EVIL MARVIN vs The Most Secure House In Minecraft!

Jeffy Marvin I’m coming for you oh no Daddy your evil twin is just 5,000 blocks away that’s not good Jeffy we need to build a base and defend against him let’s get started on the main building in the middle daddy I’m going to spawn a fortress in bang daddy look at this oh good idea Jeffy and look at the top of the screen he’s getting closer oh no Daddy we need to build faster what should we build for the First Defense Jeffy I have an idea since he’s ginormous we need to build a shrink ray to bring him down the size or else he’s just going to blow right through our castle walls die die die die evil Marvin wins oh my gosh daddy that is might just be the best idea you ever had okay a big shring rate for a big big enemy all right Jeffy come on we need to build a PL form for the shrink ray to go on top of okay Daddy I’ve got this all right here we go here we go there we go Daddy this is the main platform we’re going to build the shrink ray on now we just need to actually build the shrink ray Jeffy yeah Daddy Let’s Do It All right I’m going to make it so it’s supported and stuff with like I don’t know it’s like supports you know and stuff that support stuff all right there we go Denny I think this gun is already looking really really sick I think so too Jeffy come on we’re almost done with the barrel all right Jeffy look we made the gun but we’re not done yet what else is there to do we have to add Redstone to help fuel it oh yeah Daddy all right I’m going to add the main laser in the middle see daddy look look there’s the main laser right there Jeffy that looks sick I know this is going to be able to destroy him no problem all right let me add a couple more right here and perfect good job Jeffy and look uh let me the computer to power it all come here look at this Jeffy oo Daddy this is so cool is it going to make that Blazer so powerful all right Jeffy I’m adding Redstone torches now daddy there is no way that evil Marvin gets past this all right Jeffy just got to add the lever right here and boom Oh yeah and now we can fire it whenever we want okay Daddy I’m going to test it out all right Jeffy just wait for me to clear out of the way all right um what are you don’t what did you say 3 2 1 bang Dy daddy wait what is evil Marvin doing oh my goodness Jeffy look above at the meter he’s getting closer and closer he’s closing in so fast I’m getting closer to destroying Jeffy and Marvin and I’m going to do that right after I destroy this Village yes I destroy this entire village with my fet this Viller my to Daddy we need another defense right now you’re right Jeffy Jeffy let’s build a wall around the base with a river surrounding it you’re right Daddy and because he’s on fire having a water moat is going to put him out Daddy what should we build the wall out of Jeffy I have an idea we’ll build it out of diamond ore ooh Daddy yeah that’s a great idea diamonds are so powerful he won’t be able to get through it all right Jeffy this is where the Diamond wall should go I’m going to build right under the laser beam ooh yeah Daddy that’s the way to do it that way the laser beam can still reach him bang daddy look at that oh Jeffy that looks so good all right if we wrap this around the entire base there’s no way you’ll be able to bust through it oh yeah Daddy you are right so I’m going to go to this side and I’m going to build this wall and oh another wall done Daddy another wall done good job Jeffy all right two more walls to go come on hurry up all right there’s the next one oh my goodness this is looking sick perfect Jeffy you only have one more wall to go yeah I do in 3 2 1 bang all right Jeffy now we just need to add the river this is going to be sick we need to build this River quickly okay he’s getting close Jeffy we got to dig a hole around the entire base now oh man this is stupid daddy we got to hurry Jeffy I think we need to make it a little bit deeper than that yeah you’re right Daddy I don’t know what I was thinking yeah Jeffy this guy’s ginormous and bang daddy how about that oh great job Jeffy that looks good right there all right now for the other side all right Jeffy I’m going to cut it in three two one boom what Daddy this is crazy he’s never going to be able to jump across this all right Jeffy you get this back wall and I’m going to get this left wall okay Daddy no problem bang Daddy I just cut it again all right good job Jeffy you got this daddy and yes oh I didn’t connect him Jeffy oh man daddy don’t worry it’s already looking so good 3 2 1 boom and it’s connected good job Jeffy now we just need to add water throughout this entire thing okay Daddy I’ve got this yeah wa Jeffy good job look at that I’m feeling all the water you filled the whole thing with water Jeffy daddy yes this is going to be absolutely impossible for him to get past there’s no question about it you’re right Jeffy should we build a bridge so we can get in and out of it though I I mean we could but then he’d be able to get past that’s true Jeffy we’re just going to have to swim across every time yeah but and he’s made out of fire so he can and we can so I wouldn’t say we need a bridge all right Jeffy we have our laser beam our wall and our Mo so at this point he’ll be small and his fire will be out yeah Daddy and now we need security cameras to keep us safe so we can always know where he’s at yeah Jeffy if he’s small we might not be able to find him and he might be able to sneak up on us and kill us they didn’t place any security cameras and look at them hey J I was a to speak up you and kill you idiot yeah Daddy so we need to in this place out