The Martians Come to Kill Me in Hardcore | 100 Hours

welcome back to 100 hours in Terraria hardcore and of course we’re playing on Master mode if you haven’t seen the previous videos welcome to the 100 hours in hardcore challenge where different stages of terraria’s regression are locked behind 10hour increments in the last 10 hours I could beat the frost and pumpkin moons and now I am allowed to defeat the Martian Invasion and Duke fishron otherwise I can make no other form of progression this is a part of progression I wasn’t actually that afraid of at first but it just so happened that I went into recording these 10 hours immediately after the conclusion of wild El those 30 times hardcore series and let’s just say the Martians were quite a problem in that video I’ve always thought of them as being tough but I guess I didn’t quite consider just how dangerous they really are martians are an events I suppose are on tier with the moon events but the moons you have a little more control over because you can absolutely whiff and keep the moons weak plus you can skip it with Sund dials the Martians on the other hand won’t go away until you defeat them and just about every enemy has a gun as an American I do not fear this fact but space lasers are a whole different story the Martians won’t be our first obstacle to overcome though first we will beat up Duke fishron I feel much more confident about this boss fight ever since learning his pattern in third phase the Duke has become significantly less of a threat even so this is Master mode and if I find myself off Rhythm then any boss can kill me very fast plus doke hits pretty hard all the sharks from these tornadoes create a bunch of projectiles to avoid and the thing with Beetle armor is that I become weaker after every single hit so I sure got to be sure to avoid those sharks I set up an arena at the ocean in the last 10 hours for fighting The Dread Nautilus and other blood moon enemies and staring at it I felt it would be a good idea to throw down another layer of platforms I grabbed my potions checked out the Haru hotel which I built in the last 10 hours and then spent some time forgetting I had a bass statue at the ocean I wanted to make sure I had every Advantage for the battle and I wanted a bass statue at the ocean but i’ forgotten there was one already there didn’t realize this until after I had checked several Arenas already could I have simply moved what I currently had and returned it to where it was after beating Duke well yes but I don’t trust myself to actually remember to do that and so the arena ready it’s time to fight Duke fishron a boss I have never beaten in hardcore [Music] [Applause] before [Music] all right Final Phase Final Phase One One 2 one 2 3 1 one 2 1 2 3 hey easy see you might be tempted to think I’m counting off Duke’s dashes for the sake of filling the void of Silence that surrounds us but no I count moves like this out loud as a way to remind myself of what is happening try this I swear it helps with bosses in particular ones you’re struggling with counting in your mind is one thing but actually verbalizing those thoughts and announcing the pattern turns on the part of my brain that knows how to actually react to those patterns it helps with dodging is what I guess I’m trying to say because it cuts down on the reaction time between me thinking a thought and my fingers pressing the keys needed to actually Dodge of course being the potion Optimizer that I am I fought Duke fishron on repeat for three more battles what am I looking for the fishron wings of course these took forever to drop in the onee series and after four Duke fishron I’m starting to worry that’ll be the case here as well at the same time though it’s not like I’m in any rush and fishron hasn’t come too close to killing me yet so I should be safe to farm him as much as I want as long as I don’t get too comfortable the Betsy wings I acquired a while ago are great in all one of the best wings in the game but they are best for horizontal movement in air not vertical and I’m going to want the vertical movement to dodge the moon Lord’s laser now you might be thinking dorbin you fool you have the rod a Discord just use that to dodge the laser and that’s a fair point but you see I suck at remembering I even have this thing and when I do it’s often in a panic and I end up teleporting myself into a worse situation than it was before so I’m going to stick with my mind of a steel trap and Keen sense of timing to dodge the big laser having killed Duke four times it was time to grab more potions and resume farming before we continue if you’ve been enjoying the video be sure to subscribe at the end of the year I’ll be firing One Mini nuk 2 from this rocket launcher at Year’s End for every subscriber I have so if you want to claim your mini nuke 2 and support long form challenges like this consider subscribing I remember fighting Duke as a mage for the year series and I’d experimented with fighting him with the Flying Dragon Sword I’m using right now back then I wasn’t very impressed impressed with it but now I’m quite satisfied maybe I forgot to use damage potions last time because when those ran out there was definitely a noticeable difference large enough that it’s almost hard to believe a wrath potion only increases damage by 10% and sure rage potion UPS Critical Strike by 10% as well but by Jones I would never have expected there to be such a leap I ended up killing Duke fishron four more times without running into any trouble and still hadn’t gotten my hands on a pair of fishron wings ever since entering hard mode my luck has been catastro trophically bad I think in the first 20 hours I was talking about how insanely lucky I was and indeed I really was lucky back then but that was a long time ago and has since vanished and have been stuck here with my black cat under a ladder and a broken mirror for the past 50 hours I had also attempted to use the Flareon in the eighth battle and was not