ready to go oh umbrella slime huh is weapons unaffected by aspect bro [ __ ] these flying fish bro what’s wrong with them [ __ ] them I’m before we do the boss way I’m gonna reforge my stuff if anybody wants to reforge theirs wa can I uh yes I I need to do that who need to do that you know what I’m saying I’m here you’re here bro how much [ __ ] do you have floating around you Jesus you got a problem with it no I had unreal I just realized bro how many dudes you got with you bro broke out the whole gang with them I got now you got [ __ ] you got more than enough you feeding all of them I know your ass ain’t paying them I know your ass ain’t paying them I ain’t paying them but I’m feeding I know your ass ain’t paying them bro wait what what are you feeding him that’s a goat I’m feeding them my [ __ ] and very small child straight that is not a small child no no that’s a my name is child is not a small child that look like a lolly to me that looked like a lolly to me the [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] this deer that look like deer right here you see this deer that that doesn’t make it any better surprisingly surprisingly it’s crazy crazy all right and you all right I got everything to that perfect I got I got chicken yeah I get to the membership I just killed something over there shouldn’t have been over there I supp why does it bro why does it go from like your average human being Drake snake downwards I never understood that why is that why bro I don’t know oh me we got that hanger down there bro right here is like okay average human being bro fullon like Drake snake right here bro all right like what’s going on this boss summons uh a box around us obviously so probably want to place it like what like here right like right here yeah yeah everybody got Buffs and [ __ ] yeah Yi yeah thinking about everybody got Buffs everybody ready let’s [ __ ] do this oh all right I’m a fish okay oh oh [ __ ] why is the second one outside of the box what’s that red stuff too I’m already Dear God [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this ow ow okay don’t stand on the balls all right well we’re all dead oh nice equalizes their they clash and get their HP oh that’s dumb what the [ __ ] is happening right now I don’t know I don’t know either they’re clashing again to equalize their HP oh we can only hit wait can we hit both o o o o we might need to move the nurse yeah we might need to move the nurse so we can actually [ __ ] heal I just got back Bro [ __ ] oh dear God oh open fire are they fighting each other and we’re just coming across I think they are it’s what it looks like oh my God that’s what it looks like is what’s happening is they’re like juking into each other or something like that it’s kind of weird bro they’re just having a wizard duel we’re just we’re just walking around bro we’re like so do we just Bro Look at that [ __ ] bro that [ __ ] is fire can we just sit back and watch and then we whoever wins gets jumped I’m going to die yep I didn’t have heals yeah we need we’re might need the nurse closer yikers yikers uh yeah I’ve noticed you kind of might want range watch out for that right Y where did that come from oh I’m about to die all I’m back I’m back I’m back I’m not back for long I’m on fire oh they’re clashing again I’m just going to sit here and shoot oh my God that was [Music] close their attacks do hurt one another wait are we supposed to make them hit each other oh my God they do that’s what we’re supposed to bait the attack into them I that hurt okay okay we now we now that yeah now now we know we now we now know can’t kick you with these [ __ ] bro I’m whipping them watch the bars on the left so the Red Bar go to blue blue goes to Red I don’t know what one the nurse is the nurse is all the way in the desert we have to move her but going to be a little more difficult [ __ ] okay I’m doing damage I’m doing that’s right [ __ ] that’s right okay they’re clashing there you go good job Lui good job I’m going stay on the blue side we just need to split up by looks of it oh my God oh my God right now here we go we’re doing damage now we’re doing damage now since we learned that that they hit each other what the [ __ ] just killed me no that was close yeah just make him hit just make him hit each other oh damn they’re clashing Thad at him oh god oh dear God oh you guys are both really low I’m I’m going to go over here I’m going go over here I’m back yeah good [ __ ] I I don’t have any healing [ __ ] no I’m dead I’m back in 3 two one I’m back oh good Dodge I’m