with a ton of security cameras oh good job Jeffy I think they’ve got like the entire thing almost covered we should add them from the inside of the wall too so we can’t sneak up on us like at all yeah that’s a great idea I’m going to go inside and I’m going to start placing security cameras on the inside all right there we go we got a couple in here we want to get from all angles that way he’s never going to be able to get in and daddy the entrance is right here so I’m going to add extra security cameras right here uhhuh yeah look at that there’s no way he’s getting past this if he even makes it that far okay Daddy what we’re going to do next is we’re going to build an Armory inside and we’re going to practice our Target skills okay all right Jeffy I’m going to get rid of this grass and plays Bricks now it looks like an actual Armory yeah Daddy here we go okay now I’m going to build this main area in the middle that’s going to house all of the guns okay Daddy so I’m going to place down these item frames and place you know a couple of guns inside here Daddy oh my God Jeffy that looks so sick look at all those guns there’s no way he’ll be able to get past us with these guns I know and I can’t wait to test out my skills on these targets here let me add some armor stands Jeffy good idea good thinking all right Jeffy let’s both put our favorite armors on these stands okay okay you can’t go wrong with diamond that’s right daddy and you can’t go wrong with melon armor yeah Jeffy what’s melon armor going to do that’s just stupid NY it works trust me okay and the next one is going to be even better than melon armor daddy guess what it is what is it Jeffy slime armor ew yeah DD Jeffy slime armor is nasty it’s like you’re covered in boog all day okay Daddy now we’re going to practice our targets oh my God Jeffy wait look I have a rifle and a bazooka oh my goodness all right go in three 2 1 die evil die D I’m hitting all four of them are we are we sure these are going to do let’s test this out dad now oh no I just blew a hole in our base God dang it oh man dny you’re stupid yeah but at least we know that it’ll take out evil Marvin now yeah that is true I guess it’s just something we had to sacrifice all right you know just in case he does get in daddy we need to build a secret safe room you’re right Jeffy and we can use the hole in the wall to disguise it too all right Jeffy I’m going to patch this up Do you want to build a secret entrance to our underground bunker you bet I do daddy you bet so I’m going to go ahead and disguise it as the wall okay so I’m going to do this and set there we go perfect and right here can be the wall daddy this can be the room are we able to add an invisible wall to this Jeffy so he doesn’t see it oh my gosh an invisible wall would be perfect all right Jeffy I’m adding paintings to this wall do you want to delete the blocks behind it so you can get in and out paintings yeah because you won’t be able to see past the paintings oh yes ni uh Dy oh Jeffy you destroyed the painting sorry oh Jeffy perfect yeah there’s no way he’ll be able to get in what happened daddy you didn’t put signs on you now you can put the paintings in really yeah Daddy all right Jeffy let me try that again perfect Perfection daddy Perfection now evil Marvin’s just going to think you’re really into paintings yeah oh my God Jeffy you’ll never find us down here yeah Daddy but listen we need a secret Escape Route so I’m thinking we dig all the way down here and dig for a while that way we have a secret emergency escape and look it it leads to the water this is perfect so we can just swim up and escape the moat oh my God you’re right Jeffy okay Daddy the bunker is built okay and it’s behind the wall and we got a safe route to escaping so what’s next wait Jeffy look he’s getting even closer now oh no we don’t have much time as soon as I cross this sea I’ll be at their Bas this is tickling my toes get out of the way water daddy listen just in case he gets in we’re going to be stuck here for a very long time so we need a backup plan I thought that I thought this was our backup plan Jeffy we need a food and water room daddy up here oh good idea Jeffy we have no clue how long this battle is going to take so let’s go ahead and put down a table where we’re going to have all the water and all the food okay I’m just going to clear out a little bit of an area here you get to work on finding the food okay all right Jeffy I got watermelons look at this oh yes watermelon is perfect daddy we love the melons look yummy watermelon now Jeffy n n n Daddy can I play Chun K in here fine Jeffy CH like Jeffy stop eating it just place it down we got to save it from later idiot I’m sorry Daddy I’m sorry it was just really good okay so we got chocolate cake we got a watermelon what else do we need Jeffy we got to clear this out right here all right all right I’m going to add some fridges and stuff and daddy put down some stuff inside the item frames like steak I’m adding barrels so we can so we can hold like wheat and stuff in here too ooh yes daddy yes daddy look at all of these steaks in the barrel I know Jeffy this is so much I’m going to put steak in the fridge oh yeah now daddy listen we need a bear I’m going to put a hole right here okay I need you to put water in this wait Jeffy we need a furnace so we can cook the food see look we got water perfect and it can be used as a bath too so we drink our bath water e all right Jeffy this is going to take a lot of electricity to power this so let’s head up to the roof where we can build a power supply oh yeah the laser literally won’t work now that we have all