impressed I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of people who love this weapon and perhaps it’s hard to compare anything fairly to the Flying Dragon considering it’s one of the best swords in in the game but I was able to get the Flying Dragon right after taking down planta though I guess I could have technically fought Duke fish on first now that I think about it when are you supposed to defeat third tier Old One’s Army like what is that supposed to happen cuz I was able to take it down immediately upon killing planta so maybe I got a bit F farther ahead than you’re supposed to either that or the weapons from Betsy are just a little busted which is not a complaint by the way not at all I never want to see these things nerfed even a little bit I love the sword I love the dragon and nobody should ever touch them eight fish runs killed and no wings and no more truffle worms time to farm for more the little glowing mushroom of mine has mysteriously High spawn rates for these worms their spawn rates I often find to be rather hit or miss in most glowing mushrooms with them sometimes being quite common and other times being nowhere in sight but for one reason or another they are quite plentiful in this particular glowing mushroom biome and there’s not even a second layer to this thing which I would have assumed would make Shuffle worm spawning easier if there’s one thing I am lucky on in hard mode it would have to be the shuffle worm spawn and well I don’t really need that one of anything also lace Wings I’ve casually picked up a few here and there as I’ve wandered about the world so that’s been nice another Duke farming session and I am a little off my game where I was rarely hit during the first eight battles these ones I am being hit rather frequently so leave mistakes and a failure to keep track of where tornadoes are spawning and I’m sweating the possibility of actually being put in a dangerous situation but after four more kills I never fell below half health and Duke fishron still hadn’t drop fishron wings and I feel like I should explain half Health really quickly for those less initiated or those who don’t understand the implications after all it’s a whopping half of my health how could I be in much danger well you see my friend in master mode many enemies can clear half of your health in a single shot so being at half Health essentially means you’re one hit from Death in many cases on top of that my armor has a set bonus where these Beatles float around if there’s three I have 45% damage reduction two for 30 1 for 15 every time I’m hit a beetle will disappear and they’ll slowly regenerate if I avoid being hit so if I’ve done a poor enough job at dodging to be brought to half of my health there is a high likelihood I also have no beetles meaning my damage reduction is gone and enemies will hit harder than they did before for the first half of my health I do have the Frost shield that erects a barrier reducing damage by 25% when I’m below 50% of my health and this might save me but I’m not willing to bet on it with all that said I kill Duke fishron four more times bringing my total up to 12 and I got my hands on the fishron wings nice just have to refor them at the goblin Tinker who at this point has probably robbed me of about 50 Platinum this run but thankfully he is in a cheery mood and gives me warning on the 63 Forge what a nice fellow but now that Duke fishron has been put in his place and all of his drops have been collected the Martian invasion is waiting me and I’m too scared to go straight into battle so I instead distract myself with other activities like another fishing Quest mining this meteor I stumbled across when I was totally just aimlessly wandering around the surface of the world twiddling my thumbs as I sweat the Martians it was the time of day for the lace Wings to spawn so I went out and captured a grand total of one I then figured a good use of my time would be hunting Red Devils for the Trident magic weapon drop considering how I’ve been running melee this entire run and I don’t intend on ever switching this was clearly the best move I could have made oh okay always pay attention pay attention pay attention don’t get distracted that was me almost dying while farming for a weapon I have no intention of ever using but I did get something that was quite valuable for me I I got a hot dog oh I got a hot dog woo American man and not much later the Trident actually dropped the Trident all right we’re done we’re done no we’re good but I do got a hot dog I got a hot dog I love I I love love how the hot dog with the mustard is one pixel a piece wait a minute wait a minute this this Sprite here is three mustards this is two mustards I have been ripped off the number of pointless things I’ve been noticing recently is kind of insane Dynasty lanterns are one pixel too small the Sprites for the hot dog in the inventory and what’s shown visually are inconsistent the relics move at just the same rate as deep breathing which I guess I realized last 10 hours these are all valuable to discoveries I have provided the Terraria Community this precious knowledge nuggets that they they they never knew they needed maybe I should take up terra Steel’s useless Terraria fact series or something if I keep finding more pointless facts like this I fish for more variated lard fish in the jungle because I was starting to run a little low on summon potions and okay enough stalling it’s time to fight the Martians and this is where I’d put my Martian probes if I had any I am not joking when I say I literally spent 37 minutes of waiting for one of these bloody probes to spawn Rel logic YouTubers viewers somebody anybody explain to me how marshan probes work this 37 minutes waiting period is not abnormal for me I’ve tried all the optimizations before waiting the perfect what upper third of the world or something I’m high enough for them to spawn I’ve seen them here before I know that much I have used battle potions and water