back but how did that hit me hello I believe in you guys oh oh oh I got eight I appreciate you like my buddy but if you kind of want you know dick suck lki he does have a sham oh my I’m back welcome back I’m here bitet this [ __ ] I’m helping I’m helping I’m helping I’ll go up here come on you got it you got it you got it you got it wall of ignition time to turn the to I’m dead diamond dust come on come flashing again yep yep yep oh my God I’m dead oh I died bro we’re hit with Drake snake we’re H with Drake snake oh no way I’m about to die yeah I’ve always showed stream where’s that [ __ ] starting at oh all right all right all right hey Lucy there’s someone that trying dick suck you in my chest I send him your way hope you like him all right all right all right don’t die on 5 seconds I’m back I’m back I’m back it’s good I’m here buddy oh we place it’s good we’re good [ __ ] oh we’re good we’re we’re good 9k 9k 9k okay I’m stand over here with 7K 7K left 7K left six G they’re clashing come on up throwing grenades oh my God come on come on holy [ __ ] four oh watch out for that move I kill him no wait they’re flashing almost died almost [ __ ] died almost [ __ ] died off rip no careful careful careful careful oh [ __ ] [ __ ] bch whipping that ass like we whipping your mama’s cheeks last night come on wait did they die [ __ ] you wait wait did he die what happened yes let’s go oh my God bro [ __ ] that fight Slowly by the end got it but good [ __ ] Lord that was sick as [ __ ] though how you had to like a fix to the St fight one another ability this two murder only activates when [ __ ] though dude holy [ __ ] I saw that [ __ ] the chain dude [ __ ] bro you said what what are you all about there was a dude in the chat glazing you more than don’t oh yeah yeah somebody someone was in my chat that was like glazing you and I was like hey Lucy streaming glaz I’m over I love me I love me a good glaz donut okay look all right I’ll lick that [ __ ] clean it’s going to be oldfashioned real soon he’s a miner never mind itself though the Don itself I Wasing what are you talking about what are you I’m talking about a donut I’m talking about a donut okay look I’m talking about a donut that pause So Silent dude why am I naked that’s just the codes effect you just get near me you just I’m naked just for you lki I don’t want to be naked for him anymore he’s weird what is this to murder equipable only activates when defense is below 40 enemies are more likely to Target yep nope put that away I don’t want to be targeted the [ __ ] a I don’t want to be hit I don’t want to be hit I’m good on that I’m can talk to my woman what time is boo they weren’t really human but probably a sort of demonic I don’t know why I told us to fight them but even though okay I got to talk to my wife also penguin thank you for the gift I don’t know if I said that but thank you buddy I open that [ __ ] I might have to that was not no Stellar spoils that [ __ ] was dog [ __ ] okay we’re getting some new Essence wasn’t Stellar about that new Essence what is this oh wait I think I remember this yep so we get this uh ow doing that boss fight we get the first piece of the final ball summon nice yeah it’s very Bo o essence of phantom oh that L of damage sold by the CLA during blood moon what yay we just had one of those I can I can summon it real quick and then buy these and then just I can just end it immediately after where is the clo okay that should be fast don’t worry I have a sword that will protect us um I’m ending it boom easy it’s horrible I’m surprised we lived kind of want this this thing looks sick I need a throwing knife got any throwing knives ah I wish no Phantom In The Mirror oh I can craft it what does this do those a little blade oh oh oh that is sick oh I like this oh it uses Mana I don’t like this no it’s good for me cuz I use Mana it still doesn’t let me drink my Mana potions though which is the annoying part but I will upgrade this you don’t need them codes there’s a new weapon you can make called Phantom In The Mirror you guys should be able to craft a new weapon as well my dad’s a phantom in the mirror all right let me look it up what’s the essence for it uh it’s it’s like a phantom essence or something like that you get it from talking to the woman oh I have yet to talk to my [ __ ] my bad hold on ruthless is probably all I’m going to get on this yeah oh well you finish y That’s of farewells what the [ __ ] bedtime yay yay that doesn’t seem like the right Essence I don’t remember the was kills you just [Music] what are you