Testing New Minecraft Mobs You’ve Never Seen Before

today we’re testing the most insane Minecraft Mobs that moing never added to the game starting with the Slime Golem yes it’s a Golem now I don’t know how like beneficial this thing’s really going to be I don’t care it’s a Golem dude um well first of all it’s really ugly that’s barely a Golem for reference C man can you please spawn us a regular iron golem this is a big golem there’s a snow golem kind of kind of is like that I expected something cool wait so this is literally worse than the snow golem and the Iron Golem like he’s smaller than both of them it leaves this slime Trail though isn’t that neat can you slide on it or something oh it’s slime algae you can collect it in creative mode so if you right click this guy though Preston see you might think wow this guy looks lame wait did something happen but we don’t know his true face until we right click him with this shears here Bazinga it looks a little better wait wait can somebody he dropped a slime ball though okay they do have a purpose though if you look at these little Trails right they’re not just decoration they also show you that this is a slime chunk meaning way down in the deep dark deep dark depth slimes can spawn so that’s kind of cool it shows you that okay last but not least can we feed anything we have Honeycombs in our inventory can can honey do oh mix yellow yeah oh now he’s like Stood Still oh he won’t leave the Slime Trails that’s it so if they have this on they don’t leave slime what if you shear him now oh look he has some little hatot now he got the Green Top I want to see if it’s a TNT proof though come here I don’t think it’s going to be TNT proof run oh he’s smart oh never mind yeah he’s not he’s not TNT think we we’ve seen enough of the Slime Golem all right so we’re going to flick the levers if we think this should be added to Minecraft and if we don’t think so we’re not flicking them all right boys time to vote three two one nope that’s a no for me dog so far this is the best mob we’ve seen woo slime Golem we got to give this mob a consolation prize but now it’s time for the mimic chest okay so let’s Spa one in this looks a bit odd what if you right click it oh my God it’s like a wait wait can you actually get the item little legs oh I got the items run I’ve just been betrayed wait can I just take oh wait what you can pick them up wait how did you pick him up I don’t know I I tried to right click open right click him wait look at his little look at his little chest legs in the bottom do you see them they look like like chest Hunters this is actually kind of cute oh wait I know why it AGR now it’s whenever you try to open it you try to take it the stuff but look it has like diamonds and stuff I got wait can you actually sneak click and then I got two diamonds yeah no you can’t yes you can look at my diamonds where did no I think you have to ah it does a lot of damage you can only like sometimes click it I feel like this is literally just used to mess with your friends no I swear you can open it tell me on God that you can open that chest on God you can open it okay now if you lie you’re a center buddy yo he’s got like 30,000 Hearts if there is items though if there are diamonds in there then it will drop if it does oh yeah that’s right all right I I I believe you now I’m going believe okay you know this was a little bit better than the Slime Golem I think it’s time for us to go vote for the mimic chest we’re going to count it down again 3 2 1 yes yeah I’m going to say yes because I don’t want the Slime Golem to stay up here that’s literally the only reason I said yes and I think there should be more things in Minecraft that you mess with your friends with that’s that’s my why yeah I was kind of I like the way it looked I liked his legs but kind of kind of annoying promise there are some good mobs coming up okay oh what is nightmare nightmare it’s like in mode I feel like this is going to be some kind of like modified Phantom nightmare oh I’m scared guys what is this going to be oh that’s actually pretty sick yes it’s attacking Preston I love this thing it was way cooler before it attacked me he doesn’t attack me you’re not going to hurt me too right okay oh wait first a tame first to tame no get off the horse get off oh come on come on come on I hate you so much right now don’t look at me like that woo look wait holy moly guacamole I can I can walk on the lava yo mine doesn’t look the same yo my nightmare horse isn’t working that’s called a regular horse wait oh oh oh oh uh cut that out all right let me see what the skeleton does no okay come on stop attack oh yeah oh my god oh wait this is sick now okay wait that makes it better wo it just jumped look at this jump woo okay okay got some big hops but like dude like they could just add like a golden horse I feel like this