I Turned My House Into A Trampoline Park!

today we’re going to be turning our house into an awesome trampoline park guys I always wanted to do this in Minecraft and today we’re going to be able to do it it’s going to be so much fun we’re going to have so many trampolines yeah now we don’t have to go anywh we jump forever yeah I’m going to bounce so high like a big frog or a bunny rabbit it’s going to be so awesome but guys I just thought of an issue my daddy’s home and he’s never going to allow us to do this no well how do we talk him into it I don’t think there’s any talking my daddy into do in this idea we’re going to have to do something either get him to leave the house or trap him in his room Marty never leaves the house so let’s just lock him in his room all right but we need to get some materials I need to get some iron bars and maybe some iron these are really strong blocks that will keep him in his room forever yeah all right guys come on Follow Me Oh Daddy Daddy where are you you upstairs no I’m in the living room watch t T what do you want Oh Daddy you’re in the living room watching TV all alone yeah cuz I’m I’m I’m bored oh wait daddy you’re bored yeah I am bored well me Daisy and Gooby were going to make a trampoline park inside our house so you want to you want to join us uh no we are not doing that inside this expensive house please Marty it’ll be so much fun no it won’t because you’re going to be bouncing off the trampolines and breaking stuff you’re going to be like break my lamp Mar what if we just staple some cheese bogles to the ceiling and then you have to try to jump get them uh no because guess what when I eat the burgers because I’m so amazing at eating burgers I’m going to have Staples in my mouth and they’re going to stay my tongue that was a stupid idea we’re not doing that well what if we staple milkshakes to the ceiling and just have to jump milkshake Scooby what are you saying all right you know what Daddy how about this if you don’t want to make a trampoline park with us then I guess you’re going to have to just stay in this room forever come on guys you mean I got to stay in this room forever what are you talking about just break some of this hey hey w w w hey no no no sorry Daddy stop why are you traing me in here some of this there we go let me out let me out right now or you’re uh you’re not going to eat dinner yeah you’re not any D no D tonight we can get our own dinner yeah Daddy you’re going to stay locked in that room and there’s nothing you could do and you’re not going to be able to stop us from making an awesome trampoline park hey we could do the milkshakes to the ceiling thing I I want to do that yeah I want to do that yes it worked we SL the seese B I’m going to S A stap to the ceiling it’s a trick Gooby that’s a trick he’s trying he’s trying to get out by by changing our minds no no it’s not a trick I’m for real I’m for real I want to do it you almost quck me no I didn’t come on how are we supposed to know if we haven’t even stapled anything to the ceiling yet guys we’re not stapling anything to this ceiling daddy we’ll see you later come guys come back here I am not cool with this guys we did it we trapped my daddy now it’s time to end some trampolines to our house check this out guys so much fun that one we should make a massive trampoline yeah we need to add trampolines in every single room of our house W I just had a really good idea what you gooby what if we just get rid of this pool and put a giant trampoline here wait that’s actually kind of smart okay let’s do it this should be the first thing that we actually do wait how do we get rid of all this water sponges oh yeah we need some SpongeBobs all right let me put Spong Rob in here it’s not going away Daisy you use a lot I literally am oh wait it’s actually working okay yes yes keep going guys more sponges the water is almost all gone okay wait no it’s not why does it keep filling back up got to put some faster I’m literally going as fast as I possibly can okay you know what I’m just going to go right down the middle there we go oh my goodness now we have an empty pool but we have a lot of sponges here everyone break the sponge yeah if my daddy saw what we were doing right now he’d be so mad good think he can’t see us yeah cuz we trapped him in a room okay at least she has the Chee ble all right guys I have a really cool idea okay we should make different layers of the trampoline different layers yes so you can like bounce around to like different parts okay so like there’s one and then we’ll do another one on the floor like this and then we could do one like up here a really good idea guys trust me this seems kind of dangerous dangerous what if we fall and hit the the ground are you trying to not have fun today I want to have fun but I want to be safe too I got a really good idea well if it’s a safe idea then it’s a boring idea that’s what I say we just put some slimes in between so that if you hit the floor right there you just bounce back up here I guess that’s a good idea it’s a little boring though it’s not boring it is very boring guys this is looking so good I’m going to test it out then I jump to this one then I jump to this one oh oh this is sick what actually really cool I just made like a trampoline staircase right here I’m actually a genius check it out you guys I just made a really good idea wa you made a diving board oh my goodness Gooby this is actually crazy I want to try it get out of my way w w wo wo I’m jumping really high oh my gosh you should have done a trick oh my goodness oh this is so awesome okay guys I think the pool’s almost completed I think so too we should move to the living yeah we need to add some trampolines in every single part of our house all right guys the pool is officially completed everyone let’s go inside ooh wait a minute what if we go into our kitchen we need to add trampolines in our kitchen guys o that way we can bounce make food at the same time exactly okay let’s just start replacing all the floor there we go just going to put trampolines everywhere I’m getting rid of the couch we don’t need a couch when we can just have a big trampoline here guys someone give me food daddy what why are you whining in there I hear you oh I see you Johnny Johnny please give me like give me a cake or something um no no what are you doing right now I’m adding trampolines to the floor why would you do that because Daddy it’s going to look awesome and also I need a bounce obviously I’m not going to be able to fix that floor come on okay okay let’s make a deal Let’s Make a Deal you give me some food and I won’t get angry no deal no deal Dad it’s so easy I’m going to add a trampoline right in front of your little prison we made for you why would you do that that’s mean that’s really mean there we go there we go do a little bit of this no I’m going to figure figure a way out of here yeah I’m going to escape no you’re not escaping daddy oh it looks like there’s a balcony I could jump out of where oh there’s two of them there’s one over here and there’s one over here uh oh guys my daddy’s trying to escape we need to stop him I’m going to get out of here no you’re not Daddy yeah I am hey what are you doing hey Daddy just going to trap you up in here a little bit more hey no no no no no no no I got out hey Daddy come here I’m elusive no yeah I put me down go back into your cage this is not this is not a way for me to live Marty you’re kind of a dummy what do you mean I’m a dummy did you really think you were going to be able to escape yeah cuz look at this hey break hey guys come on just let me out no you just just twamp have fun with you I hate you no really fun this is why you’re just trying to rub this whole idea of making this whole house of trampoline park in my face all right guys don’t mind me I just need to use a little bit of hacks all right all right let me just do this I’m just going to hop on this trampoline cuz I’m bored hey w w I can’t see anything I can’t see anything hey at least I was able to see trees there we go daddy you’re all locked in now I’m in a prison no M got to stay in here forever gooy let’s let’s make a deal you let me out and I get you um I get you a million chimy chungas M I don’t like that come on get out of here come on Gooby KY nice nice help out here oh come on really daddy you thought it was going to be that easy I was so close I was really no no no I’m aler the cats hey hey hey nope this cat’s got to go kitty oh God no get the sniffles two two all right guys now that my daddy’s nice and secure in his prison we need to add more trampolines guys I still have a really good idea okay all right come to the second floor second floor on it just going to break some of this there we go all right and now we’re going to break it again and then we could jump into the trampoline into the kitchen genius idea and we can jump up here too exactly yeah we just replace everything we can with trampolines look at that you can literally bounce up and down this is so cool hey daddy bye Daddy hey Daddy bye daddy I hear you jumping up there nope not me Daddy I’m not jumping oh you guys are going to be in so much trouble all right let’s just place down even more trampolines up here we need like a billion trampolines I want to add one in my room and it’s got to be a yellow one yeah I’m going to replace my bed with trampoline wait what that’s a good idea I want to do that as well there we go now I got a new bed o Gooby I still have a really good idea what I’m going to add another trampoline in the sky wao it’s like a p in your womb exactly okay look at this let me build to jump and then ah make it to this trampoline Mak like trampoline shells over here ooh that looks pretty cool all right there we go and now Gooby this is what we need to do we need to break a hole in the roof this trampoline is going to go all the way to the top of our house really good idea all right there we go you got to bounce to this one and then you got to do some bouncing Gooby I’m making our entire roof just the sky just breaking it all get bounce super high exactly look how crazy this is looking all right fill in all these gaps nice now we can bounce up this staircase onto the roof let’s go wait I have a really cool idea goby follow me okay let’s just go to the highest point into our house and then we’re going to make a giant trampoline w check this out check this out Gooby we’re just going to make all this trampoline like this there we go just going to make it really long I think the more trampoline you add the higher you could bounce all right now we need to make it so we could jump all the way down you okay yes I’m fine I had a trampoline shoved down my pants so I don’t take fall damage all right Gooby try it try to jump onto this trampoline okay here I come go go go wo oh my gosh oh my gosh go W you made it works it works did you see that Mr Fox yeah I think the fox saw it want to go jumping on sing too yay the fox is on the trampoline I think he likes it well he just ate some bellies all right let’s go see what Daisy’s been up to Daisy I’m coming upstairs okay I’m just in my room wo you made all the floor really cool and it’s bouncy just never stop bouncing up here this is so awesome it’s literally the best thing ever oh my goodness Just Bounce to the kitchen get a snack w and then you can just bounce right back up o guys I still have a really good idea everyone follow me to the roof to the roof yes to the roof D are you going to staple a burger up there no Gooby I’m not stapling a burger up here we’re going to have a parkour building challenge I’m going to build my parkour over here someone in the middle and someone on the left and we’re going to see who could build the best trampoline parkour o I want to see that I’m going to make really good one all right go go go mine is going to be so awesome I don’t know if I know how to do this oh yeah I’m bouncing super high all right now I’m just going to go down a little bit and make another jump over here there we go oh yeah this looking so good guys I’m pretty sure I’m going to have the best Parkour here no mine’s going to be really really good have testim M out right now oh oh all right just going to put another piece of Parkour over here I think the bigger your trampoline is the more you bounce on it so I’m going to make this one super big all right let’s test it out jump jump mini jump into a big jump okay I have a genius idea I’m going to use the pool in my parkour is that cheating I think so it’s not cheating guys really it’s not cheating it seems like it would be cheating no what I think you’re cheating Daisy how am I cheating you’re just cheating because you just cheat every single video no I don’t you’re the cheater eater all right really are you trying to call my sister a cheater no I’m not calling your sister a cheater I just made a little challenge in mine right there and stepping in lava you’re ring lava yes wait that’s so Genius Like an obstacle so that if you step on that you die dang I don’t want to step in that lava now ype okay I think I’m going to do some of that too I’m going to add some lava all right right here I’m just going to add a little pit of lava and see if you can get around it there we go I just saw of really good idea where are you getting all these ideas from I’m just the idea man wow you’re the idea man yeah what does an ID man do this it just comes up with really good ideas well guess what I am I’m I’m an idea stealer I just steal all your good ideas yep that’s what I do not my idea okay then I jump in this area there we go then I jump down to here oh yeah this is coming together really good let’s see if this works no this is so hard I’m adding a ring to mine that you have to jump through we can’t jump through a ring with this one you can all right we jump and then yes it worked it actually worked oh my goodness okay and then this is the end right here all right guys mine is officially completed what are you doing I’m making a mine fi a Minefield okay that seems scary don’t know which one you can step on and which one you can’t oh my goodness Daisy what do you doing on this one is this a water slide yeah it has a water slide at the end oh my goodness you guys are actually so smart these look so good I just want it to be fun what the heck where am I Daddy what are you doing down there I’m not doing anything I’m just uh escaping hey guys my daddy escaped how did he Escape I don’t know Daddy how’d you escape come here I found a shovel found a shovel and you dug under the floor yeah well Daddy this is perfect timing because look up we all just made awesome trampoline parkour and you’re going to test them all out hey hey I don’t want to test it out yes you have to fine fine fine you want me to do it I’ll do it who’s is this this is mine daddy and guess what you got to give it a 10 out of 10 rating what if I don’t want to well then we’re going to keep adding more and more trampolines to this house o I did one jump two jump okay nice Dro that you’re doing good now you got to go through the ring daddy the Ring of Death Ring of Death easy yeah did you like it poop it was too easy Oh Daddy really yep it was too easy all right well let’s do Gooby next can’t can’t beat mine all right we got one jump two jump watch out for the lavv what is this get across okay oh yeah oh yeah oh I lost my jum I lost my jum come on job daddy you haven’t messed it up yet oh it was fake it was fake Daddy how was I supposed to know it’s fake oh my God Scooby that’s so smart sound over hey how why why can’t I go through this Daddy some of them are fake and then some of them are real okay is this one real you got lucky daddy a got you you totally missed that ah you did it again hey everyone shut up and let me Focus you’re pretty bad at par oh yeah k k k k k wow you did it time for daisies mine’s probably easy all right here we go I’m going to follow you Daddy over here speed running you oh these are bouncy blocks too oh God no that’s impossible you miss yes I did it I actually did it Chinese the water SL the water bounce bounce yeah I did it I’m too good that is the win yeah honestly I think Daisy’s was the most fun parkour what mine’s cool that’s the twap ones you guys know what’s even more funner more funner is not a word yeah well I just made a word because look how fun this is hey what are you doing what is that shoot here D you’re ruining it go go oh your parkour to it’s the ugliest parkour I’ve ever seen in my life and it looks horrible in this house do that stop now we you get down I’m not putting it down you guys hard on this oh my goodness Daddy no all right let me just fix it a little bit more he stop it hey what are you doing to me take them away stop it yeah I’m a bazooka woman I got a bazooka you think M’s right I think we really need to do destroy this uh whole place whoa what are you talking about Gooby no no no no no I just said said the the trampolines that’s what all I’m destroying this dynamite right here no go yeah use the dynamite on the house hey this is not what I was doing oh gosh what what Dynamite was that uh I think do 100 times oh I’m doing it as well this is really fun this is not what we were supposed to be doing today you go daddy oops oops say bye to your house okay there’s not even a house anymore all right there we go that’s more trampolines Daddy it’s