Minecraft But Scary Myth Builds Become REAL

my friends think Minecraft’s scariest myths are fake clickbait no wait what are you it’s supposed to be scary stop laughing so I’m going to prove them wrong by turning my scary myth builds into reality and we’re starting with my friend Dustin oh Steve check it out it’s the Headless villagers yeah a this just isn’t right quer I really thought they were going to be scared of scary myths but check out this text conversation I sent Austin a link to the Headless villager and they replied with this wao so now what are we going to do well I do have this a device which brings us here the creative realm and now Guido in the creative realm I can not only fly but I can access every single block and to scare Austin we need to build the head headless villager or at least the story of the Headless villager you see we’re going to start off by building this platform right here which is going to be where the Headless villager lost his head so it’s going to be brutal exactly buddy we’ll add some trap doors to the side just for a bit of realism and now we’ll get to work on a frame where the Headless villager is going to be hanged from and is that how he lost his head oh you’ll see Guido you see if we grab an anvil and a name tag and we simply write the word dinner bone we can make a villager spin upside down then I’m thinking some Stone Cutters we’ll just go ahead and Surround him with these there we go a bit of redstone of course and now this platform is full of blood and it really looks like this villager is being hanged upside down with his head about to be sliced off that’s so grossome oh but it gets even better Guido if you just come over this way as you can see I’ve got a button that says press to bring to life this is how we scare Austin and now check it out Guido we’ve got a headless villager in real life just place it down let’s scare them already no no no no I’ve got an even better idea we are going to sneak straight by Austin please don’t turn around please don’t look okay perfect we made it to the Treehouse and now that we’re inside we just need to find somewhere to hide this headless Village like inside of this closet wa okay yet you’re being very loud stop just just stay in there and be quiet be quiet okay what was that there someone in my Cher house that’s Austin they’re on their way yeah I hear it Guido follow me there should be a fuse box right here and now when the time is right we’re going to make things even scarier hello do you want to be my friend it’s working Austin has no idea where they they are I wonder when the Headless villager is going to strike no not my CLA it that’s where I keep my sticky socks that’s it Austin take a peek inside run Austin run they’re so scared he not down my friend he may not be your friend but he is real we’ve got six more friends to go Guido and remember they called all the scariest myths in Minecraft fade but for now my next Target is Billy the bully now Billy has always teased me about my fear of Herobrine Oh Billy this is Billy’s house but we’ve got to get him all the way from here right down the street to the school why uh because everything is scarier in school now the front door to Billy’s house is unfortunately loged yeah because it’s night time he’s probably asleep exactly dude so we’ve got to lure him out of the house follow me yeah this seems like a good spot Billy’s backyard now we’re not going to go to the creative realm just yet but we are going to build something I’ll just pull out my supplies and we are going to make ourselves a terrifying grave we’ll put the pods all down right here dig down three blocks and then we’ll place down the Piston Okay this may take me a while maybe I should have done it in the creative realm then on top of the Piston an armor stand now I just need a spooky head here is mine don’t ask me where I got it okay thank you Guido head goes on top now we just need to cover it up with the pzo again we’ll break this block and put the piston in the middle facing up facing down redstone block to push the podz all in and that’s buried the spooky head underground next up a skull sensor wo and as you can see we now have a horrifying jump scare grave now to bring Billy over to it note block and a creeper head this is what’s going to wake Billy [Music] up what was that was that a creeper I better go check huh has that always been there oh I don’t know Billy why don’t you go check it out that one’s great he’s all the way to the front of the house F Roger that buddy working on the next prank so I don’t want him to go to the right I want him to go in that direction toward the school so I’m going to place a terrifying monster right here to scare him that way here we go we’ll start with some classic nether blocks Crimson nyum up top and we’re going to use it to make a terrifying spine then I’ll put a trapo down right here for a bit of texture weeping vines on its underbelly and then Crimson roots on top with a skull and levers for legs and the same on the other side then we’ll connect the legs with some lining rods and this demonic creature is ready to scare Billy not that way I guess look at him run but what about here I’m run Ste oh don’t worry Guido that will come later once we get him in the school now we do have a little issue we want Billy to go this way into the school but based on his current trajectory he’s probably just going to go straight ahead so we need one more Bild to put him on the correct path but I just can’t think of anything well you better think of something or he’ll get away I know buddy I’ll try my best but my brain is just fried ah come on think Steve