Growing UP as a HACKER in Minecraft!

a come on wake him now son ow ow what the what was that who are you guys well we’re your parents of course whoa wait you guys are my parents was I just born and what the wait hold on what’s that on your guys’s head well we’re hackers we have to stay Anonymous yeah welcome to the family son you have a mask too wait what I’m wearing one of these masks as well waa wait I am wao I actually look so cool with this thing and I can even see perfectly through it yeah well the mask is not important come on we have to get ready and huh get ready for what what are you guys talking about and uh is Dad flying right now what the heck you can fly wait how do I fly I want to do that uh there’s no way you’re going to be able to fly now you were just born you have to master your hack abilities first oh well but I want to learn how to fly okay okay well I mean I guess I was just born okay what are we doing oh we have to go down and eat breakfast duh Mom Dad I’m hungry uh who are you uhoh what is that oh this is your brother and uh this is your sister uh this is Ruby whoa wait I have a sister hi Ruby wait hold on are you a hacker too uh yeah I’m a hacker but were you just born I’m probably a better hacker than you and what yeah come on I was just born you don’t have to make fun of my hacking skills I don’t think I can even hack yet wait Dad can I do any hacks yet no oh what wait Mom Dad look what I just learned what did you learn I can fly what the Ruby can fly wait Ruby how old are you I want to know when I can learn how to fly I’m 4 days old yeah I know pretty cool okay okay 4 days old that means I just got to wait four more days until I can fly let’s go well you may not learn how to fly first it may be a different ability but come on come on we got to eat breakfast we’ve got we’re on a time crunch and um okay wait we’re on a time crunch but but but I was just born this feels like very Rush yes yes come on your dad and I have got some noobs to terrorize let’s go yeah we’ll leave you here uh Ruby uh tell Cam he’s in charge what wait you guys have some noobs to terrorize is that what Hacker’s doing wait who’s cam oh Cam’s our brother Dad Dad I’ve been working on my deep voice how does this sound what the whoa whoa whoa wait who are you and wait a minute you must be Kim are you our brother wait who’s this oh yeah this is our new little brother he was Bor in uh 5 seconds ago yeah somewhere around then but wait a minute you’re cam nice to meet you how old are you oh me I’m a week old yeah stop rubbing it in yeah but hold on a minute I want to learn how to do all these cool hacks wait Kim can you teach me since you’re the oldest one here I can show you something later but oh check out the house since you were just born you’re this is your first time here and oh yeah this is my first time here and whoa what the heck is this over here is this a rainbow couch how do you guys have this oh it’s our RGB couch trademark yeah Mom hacked the couch what the heck okay okay hold on hold hold on I’ve never really been into a hacker house before what is this thing over here wait can I eat this is this food wait no don’t touch that don’t touch that that’s our lamp it’s explosive what the why do you guys have an explosive lamp above the dinner table cuz it makes the dinner table warm dues okay okay but hold on a minute what do you hackers like to do for fun like I said earlier I’ve never really been in a hacker family before so who wait how do you guys have so much gold oh uh we use uh the X-ray and sometimes we just steal it from moves I think that’s what Mom and Dad are doing right now actually that’s their job oh yeah they did say they were off to terrorize some noobs but wao yeah this is actually awesome I’m so excited to be a hacker I cannot wait to learn my new abilities yeah it may take a few days to learn uh your abilities it took Ruby 4 days to learn how to fly it only took me an hour hey uh talking about learning stuff uh we should go to school soon and wait what school o wait a minute hold on do you guys go to like a special school like a like a pro haacker school where you learn how to do all the hacking abilities and stuff yeah that sounds just about like it and yeah Ruby’s right we probably only have like 5 minutes to go oh come on let’s go we need to go now if we’re late mom’s going to take away my hacking tablet and wait wait do I have to come with you guys I was just born today do they even have like a like a class for me uh of course they do yeah I had to go to school on my first dat and so did Ruby so come on come on already okay okay fine fine I’m coming in wait guys I’m not as fast as you guys can you guys slow down and wait for me I can’t fly yet fine here stand still and wait what what are you doing oh oh wait we’re flying waa this is so awesome oh you better not drop me um this ground looks very very high up uh try not to get your hacker throw up on cam okay dude stop spinning me around hey hey hey this is bullying come on are you really going to bully your little brother Ruby tell him to stop tell him to stop you just have to get to school come on oh fine I guess let’s go but wa this is actually so cool I can’t wait to learn how to fly myself someday all right and here we are our hacker school and wao wait this is the hacker School wait wa wait hold on how are the walls made out of Bedrock isn’t that block like impossible to get huh bro we’re hackers we can get get any block we want what you can get bedrock okay okay that is actually crazy wait can I have it give me the Bedrock how do you get it uh you haven’t unlocked that ability yet so I there’s no way you’re going to get it but come on we have to go to class oh gosh okay okay fine I guess let’s just go to class wait what are we even going to do in this class am I going to learn how to pick up Bedrock like you guys um actually our first class is history and it’s kind of boring but you’re with us oh wait we get to go to the same class all right all right as long as I’m in the same class as you guys that sounds good okay but um just uh be careful what be careful of what this teacher is a little strict and a little weird to be honest yeah don’t get the questions wrong uh okay uh I I’ll try my best not to get the questions wrong and oh is this a class Yep this is our class hey