this underrated terraria mod adds in so many cool things that you need to see from things like Mecha plan Terra to riding Yoshi let’s hop in game and check it out we are here checking out the Martian orders mod which is a pretty sick little tinier mod and it’s one of those mods that focus on more unique content rather than trying to be a big giant content mod is that a creeper as you can see right away look at that creepers like how they move oh I did not mean to kill them my bad I want to see them hit me do they blow up what do they do oh yo oh they actually blow up that’s sick you know how it is though let’s hop straight into the bosses which I believe this mod has a decent amount and some very interesting looking ones let’s get to it though the first one being Brits its egg floats on a snowy cloud found in Tundras during windy days ooh okay so we need a windy day and we need to hit up the snow biome something like that that’s the combo looks like but but let’s just bring in the tundra egg oh that’s what they meant I was about to say I’m like there ain’t no clouds here but it’s literally a tundra egg in its own cloud let’s break it though we are in master mode we should see the full potential bom egg is broken we got the boy Brits which what is he I don’t even know what the heck it is it’s like a little like Cloud monster kind of looks like a a little baby wyvern maybe it keeps on knocking me off my mouth I can’t tell what the hell it is maybe the Beast Jerry will tell me hold up first time using the Beast Sher oh I think I got to beat him up but this is a very early game Boss as we can see post I cthulu so I don’t expect the most insane fight ever I don’t know what’s up with this health bar it has 8,700 Health let’s do some damage it’s got the little spikes that arrs on us one of them that kicks us off our Mount kind of annoying but I guess you won’t really have a flying Mount this early in the game well you could probably find one but not too many attacks let’s do some damage though let’s see if my boy bricks turns it up okay brings in little babies okay so maybe I was right about it being a dragon a baby wyvern cuz spawned in Snow Dragons what else you got for us Brits okay so it does do that attack I think that’s the attack that kicks us off the mountain is the giant like ice chunks it spawns in I kind of do mess a little bit of an idea of there being more wyverns that’s why I always liked like console Terraria having what was it the ancient wyvern and then I believe it’s the mobile version of Terraria had the Chinese New Year wyvern the red one wyverns are kind of just sick even though they’re kind of worms and I don’t really like worm bosses wyvern’s a little bit different I don’t know something about them things cooler seeing a long giant dragon than is seeing a long girthy worm but let us finish off Brits here not too crazy of a boss fight again super early game I still like that it’s a dragon you can see it head a little bit better there after I decapitated it and then you could definitely tell that that’s a dragon now the next boss is a space boss The Alchemist which is post deer clops right before wild flesh so not too many bosses in preh hard mode let’s check it out though mmla that’s the spawner I think we need to get up a a little bit higher there we go nice little 11k Health almost 12K we got a nice Martian themed boss here which is kind of clean I guess we could use a little bit more of a Martian influence because they kind of just appear there’s no like easing easing it in pause that there’s martians in this Terraria world they kind of just appear boom there’s the probe there’s the Martians and then that’s it never see him again after that so having a little like you know prey hard mode boss that hints at it is a little bit cool he’s got his own little ship here obviously the ship is like the uh drill containment unit which I kind of mess with it being like that I kind of wish he had some more drill containment type of attacks maybe he could potentially break some blocks I don’t know that might be a little destructive though but as you see he got the electric projectiles he’s got what else has he got more projectiles and then he’s got the missiles not a great place to shoot missiles indoors but let’s do some more damage to him I like that he does make like bottle breaking noises kind of fits with The Alchemist name but where are The Alchemist flat if you’re an alchemist bro you got to show me other than the noise I’m not seeing too much Alchemy going on he does like up the projectiles are crazy look at this I was like 20 missiles that’s like 50 electric projectiles so this lowkey could be a tough fight especially early game where your movement is not the best it could be and there we go we kill him he drops out of the ship hold up are you a bad guy is he a homie I don’t know I kind of don’t want to kill him if he’s just chilling like that do you hurt me oh you hurt me bro oh I’m sorry get his ass up out of here now the gap between the bosses becomes even more insane cuz it’s like nothing there’s like a couple events and mini bosses here and there but look at this the next thing is post lunar event Carnage pillar after defeating all Mech bosses use a suspicious razor is that actually what we’re doing why does the description say that suspicious