gasing over I’m put this Trace in my weapon it’s not a weapon the polter Gras grasp 5000 bro it’s a Luigi’s menion reference what I want that I want that but it’s not actually a weapon it’s when held vacuums all nearby items to your position instantly use this item grab items farther away can be shimmered converting into Stellar remnants I just want to hit people people with that thing okay that’s I’m kind of sad I can’t I don’t I don’t see no goddamn Essence that would make it to where though Star Struck ax Rockstar guitar be Shimmer [ __ ] I need more Remnant [ __ ] me oh I’m over here now I could try Godly yeah I could try Godly essence of spin oh my God spin the win spin the win what excuse me I have started something SP the wind don’t turn me on I’m not seeing the [ __ ] Essence weapon you’re talking about watch excuse me [ __ ] heard me did you talk to your woman I’m talking to her right now dude might have to check your Stellar maybe I don’t [ __ ] know I’m actually going to check the Stellar already and all that see what we got going on here oh what is this wait so what can we craft out of all that I see a lot of [ __ ] but I don’t know what is useful I just we’re all learning other broke to do a lot of okay okay wait what oh we got some new Stellar Stellar array perks is increas one base current Mana o why do I 20 what does that mean wait chat would this be good for me oh I think that actually might be good for me essence of the Phantom there we go pretty sure that would boom boom boom yeah we’re about to do wall in the mirror Phantom In The Mirror do we have everything for this though possibly yes because I can craft it right now if you put the essence in yes we do have it all we’re just that guy it seems enchanted sword and a star furry a fury furry what did you just say look look okay I I read it wrong I read it wrong okay okay okay can you make the weapon for me man cuz I make enchanted sword uh here you go man you just got to go reforge it how cool that thing looks right so this this how the weapon works you might need to up your Mana up for it but um you could right click and then it throws it out and then you right click you teleport to itates which is actually really good ice blade so I could like do that and then yeah it goes to where your cursor at dude that is so good you can go through walls with it if you have Mana you need definitely need Mana for it let me I hate how it’s not drinking my Mana potions it pisses me off what if I just throw it out and leave it out will it drink my Mana potions then no Mana flower is actually useless for me maniflow no work it’s not working yeah I’m still going to keep it on because it just gives me reduced Mana CA but yeah it’s not working that well for me L would I look for for this Phantom In The Mirror what uh Godly or ruthless that’s what I got on it either one of those and you might need some Mana so oh I have another Mony who the hell ah I got Godly I have a Mony TR so okay I can give this to you then codes bu yeah so that money trop summons a little pig and you can access your piggy bank from it and it you around me around like a piggy yeah see flies what does this [ __ ] do oh the aspect of weapons oh wait yeah I might want to do this 50% and print forgot how to equip this equip what the piggy bank no just use it you use it you don’t equip it you use it oh okay equips automatically and it follows you around and yeah we just need to set up for wall of flush we just need the uh instant platforms which um mini instant Bridge let’s see here um I need a th000 obsidian platforms what I can easily get that easy yeah buy obsidian that didn’t sound that easier if you didn’t have the mods and yeah obviously it’ be a little difficult we didn’t have infinite money reminder because um this is this happened before in the old series if you guys like luski that much he does have a channel okay I respect you and I like that you are supporting my boy but this is my channel okay if you want to dick suck the boy go to his you want dick suck me and you’re not a minor you stay here okay well if you stay here if you like my content but you get what I’m saying okay if you like lusi you go to his stream if you like me you can stay here all right I don’t I don’t care which side you’re going to who you prefer but it does it’s a little bit annoying when people come in here and they’re just obviously the the lose key 24/7 I it happened so much last series are the five idiots and the two idiots gets tired especially in the comments it gets really tired like one