all gone no more trampolines Le we still my pool no nice pool nice quo you have Mobby stop talking to me stop talking you guys are the worst people of all time look you have a chimney shell right here hey now I don’t Hallelujah you know what I’m moving you guys aren’t moving with me you guys got to offend for yourselves in the woods hopefully you don’t get eaten by a bear all right daddy as long as we got a couple trampolines left that’s all I need nope you’re not coming with me all right guys we’re hopping into this fortnite game oh yeah we’re about to win yeah where do we drop ooh let’s drop lavish layer no I don’t want to drop there let’s go to oh tilted Towers yeah I want to go there tilted Towers isn’t even the game right now oh oops oh guys H somebody landed right near me oh no Gooby gooby you just died oh my goodness I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming look at his card I’m getting your card Gooby don’t worry you better someone’s shooting at me oh my gosh uh-oh I just got sniped out of the air guys you guys suck F I’m the last oh and I’m dead great I looked away for one [Music] second I’m coming into your room I’m going to beat you up why why me come here come here come here this what you got Gooby you suck at fortnite you suck you suck you suck no so your fault that’s it I’m going to dance your face your face emot emot hey stop dancing I’m going to keep punching you you like that that doesn’t even affect me CU I’m stop fighting no this is what he gets cuz he sucks at playing video games you too Daisy hey I don’t suck you’re worse than I am no you went down before me and Gooby went down first so I’m better than both of you so if I was the last alive I would have gotten all of our cards sure whatever you want to say daisy yeah well um it’s all Johnny’s fult he doesn’t even need se he doesn’t even need SE guys I think both your butts and your mouth are reversed cuz’s a lot of poop coming out your mouth you’re just jealous that girls are better than you at video games yeah Daisy you’re not better than me I’m better than you I I’m better than you and you and you and you and you hey now hey now what’s going on up here Daddy they suck at fortnite and they just lost us the game well Daddy broke my WB look he just broke it yeah I see a lot of broken stuff in here giant seems like someone got mad because they lost no dad that was the Grinch he came in inst sto everything well guess what it’s not Christmas time so it’s got to be you Johnny but Daddy they suck at fortnite I don’t care who stinks at fortnite I think all you guys need a break from fortnite and Johnny you know what follow me I think you need to go outside and touch some grass no not grass yeah Grass Grass Loser yeah oh my goodness never touch grass shut up up there daddy they’re talking smack to me yeah I know they’re talking smack cuz that must mean you stink at video games I don’t stink I was the last one alive so what actually happened up there Daddy what actually happened is that they’re terrible at video games and I need to find new friends clearly okay do you have any more friends from school no daddy no one likes to talk to me so all I have is Gooby and Daisy dang you know what Jo that kind of sck but at least we’re outside it’s really nice out and I want you to touch this grass right here touch the grass yeah touch it oh gosh okay Daddy I’m touching it and guess what you got to stay there for 10 minutes because I’m putting you in timeout 10 minutes make it 12 yeah how about 15 17 you make this worse for yourself you realize that 25 and a half I’m not dealing with this you can stay out here for 30 minutes I don’t care just you’re not allowed to back in all right daddy whatever you say this really freaking sucks if Gooby and Daisy were just better at fortnite then none of this would have happened ooh I just thought of a good idea I wish there was just some sort of way I can clone myself and then I can play fortnite Duos with me and my clone self and we get all the victory Royals well how about this I’m going to try to use some of my magical powers everyone watching this video I need you to leave a like if you like this video in the next 3 seconds I’m going to duplicate myself this is going to be so awesome you need to do it everyone like the video in three 2 one hello human what is that thing that is not a clone of myself that looks nothing like me hey get away from me I am a special robot you’re a special robot I heard you are in need of duplication um yeah I was trying to duplicate myself but how are you going to help me clone myself that makes no sense it’s perfectly IAL follow me wait what oh my gosh where where are we going all right I guess I’ll just follow this robot and see where I go oh my goodness okay you want to go outside the wall there go that way thank you human oh my goodness where are we going this better be worth it oh my goodness Are we almost there yet where are we going Mr Robot we are going back to my La human well hold on hold on since you’re a robot and you’re not like really real and there’s a bunch of metal Parts in you can you just pick me up cuz I don’t want to walk anymore pick me up okay human yeah yeah I’m getting a free ride from a robot oh yeah this is awesome thank you Mr Robot this is so much easier you know what I think you’re my new favorite friend thank you you are my favorite human yeah I’m I’m his favorite human oh yeah wait um what is this place this is my secret lab in the Forest beep bo wait secret lab in the forest this is yours yes follow me human wow this is awesome yes this is the best lab ever created my master created it a 100 years ago the the waa what is this room used for touch touch touch touch touch do not touch that human do I’m sorry I I just like to touch things when I enter new rooms these are my Master’s experiments I have not touched them in 50 years since he has disappeared wait who is your master I want to meet your master he was the most brilliant mind in all of Science History wait are you talking about me because I am a have a pretty brilliant mind and I’m a master why why are you laughing at me that was a funny joke human all right well what are we even doing here anyways this device is a cloning machine wa this is the cloning machine right here touch touch touch human touch oops sorry you don’t know how it works let me tell you you must step into this door right here well Mr Robot this kind of looks really scary I think you should go first here let me just put you in here there we go all right you’re going to get cloned are you ready me out of here human all right let me just touch a couple buttons click a bunch of this stuff there we go no no error error error oh my gosh what is happening there’s EXP expion and there scary alarms shut it off shut it off stupid human I think it’s over wait a minute what’s in this door oh my goodness it’s another robot hello human it worked it cloned you what that is impossible human how could you do that um what do you mean I got a brilliant mind and I ped a bunch of stuff this machine was not meant for robot clothing e All Humans wait what e all humans uh-oh you are humans look what you have done human um I think your machine has a little bit of an issue because we just created a monster do you hear what that thing was saying it wants to kill all the humans no no it actually worked very well I think it’s time for a human test hey hey no I don’t want to go in yet now no I’m scared don’t worry human it will work perfectly oh God I don’t like this please don’t turn it on I’m scared what is going on out there are you doing it that’s human oh gosh what is going on oh there’s explosions and there sounds working human oh my gosh what is going on oh no this is not good shut it off shut it off oh God oh God get me out of here oh I don’t feel so good I feel a little dizzy what’ you do to me just what you wanted human observe wait a minute oh my goodness it’s me it’s myself wao oh this is so awesome it is a perfect clone of you just as you asked wait a minute does my clone know how to talk hello talk to me Johnny what um uh that does not sound like me what’ you do you sound identical to me humans no we do not sound identical at all we look the exact same but we do not sound the exact same I love life what is going on he’s jumping around hey you better be good at fortnite cuz we’re going to be playing Duo soon you know what fortnite is are you my brother yes I’m I’m a clone brother okay oh my God I never had a brother well you never had a life you just got pooped out of this machine 2 minutes ago is that my daddy I am a special robot that is not your daddy okay that’s not no don’t hug him human put me down human I love Daddy okay put him down I need to go peee poooo what pee PE poo poo where do I go oh God what do I do Mr Robot he’s got to go to the bathroom I do not know this human function oh my God you’re useless hey come back here hey what no you’re going to the bathroom in the waterfall what are you doing all better no it’s not all better okay let’s just go outside and let’s start going back to my house because I got to show you to the rest of our family do I have more brothers and sister sisters yep we got a lot of brothers and a lot of sisters and your real daddy wait daddy’s not coming with us no that’s not that’s that’s a robot it’s not even real it’s stupid come home with us daddy oh gosh put me down oh my goodness I have many more science experiments attend to what is this thing that’s a tree that’s a tree I want to hug the tree what no don’t hug the tree it’s oh my goodness what are you doing whated I think I got my FY hurt wait your FY hurt oh you probably got a splinter because it’s made out of wood what is going on hey stop screaming what the heck where are you going what is wrong with you oh my god what is that thing hey hey back up for me I don’t know what you are but oh God go inside where’s the robot help me hey Mr Robot the Clone just turned into a big scary version of myself fix it oh it appears that there has been a malfunction in the experiment malfunction is trying to kill me help me I cannot help you human I am just a special robot for science oh my God I got to get out of here hey stop chasing me robot you better run take me with you take me with you no I’m not going to take you with me you created this monster we must hurry there is a helicopter on the roof we can use to escape wait a helicopter on the roof why didn’t you see that earlier let cuz I only wanted to use it for myself human but I have come to respect you oh my goodness okay fine fine fine Mr Robot you can come with me but we need to be quick all right oh God he’s coming he’s coming we need to run wait wait my computer I need my computer files no you do not need your computer files he what are you doing oh my gosh no human no no no the robot died hey hey get away from me get away from me I need to run I need to run no yes the helicopter yes yes yes yes yes I need to get in this helicopter I never drove a helicopter before though um let me see oh there’s a lot of controls all right yes yes yes it’s working bye evil Johnny I’ll see you never bye come back let’s go I escaped let’s go oh gosh now I need to get home tell all my friends exactly what happened there’s no way they’re going to believe me Johnny Johnny where are you Johnny come back we miss you we we promise we’ll play fortnite with you again but I want to show you our win streak I did not expect him to actually go into the forest and play in the grass I mean this this is crazy guys how long has he been gone he’s been gone for for like 3 hours and we just started looking for him gone forever no he’s not gone forever I bet he’s definitely like digging a hole somewhere well tell him to to come back right now all right you want me to scream real quick I’ll scream here we go Johnny come come here come back here oh scream louder I think I think you could hear me Daddy I hear you Daddy he heard me where is I’m in a helicopter Daddy what are you doing helicopter it’s in the air I stole it get down here right now I don’t know Daddy I need Gooby and Daisy to say they’re sorry to me and that I’m better at fortnite but you suck at fortnite okay that’s not helping anybody here Daisy I’m pretty sure these things have rockets on this helicopter I could blow up your PC right now Daisy we try it okay Daisy knock it off stop it you’re definitely better than me at fortnite show can I ride in this helicopter oh yeah goob you can ride in this helicopter but wait guys hold on before we go and rides in the helicopter I need to tell you something let me just land this right here all right coming in hot daddy does it look good safe for landing uh no keep coming towards me a little bit down down down down is really hard okay perfect Landing guys you have no clue where I just went I need to tell you guys a story all right let’s hear your stupid story Johnny well when you told me to come outside and touch grass I spawned in a robot and the robot took me to some crazy laboratory in the middle of the forest and then he cloned me Daddy so there’s two of me running around ah this is a weird story were there fairies there was there a big troll picking his nose no Daddy it’s real why don’t you believe me I don’t believe you at all I think you’re just so mad that they kicked you out of your little friend group that you’re making stories up now well Daddy I’m not doing the story and then guys what happened is my clone got a a splinter on his hand and he turned Super Evil and now he wants to come eat me what Johny that sounds like a crazy made up so me guys it’s not made up well how would you explain me getting a crazy helicopter I stole it from the lab that is true how else would he get that I don’t know maybe he just went to the neighbor’s house and stole their helicopter no Daddy it’s real it really happened maybe the secret robots brought him to like a robot Factory where they make helicopters no Gooby no I just told you what happened you know what Johnny how are you even going to prove this to me how you going to prove it to us uh uh guys look up with you oh my god what is that thing it’s me it’s me it’s an evil version of me oh guys we should probably go inside and take cover everyone go inside go inside oh go oh go hey get away from me we’re up the walls do you think there’s more of them Daisy I think there’s hundreds of them and then like I said there’s a big giant evil mutant version this is just one of his flying minions and now they know where we’re at they probably followed you here hey where’d he go where’d he go it was definitely a spy oh my goodness see Daddy I told you I was telling the truth I told you I told you in your face I mean the story was crazy but I I mean I guess it’s real oh no so if the giant mutant monster Johnny can coming here to eat him he’s going to eat us too no he’s not Gooby we need to defend ourselves and we need to defeat the evil Johnny I think we should all go to the roof and make a super secure base and get armor and weapons I agree I agree I think maybe going up is the smartest thing we could do so everybody let’s follow me upstairs and let’s start making a base yeah Daddy sounds like a plan go go go oh let’s go here H oh nice daddy yeah go right to the ceiling we need a ladder I know I got it I got it I got it all right guys we need to think super super fast we need strong material metal iron anything all right that could work let me think ooh I got some ideas let me just get some flint and steel real quick oh yeah this is going to be really good wait what why do you need fire cuz Daddy I’m going to make a fire ring around us Fire Ring yeah Daddy check this out fire ring that’s kind of cool waa that’s really really good we need to make that okay this is going to be our base right here I think we only need to stay on one side of the house too I think maybe smaller the better cuz you know if they start breaking into stuff we need to know where they’re coming from all right daddy we’ll make it like this big is that good I think there’s a good siiz base all right there we go just going to light everything on fire oh my goodness this is insane wow okay we’re starting to get a wall going this is good this is good guys all right well Daddy what are we going to build inside well we need a flatten the floor out flatten the floor yeah there’s too many like little bumps it’s making everything uneven I hate it okay everyone flatten the floor go I’m trying really hard we need everyone to try just a little bit harder especially Gooby yeah Gooby come on now I’m trying really hard try harder what’s that noise you taking a poop you okay it’s maximum effort it’s maximum Poopers that’s what it sounds like okay you’re going you’re going to strain yourself okay only poop a little bit all right guys this is looking pretty good I don’t think anything is going to be able to get into this secure base well unless they go through the top oh yeah she’s right she’s right well guys guys guys we’re going to have a bunch of bow and arrows and weapons so we’re going to be able to shoot everything that tries to get in above us so we should probably make this wall more of like a walkway so we can shoot off of it oo I like that idea booby what are you doing I made little onto the top it looks ugly hey daddy we’re not going for stuff that looks