this other stuff all right Jeffy I’m on the roof how are we going to build this power supply I don’t even know how to build one of those uh listen I think we’re going to need a big old platform okay and we’re going to want this power supply to be really protected Jeffy daddy I’ve got it I’ve got it you want it protected don’t you worry okay see look wait Jeffy you destroyed all my bricks dad it shut up look we’ve got it protected okay now we just need to build it inside of here oh that’s a good idea yeah Daddy think like me think like me and use your brain daddy I’ve got tons of servers right here okay look at all these servers all right Jeffy let me add some supercharged coils this is going to help so much yes Daddy this is perfect it’s is going to make everything super super powerful and it’s going to give us that power we need for the laser okay Daddy Let’s make sure it works okay 3 2 1 bang look the laser connects which means it’s on oh my gosh good job Jeffy wait Jeffy look above we weren paying attention he’s super close now oh my gosh look at him Dy we need to build something fast Jeffy we need to hurry up and build the Army come on oh my goodness it needs to be right out front daddy right out front okay Daddy I am outside placing down an army of spawners okay oh God I got an army of pigs that’s not good Jeffy I’m making an army of iron golems all right and here’s the first one and boom Jeffy if we build like if we get like 50 Iron Golems there’s no way he’ll be able to get past them daddy you know what we need we need an army of dolphins Jeffy Dolphins aren’t going to help Daddy of course they are all right more iron golems Jeffy and boom Oh my God I have so many Iron Golems now Jeffy oh he’s so menacing Daddy he’s just looking at us Jeffy Marvin I’ve come to eat your bon daddy he’s going to eat our bones Jeffy that’s not good no as soon as he’s in line we need to fire the shrink ray yeah Daddy I’ve got an army of wardens good job Jeffy oh my God he’s almost here he’s not quite in sight for the shrink gray yet though daddy we’re going to need to use it soon all right Jeffy I’m almost done I’m making the Iron Golem AR Army now this should be enough right yeah look at you go daddy look at you go move out of the way Iron Golems I need to make more of you Daddy I’m making Iron Golems you push him out of the way yes daddy yes yeah the world domination and last one come on yes there’s no way oh wait there’s a few more we missed some Jeffy I know Daddy done yes all right Jeffy look at this Army of iron golems if he gets inside the walls there’s no way he’ll be able to get to us hey he’s right there Jeffy we got to use the shrink R here we go D he pull the lever do we all right Jeffy come on 3 2 1 and boom yes daddy use it again he’s still not small enough oh no he’s not in shot Jeffy he’s not in the shot I can’t use it oh Jesus it’s going to go right over his head wait Jeffy maybe if we’re lucky he’ll fly right in sight yes daddy yes you think that can stop M hey dummy Marvin we have one more bullet left 3 2 1 yes let’s go Dy he’s on to he’s basically our size now now he has to go up against the warden just because I’m TI doesn’t mean I can’t destroy you wait Jeffy we forgot he had has wings and he can fly he’ll just be able to fly over the moat now you didn’t tell me this wait he’s inside daddy we need to use our guns no Jeffy he made it past all our defenses oh my goodness Daddy get the rocket launcher out and and all right Jeffy oh I’m firing at him but he’s still he’s small so he’s moving too fast now yeah Daddy he’s too fast Jeffy it’s a shrink rate it’s not going to last forever he could get back to his original form this isn’t good daddy this isn’t good oh God oh God no the armor you’re bling up some of our base Jeffy hurry up suit up with armor daddy his health bar it’s barely making a dent but Jeffy we haven’t hit him once he’s moving too fast oh gosh the base is getting destroyed well we’re the ones destroying it take this you stupid Goblin and back angang Jeffy you’re the one I’m after no Daddy you all distract him you hit him I’ll try Jeffy I’ll try oh I’m destroying our whole base Jeffy this get into the secret room now no no no please please Daddy get in the secret room just showed them where our secret room is Jeffy come on we got to make a run for it Daddy there’s a big hole in the wall oh this isn’t good this isn’t good he’s coming right through the only way beat me is to put my fire out Jeffy daddy this will be easy well let’s use our escape to lead him to the water good idea Jeffy hey eat my butt evil Marvin come on can’t get me evil Marvin can’t get me I’m coming right for you I’ll kill you if it’s the last thing I do Jeff ddy jump go yes wait wait Jeffy I think it’s hurting him yes no what’s happening to me Daddy it’s working yes his fire is out he’s powering down Jeffy Dy all of his skin is ripped off oh my goodness oh my God Jeffy Fire’s completely out I think he’s powerless now and look at his health he’s one shot daddy Jeffy take him out hurry up no yes that’s right daddy we won like And subscribe watch the video on the screen

CHECK OUT THE SML STORE! thank them for allowing fans to make channels of their characters we wouldn’t be able to do any of this without their support!

Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever!

SUB TO @heresmarvin !

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  1. Marvin’s evil twin brother looks just like him but he looks scary with the fire on his eyes and feet and the wings on his back hood thing you both got rid of him he was scary!

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