my family is stuck on an island and an army of sea monsters have surrounded it so we’re building modern Island houses to protect them quick Lou in 20 minutes those sea monsters are coming when the Sun goes down oh this is terrible P you know what I think we need to build some Modern Island houses yeah you’re right I’m going to build a dirt Mansion right here what a dirt Mansion no no no pip I said a modern Island house so I’m going to stop working on my modern Island house right now all I need to do buddy is start right now so I’m going to put down a Wonder of symmetry and let’s get started I want my modern house to look crazy so I’m going to build two big windows on the front I’ll go ahead and build one up just like this with some of these quartz stairs and this is going to be my main window for my base it’s going to be super cool wait Lou what is this are you building a tank over here what no I’m not building a tank pip I’m building a super cool modern Island house and I need white quartz to be able to do that I mean look it’s looking really cool right now already you know Lou you should probably build out of dirt instead it look way better I don’t think I want to pip I don’t want to build out of dirt that’s super weird my entire base will look like it’s been pooped on even if my base was pooped on oh what’s so bad about that there’s a lots of things I thought bad about that pip like the fact that if your base has been pooped on it’s not very hygienic well Lou if you keep that up I might poop on your face e don’t do that and gu tell pip down in the comments below that he’s being disgusting hey I’m not disgusting Lily you’re the disgusting one what well you know what I think what is disgusting is the fact that you are building your house out of dirt and wood that is really bad and everybody will agree with not a single soul in the universe would agree with you buddy you know what guys if you think building a house out of quartz instead of wood is better then like this video and we will be checking how many likes it gets but guys I need to start making this house look modern so what I’m going to start doing now is I’m going to add a bunch of red stained glass just like this and it’s going to look super epic just take a look at that we have a big red window on the side and I’m going to fill all of these empty spaces on my base up with this red glass and it’s going to be super cool I’m pretty sure pip is going to be very jealous of me guys look at Lou over there building his dumb little Bas what even is that supposed to be well guys if you look at my face it is absolutely beautiful Lou doesn’t understand beautiful architecture like I do I’ve already made a dirt little pee on my face no it looks way better than his but now it’s time to work on the out outside edges so how about I get a modern block like Cobblestone I’m going to build a bunch of walls all the way over here and they’re going to go diagonal which means kind of like an X shade just like this and we’re going to make the walls super big because as you guys know in modern homes they have super big roofs which means only a tall person can live in those houses because who needs a roof that big I look up in the fan is like a mile in the air now that I’m thinking about it this is modern we probably shouldn’t use these basic Oak planks we should use some cooler planks like probably these chors planks let’s go ahead and see how these chors planks look if I replace my boring Oak Plank with this modern purple looking Plank and just look at this guys this is already looking fabulous oh if Lou used this block maybe he could beat me in a build challenge one day little does he know today is it’s going to be the day I defeat him what are you saying pip you’re not going to defeat me in a build challenge because look at my beautiful house I’ve added a very very nice Archway over the door and look at this it’s going to come off with a nice little roof like this so I don’t get wet when it starts raining on this tropical island um why did you add an upside down mustache pip it’s not an upside down mustache it’s a true architecture just like you said said before well this just looks weird modern homes are supposed to look good not weird what yours does not look very good it looks like you just threw a bunch of blocks into a blender and called it a day oh that’s exactly what I did Lou Who told you my secret um I guess P but uh anyways guys you know what I’m going to build next I think I’m going to go ahead and build a really cool room on top of this modern house and this will be the second floor I just need to go ahead and add another one of these really cool round windows on the top of it just like this it’s going to be super epic I’ll put a few blocks like this and then stop right here then I’ll build a few blocks over like this and come all the way out this will be where my bedroom is it’s going to be all the way over here though it might be a little difficult to get there as well with how big my roof is going to be but let’s not worry about that right now guys let’s just worry about how awesome this house is looking it’s going to have a room on the bottom there and then a room on the top here and over here is going to be a balcony area but I’m not going to work on that just yet I need to go ahead and work on the walls and the windows again so let’s get started I’ll just put some quartz stairs like this and let’s build the windows in this will be very easy I’ll just place the stairs here and now let’s just place these windows in and we should be able to fit them nicely behind the stairs so they look nice and flush with the wall now all I have to do is just build up these stairs again just like this build up the wall then build up the stairs here now finally I can build the roof and then at the glass and to do that I’m going to use some super epic world edit command this allows me to build super fast just like that as you can see now guys I have built this whole window in less than a second but now it’s time to go ahead and add the next window right over here so I’ll add this window just like this and there we go guys we are are done and dusted we just have to actually work on the floor and everything else so let’s get started on that