Stardew Valley (1.6 Update) — Part 72 – Making Animal Husbandry Easier

hello again everyone welcome back to stardew Valley all right nothing much going on uh here I think I want to get down to kovis but I’m not sure um going out to visit Sandy for uh starfruit I think is a Wednesday thing weather report welcome to K 5 your number one source of weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow for tell her ah yes I can hear the spirits Whispering something to me the spirits are in Good Humor today I think you’ll have a little extra luck and a rerun of queen of sauce with cranberry candy all right that is going to be a good gift for JZ so I’m going to go put it here [Music] [Music] so I got 27 Tomatoes there did it again also I forgot to grab just be on the safe side let’s get two of [Music] them there we go that should cover all of that w [Music] [Music] all right new coffee in [Music] there new Cofe in there get rid of that there we go let’s just go ahead and put it down here for the moment all right let’s go check on our animals lfish row very nice all right go ahead and get you in there pull you out probably help if I grab that shouldn’t be able shouldn’t need the [Music] um should not need the um the shears [Music] nope how you guys doing five out of seven there we go all right uh I put you away [Music] I do have space good no don’t eat [Music] it all right I do want to grab that put you away and you away and there we go all right there’s some wormies over here chicken statue which we have already gotten keep the chicken statue excuse me kitty important things I need to uh put in there uh none of that’s done I do wish you could all right I should put that in there I do wish you could sell weapons in here you cannot all right get that Row in there let’s go do this first very little Trash today it’s nice all right get you in there and there we go Perfect all right I have not checked the um cave but that’s okay we survive okay I should also put you away all right um it is noon crop order Harvest oh I do still have to harvest 100 [Music] Tomatoes okay well so the fact that it’s Wednesday the 3rd and you’ve got 26 days does mean that uh you have to the first day of next month okay so may want to plant some tomatoes in the of course you do that may I want to plant some uh Tomatoes Inside the um the greenhouse Tuesday he H kobus has Omni geod so that’s that’s a little not a goof goof but uh today he has fish oo a golden Relic that’s good not going to go into the skull Caverns today there we go star fruit seeds that is uh something that I want oh she has the Omni geotes today [Music] [Music] and we’ll hold off all right uh I do want the warp totem desert recipe one of these days but that is going to be really really far off artifact troves would be good as well boy [Music] Stone all [Music] right head on back thanks Pam where do you go when you uh I cat sh right out here huh and the bus is there without someone in the driver’s seat don’t know your loyal horse Waits patiently for your return good horsey actually now we do have some luck today but I think we’ll just uh upgrade tools go for the gold pan thanks I’ll get started on this as soon as I can should be ready in a couple days so I need a aridium at this point before I can upgrade any other tools which is not too likely to happen in the quantities I would [Music] like hope I didn’t have anything else to donate there we go [Music] okay you’ve decided to spawn out there so I will grab that I will grab you I’ll grab [Music] you all right horsey let’s head over to Robin if I still have time afterwards um you know what this doesn’t take too long oops wrong key wrong key control well actually I rode up here Robin upgrade house all right 65,000 G 100 pieces of hardwood am I interested I am thank you I’ll get started tomorrow I should be finished in around 3 days and there goes my cat [Music] H wonder why it happened [Music] now ah [Music] May because Robin had to be there grapes oh it’s lius right like lives up behind you are you hungry I could make you some lunch how about some leftover cave carrots too that’s very nice of you but no thanks I’ve had great luck foring today okay I’m Dre it you look like you have something to say do I really I’m just pleased that lonus is doing well I’d like to invite lonus to live in on the farm with [Music] me can you do that I’m just pleased that lonus is doing well new achievement best friends a thanks El Drea you had me worried there I thought you were going to ask me to move on to the farm with you wink you know I consider you my closest friend in the valley you’ve never tried to fix me you respect my way of life even if you don’t understand it I really appreciate that a can you smell that it’s a sweet Aroma of ripe berries a what a sweetheart in indeed you remember me right ah summer the warm sun heats up the cans for me then at night I’ve got a warm meal to look forward to this is wonderful you really made my day special a is it just me or did it suddenly get really hot it’s called summer I guess it’s just me it’s summer take that Moss oh wow holy cow I knew there was one I didn’t know there were three all right so back to the farm we go is there anything else that I really want to do I could go get some more hardwood down in the secret Woods I’m okay probably go into the mines again then all right what goes in here that that that that that’s for J for tomorrow just to keep