candles in the past although I’m currently not using a battle potion for fear of it being active while the actual Invasion starts and being so overwhelmed by a bunch of aliens and forgetting to deactivate the battle potion but still 37 minutes feels a little absurd there’s got to be a better way of doing this Rel logic I beg of you add a Wandering spaceship or something similar to the goblin Scout that drops little pieces that can be used to make a summon for the Martian Invasion heck I just about never get enough tattered cloth with a goblin summon but it’s an option and at this point I need one of those options for the Martians eventually I figured I’d try flying in a straight line rather than chilling on a broom over the ocean and this is when a probe finally spawned don’t know if movement helped or if beinging away from the ocean was the key but whatever the case the Martians are here just okay okay you know oh I too scared of the Martians I don’t want them to be around here at all okay though we got to keep a sharp eye out for Martian saucer in fact let’s actually switch those that way I can get quick horizontal speed if need be I don’t need vertical so much when I’m fighting martians this is also got to make sure we get rid of all the gosh darn Tesla coils so they don’t hit us out of nowhere and hit us in put that terrible debuff there is on ni I need to sweat the Martians oh there we there we go Okay we okay we got our first saucer okay I am so nervous all right Rockets okay and then yeah okay okay so it’s laser and then laser spread and then Rockets are out so it’s got nothing okay so we got laser then laser spread then moves okay go and left and right and left right left right something hit me left right left and right okay all right we got a saucer it’s not done yet it’s not done yet H get carried away okay there it is all right so long as we’re able to keep a rhythm and no other enemies ruin that Rhythm will be totally fine and and nice hey we even got the trophy sick oh oh really have loved it if you had uh camped out underneath the animous clouds that would have been oh 109 damage okay okay okay uh-oh oh oh oh that was way too close oh okay hold on I’m falling a little low no this is okay okay okay where is it okay there it is the laser next up is a laser spread I need to actually Dodge it rocket launch and Y there we go oh okay okay fine it’s fine it’s fine o little off a little off come on line back up line back up come on come on please die please die please die come on okay get the hearts get the hearts okay please no more saucers please no more saucers oh there’s another one all right all right all right I’ll fight on this side though this this side we got a little more backup all right here comes second phase drop and let it come this way good okay it does seem that we can actually outrun it so that’s good can we run it oh can we I just run on oh no no no we can’t oh oh too close too close Okay sa for doing it this way doing this way this will clear it there we goo okay that sigh of relief was the sound of my every nerve calming my every muscle loosening the Martians have officially been defeated four saucers had been taken down it was close at one points scarily close but we came through in the end that last saucer also dropped the Xeno staff which had me a little tempted but I’m not sure it’s better than the desert tiger I mean this thing has really good damage and has really strong targeting I guess I hardly ever use the Martian summon but I’m confident that the tiger is better let me know if I’m wrong about that now one benefit of the Martian invasion is that they dro the Martian conduit plating something I don’t think I have ever seen anybody do is use these platforms for Arenas probably because by the time you get these things you already have your every Arena you’ll ever need but you see during my Calamity get fixed by run we ended up needing to expand an arena late into the game and on a wiim I figured I’d use these blocks for platforms what other use could they possibly have it was then that I discovered these are actually a very advantageous material to make Arenas out of Martian platforms have a soft glowing effect that allows them to stand out even during the night I still Place torches because they give even more light but torches don’t reach everywhere unless you really light the place up and using Martian platforms as a way to ensure you don’t lose sight of the arena in the darker areas is it a very minute difference yes but I stand by it with the Martians down I started flying about pondering whether I wanted to fight them again purely in an effort to get more Martian plating as I did I stumbled upon this Axel lle in a lake it’s technically a turtle I just have a texture pack that turns them into an axel lottle I caught the thing and put it into an aquarium for the fun of it I didn’t have a good place to put him though and ended up slapping him down in the dark tunnels I mined much earlier as a place to put banners I decided to place Diamond gemspark walls behind the aquarium and now he’s stands out wonderfully and this put in my mind that I wanted to start collecting animals and what better place to collect animals than the notoriously dangerous jungle I love the new Birds they added in 1.4.4 I love the parrots I I’ve been wanting them in the game forever so okay legitimately I want these here this isn’t sarcasm I roamed around the jungle a bit collecting a few Birds but mostly bugs because the birds weren’t spawning and avoiding the tortoises and herings like the plague lest one of them get in a lucky shot and kill me while I’m just trying to make a zoo after collecting the first batch I made the area they’ll be staying in which doesn’t look nearly as nice as the one with the Axel but that benefits from not being transparent so the walls behind it don’t shine through and you won’t believe what happened after this okay hear me out I have an idea for decorating my massive Arena so it’ll look