we’re not late oh hello there cam Ruby and who’s this oh oh hi there teacher I’m new yeah this is our new little brother he was born today oh ain’t that interesting uh so you’re a hacker too and yeah I was born into a hacker family and ah what was that for dude oh you haven’t mastered your invulnerability yet uh he likes testing people out of nowhere be careful oh um all right but anyways yeah teacher I was just born today um I was just born into this hacker family I’m super excited to learn how to become a hacker like you guys uh yeah it’s kind of a tough process but I’ll go ahead and take a seat let’s go all right all right this is going to be awesome do I just get to sit anywhere I want yeah sit any there all right um I want to sit over here and oh wait it looks like there’s someone else in this class hi there hey what up pip squeak who who are you calling pip squeak huh you you’re fresh meat bro fresh meat wait guys who is this kid um I don’t know if you can be friends with him yeah that’s Ricky don’t pay attention to him he’s kind of like a bully oh what he’s the bully wait are you guys sure about that I mean he seems pretty nice wait hold on your name is Ricky Right who wait you’re so tall do you have like height hacks or something get away from me kid or else I’ll hack on you bro what what the heck okay okay fine fine I’m sorry I I didn’t mean to any disrespect man he’s scary he’s always like that why is he so big he’s like four years old he he got held back oh that makes a lot of sense all right well anyway students it looks like it’s time for the pop quiz and wait wait what pop quiz huh um I I I literally didn’t do any studying I had zero time to study I was um literally not born yet well that’s your fault anyway uh what was the first ever hacker oh gosh wait this one’s really hard oh I know this one I know this one wait wait k can you tell me the answer maybe if I tell it to the teacher he’ll start liking me bro there’s no way I could tell you that the answer he will literally he will fail me oh man okay okay fine fine um well I I don’t know all right does everyone have their answers ready and written on their paper I don’t even have a piece of paper Dash here I got you here you can borrow a piece of my paper oh okay thank you very much thank you very much um yeah I I’ve got my answer written down um totally all right well what’s your answer um uh uh Toby Toby who’s Toby wa isn’t that the who the first hacker was um totally yeah was that right bro get this kid out of my class he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about what come on was that really that off did his name at least start with a t no it doesn’t even start with a t actually Mr teacher it’s here girl brine excellent answer great great great but uh you mister you got it wrong you know what that means who who what is it mean what does it mean dude come on I I just got one question WR you don’t have to kill me you get one swing from the hacker paddle what the the hacker paddle dude no no no no no let me get me out of here I I I don’t really want to go to school anymore can we go can I go back to like their parents yes just do it oh my gosh ow that hurts so bad I think I cut my butt oh no uh is class over now uh no getting hungry I I think it’s time for an early lunch let’s just uh let’s just just miss and oh okay class is over finally let’s get out of here um guys I don’t really like this t-shirt yeah he kind of sucks I don’t really like him either but um he gave me a cookie but you want it maybe it’ll help you feel better um I don’t know wait ew This cookie tastes horrible it’s got like raisins in it what is this is a raisin cookie why would he do that oh my gosh that was absolutely disgusting but wait she said that it’s time for lunch do we get to go to the lunch room now and eat food ooh I can’t wait to see what you hackers eat oh yeah hacker food is the best Follow Me This Way oo let’s go I cannot wait to see what this hacker food is going to be like it’s like normal food but it’s got like green stuff and it’s it’s super good I cannot wait all right here we are this is the lunchroom it’s kind of huge and I’m kind of starving and wao wait this lunchroom is absolutely ginormous wait there’s like no one else here though are we the only ones in the school no we’re just a little bit early oh yeah right cuz class got dismissed earli all right well anyways where do we get food from oh wait are you the lunch lady do we get the food from you oh of course hey Miss Lun what do I got on the menu oh for sweet little cim here’s some pizza and oh wait you get pizza what the okay this school is actually awesome they got the best food here at Team you got pizza what do I get what do I get Miss lunch lady oh here you go Ruby here’s some tacos wait you get tacos okay okay that’s awesome wait what do I get what do I get wait who are you I’ve never seen you here before oh oh yeah right I’m new to this school there’s my first date I’m super excited to eat here for your first day you have to eat something really special here you go and ooh let’s go I get something special wait what is this and um wait kangaroom meat is this is this even cooked guys I I I think the lunch you just served me raw kangaroom meat no that’s a delicacy bro it’s so good yeah she only gives out the people that she really likes wait really is it is it even edible though I I I I can’t even eat it it it’s literally rot wait Lun lady can you like throw this in the oven for like a few more more minutes oh no it’s perfect as it is here here you can eat it um really are you are you sure I’m not going to get like food poisoning or anything no no no here take some more more uh okay um I guess I can try eating this thanks I I don’t think I’m really hungry right now I guess I’ll just watch you guys eat thanks Miss Lun lady yeah yeah thank you very much eat well hey guys are you sure this kangaroo meat is edible it’s literally uncooked I feel like if I’m going to eat this I get I’m probably going to go on the toilet no it’s fine yeah it’s definitely edible you just have to eat a lot of it uh okay well I got 19 pieces of it wait do any of you guys want to trade I’m about to trade for those tacos Ruby or that pizza that you got Kim no I’m going eat my pizza um I can trade one of my tacos but I’m I’m not taking your kangaroo meat