pretty all right well I want strong blocks she was using Netherrack what if that catches fire huh I already made a way to get up top okay she made it a lot nicer oh oops yep the all right we’re going to extend this too by putting a bunch of these upside down staircases I was doing the same thing ooh daddy great minds think I like too bad your mind is not great we we need armor and weapons guys well Gooby how about this how about that could be your job get a bunch of really good weapons for us and a really bunch of strong armor okay yes all right yeah do that do that Daddy I’m going to add a bunch of staircases here too I think it’ll look really good yeah we’ll be able to actually snipe off of them let’s go this looks so good good wait Daisy what were you building I was going to make a little Lookout Port but I decided I didn’t want to do it yeah we’re already pretty high up so I think we could literally just put staircases like this this is looking really good oh yeah this is awesome wait a minute I got to go get my helicopter and bring it up here wait we need a helip pad just in case we need to escape well Daddy build one quick I’m working on it I’m not doing that oh yeah I’m coming in hot all right just going to go forwards like this uhoh let’s see if I can land this thing I’m a little scared I only landed op like once before well let’s not blow up the house okay I’m coming in I’m coming in yeah Perfect Landing wow Gooby this looking good down here I’m already liking all the armor you’re adding yeah I’m trying to pick the really coolest ones oh wait Gooby something else we should add is a bunch of skateboards wa cool tricks yeah exactly we could just do some awesome tricks while we’re fighting a bunch of scary evil Johnnies o guys check this out Gooby look come over here all right Gooby look Pretend This was an evil version of me it was the Clone all right now I’m going to go over here and now I’m going to throw this homing Dynamite at it uhoh oh god oh man that that was backfire what did you just do no sorry Daddy it it cloned on to you it thought you were the evil person are you kidding me are you actually kidding me Daddy there was a spider right there and it was a misfire okay Daddy it happened just build it back misfire whole thing just got destroyed we’re going to die no it didn’t it didn’t daddy we have time okay look see I built it all back you’re actually horrible I hate you hey don’t say that word that was really mean I hate you don’t worry M we’re going to rebuild it really fast yeah cuz I’m building it we’re going to rebuild it better than what it was before how about that you’re just going to do the same exact thing and great your helicopter blew up you have no helicopter no why what happened to my helicopter you blew it up no Daddy I think you just ate it how do I eat a helicopter I don’t know cuz you’re fat it’s ran stressing really big Ranch Str I hate Ranch this stupid little helicopter and Ranch how did you e how does that even work Daddy look the house looks literally better than before it looks blown up it looks blown up no it doesn’t my bathroom is showing my plunger oh all of your armor did blow up though Gooby no my armor yeah it’s all gone I work so hard creating n it’s fine I’m going to get my own armor right now let’s see what I have um ooh Phantom I want to use this Phantom stuff actually I have an idea I’m going to get a different piece of armor uh from different sets all right so I’m going to get one of those I’m going to get one of those then I’m just going to get one of these and then now I just need pants pants pants pants pants all right check out my armor set guys don’t I look amazing that looks terrible it does look really bad no it’s it’s it’s Unique okay what the heck are you wearing you look like a like a princess that’s trying to wear different dresses no Daddy I’m not a princess really I’m not a princess I’m a princess that’s not me yeah what about me I’m a diamond samai you actually look cool Gooby oh yeah guys we do not have too much time left I’m just adding a couple more flint and seals outside and then we are going to fight oh gosh guys look a bunch of flying heads oh my goodness shoot them shoot him shoot them oh no oh no oh this is not good oh God there’s one really high baby I see you where where where I don’t see him I see them over here they’re floating for everywhere oh my gosh get away like blazes wait they’re blazes are they shooting at us no but they like fly like them oh my goodness they look so creepy I really do not like it we’re surrounded they get close to us to probably eat our heads off guys does my face actually look like this looks horrible yeah sometimes no it doesn’t this looks nothing like me looks like when you’re about to eat chocolate cake and you open your mouth really wide um oh yeah I do do that oh guys we have a big scare of you and Johnny over here where let me see oh oh my gosh daddy that’s the one that’s him look super evil oh my goodness wait what is he doing he’s blowing stuff up no he’s smashing stuff with his hands oh this is not good Daddy this is actually not good well at least we’re up here right yeah but if he destroys the house and we’re going to fall down yeah dadd did you ever think about that dummy well let’s shoot him shoot him daddy jump go down there you got to go stop him oh gosh oh he sees me he sees me he sees me okay everyone everyone jump down I don’t want to jump down we’re no help up here we got to go fight him come on guys attack him attack him oh yeah we just shredded him let’s go yes we finally defeated the evil mutant Johnny guys I think he figured out how to clone himself there’s another one oh there’s a t of them shot of oh no this more spawning this more spawning yes yes yes keep destroying them oh gosh there’s a lot of them behind behind by the water come here mutant Johnny eat that there’s so many of them oh gosh where did the other one go they’re on the roof they’re everywhere they’re in our secure house oh no this is not good oh gosh there’s a bunch of flying ones a take that take that take that oh no oh no just flying ones so heal take their helicopters out oh yeah that good idea got to break the propellers takeit the wings out they can’t fly then oh yeah I’m messing these mutants up oh gosh oh no grenades grenades they’re after my butt they’re after my butt it’s okay I got you oh they do a lot of damage they do a lot of damage I’m running upstairs oh no this is not of about secret base do not let them get close to you guys they will mess you up ooh there’s more flying ones over here oh good job daddy that’s a good grenade launcher oh yeah I’m at the B oh no bu us too there’s so many evil Johnnies get away go back to where you came from behind us oh my goodness they’re all flying how do they keep spawning it’s cuz they keep cloning themselves I shouldn’t have left this monster by the clone machine I think he figured out how to use it prob we accidentally went in it oh oh big scary One’s next to me I need need a golden apple above daddy above yes be back up back up oh no oh no above flying Johnny hedge kill the Johnny hedge I think they’re taking over the house no they’re not no they’re not they want to take all PCS away we can’t let them stop these people I think they know about the fortnite well I did say that he was my new fortnite Duo partner so oh that’s exactly what it is he wants to why did you really tell him that yes I did I’m going to go check my room right now oh my gosh oh my goodness let me make sure he’s not in my room oh God there’s a flying head up here die die all right my PC looks safe guys everything’s okay I think we did it oh no we did it Gooby there’s a few in the back here oh no oh no um guys I don’t know I think we did it I think we did too yay we did it oh my goodness we defended our house from a bunch of evil mutants Johnny zombies uh guys you’re not going to be happy about this but your PCS are all broken wait what yep they got the PCS no my PC’s gone let me see let me see no wait I still have an Xbox though let’s go I got an Xbox haha I still have my switch oh no I have nothing daddy you just blew me up and my Xbox oh I didn’t do that that wasn’t me why would you do that Daddy that was a slipped ow ow you shot me come here Daddy take that yeah that’s what you get Daddy Johnny shot me ubby it was a misfire okay I thought you were my daddy well Johnny look what you did you decided to go clone yourself and all those you know weird mutant Giants came here and Ru my house well Daddy it’s not my fault okay it was cuz I listened to the robot well you’re going to have to pay pay yep a lot of money to fix this house up wait daddy hold on I have an idea I’ll be right back I just got to go get something where you going hold on Daddy what he get me all right Daddy come downstairs I have your present oo what is this thing uh it’s a robot Daddy and guess well it’s a cleaning robot and it’s going to help clean everything up and make your house perfect wait really hi uh can you start cleaning the the house right now I need a lot of help oh that’s not great what are you doing Daddy it’s an evil robot it’s an evil robot I’m sorry get away from me you’ll be annihilated no I will not be help Gooby gooby stop killing me oh my goodness you just killed me again in this game it was an accident oh my goodness you know what Gooby how about this oh yeah I’m killing you now yeah you like that yeah yeah stop that it’s not fair let’s go I’m so much better than you you you want to be better than me you so better than me hey hey Gooby what are you doing hey hey hey hey not better than this hey Gooby you broke my PC yeah well you you you holded me in the game you killed me on purpose go you killed me like 10 times I killed you once well I you do in an accident oh yeah Gooby well if you’re going to break my PC then I’m going to break your PC what no no no no no casy Take that no what’s going on in here oh Gooby just broke my PC so I broke his ooh you guys are going to get in trouble Mar wait no no no no no don’t tell my daddy oh my goodness what’s going on up here oh no Daisy why’ you have the tattle tow he doesn’t even know anything yet wait what happened so they were playing fortnite and then they started killing each other in the game and then they got mad and broke each other’s pieces you guys did what she was in accident cuz Johnny killed me and the game and he got really bad and then it came over and then it punched it and he start really mad and so came over me and then he punched my PC and then now the W broken Daddy he started it I killed him like once in the game after he killed me 10 times and then he came into my room and broke my PC so punish him no it was an accident I didn’t mean to kill you oh my gosh everyone shush everyone shush let me see the damage let me see the damage it’s not there anymore he broke it yep it’s definitely not here we have a Nintendo switch hold on up I think he came in and broke that too hey Daddy you broke that oh my gosh let’s see Gooby room real quick let’s let’s do a little uh evaluation oh yeah this is this a big dent right here yeah I even broke my des and my wall oh my gosh what happened to Daisy setup let’s see Daisy setup my setup is fine is it fine yeah I was just playing Roblox by myself H I don’t know it kind of looks a little broken hey Daddy why would you do that I mean she did deserve it cuz she told on us I didn’t do it I I just saw Gooby do it again no it wasn’t me SMY Gooby I saw you you know I think I think something’s wrong with you gooby I think you’re still angry I’m getting angry right now I’m getting angry too well Daddy Daddy you need to take us to the store so we can buy new PCS M I don’t know let me think it over but first I have lunch for you guys so everyone follow me downstairs what lunch yeah we could talk it over lunch maybe we could uh think about what we did Gooby dadd what about the PCS show we need to get new ones uh we can we can talk about it right now everybody sit down and uh let’s all Express what we feel about each other okay John you can go first what do you think about Gooby right now I think Gooby is pretty ugly oh wa whoo okay okay that was a little hurtful now Gooby you say something towards Johnny how do you feel I think Johnny’s really mean and he just broke my PC and me okay okay okay calm down sit in your you broke mine first you broke mine first no I’ll throw this sandwich against your head hey waa Johnny that was that was horrible now Daisy you say something about both of them because obviously you were the one that saw everything go down wait so I’m just supposed to say what I think about them yep right now well they’re both just kind of smelly and need take a shower really but Marty I’m mad at you why you mad at me what’ I do because I use my piggy bank and I save all the money I’ve ever had and bought my PC and then you broke it yeah Daddy you meanie see now guys I think you were seeing double because that was Gooby gooby was really mean and angry he turned to the Hulk and he broke it I saw him do it no it wasn’t even me MDI I think you need to bring us to the mall and get all all new stuff yeah Daddy we need to go to the store right now come on uh you know what I can’t go right now I have a I have a date in the hot tub you guys finish lunch real quick and uh I’ll see you guys later oh yeah but Daddy Daddy wait daddy if we go to the mall there’s a dut shop there and you can get donuts really there’s a donut shop yes daddy and you’re you’re really big and fat so you like to eat donuts so we can get some donuts and then we can get our PCS you know what I really could go for a dozen donuts right now maybe I get a Boston cream oo maybe a strawberry with o vanilla chocolate ooh I can taste it now yes we’re going we’re going to go Daddy can can I get one of those two Daddy when we go no oh you know what fine then I I just eat my PC so I’ll eat a donut in Roblox you’re going to need to buy a whole lot of new barbecue stuff too why why barbecue stuff because all this is broken goby stop it Gooby good job Gooby psychotic yep well now we need to go more I guess well who’s going to pay for your PCS cuz I’m not doing it cuz you guys broke them oh Daisy is I’ll go grab my piggy bank yeah Dad she’s got a lot of money in her piggy bank I mean it’s is it going to be thousands of dollars cuz that’s what you guys need thousands of dollars that we SE like like2 or $3 yeah maybe they have a sale Gooby there’s not going to be a sale to where you’re going to spend $5 on a PC that doesn’t work like that maybe you can get a keyboard well I have some of these P plates and a button and a sandwich Gooby they’re not going to take trade-ins either daddy the sale might be like a special deal where everything’s 100% off 100% off you mean a free store they don’t have free stores yes Dad it’s going to be a free store oh yeah just go the free store yeah D I want go to free store store or everything’s free they don’t have that and look Daisy came back with her piggy bank hopefully there’s enough money in there I’m ready to go all right well everyone follow me let’s go to the mall and get some donuts yay into some PCS pc pc pc guys we finally made it to the mall wow this mall is huge daddy yep it’s the number one mall in America this is so cool GI glass Z I want to go inside well there’s a bunch of people here Daddy we’re in the public yeah I know we’re in public I got to find this dut store hello there Mr stes person okay why would you say that Gooby they ran away you just you were just so awkward there I saw the walk here no they don’t work here these are people they’re trying to buy stuff okay so I’m going to go get my Donuts you guys can find the PC store I say we meet up here in 10 minutes okay Daddy we’ll be back in 10 minutes we’re going to go buy our PCS so I think the PCS are on the other side of the mall and my donut Shop’s up there talk you guys later all right bye daddy come on guys follow me this mall is so big they’re going to have so many PCs for us I love it here okay is a PC store over here hello nope this is definitely not a PC Shore okay this is definitely not a PC store guys where is the PC is at well there’s the bank about ask this guy excuse me pson do you know where the PC store is no I wouldn’t ask this person okay no one’s answering you cuz they don’t like you maybe it’s just upstairs guys everyone follow me we’re going to go up the elevator just like this ooh I see a store ooh ooh ooh over here guys I found it how do we get over there oh there’s an elevator guys we’re so stupid okay we need to jump off we need to go up how do we go up this way the up one W wo w w um I’m kind of stuck I think we went too high oh my goodness we’re on like a private roof well this is cool this is not the right store why is it so complicated oh right here guys go down go down we need to keep going down to the different levels wait guys I found it no I found it I found it Gooby come down here I found it first wao guys I think we finally made it to the PC store oh there’s a bunch of PCS in here this is exactly what we’re looking for wa quaky hello everybody Welcome to the PC store can I help you with anything hey Mr salesman Sam oh yeah we’re looking for three PCS for me and my best friends of course and uh what will you be using them for uh typing up homework or maybe playing