person during the five idiots hold give me one second then we’ll start um I think it was during the two idiot no two idiots yes one person was genuinely so upset that I was spawning creatures or just you know having fun with Lui and making you know funny moments with him he actually didn’t really care about the but people were like actually that upset about it and coming at me in my chat for it or basically just going to LY chat and the fu Hawk like Trend started which was I don’t want to hear that I don’t care it it just gets annoying especially when it get to my comments 25 you said give a second you said one second so we started counting oh at least you guys can count that high it took you 25 seconds you lied to me good all right I need obsidian platform there they are no all oh I need obsidian brick not obsidian [ __ ] ah idiot what the [ __ ] fu what an idiot oh he muted one two I’m still here [ __ ] I know what’s what huh I just got back sorry I was counting while he was deing he said give me a second he Deen so I started counting here’s give me a second one all right he just had to here’s the question bro oh [ __ ] no why me why did I can’t ask my question you going to suck my questions go ahead go ahead question so why why is the whole thing about this game instead of giving me the item it gives me three different it gives me an item to make the item all right and I got to go through this convoluted ass [ __ ] system just to figure out what the [ __ ] what do I have to stroke what do I have to look at just to finally get [ __ ] to work okay using magic storage so everything’s in one giant that’s what I’m saying if if magic storage wasn’t here bro I would I would never play terrari ever again dude yeah vanilla Terraria is R vanilla Terraria is rough yeah I I can’t play vanilla Terraria with my friends because magic storage isn’t in vanilla Bro [ __ ] that what is happening with my hand right now write it down dude anybody asked me to play vanilla Terraria I am spitting in your face and smacking your dick and running away smacking me me what if they’re a child excuse me what okay it’s not going to be a child if it’s in [ __ ] Hawk chat at least 80% of them won’t be a child Chad how old are you are you or actually wait don’t say your age but are you underage just say that yes you just look at your chat it’s yes yes yes yes yes Chad old who is older than 18 say me you got to make a poll that uh if you’re a minor make a PO and the entire all under and if you want to Twitch in don’t say your age all right at all cuz if you’re if you’re under 12 you’re immediately banned like that’s by by twitch to you have to be banned immediately Hey yo uh Hey lki CH how old are you all right 11 11 11 10 enough to be here I do run an 18 plus stream so do I see a six gone long that [ __ ] said Bann for [Laughter] me actually no twitch actually uh Auto bans now if they say they’re that age if they say they’re 12 it actually automatically bans them within like five minutes so don’t even say as a joke in the chat you might just get banned see 415 what the [ __ ] was what was I crafting I don’t remember what I was crafting I’m lost know do anymore oh the obsidian oh yes the obsidian platform should I do one or two probably two all right I’m doing the double one hopefully it doesn’t break oh oops all right well we have three now all right I have oh we put that in my inventory carefully all right let’s hope the world doesn’t blow up wait a minute please crash please crash please wait a minute what did you what crashing undo everything we’ve done I’m getting ascended but I’m falling all no please don’t hit the floor all uh right about no fall damage I even place it yet all right you don’t you have the horses shoe my bad oh wait hese takes away fall damage all right let’s see if this works oh negates fall damage don’t move I moving don’t move I placed it it might take a bit [Music] n did it work for you guys or did it crash uh oh Happ lost connection I didn’t connection did it work I don’t know if I lost everybody standing still for me did it work there it goes yeah everybody’s standing still for me but give a bit welcome I made the arena I was I was smoked I was smoked I was smoked are we good I was smoked damn this weapon does a lot of damage I think we’re good I’m back dude this weapon slaps I my health doesn’t f hi fellas hey hey man hey man hey man you want a roide hot dog why is there a hole right here what’ you do you got gifted buts bro who the [ __ ] put a hole here I work wait minute whoa whoa whoa I that was me