NOOB vs PRO: SECRET INSIDE YOUTUBER HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!

our favorite YouTubers are dying because their haters attack them if we don’t save them fast they’ll never make YouTube videos again so we need to go inside Johnny Milo and AF Mouse bodies to save them but they’re completely empty those haters are messed up that’s why they’re dying so we need to build everything they like to bring them back to life it looks like Johnny is the weakest let’s save him first but what does Johnny need to survive if we want to figure that out we’re going to need to turn into Johnny so why don’t we put down the things that Johnny loves most for example the pencil stuck in his nose how is he going to be able to get that thing out I have no idea but we can’t forget about his spinny hat I love his spinny hat do you think if I put one on I’ll become just like Johnny well that’s what I hope happens let me just put down a bunch of hat stands and put down plenty of propeller hats check it out I’m placing down a bunch of Johnny pictures inside oh that’s perfect and now guys the very last thing we need to finish our Johnny transformation is to grab some item frames and what we can do is put a bunch of diapers in them because Johnny still wears diapers voo I’m going to put all of it on let’s see if I can turn into Johnny wait a second look at me I think I just turned into Johnny hey wo do you have a Peno in your nose like me oh my gosh manga what are you talking about that’s not how Johnny sounds Johnny sounds like this D sounds like this no I think he sounds like this hey axie you don’t even look like Johnny you impostor I think we need to punish her as we’re now Johnny what we need to do is have a bunch of fun doing dumb things and I know exactly what we can do to axie hey I’m Johnny and I’m not dumb okay you’re dumber than Johnny hey stop being me axie come on what’s going to happen to you right now is you’re going to sit in this Bedrock box and what I’m going to do is grab a rope so I can tie you up what are you doing Rod let me go she’s stuck now this is perfect because now what we can do is do what Johnny is best at and that is getting different types of TNT to blow up his friends so hey axie I’m putting down this lightning TNT no no no no let me go wood it’s all over for her oh my gosh mango this is like the funniest thing ever but that’s not the only TNT why don’t we spawn axi and some friends with this animal TNT wait what is that it’s another TNT look there’s so many animals now is that spider it’s touching me oh my gosh axie trapped in there m go this is hilarious let be out I’m not done there I’m also going to use the arot TNT wait what the arot TNT that just kills everything I think a way funnier TNT that Johnny would use would be the gravity TNT no no no W not the gravity TNT you guys are going to fly in the air are you ready aie no don’t do it oh my gosh everything just flew in the air and wao okay that was a ton of fun and I’m not going to lie I think Johnny is starting to feel a lot better yeah at this rate woodo Johnny is going to be back to normal and he can make videos for all his fans but he’s still not fully there yet woodo I think we need to add a gaming setup so Johnny can continue making videos no I think I need to add my own gaming setup you guys are big meanies I’m going to fix Johnny all on my own okay axie gez we didn’t mean to hurt your feelings come on I’m about to go to this super cool mod I added that adds a bunch of different gaming computers desktops and consoles that we can play on well woodo my setup is going to be better than both of yours and Johnny is going to make videos on it hey that’s not true let me go over here right in Johnny’s chest and I’m going to make the ultimate gaming setup for him Marty Gooby to make more videos no you’re not Woodle because I’m going to make a more ultimate setup and it’s all going to be pink wait what axie Johnny doesn’t like the color pink he likes the color yellow so what I’m going to do is also grab a bunch of yellow decorations to decorate his gaming room the coolest well that’s not happening wudo I have the biggest monitor in all of Minecraft wait what that monitor is huge mono but check out my monitor it’s a whole TV I bet you don’t have that hey Johnny doesn’t want these big monitors he wants a nice portable laptop you know what you’re right axi Johnny’s super dub so his setup probably isn’t even that good wait what that’s impossible Johnny is the best at playing all sorts of games so what I’m going to do is grab some more speakers so now he can listen to all of his Nintendo music on his three gaming computers with his giant gaming screen and I can’t forget about all his other tools too like his microphone his gaming keyboard and his webcam for when Johnny does a face reveal hey voodo how did you get the super cool painting of Johnny’s family oh my gosh he looks so newbie along with baby Johnny and then his little daughter Johnny and