games oh yeah that one that one playing a lot of video games that’s what we like to do yeah we love playing fortnite yeah it’s our best game ah I see well you’re going to want some good graphics for that and uh a good amount of memory maybe this model right here ooh this one looks really good we’ll take three of them all righty that’s going to come out to with all the monitors and peripherals about $2,000 a piece what $2,000 a piece guys I can’t fit that in my piggy bank K how much do you have it you probably like $7 just give him the piggy bank give him the piggy bank uh well here is my pig piggy bank sir your piggy bank huh uh something tells me this is not going to be enough no it is you can count it well actually salesman Sam that piggy bank is made out of um a diamond pink diamond so it’s actually worth about exactly how much you need really feels kind of cheaply made but let me go take it in the back and see how much it’s worth um okay guys I didn’t know the PCS were going to be that expensive $2,000 is crazy so what are we going to do o I got it okay so what if we just challenge him to 1 V one in fortnite and then if we win then we get to keep all the PCS ooh that’s really good all right I’ll One V one them since I’m the best fortnite player here okay Mr salesman um I think we figured it out hey uh so about this piggy bank it only has $7 in it dang it okay okay well we actually thought of a new idea so we could buy the PCS um we actually want to win the PCS by One V oneing you in fortnite mhm in fortnite you want to One V one me yes I want to One V one you in fortnite for the PCS duh I’ll have you know that I was a world champion fortnite player in 2017 a world champion I don’t care what you are I’m still going to beat you well even if we could play for the PCS uh my boss would kill me if I gave them to you oh my goodness please we need the ppcs why don’t you just head downstairs to the ATM you could pull out some more money from there wait ATM there’s money in there how do we get it out go type in your bank information and get money ooh guys we can get free money from the ATM okay Mr sales man we’ll be right back with the money all right do not sell these to anyone you don’t have much time it looks like these two customers are interested no they’re not you’re not interested you’re not interested back off you’re not interested they’re our PCS sir sir there’s no violence allowed in the store do I have to call Mall Security no you don’t have to call more okay we’re just going to go get the money from the ATM come on guys everyone follow me okay guys I think he said the ATM was kind of over here look for the words ATM E I found it right here City Bank does that have the world ATM right there no but it’s right next to it check it out we found it and there’s a money sign that means we can get three monies oh yeah the money sign must be dance oh victory dance Victor goog you broke the sign I thought there was money in it no it’s in these machines but I don’t really know how they work does anyone know how to work these things I always see Marty just press the button and then money comes out wait X this person this person wants to know can you help us um how do you this he’s saying no oh no really come over here Mister you’re going to go over here dang it guys we don’t know how to use these machines and I don’t know how to get the money out of them it’s not working oh who else can we ask for help Daisy I got a really really good idea guys check this out hey you watching this video right now you need to leave a like on this video to help us become Mega rich and then we could buy everything we want quick like the video in three 2 1 wa what’s happening guys money is coming from the sky money wait to grab it all it’s coming from the ATM shine yes yes I want that we get out of my way it’s mine that too I need to get a PC I hit this guy away he’s trying to get our money get away bro it’s our money guys I got 38 golden coins do you think that’s enough to buy the PCS I think so we’re rich we’re rich Let’s go we have a ton of money now all right guys everyone follow me all right guys let’s go buy these PCS oh salesman sham hello how’s it going did you get enough money from the ATM did we get enough money this guy’s funny he thinks he’s a comedian or something all right salesman Sam be ready to prepare yourself for the most amazing thing you’re ever going to lay your eyes on wait what the what this isn’t no regular money it’s golden coins that’s amazing so is that enough money for our PC now each one of these gold coins is worth thousands of dollars thousands of dollars you have way more than what you need for these PCS let’s go you know what since you’re an awesome shs man you could have a couple extra ones for a tip wow this is amazing I could quit my job and start a family now all right guys come on let’s grab our PCS just going to grab that one grab that oh and a keyboard too we’re going to air out the whole store I want this Mon oh me too I’m going to grab that one looks like our job is done in here thank thank you very much salesman Sam it’s my pleasure thank you so much for the tip and all of your generosity and here’s one for your mom what the daisy okay stop giving them golden coins thank you so much you have a great day now all right come on guys let’s get out of here s my time let’s go guys we did it we got our PCS woo guys I still have so many more coins what else should we go spend it on ooh we could probably buy anything we want guys I have an idea we should go get donuts I love donuts oh yes come on everyone follow me I think my Daddy went up here to the dut store he said it was over here to the left oh my gosh it’s taking forever to get these Donuts hey Daddy hi are you guys having a good time in the mall yeah dadd check it out I got a PC what you actually managed to get a PC yep Daddy but you did too Daisy and so did Gooby yes oh my God and now daddy we’re going to get some donuts oh no you guys aren’t I’m not paying for your Donuts not one daddy we don’t need you to pay for our Donuts we’re we’re rich daddy we don’t need your money yeah okay well you’re going to be waiting here forever because I’m getting the Donuts first all right daddy well we’ll see about that hello sure can we get all of your Donuts thanks oh another group of stupid kids coming to waste my time hey we’re not stupid kids and we have a ton of money and we can pay for all of them Daisy Daisy show them all your coins here you go all of your donuts please wait wait wait what what are these they’re golden coins golden coins uh yeah I’ll give you all the donuts I have yeah guys he’s giving us all the donuts let’s go I got a chocolate one I got a chocolate one too please e jelly donuts yes my favorite get in there get in there Gooby hey whoa whoa whoa what’s happening over here we’re just getting donuts Daddy hey I was waiting 10 minutes for those Don I should have been first online to get them Mr cashier sorry we’re sold out now no you’re not you just gave Donuts to the three of these dummies come on get one more give me one donut please uh they kind of bought them all dang it dang it dang I’m going to kick this chair I will kick this chair cashier car I’ll do it sir sir you’re going to have to calm down do you want me to call m security on you no no I don’t want you to call m security on me I just wanted donuts and this donut shop is out of donut so how does that work cashier Carl huh well these three fine customers bought all the donuts fair and square they’re really good daddy you should try guys can can I have a donut I I kind of brought you to the mall so that means I get a donut right yeah no Daddy get away there are donuts Daisy please one one little bite one little bite of the donut um do you have any gold coins uh no I don’t have any gold coins that’s like ancient artifact stuff I don’t no one has those well I have them and you broke my PC earlier Daisy it wasn’t me it was Gooby I told you that no it was you ddy it was definitely you you know what Daisy you know what mly I was going to give you a donut but you keep blaming me for breaking da PC so you know what you don’t get any donuts Gooby stop we all saw it we all know it was you come on guys give me a dang donut yeah Daddy and I was going to give you a donut but like then I saw your face and I was like ew no I don’t want to give him a donut you know what fine fine I got to go find some other food place in here to eat cuz I’m starving well if you’re still hungry there’s a vegan restaurant across the way vegan restaurant you want me to eat lettuce cashier Carl because guess what I’ll get lettuce and I’ll show you how to eat it I think they have really good soybean crackers that sounds horrible that I’m going to throw up I’m going to throw up here in that okay guys you have an extra 10 minutes while I go looking for more food yay we’re going to buy more stuff Daddy okay yeah whatever I I don’t even care anymore wait Marty what do yourself a favor and buy yourself something nice what this this actual this is an actual gold coin I thought you guys were joking no Daddy we got gold coins I told you we’re rich so uh you guys want to split some of that with me or no Daddy you get one gold coin that’s it one wait how much do you guys have how much do you guys have how how wealthy are we well my piggy bank is full what wait hold on I think I might be a little too heavy for you Daisy you might want to throw it over here no I think Johnny and Gooby got it what come on you know okay fine I’m going to go spend this gold coin and I’m going to get a lot of cool stuff in it you’re never going to get it back Daisy never you have fun moldy well guys what do you want to do now since you know we’re rich and can buy anything here o o I just sort of a really good idea what is it Gooby okay so we’re going to buy so many good things we’re not going to have anywhere to put them so we should make a secret base inside the mold Gooby that’s a really good idea and you know what I love this m so much I think I just want to live here forever that would be so cool we have everything we possibly need donuts video games we could buy fure and just anything that we want we just can buy yeah you’re right Gooby okay this is a good idea but um we need to make like a secret entrance into our base so we got to look around yeah if more security finds us they’re going to just put us in jail yeah I do not want to go in jail H anywhere good over here ooh this looks kind of secret what if we just put it right here no okay Gooby you can’t put it in the wall oh my goodness do not break them all okay maybe we go down to the first floor there might be better things down there can’t let any of these Village will see us all right guys everyone keep your eyes peeled to make an entrance to our secret base e what swim with the fishies no Gooby get out of there oh my God people are looking Gooby this is embarrassing oh no uh oops oh what about over here guys look this store looks like it’s like abandon or something we can just take it over yeah there’s no one inside let me just break this break this wo look at all the space we have in here this is perfect we’re like behind the stores I’m going to close up this door so nobody knows that we here wait hold on Gooby I have a better idea all right I’m just going to use the Secret Door block and boom check it out it’s a door what does It Blend in yep it’s a door wait it actually doesn’t blend in now it Blends in wo there we go check that out guys this is insane all right everyone come in come in yes let’s go okay but we kind of need to make this base look a lot better cuz it’s looking pretty bad right now yeah we need to fix the walls all right yeah that’s the first thing we should do what color should we make it Daisy pink no no we’re not making it pink blue a okay I actually kind of like blue for once since there’s already blue here let’s just extend the blue yes this could look really really good guys can we change the floor why you don’t like the floor no I want it to be prettier I think it looks really good I don’t know no I agree with Y it looks kind of plain okay fine what do you guys want to do just make it look nice and not bad so I can make a checkered Checker again I love Checker okay what color are you going to make it well I know you guys hate pink so what if I just add black ooh okay this kind of looks cool it kind of looks like Five Nights at Freddy’s oh you’re right it does look like Five Nights at Freddy’s which is a good thing cuz Everyone likes FNAF all right guys everyone just fill in all these blocks and then we can get decorating um we don’t have any furniture it’s fine we’re going to send Gooby out and he’s going to get a bunch of furniture right Gooby yeah you just got to show them the gold coins and just buy everything it’s just looking really good wow this is looking insane all right Gooby it’s up to you now go out there and use your golden coins and buy stuff okay yes I’ll be right back I’ll get the best F ever yeah get like TVs couches chairs all of it we Gooby here take my coins yes thank you all right Gooby good luck okay I’ll be right back okay so I got to go get the fot where was the fot store I don’t know look this juice hello Mrs lady can I have some juice well if it isn’t loser Daisy’s brother what do you want me and this bill want juice we want juice we want juice well what kind of juice do you want uh what kind of juice do you have I have apple juice glow berry juice Sweet Berry juice and melon juice e e I want melon juice juice here you go how much is that it’ll be $9 please okay I’ll give you this um what is this it’s like a gold coin wor SS of dollars wait this is what my daddy puts in the ATM so you know what it is that’s good of course I know what it is I’m not poor and I think we need a ju for my friend here well what does he want what kind of juice do you like do you like melon juice he said yes okay one melon juice there you go that’ll be another $8 okay I’ll just give you another coin like this thank you okay have a good day you too loser oh boy that’s a juice guys I’m back what oh Gooby good you got all the furniture wait Gooby you need to shut this door you can’t let anyone come in oops oops Yeah okay I got it okay give us the furniture Gooby here we go one for you and one for you what the heck is this this is in Furniture we need desks and chairs for our PCS yeah could be winning X for juice what the heck oh you need furn oops I forgot I got the SW how many golden coins did you spend on that juice um only two two you could have got so much furniture that Gooby go back out there and get the furniture and come back oh okay I’m going to get furniture only really quick just go right to the furniture get the furniture yes hurry up Gooby go go go get out of here okay okay I’m going shoot oh my goodness he’s so annoying we’re never going to get furniture yes we are Daisy let’s just keep working on the walls all right yeah bro what’s good oh hello there um can I get some por job bro if you’re looking for furniture you came to the right place okay well um uh can I get this toilet while you how much is this that toilet right there that’s about 250 bucks okay um I I have this so how much can I get with this what it’s an ancient Aztec coin this is worth at least $3,000 enough to get this toilets oh yeah bro how many of those do you even have I have a lot of them I have like this many right you wao bro you’re making it rain I’m pretty sure with all this you could just take whatever you want from the store in fact you can even come across I have a pizza place if you need any pizza let me know bro I’m rich okay so I’m just going to go and take all these things now take this toilet right here I need some stoves they is G love that just fidge ah oh no I saw the flood waa bro not cool not cool hold on I’m just going to get some guests uh one of these color uh yes got to have all these plushies right oops uh I made no le sorry bro you’re killing me bro I need somebody these couches okay thank you Pizza piece anytime bro thanks for the coin my friends are going to love all these things where the heck is Gooby it’s been taking forever I hope he’s got the furniture if he doesn’t come back up Furniture I’m going to cry you guys you guys check it out I got so much Furniture wait you actually got Furniture this time yes I made a really cool guy named pizza pach and he gave me all the phonal and he said that we could get pizza there anytime ooh that’s really cool but goopy what did I say you need to shut the door oops sorry you keep messing that up that’s going to be bad okay but look I got I got a couch I got some gu wao you got all the colors and a plushy a toilet and a stove and a fish nice now with all this furniture we can decorate our secret Bab ni yep and I gave him so much money that we could probably just get whatever we want from there nice all right well I think I want to make my room in here I’m going to make a private room ooh I want a private room too oh which room do you want Gooby o I’ll take this one M you okay and I’ll take this one wait I think I want this room Gooby sorry you can go in that room okay I think I want um actually this one but I think I want this one now sorry Daisy you can go in that room okay then I’ll take this one wait hold on no I think I do want this room