those on me right also get you in there I will need to buy some more seeds but yeah let’s head back into the mines I do want to get like the the main reason I’m doing this is cuz I want to get a prismatic Shard and that was not where I wanted to go you need to keep fighting enemies I should do some fishing too oh boy another Diamond I mean that’s good and the way down uh get stuck on it something that can happen too [Music] I’m getting lucky on uh or oh I still have that mission I mean I’m probably not going to finish it in time but I don’t like you guys leave me alone down we go I mean I suppose they could be uh giving me charismatic shards I do not know I know that slimes can cuz I’m pretty sure I usually get mine from slimes oh good Omni geode so they can also have Prismatic I see you over there dang it I wanted goodies all right we have a way down but I do want to fight things my main goal here is fighting things that can give me Prismatic shards [Applause] trip to the skull Caverns might also be in order all right what do I have that I don’t care about um I mean I do care about that so it’s not that [Music] but mied flower seeds aren’t all that necessary I mean stone is also good all right this area is infested this is going to be the last thing that we do I think okay dwarf scroll I think we’ll take that over the uh mixed seeds just sell the bat wings well way down has appeared but uh we’re not actually going to make much use of that I will pop down just because it’s easy here but yeah go ahead and leave the mine there you go dwarf ah this reminds me of Home hey want to buy something so next time I have a lot of money I’ll buy like a lot of Mega bombs all right horsey I was going to buy uh some Auto Grabbers think I oh my Lord it’s 1:00 a.m. do not think that I have the time to go grab all of the things there unfortunately so in bed we go we’ll get that all tomorrow it will be jz’s birthday let’s go to sleep for the night 2275 for farming not a huge amount but we’ll get more all right day five uh day four also real fast so fishing and combat are the next things that we need to master welcome to kosu 5 your number one source for weather news and entertainment now the weather forecast for tomorrow it’s going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow ah yes I can hear the Spirits Whispering something to me Spirits are in Good Humor today I think you’ll have a little extra luck so not a uh Super Lucky Day welcome to living off the land we’re back again with another tip for y’all now listen up animal Spotlight Pig in these parts pigs are trained to sniff out valuable truffles you got to let you’ve got to let your porkers outside and be patient they’ll work their magic when they’re good and ready make oil out of the truffles to maximize your profit um why dang it didn’t mean to give you one of those cuz she’s right back there in fact you know what I’m not going to do any more of that until she’s done okay that’s enough of the coffee for [Music] now grab you [Music] out I do want to make some more of those um those things good all right I will have to think about what I want to put into the into the wine things I think we’re quite ready to actually get uh good profit on them I mean we’ll get [Music] some but I do want to let them age eventually not quite there [Music] yet okay so first of all do a lot of tea that would be good pomegranates and let’s take the [Music] uh ah apparently you can put uh tea leaves in there live and learn [Music] okay so there’s all of that you back in there get you back in there all right um for now so that is ancient fruit [Music] wine I’m going to sell one we’ve got apple wine as well that we are going to sell kind of wish I had checked down here first for that but oh well okay four out of five got 69 cloth I could definitely sell some of that all right where our cows there is our cows [Music] there must be something random about the uh when the um P up on stuff all right there must be something random about when uh sheep get their wool back because uh I would have expected it by now I mean I got them both at the same time before so whatever all right uh get you over there get you down there let’s go and get this milk in P all of you guys okay I have to come back in another reason to get the auto [Music] Grabber I wish it was a Super Deluxe uh um backpack that had like just a billion slots just give me a billion slots it’s fine nothing bad that would come from having a billion slots in there all right what kind of wine do we want to make now oh wow four sturgeon row out of that that’s pretty good it’s pretty good all right uh um H I guess with more apple wine you should be able to give your horse apples all right 30 green tea Pleasant energizing beverage made from lightly processed tea leaves plus5 speed plus 30 Max Energy not a whole lot of energy on its own though [Music] [Music] [Music] got more ancient fruit t this fruit lots of other things that I need to come back [Music] for all right it’s pretty good [Music] I’m also going to want to make more uh ancient fruit seeds for um other seasons and if we ever get out to the Pelican Islands burn Islands not Pelican Islands Pelican Town pardon me I should also make some uh uh well I going to make some pots but I don’t actually want to do that until I am able to to anything that goes in there yeah so um once I get the the third tier retaining soil which has a 100% chance of retaining