oh what but I thought you said it was really good it is really good but it’s not my day to have kangaroo meat I don’t want to get in trouble oh what okay fine fine I guess I’ll love this Taco for now one taco is pretty good I’m not that hungry anyways well well well look who we have here oh guys it’s Ricky oh gosh I’m hiding under underneath the chair yeah just ignore him it’s the noob who got his question wrong during class what dude you don’t have to bring that up okay I didn’t know the answer I was literally just born today it’s not my fault you should have known the answer the answer was so easy I can’t believe you got that wrong piss squeak hey guys he picked me up hey let me down everybody this guy doesn’t know who the first hacker was dude dude this is not funny hey put me down Ricky come on hey Ricky put my brother down now what you think you’re impressive flying huh yeah yeah yeah like that’s going to do anything to me oh my gosh guys can we just go to a different lunch table this Ricky gu being mean how about we go um over here we need to go to the opposite corner of the lunch room yeah yeah yeah let’s just keep on looking this way don’t turn back don’t turn back I’m just going to hide underneath this chair over here he won’t be able to find me here hey kid and wait um is that Ricky oh gosh he’s right there hold on if I can’t see him he can’t see me I can totally see you you know what get out of from under there come on let’s fight let’s see how much of a good hacker you are who who dude put me down put me whoa whoaa okay hold on you want to fight no no no no no come on I was literally just born today aren’t you like four years old I’m I’m zero years old dude yeah pick on someone your own size yeah no I’m going to pick on the fresh meat and ow ow guys he’s buing me lizards lizards I’m hiding in the corner I’m hiding in the corner the man let’s take him to the bathroom and give him a swirly yo yo yo no dud we are not going to the bathroom dude put me down this is going to be so funny putting you in that toilet and dude dude that is not funny do you realize how messed up that is and uh hey you kid stop horsing around right now wait principal I’m so glad you’re here um this kid right here Ricky he was bullying me he threatened to put me in the toilet and and he was like punching me and he wanted to fight uh can you like get him in trouble please yeah yeah yeah likely story everyone to my office now wait what but you just do anything wrong yeah wait wait the principal Ricky he was picking on me I didn’t like even fight back or anything yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever to my office now or you’re expelled a man look what you did pip squeak well no this is not my fault this was you started it oh you’re in so much trouble after this principal did you not see him punching me right now everyone now oh my gosh man I can’t believe I’m getting in trouble on the first day of school oh we didn’t even do anything oh my gosh all right come on kids to my office it’s this way oh my gosh and wait guys have you ever been to the office before is this your first time getting in trouble too yeah this is our first time getting in trouble yeah I’ve never been in trouble before Mom and Dad are going to kill me oh my gosh okay okay well I’m sure Mom and Dad are going to understand that it wasn’t our fault let’s just go into this office real quick all of you in every single one of you we’re coming we’re coming jeez all right all right is this her office wa this is um an interesting office yeah this is my office now all of you take a seat oh man this is awful I’m going to beat you up after school for this one buddy dude the principal you heard that right you heard that right don’t tell me you didn’t hear that there’s not going to be any beating up of anybody right now for right now all of you are suspended for one day for horsing around in the lunchroom while no teachers were there wait what suspended for a day oh no oh no oh no oh no wait wait hold on what do you mean oh no is this really that bad this is horrible our parents are going to take away my hacking tablet my life is over okay okay well guys guys I’m sure we can just explain to our parents that it wasn’t our fault and this is this was uh unfair yeah they’ll understand right dude I don’t think that’s going to happen the principal’s going to tell our parents what happened and then our parents are going to believe the principal instead of ice oh my gosh all right well scram get out of here you’re dismissed ah fine fine I guess let’s go man at least we get to go home early H what do you guys want to do when we go home Hey kid what do you want Ricky you’re going to get it ah dude you already beat me up enough what do you want yeah what do you want You’ got me suspended and now I’m mad so I’m not holding back tomorrow after school you better be ready cuz we’re having a fist fight what dude dude ow you just punched me again didn’t we already like have a fight you would already punch me like a bunch of times he was literally just born today leave them alone no this time where I’m not stopping until you can’t even breathe what the dude that is messed up I don’t care how messed up it it is it’s messed up that you got me suspended for a school for a day guys guys what do we do what do we do I think we have to switch schools are there any other schools around this area that we can go to well the only thing we can do right now is just leave now come on no we’ve got to go tell Mom and Dad oh gosh yeah wait maybe Mom and and Dad oh do you think Mom and Dad can maybe beat up Ricky for me I don’t think that’ll happen maybe they can call uh Ricky’s parents let’s just ask Mom and Dad what we should do oh gosh I’m not looking forward to tomorrow all right we’re finally home hopefully Mom and Dad aren’t too mad and okay okay I haven’t known mom and dad for as long as you guys but I’m sure it’s going to be fine okay I’m I’m sure they’ll understand um I think you guys are just over exaggerating um dude mom and dad are really strict I don’t think I’m OV exaggerating I don’t think I’m exaggerating enough let’s just go see if anybody’s home oh my gosh all right all right anyone home hello Mom Dad are you guys back yet and oh oh I think Dad’s over there oh yeah get get pwned Noob what is that doing wait Dad are