razor wait what anyways this is the Carnage pillar ew it’s like a combination of corruption and Crimson ew nasty noises nasty spawn it’s got like a circle around us it seems like yeah as soon as I leave that Circle we get like five debuffs so this is pillar fight is actually a boss fight it’s not just something that just spawns in things you got to kill which I lowkey have always wanted the pillars to be cuz I’ll be honest with you I don’t enjoy doing Terraria pillars kind of boring they kind of literally the same every time it’s just grinding a bunch of enemies until the shield breaks and once the shield breaks the pillar just sits there and doesn’t do anything which I feel like they could have made it a little bit more interesting but as we can see got a lot of nasty attacks it’s got bubbles it’s got whatever that is that all the spikes it shot out and it’s even got the little I don’t even know what that was a little bone cluster it shoots at us so definitely fits the theme of the Crimson SLC corruption being nasty it seems like every time I hit it is that when it spawns the spikes in yeah so if you’re like a true Melee character I don’t know how close you can get to something like this after you do damage it though it does shoot out some enemies so keeping into that pillar theme but with a little bit more extra detail I guess it does kind of fit having a Crim Crimson corruption pillar it works cuz like all the lunar stuff kind of just pops out nowhere at the end of the game we got some mimics that spawns in it seems like I have to kill the mimics right or I can still hit it it just does those damage so I’m assuming if we kill the mimics we do full damage yeah look the health bar is connected to the pillar okay so it really does have some attributes that the pillar has on top of being its own completely new and unique thing it’s just so nasty looking bro which I mess with how nasty looking it is cuz it does really fit the Crimson corruption Vibes look at that get his ass out of here and it drops this new nasty stuff was this cursed ior ew what is this used for a couple of goodies a couple of pretty cool looking weapons okay and then we got a fleshy Relic sounds delicious let’s see what it looks like it’s not even fully gold e that’s nasty I wanted to save the uh mini bosses and events for their little own segment but we have to kill this void Elemental because this mod does actually add in a little biome you can create called the void ooh look at this yeah have void ele El Al let’s spawn it in let’s see what it looks like this thing it’s just a granite Elemental looking thing but the void and it actually has some pretty crazy amount of projectiles not super creative in terms of looks but I guess it does stay to to’s vanilla Elemental looks so let’s go ahead and kill it of course a wyvern has to make a little guest appearance and as you can see black biome flash spreads the void so let’s head over here and let us spread the void waa yo this is kind of sick I like the purple yeah the boss we fight out here is the void Digger now this is a post Elemental boss or post Moon Lord I mean so I expect it to be kind of crazy thing is it’s a worm boss so let us see what happens it has to be raining here too so let’s go ahead and turn the rain on and let’s bring in the void digger Black Hole pressure decreased region decrease falling speed greatly decreased movement wao is that him giving giving me that or is that the biome we got boss he’s shooting a bunch of projectiles he’s got a little Dash he does oh my god he has 300K Health that’s kind of crazy I don’t do damage I might actually have to whip out the T of manipulation for this I’m assuming this mod has some crazy Weaponry if the bosses post M have crazy Health like this cuz this is on some like Calamity mod type boss Health but I’m not seeing any creative attacks again this might just fall under that same category that I have where worm boss is shitty not shitty This falls into the shitty C category I’m sad to say it’s not showing me anything unique enough for it to be a worm boss what the heck that enemy I just killed showed more uniqueness than this wor boss that little enemy spawns in like a l literal black hole when I kill it but let us finish off the void Digger I’m sorry bro you were capital B for booty cheeks we’re on to the next boss which is the prince slime let’s bring it in straight up wait do I need any specific specific conditions I don’t know I don’t think it told me uh spawn conditions unknown wow thanks maybe it’s a space boss no maybe it’s a nighttime boss no okay I have no idea when you fight this boss let’s just bring it in Via cheat sheet I guess Prince slime 285,000 health I expect this to be a crazy King Slime boss fight he’s got the faster ground pound he’s got the lasers he does glow a little bit so he does look kind of cool he’s got bubbles this is a post M Lord fight this has to be crazy follower slimes he’s got the little cult following and he’s got a little little couple more bubbles that bounce around sort of like the queen slime not that crazy of a fight though for this being a post Moon Lord boss with damn near near 300K Health oh here we go phase two what the heck he’s kind of like hooked into the ground or something and his attacks are getting a little bit more scary a lot more