people just all right so where I this voodo vo is it all place for you guys yeah I see it I see everything we’re good now let’s start running left uh yeah start running left all right traveling Merchant I’m going check that real quick Yi running I’ll check the travel Merchant keep running running [ __ ] keep running damn bro moping good Lord hold on bro you got the Lamor fees on what the [ __ ] you got on compared to me excuse me why am I slow damn bro I don’t know what’s wrong with him he just keep moving just keep moving hey Shadow chest I’m running like L’s mom to the buffet dude dude what’s that me I don’t know I think you know exactly what supposed to yeah 678 Aurora Avenue oh is that your address yeah I’m coming Sho or is that the bue and latitude yeah check your chest right now you see that red dot on your chest don’t look out your window don’t look out your window there’s not even a window in my room how is there a don’t look at your window is this the monitor three three trained snipers looking at you right now buddy all right are they trained by Siege or are they trained by Call of Duty I think trained by wall xray I’m they’re trained through real life because if they were trained through through I those games it wouldn’t work they they going to miss then why you keep teleporting me that’s it come on CH come on you better start running better running better start running the this should be good going go out and kill something right here should be good stop here okay okay fine damn stop here oh fight back first don’t pass away I’m going go bu goodbye here get over here hi all right let’s [ __ ] do this right here throw it right here sry [ __ ] you got this damn doll ready throw that [ __ ] in there I thought you said you had throw that [ __ ] in there you you said you had it I thought you had it I’ll go grab it please don’t die go grab God damn it I thought you said you had it so I thought you had it so I didn’t grab one all all right that’s it sport whip them out of anger my wifeu told me nice guys go get a heal real quick go buy a heal Qui quick it’s in the desert desert desert I stay here don’t worry NOA is ready summon it ma’am I would like a heal please all right ready to go everybody got their heal up all right I’m going go buy a heal I’m going buy heal right up fire up why am I invisible okay there we go where’s my heal okay I bought my heal all right you guys [ __ ] lucky what are we going up against um a boss well no [ __ ] but that boss let’s just say uh it’s what I mean your mama that guy that’s what be fing up on your that guy oh my God walls godamn it yep I don’t see the wall I just see little of the ultimate what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the ultimate [ __ ] that [ __ ] up made look real weird that [ __ ] looked real really weird open fire I’m throwing grenades throwing grenades okay hit the eyes hit the eyes a for the eyes doing more damage right I’m opening fire Charing not that hard we’re yeah yeah see we’re doing good watch out for the lasers though lasers the lasers do hurt um it does have a good amount of Health though I noticed get your [ __ ] man Grabbers off of me the hungry yeah they’re hungry why they call him the hungry I don’t want to touch him he got mou on him hold on why he got his teeth exposed to me they like your mouth though don’t swords damn I hit all three right there okay it’s getting a little faster be careful watch out for the laser damn that laser that laser right there almost killed me bro I forgot this [ __ ] fires lasers yeah watch out speeds up more oh that ultimate’s so weird oh I ain’t doing no damage yeah I’m going to sit back here and just keep shooting the eyes I’m behind him yeah if you’re behind him you take a bassive mount you’re a little low be careful we throw [ __ ] it we using the Scythe damn damn damn he is opening fire now [ __ ] I’m not doing any [ __ ] damage to this [ __ ] you’re heading the eye you’re doing damage you’re doing good you’re doing good keep keep that a boy Cod I see you if you have a heal you should probably [ __ ] use it yeah I did I don’t I didn’t I don’t have one oh no oh no four 5K left [ __ ] keep dodging keep dodging keep dodging keep dodging oh you got it DOD keep dodging keep dodging keep dodging [ __ ] oh my God oh my God I might die I am so dead I so dead I’m summoning the SWS before I die no no yes oh my God yes I got stuck in the tiny floating buzzer be oh [ __ ] God we need to get down there we need to get down there the loot despawn yes wait do we all all of us die we all