kind of want this one right here okay this room’s good sorry Daisy Yep this one’s good well then I guess this one’s mine that’s the one I had that’s the one I had that was my room at the beginning everyone out get out you want this one okay uh JY I think I want this one okay then this one’s mine okay guys I think we all figured out what rooms we want wait actually I think I want you know what actually I’m just going to stay in this room yeah I think these are the good rooms all right no one bother me well don’t bother me yeah don’t bother me you guys my room is going to be very secret no one’s going to be able to come in here for the door I’m just going to use these ghost blocks wo now it looks like there’s no room back here super secret okay now I need a bed all right where should I put my bed at uh I don’t even know I think I’m just going to put it over here this will look probably the best all right then I’m going to get some quartz Daisy what are you building in there you’re placing down like a billion blocks don’t worry about it I’m hearing a lot of block placement coming from your room so ooh there’s so many things I can use to decorate my room all right my bed’s almost done got to add these signs on the left and right of them there we go maybe add some of these bedside cabinets there we go ooh and now we need some lamps oh I can put a traffic light here that’s actually kind of a cool lamp now I got to figure out where to put my desk and my PC um H I don’t even know should I put it over here yes this is going to look perfect this going to be a huge desk huge all right there we go now I’m just going to put my chair right there and now I need a computer all right place down my computer finally I got my computer back now I’m just going to place this over here oh I can add a fish tank no that doesn’t look good there I’ll add a fish tank somewhere else ooh I got to place down a plushy um I think I’m going to place down there’s so much to choose from O A FNAF plushy I’m going to place down Freddy there we go now we got Freddy you look so cute hey Gooby what are you doing over here just making my wom extra cool looking well I had a cool idea Gooby you want to add glass that so we could see each other in each other’s rooms oh yes that would be so cool wait I even have a cooler idea hold on let me just cook real quick let him cook let him cook all right check this out secret entrances to each other’s rooms that’s so cool yes that’s a really good idea all right there we go that looks awesome now hey Gooby what are you doing there I’m going to put my PC with you so that we can game and swe little exactly and if you kill me then I could just see you and then see how ugly you are and feel better about myself yes and then we won’t fight anymore exactly all right I’m going to keep decorating my room I really want to add this fish tank somewhere what if I add it right here there we go that looks kind of good I can make this like a little section where I could place more stuff we need a tropical fish tank there we go that looks better all right we need more decorations what about this guy pumpkin with legs no that’s ugly ooh look at this I could put a birdie in here all right let me just get a hummingbird and no he’s not getting placed inside of it well you know what he could just be my friend he could just run around ooh I’m going to add some of these arcade machines too that looks awesome now we just need to decorate the walls with something um o there’s party streamers well since it’s a party in my room all day long I’m going to add them nice that looks really good then we can add a little juke box cuz it looks cool there we go okay now the last thing I need to do is add some paintings all right give me some trap doors all right let’s add a painting right here it’s going to be a nice big one no we need something better ooh I like that one that one’s really cool it’s my favorite all right now let’s add another one over here all right and just like that I think my room is completed guys how is your rooms coming along W Daisy this is sick thanks I’ve been working really hard oh my goodness you have a skateboard yeah so I can ride around the mall quick wheelie oh yeah oh yeah sick oh my goodness this is actually awesome and you got a kitty cat yeah just so I don’t get lonely wow this is really cool all right I’m going to see what Gooby is working on Gooby oh my goodness what are what are you doing Gooby just setting up my plushies wow this is uh this is an interesting room you got here Gooby thank you w you have a toilet in a second floor yep okay that’s insane well guys what do we want to put out here maybe I should put like a kitchen or something that’s a good idea so we can have snacks yeah I think I’m going to add a big kitchen here yeah we need to have lots of snacks and good foods all right I’m just going to start by placing a bunch of these there we go we need to make a huge kitchen it’s going to be gigantic uh Johnny what are you doing adding the kitchen Daisy do well I don’t think it looks very nice hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Daisy you just broke everything what is wrong with you I can’t fix it to make it look better no I think I’m kicking you out of our secret base it’s just me and goobies now get out I literally paid for all the furniture okay never mind stay in Daisy can you just make the kitchen look better then I don’t know what I’m doing yes I’ll make it look awesome just give me a second I think mine was looking good until you like destroyed it all it wasn’t looking that good well what color are you going to make it don’t make it Pink no don’t make it Pink fine how do you make it yellow I’m not making it yellow okay so far Daisy this is looking just like mine yeah but the colors are better um I have to disagree well I don’t disagree wo that was cool okay well maybe we’ll put the microwave up there microwave how else are we going to cook food oh yeah you’re right now what you going to do Daisy I’m going to get an oven you think I can poop in the sink no you can’t poop in the sink oh Daisy this is looking just like mine it looks kind of better no it doesn’t you didn’t have to destroy all mine that was mean mine definitely looks better than yours I think mine still looks better you DED nothing new I’m about to W you’re adding bushes they’re Vines all right I’m going to help out I’m going to get a blender how about that oh yeah get a blender and like a toaster ooh a toaster yeah I’m going a toaster there we go now we can toast and blend stuff and now we need snacks snacks ooh cake cake cake all right let me just get some of these there we go now we got some cake going o Daisy I just had a good idea all right check this out and now look now we could add stools and we could just sit around and eat our Foods oh that’s perfect oh we also need to add plat so let’s put that cake over there wo this place is looking so good yeah you liking it it’s coming out really really good I finished my womb and it looks really good nice Gooby want to see J’s room my room looks so awesome Gooby wao you have a kitty cat and a skateboard yeah Gooby you’re going to hurt yourself nope n I’m just loing I’m still Ling whoa Gooby be careful with that thing whoa I’m still Ling I’m still Ling I don’t think there’s enough space in this base to uh to be riding a skateboard you know yeah that’s probably true I guess let’s just go outside wait go outside uh Gooby I would’t do that either though my Daddy might be out there just trying to turn around a little bit Gooby do not go outside okay I’m not going to go outside like I’m going outside woo oh my goodness shut the doors shut the doors we just have to hide I’m doing Twix the best Twix ever is that you down there no what where were you you’re on a skateboard I see you oh uh nope that’s not me uh some other person that’s really good at skateboarding I’ve been looking for you guys for the past 30 minutes where have you guys been um Y whs where are the other two at are are they eating donuts without me right now no no we got way better stuff in our secret base were you secret base Secret Base in the mall no uh I mean uh talk to that guy I think he knows no Gooby come back here Gooby stop getting away from me where where you think you’re going yeah yeah you crash look who’s on the skateboard now hey you took my skateboard yeah I know I took your skateboard now tell me where everyone else is I’m going to go tell Daisy that you you’re standing on the skateboard Daisy come here show me where they are all they in therey M took your Staples no no no why’d you bring them in your oh my God I found you no you didn’t yeah I did right now hey w w w no no you cannot throw me out get out here Daddy get out come here no get out Daddy this is our secret base there’s nothing here sorry what are you trying to do I see everything I see it all look there’s a kitchen here with o a lot of food I’m going to eat some of this oh yeah hey that really good pumpkin pie wa what is this in here o this room looks kind of poopy in here no you poopy up here wait you have a second you have a second floor with the toilet yep if you need to take a poop you do white tail I might have to use that later wait okay where’s Johnny and Daisy’s base I know they got one in here too Gooby nope we don’t have one for it I’m going to look for it oh look at this on the door no that’s Daisy’s base this is definitely Daisy yep oh wait you have a cat where didd you get a cat um I adopted it where did you find time to adopt a cat you left us at the mall oh yeah you’re right probably went to the dog store well uh Johnny where’s your base Daddy I have to tell you something this is all Daisy and goobie’s idea my base is not in here I just came in here like 2 seconds ago this is not our idea it’s not my idea Daddy I don’t have a base here if I was here at the beginning I would have a base find base joh at the base Johnny has the base too where’s his base the base uh it’s somewhere do you not even know where his base is no I do there’s a secret entrance in my base wait really no no no no Gooby don’t tell him about that I guess you want to just have to find it Baldi is it over here Daddy you come on Daddy really I don’t know maybe cuz I saled the glass A not fair this is kind of a really bad room I think I like goobies and daisies better no Daddy Mike’s the best no this room’s mid mid mid mid mid Dad look at this I’m a magician do what the you have a secret block yep secret blocks daddy well guys this wasn’t a good idea you know you’re not supposed to make Hidden bases in a mall right says who yeah Daddy Mall security what if Mall security finds they going to arrest us all but what if we buy them all you could you think You’ actually have enough money to buy them all my piggy bank is full of golden coins that we’ll just buy them all and then we’ll be in charge I mean technically we could do that but uh we’re I’m not allow this to happen you guys didn’t get punished no please don’t punish us daddy we’re good boys and girls um no you’re not you made a secret base and didn’t tell me yeah you’re just je you don’t have a room okay yeah maybe I’m a little jealousy well you know what Daisy I got an idea I’m going to call security right now and rat on you guys no no no no no do that no no no Daddy Shut up daddy shut your mouth I need help back here we got we got three kids causing trouble hey hey hey calm down what’s going on here well these three delinquents made a secret base in the mall and they’re not paying rent is that so what a day first all this weird fake gold coins come out everywhere and now this what fake gold coins those are fake yeah they were apparently just spawned in by some subscriber somewhere I had to fire my best salesman just cuz he accepted these ooh it sounds like you guys are in in trouble daddy we didn’t know they were fake all right shut up they said they’re fake they did it Mr police Paul B well these guys are just kids if you’re the one that took care of them then you’re the one that’s to blame you’re under arrest sir yeah me under arrest for no that wasn’t me it was their subscribers I did none I did none of it Mr policeman okay I’m leaving no you enabled them you enabled them I didn’t do it I did nothing my father oh my gosh I’m going to be so late for work kids kids where are you oh my my goodness D it’s not what it looks like what did you guys do down here well I was eating some cake Johnny why are you eating a cake on my Flor come on man I told you how to eat cake on a table eat on a table all right Dad let me just finish these last couple slices oh my that’s so you’re going to get sick Daisy what are you doing are you jumping on my couch yeah it’s so bouncy get off the couch and where’s Gooby where’s Gooby surprise why were you inside of the couch found a apartment right here yeah Daddy we’ve been having so much fun I’m on a skateboard now Johnny get off the skateboard get off the skateboard good trick W this is so fun not cool this is not rad get off the skateboard okay okay fine guys I need to go to work and now I have to clean this whole mess up Daddy what mess are you even talking about there’s water on the floor there’s cookies why is the plunger here who who put the plunger right here oh we were having a plunger fight oh my gosh you know what I can’t leave you guys here by yourselves you know what I’m going to have to get you a babysitter well the three of you dummies need to clean up this mess right now no Daddy we don’t want to clean up the mesh we like it oh you like it but I don’t I need to go to work and I can’t leave this house all messy well at least the floor right here was clean cuz there’s water right here oh yeah Daddy true you guys ruin the sink I’m not I’m going to have to call the plumber now look I’m a plumber right here oh good job Gooby okay that was impressive you did you did stop the leak but guys you need to clean up this house right now all right fine Daddy I have a perfect idea what’s your idea if everyone watching this video right now leaves a like then the whole entire kitchen is going to get cleaned Johnny that’s not going to work this is so stupid daddy just let me try everyone like the video in three two 1 whoa Daddy check it out I told you all the likes would work wow what the heck you’re right it did work thank you so much subscribers yeah thanks for everyone for liking the video now we don’t need to clean our kitchen up but you know what we do need we need a babysitter what hey Daddy no cuz I don’t trust you three you three are troublemakers I don’t want a babysitter no I don’t want to just sit on by a baby that’s so stupid that’s not how it works oh yeah Daddy well how about this If Everyone likes this video then my Daddy’s going to vanish forever three no no no don’t like the video that’s not going to happen that’s not happening daddy now people are going to dislike the video why would you say that they’re going to no they’re not going to do that I need the babysitter to show up right now so you know what I’m going to do what I’m going to sing the babysitter song what the the heck babysitter s let me just get my mic ready Oh wrong way here we go let me just adjust my throat what the heck babysitter babysitter I need you to show up right now so I can go to work and you need to take care of these three little delinquents daddy my ears are bleeding me why’d you sing that see that’s a babysitter song she should show up any second now whoa look it walks what oh no the babysitter’s here hello childr it is Mrs grumpo ready to take care of all of you for so many nights oh God guys I hate Mrs grumples me too no how long is she going to even be here so guys since I got this new job at Walmart she’s going to be showing up here every night I need a babysitter here what so Daddy you’re not going to be with us at all every night nope I’m going to be working at walart what about if you’re going to cook a z yeah Daddy oh Mrs grumes will take care of that she’s a really good cook that’s what I hear but what if we need to be oh Mrs Grumple she’s great at doing that she’ll take care of you but Mary Mrs Grumple smells like rotting flowers well I don’t know what to tell you Daisy this is the only baby store I can get just tell her to smell like pretty flowers well maybe you give her some of your perfume I don’t know have fun now guys I need to leave for work okay I’m already late and you guys messed this whole house up and maybe even more late well mgy maybe you’re so late till you’ll get fires and we don’t need a Babys s anymore well guess what Gooby I’m going to run right now to my job okay Mrs Grumble you you can take care of these kids right of course I can all right well guys good night I’ll told you guys in the morning and uh see you later what no Daddy please come back please no M don’t leave us with this babyit don’t leave us oh God guys now we’re stuck with this old grandma don’t worry childrens we are going to have so much fun so much fun you’re old old people can’t have fun of course we can Johnny first we are going to make some dinner some dinner I mean I am kind of hungry so that would be really good o yes Mr gues can we have chicken nuggets oo I love chicken nuggets me too no no no no chicken nuggets are too unhealthy you need to eat vegetables yay heck no no I don’t like vegetables oh no not again