his wife that is just too cool he doesn’t look as newbie as you Woodle wait what are you talking about axie you know what I’ve had enough of this check this out I actually just got a brand new phone that I was going to give Johnny too but what I decided to do was grab some emeralds and I’m going to buy the most expensive app on this phone wait what’s the app well if I just go to the app store real quick I can scroll all the way down and buy the TNT app and now what I can do is go back to the homepage and literally set a Target on axis’s poopy gaming setup wait what that’s going to be crazy see let me just drag this over here and set the Target right over axie I can’t believe I’m using Johnny’s body to make a place to start my cake this is awesome this is so messed up I’m going to start the detonation right now let me just make sure that the explosion is nice and big and targeted right on top of axie and here it goes in 3 2 1 explode what happened I got to do more come on look at axie she’s totally destroyed let me just launch one more and oh my gosh look who’s doing that show yourself wo you know what we should just change the topic so axi doesn’t even know what’s going on axi what are you doing building this gaming setup still we’re going to build Johnny’s candy store because he loves candy exactly Johnny can’t come back to life if we don’t have his favorite candies to eat yeah that’s true guys I do think we need to make a candy store but what happened to my gaming settle don’t worry about that axie Johnny’s more important exactly forget your gaming setup look at all these different candy bowls that I’m adding Johnny definitely gets his dumbness from eating so much sugar w Wait if he gets his dumbness from eating sugar are you saying I’m dumb too yeah yeah pretty much axie but don’t worry cuz being dumb is cool when you’re inside of Johnny’s body what I’m going to do is stack up all of these giant chocolate chip cookie blocks too so we can hang up even more delicious treats that you can buy like cake for example I do love cake I’m going to eat it I’m going to add chocolate cake wow Guys these cakes all look super duper delicious but I have an idea Johnny doesn’t want to just eat clean food he probably likes to take his boogers from his nose and rub them all over his sweets so look ax is probably going to try to sneak some cake in while we’re not looking and I’m going to throw these boogers at her okay that’s so nasty I bet and woodo won’t notice if I just take a couple bites y gosh she’s eating it quick I’m going to go behind her and spit on her with my boogers wo what was that take all the boogers to your face girls they so slim me that’s so disgusting if you guys think Johnny’s boogers are disgusting hit that subscribe button subscribe right now and now you know better not to steal Johnny’s cake pixie BL you threw so many boogers that I’ve turned green wait a second this is the perfect opportunity to show the very last thing that Johnny needs to come back to life if you guys didn’t know already Johnny is actually the most amazing artist ever and his paintings are especially newbie so I think what we should do is draw some newbie pictures of each other and whoever draws the newbest picture gets to make a video with Johnny wait really I want to make a video with Johnny me too you guys should prepare to get destroyed axie you should be prepared to get destroyed I’m going to draw you right now oh yeah well I’m going to draw you and hey don’t draw me only draw wudo hey why would you draw just me axi needs to be drawn because she’s the fattest newbest Axel ever no I’m not that’s so mean yeah that was pretty mean woodo I’m not going to lie hey it’s not me saying that it’s Johnny guys he’s just really newbie so let me just draw A’s big head and then I can draw in her big eyes voodo I’m almost done with your painting and you look so incredible wait what what are you talking about I know for a fact that you can’t draw me accurately at all and oh my gosh what is that what are you being woodo I’m looking at your painting right now what does actually have such a big brain well she’s very smart but she somehow still has only two brain cells so I’m going to draw a bunch of drool and boogers coming out of her nose hey I have like 20,000 brain cells you meanie 20,000 is still like nothing axie oh my gosh no wonder why you’re so dumb oh yeah well you and are taking up the whole canvas on my drawing cuz you’re so fat wait what she’s calling me fat that’s so mean well it is kind of true wo no you know what that’s it axie this is war I’m going to add a bunch of jelly rolls to your stomach I’m going to add jelly R in your stomach Rood oh gosh this is bad oh my goodness my painting review is so good I got to write an autograph on it uh wait what don’t write an autograph on that piece of junk look at how amazing my joint isn’t oh my gosh axie was not lying we’re two fatties on this giant painting oh no you look bigger than me at least wait