water so you never need to water the things again then I will uh put in the uh pots in there the reason is because I want to be able to have some uh things that grow along the edges that I can just grab that I don’t need to water and everything the whole point of the greenhouse in my opinion uh is to set it up so that you never need to water Beyond like changes if you got a water at the first time Ah that’s fine of course but once you’re done once you’re done very much should be a set and forget kind of thing all right a little bit more stuff there I should also look at um just because you’re in my in my uh hand right there um something else you know what I wanted to buy something else and I need to [Music] hurry all right let’s purchase animals want two more cows not not friry so we have mfer and Canada uh let’s go for chocolate great I’ll send little chocolate to our new home right away and that’s a white cow we should have at least one brown cow there we go I’m not sure what the last one was it might have been a brown cow it might not have been um let’s see just call you gy there we go great I’ll send little gery to her new home right away hey how’s brick build Farm doing been here a while now how’s your farm doing taking care of animals is easy as long as you don’t forget about them also supplies shop animal catalog you can access marne’s shop when she’s not around oo okay can’t afford that and the auto Grabber though which is what I want right now I do not have the cake on me I need to go get the cake so I can find Jass cuz it’s her birthday keep five around for gifts oh Jess I have something for your birthday a giant cake a gigantic delicious cake oh he little baby raccoon where ja Vincy really hates hat clay he told me wow a birthday present I love it a that was nice to make people happy on their birthday isn’t it look at little baby raccoon hungry need mushroom it’s a dried common mushroom and five eggs all right nothing else all right well next dried dried mushrooms we get we know where they’re going guess I need to collect up five eggs as well said any I wonder if void eggs count probably not but very tempted to uh find out you know I doubt they work I’m going to assume they don’t all right I did get those and fill that up all right so we got our uh our extra cows so that’s good um I do want the auto Grabber automatically harvests from your animals each morning must be placed inside a coupe or Barn okay it’s a little bit more annoying to go after you guys because uh I can just come into the right there I can come into the um please open thank you I just go in there and and pick them up um the you know whereas all of the stuff is contained inside the coupe now that said I do want another one inside there okay lots of triple shot espresso now um tomorrow I need to run down to kobus I need to remember to keep the eggs around I wish there was someone who just sold eggs basic eggs Marne should sell basic eggs like you should not have to uh raise chickens yourself to get eggs in this town oh all right but we’ll have to uh keep back some eggs for the next couple days so well when in doubt let’s go to town uh not to town go to the mines all right onward and downward don’t really see any other enemies or a lot of other things that I really care too much about I’ll take that though [Applause] still no Prismatic shards got bomb good hey Omni geode I’ll take that so there is a um like a Mystic node that you can get um I didn’t I wasn’t level 10 mining before but I am now so there is so I don’t think it could show up until you were level 10 but I’m not positive it just might be that that’s when the uh chance is highest [Applause] hm really do want some Prismatic shards I mean I’m going to need multiples it’s one reason why I haven’t opened my uh Omni GEOS yet I want to wait for the uh the luckiest day that I can and see if I get what I [Music] want okay not a whole lot else going on here all right let’s head on out and actually put you away nothing really interesting here we’ll get it another day okay well that is going to uh wrap us up for this time once I I don’t actually want to sell anything there okay time to crawl into bed hi Corn Flakes let’s go to sleep for the night all right 2,489 and uh another 30 so not quite enough for some more um another Auto Grabber but 2310 for the single ancient fruit wine uh 700 for the caviar 3360 for the 12 cranberry jelly and 3360 as well for the eight apple wine pretty nice apple wine does go for a good amount but that is going to be where we wrap it up this time when we come back next time uh well I’ll have an opportunity for another um uh another aridium sprinkler from kobus and maybe we’ll have lucky day that we can actually sell uh like crack open our geod we’ll see um I think the pan might be ready tomorrow so I’m looking at well this 20,000 yeah that’s basically going to be all that money spent the 10,000 for the uh the the um sprinkler and another 10,000 for the upgrade now the merchant is also going to be in town tomorrow so we’ll see I might have to sell some things directly to Pier but that’ll be for next time see you then everyone

Time to make our animal-raising life easier!


My new Stardew Valley 1.6 playthrough is best viewed from the playlist:

The Stardew 1.5 Update Playthrough can be found here:

My original Stardew Valley playthrough can be viewed here:


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