you playing video games on my computer huh no um what are you kiss someone home so early and oh hi Dad um uh we’re home early because um School ended early yeah yeah because it was my first day they let us all go home early as I don’t think it’s good to lie just tell them the truth oh my gosh okay okay fine fine pretty much there was this kid picking on me and then the principal saw and he got us all in trouble he told us that we’re suspended for the day what a kid picked on you and you’re suspended for a day yeah please don’t get mad at us yeah we didn’t do anything I promise I promise it was just the the kid picking on house Ricky he was being really mean I’m so mad I’m sorry I’m sorry oh gosh what is he going to do why didn’t you fight back you’re a hacker come on wait what that’s what you’re mad about yes of course I’m mad about that come on you’re you’re an OP hacker have you even learned an ability yet and um no I still don’t have any abilities I can’t even fly or anything you were supposed to learn them at school but since you’re suspended it’s going to be kind of hard for that now yeah and also the bully said he wants to meet Dash behind the school tomorrow and fist fight him and yeah yeah he said he wanted to fight me he said he was going to fight me until I’m no longer breathing I don’t think that’s good that’s really bad actually what you’re not going to be the one not breathing it’s going to be him you know what I know just the guy and wait what you’re going to hire someone to beat up Ricky what no you’re going to beat up Ricky um I don’t know about all that isn’t like four years older than us and um also I was just born today I can’t even punch properly like my arms are they’re still not that big yet look I’m going to be honest there’s nothing a hacker can’t do so what I’m going to do is I’m going to send you to a hacker boot camp a hacker what now wait wait what’s a hacker boot camp Oh I think Dad was talking about this when I got a be on a test one time it’s like a really dangerous hacker like training facility what really dangerous oh what are we going to do there we’re going to train as hard as you can for one whole day so you can beat up this little bully that’s at school oh gosh okay well this honest doesn’t sound too bad right guys we we get to learn more hacker skills yeah wait do we have to go or is it just Dash all of you have to go you’re all suspended oh well I guess we all could use the training but this sounds really difficult yeah I’m sorry for getting you guys into this all maybe you can help uh unlock some abilities let’s think about it on the bright side guys yeah you’re our little brother we’re going to help protect you oh yeah good idea we can 3v one Ricky tomorrow he’s not going to stand a chance all right well anyways you guys got to know where it is so follow me I’ll take you to this hacker boot camp all right let’s go hopefully this isn’t too hard hopefully um we don’t get hurt there or anything no you won’t get hurt here but uh you will do some hurting uh can we fly I’m tired of walking in a new kid fly yet what new kid okay hold on can we give me a name already um can you guys call me Dash that sounds like a pretty good name oh that’s actually pretty good name yeah I’ll call you dash that sounds like a really hacker name oh all right Dad do you like it yeah I like it but uh have you learned to fly it still haven’t answer my question no I still don’t know how to fly no problem cam carry him okay all right let’s go to this hacker boot camp all right here we are the hacker boot camp I’m going to leave you guys here the trainer should come by nearby I’ve got to go uh destroy some noobs and oh um all right we just wait here yeah yeah he’ll be here in shortly see you guys and oh see you Dad hi Dad oh gosh all right well um hopefully this place is nice he said the instructor is going to be here soon I wonder who the instructor’s going to be I’m kind of nervous I never met the instructor so I have no idea what they look like welcome to hacker boot camp who are you what the ow what the who are uh wait are you the instructor whoa wait this guy looks cool he’s got like a robot and everything my name is hacker Sensei and I am the leader of this boot camp wa he looks really cool um what do we have to do first hacker Sensei yeah hacker Sensei what do we do first we’ve come here to learn more hacking skills our dad dropped us off because um we needed to get better at hacking and fighting and and that sort of stuff well the first thing you need to do is tell me your names oh my name’s Dash I’m cam I’m Ruby excellent so your dad dropped you off here so you could train to be a excellent hacker yep exactly also I’ve got a fight tomorrow so I need to train for that oh you must train for the fight awesome well do you know how to fly yet do you have any of your hacker abilities unlocked and um no I don’t I I don’t think so hold on I can give flying a try though let me just uh get up over here and um that’s how you fly right you just jump from like a high place uh sure take take a take a jump okay okay here we go here we go oh let me fly ow um I don’t I don’t think I can fly yet did you break your ankles no I’m all right that kind of hurt my foot though um I think Dash needs a better place to practice oh yeah starting off with a complete newbie follow me this way I will take you to the first training course and what dude I’m not a complete newbie am I I I mean I I don’t even know how to do anything I guess I kind of am a complete newbie W look at this place W yeah this place looks crazy what the heck yeah what wait is this where you practice flying Yep this is the start of the flying training course waa wait okay this looks pretty cool it looks a little bit scary at the same time well has anyone here learned their abilities yet or is everyone a noie um I know how to fly yeah I know how to fly and I know reach and I know uh I I I I’ve got a few of my abilities and yeah these two over here already know their abilities I’m a fresh beginner if you want you can go ahead and go through the flying course you two but you you need to learn how to fly and yeah I still got some work to do all right well well what’s the first step in flying what do I do first thing you do is jump um Okay jump there we go I’ve jumped oh nothing’s happening I’m