is a little bit uh a little bit extra yeah I mean it’s a bit it’s a bit op so I would like us to come and vote all right so now we got to see do we want to add the nightmare horse to the game what do we think it here boys it protects you from skeletons protects from skeletons it’s got better hops you can walk on lava with it so it would be incredibly useful to have in the nether but then Striders kind of become useless so I don’t know man I think I think this nightmare is staying in the dream that means I’m not voting for it I’m going to vote for it just because that reason I I don’t I actually like can’t vote for this one I actually think the mimic chest would be better re what there’s no practicality with that thing no genuinely I believe the mimic chest would be so much more based I’m moving on to the next M okay this one sounds amazing guard villagers do they actually do I mean they have iron golems which are kind of like the guards of the village but other than that there’s nothing else to protect the village and I’m tired of protecting them for them wait a second wait this guy yes this is what Squidward would look like if he had a weapon that’s what I was thinking too look you can right click him and he has like stuff comes up oh wait wait wait what if I give him netherite boot or a netherite helmet wa this is disastrous all right okay can they literally do anything dude like these ones with the bone arrows are actually trash are so useless oh no come on boys this one is literally holding bread he is holding bread that’s the medic the ones that have swords are so good but the ones that have crossbows are trash dude come here come here come come here come here okay you hold this okay do me do me the honors Mr Cammy gave him leather pants why is he oh die wa oh it does work okay that’s not bad but then if he’s holding the totem he can’t do anything with his life I’m giv him the this guy op okay you got the fork buddy now what okay well he still so they won’t they won’t throw it but they’ll use it as a weapon that’s not bad there’s like 10 of them here come over TV to me guys we got to see if these villager guards are actually good cuz like going up against zombies is nothing compared to an actual raid gentlemen fight D I will say they’re way faster they’re they’re so much faster than the villagers dude I don’t know the the ravagers when they come out they’re going to be creamed oh the ravager here boys TV to me oh let’s go let here’s the ravager look at this Chad with like the diamond legs on look at him go get him oh he’s down he di Diamond legs is dead yeah we’re not testing you Golem get out of here dude the Iron Golem came in for the final kill man that did not count yo who spawned what is that who just why are there so many ravagers okay dude some people want to just see the freaking world burn I’m going to give him an arrow I’m going to give him an arrow maybe if I take his shield out an arrow wait wait oh no wait he shoots he shoots he shoots he he freaking yeah we SE we’ve seen enough of these it’s time to vote for these guys all right this one is easy all right boys nothing needs to be said we’re going to vote on three 1 2 3 Keep It In keep it in the game really can’t why it’s just kind of it’s just kind of lame just kind of oh oh the new Protectors of the village oh not like we already have an iron golem from that are you in survival cman no what’s up with that man I feel like you’re just like a vill get him boys there we go bro that’s our hero baby this right here is the hero and then uh that’s the that’s the villain straw Golem hey PR I mean is he really this this oh my I like this guy that is not what I was expecting we can be good friends he’s got he but he’s got arms this time oh I put a hat on him wait wait okay now go farm that hay wait he looks like the one piece guy he does kind of look like Luffy Luffy that’s it wait what he doing farming he’s a you see him look look he just picked the weed up and put in the chest bro where where are you taking that weed Run Run for the you’ll be free don’t let him get you no run get in put your hands up put your hands up say that you’re fine when you’re not really fine these guys are so Nery oh it’s rain it’s raining what is he oh my gosh he’s vibrating he’s cold he’s cold okayo this guy no this guy is literally vibrating boom now he’s dry yeah no I think it’s guys I think it’s time to come over for this guy that was uh that was interesting to say the least let’s talk about the Practical use for this real real quick uh none they literally stole my wheat they the guy literally took my wheat and then ran and then you murdered him wait that’s a good point it’s a troll mob it’s not supposed to be not supposed to help you handhold you through this game yeah you’re a big boy you can Farm your own wheat well maybe I don’t want to farm my own weed I want