neat during the Epic final Moon Lord fight you know assuming I actually get there my idea requires a living wood wall but wouldn’t you know you can’t make a living wood wall without a living Loom no problem I have plenty of living trees and definitely found a living Loom earlier in the game and you’d be correct in thinking that but I’m pretty sure I even said in one of the earlier videos where I did find one that I viewed it as nothing more than an easy source of more money and sold it so now I have no living Loom so how am I going to make Living Wood wall if I’ve removed my only living Looms from the world and can’t craft a new one well I consulted the wiki I know a rare move on my part according to the wiki a living Loom can be purchased from the steampunk if a leaf wand is in my inventory great I still have a chance but here’s the rub I trashed that thing alongside the living Loom at the start of the game so but you can get a leaf wand from shaking trees so there’s still a chance the wiki just says there’s a a low chance of a leaf one dropping from a tree which isn’t very specific um but I got to chopping trees I caught a Golden Bird along the way his name is Stuart and I’ve officially chopped down every single tree in the world I did use the ax of regro so they can come back but one round of worldwide logging and No Leaf wand is a bit disheartening I did however get the mahogany Leaf wand hopefully literally any form of leaf wand would work I checked to the steampunk and she’s not selling the living Loom but she does have two crafting stations I totally forgot existed and one of them is used to make steampunk Furniture which actually looks pretty cool the other is for fleshy furniture and I don’t need that in my life she also sold treadmills and you know those moving walkways they have at airports and it feels like you’re sprinting past the plebians walking on the regular full or when you’re walking on one of those well I wondered if the same concept applied with these treadmills would running on them be even faster than asphalt it would turn out that the answer is a wholehearted No in fact I’m pretty sure it didn’t increase my speed at all very disappointing of course none of those fun distractions were a leaf wand so I started doing things I have never done before first I made a tree farm a Terraria first for me second I made fertilizer another first for me I then applied said fertilizer to the trees watching them miraculously Sprout into fully mature cedars in an instant and after blasting through almost 80 fertilizer I had run out and still no Leaf wand so another Terraria first I spent 5 minutes sitting on a toilet having a continuous bow movement until enough poo had accumulated to make another 100 fertilizer which also didn’t get me a leaf wand it is at this point that I have literally spent an hour chopping down trees in an effort to get my hands on this one item that spawned naturally into the world and I foolishly threw away thinking I wouldn’t be building in a hardcore run I ended up abandoning the leaf wand maybe I’ll go for casually getting it just to see whether or not the living Loom is in fact sold by the steampunk as I’m not sure I actually believe the statement from the wiki nor do I remember if I was looking at the official or the fandom one and so I decided to just get to work on the new style for the arena first up are the towers made of bamboo fence large bamboo wall painted gray and Dynasty wood and shingles on the top they look quite nice I spent quite a while building more of these towers and chomping more trees in an effort to get that leaf one at this point I don’t really need it but I’m just curious if I can buy it okay I I guess I just said that earlier but whatever I’m still not getting one unfortunately and I started decorating the little Zoo just a little bit I also added gemspark walls into the arena to add more light not sure it’s a whole lot more helpful but I’m going to convince myself that it is this whole time I’m wondering whether or not I wanted to summon the Martian Invasion again the thing is that I still need the influx waiver for the Zenith um I’m not sure I’m going to actually make that or if we’ll just wrap things up right after Moon Lord dies but if I do I will have to fish in the sky islands and get a sky crate which can be quite difficult if a wyvern decides to spawn in while fishing and it could kill me assuming I equip the angler armor set still not sure I decided I would cleanse a bunch of crimson from the world didn’t cleanse the underground Crimson that spawned in hard mode but did remove the Crimson biomes that started when the world the ones that generated in with the final 2 hours I messed around a bit I placed a bunch of water in the Aether to collect ethereum blancs I placed a few in the Hollow fishing hole some above the zoo and a few others down the tunnel to the tree farm and the Haru hotel and then redecorated the main house primarily just removing the plain stone wall and then I thought it would be a good idea to connect my Relic collection with the arena so if I’m fighting a boss in a lower section I won’t suddenly fall off I also spent a chunk of time hunting down La swings in preparation for the next 10 hour but we have now officially completed 80 hours in hardcore Master mode and you better believe I’m feeling good the pillars are a little nerve still but there is a certain level of cheese that can be applied to those the empress Al light is all that awaits me in the next 10 hours so I might have to spend some time Gathering the remaining Zenith pieces I am missing I genuinely think after my oneyear series I should be all right against Empress I doubt with my potions and much higher defense that she’ll be a problem but she’s still a tough boss and I’m not going to take her lightly I may also end up vulnerable because I’ll be fishing in the skylakes and maybe fighting the Martians again not out of the was yet but I am so excited might actually do [Music] it