just jumping normally great jumping but now you must leap what what’s the difference between jumping and leaping well you need to take a leap of faith you need to fly okay okay hold on let me try taking a Le of Faith real quick I just got to um look up and then Jump Then I believe in myself and it’s still not working you are not flying correctly follow me what okay okay wa dude he’s just making it look easy what the heck he just did it so effortlessly I think you’re thinking too hard about it just take a deep breath and then try it um okay let me take a deep breath real quick actually let me take a deep breath of the taco it smells really good that’s some good stuff no food on my watch oh I’m sorry I’m sorry here you go here you go you’re going to have the food you’re going to have the food okay okay I I I smelled the taco I I think I have the the power in me now to flight let me give it a shot real quick here we go and wait a minute I’m actually doing it yo I’m flying this is so cool ow ow um I kind of just fell I don’t think I can fly for that long excellent excellent excellent youve learned how to fly but not for very long this is this is great you’re doing really well let’s go is good progress right guys yeah it’s all right but you need to train harder remember you’re trying to survive your fight tomorrow yeah yeah okay um how could I train hard H wait a minute I know hold on cam let me pick you up I need to do some squats one that’s not how that’s not the training I’m meaning I mean like train flying oh right okay hold on let me practice that again let me take another leap of faith fly come on oh oh I’m actually doing so good wait I might cross this first ring over here here we go here we go oh I just made it P the first ring ow oh and I fell that that kind of hurt wait I think I have something that might be able to help um sense can I hack in an item sure okay let me just do a little bit of this and that all right I got this and wao is that a grill no this isn’t a grill this is a trampoline silly oh it’s a trampoline wait a minute that’s actually a really good idea okay now start flying on this thing excellent idea yes bounce and it should give you a boost okay okay it’s giving me a boost I I I feel a little bit of boost and okay I just got to aim for all uh going through all the Rings right now are you shooting bubbles what is happening I thought it would invigorate you with motivation what does that word even mean okay hold on let me try once more now here we go I just got to think about flying and yo yo wait I’m actually doing it hold on hold on this actually feels pretty easy right now I’m actually doing kind of good I think you did it you did it now you must complete the course go through every ring wait I’m going so high I’m going so high oh there’s actually yo I’m zooming I’m zooming this actually crazy yo guys look at me I’m going through all the Rings this is awesome I’m following you I’m following you speed it up speed it up go go go go go oh yeah oh yeah let’s go this is actually awesome if I’m losing the fight tomorrow with Ricky I can just fly away and oh gosh wait there’s some obstacles over here that I got to dodge oh okay there we go Dodge fly away no you never fly away you use flying as an advantage what what what does that mean you must use it to get The High Ground on your enemy and what are you blowing bubbles now too what is this yeah I thought they were fun I think that he’s saying that you need to use the flight in the flight oh gosh I can’t just run away with the flight no no you’re a hacker we never run away from a fight I’m pretty sure our parents would get pretty mad at us too if we did that oh gosh yeah mom and dad probably wouldn’t be too happy okay but um anyways I learned how to fly now is that all can we go back home now no you are still not ready for your fight do you even know how to punch it um I I I think I do hold on can I test it out on one of you guys wait no don’t test it out on me what don’t punch me but sure train on me um okay let me try uh punching you real quick come on take that did that hurt what do you mean no I saw you like turn red and everything that must have hurt it was more like a pinch what a pinch are you serious let me show you how to actually punch something this is how you throw a punch and ow dude what the heck was that wait I think I’m going to die I need to go to the hospital is there a hospit like a nurse around here no girl hacker you should learn how to heal oh wait actually I think I healed up pretty quickly from that but W that did like half my health I need to learn how to do that that was only a light jab but if I really wanted to I could have one- shot you anyway follow me this way we need to must train you on kill AA kill AA what the heck does that mean what is this guy talking about oh this is one of the abilities that dad showed me it’s super cool yeah me and cam still can’t do it yet though it looks hard wait what you guys can’t do this ability huh then how do you expect me to learn it you must all learn how to use this hack kill Ora allows you to transform your energy into Fierce powerful strength and take out many enemies surrounding you and um okay but that sounds pretty cool how do we learn this then well first you need to be put into a dangerous situation go stand next to that button um uh okay I guess I’m going to say next to this button oh gosh wait is this what Dad was saying was dangerous a dangerous situation what does that mean I don’t know maybe that has something to do with the button yes it involves that button now Ruby you must press it uh I have to press the button um this should be fine right guys um I guess go for it I’m going to stand back a little bit what if this button like blows up or something let let’s see okay let’s go and what the heck are these dude it said that you did not want to about this why is there so many mobs with knives this is the first wave take them out what the heck and H uh is that the second wave right there what are those things yo yo they’re flag towards me ow it just picked me up yo dude it was carrying me what are these things Sensei what do we do fight back you must fight I’m fighting back I’m fighting back I don’t think I’ve really unlocked this Killer hack yet though you must fight back until you unlock it until then waves