I want little hay monsters to farm it for me buddy all right boys go ahead and vote in 3 two one keep it in y’all are crazy for that that’s insane the fact that y’all think that this is better than the guard Villager has me depressed okay okay okay wait wait it’s the better to be added to the game let’s think about this logically guard villager you already have the Iron Golem now you put these op guys you give them swords your village is just going to be good forever you you don’t have to do anything you don’t have to work you don’t have to put in the Blood Sweat and Tears with it what were you saying I literally would have a guard that would protect me anytime I go anywhere yeah that’s called stupid you might actually have the worst takes I’ve ever heard go Ahad and put the picture up that’s freaking crazy I can’t believe I’ve been overruled by a pink man please tell me the fireflies will Dethrone the straw Golem you would not believe your eyes they’re like what the what did you just see wo wo did you see wo oh what look do they glow oh they do look at it look at his bulbus that’s the glow is pretty cool wait but but when it’s daytime they just run into the grass and die okay well okay you tell me right now if they’re going to sleep then why is it when I break this grass nothing comes out oh because they they already dug down quicker wait do they drop anything yeah can somebody kill one of these I need to see oh that’s wait what is that what is that I don’t know ice cream glow goop hold shift for more info place up to three in one space wait so with this glow ground goopy wa oh so it’s it’s like a light block but it’s so oh oh just but you but you can’t see it that’s the point if you if you you hold some your head it’s like a barrier but for light how do you know can you remove it you have to have the glow goop you have to wait yeah you can’t wait you actually can’t ooh that’s annoying all right oh no no you can if in survival you you can break it you just have to like hold down for a bit I don’t know man I don’t I don’t know I mean I got I got all the information I need to vote on this thing huh yeah me too we’re going to go and vote and I’m going to get so I’m saying yes I’m saying yes do Lally saying no I’m saying yes the thing is like I like the uh I like the concept of the light I just feel like having these little thing overlays like it’s more of like a creative thing like this doesn’t feel like survival holding this thing looking all these overlays I just I just don’t think it fits very well but the point is is that anything would be better than this freaking guy right that’s not the point I just like The Vibes dude little glowing things floating around Hey look it’s literally not because it’s a firefly it’s just better than the freaking straw Golem snails why would we want snails can we just go ahead and vote I will say the models are great yeah so pretty much what you’re looking at here is a snail waa see that’s the rest of the snail this is basically just like the armadillo uh no cuz this is a snail and that’s an armadillo yeah I know but I’m saying like it’s similar it’s similar it drops a slime ball okay that’s not very useful is this is this all we do with them we just Harvest them for their slime wait wait wait look look I got a bucket here look watch this bucket of snail is this the rarest item in Minecraft all right I was doubting this but now I I I I realized why I want it you can name him Gary I think Gary is with one R don’t hey don’t wait what’s G who is gar okay listen trash b goodbye Gary Gary Gary I’m coming I’m coming no I’ve seen enough I’ve seen yeah I’ve seen enough of the snail man I’m voting for this bad boy are you ready to vote gentlemen I think oh we haven’t voted yet oh okay all right 3 two one one ah why not yeah like actually I do like it more than the fireflies Minecraft needs to add more things I do agree with that Minecraft does not make frequent up updates and if you agree like this video it’s just too infrequent if you subscribe right now Minecraft 1.21 will drop this week wait really uh maybe next week but soon who wait why is there a bamboo creeper so it’s like a creeper but bamboo is it literally made of bamb oh wait guess it be hard to see wait does it just hide in here and then expl go in survival mode boys I’m in survival mode should we set it tonight I don’t see it wait why is this one moving what oh wait wait that’s terrifying oh my God I guess it doesn’t doesn’t attack you though so is it wait so is it friendly uh punch punch it came in yeah punch it he how is it a creeper if he doesn’t blow up when you’re when you’re harvesting bamboo you’re just like you’re running in slicing everything down you’re going to accidentally hit this guy and it’s going to kill you wait let me test that the thing is I think if you hold down and then yep can you kill him I