if I just Place some Spruce blocks like this and then place them across we can start on the actual floor that will be in this room and I think I’m going to have it come across a few blocks just like this so it reaches this wall as well then I’ll go ahead and build up the walls just really really quickly I’ll put one there I’ll put the roof on as well because without a roof I won’t be able to protect myself from the weather and and there we are have all the walls we just need to fill in all of these stairs now well I’ll put some right here and some right here all I have to do is Place some stairs on them so let’s connect all of this up right now I’ll put some Spruce planks in the middle of this room just to fill in the floor and you know what to build it faster I can go ahead and use world edit again boom it’s done now all I have to do is build up these staircases I will have finished the wall then I will be able to work on anything I want to like maybe some room room or maybe a lawn that goes outside of my build I’m not exactly sure what I want to build just yet guys but I think a little small football stadium is definitely on my bucket list so let’s Place some stairs here and here and over here and we can get started on anything we want so I think the first thing I want to build is definitely a parking lot because if this is going to be a modern Island House it has to have a car and a boat and a lot of cool things so let me start working on a garage I’ll just get some of these stripped Oak log and build them coming down like this now I have a foundation holding up this build we are going to build the garage underneath here I think I’m going to build this garage out of iron block so let’s grab some of these and start working on it to build this I’m just going to get some iron blocks build like this and then build a big wall up right here then I can build a big garage door which I will put let’s say right in the middle here let’s just go ahead and make a roof so we have room for the door and now on the other side let’s just go ahead and fill all of this in because we don’t want a garage door on both sides now let’s set all of the walls just like this and just like this and now we have all of the space in the world to build a car on the inside but first I need the working garage door so let me show you guys how I’m going to build that all I need to do is go down a few blocks let’s say three or so like this then I need one of these sticky mechanical Pistons some extension pole a motor and then finally something called a gear shift then I just need a lever but let’s get started building I’ll go ahead and put a mechanical piston here that will be connected to a motor that will go into it right around here guys now what I need to do is go underneath this mechanical piston and add three of these poles next I need to add the gear shift and the creative motor now if I put a redstone link on the side add a block in it and then activate it we should be able to make this garage door work so let’s just put a redstone link right here and then activate it with the lever now if I press this that block should slowly rise up but we want it to go faster this door has to be quick so I’ll just do that all right now let’s get some glue and I’m going to go ahead and stick all of these iron blocks right here to each other I’ll just stick them all together with this sticky glue and now guys the garage door should be complete if I go ahead and press this lever it should rise up and if I press it again it should go back down but now guys this is the perfect opportunity to build a car on the inside so let’s get started what I’m going to do is get some red concrete and then I’ll also get some black concrete too this will be for the wheel I’ll also get some buttons to put on these wheels and to open the car with next I’m going to need some red carpets and some furnaces and then I’ll get these bunker ladders and finally the last thing I’ll need is the stained glass pane now let’s get started so I’ll put these wheels just a few blocks away from each other I’ll make the car nice and long now it’s time to actually build the shape of the car so at the front it’s going to be quite big I’ll build some blocks here and this will be where the front is I’ll put some furnaces right here for the engine and some bunker ladders on the front to look like a grill now guys it’s actually time to work on the shape of the car so I’ll put some buttons on these wheels really quickly let’s go ahead and build it up so I’m going to put some nether brick slabs on the bottom right here and these will connect up the bottom of the car this is where we will stand when we drive it but now it’s time to build the inside so to do that I’ll start working on the shape I’ll just build the back of the car and I’ll build it up like this then I need to connect it to the front and the front will be let’s say right here guys so I’ll put some nether brick slab and then I’ll use this black stained glass paint to go over the front now we have the front of the car I’ll just go ahead and put some glass on both sides to act as the mirrors and then finally we just have to go over the top with a bunch of these slabs and that should be the car if I go over here to the front that is looking cool guys it almost looks like a school bus but one thing we are forgetting is the headlight so let’s get an item frame a sign and some white stained glass if I place the item frames here and the stained glass here I could put some signs over the front of it and there we go now it just looks like some headlight and there we go my car is complete let’s just go ahead and close up the garage because it’s now looking very nice well it looks like the outside of my building has been fully constructed now it’s time to work on some more things how about we work on a balcony right over here on our second floor that we can look out and look at the beautiful ocean and see if there’s any sea monsters attacking us let’s just go ahead and bring out these yellow concrete bricks like so and get some fences we’re going to put some fences along this yellow concrete floor just in case I might fall out these fences make sure that I do not let us just put these around like so you can even