will keep spawning I I’m not feeling any different I don’t think I’ve unlocked it literally nothing is happening right now um what are we supposed to do Dash I don’t know I don’t know what oh wait wait hold on hold on I I think somebody’s working wait did I just oneshot those guys Dash you just unlock that hack wait a minute I think I did hold on hold on I was able to kill those guys with no problem was that me or were the mobs just low I think that was you those mods look powerful wait do you want to try this again um I don’t know s do you think that’d be a good idea yes you must try it again uh okay I guess if he says so uh should we hit the button again guys I guess it’s worth a shot let’s just do it one more time okay here we go and oh oh here we go here we go wa um what wait guys I I I I think the hack worked what the heck was that what was that that looks so cool look at all this loot that they dropped that was insane wait wait hold on guys I think the next wave is going to spawn in one oh the next wave is here the next wave is here let’s beat it up let’s beat it up come on come on come on in oh um that was pretty easy whoa wow hacker Sensei thank you for showing me that yes yes excellent hacking skills but you are still nowhere near finished with your training oh what nowhere near finished what do you mean but we just learned how to do that and I also know how to fly now I think I’m pretty prepared but do you know what your opponent’s next move is um no how am I supposed to predict my opponent well you must know their every move like this and what what wait he just went invisible what the heck was that yo oh he’s behind me what was that how did you do that W that was awesome I went invisible and went behind you but if you had x-ray you would be able to see that wait what X-ray huh what’s that x-ray is what allows you to look through walls and people wa whoa wait you can look through people okay okay that sounds kind of cool how do we learn that I’m sure if we could figure this ability out we could probably learn that too oh yes this is a more common ability uh follow me this way and oh uh all right more common hopefully that makes it easier to learn I want to learn how to do the X-ray hack yeah it seems cool yeah wait a minute guys hold on we could probably use this x-ray hack to find diamond super easily ooh we’re going to be so rich that’s probably why Mom and Dad have so much gold wait yeah that’s probably how they got out of the bank this here is the X-ray room there is a boulder and oh um there’s a boulder nice um what are we supposed to do with that in this Boulder are Rare Minerals that you must find without breaking as much Stone as possible um okay why can’t we just mine the whole thing yeah wait can we just mine all of the stuff oh wait he said we have to mine the Le Stone possible and W these pickaxes look insane yes they’re special x-ray pickaxes it should help you unlock your ability faster okay okay well how do we actually do this all I see is rock and yeah same here we’re supposed to be able to see through this rock yes you have to picture the minerals they’re in there you just have to find them okay uh wait can I maybe I can try smelling them D they probably smell different than the stone um I I think I smell something over here should can I mind a block should can I mind yes but remember whoever Minds the least amount of cobblestone wins oh gosh right okay well um I sense something over here so I’m going to mine this Stone and oh gosh um I didn’t find anything behind it that’s unfortunate now you are one stone deep oh no okay okay well um one do you guys want to have a go okay um let me try to look through with [Music] ex is it working how do do we do this do we just like squint our eyes really hard or something oh you must picture the minerals I tried it feels like my eyeballs are going to pop out of my head oh gosh wait cam you give it a go maybe you’re good at this um I’m going to try maybe if I hold the pi a and just focus really hard let’s see I I don’t see nothing besides Rock um wait cam try this one this one over here looks promising the one in the middle I don’t want to do that I don’t want to lose H is there anything that we should learn before trying to mine yeah you got any tips any pointers nope I’ve taught you all that I can say oh my gosh okay guys I think we just got to keep on going I’m going to try mining this one over here and oh gosh now I’m too Cobblestone deep there was nothing behind that Cobblestone well I guess it’s my turn let’s see is there anything nearby yeah you guys need to mind something guys I’m already two Cobblestone deep and I haven’t found anything you guys need to do something oh wait hold on I I think there’s something here wait I think I hear something I found it it’s right here wait wait what did you find is that a diamond or what the how did you find that I don’t know I just like listened and I found it oh excellent excellent you are Hing in your X-ray abilities oh okay okay that was awesome okay now it’s my turn right let’s see I think I I think I smell something right here but you can smell it you can smell it and wait did you did you find one another diamond or are you serious how did you guys both find one before I found any excellent great yes keep using your senses to find them okay okay well hold on what if I try mining one down in the middle of the boulder right over here is this going to give anything are you serious dude I’m literally three Cobblestone deep and I haven’t found a single or little brother you need to concentrate I hear one up here there’s like a big patch right here what a big patch oh wait there’s a bunch up here hold on I want to see I want to see let me come up um did you find anything what did you just find two ores with one Cobblestone break I found an ancient debris and another Diamond wao that’s awesome what the oh man I just suck at this man I can’t believe I’m not finding anything yes just use your senses like listen to them and uh look at them and smell them taste them and touch them taste them okay how am I supposed to taste and touch the ores before I even know where they are I don’t know you just do it it worked for me I can see everything now okay okay let me try listening maybe I have to hear them um so far I’m not hearing anything I need to I need