projectiles you got to Dodge I kind of like how he kind of went from like mobile to just stuck into the floor kind of of an interesting concept his attacks some of them do bounce off of like the walls so I wonder if you put him like a box or something like some of these abilities would be completely useless but there you go we got him to a phase three which he turns into less of a slime more of a ball Prince Ball Prince of balls a lot more bubbles a lot more lasers he’s keeping up with us a little bit more kind of scary you got to be able to get some decent gaps and speed away from him if you don’t want to get hit that often I like the noise that the bubbles make when they pop I don’t like laser noises inter terar I’m going to be honest with you heing that PE burns my ears but I’m assuming that’s all there’s no way there’s like a fourth phase or anything else like there’s no way in hell three phases is usually pushing it four that’s crazy you’re Wild next up is the triplets this one should be interesting because it is literally the twins but there’s three of them again I have no idea how to spawn these dudes it does not tell me how maybe they’re just like unfinished in terms of spawning but I guess bring them in through cheat sheet again it’s going to be a little bit weird cuz there’s three of them so do I actually got to spawn all three okay there they are chilling looking at me oh it’s one of these bosses where they kind of like surround you oh God I don’t even like fighting the twins normally so fighting three is not going to make me any happier twins are like my weakest Mech boss for some reason yeah we got the triplets here and then they got their own little servants flying around too uh the right eye that one’s on the left the left eye is on the right the third eye so I I’m guessing this is red n spazmatism and they’re homie so we got to put respect on the third one I don’t know his name but we got to put respect on him though you know what’s better than these boss fights though the enemy that keeps on like sucking me up just fighting a boss imagine finding a boss here and then you get sucked into a portal that you can’t Bove on like it’s kind of crazy so yeah again I don’t know how much of this mod stuff is like fully completed and added in I don’t think the mod has a current day Wiki that’s like a old Wiki for 1.3 yo look at that my boy done turned into whatever the hell that is he’s making scarier noises too hold up I want to transform all three of them cuz they would look cooler all transformed at the same time come on we got the spaz we got the the spiz and we got R Naser so far though in terms of attacks okay this time to step it up a little bit I was going to say I don’t know if this seems like a post moer boss his attacks seem pretty like regular hard mode but some of them got a couple of new attacks here like the Shir up like laser Gatling gun we’re hearing but still not crazy enough for post Moon I feel like anytime you add in bosses that PO WL Lord I feel like they got to be crazy they like actually got to be crazy as hell cuz we’re talking about we beat the final boss of the game so every boss fight pass that has to be the same but the Last One Alive it seems like this dude’s got the most health the third eye Last One Alive honestly respectable he’s the big brother he got to be the big brother the twins right or maybe the big sister but there go twins are dead my bad triplets are dead drops a lot of loot I’ve noticed that with this mod I haven’t opened any bags on camera but they drop a decent amount of loot when you open them the next boss is called the jungle Defenders now this is the one that I’m lowkey hyped about we made a video recently where we try to make or find a Mech boss for every teral boss and I was like bro there’s no Mech planta this mod adds in a Mech planta as we can see the jungle Defender so let’s see if this spawner Works no okay it doesn’t work I’m going just assume wait maybe it’s because isn’t there a difficulty in this mod there might be a difficulty in this mod maybe you got to be in that difficulty hero mode Let’s see I’m going to turn it on does this work okay no turn that [ __ ] off then so I’m assuming the bosses are just unfinished but let’s bring in the jungle Defenders I don’t even know which one to bring in first like who the hell do I bring in first do we bring in this one do we bring in the other one let’s bring in the planta one first so literally a Mech version of planta no hooks or anything it’s got a rocket or booster on the back instead to move around and it still got some planta theme type attacks or at least jungle theme attacks with the little Spore bombs being spread out but then it’s also got those me/ alien attacks with the lasers everywhere it’s got an insane amount of health and it’s got Rockets of course can’t forget about the Rockets let’s do some damage though cuz I believe after we beat this uh jungle Defender yep the next one comes in and it is the queen bee Mecha version of a little bit scarier than previous Queen be Mech version we’ve seen like actually terrifying looking but either way I mess with a Mech queen bee no matter what okay I like how that her dashes super fast but let’s do some damage let’s see is there a phase three is there more Defenders that comes out I don’t know let’s see