One of the greatest challenges in Terraria is hardcore, but I have decided to make it even harder by increasing the amount of time I have to spend in each phase of progression. And so, every 10 hours I will only be allowed to beat maybe two bosses. This will open the door for silly mistakes to occur but it will also allow me to spend time gathering supplies. So in some ways it’s harder and in some ways not but lets just see if I can survive Terraria hardcore for 100 hours.
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*Terraria Original Soundtrack:*
*Terraria Otherworld Sountrack:*
*Calamity Mod Soundtrack:*
*Mod of Redemption Soundtrack:*
*Core Keeper Soundtrack:*
– Axolotl Pet, New Animations, New Shields, Shadow Armor Revamp, Color Buffs, Colored Emblems, Chinese Moonlord, Tomes retextured, Desk dragon, Better World Icons, Colored Boss Relics, Pylon, Crabby Angler, Dryad Deer, Eevee Fennec, Cyborg, Clockwork Dragon, Kobold Invasion
#terraria #gaming


  1. You keep mentioning wyverns spawning while you fish in the sky, this is yet another reminder that wyverns do not spawn while you are standing in front of player-placed walls. (and neither do a bunch of other enemies like worms)

  2. I've met you 1 week ago, and I can't stop to watch your videos! We are almost 100K! Congratulations! I'm happy to be part of this history! Hello from Brazil🇧🇷

  3. Xeno Staff is one of the best summon weapons entirely because of its incredible AI that leads it to basically never miss

    And given they don't get bigger like the Desert Tiger does, you're not missing out on potential damage by not speccing into Summoner the way you are with the Desert Tiger Staff

    Assuming you live long enough, I highly recommend giving it a shot next episode.

  4. this man made me create a new long-term world and bro i love it so much, im about 25 hours in so far and i beat only king slime and eye of cthulhu on accident, i just keep getting ideas for my new builds (maybe some items that i can get for my collectables, build an item shrine or make a build for one specific item perhaps), i just wanted to thank you my dude🙏

  5. wait I just thought about this if you craft a potion for example the Endurance Potion then shimmer it and craft it again with the Alchemy Table would you save materials?

  6. I can confirm that the living wood wand does drop from trees rarely and the steampunker will sell the living loom while you have the wand in your inventory. I had to do this once, although I can't say I was quite as unlucky as you have been

  7. Martian probes have higher spawn rates in the space layer. In the clips around 11:49 you do not seem to be in the space layer for a lot of it, and yes they can spawn below it but the chance is like doubled in space. Water candles also triple martian probe spawn chance in addition to general spawn rates and battle potions have a similar effect. It's a bit hard to see if you are in space for some parts but it looks to me like you weren't using any of these optimizations so I think it's no wonder that it took so long.

  8. Fishron Wings are strictly worse than Betsy Wings. They have the same vertical speed bonus and Fishron Wings are slightly faster horizontally… not factoring in the hover. Empress Wings have strictly better vertical movement if that's what you want, Fishron wings are the WORST of the 3 at that stage and it's not close as it has no benefit besides flight time which is negated by Soaring Insignia which you should be wearing anyway for what it does.

  9. 5:18 iirc this is because rage/wrath are applied before defence, effectively making defence is less effective for buffed attacks

    In other words, you get a free (10% of weapon base) damage on all hits on most enemies

  10. The leaf wand has a 0.33% chance of dropping when shaking a tree. You don't have to cut down the tree to shake it, just hit it once with an axe in passing before moving on and returning the next day. They also only drop from forest trees, so i'm afraid a lot of the time cutting down every tree on the world was wasted.
    I've noticed you uhh, do this a lot. Wasting time doing something the wrong way rather than checking the wiki to do it the right way. Are you averse to checking the wiki out of principle?

  11. Were you in the outer 3rds of the map? That's where martian probes are most plentiful in my runs. That, and up in space-layer. I usually only have to wait, about 5 enemy spawns if I'm in that section of the map. Go beat the invasion I just released, come back, no more than 5 enemies, boom, 'nother probe. Rinse. Repeat.

  12. When the wiki says outer thirds of the map it means far right/far left of the map in space! Just make a platform above the ocean in space level and a probe will spawn in under 5 mins

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