to listen to any any small noises right uh anything that’s coming from The Rock and it sounds like sparkly okay okay um I’m listening really hard and wait a minute hold on I think I I think I hear something behind this rock over here this Stone this Cobblestone right here I think I think it’s promising okay okay we’ll try mining it all right I guess let me give it a go and whoa wait guys I found something and also everything looks super different hold on I think I got the hang of it I can I see all the yours now you see it now you see it now yeah everything looks so cool whoa I can literally see through the Cobblestone that is insane you’re doing it you’re doing it excellent well the game was kind of made up two guys I’ll have to let that be known oh oh wait so there’s no winner Oh I thought I was going to get a prize oh wait actually I probably would have lost I I literally have four cobblestone in my inventory right now I think that’s the most out of everyone yeah I haven’t got any Cobblestone yet a man well as long as we all learned the hack that’s good but anyways let’s go I think I should be ready for the fight now I can see through blocks so if Ricky tries hiding I can just go around the blocks and beat him up excellent excellent you are finally honing in on your hacker abilities you are you are natural I’m tired does this mean we’re done now uh almost there’s one last thing that you must do wait what there’s another that we can learn what is it this last training will really put all the skills that you have learned today to the test but you must follow me this is going to be difficult oh gosh okay hopefully it’s not more difficult than this x-ray one this x-ray one was pretty tough yeah I don’t know I this this might be really difficult oh wait speaking about this x-ray I should probably turn this off now there we go all right it’s off but anyway Sensei what do we do for this last training you see that door right there uh yep you must enter it uh okay I guess we can enter it wait what’s it doing just just go in for first um all right we’re in the room wait wait hold on there’s no pressure plate how do we get out of this place yo Sensei did you just trap us what Sensei You Must Escape I will see you later wait what what we have to escape this Bedrock box okay guys I know we’re hackers but how are we supposed to break bedrock we can’t mine it and uh guys the door just turned into Bedrock what the Sensei dude how are we supposed to get out good luck remember all your training so far wait what yeah okay I’m remembering all my training so far but I don’t think that’s helping guys how do we get out of this box do you guys have any blocks or anything well what do we do we’re supposed to use our hacks I think anyone got an ender pearl maybe we can try Ender pearling out like through the corner maybe we can glitch it out and get through I no I don’t have anything maybe we’re supposed to like break out of the Bedrock um yeah but guys I don’t know about you we’ve only got these pickaxes and these are not strong enough to break through bedrock I don’t know if anything is s said that we need to use all of our abilities to get out of here so what can we use um I don’t know yo oh there’s mobs there’s mobs what the heck wait good thing I have this killer ability now you have to get rid of them yeah use the kill ax use them take that take that and okay H we took all of those out I think we used the kill hacks um what other abilities do we have to use uh we we fly um we also x-rayed wait what if we X-ray and there’s like a hidden like button wait a minute you’re right maybe there’s like a hidden button or like a like a hidden door behind one of these walls okay everyone turn on your X-ray there we go and all right guys I’ve got x-ray enabled um let’s see we need to look through these walls ooh wait the there’s pressure plates here oh these pressure plates were for the doors yeah oh wait what’s this over here there’s a sign wait a minute what does this sign say DN wait guys is it is it a D’s Nuts joke is that really what the Sensei put there on a sign are you kidding me I don’t think so oh my gosh guys I think the S is really pranking us what is this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I think you need to read it a different way wait what different way what do you mean like wait hold on read it upside down it says up huh wait a minute you’re right upside down DN spells up um okay well how’s that supposed to help us we can look up wait I don’t see anything up maybe we’re supposed to fly up wait wait what do you guys see up there are you guys just in the corner of the room wa no turn off your X-ray um uh okay hold on let me turn it off and um wait whoa whoa whoa whoa wait where did you guys go did you guys Escape the Room without me what no dash we’re up here fly whoa wait we can go through the ceiling oh is this how we’re supposed to escape the room okay this actually makes a lot of sense now look we can escape well what’s this next bit are we supposed to come out here I’m pretty sure we can just fly out over here I think I I think we successfully escaped let’s go excellent you guys have escaped but you are not completely finished and uh uh completely what do you mean completely finished did you just put on a fancy chest plate what is that we must battle and what battle what do you mean like us versus you huh yes we must train to see if you are really ready for your battle tomorrow oh gosh wait we have to do a practice fight okay is it just going to be a 1 V one or can we all work together you guys can do a 3v one I’ve been training for most of my life oh okay uh okay do we get any armor or anything yeah wait we don’t have any stuff to fight you with yeah other than these pickaxes and oh wait guys have also got this wither skeleton skull I think I got this from one of the mobs oh gosh wait everything is dark now oh I can’t see anything I got to turn the guy off no we must fight with our fists oh gosh okay well I guess this is going to be good training for that fight with Ricky he said that that’s going to be a fist fight so I guess it’s going to be pretty much the same yeah I guess we might as well start uh where do we start why not right here I’ll give you guys 10 seconds okay we got 10 seconds okay guys uh what do we do what’s the plan I guess