think hurry up Steve wait that’s Austin Look Out Billy he has no interest in being friends seriously he has really bad social skills yay yes yes yes perfect he’s heading towards the school and now we can go to the creative realm now we’re going to start off basic quo we’re just going to get ourselves a loom a white banner and then a bunch of black dye loom goes down light dye goes in and then we’re going to start off with this Banner pattern then with the banner back inside we’ll go for this one then this one right here this one on the right and finally this shade and now we’ve got ourselves a Herobrine Banner that totally looks like his eyes Lucky in the darkness right but how exactly is that going to help us oh you’ll see Guido watch this oh man school this is the last place I want to be but at least I’ll be safe what in the Multiverse what me out of here hey that tles if you want to scare Billy Now’s the Time to yeah I hear you buddy don’t worry I’ve got the perfect plan I’m just adding the Herobrine Banner to the Monstrous spider and this should have some pretty terrifying [Music] results what is that oh come on I can’t miss this I can’t miss this where are they oh there Billy dude that spider is scarier than I expected I think he’s loar his Lefton now Steve calm him off uh I actually don’t know how to what oh I’m sorry I don’t know how to speak spider oh he’s picked him up oh I think I’m going to be sick let’s get out of here Retreat Retreat my next time Target is Rocco now Guido Rocco has hauled himself up inside of the mall stay back I’ve been hearing all sorts of rumors headless villager Herobrine I won’t let them get me too this is a good oh guo I can use some cover hey get on me dude those bullets have got us totally pinned down I need to take out Rocco now okay don’t worry I’m going to go back into the creative realm I’m just sorry I don’t know how much longer I can think of this okay I’ve got to build something first because if I don’t Guido will be destroyed I need to think of something fast to scare Rocco uh let’s see here what about uh Guillotine uh yeah that’s probably going to do it let’s see here stairs now for some Spruce fences come on come on now we’ll just use the loom again Pi the right Banner oh where is it where is it there we go that one looks like a blade bit of redstone for blood this really has to scare Roo and boom Oh this is terrible he’s not going to be scared of this take you a sweet time uh okay how about this a Piller it’s where they like arrested people and then tie them up and then put them in this Piller the head goes through the arms go through they get rocks thrown at them it’s very scary ah dispenser put that in between here another armor stand we’ll put that in there inside of the dispenser and then we need some red stone right here to activate it come on come on Steve speed up speed up another head two buttons and then finally some pens I mean I don’t know why Rocko would be scared of this it doesn’t even look like him it oh I need a scary myth I need to think of something power levels come on Steve thing thing thing wait Rocco enabled all of those traps so I just need a scary myth which will be able to deactivate those traps someone like Entity 303 and we’re going to find the right pattern again it needs to cover up the mouth there we go there’s the one grab ourselves another banner and this time some red dye Banner goes in dye goes in and also this very specific pattern of the creeper then we’ll take that Banner put it right there and we’ll use some black dye and we’re going to find the right pattern again it needs to cover up the mouth there we go that’s the one now last but not least we need the white eye and we’re going to circle this so it kind of looks like the hooded face of Entity 303 but we’re not done there just yet just to make sure this is extra scary for Rocco we are also going to build the body of Entity 303 too is’s uh he’s very short but I’m in a rush okay boom wow uh let’s not let Guido know that this is what saved him a speed your back where have you been don’t worry buddy just hang in there I found someone that can help us and here they come Entity 303 that’s it hack those turrets get me inside W check it out Guido I’m in the turret and now you can destroy the rest of the Trap way ahead of you bu don’t worry and boom that’s the final trap down now all that’s left to destroy is that steeled all don’t worry Steve I got the perfect solution oh Rocko come on out it’s time to get scared H but he’s nowhere to be seen and I really don’t have time to check all of these stores H Guido any ideas maybe head back to the Crave realm so something useful now it would be a real shame to lose all of my amazing program here so I’m not going to instead I’ll just make some slight adjustments like what if 303 wasn’t a humanoid and instead could fly around that’s why I’ve got these stained white glass PES let’s go ahead and put something like let’s see can I actually make a wing here oh man I’m messing this up I’m messing this up uh maybe something like this and then it goes outwards yeah there we go again thank the Multiverse that Guido didn’t join me here cuz this is like embarrassingly bad but I’m hoping that with a swarm of those little guys we should be able to find Rocko go fly my minions fly W look at them go you got a little 303 Army that’s right buddy and they’re going to search this entire Mall looking for Rocko they’re going to search high and low and they won’t stop until they find him ah seriously they still haven’t found him come on guys you can do better than this okay they’re coming back out to the main area and