put cool things within in our balcony let’s just make sure our floor is fully filled in we don’t want any holes in our balcony that would be very bad now that the balcony is complete we need to make it better let’s go ahead and add the roof to the balcony just in case it rains we can still use our balcony and enjoy the sunlight let’s just use the command SL SL set hand and now the entire roof is formed oh this gives me an idea guys usually I put deck chairs on our balconies how about we make a little hot tub outside of my face and put deck chairs there so let’s go ahead and dig out little holes that we can put a bunch of water in and go swimming since I don’t really like to go swimming in the ocean the ocean is super salty and has a bunch of sand it just gets in my feathers and get everywhere so I want my own little hot tub that I can swim in and not have any salt in it or fish in it or spin it all but look our little hot tub pool is officially completed let’s go ahead and get some deck chairs now so we can sit down while enjoying a hot day out on the sun oh it is going to be so relaxing to chill out while Lou is fighting all of those monsters but I really think we should add more on the outside maybe this little small island behind me can be a little bit of a farm let’s just go ahead and use our world at a command and set a whole bunch of the sand and dirt using the command sl/ set hand look have a whole bunch of farmland that we can use a Ho on and make them suitable for farming but we need to put a bunch of water bottles everywhere so that this Farm actually work cuz you cannot plant in Minecraft without water being nearby most of the time people make strips like this and put water in it but I just found out that you do not need to do that you just need to put a bunch of water holes everywhere that you can get as much space as possible to plant your crops and look even a worm just popped out I wish there was a faster way to farm in Minecraft like in real life some tractors can plant at like a million milph it is so cool now let’s go ahead and start while we’re ho up this dirt to make it proper Farm soil I am a bit of a farmer after all guys after all I grew up on a farm and I hung out with so many animals like dog chicken cows it was such a fun time on the farm I can’t wait to go back one day have you guys ever been to a farm comment down below I also went to a farm when we were going Pumpkin shopping during Halloween but now guys I have gone ahead and completed my garage but what I’m going to do next is going to be even cooler I’m going to get my wooden axe and I’m going to go ahead and build a really cool front L now what I’ll do is just use this Command right here to set the ground to Green terra cotta and then I’ll use this command to set around it to smooth quart now all I have to do just come over here to the middle and do this command SL slash copy now if I walk over here and go to this part of my base I can do the command SL SL paste and boom I now have two beautiful Lawns going down the middle but they look a little too dark green I think I want to add some nice luscious green concrete grass to it so look at this you can barely tell much of a difference but when you go out very far away from the grass you will notice that the pattern looks just like it does on the front of the White House when they mow the lawn so I’m going to go Ahad and build a bunch green coming out here and a bunch of green coming out here and I’m pretty sure that this is really really good guys this lawn is going to be beautiful I cannot wait to add a bunch of flowers to it but that gives me an idea I am going to add some flowers to it I’ll add these nice red ones and some painted flower pot let me just put these flower pots at the front right here next to the door and at the back right here and then I’ll add a bunch of these beautiful red plants going all all the way around this looks very cool I cannot wait to show Pip this he’s going to cry with how beautiful it is but let me just go ahead and build all the way around with these red plants just so that this entire lawn looks very very beautiful and red I’ll just finish it off right here and we are done but what is a house without a beautiful driveway coming up to the front so let me just use this Command right here I’ll set the floor to Stone smooth Stone and I’ll also send it to Cobblestone and boom now have this awesome driveway coming all the way up to the front door and maybe I should have a driveway coming up to the front of my garage as well guys just like that now I can get in with my car and I can get in with my feet but guys there are going to be some evil mobs trying to attack so I better to go ahead and add some laser traps to stop them from getting inside I think what I will do is just put a nice laser system on my front door so let’s do that I’ll go ahead and put some lasers on these blocks right here and inside of them I’ll put these upgrad so that I can change the mode and a bunch of the color I think I’ll have these lasers be really dark so that none of the mobs can see them I’ll place them going up wall here and it looks kind of natural but now it’s time to go ahead and activate these lasers so let’s put some Redstone links down and put some blocks inside just like that that and that now let’s just activate the all of my fist and now whenever I want to turn on my laser door I just have to press this lever and boom that looks so deadly there is no way any evil mobs get inside of my base now this modern house is very very secure but wait a second I just realized something modern houses have trees outside so I’m going to actually go ahead and build some I’ll build these really cool custom trees with some cool tree trunk so let me just build out like this and I’ll build a big tree trunk going all the way up the air I’m going to the tree slightly turn to the side like this so that it looks really natural that looks like a really good tree trunk but now let’s go ahead and just add some leaves on the top and I think I’ll have these leaves drooped down off of the tree because it’s going to be a really cool tropicall looking tree just like it and yep guys I think this is a really good looking tree now just take a look it’s looking