we we have to hit him with the pickaxes and uh we can box him with the with the Cobblestone that we have dash dash if you hit him with the pickaxes you’re going to get disqualified fight oh yeah you’re right it’s a fist fight oh gosh what do we do what do we do I go from the right you go from the middle Ruby go from the left there we go go yeah and we all turn on killara time’s up I’m coming oh gosh oh gosh all right I think the fight is started here we go here we go you’re about to go down hacker Z you’re about to go down oh yeah oh yeah I think my killer is working oh heck yeah I think we’re doing it I think we’re doing it guys we got to put him in the corner I have some blocks we can box him off we can box him off come on give me everything you got ow come on I’m trying my best guys push up in the corner push him in the corner I got some blocks I got some blocks let me just put a piece of cobblestone down oh over there oh he’s too big remember to fly remember to fly yeah use our fly to our advantage I don’t need to fly I just need to put him in the corner and then oh there we go okay I placed one block and I just got to place another one yes we got him we got him we win all right all right I tap out you win let’s go was that good was that good did we did we do a good practice fight that was excellent I think you’re ready for your fight tomorrow I must leave you here now let’s go wait do you want us to help you out of this box we kind of Trapped you no I got it oh um all right if you say so well uh thank you so much for the train we’re going to go defeat that bully now yeah see you later oh come on we got to tell Dad how strong we are now let’s go feel like we should have helped him out of that box we kind of just trapped him what he’s a hacker he could probably just hack his way out yeah I offered to break him out he said no he said he’s fine I don’t know maybe he’s embarrassed or something that we beat him up no I think he went easy on us yeah probably he said he was training for most of his life let’s just go back home all right finally guys we made it back to the house man that training boot camp was pretty far wait why didn’t you guys just fly me over wait we could have just flew I I we we walked that entire way and I could have flown it’s good training to be honest I was a little tired of flying oh my gosh right well anyways we’re back wait is Mom home yet dad anyone home and oh yeah get pone Noob I I think Dad is still home dad what are you doing oh hey kids uh how’s it going oh oh Dad we’re back from the hacker boot camp we learned a lot of stuff wait really this early uh wait how long did you think it was going to take us yeah wait how long did were you expecting us to be back I don’t know you’ve been gone for like 15 minutes or something I don’t know no dude we were gone for like a few hours it’s literally dark now what are you I think he was too busy playing his video games but um Dad I’m happy to say that I think we can probably beat up Ricky at school tomorrow excellent excellent so you’re ready to fight yeah I think we’re ready to go all right well you better get well arested that fight’s going to probably take it out of you and yeah that’s probably a good idea honestly I’m pretty tired I’m not even hungry I think we should just head to bed guys I’m so tired thanks for taking us to that hacker boot camp dad oh yeah I’m exhausted I’m going to bed good night guys good night good night and wait guys I think it’s morning are you guys awake morning guys I had a dream of us beating up Ricky today is the day we’re going to beat that kid up oh yeah today’s the day he’s going down um do we have to go to school today I’m still a little scared r no we can’t back down we got to beat this kid up and oh hi Mom and Dad we’re going to go straight to school today oh good morning kids oh hey kiddos you ready for breakfast uh no no breakfast we’ve got a business to attend to yeah yeah yeah um we’ll skip breakfast today um I’ll take breakfast I’m going to take um this whole thing yeah today we’re not going to be eating we’re going to be serving the food we’re going to be serving some knuckle sandwiches yeah oh okay thanks Mom and Dad okay have fun at school go get them kids I’m so proud of them let’s go all right well guys now we just got to go back to school this Ricky kid is going to get it oh yeah he’s going down and wait guys let’s take this shortcut let’s fly oh yeah D can fly now oh heck yeah let’s go all right finally guys we’re back to class that flying was super fun but now it’s time to go beat up Ricky as soon as we see that kid he is going down behind you hey piss squeak you forgetting something Ricky’s here Rick’s here oh God hey Ricky put me down put me down it’s not time for messing around anymore we’re going to beat you up yeah sure likely story do you know how old I am bro um yeah you’re four right yeah and you’re going to go down well Das is 2 days old now and he’s different he’s going to beat you and yeah yeah Ricky I’m dangerous you don’t want to mess with me you don’t want you you don’t want to mess with any of us yeah we’re really dangerous now come at us bro you want to come at us bro that’s cute you guys the the magical Trio wait it’s The Three Stooges okay guys um I think it’s time no more messing around Ricky let’s get down to fist fright and here we go ow that hurt you know what Ricky was so weak he just got two shotted I think that we should go and yeah wait if the principal sees us we’re going to get in even more trouble yeah hopefully that didn’t get caught on security cameras um we we should probably go um I think uh that that that fight went a little bit too far I think we really made him uh not breathe anymore he’ll be fine he’ll be at the nurse’s office right let’s just go come on run run run fly dudes fly oh yeah right we got to go we got to go that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Growing UP as a HACKER in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are growing up as HACKERS in Minecraft! But turns out life as a hacker has some challenges… Will the group be able to overcome them? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. Dash you are so funny and Koop❤️❤️❤️❤️💎💎💎💎🦒🦄🏳️‍🌈🦋😍😘🥰🌈🐢🥇❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍

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