want to see what he drops true you know I have I have a wild guess he dropped bamboo that’s was hoping it would drop something other than bamboo okay I had an optimistic view on it we spawn its natural predator okay man what’s the natural predator y they’re going extinct Brothers come on Panda P yeah look at him he’s terrified he’s terrified of the wait would the panda not actually eat him though no I think you’re just scared of them pandas are kind of lazy Preston but then pandas automatically spawn in bamboo forest so you’re just going to see a bunch of running around creepers is this really a creeper though it doesn’t explode and in my books it can’t be a creeper if it doesn’t explode looks like a vertical caterpillar it really does it just it kind of looks like a centipede mix of a jagger it’s voting time boys it’s voting time this one’s going to get a really big fat no for me no no for me dog this is the this is really this is literally the best texture here wait no there actually is a good Contender this actually might be something that should be added to the game Lions no you’re lying to me about this Simba you’re saying textures don’t matter look at his face this is the least intimidating thing I’ve seen in my life he looks like his name is Burt and he’s an accountant J does he not look like a panda that got groomed and they’re like leave that one spot of here wait I got a I got a I got a female ooh yo hello can you at least tell me at least you can breed them I had such high expectations for lions and they are being crushed uh what would you breed them with probably some pork chops maybe like I feel like it’s got to be meat right they’re carnivores raw beef anybody wow all right can I write it come here come here you can’t I’m going to ride him um come on boys no way how wait is a baby you can pick them up why can you pick them up wait how W I just did something accidentally wait wait wao wao censor this Preston do not show this Jesus wait that’s a baby one that’s a baby cub yep he’s going top what is that that’s how babies are made Minecraft lions are not king of the jungle they are not getting my vote that’s a hard note to me I’m saying yes so I get re that’s such a surprise vote Yes Victor over here I’m going to I’m I’m going I’m going to go yeah you probably should thank you because we have to go to the next server deathworm deathworm anything with death in the name has got to be sick cuz I feel like this is going to be a boss and we haven’t had a boss mob the entire video custom armor too hold on wait wait wait Chase K man look at look at me can you see through me yeah dude translucent we look like a bunch of Pricks all right guys let’s spawn the death worm yeah dude my expectations were way up here for this big deadly worm and it’s just like this tiny little guy wait you said a couple I’m going to I’m going to spawn some more oh my god look big one that’s a big one that is a big one dude oh he’s dead on the cactus he has he has one weakness dude wa the way that they’re going in the sand is sick though are they eating the sand yo that’s massive oo I kind of like this I’m going to be honest I’ve got the uh oh I’ve got some of his drops the tan death warm chitten wait can you just put down like a lava bucket and then just not die will they die will they die to the lava yeah yeah spread it out spread it out spread it out a dude it really doesn’t work that well huh no no no this is the new meta watch this bro we’re freaking cooking these worms we cooking them up boom Oh I was wait wait I killed him all right what are we thinking a snail or a death worm snails and worms are kind of similar but I will say you do get custom armor from the D that you can craft I do like that I do like having a different type of hostile mob in the game I don’t feel like there’s enough it’s Unique but it would be really easy to kill cuz you just build up like four blocks but then again like so like an iron golem I don’t know it’s like a tough one cman thoughts uh yeah I like having more hostile stuff I’m guessing this spawns in the desert which is kind of like the most OP biome cuz you get villages and you get desert temples so if one of these spawns in the desert you know early game makes it a little bit harder for you to get by get that good loot early game you know I’m liking this logic this is fair logic ding ding I’m voting yes yeah I’m vo yes I’m vo yes I like worms wow is this the first ever three voter I think so Wow have we all agreed we’ve slowly become friends real friends were the worms we f a spider llama are we serious that sounds good spider llama spider llama does whatever a spider llama way it’s cursed it’s cursed finally spider llama we’ve all been asking for it the last thing I wait will he spit it spits he just how much damage only spits please tell me he dropped something good like this thing could