what axie why am I fatter than that’s because you drew jelly rolls on me so you get to be the fattest one wait a second guys do you hear that noise I think it’s coming from wo’s phone hold on let me check my messages real quick and wait I just got a message from the hater it says hey you stinky Turtle forget Johnny I’m about to hack Milo and Chip’s Channel and upload mean videos because I hate them oh my gosh this is bad they can’t hack Milo and Chip I love Milo and Chip yeah it’d be so sad if they couldn’t make any videos anymore we have to save them if we don’t save them in time Milo and Chip are going to get hacked so come on we need to do this fast guys so we can bring Johnny Milo and afma back together the first thing I’m going to do for Milo is build in his fans oh yeah Milo has so many different fans but I don’t think they’re regular people wudo oh yeah Milo doesn’t have just any normal type of fans Milo’s a bird just like how ax is an axel and how I’m a turtle so what we need to do is spawn in some animal fans wo I love animals but the axelos are my fans woodo don’t forget it axie well guess what these hamsters are actually huge fans of Milo and chips and look at how adorable they are they’re so cute I just want to eat them W Milo is going to have so many different types of fans wudo we can’t just stop at the hamsters I know I was about to just put down a hamster wheel hopefully they can help power up his gaming setup but other than hamsters we need something stronger and what’s that I added in Lions so when Milo comes back he’s going to be strong ER than ever and he won’t have to deal with the haters anymore oh my gosh that’s awesome hey aie what type of animal are you going to put as Milo’s fan I’m going to put stinky little turtles because Turtles are dumb wait what that’s not funny turtles areen dumb okay they’re not dumb they’re just a little silly wait that must be where Milo gets his dumbness from but we also need to add a bunch of parrots so Milo can be a bird like he always was they’re flying away what if they get in his brains well that’s fine or what if they get eaten by the Lions quick I got to catch them all real quick and tie them to the pool but guys we can’t just focus on the animals while you’re tying up all of the different parrots I’m going to place down a giant TV no way a giant TV would be perfect effect this is where they can watch Milo chips videos and our videos too and my videos oh yeah voodo check it out they’re currently watching voodo videos which means whenever Milo wakes up he’s going to be super smart no way this is awesome and look subscribe to my channel so you guys better subscribe too in 3 2 1 thank you for subscribing oh wood I I think I forgot to subscribe wait what axie you forgot to subscribe to me how dare you I’m sorry I didn’t mean to it’s just that you ate my cake and then I clicked unsubscribe axi because of that I’m going to feed you to the animals so they can stay busy until Milo comes back alive no I can’t let myself be e oh do lions actually like tee do you think they like anchovie and chovies oh not axie I think they like to eat cake oh that’s probably righten ah they’re escaping oh gosh this is bad how did they just Escape they jumped on the cake woodo you plan them to eat me hey wait a second guys I think wo’s phone just went off oh gosh it better not be that evil hater again let me just open my app and see real quick and hey big loser you can try to save Milo but I’m going to take down chip right now oh no I got to respond back no you’re not come on guys we need to build chip something inside of Milo’s body too exactly they come in a pair we can’t just save Milo and not save chip well what does Chip really like guys I think I know exactly what chip loves he loves race cars so why don’t I get a bunch of race cars that we can mess with because you know chib loves building all sorts of vehicles well he also loves the color orange woodo so I’m going to place down a bunch of orange different tiles no way that’s so awesome in this area I’ll make it the car building area where you can put down all the different wheels and parts you need to build a car these cars are pretty cool Woodle but I think think I could make a better one wait what no you can’t because I’m the best racer ever no I am and my car is going to be pink oh no a pink car that doesn’t look like something chip would want at all exactly you can’t add that axie who cares if Chip starts liking the color pink then I’ll have one wait what that would be bad the ax is never going to going to make videos with us again chip would never like the color pink orange is his favorite color that’s why I’m even making the knees the color orange oh my gosh this is so cool now what I’m going to do is add some defenses guys to make sure that if that really mean hater tries to get in here he won’t be able to because I put a bunch of cobwebs by his feet W that’s pretty cool but I have a better defense Axel Sorcerers wait what