uh yeah pretty nice pip is going to be so jealous when he sees my tropical trees outside have you guys ever built custom trees in Minecraft like the video if you have and also subscribe because one day I’ll be inviting all of my subscribers to a custom tree build battle there we go that looks beautiful I love this tree but I think I want another one the next one on the other side is going to be a very simple one though it’s going to be a simple Minecraft tree so let’s just Build It Up all I have to do is Place some oak logs going into the leaves and then I have to place some leaves on top like this and now we have just a regular a Minecraft tree and a custom tree now so we have the best of both worlds my fart really is coming together guys look I planted a bunch of tropical trees around since I am on an island this makes it look way more like an island oh guys I know what really makes an island look like an island it’s a lighthouse I’m working on this Lighthouse right now I just need to add a bunch more stone brick so that this is a lighthouse that people can actually go outside and explore just like real lighthouses on the beach I remember when I went to a beach and went up the lighthouse it was so cool and so scary at the same time like watch this guy I get a ladder from my creative inventory and build a ladder going straight up like so you will be able to see what it was like when I went up my first Lighthouse lious are super important after all cuz if you didn’t have lighthouses chips would probably get in way more crashes and that would not be good so now that we’re up here let’s go ahead and add some fences around that no one falls off our Lighthouse lighthouses are really good you do not want to fall off of it super high up and you would probably break a few bones if you fell off but now that we’ve built this Bel let’s go ahead and actually build the light in the lighthouse let’s just go ahead and make a little bit of a white office around my ladder staircase so that we can build up a bunch of glow stone like just watch this guy I build out like so and get a bunch of redstone lamps for my inventory and build in kind of like a circular position like so you will see you can actually see this Lighthouse from just about anywhere on the map let’s just get a bunch of redstone to power all of it up and build a bunch of circles around so more circles the better the lighthouse will be we just power these on and look oh this is actually looking like a real Lighthouse let’s just go ahead and get down brick stairs so that we can cap off our Lighthouse by putting a roof on it because if we didn’t put a roof on our Lighthouse there’s a heavy chance that water could come onto our Lighthouse and spill the Redstone L everywhere and ruin our Lighthouse so that ships would crash that would not be good we don’t want any kind of birds getting into our redstone lamp so let’s go ahead and add a glass border around the redstone lamp this glass might be able to make our redstone lamp shine way more so that people from the other side of the world can see our Lighthouse and boom now that our Lighthouse done let’s just go ahead and add the cherry on top by building a little bit of a fence so that we have kind of a lightning rod shape coming off of it let’s just add a stone brick around it to make it better and boom our Lighthouse is officially complete we have a cool farm a cool Lighthouse and a cool building all Lou has is a laser trap he’s going to die oh no look at that guys pip has built an entire lighthouse on his base that is crazy maybe his base is actually looking better than mine for one but I’m not going to worry about too much I just need to start worrying about what those mobs will do if they catch my family in this house so I’m going to have to add a bunch of traps I think I’m going to secure my house with a secure hallway that leads to all of the different rooms let’s just go all the way through this way all the way through this way and I’m going to make it so the M have to get over here and over here they will have to go from the front door around to the back door and they all going to have to get out here to this backyard which is where I will add another trap but don’t worry guys I’m going to build all of these traps in order from the start so let’s get started all the way over here I think I want some simple Spike pins so right where you walk in I’m going to get some spikes and I’m going to put them down here in a little pit but what the monsters won’t know is that there will be some ghost block that will cover up the top so no one will know it’s even there but I will and I won’t fall into these spikes but the monsters will but once they get over here they can go and do another trap which will just be a very simple question room guy and those monsters have to answer some questions there is no way they will be able to get through because they’re all super dumb so let’s get some signs and ask some questions on it I think my first question will be who is the king of the sea and if you guys didn’t know the king of the sea is literally Poseidon and you spell it just like that but the wrong answer is going to be pit because the name starts with a P but now what I’m going to do in the wrong door if they answer pit I’ll just go ahead and put some spikes down here cover it up with a ghost block so they will fall in flop around like a fish and die on the spike but now it’s time to move on to the next question which is going to be how many subscribers does Lou have and if you guys look down below at how many subscribers I have right now I have around 40,000 so I’ll put it right here but guys we are a to get a 100,000 subscribers so please please please hit that big subscribe button and you can make sure you never miss a video on this channel anyway 100,000 subscribers is the wrong answer but if everyone watching this video subscribed right now it would change the answer and all of those sea creatures will get it wrong think you guys still have 40,000 but now it’s time to do one final question and this one is very very easy I’m just going to put what is a human favorite food and guys the mob Army that lives underwater would never know what humans like because they’ve never seen humans