oh oh that’s really fast oh they found him oh there he is and check it out Guido the little 303s have got him pin down now admit it Rocco you’re scared right I ain’t scared of nothing do your worst you little punk ah this might be harder than I expected if Rocco isn’t scared of these little guys then maybe he won’t be scared of anything come on Ste think there’s got to be something he’s scared of what’s up wiling still scared of those stupid stupid myth what is that uh it’s my plush collection is something wrong huh wonder what got into that guy that’s it Rocco is scared of guests and one of Minecraft’s scariest myths is known as the black gas all right let’s get rid of this um Masterpiece now all we have to do is recreate a guest using Dark Materials so we’ve got like concrete powder wool even black stone Stone and we’ll build up the body of the guest itself and now that we’ve got the outer frame of the black guest ready we can go ahead and work on some tentacles now we’ll use crimson nyum and some more weeping Vines for the tentacles here and we’re going to make sure they’re all at different levels just to make sure they kind of look really tentacle like some of them are short some of them are long now for the eyes we’ll use red shulker boxes just to give a little bit of texture and for the mouth itself some more banners to give the illusion of razor sharp teeth and I think it’s ready let’s see what Rocco thinks of this no not no not that that monster anything but that bye [Music] Rocco that’s Rocko Del with now what do we do Steve well we move on to our next Target obviously which is Sergeant sh my next Target was Sergeant Shaw the leader of the police and because he dealt with some of the most dangerous criminals in the city he wasn’t going to be scared of any scary myths great never TRS in a jail cell yeah I know you’re annoyed Guido but don’t worry I’ve got a plan see this painting uh yeah well I’ve got a little surprise hiding behind there for sergeant Shaw as soon as he steps on that pressure plate we’ll be out of here in no time oh good evening Sergeant Shaw it’s good to see you what what’s that you want to come into this cell to interrogate me okay well if you get scared it’s your fault yikes that was so bad come here you what are you doing that’s my best friend Sergeant sha please just give him back no way this is evidence don’t let him out of your sight ah this is so bad now Shaw’s got me under constant surveillance and he’s taking Guido away there’s got to be some way out of this cell um maybe there’s like a gap or a secret lever or something out it right there no slight movements in my prison cell now I could go to the creative realm but I don’t really see how that would help me right now instead I’ve got to distract this guy and I think I’ve got the perfect way to do it we got a fire extinguisher right there um slight movements I’m doing lots of slight movements okay he’s distracted now I just need to find the armor stand I’ll take off the Armor’s armor and replace it with my own clothes perfect the armor stand looks exactly the same as I do and now I’ll just take cover oh dude I can barely see but I’m right beside the bed and this will give me enough time to get into the creative realm I need a scary myth that’s strong enough to save Guido and get me out of this cell so I’m thinking the strongest myth of all giant Alexs got but the problem is I don’t have enough time to just build a big statue of giant Alex here no I’ve got to be more creative than that like maybe I could build something to do with the origin of giant Alex yeah that could work boom head shot wait what an armor stand where are you at boy what if giant Alex was turned into giant Alex by using a crazy potion so let’s just grab a respawn anchor this is going to form our like cauldron and the plan is to have giant Alex or at least a normal size Alex hanging from something being dunked inside of this potion we’ll grab ourselves some glow stone put it inside of here and now we’ve got this crazy effect we’ll make sure it’s going like this nice that is looking awesome then we’ll grab some trap doors to put around the side and it really does look like some kind of mystical terrifying potion and then we’ll put down a block right there grabb ourselves some fences we’re going to build something like this with a little overhang right there then a couple of chains and finally an Alex head and now it looks like Alex is being dunked into this potion ready to transform into giant Alex and now we just bring it into our reality wait nothing’s happening oh no no is my build not good enough or something oh H or maybe it’s just not accurate enough to Giant Alex’s real origin story um okay maybe maybe we scrap the origin story idea and instead we build something as a tribute to Giant Alexs ah there you [Music] are there it’s finished my tribute to Giant Alex a throne in her honor I really hope this is good enough yeah this is awesome I can see the entire city from up here and now I just need to find Sergeant Shaw there he is get after him I got to get out of the city there across the bridge Alex did you hear that we’ve got to cut him [Music] [Music] off wait what is she oh my gosh no no no no no no that was awesome oh quido you’re back that’s right and I somehow made it back in one piece well that’s a relief dude because I’ll need you for the next Target my exgirlfriend Lily oh no anyone but her this is Lily’s house Guido and I wonder what she’s been up to while I’ve been away I mean let’s just see if we can spot her no let’s see here diamonds okay emeralds whatever these things are not too bad if I do say so myself