what happens we’re about to kill it it’s taking like no damage now what’s about to happen oh she done blew up all right and now the are those piranhas mechanical piranhas what an interesting combo interesting Shield to have around planta as we see the attacks are getting a little bit faster and there is a little bit more the U mechanical piranhas themselves are actually shooting a little tiny projectiles and then planta does a little Dash so I’m assuming we do more damage the more piranhas we kill or it’s just helpful to kill the piranhas and get them out of the way but is that the end of the fight yes it is no third jungle Defender to come out and help like maybe the Golem is going to come out and help in the future why does this look like a ball sack I don’t know if I want to open this treasure bag the final boss for the mod is called project Tesla I don’t know where you fight this thing maybe in the sky uh this is like a Elon must boss or what project Tesla let’s bring it in okay looks like a sick looking bird person what is that is that a Crosshair you put on me okay put a little Crosshair on me I see you most of the boss sprs actually look pretty sick there’s a couple of them here and there that don’t look as good but like 90% of them actually look really sick and they lowkey fit Terraria pretty well again I don’t know if these boss fights are complete or what because obviously the spawners aren’t working and this mod might have just updated to t- mod 1.4.4 cuz I remember I used to have this mod installed back when I did challenges on t- mod 1.4.3 so I really don’t know if it is uh fully updated or not in terms of content whoa boy blinding me hey I’m already blind enough IRL we don’t need to do it in game not a lot of noises in terms of uh the boss fight like this is a quiet boss fight but it’s just that beautiful metallic hitting noise another Terraria noise that will drive you insane here in it for years yeah let’s finish this boss off unless it has a second phase I don’t think it does I don’t think this one’s finished so there you go take it out another thing I was talking about earlier was the beish remember I was talking about Brits being a dragon yes it is a dragon and they put it asleep so it couldn’t reach its maximum potential kind of cool Beary a low-key slipped on thing to this day I feel like the Beary could have been a little bit cooler especially for like Journeys mode like the Beary should have been how you spawn bosses because we still don’t have a proper creative mode inar yeah that is all the major bosses from the Martian order mod there is a couple of little events and mini bosses spread in there which I was going to check out but at this point it’s like we don’t really need to but the one thing I want to check out now is sort of the enemies and other content in the mod now I really like this mod because of most of the other little content it adds in and the main thing that it adds in is just a lot of anime variety which is something I’m a sucker for when it comes to mons let’s start bringing some in the first one I caught my eye was a crocodile yo my boy was doing flips you see that he was in those flips oh my God sick do these things attack you they definitely attack you look at that these guys mouth just wide open hold up time out oh yep they do attack you or they don’t seem like they attack you directly unless you hit them more of like they’re chilling they’re kind of like IRL crocodiles I guess I like they’re pretty much chilling until you bother them cuz yeah look now look up boys jumping attack what the hell do crocodiles do that I don’t know I haven’t really encountered any but what else we got we got a queen ant just a big ass ant there’s also an ant colony what else do we got we got some more blood themed enemies blood mosquito blood slime can’t go wrong with some more blood themed enemies brain Roder that ain’t Tik Tok Brown slime which is a dirt slime we got ocean clam okay more ocean theme enemies oh my God he drops pink pearls and regular ones albino ant lion of course you need the albino ant lion uh Frosty Eskimo my boy m walking Sandy snow slime I know there’s like a mini biome where sand and snow meets and that makes like a mini biome of some sort what else do we got cone head zombies shout out Plants versus Zombies we even got a bunch of Critters which I think should be in vanilla Terraria is just regular bigger Critters like they don’t all got to just be like tiny little bugs we’re kind of getting there with like the dolphin they added in but like a Cow and Chicken interal like come on bro that fits perfectly there’s a bunch of more Critters to add in even a pig what else do we got Eagle Spirit a spirit of an eagle interesting some more Spirits I wonder when those enemies come into play am I not in God that thing lowkey almost killed me tree spirit so there’s a bunch of spirit themed enemies I wonder when we will see those wither cluster okay this is one of the mini bosses from something one of the events giant grasshopper sick I love the Sprites for this mod most of these Sprites are really good we got hollow armor so sort of like possessed armor Harpy slime pixie slime frozen block nice of course the creepers that we saw earlier uh there is like mosquitoes and moing little tiny like actual Critters that damage you