yes you must eat them to become big and strong why do these vegetables look like bugs oh no no I cannot eat these can’t I just eat this donut instead oh oh no no no how did you get that donut um I made it give it to me right now Daisy fine you have to eat your vegetables and grow up to be a big strong strong girl oh my goodness this is terrible guys I don’t want to eat this me either yes it’s so bad it’s like feet well if you don’t like my vegetables then I have some beetroot soup as well oh God it smells so bad oh no let me try how is it Gooby oh god oh he’s throwing up e what the heck did you put in here Mrs grumples I just put all of the usual ingredients beetroots vinegar ew green bean jelly green bean jelly some crickets crickets goopy you just ate crickets what oh no that’s probably why I threw up everywhere no childrens crickets are my secret ingredient very good for protein well Mrs grumples uh I don’t think we’re hungry anymore I think we’re just going to starve okay get ready for bed everyone oh okay everyone let’s follow Mrs grumples upstairs can we play fortnite o yeah Daisy we should run some games in fortnite come on yes we’re going to get some too dubs oh yeah okay everyone get ready for bed the lights are going to go out very soon oh well the lights aren’t going to go out very soon because the lights on my computer are going to be on all night no no no no no this thing Ro your brain I will take it away hey what the heck Mrs crumples give it back right now no no no no you will have plenty of time to play your games tomorrow but Force you me to get good rest but I don’t want to sleep Mrs grumples come on you’re so lame yeah Mrs grumes we always play video games before we go to bed yeah it’s tradition around here that’s why your eyes look like a chameleon looking in two different directions at the same time well me and Daisy’s eyes don’t look like that that’s a condition right Gooby shiny your eyes are kind of starting to look like mine a little bit shut up it’s a condition yes yes yes you can say all the excuses you want but while I am here you are not going to play video games right before bed but you’re not our mommy that’s right I’m even better I am your babysitter you’re not better than our mommy you can’t take away all of our stuff yes I can where is your computer sh no get out of the way hey no and Gooby where is your computer no I’m not allowing this to happen get away Mrs grumples hey hey what are you doing to me put me down bye Mrs grumples no ah let go she’s in water now stay down there you got my slippers wet oh no she’s coming back up run everyone in goobie’s room protect the PC you childrens need to learn discipline everyone smack her smack her hey she’s still stole it how I have gotten your computers and now you must go to sleep good night childrens a Mrs grumples you’re the worst don’t worry childrens you will learn in about 20 years that I have been doing all this for your own good 20 years I can’t wait that long yeah in 20 years I’m going to look like you Mrs grumples old fat and wrinkly hey Johnny you better watch your tone Mister oh yeah then what are you going to do Mrs grumples I’m a fart in your face I will wash your mouth out with this soap okay okay okay I don’t want St in my mouth I’m good I’ll just go to bed you want to taste some bubbles no I don’t want to taste no bubbles that’s what I thought so go into your bed okay okay good night guys uh mles can you check me in please rby you need to learn to be a big boy and you to bed by yourself oh no please Mr gu okay tell you what I will do it tonight and then tomorrow night you do it by yourself like a big boy okay Mrs gues thank you okay Gooby have a good night thank you Mrs gues a oh gosh I’m so hungry my stomach is growling I can’t go to bed on an empty stomach I need to go downstairs and try sneaking a snack or something hopefully Mrs grumples doesn’t wake up from a nap all right I’m just going to go downstairs oh God I got to go nice and quiet I don’t want to make any noise come on I’m almost to the kitchen what the heck what does that sound oh my God oh my God it’s s grumples oh oh my God oh my God it’s a mutant Mrs grumples oh my God go upstairs go upstairs I’m going right to bed I must be having a nightmare I need to go right to sleep Johny what’s wrong with you guys I saw something really scary last night what was it well in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping I got really hungry so I came down into the kitchen to get a little snack but I didn’t get a snack oh my goodness oh no that’s tery I can’t believe you didn’t even get a snack oh no Gooby gooby that’s not even the scary part the scary part was I came downstairs and I saw Mrs grumes as a mutant wait are you sure yes Daisy I was right over there and I turned the corner and she had like four her arms her mouth was Dripping of slobber and she was eating our food are you sure that wasn’t just a nightmare Gooby I know when things are nightmares and trust me this was not a nightmare it was real life like one time I had this nightmare that I was swimming and all of a sudden the water T into grape juice and I couldn’t get out of there um uh wow Gooby that that sounds pretty scary right Daisy yep sounds like the scariest dream I’ve ever had but Gooby trust me this was not a nightmare well Tony if you’re right Mrs grumes is going to be here soon oh no I’m really scared we got to tell Mory about it o good idea Gooby I’ll tell my daddy guys guys I’m about to go out to work again Daddy Daddy Daddy you can’t leave us why I’m trying to be the best Walmart employee ever well Daddy I need to tell you something okay yeah tell me do you know that babysitter Mrs grumples yeah she’s amazing right no she’s not Daddy she’s a big mutant Beast okay that’s really hartful you can’t say something like that but Daddy I’m telling the truth she has like four arms and she looks really scary and she also had a baseball bat she had a baseball bat really wow what she going to do hit you on the butt with it that’s just called good babysitting Johnny what why is he not believing me yeah M she tried to make us eat vegetables and she wouldn’t even let us play video games before we went to sleep wow man she’s really good then she’s doing her job no she’s not she put crickets in her soup that she fed us okay that that that’s a little weird I’m not going to lie that is a little weird but guys it’s fine she’s going to be here any second and I got to go to work you guys have fun maybe she’ll let you play video games a little longer tonight no Daddy you can’t leave us can we just get a new babysitter for tonight hello no I can’t do that that last second oh God she’s here oh my God oh my God Gooby get in front of me hello childrens I’m back all right Mrs grumbles I’m going to head out to work again have a good night no no no it’s okay you can stay Mrs grumples can leave Daisy I have work I’m trying to get paid oh guys what are we going to do everyone come say goodbye to wty what goodbye to my daddy bye Morty hie Morty bye guys I don’t even see him bye-bye see you later and he’s gone okay children I heard that you were trying to snitch on me and say that I was a babysitter w w hey what’s going on here no no no Mrs grumbles we were not trying to snitch on you uh it was Daisy’s fault hit her it was not my fault it was your fault Daisy don’t say that what don’t blame it on you what it me Mrs guul I thought I saw one of you out of bed last night maybe around 12:00 midnight oh no that was U probably Gooby taking a poop no no it wasn’t me Mr gues uh I was in bed the whole time well I think whoever it was may have seen something a little weird but I assure you that everything is normal Mrs grumpus we have no idea what you’re talking about because we were all sleeping as snug as a bug in a rad rug yep snug bug and a rug oo what kind of bug I need to make new soup not actual bugs Mrs grumples why don’t you go to the kitchen and make like cookies or something yeah and why don’t you put that stick away okay there’s no need for that okay children okay I need to just calm down a little bit what the heck this is my breathing exercises I want a twice I want twice what the heck Gooby are you breathing out your butt oops Yeah I never had this much air before Gooby that is not the correct way to do it everybody why don’t you try doing it with me you breathe in and you breathe out oh that really does work Mrs grumples Gooby do you need to go to the bathroom yes but I only went to the bathroom in my pants Gooby that’s so gross yeah we can smell it from over here Gooby Daisy back up that’s disgusting Gooby you you need to go upstairs and change oh man I don’t want to do that the rest of you I made a new soup today cuz you say you do not like Cricket soup oh got a new soup what’ you put in this one like fire anch or something no no no no I added mushrooms and celery and a couple of lizards what lizards Daisy why you talking about the mushrooms she put lizards in it I’m allergic to mushrooms well I’m allergic to lizards thank you very much don’t worry I’m sure you’re find it very delicious I am not eating that yeah me too I’m not eating this either that’s disgusting did you just waste food in front of me what what put the stick away Mrs grumples okay calm down you are very naughty little childr I’m not naughty I think it is time for a spanking what a spanking wait uh uh Mrs Grumble behind Gooby is there with a video game I can’t believe I’m about to be level four where did you get that video game uh oops uh sorry Miss grumples it was my room oh so you still had video games in your room give me that right off oh sorry Mr grumes don’t hit me please oh my goodness but Mrs grumes why can’t we play like a little bit of video games what is this anyway how do you even play this game delete save data I press this button what no you’re going to delete all goomy’s worlds no no Miss scles oops well that’s what you get for playing video games when you’re not supposed to oh my goodness yo Mr guos I spent so long in you know what I was going to let you guys play video games tonight but since these two over here destroyed my wonderful dinner that I made them I think all three of you need to be punished in your room go to bed right now what oh my God it’s like 6:00 p.m. I’m not going to bed right now yes it is time for bed for all the naughty childrens come with me oh fine Mrs grumples I don’t want to come up here yeah I’m not even tired yeah shame here no no no no you will go to bed cuz you are naughty what what are you doing to be locked in here forever hi Mrs grumes not again bye Johnny ay get in here lock your away yo Mrs grumes don’t do it goby you too get in there no M grumes please yes you’re going to be locked away Mrs grumes you’re the worst babysitter in the entire universe if you think that it’s because I’m the best babysitter in the entire universe no you’re not you’re literally the worst no I’m the best well you smell like poop that’s been sitting outside for 5 years no I smell like perfume well you look like a donkey’s butt no I look like a pretty super bottle guys can someone help me out I need some more comebacks this is grumbles you have the worst perfume in the world yeah that’s coming from a girl so you should take that personally oh yeah well it’s better than yours no it’s not Marty bought me this yeah well you smell like a big elephant dying yeah well your dress is the ugliest shade of pink ooh burn oh yeah well at least I mine is a real dress you’re wearing overalls because I’m a kid oh yeah Mr grumples well your skin is so winkly it looks like one of those dog s has really Wiggly skin what Gooby that was terrible that was a terrible comeback Gooby just shut up over there Gooby really you two I thought you were a good boy H sorry Mrs grumples I just want to be part of the group Mrs grumples why don’t you take your night gown and go to bed oh yeah I don’t have to because I am the babysitter and you are the baby wait Mrs grumes you’re going to sit on me no no no no that is just a term w w w all you do is cry you are a baby hey I’m not a baby I’m a I’m a big boy oh yeah well you can be a big boy behind bars because I’m going downstairs and you stay here for the rest of the night no let us out oh guys I don’t think saying all those bad things to Mrs grumples helped us now she’s going to keep us in here for hours yeah I’m starving and we have no food I kind of feel bad for Mrs gu what you feel bad for her yeah she’s just an old lady I don’t care who she is she came into our house and is controlling Our Lives she’s the worst babysitter in the world guys I wish we could find a way out of here yeah this is so stupid I don’t want to be locked up in here anymore everyone look around is there any tools in your room oh yes I got an octopus what an octopus I got a plunger is that any good I can like plunge this iron bar and get it all wet with my poop that’s not going to work oh my goodness well we need to think of something quick well I can’t find anything ooh guys I have a really good idea you remember earlier I had magic powers yeah o what if I just have everyone subscribe and then this gate will open up and we can escape yes all right let me try it quick everyone watching this video subscribe right now to open up this gate behind me three two 1 W guys look it worked wow thank you so much subscribers yeah we have so many subscribers now and the gate opened let’s go yes all right guys let’s try to escape through the front door everyone follow me a we got to be super saky all right we just got to find where Mrs grumples is she’s probably in the kitchen yeah you’re right she’s probably eating something cuz she’s fat yeah all right let me check around this corner oh no guys there she is again she has like four arms I told you I wasn’t lying what are you doing out of bed children’s oh my God why is there always changed like that I think she’s possessed you are being very naughty childr what no we’re not we’re about not being naughty uh guys we need to get out of here run run run ah Mrs grumes is a monster oh my God she’s after us Monster you say where do we go maybe I am a monster and I am going to send you right to bed oh my gosh get away from me Mrs grumples come back here to oh no she gotot me she gotot me help me you guys hey bring him back over here graes come over here go be down your children’s are not strong enough to stop me no stop it this is not fair I am the best babysitter ever no no no grumples we promise you be really good no hey put me down Mrs grumples ah you’re going to bed children no oh my goodness Daisy Run come back here Daisy she can’t get me you come back here no yes do you see how many arms I have I have four arms you only have two arms you’re a big bully I am a mutant babysitter I the best of all time now come here no and your cookies suck hey go Daisy go run run run you can’t trap me only I can what the heck did you just trapped yourself well it’s either I trapped myself or she eats me yeah I guess y you put yourself in timeout that is how good a babysitter I am just leave us alone now I will return to the kitchen and make lots of wonderful soups for you guys I told you I wasn’t lying Mrs grumples is crazy oh no I can’t believe she’s actually a mutant do you see how many arms she had she had more than two that is not normal she’s like a crazy spal I wish we could tell Marty but he’s never going to believe us yeah there’s no way my Daddy’s going to believe this story let’s just go to bed and then hopefully tomorrow we’ll wake up and she’ll be dead or something yeah maybe she’ll eat so many cookies that she’ll blow up yeah she’s going to blow up good night guys good night good night oh guys quick quick eat this food we got to eat it before Mrs Grumple shows up I’m not eating her soup again yeah me too guys what’s that noise in here what the why do you guys have food in your hands we were just hungry so we made sandwiches but guys Mrs grumples was going to make you guys stop daddy we don’t want to eat our cricket soup no thank you well guys you have 10 minutes until she shows up again I got to go upstairs and put my uniform on for work wait wait Moy Moy we have to tell you something about Mrs grumes oh no not again what is it she’s a crazy monster yeah Daddy she turned into a crazy monster in the middle of the night and she was smacking us with her stick guys this is the the weirdest story I’ve ever heard in my life she’s not a mutant she’s the best babysitter on the market that’s what she is no she almost ate Gooby yes she’s not a real babysit she’s a mutant monster really guys really well I can’t sit here and listen to this anymore I’m going to go upstairs and put my uniform on for work oh guys my daddy’s never going to believe us unless we have proof o o I know what if when she hold into a crazy music I just dwar pixel for so that M could see what she looks like Gooby he’s not going to believe that he’s just going to think you you know made that drawing up in your head your dumb head what but I’ll tell him I this is what I said I have a better idea guys what if we put secret security cameras around our house and then we capture the footage of Miss grumples turning into a mutant that’s the best idea ever mhm it’s a really good idea right wait but what if she just walks away from the cameras we’re going to have hundreds of