died yes all of us die my my Al I think my ALT finished it oh my Lord oh my Lord [ __ ] why can’t I zoom out look at look at cod’s using his big boy brain hey hey on the on the plus side yeah you can go down a little further don’t go J you can teleport down here bud oh dude we need to run this is hard mode now we got to [ __ ] go it’s all the way in the left dude it’s so far and uh guess where the hollow is where the cavern oh okay that’s actually good all right we got to book it before we get jumped down here so welcome to hard Modo Cod how you feeling buddy I’ve been hard this whole time oh interesting this changes nothing but now you’re you’re direction is now doubled wait a minute I have a pitch for [ __ ] yes yep I’m just do this next episode it’ll be a trap oh I teleport backwards oh where am I I feel like we didn’t go this far what’ you say I feel like we didn’t go this far we went pretty far yeah we it’s right here it’s not this house it’s up more we’re almost there it’s the next one yep yep there’s a hungry hungry you say here we go see I’ll St here teleport to me red Spider Lily weapon mem Marine oh make sure you talk to your women as well hurry up shit’s rning the spawn hurry up oh [ __ ] okay okay you to grab their stuff yep y Lui yes no okay leave holy [ __ ] make sure you’re talking to your woman as well talking to my my woman in the in the heat of everything bursting in the neat of speak faster woman God damn it her home she got a PhD at yapping ton [ __ ] let’s get it all right new Essence BR strength from melee o I just got versatile weapon borrows strength from melee and Magic oh I love it nice looks like a power melean do you have any spare gloves dear God there’s a lot of Essences dear God yeah that’s a lot so many what the [ __ ] there’s so many essence of gold what is this oh dear God lasting Observatory the summon all we got some good things now oh yeah make sure you open up your uh your treasure bag to get the demon heart and use it see now you can have another accessory I got the ranger emblem did anybody get the magic emblem nope I didn’t I got the warrior emblem sick you said this is the hollow down here yep I’m going to go buy a bag so I can get my emblem the trauma of luck better chance of getting better reforges if it’s in your inventory yes doesn’t affect accessories no oh because we have to level it okay I’m just going to throw it away in here what is the oh yeah access you just said that to Y Summoner emblem yeah so welcome to Hard Mode basically uh it’s going to feel like we’re starting over again kind of this is when Terraria gets real it’s it’s not going to be like dungeon crazy but it’s going going to hurt oh yeah there’s a guy outside that wants to talk yeah where’s he uh oh oh no he’s inside oh no oh he died pretty quick we’re fine we good for now got stars above stuff at least it GES us a bunch of evanes do we get any cool abilities probably not ability to not talk to females let’s go my favorite ability defe question mark isn’t there one for kill Wall of Flesh I don’t know maybe I don’t think there is one not that I’m seeing unless I missed it oh yeah we’re going have to look for the Shimmer brother and look for mimics oh God the fun time begins let me check our boss log yep pre hard mode is fully done for us right now yay I don’t know how to check the B log open up press Escape in the bottom right we haven’t done the old ones Army we wait until Golem remember I know if they show question marks in the top right you’ll see progression mode disable it okay did you use your demon heart I did yeah yeah that’s good oh soon we have the witch of Inc I can’t wait I wonder if they did any changes to her and then after that the hardest boss in the game Golem yeah man I’m going to take a look see if there’s any why why are you getting beat up over there are you okay to he’s running back I don’t think he’s okay I just wanted Girl Scout oh we can buy cobal Shields now nice you can also buy the Titan glov so you can upgrade your whips oh nice combine it with the Ferro claw to make it better yep magnet wait what celestial magnet Celestial magnet movement a minute what what’s the name of the boss that sport loves um burnished King yeah he used to sit in a chair he doesn’t sit in a chair anymore which I don’t know if it’s better or worse we’re g to find out the [ __ ] hard way I mean to be considered you know sitting down being in a vegetation State and he was still kicking your ass and now he has feeling in his nerves again I don’t know looking at his little character thing