actually beat the Death Worm if he dropped something decent I I think the worst thing about this is that it makes the llama sound whenever it gets hit it dropped seeds oh wait no that was just a bush it dropped nothing you know what’s also dumb all right we can move on poison but it doesn’t poison you it just damages you this might be the hardest vote of the entire episode ladies and gentlemen 3 2 so bad it’s only going to get one vote don’t look at me literally it’s so bad not even chase voted for it can we just I’m going to destroy that button we don’t that’s that should never be a thing yeah thank you take that take that out the list take that off the list that’s just not okay there’s already an Ender Dragon right like so like what are was that was that a question no but there’s already Ender Dragons so like I don’t feel like we want dragons oh wait this armor does look sick wait this armor is based wait a second wait a second dude wait a second and you get increased okay increased uh or like reduction of damage from dragon breath attack specifically okay spawn one this time please you said five no this this is do they fly tell me they fly ow yo they knock you back you can’t put a saddle on them you can’t ride them I feel like you’re better off just getting an elytra than taming this Dragon you know I’ve heard some British people call it an elytra e e dude look at that red one that red one’s freaking massive man oh they’re flying oh they kind of just sink okay the red ones shoot magma blocks that’s sick so each type does something different server give us our podiums back I think it’s time to vote I have seen enough I’ve seen enough dragons for one day brother would anybody care to flick their lever for the dragon dude you just got to be him huh oh come on okay let me make my case let me make my case wa wait before you make your case before you make your case real quick let me just get prepared for this case to be made oh jeez all right go ahead okay well can I make my case no no no it’s been overruled so here we got Wolf Man reminds me of me cuz I’m a lone wolf and I’m mysterious and dangerous kind of like a wolf so Sigma why would I ever want to spawn this what that is not a wolf man that is a Wolf Woman well actually Alex was modeled after Jeb that explains a lot I mean what am I looking at dude that looks like a SAT a sder or what is it called a centaur this is the weakest wolf man I’ve seen in my life wait there’s a rabbit wolf spawn egg that is cursed this is diabolical it’s like a actually diabol no no no that I that was Justice that was justified that was genuinely Justified how did you spawn that where did that come from I don’t know I found it in creative mode rabbit wolf spawn egg what is that is that a chocolate wolf guy are these guys friendly hello guys bro these guys are taned dude oh they fight each other each other okay but who wins the corrupted or the non-corrupted come on corrupted we know you got oh yeah we got it yeah we we already knew that was going to happen we knew that one was going to happen where was where was the trash tier again I think I’m missing it yep that’s all going in there do me the honors key burn those please y thank you well I don’t think anybody’s voting for that unless chase you would like to uh you know do what you do best no listen if if if you just I’m no I’m not V I’m not voting can we get a decent mother mob dude I want something that’s actually good well I have a good feeling about TR tarantulas there’s already spiders in the game though there’s already spiders like what is going to be the benefit of having a tarantula uh they’re hairy oh it is kind of cute bro his butt is breathing oh it poisons you pois no no no no no hey come on no no no stop it stop stop stop stop stop it stop W that was oh tarantul in a bottle I mean the main thing that I have like a concern about these guys is like when you put one down and they’re not attacking people they’re literally like have you seen this like their butts are breathing uh is there a problem with you see this well we’re coming over here to vote ladies and gentlemen we have seen enough of the Tarantulas all right likeed freaks are not going to be getting a vote for me yo that not cman that was not me did you really just vote for spider that was voter fraud that was Chase plays this worm is about to be the best mob huh no way dude I don’t want to do this one creeper spiderling tell me this is not just going to be a creeper with like a spider body uh ych oh my God like jumps out W wo jeez okay this is outrageous wait these are actually sick ouch wait they look like your babies Preston wait what at this one wait is this explode too no I don’t think it has to oh my God he hit hard oh finally is my wait there’s a boss there’s a boss version hey it’s okay hey you don’t have to be mad at us I think the most concerning