cameras Gooby it’s all over the place yes all right let me get them all right let’s just get some security cameras she likes to be in the kitchen area so I think I’m going to place one right here all right let me make sure they work yes that’s is hey hey guys I see you wo we’re on camera I feel like she might notice that she’s not going to notice it I’m going to put another one H maybe right here there we go now we got another one wait johnie maybe you put one on the ceiling too wait on the ceiling oh that looks so cool there we go that’s a really good one good job Daisy oh yes that looks really good all right guys now let’s go upstairs and let’s go put some upstairs as well next to our room all right guys I’m going to also put one up right here oh yeah it’s going to look so good what are you guys doing uh nothing daddy we’re just playing with our toys silly security cameras all right well m m Grumble is going to be here very very soon so I’m going to be downstairs guys that was a close one Johnny we have to be super sneaky when we put up these traps or they’re going to know what’s going on yeah you’re right but I think we have enough security cameras so what other trap should we put down we should make a big cage that he like falls into ooh Gooby I like that idea idea we should make it down here maybe on the bottom of the staircase so when she tries to run up after us she’ll fall into a cage oh yes that’s good ide guys check this out I could put down ghost blocks Gooby try to walk over it like this wa yep you fall right through them that’s crazy so we’re going to have to do parkour to get up the stairs exactly but only us will know that okay let me go a little bit down that’s deep enough all right Gooby fly up and boom we’re adding lava it’s a lava pit trap what I don’t see any lavva in there Gooby what are you doing oh my goodness Gooby get up here okay so Gooby every time you want to go upstairs look you need to jump over the ghost blocks this yep just like that Daisy let’s see if you can do it boom nice and going down same thing all right guys is there any other traps we could think of that we could set up should we put a camera right here just so we can see if she falls ooh good idea all right I’m going to put it right there there we go now I can see everything Gooby you just fell in the Trap oops okay guys I think we’re ready for Mrs grumples to come guys look who’s here oh no guys it’s Mrs grumples hello childrens hi Mrs grumples are we ready to have a great night tonight oh yeah but nothing could be last night wink wink yes we had a great time together all right well it seems like you guys are getting along great so I’m going to go head out to work so uh I’ll see you guys in the morning okay okay bye daddy well well well what are we going to do tonight childrens well I’m not going to eat your soup oh I don’t know Mrs grumples maybe we’ll just all turn into some mutants and have some fun really H that is an interesting thing you want to do then yep I want to turn into a big mutant with four arms and Chase little kids around cuz that’s a lot of fun to me I think that’s part of fairy tale stories or something come children I made a special dinner for you tonight uh-oh a special dinner yes I know you don’t like my soup so I made a very different kind of soup what the heck ew what’s in this one Mrs grumples it’s got all your favorite things in it candy chocolate ooh hot dogs ooh this could actually be really good oh yeah I think I want try this yeah me too oh and a special ingredient I added is poison wait what guys nobody eat it I’m not eating that Mrs Gres why did you put poison in our soup because no one can know about my secret what your secret are you talking about when you turn into a mutant and you get really smelly and ugly I am not smelly and ugly what the heck guys she just turned into a mutant I think we should run yeah we should run right now o the Trap go upstairs go go go go go go go everyone parkour come back here childrens come on o good luck getting up here oh she fell to the Trap what is this childr what are you doing to me ah I’m burning let me check the camera yes guys the Trap worked I think she died no let me out of here we’re going to be safe uh-oh I hear her breaking blocks where is she I will never be in prison children I am the mutant babysitter oh no no no she’s escaping guys this isn’t good here do you see her yes I’m getting a lot of video footage to show my daddy oh god um guys I think she’s looking at s childrens you think your puny little trap will stop me um yes we did well you’re going to have to try harder than that oh gosh you just broke the camera now come back here childr it’s time for your punishments I’m recording her I’m recording her Johnny she’s coming oh God Mrs grumples look behind you I got you on camera I’m going to show this to the police and my daddy no no oh no no no one is allowed to see my secret oh God oh God she’s going to break it no no Mrs sbles uh follow me over here you’ll never get me go Gooby go run oh no I think she say to me you guys hey mrs’s grumes look to your right oh no oh no another camera it is destroyed and I get this one too no don’t destroy it no guys we only have one more camera but I don’t think she’s going to be able to spot it it’s a secret one no guys and she’s going to eat me please help goby run well looks like it’s time for my dinner oh no no no no I am going to keep you upo I want to hear what the mo help me you a meting grumples yeah I can see that Mrs grumes what the heck’s going on here nothing he is not what it looks like Mrs grumes you were just about to eat Gooby right in front of me no oh no no no uh we were just playing a fun game yeah what was the name of the game then Mrs grumples the name of the game is she was about to eat me m you got to stop her I know Gooby I I just want to hear what she’s got to say what type of game were you going to play Mrs grumes with Gooby in your mouth uh we want to about to play hide and seek that was not hideand-seek Mr grumes where where are the rest of the kids uh they are in their rooms behaving like perfect angels kids come down here right now daisy Daisy what I think I got the perfect footage of Mrs grumples as a mutant and my daddy’s home early we need to go show him Marty daddy daddy daddy kids what’s been going on here oh gosh D watch out for Mrs grumples she’s going to eat you and turn into a mutant haha such active imaginations from the children Mrs grumples I just saw you what imaginations well how about this Mrs grumples check out on this camera monitor I got all the footage of usmu in trying to eat us here you go daddy a look at that oh thank you let me see ooh you got some good footage Mrs grumbles oh you’re running around the house with them you’re trying to eat them yep Daddy no no uh how do you think the police would like looking at some of this oh no the police here right after you Mrs Grumble so you need to leave right now and leave me and my kids alone uh you know what I think I have another job I need to go to oh yeah how convenient well here’s the door don’t let it hit you on the way out uh childrens it has been an honor babysitting you well it hasn’t been an honor being sit on by a baby wait did that happen yeah Daddy she sat on me oh how disgusting Mrs grumbles get out oh okay I will be leaving now but before I go let me just give you one piece of advice I think you should sleep with one eye open tonight what the oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m really scared daddy did she always talk like that H yes when she was a crazy mutant monster I apologize guys I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you it’s okay Marty but uh I think we need to move why because she’s going to come eat us yeah Daddy now she knows where we live where we sleep where we poop we can’t live here anymore guys it’s fine you guys give me all the footage I could just give this to the police they could track her down and lock her off yeah but what about your job at Walmart you’re going to have to go there again and then we’ll get another baby siss oh well uh you see about that I kind of just got fired what fired well yeah guys that’s why I was home early well Daddy how’d you get fired let’s just say uh something happened with the toilet well you make a giant dump B in the middle of the toilet uh no there wasn’t water spewing out of the the men’s bathroom why would you say something like that Gooby I saw this post on Tik Tok of this super big fat guy that got stuck in the Walmart toilets and all the water went everywhere what daddy that was you you’re viral on Tik Tok daddy guys just make sure you always report that video when you see it it’s kind of blowing up everywhere yeah Daddy it also said in that video that the fat person broke the entire Walmart plumbing system and it was millions of dollars in damage well uh now that you said that I think yeah we need to move we need to move right now everybody follow me let’s go find a new house okay Daddy yeah looks like the fight is about to begin wait what Gooby I need to fight Daisy but she’s a girl yes it’s all fail cuz you have boxing clubs on oh yeah I guess that makes sense yeah Johnny and you’re going down hey no Daisy you’re going down W wao whoo save it for the wing save it for the wing Gooby we’re in the ring wait you guys can’t fight in until I make the announcements okay Gooby hurry up make your dumb announcement in this corner weighing in uh how much do you weigh uh 35 lb weighing in at 35 lb he’s a menace and he’s ready to fight it’s Johnny oh yeah oh yeah hey stop booing at me I’m allowed and in this corner weighing at um how about see my that like 20 lb goopy Bing that 20 lb she’s the flower pickle that’s very good at eating snickles it’s Daisy W Johnny you a poop no I’m just farting on your name Daisy oh that’s mean yeah it was supposed to be mean because I’m going to beat you and I don’t like you looks like our finals are winning 3 two 1 go oh God we’re fighting we’re fighting ow how hey Dy back up for me I thought I was going to beat you no you’re not I’m literally so much better than you oh I got you against the ropes no you don’t looks like a pretty hard battle still anyone ow she’s hurting me ow ow I need to tap out Gooby I need help I need help yeah K me in can’t me in I’m in you I’m in you gooby vers Daisy now Gooby I can’t can’t fight you no no I got to get you oh my goodness get her get her my hearts aren’t even going down I’m no I think a broke the wing a little bit okay double team double team get her get her Fair yes it is I think I saw on be once take that take that you guys are boring me now no we’re not no we’re not no we’re not Marty hey DIY come back here oh I think we killed her what is going going on out of here Marty they’re bullying me what’s going on why do you guys have gloves on you guys look stupid well me and Johnny were boxing and then they both started fighting me Daddy she’s just whining she’s just a loser all right we just beat her in boxing Little 2v2 M you want a little piece of this action oh I want a piece of that Gooby everyone get in the ring right now after I’m done eating this lollipop wait daddy you’re going to fight oh I’m going to fight I’m going to give you the old one too I used to box back in my day my I’m pretty sure you’re too old you know what Gooby I might be old by I’m going to kick your booty wo wo they save it for the wing buddies I will save it for the ring all right everyone get in there all right everyone come on let’s go inside the ring all right I’m ready to fight who am I fighting first um daddy right here right here I want to fight you all right I’m ready I’m ready to go o I always wanted to beat your butt Daddy and now I actually can yeah well now I have Boxing Club so I don’t feel bad smack you across the face all right all right Gooby do the announcements I to see the announcements okay in this Coral the winning Champion standing at uh uh how tall are you what tall uh I’m like two blocks high s in a two blocks tall he’s the bestest at punching it’s Johnny yeah yeah that’s me that’s meow and in this corner the Challenger weighing a million pounds and not very tall and very balls hey you can’t say that those are all fake that’s fake he’s really old it’s Melly it’s m I didn’t like that you need to redo that I bad M’s bad you made me sound horrible well you’re going to have to prove us wrong in the wing 3 2 1 go really daddy oh God my nose you just you just punch you broke my nose daddy that was one punch you got a man up oh god I think I’m bleeding oh God I got to keep my head up what oh gosh are you forfeiting right now Daddy I’m forfeit I need paper towel or something for my nose oh God hey daddy where are you going I’m going back in the house I need first aid I need first aid kid I need bandage no Daddy come back here right now oh God I need emblem looks like Johnny is the winner yay I’m the winner daddy you’re the loser oh God I can’t even see straight right now oh God this the house am I going the right way um guys oh look at the sky what is that oh my gosh right what the heck ow what the heck was that I think it was some giant Meo oh my God my house there’s nothing left it looked like a giant meatball oh my goodness that was a spicy one I think that was a one in a 100 billion chance to have a meteor hit your house well great now I’m like burning alive and my nose is broken well Daddy where am I going to sleep and where am I going to play video games uh I don’t know maybe down there where the meteor just hit D I’m not playing video games in a fire oh no all of our stuff is gone too oh my goodness you’re right man it looks like we’re going to have to find a new house to live in how are we supposed to do that H I got to think I got to think you know what I actually had a lot of money saved up in the bank so I could probably afford to buy a new house really Daddy yeah maybe we can go house shopping yeah that’ll be fun yeah we’re get a p that’s even better than the one we had I don’t think anything’s going to be better than our house but I guess we have no other choice all right everybody follow me to the bank we can go get money and then we can go straight to a new house let’s go get a new house all right dadd wa look at this house guys you guys like this one what the heck is that Daddy it’s very modern looks pretty cool I think got three floors it’s got a nice modern coloration to it we go inside and give it a little little looky Daddy I don’t like the colors of it I want it to be more yellow what why wait what where’s everything inside it’s empty they usually don’t come with Furniture we have to do it ourselves what what house doesn’t come with Furniture let going go upstairs this a weird staircase nope nothing up here either guys this house sucks we’re not living here Yep this is the wor this is the worst house ever look it keeps going up there’s not even rooms well we got to make the rooms ooh this is a nice floor I like it it’s got a balcony terrible daddy I’m going back downstairs we’re not living here oh my gosh guys there’s a cooler house across the street we’re getting that one we are getting that one everyone go downstairs Daddy I give this house like a 2 out of 10 on the r eating yeah well you’re going to you’re about to see it 10 out of 10 where daddy I don’t see it over here I just saw it from the balcony of this house o daddy look let’s live in Burger King no yeah Daddy I want to go to Burger King right here let’s live there the home of a Whopper no we are Big Mac people for Life yeah don’t have midles over there oh yeah you’re right Gooby I can’t I can’t go to Burger King I need mg griddle guys follow me to this next house this next house we’re living in I already chose we’re living in there Daddy what house the house over here it’s right down the street for this one wao look at that one daddy look how cool that is kind of looks like a museum this is not a museum daddy is this a pool in the front can I go in there no you can’t go in there it’s a fountain can I drink from it no you can’t drink from the fountain wao this house is super fancy well it’s got a pool well this is a fancy pool it’s got a call a was call you can’t drive it so don’t get any ideas all right I want to go inside wo nice staircase it’s got so much room there’s still no furniture it’s fine we’ll furnish it w it’s got a cool balcony looking over the pond I like this house we’re living here guys no it’s too fancy no it’s just fancy enough I like it we’re buying it nah it’s Dad it’s so ugly this house I’m not living here what do you mean this is like an upgrade from our other house Daddy I am not living in this house why what’s wrong with it they me like three things that are wrong with this house everything’s wrong with it first off there’s no furniture second off this race looks like poop out here nope we can get rid of it I don’t like the color you don’t you don’t like the color no I don’t like the color it’s uh it’s too green there’s no green on it yeah D look at all these leaves right here it’s too green that’s just Decor that’s decoration I really don’t like how you can’t even drink from the water fountain yeah like what’s the point of having a water fountain then you can drink from it but you’re just not supposed to cuz it’s bad water let me try get out of don’t do it you’re going to