in the world Axel Sorcerers axie are you serious right now yeah they’re super strong L and I’m going to try and turn Milo and chip into exles that’s such a dumb idea woodo we need to have stronger weapons to take down people like axi and the hater how about you put down some turrets oh yeah turrets would be a great idea I just got to finish putting down these spikes real quick and now what I can do is search for turrets and put them all along Milo’s feet check this out now we have an impenetrable defense ready to take down any haters that try to mess with Milo or chip I bet those turrets couldn’t take me down axie you would get obliterated in less than 2 seconds come on that is so mean wood sorry axi I’m just telling the truth I don’t want to talk to you anymore go finish the defenses hey voodo your phone it just went off again it’s definitely the hater oh no let’s see what the hater Is Telling Me Now guys I just have to open my phone and it says ug I was so close to hacking Milo and Chip I’m going to take over the biggest Minecraft Youtuber FM oh no stop it not a m she’s my favorite Minecraft Youtuber ever I can’t let her be taken over oh gosh I don’t want axi to be sad wo don’t worry guys I just told the hater to stop being a meanie and while he gets super mad at me we need to fix afm’s body right away so that she doesn’t die okay wood but are you sure we can do it well axie you watch a mouse so you should know what we need to do to fix her right yeah axie what does apma like doing the most well she does really like water parks just like me no way I can build that easily axie come on if we want to build the greatest water park ever we’re going to need a lot of sand because we’re going to make this a beachy water park a beachy water park are there going to be Exel there’s going to be aw sorts of aquatic things axi so that apau and her friends can have the greatest days on vacation ever yay I just have to take the sand block over here and extend it all the way to the top of her chest and now check it out we have this whole big area where we can build our very own pool I’m going to add sand castles that’s cool and all guys but I’m putting up paintings of AFM and her friends so she remembers who her friends are oh yeah that’s a great Point even though she’s injured we can’t let her forget about all her amazing friends but come on axie our job’s not finished we need to add the greatest water slide for AF mountainer friends to ride on oh yeah I think the greatest water slide is one full of aelott with cake flavored water wait what cake flavored water sounds disgusting in we can’t have cake flavored water axie a then what flavor is the water going to be the water is just water flavored you don’t drink the water do you of course I drink the water Woodle what do you think I do when I use the toilet oh no that sounds disgusting axie you’re not allowed in our water park anymore this water park is reserved exclusively for afma and her friends whatever woodo I I’m going to use it anyway because I’m A’s biggest friend a that’s adorable axie but that’s just a little kid slide I’m going to add the biggest water slide ever right on top of her left arm look at how tall it’s going to go wow that is a pretty big water slide but why is it red well it’s just one of the many colors that apma really likes her favorite color is purple but I already used that block what Red Room reminds me of stinky um guys I have really really bad news check it out half m is going to be gone in 24 seconds so we need to hurry up and finish this build oh my goodness we can’t let almount end up dead quickly axie build this water slide faster forget adding a slide part what we should do is make it drop all of a sudden so it’s the most extreme slide ever wo that’s such a cool idea W maybe you are pretty smart see I told you now you can just make the handlebar go all the way over there and axie we’re ready to pour in water at the top check out this bohem of a water slide was that enough to bring AO back to life of course it isn’t she doesn’t just like water she also really really likes dancing and singing singing and we need to add that over here uh you’re right aau’s a really great singer so what I’m going to do is grab a bunch of speakers and a microphone so that she and her friends can sing all of their favorite songs together oh I’m a really good singer too Woodle oh goodness axie I have a feeling that you’re not telling the truth are you sure you’re actually a good singer yes of course I am how dare you say that I’m not okay fine axie we can test out your singing skills I just need to grab some string lights first to make this place really look like a party it’s going to be the best party once I start singing I’m adding a bunch of guitars so I can play it while you sing Oh yeah afm’s friends are super good at playing different instruments now all I need to do is just finish connecting all of these different lights over here and axie you might be ready to take