but their favorite food is Stak and on the right hand side I’ll just put fish kibble because I’m pretty sure that those fish will think that humans would like fish kibble guys I tried fish kibble once it did not taste good but anyway we can now get through this question room and out into the backyard where the mobs we’ll have to do something called a mob battle I’m going to make one of those evil creatures fight a frost moall and it’s going to be right out here like this there is no way anything could beat it but if they manage to beat the frost ball I guess they can move up to the next room which will be up here go up these ladders onto this balcony and then up into the second floor and I think I’ll go ahead and make the second floor right up here on the balcony just outside of the other room I’ll go ahead and add a big door right here though we will be going inside of here eventually but now guys it’s time to go ahead and add the floor so let’s just replace all of the air with Spruce planks and there we go we now have a balcony floor and what I’m going to do is get some stained glass I’ll get some nice red stained glass like this and let’s place it all the way around just like this guys it is beautiful I love the color red what is your favorite color but anyways I have a good idea I’m going to place some blocks right here and I’m going to go ahead and make the entrance to the next room go behind a keypad door that you will need to know the passcode for the code will be 9999 but I have an idea now what I’m going to do is hide that code 9999 in a random chest up here so that the mobs won’t be able to get in unless they know the code but what I’m going to do is make it very difficult for them I’m going to put J absolutely everywhere guys so they are going to get confused looking around in every single one of these chests trying to find the code but what they don’t know is the codee will be right down here they will have to realize there’s a chest here come down here and open it up to get the code inside now time to work on some traps inside of my base my first trap is going to be a super high IQ trap I see this laser I think I’m going to do a really fancy laser trap where Lou will have to somehow figure out how to get that laser into this laser catcher right here without moving this block I’ll show you guys how he’s going to have to do we’re going to put an iron door right here this is the only way to advance is to capture this laser with this little mirror if you guys see right here if I put a mirror right there in this corner look this door is successfully open but I don’t want to make it easy for Lou we’re going to put a bunch of blocks that will force Lou to use his brain he really didn’t have one of those last time I so how is Lou going to do this he’s going to have to put one there and then another little mirror right here this corner and then bounce it off right there and right over here and right there and boom that’s how he can solve this room I’ve never actually used these mirrors before neither has Lou so surely he stands no chance by the way guys I’m putting this chest all the way back there since Lou is really smart and loves to cheat he loves moving chests and putting them in front of laser I’m making sure that he cannot do that so let’s just get rid of all these mirrors so Lou does not not know how to beat it right off the bat but now that this trap is completed let’s go ahead and work on my next trap and since we used lasers on that previous trap let’s go ahead and stick with the theme I’m going to put a block of redstone every few blocks and if you guys don’t know this is going to be a little bit of laser parkour not just any parkour Hardcore Parkour we’re going to get some sticky fans and put them right along the wall let’s just get some of these out of my cre cretive inventory and put them right over here and if you guys don’t know fans act just like fans and push you crazy but not unless you run right up against him like what I stand right here I do not get pushed by the fan but if I get just a foot back I get pushed all the way to the wall and get sort of stuck so you’re going to have to run along the wall like this I think I want to make it a little bit trickier we’re going to put like every few blocks just so that the sea monsters and Lou and not simply run across they’re going to have to run across and then carefully Dodge this Spike and go back to this fan this is going to be so funny guys I cannot wait to trap L hopefully my traps are way better than his all right guys so now I’m in this huge room at the top I did a bunch of traps beforehand uh let me just put 9999 in here and look we have these chests outside and all those traps down there but what I’m going to do is just make it so that we have a trap in here too I think I’m going to do something along the lines of oh I don’t know wait I have a good idea I’m going to make a trap where you’re going to have to play a guessing game to get through hold no I’ll just put some quartz blocks like this and I’ll go ahead and make some little dips in the ground I also need to make sure that these walls are large enough so that neither P or those sea monsters can get through and what I’m going to do is make the sea monsters choose the right way through so I’ll put a sign down saying choose the correct way and if you didn’t know guys what I’m going to do get some water and some fake water and I’m going to place some real water in the left side I’m going to put some fake water in the right side which means if anybody walks over here they will die it’s so dangerous but then I’m going to make it even more difficult guys I’m going to make three little dips in the ground this is going to be so ridiculous that it’s going to be funny I’m just going to place a wall right here and two more walls on the left and the right there we go now the mobs are going to have to choose between three different ways I’ll have one on the left one on the right and one in the middle and I need to make sure to block them off so nothing can get through now the ones that I’m going to have as fake water will be the one in the middle right here and the one on the left and the one on the right side will be the right way I think this is a perfect