get sick Gooby it’s pretty gross well Daddy that means we can’t live in this house no we’re living in it I’m going right now I’m about to put my bed in there for the first time ever no daddy we’re not living in this house we’re living in it I’m going to start claiming a bedroom you guys better get one too before I take the best one oh yeah Daddy well guess what I’ll have that change very quickly oh no Johnny what are we going to do M just going to get this house guys guys guys I got this check this out hey you watching this video I need you to leave a like right now If Everyone likes this video in 3 seconds then we’re not going to be living in this house quick like the video in 3 2 one hey guys look at me I made it to the top of this awesome house woohoo yeah um daddy uh look above you what oh god it’s it’s another meteor oh God back up daddy um what happened to your house it’s not here I got hit again by me here this is so stupid oh no my oh no that’s too bad looks like we can’t live in the house daddy well it looks like we’re living on the floor we’re going to be poor forever Marty we are not living on the floor we just have to look for a new house Daisy this was the house this was it no look at the other ones there’s one right there and I’m sure there’s so many more this is so stupid looks like we’re going to have to look for another stupid house and and this was the H come on man I wanted this house so bad come on Daddy there’s a a bunch more houses come on put me down no I’m your dad you you’re supposed to drop me I’m supposed to be one holding you no we’re going to go to a new house follow me can you please put me down Johnny oh fine Daddy I’ll put you down oh my goodness why’ you bring us out here cuz Daddy look behind you look how beautiful this house looks it looks disgusting it looks old looks kind of creepy guys no it’s not creepy I mean it’s a little bit far from everything but it’s really awesome but it’s not new it’s not modern that you’re right it’s it’s old and reliable no that’s not what they say yeah I’m pretty sure everything old is smelly and bad hey wao whoo whoo you looked at me when you said that uh well it’s um why’ you look at me huh Gooby why’ you look at me like that huh huh I mean you’re just old and and wise yeah yeah I am wise I’m very stoic and also smelly well guys can we at least just look at this house we looked at all the other houses went inside we got to give it a rating all right fine fine you can lead us Johnny all right guys comeing inside oh yeah this house is awesome I like the front yard the front yard’s very nice I like the walls yep yep it’s giving Daddy it’s giving kind of poop col it is kind of poop colored guys check out the inside though this is sick there’s a pool table guys there’s Furniture everywhere unlike every other house that wasn’t furnitured this one’s got Furniture ooh this one’s got a kitchen and it has two ovens okay there’s free food Daddy what house comes with free food hey don’t eat it it’s probably old dud what’s thiss on the floor it’s like an alligator wait where where oh it’s like a bear rug o that’s pretty cool this house is awesome wait guys we need to go upstairs we need to check out the upstairs everyone follow me wow big staircase going up okay I’m starting to like this house oh yeah this is the house for us guys it has everything wao even has a bell right here wing wing wing ooh there’s a pink room we had a pink room yeah there’s a pink room this is a blue room I want the Blue Room there’s a yellow one too all this is my room oh it’s mine it’s mine it’s mine wait so this is made for us wo this one’s red so Daddy what do you think should we live here I think we buy it yay I told you this going to be the best house let’s just hope this one doesn’t get crushed by a meteor let’s pray to the god that they don’t drop another meatball on us wait are you guys sure this place isn’t haunted what haunted why would you think it’s haunted Daisy well I saw some guy’s head over there what you saw a head uhoh no there’s no head there’s actually no head okay there’s a head it’s right here that’s fake that’s that’s uh that’s decoration yeah it’s Decor Bo it’s scary okay let me get rid of it there we go problem problem solved I don’t know this place still creeps me out let get more crazy things upstairs no no no let’s just not check the upstairs how about this guys I think we’re all just super tired because we’ve been looking for houses all day and a meteor hit our old one let’s just go to bed and then we could just wake up and then Explore More of the house okay I’m down to do that I’m I am really I am really sleep sleepy yeah dadd me too I could literally sleep on this carpet well don’t do that can we decorate our rooms tomorrow yeah we can do all that oh yeah all right let’s go to bed ooh but guys I just remembered I got to do the paperwork to actually buy the house so how about this you three go to bed and I’ll just do some paperwork for a few minutes and then I’ll go to bed after you all right daddy sounds like a plan we’ll see you tomorrow bye all right good night night everybody don’t let the bed bugs bite all right I’m almost done signing this last line and the paperwork is officially done yes this house is ours but oh gosh that took me like a few hours to do maybe I got to go to bed I’m I’m kind of I’m kind of tired what was that uh why are the lights flickering like this oh God okay you know what it’s just an old house it’s an old house maybe it’s the the electricity maybe the electricity in the house needs to get changed okay it’s not bad it’s not bad it’s nothing to get worried about all right I just got to go to bed what is that why is that doing that oh the trapo is flicking up and down that is not normal that is not normal okay I’m going to bed I’m going to bed where’s my bedroom I don’t even know where my bedroom is oh it’s got to be in here okayo I’m just going to sit in my bed and I’m going to go to bed I’m going to go to sleep ah it’s not that bad it’s not that bad in here oh God oh God there’s a ghost there’s a ghost in the house his name was Chuck and he had an A okay okay I’m just going to go to bed this way I’m going to face the wall and I’m going to go to bed the birds are chirping and the sun is rising that was the best sleep I ever got in my entire life I love love this new house let me go see what my friends are doing ooby ooby are you awake in here what are you doing good morning Gooby how did you sleep I just had a really crazy dream that I was like King of the bunnies and I just went all over the place with an army of bunnies um oh okay Gooby that’s uh that’s an interesting dream let’s go get your sister daisy daisy daisy where are you I’m in my room how did you sleep Daisy I slept okay this bed is really old and hard what well my bed was super used and comfy I want a new one okay okay we can work on getting you a new one Let’s go ask my daddy daddy daddy where are you wait what the what the heck what is going on here why is there chairs and tables in the way oh my gosh Daddy what what are you doing who is that who is that don’t look at me what what is he doing in the corner Daddy what are you doing oh it’s you guys last night I saw a ghost no you didn’t I did I swear I swear I saw a ghost it was it was in the hallway and it said I’m going to eat you and it had an accident it ran away you’re probably just tired no no no I’m not tired everyone follow me real quick daddy ghost don’t exist so I was in the office I was sitting in my office chair like this I’ll do my paperwork cuz we finally own this house yippee now after I was done these lights up here were flickering on and off and it was going crazy are was you just pulling a prank on us no I am not pulling a prank on Gooby look at this this trap door is going like ooh scary a ghost daddy you’re just trying to get us scared so we need to leave this house cuz you don’t like it no no I like the house boy guys there’s a ghost living in here I don’t think he likes that we’re here now daddy there’s no ghost it doesn’t exist it does exist yeah wouldn’t we just see the ghost before Oh I don’t know maybe you just decided to choose me to scare first maybe tonight it’s your turn sure daddy the big bad ghost is going to get me I’m not lying it was true what what was that oh I think it was the door I think someone’s at the door Oh Daddy I think it’s I I think it’s a ghost oh gosh the ghost at the doorbell oh you dare say that I’m hiding maybe it’s just Amazon and they brought me a new bed yeah Daddy it’s probably just like a delivery person or something come on don’t go to the door everyone now let’s go see who’s at the door guys come back in this is not a good idea maybe somebody that door down s McDonald’s and brought McGriddles for breakfast oh yeah McGriddles for breakfast daddy that’s not true that that’s impossible no one even knows that we live here oh yeah we know we live here let’s just open the door don’t open it hello who the heck is that hello my name’s Chuck what Chuck who the heck is Chuck I I don’t know any Chucks guys I was just wandering the neighborhood looking for a nice family who might take me in wait so you’re not an Amazon delivery driver I wish but I do have some McDonald’s for you yay wait what oh my goodness you actually have McDonald’s for us D I want some some of that K I don’t know guys it’s kind of weird that Chuck brought McDonald’s after we just talked about having you know wanting McDonald’s myty how can you pass up a Happy Meal well I’m passing it up now uh Chuck go away I guess if the mean man doesn’t want me around I’ll just be on my way oh oh oh wait wait wait no no no Chuck come back come back don’t listen to him he’s just stupid and bald and stum and fat hey I heard that yeah he’s really mean Daddy our new friend Chuck has nowhere to live and no family so we’re going to allow him to come inside come on Chuck come inside we don’t have room we don’t have room no thank you thank you very much I didn’t say he’s allowed fine fine Chuck you could stay here for a day you’re only going to get a day here yay Chuck can stay with usal no I said a day unlimited Happy Meals well guess what Chuck’s going to be sleeping with you tonight Johnny wait me yep he’s going to be bunking up with you because I have no room in my bed don’t worry I don’t need to to much room just a cardboard box and a leaf okay that’s really sad that’s really really sad daddy there’s like a 100 rooms in this house all right he could pick whatever room he wants okay fine I think we have a second floor that he can go on or a third floor o guys maybe we should play a game too who wants to play hide and go seek yes I do I do ooh guys maybe we should all play hide and go seek no that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life maybe if we play hide and go seek we’ll see some ghosts so no I’m not playing come on Marty took this SC here we need to have some fun okay yeah you guys have fun without me how about that well Daddy we’re going to go have fun with our new friend and you can just be a loser on I will be a loser I will be a loser and I’ll go in my room and I’ll cry maybe I can get some sleep because last night was really scary all right bye daddy we’re going to play hide and go seek okay have fun not bye meanie weenie you know what fine I’m going to leave and I’m going to go my bed and I’m going to hide there I’m going to hide there all night long that man is rather strange isn’t he yeah my daddy is definitely something else but guys I want to Bo I and go seek and guess what we have the whole house to hide in so who wants to be the Seeker would you make Chuck be the Seeker so he can get to know the house oh yeah good idea all right Chuck you’re going to be the Seeker oh boy I’d love to be the Seeker but um how do you play hide and go seek I’ve never played before really Chuck you’ve never played hide and go seek oh Chuck it’s really easy all you got to do is just find us all around the house when we hide you got to go find us and that’s hold seeking okay right I’ll do that all right Chuck so come over here um go into this corner and don’t turn your head all right you got to go into this corner and don’t cheat okay how long do I have to wait uh count to 45 seconds all right okay I’ll do that that’s very good all right come on guys we got to go hide go go go go go where do we go um I don’t know uh where should I hide where should I hide I think I’m going to hide upstairs bye guys okay I’m going to find a really good spot right over here I got to find somewhere to hide no I can’t hide in my room that would be way too obvious ooh I could hide behind this chair right here yes this is perfect all right I’m ready I’m ready too yeah I’m ready my SP is really good all right ready or not here I come oh I hope he doesn’t find me he’s never going to find me I’m super hidden oh hello what what why do you look all crazy and like like a ghost and you have an ax in your hands you’re going to be my friends forever no no no no stop it oh gosh I think I think that was Gooby gooby screaming why is he screaming like that oh no I think Chuck up no good what was that the glass is breaking my is that is that Gooby my Gooby can you hear me mar I can hear you why you have a weird weird sound effect on your voice are you dead a oh gosh oh gosh don’t Mo it’s me Gooby I’m a ghost yeah I I can see that what happened look like a fly you I’m a ghost okay yeah it’s very cool Gooby yeah you’re dead and you’re a ghost but what happened to you well you look really bald from up here okay you’re the worst ghost ever Gooby gooby just give me the details what happened oh M uh you know that guy suck that came in you um yeah he’s a crazy killer and probably a ghost too what he killed you yep he killed me we were trying to play hide and seek but he actually just killed me with an axe oh no this is not good Gooby this is not good you know what I do recognize him he was the ghost from last night that scared me oh No this must be his haunted house Gooby I think you’re right but you know what I think he’s going to try and killing Johnny Daisy than me oh no uh we got to go save them Gooby we need to get out of this room hiya hiya oh no I they be so quiet Chu can’t find me uh what’s that noise it sounds kind of creepy hello Daisy J how did you get right there I want you to be my friend forever ow why are you hitting me no no oh no we need to destroy these destined chairs Gooby I think I think Daisy just got caught oh no guys Chu just killed me oh well that’s not good where were you I was hiding in this room right here oh gosh Chuck’s on a rampage he’s probably after Johnny next oh this is not good guys we need to go find Johnny ASAP you care well does anyone know where he’s hiding no he’s probably in his room oh my God oh my God Chuck is an evil ghost trying to kill me guys help me help me oh no he’s going to kill Johnny I’m not good no what is happening hey your family’s going to stay with me forever this is not fair Chuck give me my family back what everyone tur into ghost Gooby Daisy what happened to you guys Chuck killed us Chuck why would you do something like that I just wanted to have a family of my own well Chuck what about my family now they’re all dead are you going to kill me next actually um no I think I already have all the family I need wait what what do you mean all the family you need I don’t get it I lost my family so long ago it was my daddy my sister and my brother and since I have all of your family down I don’t need you anymore you can go wait I’m free to leave yay I mean it sucks for you guys but at least my life will be nice now you can’t leave us here um yes I can and yes I will bye guys no Johnny you got to become a ghost like us whoa whoa whoo Johnny you cannot leave you need to become a ghost too wait daddy you just got turned into a ghost you look so cool don’t look at me like that I’m going I’m going to kill you no you’re not Daddy uh Chuck said I could leave so I’m just going to go out the door daddy you later CH why would you say it hey no no no no no you come back here you’re going to become a ghost like us all right guys you have fun being Ghosts no you’re going to join us all right guys I’ll see you later no come back here well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then everyone make sure to leave a like right now and hit subscribe bye everyone we’re going to get you

Today, Johnny, Daisy and Gooby Turned Their House Into A Trampoline Park! Will Marty find out and get ANGRY? Watch to see what happens…

#johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft


  1. Babababbababababbababababababbababbababababbababbaabbabababbabababbabababbavababbab bababababbabababbabababababbabababbababababbab. Abbababababbababababbabababbabababbabababababbabab. Bababababbababababbabababababbababababbababababbab. Abababbababababbabababababbabababab. Ababbabababbababababbabbababbabababqb!-!-!-!!-!-!-!!-!-!!-abababababa

  2. Da da da da da dada dada, I don't want you I want money I don't need you I want money this is the only where are you fix yourself? This is for Johnny. He is stupid and I am angry with his dad that he is a mistake in one of his videos with none of his friends.

  3. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎🤗👎😡😡😡😡😡😡😈👿👿👿#######$$$###$#$#$#$#$

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