we got a meteor themed enemy meteor bashes uh Nimbus just a more regular Nimbus enemy that doesn’t spawn during the rain Pine Bush plate skeleton so skeleton with some armor or with some uh Shields shark what the hell is that get that thing out of here we have a shoe what a enemy the most creative enemy I’ve ever seen squid zombie okay I mess with it Temple of guardian so instead of a uh dungeon guardian a temple Guardian so if you try and get into the temple early boom you’re going to get killed by that thing obviously some NPCs here and there some more slime NPCs too and I believe that is all besides like the void enemies which we saw a majority of but a lot of sick enemies so just having this mod in a big mod pack will definitely help at a lot of variety in terms of enemies now lastly let’s go over of course some of the items in the mod the Sprites are beautiful lots and lots of accessories here which I usually don’t go over the accessories because there’s usually too many to go over and then we got some beautiful armors otherworldly armor explosive box armor interesting is that like TNT some cool looking and sounding armor sets and then we get to some of the weapons and stuff what do we got here we got a sword this is from The Alchemist boss cool little thoral sword The Alchemist boss dropped in so much stuff when I killed it we got this little like turret that we spawned in behind us kind of cool I don’t know if this is a century it looks like it is a century one that kind of just floats around you is this a something or a sentury this is a sentury it’s actually kind of sick like a sentury that like follows behind you what other beautiful random items are there let’s just keep on grabbing random stuff soccer golf ball you ever wanted your golf ball to look like a soccer ball the weapons I barely touch any of the weapons just like off camera here and there and they all seem pretty solid like there’s nothing for me to complain about in terms of the weapons they’re all like pretty high quality and they’re all just pretty Sol it are these more sentries there’s a lot of sentries if you’re looking for sentries I’m trying to get something really cool oh here we go Hornet sniper is that what those was called a lot of these weapons are probably pretty strong because you know most of the bosses are post moonlord slm moonlord area the later game bosses so there’s probably some decent weapons spread around here we got a contaminator that does damage sounds very interesting yo is this Yoshi yo almost Yoshi is like knockoff Yoshi still sick now I kind of want to check out all the other mounts in this mod but look how much content there is there’s so much content in this mod we got Sentry mods these show our Sentry thoughts and stuff like this is this is a great mod there’s actually a lot more stuff in here than I thought there was so kind of sick oh we got like a is that me Gambit Raider how do I always accidentally find a weapon of me it’s always on accident too it’s never like oh I know there’s a weapon for me in this mod no it was an accident it was just like that other video where I found the summon of me I love this weapon I don’t even need to really even see anything about it datus gunbow weapon Gambit Rider Raider I don’t know what the theme is with me but I always appreciate a Game Raider theme weapon that’s how you make me fall in love with your mod right away yeah as you can see it just the quality of the mod’s pretty up there there’s just a couple of little things here and there like obviously some of the bosses are undone there’s no Wiki to really use either to figure out where certain things come from so it would help if there was a Wiki or something easier to figure out how to do certain things uh also I’m on a boat pretty sick what other like mounts are there that’s really all I care about at this point a whole lot of mounts that are boats like we got a little literal sailboat sick favorite one so far is obviously the Yoshi egg but wait we got a alligator one or crocodile I mean sick oh it doesn’t do flips I wanted it to do flips it does do great damage look at this tentacle Bronco or bronx saddle I don’t know what the hell I just read oh shoot I’m assuming we get this from the pr slime and then we got the tundra Nimbus so pretty much the the little nimbus cloud that the uh dragon had there’s a dino cart sick flying boat so flying fish boat awesome sick mounts a lot of them are fairly the same theme like boats but still sick it’s just a really cool mod bro look you could even be the purple man if you want let me put this on look at that amazing yeah it’s a sick mod I want to shout out everyone that has worked on The Mod it is a great mod it is very unique it’s one of my favorite type of mods where they prioritize being unique rather than just being a giant terer content mod I believe in the future it said on their Forum page I don’t know how updated their Forum page is but it said on there that they’re going to add in an art class which that sounds pretty unique always like to see more classes yeah make sure to check out the mod also make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you don’t miss when I post more Terraria and other videos I will be seeing y’all in the next video have a good one

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