part about this is the giant face oh oh I’m sorry wait is it did it just spawn is it spawn oh it shoots web it shoots webs it spawns little baby creepers that explode on you and then shoots web oh this is sick I love this this thing wa I’m actually dead I’m actually dead oh I’m dead server make you completely dark for us wo look at it look at it that is sick can we just kill her can you guys please just grab some stuff let’s just kill this woman I did it it dropped nothing they do nothing let’s go dude I mean gentlemen if you would like to we can um you know just yeah that’s trash okay moving on one that maybe doesn’t suck snakes this actually has to be pumped I freaking love snakes what’s your favorite type of snake well there’s like this cute little uh what it the milk snakes have you seen those they’re like cute little baby snakes oh they look like this it looks like a they literally look like this it looks like a milk snake what happens if you step on it oh ah oh wait there’s a different color one he’s brown wait this one looks like food well Preston you know the only thing better than a snake a large snake oh no okay I’m fine I’m fine look how it body like goes over the block that’s cool imagine being in a jungle and you just get surrounded by these guys but do they yeah tell me they dropped something good man they got to be dropping something I don’t think they drop anything I have some bad news well let me tell you something right now these snakes don’t drop anything no custom armor they are going in the trash terer nobody wait wa before you do that before you do that let me just make my case let me make my case think about the pranks you know you hide some snakes around no stop no no okay I thought something bad was about to happen Okay we’re good we have one final mob that could actually please be good a giant Axel tell me dude tell me tell me you’re going to be good tell me you’re going to be good to me I have a feeling I know what it’s going to look like what the what wow that’s some cool manise that H that is not a big Axel this is a big Axel W the the the fingers are weirding me out you tame them with tropical fish buckets all right I’mma feed him I’mma feed him oh my God wait stop wait this is sick dude wait they’re actually even pretty fast on land I’m not going to lie wait but can you swim like in the ocean underneath come here Mr Big ax L let me do something with my life yo you can’t wait this is sick that is sick this is really cool wait if I go into a survival mode do I still tell me I got a you still drown can you swim up or you just go side oh wow I mean unfortunately I think I’m still going to drown punch him to death oh he gets regeneration oh my they have so many hearts you wouldn’t punch an ax aot so you wouldn’t steal a car I no I I actually can’t believe it the only mob that all three of us voted on as a yes was the giant worm yeah you know I think it’s good you you have something to Nerf the desert biome it’s a it’s a fun little battle those giant ones spawn has some armor it gives you if you kill enough you know I just think it’s a balanced thing you know me personally I think Notch is probably watching this and please add this to the game by the way all of these mobs are public mods a big shout out to the creators of all these public mods they’re down below in the description with that being said it surprised me but the death worm was the best mob out of these 17 we reviewed let us know in the comments if you want to see us do more of these videos thank you for watching and we’ll see you all next time

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  1. Hey Preston I really like the video you made but I don't like your decision with the dragon I've seen this dragon mod before and you did not dove deep enough into it. By the way the dragons are a lot bigger than you think.❤

  2. Slime Golem [Rate: 4.83/15]
    Mimic Chest [Rate: 5.44/15]
    Fire Horse [Rate: 8.8/15]
    Villager Guard [Rate: 5.91/15]
    Wheat Golem [Rate: 8.24/15]
    Firefly [Rate: 6.36/15]
    Snail [Rate: 5.58/15]
    Bamboo Creeper [Rate: 7/15]
    Lion [Rate: 3.89/15]
    Deathworm [Rate: 6.62/15]
    Spider Llama [Rate: 1.64/15]
    Dragon [Rate: 12.5/15]
    Wolfman [Rate: 2.13/15]
    Tarantula [Rate: 3.82/15]
    Creeper Spider [Rate: 3.3/15]
    Snake [Rate: 4.28/15]
    Giant Axolotl [Rate: 12.1/15]


  4. ok, soooooo…………thb preston looks a bit like a 35 year old,no offense though..its js the bad lighting and your mustache with glasses, im used to preston with only glasses and no mustache so its a little different. sorry im js being honest but love you preston!

  5. Doesn't Skip The Tutorial Do This With His 2 Friends. Preston Is Now Copying Skip The Tutorial, Skip: Test Outs Mods With His Friends Too. So Preston Now Is Copying Him

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