trap guys nothing will get through this and it kind of looks like an ocean tried it but now once they get out of this they can go into my main base I think I’m going to build some very simple things like an Armory to keep me safe from the mobs then I will put some netherite armor in and also a living room on the other side let’s just focus on putting the armor first so I’ll put some netherite armor right here I’ll grab a chest and put a bunch of OP armor and weapons inside just like this Infinity Sword right here and this really really cool dock mat min Min gun I’ll just put some mini guns in here with a bunch of bullets and then I’ll put a bunch of Infinity Sword here next I’m just going to need some food to keep myself alive so I’ll put a bunch of enchanted golden apples and there we go guys we now have chest full of this Loot and now it’s time to go ahead and build a living room for my family to keep them nice and secure I’ll just put one of these really tall modern quartz doors and now it’s time to work on the living room so the entrance is going to be covered in books because my family is very smart and everybody in my family went to college to get more knowledge but let’s go ahead and add a nice roof on the top just to make it seem a little bit nicer I want to make sure that my living room feels very small and cozy and what would make it more cozy than a fireplace so let’s get some brick slab and some bricks and also some stairs and all I have to do is build some bricks up like this then put some stairs on the top facing in on this side and this side and then put some brick slabs on the top up here now I just need some iron bars and I’ll just place them on the front here and inside of the bars I’ll put some Netherrack and I’ll light it all up with a flint and steel so that we now have a lovely fireplace and right in front of it I’m going to put a sofa so now my family could be very comfortable but I also know that my family love to watch TV as well so I’ll put a slightly lower sofa down here with a TV right next to it now this is a comfortable living room guys I am so happy happy with this but finally just to allow my family to have some storage space to store all of their Minecraft items I’ll put a bunch of barrels down like that and you know what I have an idea now I’m going to put some of these red poy Flags coming all the way over the top of the base right here as you guys can see inside of here it now has these really cool flags going around the inside I’ll do the same on the other side too I’ll just put them going into the fireplace and then over the top of the TV now this is awesome I think my family will be very happy with this but now my lasers are looking super colorful they kind of look like the rainbows oh they’re reminding me of Skittles I love Skittles anyways I just finished up my next TR here I have fences down there with a bunch of barrier blocks on top that way you can actually see where you’re walking since over here it looks like there is absolutely nothing so you look like you’re cornered actually step over here and then jump to this side and you might be like kid but what do you do now where are you supposed to jump well let me tell you viewer you’re supposed to jump and then grip onto this mine cart that is a super scary job hopefully Lou isn’t able to make it but then Lou is going to get super scared that he is cornered but if you guys didn’t know you get out of a mine cart like this you get teleported through a wall for which I build an upstairs area and maybe build one last trap and this will be my grandest trap of all let’s just um make a quick way to get up stairs let’s get a ladder out of my inventory so that Lou will have to climb up a bit like so and now that I have the ladder up here what trap should I add up here guys wa comment down below I need ideas we only have a few minutes left before these sea moners to get here all right I’m reading your comments right now wait someone said make a Tic Tac toart you’ve got a real good point Bob I’m going to make a little bit of tic tac toe as well as some other things since I don’t big Tech Tac Toe will hold Lou or those sea monsters on for long so let’s just quickly make a 3X3 grid you guys don’t know this is how you set up a Tic Tac Toe board but you can’t forget about the chest next to the Tic Tac Toe board with a bunch of red wool and Yellow wol Block as in most Tic Tac Toe games you only have two colors for which we can compete with and this will be a best of three let’s go ahead and put on the sign best of three unless Lou rage qu then who only play one game I actually think I’ll be able to beat him for a very long time even let’s go ahead and work on my prize room now let’s quickly make a hallway leading straight to my balcony so that my prize room is actually on my balcony let’s not waste any time let’s go ahead and use my trusty world edit a quickly replace a wall using SL SL set hand we already have a wall let’s just do this on this side as well and we’re making this wall so that Lou doesn’t know that he can just walk around the wall and get to my prize room instantly he’s going to have to quickly complete my tic tac toe if he wants to get to my diamonds I don’t have a lot of diamonds guys let’s go ahead and put a chest down and put all of my life savings in here guys I have one Diamond that is all I can give Lou I’m not rich rich but I can give him a lifetime supply of bread as well as a lifetime supply of seeds we should enjoy this bread as well as the SE I love red and Seed so surely he will as well for some reason sometimes he likes steak steak is disgusting you guys eat comment down below if you do let’s go ahead and make a really cool pack made out of yellow carpet leading directly to my balcony this will be the grand floor or other people call it the red carpet but not the red carpet the yellow carpet if I use the red carpet I would be sued now it looks like we are officially complete let’s just go ahead and wall off this SE since this section is not going to be needed for our little babe and we’ll section off this place as well so that Lou does not get distracted going to the wrong area solely focuses on this tic tac toe game if you guys don’t know I actually have a black