she stole all our stuff while we were away yeah I think that’s exactly what happened dude Steve would have wanted me his beloved girlfriend and future wifey to have them oh she is not my girlfriend what about future wifey no not that either Guido come on into the creative real again I’ve got something perfect lined up for her I am going to build a scary myth known as the mimic now this thing looks exactly like a basic chest so I’m going to use trap doors to kind of get that similar texture and I’m going to place them just like this that looks great in everything Steve but what makes a difference with normal chest well the mimic has a set of razor sharp teeth which we’ll go ahead and add with our new best friend the loom white banners and black dye here we go and now we just have to find the perfect pattern so let’s do something like this is there anything that kind of resembles teeth maybe something like this for the bottom row and there’s one set of teeth and now we’ll do the opposite on the other side so that one was kind of facing up so I guess uh it would be like this one and now we’ll put banners on your bannner so you can Banner while you Banner wait what and the full set of teeth is complete but we’re not done that just yet what about some eyeballs we’ll put these two banners up top so one on the left there we go and another one on the right and the mimic is ready it’s certainly something yeah let’s just hope this is effective in our reality hi yeah there a regular chest yeah it may look pretty tame right now but wa as you can hear it’s pretty scary come on over this way now we just need to get Lily’s attention oh Lily are you in there my sweet T weey oh is that you my darling Oh it’s going to happen come on quo hide hide hide we got to get a good shot of this that’s it Lily I’ve left you a little present from your beloved Stevie weey and that is another Target ticked off the list next up anetta problem with aretta is that she’s so tough she’s not going to be scared of any scary M oh don’t worry we’ll see about that Guido now my eyeball minions get in there and scare the life out of aretta oh I really hope this works don’t worry buddy just look at the eyeballs who wouldn’t be scared of them now come on let’s go see what’s going on uh whoo guys what happened oh let’s go her a it looks like aretta just flung them back outside a maybe she really isn’t scared of anything I really don’t think she is look what’s up tiny boy are these guys your friends oh this is a disaster I was just trying to scare you onetta seriously you’re pathet you’re you’re bleeding I’m going to be sick Guido we’ve got a second chance she’s going to lock herself in the bathroom so we need a scary myth that can get inside there so we are going to make a blood Warden rising out of the ground that sounds terrifying yep I certainly hope so Guido so we’ve got ahead and put some soulstone at the bottom of this pit and then we’re going to fill it up with water then we’ll make sure there’s bubbles because that’s what’s going to give us the propulsion here you seen this Guido it’s horrifying seeing you jump around half naked in there but yeah I see it then we need an armor stand and we’ll put this right here wao and as you can see this armor stand is bouncing around much like the blood Warden rising from the ground now we’ll just dye ourselves some armor obviously in the shade of blood red we’ll place it on the armor stand and then grab this head that I prepered earlier a blood Warden head now that is scary yes it is Buddy and ready to come to life look at her runguo does she seriously think she’s going to be safe in there you know what to do there the doors are locked I’ll be safe wow with our net to dealt with then just leaves one more Target H and of course it’s my Archen enemy Mesa the most evil entity in the entire Multiverse there’s no way he’ll be scared of myths right wait what where are we are we are we in some kind of cage you fell right into my trap Steve ah Mesa what is this this is what you get for thinking that the scariest mens are scarier than I am the K just only see you we’re going straight towards the lava not if I can do anything about it Steve you need to think of one more scary minut or we’re dead yeah I know G I’m thinking I’m thinking what about Entity 303 already used that one a you’re right uh Herobrine we used it to kill Billy oh of course I remember it was one of the best moments of my life wait what if we with our army I mean yeah I I guess that could work something terrifying that Mesa will have no choice but to be scared of what’s his least favorite thing in the world it’s it’s me we’ve got to make a myth to do with me let’s grab ourselves some blocks while use sand and sandstone and maybe a little bit of red sand oh this one could look great too wait what are you doing I’m going to make a statue of myself Guido because we are going to make Steve exe spooky man I should really have made this faster boom what do you think guo it looks a little boring which I guess is accurate to you hey okay well I guess you’re right it is pretty basic we need to make it scary uh okay what about uh red concrete here we go oh perfect we’ll just add a little bit bit of blood and this should make things a little bit more scary for Mesa there we go like her eyes are bleeding maybe there’s like a big hole in the side of my head filled with blood yeah like your brains are spilling out this is great and our Steve dotexe scary myth build is ready to go I really hope this scares Meesa here goes nothing Ste wait why did it stop oh Mesa what what are [Music] [Applause] you wow maer is kind of a baby

Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/

This is Minecraft, but SCARY MYTHS become REAL! When Steve’s friends laugh at him because he is afraid of SCARY MINECRAFT MYTHS, Steve needs to make Scary Myth Build hacks and make them REAL to prank his friends! Steve needs to build Minecraft’s Scariest Myths such as Herobrine, Null, Giant Alex, Entity 303, and That Thing to PRANK all his friends and scare them! Can Steve scare all his friends using Minecraft Scary Myths and become the bravest adventurer in the Dimension? This is MINECRAFT BUT SCARY MYTHS are REAL!


‣ Check out our WEBSITE and make your own Checkpoint character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/
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~ G.U.I.D.O Animation by: https://www.studiogoblin.co.uk/
~ Music/SFX by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com
~ Minecraft builds by Ambient Creations: https://twitter.com/AmbientTeam

Follow our incredible voice cast:
Carimelle: https://estherchristova.carrd.co/#home
Cyrus Rodas: https://twitter.com/CyrusRodas
Dallis MacKenzie: https://twitter.com/Dallisaur
Corey Wilder: https://twitter.com/WilderCorey
Brooke Johnson: https://brookejohnsonvo.com


‣ GTA 5 DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/35VAw0f
‣ MINECRAFT DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/3mKfUOL
‣ ROBLOX DIMENSION: https://bit.ly/2HquZVz


Minecraft is an open world game that has no specific goals for the player to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game however, there is an achievement system. The gameplay by default is first person, but players have the option to play in third person mode. The core gameplay revolves around breaking and placing blocks. The game world is essentially composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes—that are arranged in a fixed grid pattern and represent different materials, such as dirt, stone, various ores, water, and tree trunks. While players can move freely across the world, objects and items can only be placed at fixed locations relative to the grid. Players can gather these material blocks and place them elsewhere, thus allowing for various constructions.

#Checkpoint #ScaryMyths #Minecraft


  1. Well, Stevie adventure re-creating giant alex because I found little girl going into see who the hell was there then saved but then giant Alex was born but in this video, why is Steve doing this? Dunking a model Alex? Postishon

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