look at his little character design I don’t think there’s much feeling just just kind of kind of instinct you thought the kids were scared of Steven Hawking when he was in a wheelchair imagine he regained all the ability to um we have an issue we lost our snow Pyon snow pym’s gone it’s corrupted yeah it’s it’s all corrupted that’s bad okay well Ting oh dear God oh dear God we’ll have to get the claminator wait we can we can cleanse this because the oh wait this P’s not active I can I can try I don’t know if it will I don’t think we can buy the clator yet no not yet no we buy strange plants oh nice even better I might I might be able to purify we have lots of money so I might be able to purify it hold on maybe the special dies will work properly yeah unlike they did in Calamity let me see here uh Stars what is what is happening is this man try to break our door probably you need to be to teleport this pile to be oh my God I actually can’t I can’t fix this I have to actually purify this area oh that’ll be fun yeah [ __ ] dude that’s so bad is it the entire snow biome it’s the oh man uh no not over here not over there not over here we’ll just have to we you have to move the houses over here real quick I can do that go get some instant houses I’ll grab the pylon hurry up y I am working on an area just go get the houses real quick I get the P hurry up hurry up all right all right all right don’t rush me don’t rush I’m rushing you taking my sweet time oh my God you okay bro I’m [ __ ] Rosalina now hold on oh did you make this the wand yeah that thing’s actually pretty cool I remember using that oh dear God bro I got lumos bro go that’s funny as [ __ ] I see the oh my God oh my God that’s actually cool as [ __ ] pile on pile on P I’m a huge Super Mario Galaxy enjoyer okay um where’s our NPC uh let’s see uh there’s a mechanic boom tanker boom all right this is active now all right I’m going start leveling it up didn’t we have the mutant and Abomination here yes mutant uh you know you’d think the Abomination would stand out there we go who else likes this place I don’t remember wait so do I I could literally just do nothing now and lumos just [ __ ] [ __ ] up why is this breaking let going check the other pylons what the [ __ ] why is this breaking I don’t know hey you want to do the ocean pylon too is it corrupting it’s like right beside it it’s not why keep resetting zero what the [ __ ] is happening very close to being corrupted figure out why he keeps stopping the [ __ ] what this is really weird the pylon is being really weird and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t I can’t stop coming why does it keep setting what the [ __ ] I don’t I don’t understand it let me try this yeah I can’t it just keeps resetting I don’t know why all that’s weird yeah I can’t it just resets is someone crafting something nope is the trough interfering with it I can turn off the money trough I don’t think it is yeah it goes to 38 on this side and just stops as well we’re we’re going need an instant Vader and just plop that [ __ ] like right here yeah this is not valid housing why are these all not valid housing this housing is suitable what the fck huh all right you can go get an inator just throw it over there yep I’m just going to put the I don’t know where I’m going to put here I’m [ __ ] Rich hey guys you guys fre grand kids are going to be in [ __ ] luxury you just crapped and [ __ ] see yes you T some stuff out oh we got hollowed over here damn damn damn all thing on my grenade still do damage all right well that’s good yeah might be something we got to fix cleansing [Music] bomb no way there’s a cleansing bomb I don’t remember this what the [ __ ] does it do they actually have a cleansing bomb all right inator down oh my God wait yeah you know I just realized thanks to chat um there is a giant cleansing thing I could just use from Fargos oh yeah like a bomb that just cleanses everything huh oh I can corrupt the entire world oh lovely I like this exactly what we want all right well good job today boys yeah [ __ ] we kind of cleared house Jesus Christ I think the only step was dungeon dear God yeah dungeon was the only Pain part of that D [ __ ] and I mean [ __ ] that dungeon okay it’s all right we’re done we’re done it doesn’t matter what mod what [ __ ] playr that [ __ ] [ __ ] hurts my soul every goddamn time okay it is never fun dungeon the dungeon is more difficult than hell itself literally we about to H oh I just realiz dude next stream next stream is going to about to be jam-packed holy [ __ ] Mining Adventure Mining Adventure and depending on how good we do with the ores the bosses like we can definitely do the three mechanical bosses pretty quickly Destroyer might be a no might be problem I just don’t want to do the dungeon again we won’t do the dungeon again it’s okay buddy we don’t have to yeah yeah we’re good we’re done we’re done we’re done the green book The Boss log it’s a mod it’s a mod I have I do have a question for you lki all right it’s the whole boss log and what not I have an important question for you lusi what is the question this is very important okay I need your true honest answer dungeon or morning wood which is worse right scrambled I think the answer that has he left guys bet he realized cuz he has to do pumpkin he knows what’s coming up pumkin moon is basically next yeah not yet but it’s coming up [ __ ] both of them that’s answer they both could get all six Ines all right and slurp every inch of my [ __ ] meat cuz [ __ ] both both of them all right morning wood sucks all right [ __ ] dungeon sucks all right [ __ ] both of them what about the what about the ice queen [ __ ] that [ __ ] too but in a different way what about the Ice King all right oh he can [ __ ] me what I’m saving quitting a the Texas Chili Bowl left the CL baby Texas Chili Bowl all right good [ __ ] today boys I’m now G to go eat some food and edit for a little bit or maybe just night I’m [ __ ] I need to lay down go lay down gent man [ __ ] this game just [ __ ] the dungeon in general oh that’s what I’m saying yeah [ __ ] me see lat gentlemen yeah [ __ ] see you later buds byebye all right chat that will do it for now make sure you guys join the Discord is is down in the description or you do x mark Discord in the chat so um tomorrow we got Ellen ring if you guys want to see me and Bubba not Bubba sloi my buddy Bubba the real Bubba get our asses beat on Elden ring because we are in uh the capital city we are getting towards the hard bosses now like the really really hard ones besides gargoyles dear God I hated that boss but if you guys want to see that then be in the Stream tomorrow around the same time we started about 7:00 and oh yeah I know don’t use renewal mobs yeah I I saw that I won’t use it don’t worry maybe I’ll think about it uh let’s see here uh starts above video I’m about to go work on so give me a bit like I said I am the only one editing all this I do have codes editing one of my elen ring videos thank you codes I appreciate you and so you know you got give me time okay like I said I’m trying to space it out if I just do Terraria Terraria Terraria then I’m just going to build a Terraria community and I do like Terraria area but I’m variety I cannot stick to one game sticking to one game actually hurts my soul all right what time uh same time tomorrow uh 7 p.m. EST if you want to know the actual time for your time zone join my Discord and if you take the stream roll or video roll take both of them you can if you take the streams roll I have a little section called plan streams and that will tell you in your time zone what time I’m starting like for example for me it says 7:00 p.m. EST but when you look at it it’ll say 5:00 p.m. all right what time will it be on what do you mean the stream tomorrow or the video video is going to take me a bit so the secret Ence use their hardcore character and pick up a voodoo doll with them uh I don’t have a hardcore character Oh you mean make one dear God what the [ __ ] I’ll think about it micrometers for that shorty I’ll think about it we got me and we got to do some stuff off camera maybe we’ll see we might not uh once again guys thank you guys so much for watching and I will be on tomorrow with some eldering if you don’t have a Discord if you really want to know what time you’re just going to have to make a Discord but I’m to be completely honest the pile and cleaner should work in multiplayer I don’t know why it’s not we’ll see once again good thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you all tomorrow for some ELD and also Sunday for weathering waves if you like like the you know play play some wether waves with me a good night

4 Idiots VS Stars Above (NO THERE ISN’T CALAMITY) while playing on MASTER MODE

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No Wormholes Requirement
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Pylons Prevent Evils
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Teleport All NPC Home
Teleport to pylons from anywhere!
The Stars Above
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