belt in t Co I am undefeated and nobody can beat me let’s just see how Lou face is coming along surely it’s not any better than mine oh Lou are you done with your base yet what the of course I am pip I’ve just finished up on everything um this looks really bad Lou why are there a bunch of cardboard bushes everywhere these are not cardboard bushes they are um uh flat bushes well we don’t need these anymore come on L come check out my base all right I’m on the way and wait do I have to go in survival to get through this of course Lou but you’re also going to have to get past oh I don’t know my lava mode pip you only just plac the lava mod I I’m already pass it but you know what fine I’ll go into survival now and let’s go into your base buddy right try not to die oh I’ll try but wait a second what is this there’s a little thing right here and an iron door wait a second do I have to get the laser over here into that device I don’t know maybe you do maybe you don’t how am I supposed to do that like maybe I can grab it ow well why don’t you look inside of that chest over there there and see what’s inside wait you’re right oh no pip are you telling me that I’m going to have to reflect these lasers off of these mirrors come on Lou you always think you’re so smart so let’s put that to the test I’m trying pip I’m trying all right I’ll reflect this over here and ow and then I’ll reflect it over here and then ow and then I’ll reflect it over here and pip you destroyed it no I didn’t why would I destroy a mirror Lou don’t say that if you are l destroying it as we speak but thank you very much buddy I’ll be going through this door oh I don’t know how you got past that so easily but you’re not going to get past these lasers easily oh yeah pip well watch this uh Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror On The Wall thank you for helping me out with this no no get back there but get back there b you’re punching me you’re punching me don’t punch me oh well at least get past one of these legit don’t cheat the whole way all right fine I’ll try it no oh how am I supposed to get over there I have to jump into the spikes to get to the wall to not die yep Lou it’s called something you do not have you know what I do have though a mirror let’s go oh my gosh Lou you might not have died on that trap but you are 100% going to die on this trap come on you better to try just a your thing buddy wait a second you you just punched me onto a a ghost block uh yeah Lou uh wao are you floating oh you might be a ghost I don’t like ghosts I kill ghosts pip I know what this means on top of all of these fences there’s a ghost block so that must mean there’s one here and then wait a second where do I go from here well this is the end of my base Lou guess you completed it oh no there’s got to be something else wait a second I just noticed something there’s a mine cart over there really camouflaged in the wall I’m going to jump for it let’s go ah wait uh what do I do now pip I don’t think there’s any Escape just get out of the mine cart wait what get out of the mine cart wa oh my gosh pip you jump scared me I got this really dirty Batman mask from the closet and it’s supposedly supposed to scare you H well it did pip good job buddy but where am I supposed to go from now this way yeah l i put the hardest trap the thing that you have a 100% death rate with right here what what is this supposed to be P this is the scariest game known to man tic Taco oh well we’ll see about that buddy what I learned how to play tic Taco uh like uh I don’t know like three videos ago all right well ladies first go ahead all right well I’ll put mine here in this corner I should tell you Lou I have a black out in Tic Tac Toe so I am undefeated no one has ever beaten me oh yeah well watch this P I’m going to place mine right here and you’ve already lost oh my goodness I thought you were actually good at this game turns out I was wrong oh yeah well go ahead wait a second you messed up my strategy exactly what I was supposed to do fine just do what you have to do pip oh yeah I’m going to put one right here well then what am I supposed to do because I just block you off like that well looks like there’s only two spaces left and since it’s my turn I declare Victory yippe pip you literally plays two you put your first one there so technically I’m the winner no no no no that is not possible I am undefeated I’m not undefeated because I cheated I undefeated cuz I win no pip I don’t think you won so uh sorry buddy I’m walking down the yellow carpet fine but you won’t like what put in this chest I probably won’t knowing the things you put in these chests let’s see and oh diamonds bread and Seed fine I’ll take the diamond I like the diamond oh wait Lou I almost forgot that’s actually not your grand prize this is your grand prize you know what I’m stealing the diamond this is now a high five pip oh I always knew you’re going to rob me but anyways pip enough about that you need to see my bit it’s going going to be ridiculous all right Lou well I’m in survival mode uh how do I beat this baby oh well first follow me pip you are going to need a very nice whip to be able to beat my Bas so just open up my garage and hop in the car wa is this your Lamborghini Aventador nope this is not my Lamborghini this is my Jeep Wrangler oh well uh let me just go ahead and get in this car let’s just switch to creative mode and hop right in W hip you broke off of my car I did not break up with your car I’m in love with your car you know what fine if you’re going to play it that way I’m locking you in the garage No Escape now buddy hey oh well if I was ever to be locked in the garage I would love to be locked in the garage with my Lamborghini oh pip just come on out of here I’ll teach you how to get through my base all right pal can you uh let me out all right I’m letting you out now follow me buddy all right I’m on my way all right well first of all PAB you are going to have to get through this laser trap it’s going to kill you many times just quite a question Lou why is there a thing that says rosma above my head uh don’t worry about that just yet pip you you don’t need to worry about it all right but why is there a frost mall over there oh that’s not a frost mall