the stage are you ready to impress apma with your singing I was born ready wood I’m even going to dance while I sing okay axie we’re going to dance Too get ready to play the guitar Mongol all right I’m going to drop the beat ready oh my gosh this sounds terrible turn it off turn it off guys let’s just leave the singing to afound her friends okay okay obviously you guys are not good enough sorry I thought that was a pretty good collab exactly I dropped the sickest beat okay you know what for all your guys’ singing efforts I’m just going to give you guys some free pizza is that a good enough reward pizza’s gross if it doesn’t have pineapples and anchovies on it voodo our pizzas don’t matter if apmau isn’t saved all of our fans won’t have videos which means we need to help her come on there’s one last thing we’re missing in this build we are what could we be missing AAU has everything AAU absolutely loves cats wudo she even opened up a whole cat store so we need to build a kitty cat bedroom inside of our brain over here that is a genius idea FAL loves her meow so what I think we need to do is extend these blocks all the way over here and grab some super awesome purple wool that’ll be the bottom of her bedroom I don’t know Lodo I think it should be pink wait what but half M’s favorite color is purple she literally wears purple clothes axie and that’s why I’m going to make her the greatest purple princess bed to ever exist well wood I don’t wear any clothes so it doesn’t have to do with your favorite color axi you’re an a aot of course you don’t wear clothes silly but apmau is a human just like stinky mango hey I’m not a human I am a human what in the world you’re just a normal human okay but guys to make aau’s bed even more fancy I’m going to add these super cool roof tiles how do you think this looks guys it looks all right but my paintings that I’m putting up just look way better wudo we can agree on that wait what your paintings look kind of mid okay obviously afm’s amazing princess bed looks the best and what I’m going to do is add even more lights around the entire room I mean doesn’t everyone love having super cool lights yeah it’s pretty cool boodle but not as cool as these paintings I’m putting down wow those look awesome axie and we have a bunch of cute cat plushies but God half doesn’t just want cats she wants real cats so I’m going to grab a bunch of cute little kitty cats because they’ll keep her nice and warm so she can come back to life but wudo what if the haters want to take all of aau’s money she is the most popular Minecraft YouTuber after all oh yeah that means she’s Rich so come on what I’m going to do is grab a safe where we can store all of her most richest valuables inside of I’m her most rich is valuable but I don’t know if I can fit in this save that’s way too small for you axie and if we just leave it out in the open an intruder could come inside so that’s why I’m going to grab some lasers to make sure that no one can steal afm’s money well woodo I didn’t know you knew how to design the whole Bank of course I know how to so let’s put all these vaults over here and now what we can do is put a bunch of money inside hit afma has a bunch of diamonds so I’m going to start filling them up with a bunch of blocks of diamond well you won’t mind if I just borrow a few of these will you hey axie you’re not allowed to do that because guess what half miles of room looks completely finished guys I think we almost done saving everyone we just need to go make sure that the hater hasn’t touched anyone yet let’s see everything in Jeffy looks about right he looks dumber than ever I know but Milo looks good too and the chip part in his legs looks amazing it would look better if there was more pink well actually that’s why we built half M and look she has all the different things in her body that she needs but wait a second guys do you hear that yeah I think it’s them come on let’s go make sure they’re awake wait a second guys I think they’re actually back look we did it now we can watch their YouTube videos forever let’s go thank you guys so much for watching this video If you enjoyed then watch another video on screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

NOOB vs PRO: SECRET INSIDE YOUTUBER HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!
Our favorite YouTubers are DEAD! Wudo, Mongo, and Axy need to save them by building SECRET INSIDE BODY HOUSES! Will Wudo be able to save Johnny, Milo & Chip, and Aphmau from their haters, or will it be too late?

This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ!

#Wudo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


  1. Let you have the morning as I will have a few more to stay with my brother for my next meeting as well for about a video time slot at home and the rest will look better with your ear in mind when you get a better fit in your head and 😢with your arm and you have been trying again

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