that’s uh my wallpaper ah let’s just do this come on let me turn off this lever what what how how did you figure it out I thought you would walk straight into them they’re basically invisible P because they’re black lasers I might be dumb but I’m not blind all right fine well come on then pip jump over here and get into the base all right let me just do a good jump like this oh no no no how did you do this let me out let me out please I’m going to die sorry bip but you’re dead now gosh but oh let me try this again come on all right pip come on just jump over the spikes you’ll be fine oh two block jump is very long but I can do this wooho good job but sorry P You’re now going to have to do a question who is the king of the sea Lou I don’t even have to look at the answers because I already know it’s me uh wait wait what that was supposed to be the fake answer how did you get across um is it the fake answer how did I get across exactly I don’t know but I guess you’re the king of the sea now uh I guess all praise to you buddy here I’ll give you a crown oh thank you Lou I deserve my crown let me just put this on and answer the next question how many Subs does Lou have oh you wish you had 100,000 subscribers Lou no one really watches you what the I do have 100,000 subscribers though because everybody watching this video uh subscribed uhuh well there are not 100,000 people watching this video Lou so I’m going to go through the 40,000 no well I guess you got the answer right but here come the next question what is a human favorite food wow Lou you’re really giving me softball questions this is easy it’s obviously fish kibble humans love fish kibble and hey help sorry fish was not the answer oh no no I’m breaking the SP bye well I guess the answer is Ste but this is just not true no one lik a oh well we’ll see about that pit but uh oh look you were right the frost M does exist and guess what buddy what you’re going to fight it go in there I can’t fight this Frost mall with my bare hand Lou are you crazy of course you can pip you just have to not run into it and die like we just did come on bro Lou I’m doing no damage to this yeah he’s doing a whole lot of damage to me no he’s not you’re okay bab you’re fine you’re not allowed up that ladder I got to get out of here how do I get out of here nope you’re not allowed out you have to fight the frost bow oh no no no I’m getting out of here this Frost is way too difficult he’s doing a whole lot of damage to me wait pip how are you doing doing that much damage to it did you just turn into one punch man oh yeah I’m now a one punch dck get out of here Frost M for my family there is no way you just did that genuinely how easy peasy lemon easy I am the king after all fine come on pip hop up this staircase we are going to the next room but this is where things are going to get very difficult buddy because you are going to have to use your brain which you uh no do you even have one let me just knock on there we why did you push me down that wasn’t very nice but don’t you worry I’m going def find this code in no time it’s this chest right here no sorry pip it’s not that chest oh well it’s this chest or this chest and maybe even this chest oh come on let me just move these chests usually you put a little bit of a secret Barrel around here don’t you come on there’s got to be one of these is it this chest right here l no this chest wait you laughed at that you didn’t say no so that means yeah no I’m getting tired of this it’s got to be this chest what do you mean Ben this chest is not a Ben it’s empty oh fine it is empty I hope you can find the right chest though pip it’s uh right under your nose oh right under my nose oh wait it’s the code 1 2 3 4 no I always think the code is 1 2 3 4 but you fooled me today Lou wait a second Lou I smell something using my duck smells what is that right there uh nothing nothing Lou is this the right chest yes come on let’s bring this chest up here and open it it better have the code and yes it does come on what is the code can I guess this code 9999 oh there’s no way I could have guessed that let’s just enter that code and now we are in nice pip but can you choose the correct water stream to swim through it’s totally this one by the way you should hop in this one come on come for a bath come for a bird bath well we right is called the right way for a reason because it’s correct ypp nope sorry pip you’re in fake water now and wait how are you not dying oh I always pick the right way that’s why Lou well go ahead and pick the right one again there’s three different options well you just did it the right way so the right way wouldn’t be it two times in a row it’ probably be the middle way woohoo no sorry bip oh come on Lou it has to be the left one if it’s not the left one I will rage quit no it wasn’t pip it wasn’t pip I reverse psychology do it was the right right side T ice oh if this answer is also wrong I am suing you all right we hop in BB and it was right ow ow ow babe you’re fine it’s literally not fake water oh you’re right I think I was just dreaming of getting poked by snakes again but anyways welcome to my room I think my family will be safe and sound in here whose base do you think would be the best to protect my family pip oh well my b doesn’t have a fire pit that sets me on fire get me out here s bab you’re stuck in the fireplace now you have to burn this a trapped the whole time no y I’m going to be having KFC tonight oh I wasn’t expecting to turn into KFC today but I must say your base is definitely more secure than mine you’re didn’t even die in my Bas some house yep your traps were just too easy I’m pretty sure every single drown is Minecraft would be able to get in your base whereas mine would be very secure you do have a point there are so many security traps in here there’s no way this ground stand a CH oh my gosh guys pip thinks my base is the best and would be able to survive a drowned Army in Minecraft oh yeah Lou but only today I’ll beat you next time oh no you won’t don’t be silly thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed today’s video then make sure to like subscribe and click that next video right on your screen let’s go

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